Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Oct 4, 2000


Okay... blah blah blah... this is my first time writing one of these stories and blah blah blah blah... first time posting to Nifty... lets see what else blah blah blah... this is fiction... blah blah blah... don't know the true sexuality... or homosexuality of the characters portrayed... if you don't like homosexual material you know what to do... blah blah blah... 18+ = good... 17- = bad... read on and enjoy (hopefully)

Wooohoooo! Told you it would be out soon. Okay maybe not all that soon... but its here. I was gonna do the whole suggested reading thing again but there's too many to name... everythings good. I guess I'm not too picky... hehe... okay okay I was just really really really lazy and forgot to write it but anyways... heres my story and enjoy... =)

Turn Around Part VIII ===============================================================================

"Um... sorry... the um... the door was... unlocked... and I... I um..." JC stuttered embarrassed. "I can leave and um... come back when you're ready." His voice wavered and cracked a little.

"No... I'll just get ready... and um... its okay Josh... could you hand me my clothes on my bed?" Marc asked as he stuck his arm out of the bathroom door.

"Yeah... sure... I'm sorry Marc... I um..." he said as he handed Marc his clothes.

"Hey... its okay... It's really my bad anyways." Marc reassured JC through the door. He couldn't hide the embarassment in his voice either. "I should've remembered to lock the door... so um... entirely my fault... and I guess I did tell you um... 7:30... so... yeah... its entirely my bad..."

Things got quiet rather quickly as both were embarassed at what had happened.

"You know... um... Marc... you... has anyone ever told you that you have the most awesome voice?" JC decided to throw the compliment out there hoping to ease things between them.

"Um... thanks... but I don't think I should quit my day job." Marc giggled through the door causing JC to smile.

"No really... your voice is awesome... you could really do some serious stuff with it. I think you totally have what it takes." JC layed the compliments on thick, as if it couldn't be anymore obvious that he had developed a thing for Marc.

"Well maybe... but I dunno... I just can't see myself doing this sort of thing day to day... not that that's a bad thing... I mean I'm not trying to rag on what you do... cuz I um... I respect what you do and everything... but..." Marc paused, trying not to dig himself a hole.

"Hey... its alright... I just thought I'd compliment you on your voice. Don't worry about me taking offense to anything you said though. I mean... I guess performing full time isn't everyone's cup of tea." JC added reassuringly.

Marc stepped out of the bathroom ready to go. He went up to JC and hugged him. "Thanks."

JC stood there immobile, shocked that Marc had actually initiated physical contact with him. Marc picked up on his stiffness and mistook it for something else.

"Um... sorry... bout that... I mean... I guess... um... I'm just a um... hugger... and... Josh... I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable... sorry." He backed away and scurried to get his shoes, breaking eye contact with JC.

"No... really its okay... I mean... I was just surprised thats all... I mean... Marc, come here." JC knelt in front of Marc as he struggled with his shoes. He picked up Marc's hands in each of his own then looked him in the eyes. "Marc... it was a really sweet gesture. I just didn't really expect it and..." They stared into each others eyes dreamily. JC couldn't remember what he was going to say as he knelt there staring into Marc's eyes. He started inching closer to Marc's face as he did the same.

"RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!" the phone resounded through the room shattering the moment.

"Um... I better um... get that." Marc dropped JC's hands and walked over to answer the phone.

JC slumped down on the bed, his head spinning with what had just transpired or almost transpired. "We were gonna kiss... I think we were gonna kiss... Maybe I was just gonna kiss him... but it looked like he was leaning in too... No I think it was just me... maybe I'm seeing what I want to see... damn gaydar!!!!!" The thoughts darted around in his head relentlessly.

"Um... yes sir... we'll be there in a few minutes. Problem? What kind of problem" Marc didn't sound too pleased with the person on the phone. "Um... yeah... oh... okay. No... its not really too much of a problem. I'm sure I could fix it. Yes sir. I'll make sure I run a check on the car once I get there to pick it up. Thank you sir."

"Problem with your car?" JC asked.

"Not really... I just made sure it was pretty idiot proof. I didn't feel really comfortable thinking people might be driving my baby around in the time I'd be without it soooo... I just stuck on a rev limiter, meaning you couldn't rev it anywhere over 3000rpm's and then added a speed limiter that limits it to 10mph which I figured would be enough for them to get it around the parking lot and off the trailer." Marc was beaming a smile back at JC.

"Good thinking," JC tapped Marc on his temple which made them both smile. "So you ready then?" JC asked.

"Yup... hey... don't worry about earlier... I mean... it was my bad... cool?" Marc extended his hand to shake and looked at JC for approval.

"Cool... and you don't worry about earlier either..." He pulled Marc into a hug and sighed at the feeling of Marc in his arms, even if it was a simple friendly hug. At first Marc tensed up then relaxed and rested a bit on JC's shoulder.

"No prob... so um... you park in the garage or?" Marc looked at JC as they made their way out of his room.

"Um... actually I'm up in front so I guess we just go to the lobby." He swung his arm over Marc's shoulder. "So lets go get your baby." He said almost mockingly referring to Marc's car as they entered the elevator. Outside Marc looked around trying to find JC's car.

"Um... so wheres your jeep?" Marc asked when he couldn't find it.

"Actually..." JC stepped up to a limo and opened the door for Marc to enter. "After you misseur," He said, bowing cordially.

"What... you didn't?" Marc exclaimed.

"You gonna get in or what? C'mon... he's gotta be back at the office by like 9:30 or something like that so..." JC smiled as Marc stepped in.

JC gave the driver the directions to the shipping house and they were on their way.

"Hey... you're a little quiet... I mean... you're not mad at me or anything... did I do something stupid with the whole Limo thing or..." JC said nervously searching Marc's face for any signs. He frowned inwardly thinking he had blown it.

"No... I mean... I didn't really expect... you know this... I mean... gosh... but I mean... not to sound like I don't trust you or anything but... um... how much is this costing you... I mean... I've always wanted to ride in one of these yeah... but... Josh... its just that I'd feel bad if... I mean..." Marc babbled.

"Hey... its a favor from a friend... so don't worry about it, kay?" JC tried to reassure him.

"You sure?" Marc looked at him wanting to trust him.

JC scooted over next to Marc and looked him straight in the eyes. He picked up Marc's hands again in his own. "I want you to trust me when I say it. I put it on everything I love that I didn't pay for this ride. Pulled a few strings... but there was absolutely positively no money involved... just one of those little perks I get as a pop star... does it bother you?"

Marc tried searching for anything in JC's eyes to signify otherwise but got lost in them. He nodded agreeing to what JC had said, then shook his head in answer to JC's last question.

JC fell into a daze as he stared into Marc's eyes. Unconsciously he started to lean in, as he had done so earlier in the hotel room. Marc made no indication of stopping JC. A screech of tires and an obnoxious horn brought them out of their trance as the limo mashed the brakes sending them to the floor.

The driver rolled down the separating window. "Sorry sirs, a car pulled in front of me out of nowhere. Are you two alright?"

"Um... yeah... I'm um... fine... um Marc?" JC was still a little dazed from earlier.

"Yeah... I'm okay..." He was still lost in JC's eyes.

He picked himself up and sat himself back on the seat and tried to avoid JC's gaze. JC did the same. The rest of the ride was spent in silence, neither knowing what to say. Upon arrival to the shipping house JC and Marc both went to the front desk to make sure everything was okay. After signing a bunch of papers they gave Marc the keys to his car as well as a refund check.

"Um... so... I guess I should go um... if you wanna do something later... um you have my number... but I guess I can take the limo back home..." JC was about to turn and leave when Marc grabbed his arm.

"Hey... I got my car now... I can take you home fool." He threw JC a smile. "Just let me go check it out and you can take care of the limo stuff. I'll meet you back here in a few?"

"Okay. Sure." JC beamed back failing to hide the delightment in his voice.

JC sent the driver on his way and returned to the front desk. He thought Marc might end up taking a awhile so he sat down and thumbed through a magazine. It was almost half an hour when he heard a car pull up around front with a bellowing exhaust note. He looked out of the window to see Marc stepping out of the drivers side of a fixed up import. He exited the waiting room to meet him and smiled seeing Marc standing next to his car. A thought came to his head as he walked towards Marc.

JC started singing as he came within earshot of Marc.

There you are... looking as fine as can be In your fancy car... I can see you're looking at me What you wanna do... are you just gonna sit there and stare Baby talk to me... tell me whats on your mind baby

He had a enormous grin when he made it to Marc. He was about to say something when Marc sang back.

Baby whats the deal? Would I be to forward if I copped a feel?

As he sang Marc reached around JC and cupped each of his cheeks with his hands causing JC to blush and jump slightly which brought giggles from both of them. Marc continued.

Thats just the way I do my thang I'm so for real... I'll be sticking my thang between your cheeks My sex appeal... Do you like it when a man can make you squeal?

JC looked at Marc seriously for a moment. "That was sooo dirty."

Marc turned away embarrassed. "Um... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to insult... or anything by... um... messing with your song... I just thought..."

"You've got to teach me those words Marc... that was just tooooo funny... I've gotta use that on Justin sometime... or Chris... did you just spill all that out right there? I mean... I couldn't even think of stuff like that that fast... that was good..." JC broke into laughter.

Marc joined him and eased back into comfort with JC. He scratched his head with relief and semi-embarrassment. "Um... yeah... well the second half anyways... but I dunno... I guess its kinda a talent I guess... can pretty much mess with the words of any song I hear... kinda stupid." He uttered nervously.

"And I told you that you have an awesome voice." JC added in which made the two of them go silent again.

Marc looked over to him and smiled. "Just get in the car you dork."

JC complied and buckled in as Marc started the car. "So um... what kind of car is this?"

"Its a Nissan." Marc beamed back with a smile.

"Nissan...?" JC asked raising an eyebrow awaiting further input.

"Oh... 1992 Nissan Sentra SE-R." Marc replied proudly.

"My god... its almost like 10 years old then." JC said surprised.

"Hey man... don't knock the car... besides you'd be surprised how much a 10 year old car can do." He defended. "Plus you haven't even felt wheelspin's power yet."

"Wheelspin?" JC asked curiously.

"My car's nickname." Marc smiled again.

"Why you got a V-8 under the hood or something?" JC asked again.

"Nope... just an inline 4." Marc answered.

"A four?" JC said surprised. "You're running on 4 cylinders and speaking of power? My man I've got to show you some good old classic American muscle." He shook his head a little in disbelief as he threw Marc a grin.

"Trust me... you'd be surprised." was all Marc could say as they pulled out of the lot. "Shoot... I forgot to pack some CD's... um... could you find a radio station or something?"

"Um... yeah... just don't power out with this car too much while I'm searching." JC said sarcastically.

Marc rolled his eyes as he braked for a stoplight. The light took forever to turn green as JC programmed the radio. Marc cocked his head to the side as he heard an obnoxious sounding car with a loud blatty exhaust pull up next to him. He glanced over to see a Honda Civic SI all decked out with a full body kit. The driver looked over at Marc and JC all cocky with his seat reclined back, one hand on the wheel.

"Vroooooooom pshhhh... Vrooooooooooooom pssssssh." The Civic revved his engine. "You wanna race bitch?" He called over to Marc.

"Um... well... I dunno... just got my car back and all... plus I don't think my friend is really up to it... and... well you know..." Finally the light turned green.

"Turbo baby!" The driver of the Civic called out before peeling out off the line and sending tire smoke up in the air. When he was thoroughly ahead of Marc he flipped him off.

Marc eased his car into the intersection as if nothing happened.

"Um... how come you didn't... I mean... why did you let him talk like that to you?" JC asked curiously.

"Awwwwww... he's just a hothead Honda driver who doesn't know whats up. Plus I don't like to race in traffic. Not to mention that you didn't have the 5 point racing harness buckled up. And I have to show some responsibility for the amount of power I put out with this car And I didn't want to um... piss you off by doing something like that." Marc smiled back.

"I wouldn't be pissed off. Plus I wanted to feel the power of this car. Might've been a thrill really. You know, cooped up in a tour bus most of your life... don't really get a chance to do stuff like this." JC reassured.

"Well I'll make it up to you. And then you'll definitely stop with all those power jokes." Marc laughed at JC.

"Okay... but its still only 4 cylinders..." JC rolled his eyes.

"Um... how about we go for a test run... or something?" Marc questioned wanting to prove his point.

"Um... cool... where?" JC asked.

"I dunno... you know anywhere around here that won't be crawling with cops and is generally abandoned?" Marc asked back.

"Ooooooooh... what kinda kinky things are you trying to get me into?" JC raised his eyebrows at Marc.

"Well... you know... you are this pop star and all... just figured I'd just add myself to your list of... um... perks." Marc started giggling.

"Oh if you only knew Marc..." JC thought as he giggled along. "Um... yeah... anyways... I think I know a place... secluded... no cops... with a long straight... road." He drawled sexily, further playing into the joke.

"You're too much, you know that Josh?" Marc looked over at him and smiled.

"I try... I try..." JC smiled back as he held his hand over his chest.

He gave Marc some directions and they made it to an industrial park type area. It was pretty deserted, a few people here and there but for the most part it would be a perfect testing ground.

"Um... buckle up the 5 point and we'll be set... just don't piss in your pants when the power hits you." Marc said sarcastically.

JC rolled his eyes and strapped in. He looked over at Marc who was staring forward in concentration. "So... whoa... all that power... my gosh..." He shot back.

"Don't say I didn't warn you..." Marc grinned as he stared down the straightaway.

He set it in first gear and revved the car up slightly. You could hear the whine of the engine as it sang a tune to 5000rpms. JC looked over at Marc again who had his eyes faced forward in preparation for his exhibition run. He slipped the clutch up slightly letting the wheels scramble for traction as they screeched along the pavement. He threw it into second with another resounding screech of the tires and a hiss of air shooting from under the hood. JC was thrown back into his seat staring ahead amazed. Third gear came up quickly chirping the tires along the pavement and again followed by that underhood hiss. Following with a shift into fourth the tires chirped again with another hiss leaking from under the hood. JC glanced over at the speedometer as Marc applied the brakes.

"Shit! 135? Fourth gear?" He thought amazed.

The car came to a complete stop and Marc turned it around, facing the direction that they came. He looked over at JC with a shit eating grin.

"Shit... that was... damn... shit... that was... fuck... am I still all here?" JC felt around his crotch making sure everything was intact. "Fuck... oh my god... damn..." He looked over at Marc and matched his smile.

"Yes... I am that good... I hope you didn't nut in your pants man... cuz it is a long way back to your house..." Marc started laughing.

"Shit man... what do you have under the hood? There's no way thats just four cylinders... I mean... no way... What do you really have under the hood Marc... its not just a four... its gotta be more than that..."

"Nope its a four and... um... maybe I'll tell you when we get back to your place. It looks like we've been found out." Marc pointed outside to some of the the workers who had began to congregate along the makeshift strip in curiousity. He drove off and headed to the Harliss residence. JC asked question after question, curious as to what was in the car. Marc kept changing the subject dodging each question as JC kept insisting that Marc was lying about the whole four cylinder thing. He pulled it up on the driveway right behind JC's jeep. Justin saw the car pull up and came out in curiousity. He saw JC running his mouth and Marc smiling and approached them both.

"So um... looks like you got your car, huh?" Justin started.

"Oh my god Justin... its awesome... c'mon Marc pop the hood... I know you have to have a V-8 under there... or a least a V-6... but definitely not a four... no way in hell is that a four..." JC was still babbling on trying to prove his point.

"Well..." Marc just smiled, knowing that if he popped the hood JC would feel stupid.

"Well it looks nice... but isn't a Sentra an economy car or something like that... I mean... you don't really expect to win any races with this thing... um do you?" Justin looked over at Marc curiously.

"Oh shit... trust me Justin... I don't think he's gonna lose any races with this V-8 powered Sentra. And I know it has to be a V-8... not a four." JC said cockily.

"Um... okay... Josh... prepare to feel stupid." Marc said as he reached in and popped the hood. He pulled the fasteners off of his hoodpins and propped it up. He counted the sparkplug outlets on the valvecover. "Hmmmm... one... um... that looks like two... theres three... and here you go... four... hmmmm... gee Josh, by the looks of it I don't see any five... not to mentions six, seven or eight." Marc smiled.

"No way... I mean... shit... four cylinders? But how?" He asked defeatedly.

"Its all from this little baby right here." Marc pointed to a large snail looking thing mounted on the front side of the engine.

"Um... whats that?" Justin asked.

"You guys don't really know too much about cars and performance do you?" Marc asked smiling.

"Um... no... I mean... I guess not really." Both 'N Sync boys answered frowning.

"Hey... don't feel stupid or anything. I didn't know jack when I first got into all this racing stuff two years ago. But with the right mentors I learned how to tear down and rebuild my motor, tune it, and swap it out. All in like the past year." He smiled trying to keep them from feeling stupid.

They looked at him still feeling stupid.

"Hey look... don't worry about it... cool? Anyways I guess I can give you the whole spiel on what I have under the hood." Marc added in.

"Finally... I mean... how did you get so much out of a four cylinder car?" JC asked again.

"Well this snail looking thing is a turbo, it forces more air into the engine, more air equals more power, as long as there's enough fuel. I had the car set to run 14 pounds of boost... which means 14 pounds per square inch is being forced into the engine. It really helps to build power and speed, not to mention that my car is pretty light, even with full interior." Marc smiled proudly.

"How much power are you putting out though... I mean... I was practically hammered back into my seat." JC was still amazed as he thought of the test run that they did earlier.

"Last time I had the car dynoed I think I was pushing about 350 horses to the front wheels." Marc smiled proudly. "Its kinda funny, back home I get picked on by all the Camaros, Firebirds, and Stangs. They all drop their jaws when they get whooped on by whats supposed to be a grocery getter. I even smoked a Viper once... the guy was so pissed off that he lost he followed me home... I went with him to sell the Viper the next day and he went out and bought an Infiniti G20 that day. We worked on that car for like 2 months and his car craps power out almost like mine did."

"Damn! 350 horses? And you beat a Viper? Are you serious?" Justin exclaimed.

"Well that was before I blew my first engine back in February. My best friend and I rebuilt the engine and added even more goodies to it since then, so I'm pretty sure that I could push more than that out now." Marc beamed excitedly. "I highly doubt today's run was a 350 horse run though. It felt like alot more so I should get it dynoed while I'm in Florida."

"Gosh... I can't believe you could squeeze over 350 horses out of a 4 cylinder grocery getter. And you did this yourself?" JC asked still a little surprised.

"You'd be surprised at how much power you can pull out of this engine. There's a car in Japan powered by the same engine that puts out 700 horses to the wheels." Marc exclaimed. The enthusiasm in his voice totally showed that he was a car nut.

"Oh man. 700 horses? Out of four cylinders? Thats just crazy." Justin was still in disbelief.

The three of them stood outside a while as Justin and JC were still in awe of Marc's car. They asked him question after question after question on the dynamics of the car. Marc was only more than happy to share his knowledge with them. He was probably even more happy since he actually had his car back. JC even related the story of the Civic SI pulling up next to them right after they got the car as they headed inside the house away from the sun.

"Man, you should've raced him. That would've been something, a turbo four vs. another turbo four. I would've payed to see that." Justin said as he sat in the recliner in the living room. He turned on the TV.

"Naw, it wouldn't have even been a race. I would've tore that car up so hard it wouldn't be funny." Marc gloated. He took a seat on the big couch.

Justin looked over at JC and motioned for him to take a seat next to Marc. "Cocky now are we?" JC tried to burst Marc's bubble.

"Hey, I know my car man. I also know the ins and outs of the car he was driving too and his car is pitiful, Honda's don't generally last all that long once you go turbo." Marc argued back smiling.

"I guess I'll have to trust you on that." JC nodded smiling.

"You do that now babe." Marc smiled at him and patted him lightly on the cheek. JC blushed a little at his affectionate name calling. Justin looked over and flashed JC a smile.

Justin mindlessly flipped through the channels while JC and Marc were obviously busy flirting with each other. It was so obvious that they were into each other it almost made Justin sick. Justin kind of wanted to leave the room but thought the two of them looked so cute at the same time. He ended up drifting off to sleep in the recliner. About half an hour later he awoke to see that the other two had fallen asleep as well. JC was laying on his back with his long legs draped over the far end of the couch. Marc's back was resting on JC's chest, his temple resting against JC's chin. Both had smiles on their faces. JC's right arm was draped lazily over Marc's waist adding even more cuteness to the picture. Justin left them to sleep in their current position not wanting to bother them. He left for the kitchen to grab a bite to eat then took off up to his room.

JC woke up to the the shrill cry of a phone. He opened his eyes to see Marc laying against him. Unconsciously he pulled him closer. The phone cried out again. He looked up towards the recliner which was now devoid of Justin's presence. Again the phone cried out and he pinpointed the sound to Marc's pocket. He nudged Marc a little who just snuggled up a little bit closer causing JC to smile. Seeing that Marc was comfortable JC just didn't have the heart to wake him, that and he wanted to cuddle with him a bit more. JC reached into Marc's pocket hesitantly and pulled out the phone and answered it.

"Hello?" JC's voice was soft as to not awaken Marc.

"BITCH ASS MUTHA FUCKA!!!!! CAN'T EVEN CALL A NIGGA UP FOO!!!!!" The loud voice caused JC to whince in pain as the sound bombarded his eardrums. It also woke Marc from his slumber.

"Um... I think its for you Marc... kinda rude though." JC whispered into Marc's ear, his lips just a hair away from kissing it. "Um... you were sleeping and your phone started ringing so I answered it for you."

"Thanks." Sleep still weighed heavy in his voice. Marc moved to get up much to JC's dismay and picked up the phone. Whomever was on the other line was still flapping their mouth when he spoke.

"Hello?" Marc questioned, wondering who it was. "Oh shit. Yeah... thanks for being rude to my friend. No, it wasn't me." Marc looked over to JC who was still in angst over Marc's departure from his body. "My kuya says he's sorry Josh." He then turned back to the phone and talked. "Well duh, I just got my car back this morning, what time is it anyways? Damn.. already... that means I slept for like four hours or something." He stopped to chuckle momentarily. "The car's fine. Yeah right bro, keep talking smack. I'll put money down that Wheelspin will tear up your Silvia anyday. Oh ho... tonight... you wanna run it tonight fool. Man you know I hate them street drags... test bed for what? Moroso tomorrow? Sure, what time? As long as we're there by 11:30? I guess, I wanna trailer it down though, but drive it back up as long as I don't break anything. Fine... I'll do some runs tonight, as long as its backroads or something. Yeah... Mike told you all the goodies we put in? Oh he did now did he... told you Wheelspin would whoop your Silvia... hahaha... I'll see you tonight then. Yes... I called Auntie Lydia, she wants me to show up Sunday for practice since you guys are short dancers... you're a punk you know that kuya... anyways, call me back later then."

JC just sat staring at Marc the whole time he carried on the conversation. He smiled, just staring at him. It had become something he could do all day and it was so much better to have the real thing in front of you rather than a fantasy in your head. Now if only they could become the real thing.

"Josh, you okay?" Marc waved his hand in front of JC's face trying to get his attention.

"Um... yeah... must still be a little sleepy or somthing." JC giggled trying to cover up. He hadn't realized just how deeply he was staring at Marc, but Justin had been right when he said what wasn't there to stare at when it came to Marc.

"You make a good pillow." Marc blushed a little as he spoke.

JC scratched his head and blushed a little. "Um... thanks. You make a good teddy bear?" JC tried to compliment him which just threw them both into a fit of laughter due to the akwardness of the situation.

Justin bounded down the stairs curious as to what dorky joke they were sharing now. He smiled watching them wrestle a little on the couch. He decided to join in and jumped on the couch with them. The three of them fought for a while batting each other with the cushions before collapsing in a pile at the foot of the couch. They lay there breathing heavily before breaking into another fit of laughter. They straightened up the living room after their little three man war and convened in the kitchen.

Justin poured them each glasses of water as they sat around the kitchen table. JC still had that goofy look on his face. He and Marc played footsies and kept making faces at each other. Justin sat down and rolled his eyes at the two. He wished that they would just hurry up and do it and get it over with.

"So whats up for tonight?" Justin finally asked.

"Um... I dunno, what do you wanna do Marc?" JC asked excitedly.

Marc looked a little embarassed. "Um... my kuya wants me to take my car out to some backroad street races tonight." He let his eyes wander away from the two fearing they would pass judgement on him.

"Man... that'll be cool." Justin exclaimed.

"Yeah... but I don't normally like going out to those things cuz they're illegal, but I missed the test and tune session on Wednesday out in Moroso and there's a big import run tomorrow down in Moroso and I want my car to be ready." He frowned a little still thinking they'd condemn him for participating in an illegal activity.

"Um... can I... um we go with you? I mean I'd love to see your car run again. And Moroso tomorrow would be cool... I could be like one of your cheerleaders or something." JC laughed a little at the thought of being a cheerleader for Marc.

"Um... they're illegal street races though you guys." Marc still avoided their collective gaze.

"And? We gotta live a little, right Josh? Plus I really can't wait until Moroso tomorrow to see your car run. JC got me all hyped up with that civic story." Justin told him which brought him a little comfort.

Marc sighed in relief. "I thought you guys were gonna condemn me for doing all that illegal stuff. But I want you to know that I honestly don't do it all that often. I like to take Wheelspin to a real track rather than the street."

"Naw... I could never be like that to you." JC said. He paused a little realizing that he may have slipped. "But as long as you take me and Justin I'm sure I'll... we'll have no problems." He threw Marc a smile which eased him up even more.

"You guys hungry? I haven't eaten yet and its like four in the afternoon man." JC rubbed his empty stomach switching the conversation over.

"No wonder you're so skinny." Justin teased. "You need some meat." Justin kicked JC under table and raised his eyebrows at the perverted intentions of his final comment.

"I'm not that skinny." JC tried to defend himself and kicked Justin back for being so perverted in the first place.

"I think he looks good... for... his um... height... and yeah." Marc turned away a little embarassed as he tried to defend JC. It only caused Justin to smile and further solidified Justin's suspicions. JC picked up on Marc's embarassment too and smiled dreamily.

The three decided to grab some fast food and hang out at the park near their house. They actually strolled through and watched families hanging out. Marc and Justin decided to instagate a little childish game of tag while they were out there. Marc proved to be too fast and nimble for either one of the 'N Syncers and JC ended up being 'it' most of the time. He practically had to beg them to come down from the tree they had climbed to escape from him. And of course being the pranksters that Justin and Marc were they felt they had to thoroughly humiliate him by making him do all sorts of odd things in public. They had him doing various tasks like the monkey dance, barking like a dog, and what not until the sun set before they decided to descend from their perch. It was almost 9PM when Marc finally dropped them off. He agreed to spend the night there so they could leave together in the morning and went back to his own place to get a change of clothes. The lights were on in the house and Lance's car was in the driveway when Marc pulled away.

"Where the hell have you two been?" Chris yelled at both of them angrily as they made their way into the house still giggling.

"Whoa man... when did you get back?" Justin asked surprised.

"We've been back for like an hour already. We had to have Lance pick us up from the airport since you two don't know how to answer your phones. Whats the use in having those anyways." Joey seemed angry as well.

Justin and JC just looked at each other and laughed. "Sorry, we weren't expecting you guys back til Sunday." JC finally managed.

"Well sorry to disappoint you. Where the hell were you guys anyways? Both your cars were here. I was beginning to worry that something happened to the both of you." Chris turned into the overly protective father all of a sudden.

"Hey worrying is JC's job, you having an identity crisis old man?" Justin joked at Chris.

"I'm serious here Justin." He shot Justin a scolding look that made Justin cringe just a little.

"Well we're fine, sorry man." Justin finally spit out a little angry that Chris was being cross with he and JC over nothing.

"Yeah, Chris, what you gonna ground us or something for staying out past curfew?" JC laughed a little trying to ease them all into a calmer mood.

"I should... actually we should spank you..." With that Chris, Joey, and Lance pinned the Justin and JC on the ground face down and began their little playfuly spanking torture. It wasn't long before the five of them had settled back down into their carefree selves.

"Man, I thought you were mad at me or something you prick." Justin told Chris as he sat up rubbing his rear.

"You should know me by now dumbass." Chris shot back laughing.

Justin and JC expained where they had been earlier and what went on the whole day. Justin also remembered he turned the ringers off in the house so JC could cuddle up and sleep with Marc earlier that day. While they were waiting for Marc, Justin related the story of how he and Marc had humiliated JC at the park earlier. JC then told them of their plans for that evening which only caused more excitement as the other three guys wanted to go with he and Justin as well. Marc finally showed up about an hour and a half later decked out in his race gear. He intended to make a good impression at that nights drags. Justin and JC introduced him to Joey, Chris and Lance and they got ready to go. Marc ended up calling his kuya to pick the other guys up since he wanted them with a veteran driver. They didn't mind too much. The six of them waited in front of the house so that Marc's kuya could find them easier.

"So whats a koo yah?" Justin asked Marc curiously.

"Oh... sorry... my bad... I guess I forget to translate all the time... anyways it means older brother." Marc answered, he seemed a bit embarassed that he forgot that not everyone speaks Filipino.

"Cool, so he's your brother then?" Lance asked.

"Um... not by blood, I mean not really. He's a very close friend that I owe alot too and just became the older brother I never had." Marc answered smiling as his own thoughts turned inward on his kuya.

"Cool... um so how would I say daddy?" Chris asked grinning. You could see the little perverted gears already at work in his head.

JC came up behind Chris and pushed him into a bending over position. He placed one hand on his back and spanked him with the other one. "SEEEEEEENONG TAUGHT AYE MO!!!" He said loudly as his hand beat Chris's rear. This only served to elicit several laughs from the rest of the group. Marc especially laughed at JC's antics, that and the fact that he actually remembered what Marc had taught him.

"What was that all about?" Chris said embarassed at what JC had done to him.

When JC and Marc finally stopped laughing, since they were the two that knew what the phrase translated to, they told them the translation which only brought more laughs from them. Marc's kuya finally pulled up to pick them up and they headed off to the races.


Okay... another wierd ending. Yeah... this chapter was kind of blah but I got it done... yeah... I had to put the thing about the racing thing and the import cars cuz I'm just a huuuuuuuuge car nut... well for Japanese cars anyways. GO NISSAN!!! wooooohoooo... hehe... I'm working on chapter 9 and now that I have the rest of the crew back in Orland I'm gonna actually work on that direction thing for the story... hmmmm... which way to go? I dunno... anyways... as always...

Questions, comments, flames, whatever can be directed to my e-mail at vocal76@hotmail.com ... peace and adobo grease!

Next: Chapter 9

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