Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Sep 23, 2000


Okay... blah blah blah... this is my first time writing one of these stories and blah blah blah blah... first time posting to Nifty... lets see what else blah blah blah... this is fiction... blah blah blah... don't know the true sexuality... or homosexuality of the characters portrayed... if you don't like homosexual material you know what to do... blah blah blah... 18+ = good... 17- = bad... read on and enjoy (hopefully)

Woohoo... finally done with this one. Keep on writing with comments... love em... lets me know people are reading. I'm kinda a little disappointed in this chapter though... I think I could've made it a little longer... but I was getting really sleepy as I wrote it and haven't really had time to do any editing on it... but anyways its here for you guys to read... so... enjoy... oh yeah... you guys gotta check out these... (figured I'd do suggested reading thing... since everyone else is...) =)

Josh and Just... JC and Justin story Any Path/No Painless Way... First part is BSB... second is a JC/Justin flick Devotion... so far so good... can't wait to see how J and JC hook up Justin's Secrets... hasn't been updated in a while though... but its J & JC Intimate Stranger... a little twisted but again... its J & JC Searching for the Light... nice Justin and JC fic

Turn Around Part V ===============================================================================

Justin ran into the house chasing after JC. JC managed to ignore Justin all the way back from the hotel.

"Please Josh, I'm dying here. What happened back there?" Justin pleaded. He hated the suspense of the whole matter. For once he regretted all the little jokes he played on JC now that he knew what it felt like to be left in the dark.

"Okay okay okay okay...," he said lauging. "But let me go upstairs and get a blanket. I wanna lay out back and look at the stars."

He sighed a lovesick sigh and headed upstairs. A few minutes later he returned, blanket in hand and he and Justin headed out back. JC spread the blanket out and laid down. He looked over to Justin and patted the spot next to him for him to lay down. Justin complied.

"So... you gonna tell me or kill me with the suspense?" Justin asked as he lay down.

JC turned on his side and hugged Justin. He kissed him on the cheek lightly. "Thanks. You're the best Juju. I'm so glad that I love you... um... like I do." He quickly turned back to stare at the sky.

The kiss sent shivers up Justin's spine. Though it had been an innocent kiss he closed his eyes to take in the feeling. "Um... no problem." His voice cracked a little still under the effects of JC's kiss. "Second thoughts Justin? Just a little bit too late for that." He thought regretfully.

JC sighed. "Pretty crazy day, huh?"

"Yup... you could say that again. Are you gonna just get to the point Josh?" Justin said a little whiny.

"Gosh... its a beautiful night..." JC dodged Justin's question.

"Josh... c'mon..." Justin started to whine.

"The stars are so nice tonight..." JC added dreamily.

"Josh... please..." Justin whined again.

"Its so nice outside..." JC almost broke into a giggle as he kept Justin hanging.

"JOSH... please just tell me... please..." Justin pleaded.

"Okay... okay..." JC broke, giggling.

"Um... so I have a date... well not really a date... I mean not like that kinda date... but he's taking me to dinner on Thursday... I mean I'll have to drive... since he doesn't have a car... but I don't mind... but he and I talked about what I did earlier and I guess I really fucked up, huh? But so he's gonna pay for the date... um dinner... this time... you know make it even... But I guess I couldn't help it... cuz you know how I am and all that... but I never thought about things like that... because I almost always assumed..." He said speedily.

"Whoa man... you're talking like a million miles a minute." Justin said chuckling.

"Sorry J... I guess I must be a little excited." JC answered giggling.

"Understatement," Justin retorted, and started laughing.

"And its all because of you," JC said as he turned to kiss Justin's cheek again.

"Hey... what would your boyfriend think with you kissing me like that?" Justin said trying to joke. His voice wavered a little as the tingles traveled down his spine again.

"He's not my boyfriend... at least not yet...hopefully." JC said.

"Well I think you two make a very cute couple." Justin said.

"Thanks J... but... um... where does that leave you?" JC sounded a little concerned.

"What do you mean? I'll still be here for you... no matter what." Justin stated.

"No... I don't mean that... that I know... cuz I'll be there for you too. I think that if... when... if? You know... the me and Marc thing happens... I'm gonna have to find someone for you." JC said.

"Hey... its really no problem Josh." Justin said laughing. "Besides... you're no good at playing cupid... I think I can find someone on my own... not that I don't appreciate the offer."

"Awwwwww... you're still sore over the whole Britney thing? You know it just really looked like you really liked her and all... I thought I was helping things out." JC sounded a little hurt.

"I guess I'm like Marc in that respect. I appreciate being helped and getting helped... but theres some things that I'd rather do on my own. I'm a big boy now Josh, you know?" He tried to let it come out easy.

"Okay... but if you need help with anything like that... just don't be afraid to ask me cuz I'll be here." JC said reassuringly.

"Um... how come you never told me about the first bathroom thing?" Justin asked curiously.

"Um... cuz I didn't want you to think I was gay... or know I was gay... I didn't want to let on that I was gay. I mean... I was so scared that you'd hate me for being such a fag." He sounded ashamed as he muttered his last sentence.

"I couldn't ever hate you Josh. Well I'd only dislike you if I found out you were a bigger fag than I was. I just couldn't have that now, could I?" Justin joked, easing the air around them.

"Funny boy... Who's the one getting the man now? So I guess I am the bigger fag, huh?" JC joked back.

"Um... no... you're getting tied down. Yup, old ball and chain with a huge Marc label... I still get to look and mess around... that makes me the bigger fag." Justin joked stealing the spotlight away from JC.

JC laughed with him that got silent all of a sudden.

"Hey... Josh... whats wrong? You got quiet on me all of a sudden." Justin asked concerned.

"Its just... its just... you wanted him didn't you? I mean before you knew... about me..." JC trailed off, a little worried.

"Well I'm not gonna lie and say that I wasn't... and haven't been checking him out... I mean... well... how could you not... but I think the two of you are real good for each other. Plus... I watched you two interacting tonight and I think he likes you too... or he's interested... one or the other." Justin said a little ashamed.

"He is cute though... I have to admit." JC said.

"Naw... I don't think he's cute though..." Justin trailed off.

"Okay..." JC said a little worried and disappointed.

"I think he's FOYNE. He totally has it going on Josh. You are sooooooo lucky." He smiled, turning to Josh.

JC turned to give him another kiss in thanks on the cheek but met Justin's lips instead. He blushed and turned back embarrassed and gazed up at the stars in silence. "Sorry bout that J... I didn't expect you to... um..."

"Hey... I'm not complaining... it was sweet... and um... nice guys like you deserve nice... um... people like Marc." Justin said a little flushed about his first kiss with JC.

"Um... Justin..." JC asked hesitantly.

"Shoot," Justin said, giving JC a green light to ask whatever he wanted to.

"Um... where does this... um... this Marc thing... um... leave... where does it leave you and me." JC finished quickly. He held his breath waiting for Justin to respond.

Justin turned to him again. "Josh... will you look at me?" JC slowly turned trying to avoid Justin's gaze. Justin took his face in his hands and forced JC to look at him. "We're still here... I'm not going anywhere."

"Yeah but... I mean... up until yesterday..." JC started in quietly.

"Up until yesterday you had a thing for me and I sorta had a thing for you... if thats what you're getting at Josh." Justin went silent for a moment. He laid back down on his back freeing JC from his grip and waited for JC to do the same. "But Marc came along... and... and you met him... and you're falling in love with him. I can see that much Jace. You and I... we just waited too long cuz we were both scared shitless... But I really think you need to see what happens with Marc... I mean feelings like that don't just happen for no reason... and... I'll... I'll be okay with it... I mean... I am okay with it. Really I am." He sighed knowing that part of him was okay with it but part him wasn't. He also knew that part of him wanted to be with Marc too.

JC laid silently, contemplating Justin's speech. "I guess you're right." Things got quiet between them.

"Um... so how long... um... have you had these feelings J?" JC asked still thinking about Justin's revelation.

"I dunno... I can't really remember when I first... you know... well admitted it I guess... it just sorta happened. But I know I had to be the happiest guy in the world when you moved back from LA to help form the group." Justin said. "And I guess after that things just kinda started falling into place..."

"If it was that long ago why didn't you say or do something? I mean... all this time you and I could've been together... and not worry about being gay and alone on the road." JC stated.

"I guess I could ask the same of you." Justin said.

Silence overtook them again.

"Plus... I had to be sure... I mean... If I was gonna be with you... then it was only gonna be you and no one else... but the fact is that I haven't been able to keep my eyes and my thoughts on just you... and I don't want you to be... you know... like an experiment that I might or might not like..." Justin was a little embarrassed at admitting all this to JC.

"I think I was just scared shitless of losing you as a friend. Our friendship means alot to me Justin... anything that threatens to take it away scares me to death... I dunno what I'd do without you." JC said.

"I guess thats also part of the reason why I never told you... I mean... what if you and I did get together and I ended up not liking it... think of how it would have affected you and I... not to mention everyone else." Justin stated.

"So... its like you're saying that since Marc and I don't have a past... like you and I... then I have less of a risk to take?" JC added in.

"I guess... as messed up as it sounds... but I guess its better that you ended up being interested in him too. I mean... if it was me..." He couldn't really finish.

"If it was you?" JC asked, trying to coax him into finishing.

"Well... I'd probably just use him as a one night stand sorta thing... I guess I'm probably just in it out of sexual curiousity... I didn't want to put you through all that... so I guess thats why..." He trailed off.

"Justin Randall Timberlake you horny freak." JC teased.

Silence, yet again.

"So... you gonna call him tomorrow?" Justin asked sheepishly.

"Um... yeah... I think I might pick him up for dinner tomorrow night." He laughed a little.

"Whats so funny?" Justin asked giggling curiously.

"He has know clue that Lynn is your mom. I asked him if he wanted to do our dinner thing tomorrow night... cuz I was all giddy when he asked and couldn't stand waiting... but he said he promised someone from work that he'd have dinner at their place." JC laughed.

"He's in for a surprise tomorrow." Justin laughed with him.

"Um... did you want to go with me?" JC asked.

"Naw... you go ahead... try to play it off like you forgot." Justin said.

"I should, huh? That would be something." JC answered, laughing a little.

"But you got his number... so you could call him. Don't tell me you blew it again Josh." Justin said voicing frustration.

"Actually," JC paused as he fished around in his pocket. "Here it is." He handed Justin a slip of paper.

"Whats this?" Justin asked curiously.

JC turned to Justin and started pointing at each line. "Um... thats the number to his hotel room, thats the number to the front desk... if I wanna leave a message, this is his cell number, thats his work number, thats the number to the gym, this is where he can be reached when he's working with your mom, this is the number to his kuya's house that he'll be visiting when he gets his car, heres the number to his aunt's house that he'll be visiting here, um... this is his e-mail address, this is his name on AIM, thats his name on ICQ, and heres his homepage... which has a guestbook that I can sign." JC spit out excitedly.

"Whoa man... and I was getting a little worried about him exchanging numbers with that waitress... I mean... could she be any more on his nuts?" Justin laughed at how excited JC was.

"I was kinda getting worried to... but then he squeezed my hand... I guess kinda comforting... or something... I just don't wanna read too much into it." JC said, still excited.

"Squeezed your hand? Don't you have to be holding hands to do that?" Justin asked grinning.

"Well... we... um... we kinda were... at dinner..." JC was blushing.

"You kinda don't wanna read into it too much?????" Justin said surprised. "Josh, straight guys that just meet do not hold hands and squeeze when the other is feeling bad and stare all googly into each other's eyes."

"Yeah... but what if... cuz you know he's a nice guy and all... what if he's like an exception." JC said doubtfully.

"Okay... and he gives some hot girl a number where he knows she most likely won't be able to get in touch with him and then turns around and gives a sexy guy like you every possible outlet to reach him... and that doesn't say anything." Justin said trying to convice JC.

"Yeah... and he kept the numbers I gave him in his wallet... and her's was left on his dresser in the hotel." JC smiled.

"See... and you still don't think... wait... numbers you gave him?" Justin asked curiously.

"Um... yeah... my cell... um the house... the studio... my personal e-mail... um... what else? Oh yeah... AIM name, your cell... if you didn't mind... cuz I told him that I'm usually with you and if mine is off... then he could reach me through you... and gosh... I even gave him my parents number in Maryland... if I decide to head up there sometime this summer..." JC said as he blushed with embarrassment.

"And you don't think he's gay..." Justin said sarcastically.

"I just don't want to read too much into it..." JC said, feeling a little unsure.

"Well... I don't think he's gay..." Justin said flatly.

"Okay... I don't get it J... earlier you were... and then..." JC said confused.

"I know he's gay." Justin started laughing. "Don't try to read into it... you need to just trust that gaydar of yours."

"Oh... and what... are you some sort of gaydar Jedi master?" JC said jokingly.

"You've been watching too much Star Wars you freak." Justin teased back. "But I'm almost definitely positively sure that he is."

"Yeah... but how do you know for sure? I mean... How accurate is your... um... gaydar..." JC asked.

"Hey... I pinned you for being gay, right?" Justin said.

"Yeah... okay... thats one... and don't even try to count yourself. Who else?" JC giggled as he asked trying to prove Justin's gaydar wrong.

"Um... okay... Chrissy's last boyfriend... the one that obviously had a thing for Lance..." Justin said proudly.

"Okay... so thats two..." JC still tried to prove his gaydar wrong.

"Um... oh yeah... Chris's best friend back in New York... the one that just came out to him in January." Justin added

"Okay... so thats three... have you ever been wrong?" JC still tried to prove his point.

"Nope... so far so good..." Justin added in playfully.

"I hope you're right... you know... honestly..." JC started in.

"Honestly what?" Justin inquired.

"Honestly... I dunno exactly what it is about Marc..." JC said embarrassed.

"Other than his hot body... youthful looks... nice ass... oh god... his ass... mmmmmmmmmmm... um... cute face... and those asian eyes... plus... he's shorter... so... so you could probably pick him up and screw him pretty much anywhere..." Justin started laughing at his last comment.

"You fucking perv... How dare you check out my boyfriend like that." JC laughed along with Justin.

"Don't tell me you haven't at all been curious about all that... plus... naw... naw... nevermind..." Justin started giggling.

"Plus what? C'mon J... I'm here pouring my heart out to you... don't leave anything out man... tell me... please?" JC pleaded.

"Well... if I'm such a perv than why were you trying to check him out in his bathroom mirror after his shower?" Justin teased.

"You caught that?" JC said surprised.

"Yup... I catch everything you perv." Justin teased again.

"Okay... so I was... I just was a little curious. And okay... I admit... sometimes I wonder what its like to... you know... with a guy... I mean..." JC said ashamed.

"Just say it Josh... you wanna know what its like to have sex with a guy... hell I wanna know what its like." Justin said.

"Fine... I do... I wanna feel what its like to be with another guy... but I guess not just for sex... I mean the whole thing... kissing... making out... holding hands... cuddling... making love... not just sex" JC said dreamily.

They stared up at the stars in silence.

"Josh?" Justin asked.


"Um... bottom or top?" Justin asked.

"Why you worrying about bunks now Just? We don't even start touring again for like two months." JC answered giggling.

"No you dork... my gosh you are so deep in your dark closet... I meant would you want to be on the receiving end of it or the giving end?" Justin asked, a little embarrassed.

"Oh... OH... um... I guess either or... I mean... I kinda wanna try both... but I dunno... I think I wanna be made love to more than being the one... you know? Am I making any sense at all." JC questioned.

"So... You're pretty much a bottom I guess..." Justin trailed.

"Um... yeah... I guess... I mean is that bad?" JC asked hesitantly.

"No... not at all... I mean someone has to... you know... in a relationship like that..." Justin said.

"What about you... have you thought about it?" JC asked.

"I'm guessing I'd be a top... I mean... I'd try it the other way around... if it was with the right person I guess..." Justin said.

"Do you think Marc would be a top or a bottom?" JC asked curiously.

"Um... I dunno... with an ass like that I'd hope he'd be a bottom... cuz you know..." Justin said grinning.

"Hey man... don't be fantasizing about my man like that..." JC scolded grinning.

"He's not yours... yet... and until he is..." Justin started teasing JC. "Hey... the first time you guys do it can I watch? Can I? Can I?" He added in playfully, like a child begging for cookies.

"Um... lemme think about it... hmmmmmmm... HELL NO!" JC said giggling. "You're such a sicko perv Justin... I dunno why I put up with you..." JC rolled his eyes.

"I was just kidding anyways... but you are gonna tell me all the details afterwards... right?" Justin looked at JC questioningly.

"Well I'm not normally one to screw and tell... but..." JC trailed off teasingly.

"Awwww... you're the best Josh." Justin leaned over and quickly pecked JC on his cheek and blushed at his actions.

"Yeah... I know... and I guess I do have to rub it in that I'll be having sex with a really hot guy... and hey... with an ass like that you never know." JC said in mock arrogance.

"Okay... I take that back... see if I give you any blow jobs anymore." Justin faked a pout and crossed his arms over his chest. He let JC stare at him like that for a few mintues then started laughing.

"You know... I really thought you were serious last night. I mean... it scared me so much that I couldn't move." JC said.

"I know... I was trying to lead it on that way... but I might've... I mean... if I was definitely sure of myself... and maybe if I had a little more experience with the whole gay thing... then I might've." Justin thought for a moment while the silence overtook them again.

"But I really like what we having going between us right now... and I don't want to do anything thats gonna screw it up." Justin added thoughtfully.

"Thanks J... me too... me too..." JC agreed.

"You shoulda saw your face last night... it was classic... especially when I bought the whip cream..." Justin started laughing as he remembered the previous night.

"I think I almost shit my pants when you called Chris up... I couldn't believe that you'd call him... you know... if you were gonna... you know..." JC joined in Justin's laughter.

"I knew you'd be listening. I half expected you to take off in your car when I was upstairs changing and getting the vodka and stuff." Justin was still giggling.

They lay down laughing for a while. Eventually their laughter subsided and they experienced yet another quiet moment.

JC broke the silence this time. "Um... J?"

"Yup... still here..." Justin giggled again, his mind still last night's joke.

"Have you... did you... does... does anyone else know about you... or think... you know... about me?" JC asked hesitantly.

"Um... yeah... Brit..." Justin stopped laughing.

"Do... you guys talk... I mean is that what you guys have been talking about since we got back to Orlando?" JC asked.

"Yeah... me, Brit, and Lance..." Justin said hesitantly.

"Lance too?" JC asked a little surprised.

"Yup... not even really talking though... if you call it that... they've really been pestering me." Justin said as he broke into a giggle.

"Hey... thats not a nice thing to say about your friends..." JC joined Justin's fit of giggles.

"Well they have... I mean everyday it was the same thing... over and over and over and over again... 'Did you tell him yet? Did you tell him yet? Are you guys together yet?'... oh god... and their stupid jokes... makes me just wanna... ugh!" Justin went into another fit of laughter.

"They've been doing that all this time?" JC said surprised at the fact that he had been so clueless to the whole thing.

"Yup... and they woke me up early today just to do it..." Justin said whining as he continued to joke about them.

"Early?" JC paused a little as threw Justin a questioning look. "You were late to our lunch date with your mom." JC laughed.

"Yeah... and they were saying you and I were into some kinky role reversal thing... cuz you went over to Brit's really early to babble about Marc... and then I woke up late... they are just tooooooo much sometimes." He tried to contain his giggles.

"I was not babbling about Marc to Brit..." JC tried to defend himself.

"Yeah right!." Justin shot JC a grin. "Oooooh Brit... have you ever fallen in love with a voice? Ooooooh I think I'm in LooOOoOooooOOOOooooVe... and his name is Marc... and he has suuUUuUuUUuuuuuUch a cuuUuUuUuUUuuuUutE tush... and oOoooOh gAwD! He fixed my bloody nose today..." Justin cooed out in his best lovesick fangirl voice, batting his eyelashes and holding his hand over his heart, as if to keep it from bursting. He finished it off with the fangirl scream, holding his own face between the palms of his two hands.

"You know... you're sooooo lucky that I don't have a pillow right now." JC said flatly as Justin laughed his ass off.

"You know you have it bad for him though, right? Even you're not that much of an airhead..." Justin poked JC in the ribs.

"Yup." JC sighed. "Funny how in just one day..." JC smiled leaving the sentence unfinished.

"Yup..." Justin agreed.


Okay... sorry to cut it short and leave off where I did... I guess I'll get to work on chapter 6 though... As always... Questions, comments, flames, whatever can be directed to my e-mail at vocal76@hotmail.com ... peace and adobo grease!

Next: Chapter 6

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