Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Sep 16, 2000


Okay... blah blah blah... this is my first time writing one of these stories and blah blah blah blah... first time posting to Nifty... lets see what else blah blah blah... this is fiction... blah blah blah... don't know the true sexuality... or homosexuality of the characters portrayed... if you don't like homosexual material you know what to do... blah blah blah... 18+ = good... 17- = bad... read on and enjoy (hopefully)

Turn Around Part II =============================================================================

JC woke up to his alarm. His hand flailed around looking for the snooze button. He turned his head groggily to check the time. "7:00... too damn early... why the hell is my alarm going off this early." He laid back down but couldn't get back to sleep. After tossing and turning for several minutes he got up, cleaned up a little, and went downstairs.

"Morning Josh, you're up early, you feeling better?" Lynn asked regarding the previous night.

"Yeah, I guess I just needed some rest," he assured her.

"So what do you and Justin have planned today?" she inquired as she sipped her coffee.

"I don't know, I have to wait for the goofball to wake up and see what he wants to do," JC said as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "You have a busy day planned?"

"You could say that. We have those web designers from the party coming over to work today. They're going to get oriented around the office so they can start working on some sites for some of the groups we're managing and maybe the company." She took another sip of her coffee and grimaced a little as it burned her tongue.

"Web designers? I didn't know there were web designers at the party. I should have talked to them, we've been looking into adding to our web team." He stirred some sugar and creamer into his cup of coffee.

"I thought I saw you talking to one of them last night. I figured thats what you were doing." Lynn blew on her coffee trying to cool it down a little more.

"Last night?" He took a sip of his coffee and singed his tongue. "Ow... still too hot." He smiled a little.

"Yeah, weren't you talking to the asian... or maybe he was hispanic, I couldn't really tell .. at the bar last night? You know, the one that had the really nice voice?" She recounted some of the events of the previous night.

JC's face lit up at the mention of him. "His name's Marc. He thinks I'm cool." he thought to himself, smiling.

"You sure you're feeling better Josh? You spaced out there for a little bit." She gave JC a look have questioning, half concern.

"Um.. yeah... just thinking thats all. So... they're going to be at your work today? The whole day... or just part of it... most of it?" he sounded just a bit too eager to know. He fantasized that this would be his chance to finally meet Marc and couldn't help but get a little giddy again.

"I think they're going to spend the whole day getting acquainted with the office and staff. They're also going to meet several of the groups that we work with. I hope they can come up with a little something for my girls." she said as she sipped more coffee.

He could feel the butterflies in his stomach. He was still fantasizing about meeting Marc. "Um... how about I bring you lunch later today... since... since you'll probably be too busy to go out to get something... with them being there and all." He tried to sound convincing but still stumbled on a few words.

"That would be sweet Joshua. Thank you." She finished her coffee. "Well I better head off too work, so I'll see you a little later okay?" She kissed him on the cheek as she made her way to the sink.

"Yeah, about twelvish or so? That a good time Lynn?" he kissed her back.

"Sounds good hon, see if you can drag Justin out of bed. I know he went to bed late though. I just can't see how he could play video games by himself until 3AM." she smiled at her last comment as she left the house.

"I hope I really meet him today. Dear Lord, please let me meet him today." JC thought smiling. He went upstairs to change and decided to run some errands. He didn't want to wake Justin just yet so he left him a note on the fridge on his way out.

"Hello?" Justin woke up to the phone ringing and answered it sleepily.

"So did you tell him?" Lance asked from the other line.

"Tell him what?" Justin asked still a little out of it.

"Don't play stupid with us Justin," Britney was on the phone too.

"Oh, hey Brit," he said still groggy from being up so early.

"So did you tell him or what?" Lance asked again.

"What time is it?" Justin asked both of them trying to dodge the subject.

"It's 10:30... so did you tell him?" Britney reiterated.

"Tell him what? I haven't had my cereal yet... leave me alone." Justin retorted.

"Awwww poor baby... Justin sleeps in and is grumpy cuz he hasn't had his Apple Joshs .. they must have done something last night because obviously they're doing the whole role reversal thing today... kinky." Lance's voice wreaked sarcasm.

"Role reversal... huh? I don't get it." Justin tiredly made his way down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen.

"Yeah, JC came by my place earlier this morning all bright and radiant. Kinda like you after you have your Apple Joshs. Really wierd... he said he just needed someone to talk to. He asked me if I thought it was possible to fall in love with a voice or something like that then he kept on babbling about something or other. He said something about last night... some party or something. I was still sleepy when he came by. I figured he was referring to you or something. What did you do to him boy?" Brit could sure talk fast when she had something to say.

"Will you guys quit it with the Apple Josh joke already... its getting old." he was a little annoyed at the joke.

"Awww c'mon Justy-poo... we all know the reason you smile in the morning." Lance joked in. "So did you tell him? What did you do him last night to make him all bright and sunny? C'mon tell us. Please." He sounded like he was groveling for his life.

"Well..." Justin started. He figured if the joke worked on Josh last night he could easily get these two going as well.

"Well... and... you gonna spill? What did you do last night?" They both asked, voices lighting up curiously.

"Well... I did give him a blow job last night. I dunno if thats it though... don't see how that could make him so happy today... I mean I didn't give him a blow job this morning since he obviously woke up before me." He was grinning and he didn't even have his cereal yet.

"YOU DID WHAT TO HIM?" they both yelled in unison.

"Ow... no need to scream. As if you guys are mad at me or something." He poured himself some cereal, smiling at their reaction.

"Can you say that again... I don't think I heard that right." Lance asked, still a little shocked at what Justin had said.

"I said I gave him a blow job last night. Actually now that I think about it I actually gave him two. I think the second one hit him hard though because he went to sleep right afterwards." This was just as fun as it was last night. Justin tried to act calmly so they wouldn't pick up on his little joke.

"When... how... where... um... details boy..." they both said rapidly.

"Well... I just topped it with whip cream, wrapped my mouth around it, threw my head back, and when it hit the back of my throat I just swallowed... one big gulp." He smiled all the way through. "This is just too easy," he thought.

"But how... I mean... did you guys just talk and then do it or..." Brit was curious as to how the situation came about.

"Well he had one too... and after he swallowed there was some white stuff at the corner of his mouth... but he licked it off before I could get to it... I think he was savoring the taste." He giggled a little at how deep the two were playing into his little game. "Oh, but he did complain about a burning feeling in the back of his throat though." He added in seeing what they would say.

"WHAT? Justin you did get checked, right? I mean after you did that one skank, right?" Lance added in.

"HEY! That skank was me... and we didn't do anything... you know Justin's strictly dickly." Brit yelled back at Lance.

Lance chuckled a little bit. "Just kidding girl... how did it happen Justin... did you tell him?"

Justin related the previous night to the two of them. When he got to the part when he called Chris, Lance butted in.

"Why the hell would you call him for something like this? I'd figured you'd call Brit or Chrissy or someone... not him though." Lance sounded a little confused and a little angry.

"Will you just listen... do you want me to finish my story?" Justin was about ready to crack up. He finished the rest of the story, all the way up to the end where his mom came home early.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" They yelled into the phone simultaneously.

Justin was laughing his ass off. "You should've... heard... seen... you guys... so... into... the whole... thing," he squeezed in between fits of laughter.

"I should go over there and kick your butt, curls and all," Lance said a little angry but laughing as well. He had to admit the story was funny, not just from the way that JC had reacted last night but the way they had reacted as well.

"Justin, I thought you were going to tell him, at least about the being gay part," Britney's voice turned a little serious.

"Yeah," Lance started, his voice went serious too, "He deserves to know at least that much, he's your best, and closest friend."

"Yeah, I know. I'll tell him today... at least the being gay part." He sounded a little down as he made his way to the fridge.

"You promise Justin?" Britney sounded a little pushy.

"Yeah, I guess. At least the being gay part..." Justin gave in.

"... And that you're madly in love with him and have been since... since... since forever," Lance added in.

"Don't push it Lance... the being gay part for sure... and then I'll call you guys... like right after he and I talk about it. But no more pushing... promise?" Justin pleaded.

"As long as it gets done today..." Britney trailed in.

"It will... hmmm... whats this," Justin saw the note on the fridge door.

"Whats wrong Justin?" They asked in unison.

"Oh, Josh left me a note. I guess I'm supposed to meet him and my mom for lunch at my mom's work in like..." he paused to look up at the clock. "Shit... in like thirty minutes... guys we've been talking for like an hour! I've gotta get ready so I'll talk to you guys later." He hung up the phone before either had time to protest and ran upstairs to get ready.

"I hope you don't mind Chinese food," JC stated questioningly as he stepped into Lynn's office. She was engrossed in paperwork. Managing a group did tend to keep you busy.

"Oh, Josh. I almost forgot you were coming. Justin still asleep?" She cleared some of the papers off her desk and motioned for JC to sit down.

"Well I left him a note that I was going to have lunch with you when I left. I went to run some errands earlier so I was hoping he'd meet me here." His head kept turning towards the door as if he was looking for something, or someone. He frowned a little.

"Why don't we head to the break room. I don't want to get any chow mein on my paperwork." Lynn laughed a little at her little comment.

JC smiled in response. He picked up the food and followed Lynn out the door. As they headed towards the break room he still kept looking around hoping to catch a glimpse of Marc. There was no sign of him however. They got to the break room and sat down. His eyes kept wandering to the window that overlooked the office floor.

"Josh," Lynn gripped JC's hand affirmingly, "Don't worry, he'll show up."

"He... he will?" he asked almost hesitantly.

"I'm sure Justin just woke up late and is probably on his way over as we speak," she reassured him.

"Oh yeah... Justin... um... yeah Justin should be here any minute now hopefully." his mind was wandering off and truth be told he had obviously not been thinking about Justin all that much that day.

"Yes, Justin, who did you think I was referring to, Josh?" Lynn asked, a little concerned.

"Well... Justin of course... I guess I'm a little out of it." he giggled a little to trying to cover for himself since Justin wasn't here to do it for him.

"So what did you bring for lunch?" JC was glad that she got off the subject and he opened the cartons and made both of them plates. They sat quietly eating.

"So... hows things going with the web designers? Are they settled in yet?" JC had finally worked up the nerve to talk about them, Marc in particular. He didn't want to seem too obvious, but the itch to know was just getting to him. Plus if it would bring him that much closer to meeting Marc it was worth a shot.

"I think they went out to lunch earlier. I'm not sure when they'll be back. They still have to finish touring the building." She talked between mouthfulls of chow mein.

"So have you tried signing that one guy yet." He smiled thinking he was clever into getting Lynn to talk about him.

"Who, Marc?" Lynn replied.

"Is that his name?" he feigned stupidity. He knew what his name was but tried his best to lead on that he was clueless. "The guy that sang last night, right?" He smiled a little. Inside his mind was reeling that he may actually get to meet him.

"Yeah, his name is Marc, he's a really sweet kid. He's received alot of praise for his voice from people around the office." Lynn said smiling. "Really modest kid, always replies that he thinks he should stick to his day job. In a way he reminds me so much of Justin."

"Who reminds you of me?" Justin came up behind his mom and hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Thanks for the note Josh, I kinda woke up late so I had to rush here." He smiled at the both of them and took a seat between Josh and Lynn. "So you gonna answer the question?"

"Oh I was talking about Marc, honey." Lynn said. She reached for her glass of water and took a sip.

"Who's Marc?" Justin asked as he dumped the rest of the food on his plate.

"He's the guy that was singing last night, the one with the really good voice." Lynn answered, taking another sip from her water.

"Oh, okay," Justin said, smiling now that he could stick a name to the face. "The really really really really cute one... that I'm probably gonna let Josh have," he thought. His face went from a smile to a slight frown to a smile again as he tried to imagine Josh being happy with Marc.

"Well as I was telling Josh here... I think Marc reminds me of you alot. He's a really sweet kid and he and I got to talking earlier. He's so far away from home right now, and I think he just really needs to make some good friends." She took another sip finished her water and poured herself another glass.

"Really... where's he from?" Josh asked almost seeming too eager.

Justin looked over at Josh and smiled. He could begin to see that Josh had started getting it bad for Marc.

"He flew in from California last weekend. They only gave him two days to settle in before putting him to work. So far he's just had a really bad experience being in Orlando. I really feel bad for him." She frowned a little showing her concern.

"Bad experience? How?" JC asked inquisitively hoping he could do anything to make his stay all that more comfortable. His face lit up in delight as the thought of making Marc enjoy his stay in Orlando crossed his mind.

Justin saw it and smiled. "Yup buddy... I'm hoping he can make you happier than I ever could," he thought. He wanted to see JC happy and right now just talking about Marc was causing JC's face to light up. Inwardly he wished he could do that for JC.

"Well other than having to fly out here early and rush his finals at school back home so he wouldn't lose this opportunity he's just had one thing after another happen." She took another sip from her glass.

"Anything we can... I mean anything that can be helped." a lovestruck smile radiated from JC's face. He couldn't sound anymore eager to do something, even though he had yet to meet the guy.

"I'm not too sure. I think its just a matter of waiting things out for him." she scolded Justin for starting to talk with his mouth full.

After he finished chewing he began, "So what else happened to him?"

"He had his car shipped over here from California two weeks before he left. He called the shippers this morning and they seem to have no clue as to where his car is. And if that wasn't bad enough the apartment the company was supposed to be renting him didn't fall through so they have him staying in a hotel room until they can find him a place to stay. And I overheard them telling him this morning that they might not get him a place to stay until mid July, can you believe that? Its just not right. Oh and his phone... they wouldn't upgrade his coverage to nationwide coverage for his cell so he had to swap phones with his best friend back home. Now he has to deal with all the confusion of answering his best friend's phone calls. I do hope things start looking up for him." She sounded a little angry at everything that had happened to Marc. The motherly qualities showed prominent.

"Well I guess it could be worse mom." Justin stuffed his face again and things got silent.

JC broke the silence. "Um... I'm gonna go to the bathrooom, be right back." JC walked out of the break room and made his way to the bathroom. He remembered how he had first ran into Marc the night before, in a bathroom. He giggled slightly and headed out. His face met the door as someone hurried into the bathroom. The force knocked him on his ass. He felt his nose dripping and reached up to check it, his nose started bleeding. He was a little angry and annoyed that someone would just barge in like that. He looked up and all traces of anger were instantly gone. It was Marc.

"Oh my god! I'm sooooo sorry... its just I really needed to go and... here let me help you... shoot you're nose is bleeding... gosh now you probably know I have to be the biggest a-hole on the planet... gosh... I'm soooo sorry." He took JC's hand and led him to the sink. He wet some paper towels and reached to clean JC's face.

The butterflies went full storm in JC's stomach. He couldn't really think of anything to say. If it had been anyone else he would've still been angry but it wasn't just anyone else, it was Marc. The guy he had been dying to meet since last night and here he was. He finally mustered up the courage to speak "Its okay... um... really... I should really pay more attention to things... plus these things happen..." He managed a smile and tried to comfort Marc.

Marc went and got some toilet paper, rolled it up and placed it in JC's nostril. "Here, lean forward and pinch here, okay... gosh I am soooooooo sorry... shoot man..." You could hear the concern and remorse in his voice.

"Really I'll be okay..." JC was revelling in Marc's touch. Each time Marc touched him he felt an electric pulse run through his body. He had to do everything he could to keep from shivering in front of him.

"You sure?" JC nodded and Marcs eyes trailed down to his shirt. "Shoot, you dripped blood on your shirt... I made you drip blood on your shirt. Gosh... I am sooo sorry man... here let me see if I could get it out." He placed his hand on JC's chest.

JC shivered a little at his touch. He could feel the warmth of his hand through his shirt. He covered Marc's hand with his own. He stared intently at Marc.

"Hey? You okay, you kinda spaced out there for a second." Marc realized JC still had his hand on his, held over his heart. He could feel it pound against his palm.

"Oh sorry. Its okay really." JC looked down and saw his hand covering Marc's. He dropped it and looked off to the side a little embarrassed. He could feel a blush coming on.

"Well it looks as if the bleeding at least stopped." Marc smiled a little. He still felt bad for what he had done. "You know, we really should find some other place to meet."

"Yeah... bathrooms are kinda wierd." JC smiled a little. "You forget you have to use the bathroom?" he asked a little curious.

"Actually, no... I was just trying to hold it cuz I felt really bad for what I did and... well I still have to go... and um... well... I kinda don't have to use those right now... if you know what I mean so..." Marc pointed towards the urinals then moved his eyes over to the stalls.

"Oh... OH..." JC giggled a little. "I guess I'll let you have your... um... privacy?"

"Yeah, um... well yeah... I guess it kinda would be a turn off with me stinking up the place." He laughed a little as well. He gazed at JC a while as JC backed up to the door.

"Um... see you around... I guess?" JC said, a little questioningly as he made his way through the door. He flashed him a smile and headed down the corridor.

JC walked in a daze back towards the break room. He stopped suddenly, almost making the people behind him bump into him. "Shit," he said then looked around realizing that he had spoken aloud. "Great! Good going Josh. You run into him again and still you don't introduce yourself. What a way to blow it this time. You can still go back man. Yeah right! What are you gonna do? Go knock and his stall while he's dumping his guts out and say 'hey, by the way my name's Josh, whats yours? Call me sometime and we could screw.' That'll be something. You are such a loser. How the hell does Joey do it?" He stayed still thinking to himself, cursing himself. He started walking slowly when he realized people were passing him, staring curiously. He made his way back to the break room and took his seat next to Justin.

"Hey Josh, took you long enough. You alright?" Justin asked.

"Huh? Um... yeah... someone um... opened the bathroom door on my face... I uh.. I um... I busted my nose, see?" He pointed to the little blood stain on his shirt.

"Oh my god man. Damn careless people! People really need to be more considerate" Justin was a little angry.

"No its okay though. It was my fault. I walked right into the door as it swung open." He giggled a little, trying to reassure them and not wanting to put any blame on Marc.

"Yeah, but still, people should really watch out. Theres other people out there, you know." Justin tried to argue his point.

"No, I'm really okay with it. I mean and Marc really helped me get cleaned up and helped stop the bleeding. He felt really bad about the whole thing. It was my fault really." JC argued back, not really wanting to argue with Justin anyways.

"Oh... it was Marc?" Justin asked, face lighting up. Almost instantly he forgot any anger he had been feeling and realized it. "Okay, so I guess its okay for Marc to do that as stupid as it may sound," he thought. "So you finally got to meet him?" he added in.

"Well... um... he um..." JC stumbled. "Shit... shit... shit... shit... what do I say?" he thought.

"He...?" Justin trailed in questioningly.

"We didn't exactly meet. I mean he really had to use the bathroom and all and... I guess .. I guess in all the confusion I forgot to introduce myself." JC sighed and slumped in his chair feeling frustrated and depressed.

"Well I was thinking... that boy is really sweet and he's so far from home. I bet he hasn't had a home cooked meal in a while. Let's see if he'd want to come to dinner tonight." Lynn stated reflectively.

"Cool mom! Do you mean it? I mean do you think he'd really come over?" Justin was a little too excited.

"That would really be great Lynn." JC tried to hide his own excitement.

"Well I really should be heading back to work. Thank you for lunch Josh. I'll ask him a little later. I do hope he'll come over. He really needs to make more friends while he's here." With that Lynn got up and headed out the break room.

Both boys got up and followed her out. They said their goodbyes and made their way to the parking lot, occasionally stopping to greet people.

Justin broke the silence. "So, that'll be really cool if Marc comes to dinner tonight, won't it." He kind of wanted to see if he could get JC to fess up to being gay. He figured it would make it all the easier for him to come out to JC.

"Yeah, really cool, get to finally meet him," JC added in mindlessly. He was reeling in the thoughts of having Marc over at their house.

"So... he seems like a nice guy... I have yet to meet him though, but still... he still seems like a nice guy." Justin was struggling a little trying to think of things to say. "Thats a first Justin, can't think of anything to say?" he thought.

"Mmmmm yeah, nice guy," JC was still off in lala land thinking of Marc.

"A guy that nice probably has some equally hot girlfriend though," he spit out, noticing just how lost in thought JC looked.

"What? Girlfriend? I hope he doesn't... um... er... I mean I don't think he doesn't... don't think he has a girlfriend." JC started babbling again. "YES! Just dig yourself a huge hole and anounce to the world that you're a huge fucking FAG! Go ahead and gross Justin out with your faggy crap you LOSER!" JC cursed himself inwardly.

"Um... well I don't think he does... and if he did I wouldn't care... well it wouldn't matter because... because its normal to like girls and all and well maybe he does have a girlfriend but thats besides... and if he did well she better treat him nice... cuz he's a nice guy... and nice guys deserve to be with nice people and..." JC couldn't stop babbling.

"SHOOT ME! SHOOT ME NOW!" JC thought to himself, his mouth wouldn't stop moving.

"Yeah, nice people like you and me people... I mean not that I would want to hook up with him or anything like that because... well maybe if he was a nice girl... but he's a guy I think nice guy's should have nice people... um girls... and..." JC's mouth just wouldn't quit.

"Oh gee? Would you look at the time? I really should be getting home." Justin made a dash for his car. He started his car and giggled a little realizing the cord he had struck with JC. "That boy has it bad," he sang to himself, smiling.

JC got in his car cursing himself. "Told you you'd scare him away with all your faggy crap. If he didn't pick up on it then I might as well tell him now. As if it wasn't already obvious." He headed home hoping Justin wouldn't be there.

He pulled up behind Justin's M-class. "Okay boy, now or never, maybe, if he's not too grossed out with you being the way you are, he might actually help you. YEAH RIGHT! Dream on you FAG!" he thought to himself as he made his way into the house. Justin was watching TV.

"Took you long enough boy!" Justin said tossing a pillow at JC.

JC looked at him curiously. "Justin... can we talk?" He sat down next to Justin, not too close but just comfortably distant.

"Sure, about?" Justin was getting a little nervous and relieved that JC was wanting to talk about the whole thing.

"Well... you see... I um... I don't..." JC couldn't quite bring himself to say what he had been wanting to say or feel.

"You?" Justin said staring at JC.

"Damn him. Why does he have to look at me like that? It just makes it harder." JC thought. They stared at each other deeply for a moment neither moving.

JC broke the silence once again. "Well its hard for me to say this... but... I guess I just need to get it off my chest... don't feel... and I want you to be comfortable... but... its .. its just that I'm... I'm..."


Hehehehe... so am I just a penis or what? Okay... so was he gonna tell him... is he gonna tell him? What about Marc? Hmmmm... hope you like this one. The story seems to be getting easier to write now that I have a little bit of direction... whatever that is. Questions, comments, flames, whatever can be directed to my e-mail at vocal76@hotmail.com... peace and adobo grease!

Next: Chapter 3

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