Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Nov 19, 2000


I'm sooooooo sorry for taking soooooooo long to update this. I was busy at work on Dirty Mind Games... but no I didn't forget about all of you faithful (and few) Turn Around readers. There will be some changes coming up within the next few chapters so just hold on. Have you heard that song yet? Its by Boys II Men... I got it off of Napster... its called 'Just Hold On' really nice song... um... where was I? Oh yeah... so I have some developments coming up in the next few chapters... I know, I know I've dragged it for like 12 chapters already and the only couple is Christina and Britney... um... did I say that out loud... well that does happen in this chapter... just kidding. Hopefully I'll have chapter 13 out without making you guys wait too long. And hopefully I'll have Dirty Mind Games updated and finished within this week. Thanks all for putting up with me and reading this!


EVIL DISCLAIMER: Know them? I don't Homosexual? I wish. <18? Don't read. Homophobe? Leave. Cover it all? Good! Enjoy? You better.

Turn Around Part XII ============================================================================

"Yeah and we wouldn't have to come back if you didn't spill your soda all over me Joey." Chris yelled as the door flew open.

Marc and JC's eyes immediately shot open at the sound. Nervously and frantically they managed to compose themselves.

"Um... I'm gonna take this call out back." Marc said as he picked up his cell and ran to the patio.

JC nodded and ran to greet the other guys.

"Hey guys! Perfect timing! What are you doing back so soon? Thought you were gonna watch a movie or kick it with Chrissy or something. Wonderful timing! I'm gonna go upstairs and change... I need to run... walk... um... swim... jog or something..." JC spat out quickly then turned and ran up the stairs to his room in frustration.

Justin looked at the other guys and then ran up after JC. The rest of the guys shrugged and looked back at Justin questioningly. He made his way into JC's room and closed the door.

"Josh, what happened?" Justin sat the frantic, frustrated JC down on his bed and took a seat next to him. He gently held his hand for comfort.

JC rested his head on Justin's shoulder. "We were gonna kiss. I'm sure of it... and we were so close... and I closed my eyes... and his eyes were closed... and I could feel his breath... and it sent shivers up my spine... and... and... and... and... and then his phone rang... and then... and then he wasn't gonna answer it and we... we were gonna kiss... and then Chris barged through the front door and we got scared... and... Justin... I don't know what to do." JC sighed and buried his face in Justin's shoulder.

"Hey, man. I'm sorry. Joey and Chris got into a little water fight and Joey spilled his soda on Chris. I tried to keep them out. I'm sorry Josh." Justin apologized, feeling responsible for JC's depression.

JC sat upright and kissed Justin on the cheek. He sighed and stood up. "Thanks Justin. I was so close. I think. I want to believe... but..."

"Don't worry. Josh, just let it happen. If its meant to happen then it will. And I believe it will." Justin smiled. "Come on. Let's go downstairs with the rest of the dorks. Where's Marc anyways?"

"He ended up taking the call on his cell out back." JC answered as they made their way down the stairs.

"Hey guys!" JC beamed cheerily trying to mask his frustration with the rest of the guys.

The guys looked up at him confused. Then shrugged it off as well.

"Interesting choice of movies you have here JC." Joey commented as he tossed one of the boxes onto the coffee table.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?" Justin yelled as he made his way in after JC.

JC immediately turned red and smiled as he tried to inch his way towards the kitchen.

"JC is in trouble. JC is in trouble. JC is in trouble" Chris and Joey chanted childishly.

"Josh!" Justin turned towards JC and gave him a scolding look.

"Um... I'm gonna go check on Marc." JC turned and ran towards the patio.

"Come back you dork! I know you're gonna clean all that up!" Justin yelled as he chased after JC.

JC ran away giggling, and looking back at Justin. He rounded the corner and made a dash for the patio and smacked right into Marc, sending them both to the floor.

Justin came around the corner seeing both of them sprawled out on the floor from the impact. He immediately burst into laughter at the sight of them. Realizing how stupid and classic they must have looked they joined in his laughter until he stood them both up by grabbing their ears.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow..." JC and Marc both whined in unison as Justin raised them by their ears, ending their laughter.

"Yeah... thats what I thought. I think you two have some major cleaning up to do in the living room. My mom may not be here but thats no excuse to go on and mess up the house like a bunch of 12 year olds." Justin lectured the two of them as he dragged them both to the living room. "Besides you two are old enough and you should know better than to do stuff like that."

Justin entered the living room with JC and Marc in tow by their ears, much to the amazement and entertainment of the rest of the group. The rest of the group started laughing seeing JC and Marc caught under Justin's grip.

"I'd shut up or the rest of you are gonna be joining them." Justin gave them all a scolding look before releasing Marc and JC. "Now tidy this up cuz we're not leaving til I see all this cleaned up." Justin stood there tapping his foot as JC and Marc rubbed their sore ears.

"Yes, mom!" JC and Marc answered in unison before breaking out into another fit of giggles.

"Hello... I'm male... a guy... a man... whats with this mom shit?" Justin threw them another scolding look, silencing them. Then he turned them both and slapped both their asses. "Sinong tatay mo!!!!!" It was his turn to laugh. "I said that right, right Marc? I didn't want to sound all stupid when I said it."

"Hahaha... very funny Justin... man... teach you one Filipino phrase and you go and pervert it already." Marc said sarcastically as he rubbed his bottom.

"Hey Marc, if your tush is sore I'll rub it for you." Britney threw in teasingly.

JC threw her a death stare which brought forth laughter from Lance. He was silenced when JC threw the same stare at him too.

"What... I thought it was funny... sheeesh." Lance crossed his arms and pouted in the recliner.

"You know... I'd have to volunteer to rub that tush too... its rather shapely." Christina chimed in.

"Um... can we leave my ass alone please?" Marc turned his rear away from the crowd as he blushed causing the rest of them to laugh.

"But its soooooooo nice and perfect. Just look at it." Britney stood up and started walking over towards Marc. Marc turned and hid behind JC.

"Josh... stop her." Marc whined as he peered around JC as Britney kept advancing towards them.

"Brit... leave them alone. They really need to get this cleaned up. So the rest of you all go hang out in the kitchen or something." Justin interceded and ushered the rest of them into the kitchen.

"Awwwwww... you're no fun Justin. Party pooper." Britney threw in sticking out her tongue.

"Ooooh that boy's got it going on. Asian guys are soooooo hot. Man... if I didn't already have a boyfriend..." Christina said as she sat herself down at the table.

"Even if you didn't have a boyfriend you wouldn't..." Justin started telling her before she cut him off.

"I wouldn't what?" She looked over at him sternly.

"You wouldn't stand a chance cuz he's a school head and he wouldn't have time for a girlfriend anyways." Justin defended.

"Yeah... cuz JC's always hogging him up." Chris snickered from across the table.

"They just have alot in common." Justin defended as he glared at Chris.

"Like what? Just cuz they're the same age..." Joey jumped to Chris's defense.

"And they both like the same music, and they both like to sing, and they both like to dance." Justin started getting a little angry as he defended Marc and JC's relationship.

"And Marc's into school, and Marc's totally into cars, and Marc is very active in the Filipino Community. Things that are totally not JC." Chris shot back at Justin.

"And Marc's cute... and JC's... well... he's JC." Britney threw in as she joined Chris and Joey in ganging up on Justin. "Not only that... Marc's definitely got an ass... JC's is way tooooo skinny." She giggled as she looked at Justin teasingly.

Justin opened his mouth to say something. He was actually going to defend JC's looks but didn't want to out himself to Chris, Joey, and Christina yet and ended up shutting up.

"Hey guys, its not everyday that we meet people that aren't so caught up with who we are. I mean Marc doesn't seem to be so overwhelmed by us that he is constantly worshipping us. And when we do meet people like him they're usually girls and Chris and Joey end up hogging them up anyways. So let JC have his fun with his new friend and leave him alone." Lance jumped in on Justin's side which amazed even Justin. Leave it to Lance to have his head on straight.

"Thank you Lance!" Justin cried as he stuck his tongue back out at Britney signifying his victory. He knew none of the others would argue with Lance on this. Lance tended to strike a cord when he got serious like that.

"Yes, dad!" Chris and Joey spat out defeatedly, rolling their eyes.

"I'm serious here guys," Lance said sternly. "Even when new friends are guys you two tend leave us out. And the minute one of us other than you makes a friend you two try to smother them with your antics. Let JC have his fun with Marc. They get along beautifully and you know how akward JC can get with new people and its not happening with Marc. So let them be." Lance continued lecturing the two of them.

"Fine, fine. I'll let off." Chris resigned and slumped in his chair.

"Fine, me too." Joey did the same and crossed his arms and pouted.

"Um... all clean." JC and Marc came bounding into the room giggling.

"You sure?" Justin asked a little skeptical.

"Yup." JC and Marc exchanged glances and began giggling again.

"I'm gonna go inspect it and if..." Justin started before JC cut him off.

"Go see for yourself." He spat out before breaking into another fit of schoolgirl giggles with Marc. Justin walked out and went to double check if they cleaned up.

"What is so funny?" Chris finally spat out as he cast them both an annoyed and curious look.

"I dunno... just... I dunno..." Marc said before breaking into a fit of giggles with JC again.

"Whatever." Chris said annoyed. It seemed like he was a little peeved from Lance's lecture.

"Man... it is cleaned up. Didn't think you guys would do that good of a job." Justin came back into the room amazed.

"Awwwwwwww... are you insinuating that we're a pair of lazy bastards, Justin?" Marc said teasingly before he and JC yet again broke out into another fit of their giggles.

"So what were you guys gonna do tonight?" JC asked them as he took a seat at the table. He scooted over to share the chair with Marc since there were no more available seats. He smiled as Marc sat down next to him.

"I dunno... maybe we'll kick it with you guys tonight." Joey suggested.

JC groaned inwardly and hoped that Joey wasn't serious. He looked at Justin to save him from the madness that would ensue.

"I thought we were gonna go out and stuff? We spend waaaaay too much time around the house." Justin tried to get the rest of the guys to continue their plans for that evening.

"Yeah, we could just hang out here with you and Marc and watch some of those movies you got." Christina said excitedly, agreeing with Joey.

"Yeah, I guess we can do that." JC agreed defeatedly, slumping a little in the chair he and Marc shared. Marc rubbed his shoulders to ease his discomfort and frustration.

"But whatever happened to going out?" Justin whined still hoping that everyone would want to leave Josh and Marc to do their own thing.

"Well it doesn't look like Josh and Marc are gonna wanna go so why don't we just hang out with them tonight." Chris suggested. Lance gave him a death glare and tried to side with Justin. "Or maybe not..." Chris threw in as he caught Lance's stare.

"No, really, its okay if you guys just wanna chill here." JC answered, giving up. He threw the little tease towards Marc as he giggled.

"Man... why you gonna go and do that now Josh. You're such a... man... I can't even think of what to call you." Marc teased back.

"I don't get it." Britney said plainly.

"Chill is Marc's nickname." JC threw in smiling.

"You soooo did not have to share that info you dork." Marc shot back.

"Chill?" Joey asked curiously.

"Fine... when me and my cousins started talking my cousin Brian couldn't say my full name right and he could only say 'Chell' and they ended up calling me 'Chill'. I guess I grew to hate it later. And I still don't like it." Marc slumped in his seat a little annoyed.

"So what is your full name then? You know, you never told me." JC asked timidly.

"Why, so you can make fun of me some more?" Marc shot back, faking anger.

"No... for um... future reference." JC smiled back.

"Yeah, I wanna know what your full name is too." Justin agreed with JC and tried to help him coax it out of Marc.

"Yeah, please, pretty please with cherries on top." JC gave Marc his best lost puppy eyes and pouty face as he hung all over Marc.

"Fine... you suck Josh." Marc told him.

"Only for you baby." JC smiled back teasingly as he stuck his tongue out at Marc.

"So you gonna tell us or what? We know your boyfriend wants to know." Joey spat out before busting out into laughter with Chris. Lance and Britney laughed uneasily with them to try to jump in on the joke.

"You guys aren't funny... funny looking... but definitely NOT funny." JC glared at them.

"So you gonna tell us Marc?" Christina asked curiously.

"Fine... its..." Marc mumbled his name under his breath.

"What was that? I didn't quite hear that." Justin teased, as he tried to coax Marc to repeat himself. "Unless you want me to pull you by your ears again Chill." Justin burst into laughter quickly followed by everyone else.

"Fine... its Marcello Dela Cruz Arcino." Marc turned away from the group and stared off towards the ceiling.

"I think its a... its a beautiful name." JC turned Marc's face towards his and smiled. He immediately became lost in Marc's eyes.

"Ooooooooooooooh... I think its a beautiful name..." Chris teased in his best girlie voice.

"You're such an ass Chris." Britney punched Chris in the arm for being such an ass.

"Owwwwww... you hit like a girl." Chris teased Britney.

"And you act like one!" Lance shot back pulling everyone into laughter with him.

Marc and JC stared at each other dazed, faces slightly flushed. They smiled and joined the group in laughing at whatever joke they had missed.

"Um... let's go watch the movie then?" Marc got up and took JC's hand to stand him up. He led JC back to the living room. Everyone followed eventually.

"So which movie? Gay psycho guy or slutty grown up Adam's Family chick?" Joey asked everyone.

"Slutty grown up Adam's Family chick!" Everyone called. Joey searched for the tape but couldn't find it.

"Um... its already in there. You have to rewind it though." JC shared as he leaned up on Marc from their place on the floor.

They started the movie and for the most part everyone watched quietly. There were a few giggles here and there. Joey let out an 'eeeeeeew gross' when he saw two of the guys kiss.

"Hey, its only a movie." Marc defended as he tensed up a little.

"Yeah... but thats just wrong." Joey added in.

"Would hate to see what you'd do if you really saw two guys kissing." Marc muttered uneasily.

"You're such an asshole Joey." JC looked over at Joey and slung his arm over Marc's shoulder. He pulled him closer til he eased up a little. Marc turned to face JC and smiled a little before relaxing a bit more.

"Yeah, you'd think you'd be a little more open." Britney scolded after she hit him upside the head with a throw pillow.

"Ow... what was that for?" Joey argued with Britney.

"SHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I'm trying to watch the movie!" Chris silenced them after hitting Joey upside the head too.

Justin turned to see Marc leaning up against JC. He smiled and JC caught him staring and smiled back. Justin gave JC a thumbs up before turning his eyes back to the TV.

By the time the movie ended JC and Marc had fallen asleep on each other again. Joey looked up to see them leaning on each other, eyes closed, mouths slightly open. JC still had his arm draped over Marc's shoulder and Marc had his head resting on JC's shoulder. JC had tilted his head to rest it on top of Marc's.

"Oooooooh... lets take some blackmail pics of them." Joey suggested, eager to wreak some havoc.

"Um... let's not." Justin suggested as he walked over to wake them up. Chris stopped him.

"Come on Justypoo... it'll be fun. Don't be a party pooper." Chris whined teasingly.

"How about no. Don't you guys think before you do stuff?" Lance scolded.

"Obviously not." Justin agreed with Lance.

"What? We do to think before we do stuff." Joey defended.

"Yeah..." Chris agreed.

"Then did you think about what would happen to JC's career, not to mention ours if pictures like that were to ever surface somewhere?" Lance began lecturing the two again.

"Oh yeah, huh?" Chris scratched his head realizing it would've been a stupid thing to do regardless of how funny it could've been.

"Yeah... exactly." Justin agreed with Lance and mocked Chris.

"Well it would've been funny." Chris defended as he let Justin pass. He stomped up the stairs annoyed to get ready for bed.

Joey, Lance, Christina, and Britney took that as their cue to leave as well. They said their goodbyes and made their way out the door.

"Josh, wake up." Justin lightly shook JC and he began to stir.

"Huh?" He stretched out a little and saw Marc still resting up against him. He smiled down at him. He lightly shook Marc to wake him up too.

Justin looked down at them and smiled before he too headed upstairs.

"Hey... wake up baby." JC smiled as he nudged Marc to wake up.

"Guess I fell asleep again." Marc giggled as he snuggled up to JC.

"Hey... u need to wake up." JC nudged Marc again and joined him giggling. "You have work early tomorrow." JC smiled when he saw Marc's pouty, baby face.

"I don't wanna..." Marc whined as he snuggled up to JC again. "I'm gonna miss my pillow if I go." He smiled a little as he snuggled up closer.

"You could spend the night..." JC whispered to him hoping desperately that Marc would agree.

"I could..." Marc began to say. He was met by a huge smile from JC. "But I don't have any extra clothes and you're right, I do have to work tomorrow." Marc said a little pouty and whiny.

"I could let you borrow a shirt and some pants or something..." JC suggested eagerly waiting for a yes from Marc.

"You just want me to get in your pants." Marc stood up and burst into laughter. He helped JC get up.

"I..." JC took Marc's hand as Marc helped him get up. He joined Marc in laughter. "You're such a dork."

"Only for you babe." Marc shot back. "But I should go. Um... I'll call you tomorrow?" Marc looked at JC curiously.

JC was off in a happy daze from Marc calling him babe. It was a first in the week that they had spent together.

"Earth to Josh." Marc waved his hand in front of JC's face. "You there man?"

JC came out of his daze a little startled. "Um... huh?" He scratched his head nervously.

"You spaced out on me babe." Marc giggled as he gave JC a goodbye hug. "But do you want me to call you tomorrow?" He asked, still clutching JC.

"Yeah, I'd like that." JC held him tighter and breathed in the scent of his hair. "Am I gonna see you tomorrow?" He asked as they pulled away.

"I don't know." Marc frowned with JC. "I have to go to practice right after work. I think its the same thing on Thursday too."

"But you'll call?" JC asked still frowning.

"Yeah... do you... um..." Marc hesitated asking what was on his mind.

"Yeah, can you call me and tell me that you got home safe and stuff?" JC finished it for him smiling.

"Yeah... um... I had a good time tonight... um... even if we were mostly just sleeping anyways." Marc smiled at JC as he slowly and hesitantly made his way out the door.

"Me too... I really enjoy you being around and... um... I like your company... and I hope we um... get to spend more time together and stuff." JC pulled Marc in for another brief hug. "But you'll call tomorrow, right?" He asked again.

"Yeah. I won't forget." Marc reassured him. "I um... better get going though..." Marc turned and walked off towards his car. JC smiled and watched him drive off before closing the door. He rested his head against the door and sighed.

"So?" Justin's voice startled JC to attention.

JC turned around and smiled at him. "I don't know, what do you think?"

"Don't ask me that you fool." Justin smiled at him.

"He called me babe." JC said smiling as he started up the steps.

Justin ran after him and followed him into his room. "He what????"

JC nonchalantly changed into sleep clothes in front of Justin. "I said he called me babe." JC repeated plainly.

"Josh! And you're not excited????" Justin was practically jumping up and down again.

"Okay, okay." JC smiled and threw himself on his bed. He sprawled out and sighed his lovesick sigh. He giggled and turned to look at Justin. "I spaced out from the shock of hearing him call me baby." He burst into giggles again.

"You and Marc are way to giggly together." Justin stated. He scooted JC over and lay next to him. "I was getting some serious pinging. Especially how he kinda got upset when Joey made his stupid comment."

"Justin, do you think that they think I'm gay... or know I'm gay?" JC turned and looked at Justin seriously.

"Naw, Chris and Joey are too dense to even think that one of us would be like that. Christina might pick up on it, but she's not gonna say anything and if she does she'll tell Britney and Britney will tell Lance and Lance will tell me anyways." Justin reassured him. They both laughed a little.

The phone rang and JC picked it up. His face immediately lit up. Justin knew it was Marc just from JC's smile. A few minutes later JC hung up with a smile still on his face. He sighed again and smiled at Justin.

"JOSH I AM SO GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!!!!!" Chris's yell startled the both of them.

"What the hell is that all about?" Justin asked curiosly.

"I think Chris found the popcorn in his pillow." JC said giggling.

"The what????" Justin sat up and stared at JC.

JC laughed and shushed Justin. "We couldn't find trash bags so we used the next best thing." JC smiled.

"Chris's pillow? That was so wrong Josh." Justin looked at him seriously for a bit. "But it was clever as hell. I'll go deal with him. You get your rest."

Justin left the room to deal with Chris. JC fell asleep with a smile on his face, happy at the days events.

Wednesday and Thursday came and went. JC and Marc didn't really get to see too much of each other either day. Thursday night Marc called JC.

"So what are you doing?" Marc asked. He was shuffling around with something on the other line.

"I'm laying here in my bed, talking to you after I anxiously awaited your call the whole entire loooooooong loooooooong day." JC said smiling.

"You're such a dork, you know that babe." Marc teased over the phone.

"So..." JC said teasingly. "You still owe me a sleepover." He threw at Marc hoping Marc would come over.

"You want me to come over? Um... cuz I was getting clothes and stuff ready and... um..." Marc replied, hesitation in his voice. "And then we could leave together tomorrow morning for my auntie's Fil-Am thing." He added in, still hesitating.

"Um... how about I go over there? And... um... its not really that late... and maybe we can catch a movie... or I can bring something over or... um... and then we could get the rest of the guys tomorrow or something." JC suggested hesitantly.

"Yeah, um... do you want me to pick you up or..." Marc trailed off.

"Um... I'll have Justin drop me off... give me 45 minutes. Cool?" JC said excitedly.

"Okay... I'll see you in a bit?" Marc giggled, smiled and hung up the phone.

"JUSTIN!!!!!" JC yelled as he threw some clothes into a travel bag.

"Whats wrong????" Justin came running up the stairs and into JC's room.

"Um... can you drop me off at Marc's? I'm gonna spend the night there and then we're gonna pick you guys up tomorrow morning so be ready by 10 and we'll swing by and get you." JC smiled as he continued throwing things into his travel bag.

"Whoa man! Spending the night?" Justin stopped JC and looked in his eyes. "You're sure about this? Are you gonna...?" Justin trailed off questioningly.

"Yeah... lots of it." JC smiled. He watched as Justin's jaw dropped. He picked Justin's jaw up and closed his mouth for him. "Yeah, we're gonna watch a movie... a whole movie instead of falling asleep again." He smiled at Justin.

"Man! I thought you two were gonna.... Man!" Justin walked out of the room annoyed.

JC finished packing and met Justin downstairs. "Um... I'm ready. You still remember the way, right?" JC set his bag down near the door and slipped on his shoes.

"Yeah..." Justin grabbed his keys and started for the door.

"Where are you guys going." Chris called out to them as they reached the door.

"I'm gonna go to um... watch a movie with Marc... and stuff." JC said.

"And you need a travel bag to go watch a movie... sure." Chris teased.

"He and I are gonna head out to his aunts early so I thought it would be convenient to just crash at his place." JC argued.

"Makes sense. Anyways... what time are we supposed to meet you guys then?" Chris asked, accepting JC's excuse.

"They're gonna swing by at around 10 to come and get us." Justin informed Chris.

"Why don't we just meet up somewhere close by? We can all cram in J's car and meet you." Chris suggested.

"Um... I guess we could do that..." JC agreed, eagerly wanting to leave for Marc's.

"Then where are we gonna meet?" Chris asked, delaying them yet again.

"The bank near the Marriot where Marc's staying. At 10, since its pretty close to where the festival is going to be." JC spat out, eager to depart and frustrated with Chris's delays.

"Okay." Chris turned and went into the living room to watch some TV.

Justin and JC quickly left before Chris decided to ask any other questions. Justin dropped JC off and JC made his way up to Marc's. He knocked on the door.

"Hey you." Marc opened the door in pair a sweats and a t-shirt. He greeted JC with a brief hug.

"I missed you these past few days." JC revealed as he still held Marc as they walked into the room and shut the door.

"I missed you too." Marc agreed, still holding JC. He rested his head on JC's chest as they stood.

JC giggled as he pulled away. "I was half expecting some wise ass remark from you." Marc smiled back at him.

"I did though." Marc said, hugging him again.

"Hey, I'm gonna get ready for bed." JC said, pulling away again.

He headed for the bathroom but stopped. He placed his bag on the small table and decided he'd change in front of Marc.

"So eager to get me in bed, huh?" Marc teased. JC blushed at Marc's little joke.

Marc watched as JC slid off his pants revealing black silk boxers with some sort of pattern. JC turned to him and smiled. He folded his pants and placed them next to his bag. He pulled off his shirt and started digging around in his bag for a t-shirt.

"Why not just sleep like this?" Marc came up behind JC and hugged him again. He leaned in and pressed his cheek into his back. His breath against JC's bare skin caused JC to shudder.

"Only if you do the same." JC turned in Marc's embrace and smiled. Marc stiffened up and pulled away. He lay on the bed and didn't look at JC anymore.

"Um... so what movie did you bring?" Marc called over as he flipped the TV on.

JC was confused. He picked up the movie from his bag and popped it in the VCR. He walked over to the bed neglecting to throw on a shirt and hesitantly lay next to Marc. He pulled the covers over both of them as they lay on opposite sides.

"Um... I brought the 'Phantom Menace'... Justin got it for me and... um..." JC told him nervously, he wasn't sure if he said or did something wrong to make Marc change so suddenly.

"Oh, man... I loved that movie... sorry... I'm kinda a Star Wars freak." Marc said excitedly as he pressed play on the remote.

"You too????? I love the Star Wars trilogy... its like so..." JC exclaimed although he was still a little nervous.

"... so cool!" Marc finished for him. They were gawking at each other again. They smiled at each other easing the tension. Marc decided to snuggle up to JC and lay his head on his chest. JC pulled him closer.

"I like this." JC told to him, hoping Marc would pick up on his allusion.

"Sorry... for getting all weird on you earlier." Marc said as he laced his fingers into JC's.

"You wanna talk about it?" JC asked, trying to comfort him.

"Not really." Marc said, voice wavering a bit.

"You don't have to if you don't wanna. Let's just enjoy the movie." JC ruffled Marc's hair. He contemplating kissing his temple but held himself back.

"You're not mad that I don't want to talk about it?" Marc asked, still avoiding JC's gaze.

"Nope. But if you ever wanted to talk about anything I'm here." JC paused a bit before continuing. "I know we haven't really known each other all that long... but it seems that I've known you for years... and the only other person in my life like that is Justin. I don't know if thats gonna mean something to you but..."

"Thanks, Josh... that means alot to me." Marc lifted his head slightly and kissed JC on the cheek before settling back down on his chest. ============================================================================

So... is Marc gay? I still haven't figured that out myself... =) What do you guys think... just kidding... honestly I have some future chapters written for this story... its just about writing what happens between now and then... but stick with me... Thanks.. Questions, comments, flames, whatever can be directed to my e-mail at vocal76@hotmail.com ... peace and adobo grease!

Next: Chapter 13

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