Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Sep 14, 2000


Okay... blah blah blah... this is my first time writing one of these stories and blah blah blah blah... first time posting to Nifty... lets see what else blah blah blah... this is fiction... blah blah blah... don't know the true sexuality... or homosexuality of the characters portrayed... if you don't like homosexual material you know what to do... blah blah blah... 18+ = good... 17- = bad... read on and enjoy (hopefully)

Turn Around Part I =============================================================================

"Awwwww man... do we have to go Justin?" Josh whined.

"Hey Josh, you're the one that promised my mom we'd go, remember? And I know how much you hate liars and all... and being the friend that I am I just couldn't stand seeing you hating yourself and all." Justin had just a hint of sarcasm in his voice as he reminded JC of the promise. He couldn't help but smile at himself.

JC pouted and slowly dragged himself toward the garage. Justin couldn't help but giggle at the sight. He shook it off and headed out after JC. He still had the silly mopey look on his face, but climbed into the car reluctantly. Justin smiled, got in the car, and pulled out of the garage. He looked over at JC, he still had a frown on his face.

"You are such a big kid, you know that?" Justin poked JC in the ribs trying desparately to get him to lighten up. "And here I thought I was supposed to be the baby of the group." He stressed the second 'I'.

"Sorry," JC tried to wipe the frown from his face, "its just you know how I am when we have time off. I just want to have time to myself and do me stuff, you know? And I never get to just hang out with my best friend anymore, you know, just the two of us, the guys are always around us. I mean not that I don't want them to be there or anything like that. Its just... Its just... I miss us, like how it was like before we formed the group." JC silently cursed himself for getting emotional over what seemed to be nothing. He felt nervous about coming so close to revealing what he had been feeling for his best friend. He closed his eyes.

"Hey its not all that bad," Justin tried to hide the nervousness in his voice, "I mean we still have the week to hang out until the Chris and Joey get back from New York, and I'm chilling with you tonight."

He knew JC would pick up on the waver in his voice. He knew what JC was getting at and how each of them felt. He also thought about how perfect they could be together. But he knew he couldn't submit to those feelings until he knew exactly where he stood on the whole matter. He didn't want to chance it that it may or may not be love. That and their friendship meant everything to him. He didn't want to push JC away like that. Plus he knew in his heart that he would be happy as long as JC was happy, regardless of who he was with.

They pulled up to the restaurant. JC turned to Justin before reaching for his door, "So what is this we're going to again?"

"Man! You are getting old, looks like senility and alsheimers is already taking its toll on you!" Justin retorted, smiling all the way through.

"Ha ha, very funny puberty boy." JC shot back.

Justin just rolled his eyes and smiled. "Its a retirement party, duh!"

JC threw up his arms. "Who the hell throws a retirement party on a Monday night? Why not on a Friday, or Saturday or whatever, but not a Monday."

Justin looked over at JC smiling. He thought JC was so cute when he was like this. "Adam Harrow does, and it kind of helps to have the party before you take off for someplace like Europe for a few weeks, for a much needed vacation. You really need to start paying attention to things Josh." He still had a smile on his face. The look on his face went to concern when he saw the frown cast over JC's face. "Hey, whats wrong?"

"Well, all your mom said was that it was a retirement party, she never told me who it was for. I probably would have had a whole different answer it I had known it was for Mr. Harrow." He didn't try to hide the fact that he didn't care too much for the guy. It worried Justin a little. It was Adam that had helped them get their big break when he arranged for them to meet with Lou Perlman so many years ago.

"You still don't trust him since he set us up with Lou, huh? Hey we all thought we could trust Lou too, right? It was all just a misjudgement of his character on our part, not just Adam's. Besides Adam's been like a big brother too us ever since our MMC days, remember? We should be happy for him and plus this is probably like the last time we're ever going to see him anyways." Justin tried to ease JC with his words but it didn't really seem to help.

"Yeah, I hope it'll be the last time we see him." JC spit out.

"JOSHUA SCOTT CHASEZ!" Justin raised his voice a little.

Josh laughed a little, it was funny seeing Justin like this. "Oh god Justin, you sound exactly like my mom."

"Yeah and if you don't quit acting like a big kid I might have to spank you like your mom too." Justin shot a grin back at him.

"Hey hey now. I just might like it coming from you." Josh teased back.

"Okay freak boy, lets just go inside cause you know nothing beats free food and I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." Justin stated.

"What was that about eating someone hung like a horse." Josh loved teasing Justin like this, in a way he wasn't totally joking about some of the homosexual innuendoes he threw at Justin. But just in case he could always use the joking as a way to keep from getting caught.

"Okay perv boy I'm hungry so let's go in already." Justin liked the way Josh joked with him like this. Only deep down inside he had sometimes wished that they weren't truly joking that at least some of what was said was real.

"Fine, but I swear if you leave me alone in there I'm gonna call a cab and bail." JC stated, he was serious.

"Hey, don't worry. I'll stick by you the whole time. And if you start feeling uncomfortable being here just tell me and we'll go? Deal?" Justin said, extending his hand to shake.

"Deal." JC said as he shook his hand. "Okay I'm feeling uncomfortable, lets go home." He had a huge grin plastered on his face, thinking he had tricked Justin.

"Yeah, right! You're not getting away that easy. Besides you did promise my mom we'd make an appearance in the party. As it looks right now we're outside the restaurant and outside of the party." Justin smiled realizing he had pulled one over on JC.

"Fine, lets just get this over with then." JC didn't seem too happy but stepped out of Justin's M-class anyways. He walked off towards the restaurant leaving Justin behind.

Justin ran after him. "Hey, wait up man." JC stopped. Justin placed his hand on his shoulder. "Hey, I'll make it up to you Josh. I'll tell you what, I'll just go in there and eat, we'll make our appearance for a little while, and then we could go. Half hour tops, cool?" Justin looked over at JC pleadingly.

"Deal, half hour tops. You promise or... hmmmmm... you gotta do something... I dunno." JC agreed.

"Okay fine, half hour tops, or I gotta give you a blow job, that should be enough to make me wanna get out of here in time." Justin grinned at JC. He was halfway joking but couldn't really help but be a little curious on what it would be like to be with JC like that.

"Hey, don't suck off more than you could swallow, I mean bite off more than you could chew." JC was laughing. He wouldn't have minded being with Justin like that either, but he wanted everything to be done right and didn't really want to just jump straight to the sex part, he felt that he cared for Justin more than that.

"Okay perv, can we go in and eat now?" Justin asked. JC opened the door and they stepped into the crowd. He smiled back at Justin before walking over towards Justin's mom. Justin quickly followed.

Lynn threw a smile towards the two boys walking towards her. "I was wondering if you two were ever going to show up." She briefly hugged both of them.

"Well mom, you know how this big baby gets, all he wants to do is nap all day," Justin stated pointing towards JC. They smiled at each other.

"Well Adam was wondering if you two were going to show up. He really wanted to see all of you before he left for Europe, but I guess that won't be happening with Joey and Chris up in New York. By the way where is Lance? I haven't seen much of that boy since the five of you went on your vacation." Lynn noticed the smile drop from JC's face. "Everything okay Josh?"

"Um yeah. Why? I'm... uh fine." JC said, obviously lying. Adam Harrow always gave him an uneasy feeling, even the mention of his name. It would always be hard to trust someone that set you up with someone that would exploit you, like Lou Perlman had done to them.

"No he's not okay mom," Justin splurted out. JC looked at him, fear evident in his eyes. "He's just really worried about Lance is all mom. He hasn't stopped talking about him all day because we haven't been able to get in touch with him." This time Justin was obviously lying.

"Yeah, he hasn't returned any of our calls. And you know how I worry Lynn." JC tried to cover for himself, following Justin's example. In all truth they had only called Lance once earlier that day. But Lynn was too good of a friend with Adam for JC to say why he really didn't want to be at the party.

"Speaking of the devil. Theres Adam right over there I'll call him over. He's really been wanting to see you boys." Lynn motioned for Adam to come and join them.

"Thats cool mom but JC and I are really hungry so we're gonna go hit the buffet table. We'll catch up with him a little later." Justin said as he dragged JC with him to get some food. The two of them made their way towards the buffet.

"Hey, Justin," JC started. Justin looked over at JC and flashed a little smile. "Thanks," JC finished.

"For what?" Justin asked him.

"For what you did back there. You know covering for me when I couldn't answer your mom, and for what you did just now... pulling me out when you did, knowing how uneasy I feel about being here, and for everything." JC pulled Justin into a hug, squeezed him a little and let him go.

"Hey, no problem, but hurry up and get your food so we can get out of here. I don't really feel like giving you that blow job you know." Justin joked back, flashing one of his cheesy grins.

"Hey, you know, for that I just might take my sweet time," JC shot back, he shot an even cheesier grin at Justin.

They both started piling food on their plates. Then went to find a free table. The place was packed. It was a total indication of just how popular Adam Harrow was in their neck of the woods. They sat there eating occasionally cracking a few jokes towards each other or kicking one another under the table. They laughed a little at some of the guests trying their hands on the karaoke.

"Oh god! I hope I never sounded that awful. Someone definitely shouldn't quit their day job." Justin faked covering his ears. JC just laughed.

"I gotta go to the little boy's room. Don't take off without me." JC got up and headed for the bathroom, he turned around and shot Justin a smile, letting him know that he was okay. He got stopped by a few people that he knew but finally made it. The door was locked, so he knocked. No answer. He turned around and thought he saw Mr. Harrow making his way towards the restrooms. He panicked a little and started pounding on the door. He heard a click and the door swung open fast.


JC stumbled into the bathroom and quickly closed the door and bolted the lock. He looked at the guy that had holed himself up in the bathroom. "Guess you were expecting someone else?" JC smiled at him.

"Sorry. I must look like the biggest a-hole. Plus I feel really stupid now yelling at a complete stranger." He smiled back at JC.

JC just looked at him. He could see the embarassment in his face. He was slightly blushing. "Its cool, I must've been in the wrong place at the wrong time or something like that. But I like really need to go right now so..."

"Oh sorry man... forgot people had to use the bathroom." He chuckled a bit and let JC go about his business.

JC finished up and washed his hands. Looked over at the guy and was about to say something when someone started pounding on the door again.

"MARC GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE YOUR UP NEXT GUY!" Someone yelled through the door. Laughter could be heard on the other side. "Marc? You in there? If you don't want to go then don't but I think it would be nice if you did. I think you sound way better than most of the people out here anyways." This time it was a female voice on the other side. JC just gave him a questioning look.

"Hey, you could hide in one of the stalls and I'll walk outside if you really want to avoid your friends and whatever stupid thing they want you to do man." JC looked at him before reaching for the door and paused.

"Naw, its all good. Time to face the music I guess." He avoided looking at JC and walked to the door. He placed his hand on the handle sighed and turned it. His friends came crashing through the bathroom door landing in a pile on the tiled floor. Both he and JC laughed at this. They immediately sprung up and dragged him back out to the party. JC followed them out and went back to his and Justin's table.

"Constipated?" Justin asked him.

"Ha ha very funny... NOT!" He kicked Justin under the table.

"Ow.. that hurt!" Justin yelped.

"Sorry J, didn't mean to kick you so hard, you alright?" His voice showed concern.

"Yeah, but it still hurt, don't know about giving you that blow job now." He smiled back at JC. "I think we better get going cuz it looks like they're bringing out another siren to the karaoke box." Justin looked over towards the stage. JC's eyes immediately followed curious as to what kind of freak, as Justin had been labeling them, was gonna try to sing next. It was the guy from the bathroom.

"...Or not... I think I wanna see this." Justin said. "Well, hear this... guy... sing... you know what I mean."

This was one reason why Justin hadn't really told JC anything. He was still attracted to other guys and seeing the guy up on stage made him do a double take. To Justin the guy was just awesome. Justin couldn't really put his finger on what nationality he was though. He looked a little too dark to be Chinese or Japanese, he kinda looked hispanic, but not too much but he definitely had asian eyes. At that time he just had a huge thing for asian eyes. You could tell that this guy worked out too, not that he was all bulked out or anything like that, but he had a nice, slim bodyline and you could see the tone in his arms.

JC looked down at his watch and smiled. "Well I guess we could stay and watch this one last performance." He actually wanted to stay to see what this guy could do, after all his friend said he could sing better than most of the people that had already tried to that night anyways. JC just hoped it was alot better than anyone else that had tried.

He started singing and the soul poured out in his voice. It was the best either of them had heard that night. He poured his heart and soul into Jeffrey Osborne's "On the wings of love." The guy definitely did have talent. He finished and the two of them just sat there shocked. They stood up with the rest of the crowd to give him a standing ovation.

JC looked towards the stage and their eyes met. He smiled at JC. JC smiled back and felt his cheeks flush. He never really bothered to check him out when they were locked in the bathroom together but he noticed how attractive he was now.

"Josh? You gonna sit down man?" Justin broke JC out of his trance.

"Huh?" He was still partway under, eyes following the performer to the bar.

"I asked you if you were planning on sitting down anytime soon." Justin looked up at JC and tried to follow his eyes. "You okay man?"

"Um... yeah... uh... I think I'm gonna go get a... uh... drink... or something... yeah I'm kinda thirsty... I think I'll get a drink... at the... um... bar... cuz they have drinks there... and uh... yeah... I'm thirsty." JC walked off towards the bar.

Justin watched him walk off. "Okay," he muttered to himself, a little confused. He glanced towards the bar and saw the guy. Inwardly he frowned for a bit, then shook his head and smiled. He figured JC was going beat him to it and didn't mind all that much. After all he didn't really mind who JC ended up hooking up with, just as long as whoever he hooked up with made him happy and treated him right. "Good luck man," Justin said quietly, hoping for the best for JC.

"Hey can I get a Sprite or something, my throat gets a little dry when I sing." the guy said to the bartender.

"You know..." JC was cut off by the bartender, the guy didn't really notice JC nor that JC had tried to say anything.

"Yeah, sure, but you know water is alot better on your throat," the bartender answered.

JC frowned a little, feeling a little bit frustrated.

"Yeah, I know but Sprite gives you gas bubbles and that way my wonderful friends won't make me go out there again." He overemphasized the word wonderful. He smiled at the bartender.

JC's face couldn't help but light up at this guy's smile. It just made him all that more attractive.

"Can I get a Sprite?" JC asked the bartender.

"Sure here you go man." The bartender passed JC a glass.

"You know you sounded really good out there. I don't see what you're worried about." The bartender told him.

JC was about to agree when the guy started talking again.

"I just don't like being put on the spot like that. And I don't feel too comfortable performing in front of a crowd like that, especially when I'm by myself." He replied.

Again JC was going to say something but this time the guy's cell phone rang.

"Hello? Um, no, who's this you called my phone. Oh! Lisa. Its me Marc. My god girl you know how much I hate that! You are sooooo lucky that it was you and that I give you special treatment." He smiled.

Josh smiled a little bit when he saw his smile. "His name's Marc," He thought to himself. He felt bad listening in on the conversation and tried to tune it out.

"No, me and Mike switched phones cuz they wouldn't extend my coverage nationwide. Yeah, so he has my phone and I have his now, that way I can still get calls while I'm here. Yeah, its not like we didn't share phones anyways. I thought he would've told you since you're his sister. Awww girl... you know I love you."

JC's heart stopped when he heard this. "Another straight one just like Justin," He thought to himself. He frowned a little, feeling his hopes dashed at seeing Marc talking to who must be his girlfriend. After all he did say he loved her. He couldn't stop listening to him talk though. Even Marc's voice got JC spinning, straight or not.

"Yeah, like in a four weeks. No, I haven't called Auntie Lydia yet. I haven't been down here that long and its gonna take me a while to settle in. Yeah, I won't get too comfy down here. You're coming down too, right? Awwww girl, why not? You know I miss you and kicking it with you and Mike, right?"

JC felt like his heart was going to break. He didn't even know the guy but his infatuation with him was definitely there. He had so hoped that he would be gay or something. Then he remembered Justin. He turned to head back to their table rather than stay and listen in on this guy talk to his girlfriend and let his heart break even more.

"Awwwww girl... you know I love you. Nope, no way, I'm not gonna dis you like that. You're my homegirl, my sister. Yeah, sure sis, I'll pick up something for you. Just tell me what you want and I'll send it out there. Hey, I'm gonna go cuz I have to be at work early tomorrow. Hey, but tell my mom that I love her if you see her. And tell Mike that I said 'yo' he'll know what I meant. Yeah, I'll pick up something for your boyfriend too. Nothing freaky though or I'll have to cut his nuts off cuz he's not touching you till you walk down that aisle and he puts that ring on your finger. Haha just kidding girl. But I really gotta go okay."

"Okay, whew. Just his sister. Nothing to worry about," JC thought to himself. He started smiling again. He was so glad that he hadn't walked away after all.

"Half sister?" the bartender asked Marc.

"Naw, just a really close girlfriend," Marc answered.

"Girlfriend?" the bartender questioned.

JC leaned in a little curious for an explanation. He was a little confused.

"Not a girlfriend like that, she and I never went out but she's always been there like a sister for me. So I just claim her as my sister. I guess it kind of sounds wierd when you think about it." Marc sounded a little doubtful as to whether his explanation made sense.

JC was going to assure him that the explanation made sense and jump into a conversation with Marc so they could finally actually meet but the bartender spoke up yet again.

"No, its cool. I hear you. Thats really cool that you have close friends like that. Keep them, those are the friends that will stand by you in life."

"Will this guy just shut up and serve some damn drinks," JC thought to himself, he was getting really frustrated at this point.

Someone farther down the bar called the bartender's attention. He made his exit. JC saw this as his chance to introduce himself.

"Thank you lady!" JC thought to himself. "Hey..." JC started towards Marc.


JC's head snapped back looking off behind Marc. His frustration started swelling up again and he frowned a little. He looked up to meet Marc's eyes again and became mesmerized.

Marc's friends started walking up behind him. They grabbed him and started dragging him off. "We're gonna head out to that cafe down the street and you're coming with us. We gotta show you Orlando man."

Marc turned to face JC while his friends were dragging him off. "Hey you're the bathroom guy!"

JC looked up at him and their eyes met again. His brown, asian eyes had an intensity to them. JC smiled at him and kind of waved to him.

"You're cool man! Thanks," Marc managed to get in before his friends dragged him out of the restaurant.

JC smiled. He was on cloud nine. He thought it was a little silly that he was getting all giddy over being told he was cool. Especially by someone who didn't even know his name or who he was. He frowned at the thought of not seeing him again. But thinking of how he called him cool brought the smile back quickly. A hand on his shoulder pulled him out of his reverie.

"Hey, I've been trying to find you Joshua."

JC froze and turned around slowly. His previous elation was immediately replaced with a feeling of uneasiness and discomfort. It was Adam Harrow.

"Um, yeah... well me and Justin really needed to eat and uh..." JC couldn't think of what to say. He didn't like being around this guy.

"Josh! Are you okay? I've been trying to find you. I thought you maybe ran off to the bathroom and got sick or something. I know you weren't feeling too good earlier. Maybe I should take you home." Justin was lying again, trying to help JC out. He was such a good friend.

"Yeah... I uh... I think I just needed a drink. I should go home and lie down though... um... you know... just in case it... uh... comes back or something." JC wasn't too good at playing through on Justin's game.

"Sorry Adam, I think I should really take him home though. He really doesn't look too good. But we congratulate you on your retirement and we hope you have fun in Europe, don't we Josh?" Justin looked over to JC and started leading him towards the exit.

"Yeah... congratulations and um... have fun," JC really wasn't good at this at all.

They made it out of the restaurant hurriedly and jumped in Justin's Mercedes.

"Hey, thanks back there J." JC pulled Justin into a hug and held him for a bit. "Its good knowing I have people like you looking out for me." He released Justin from the hug.

Justin looked at him. "Just doing my job. You've been there for me tons more times. I just think its about time that I return the favor."

JC smiled and pulled him into another hug. Justin started the car and they were on their way out of the parking lot. The drive home was quiet. Neither one really said anything else. As they exited the freeway and headed towards the neighborhood Justin spoke up.

"That guy had an awesome voice, didn't he?" Justin didn't really know why that came out. Of all the things that they could've talked about why bring him up right?

"Yeah. I haven't heard anyone that good in a long time... I mean you... well us... I mean ..you know Nsync sounds good... I mean we sound great and all but this guy was like an amateur or something, you know ...he didn't have a recording contract or anything, or at least I don't think he did because I don't recognize him from anywhere... unless he's some international recording artist or something but I doubt it because I keep up with the business and he didn't have an accent or anything and I didn't really recognize him from anywhere so I think he was just an amateur... but his voice was just awesome and imagine if he had a recording contract... but if he was to get one I'd love to write some music for him but I guess I can't since I don't know him and I never met him and..." JC was cut off by Justin.

"Whoa man... slow down Josh, you're talking like way too fast and just babbling," Justin had a evil smile. He decided to do a little test on JC.

"I was not babbling... maybe I was talking a little too fast but definitely not babbling ..especially about some guy that I don't even know and never met... but maybe I would've been babbling if I actually knew him and met him or something... but I didn't and I haven't and I only saw him once and that was tonight when he was singing... and I probably won't ever get to see him again or get the chance to make music with him... and..." JC was most definitely babbling.

"Make music with him?" Justin cocked an eyebrow at JC. He shot JC a curious look. JC had provided him with the perfect target to pick on. He tried to hide the smile that was building on his face.

"I didn't say that... I said write music for him... why would I wanna make music with him... that just sounds like soooooo cheesy... I mean I'd like to write music for him .. if I had the chance but making music with someone is a total different story... I mean I just thought the guy was cool thats all." Cool, he remembered what Marc had told him in the restaurant before he left. He smiled.

"Uh-huh... whatever," Justin teased JC.

JC went silent all of a sudden. He realised he had been digging himself a hole. He tried to look at something else and change the subject. He glanced around the car and out of the windows franctically trying find something else they could talk about. He glanced down at his watch and smiled a huge shit eating grin.

"Whats so funny?" Justin asked curiously.

"We left the restaurant at 8:45," JC still had a huge grin on his face.

"And?" Justin was clueless.

"We got into the restaurant at 8:00," JC was still smiling.

"And?" Justin was still clueless.

"Let's see... we arrived at 8:00, left at 8:45... hmmmmmm... wasn't there a promise somewhere earlier... lemme think... I know I'm not that senile." He was obviously toying with Justin.

"Oh that," Justin tried to act surprised. He frowned a little, then remembered what he had to do and smiled.

JC began worrying once he saw his frown turn to a smile.

Justin pulled off into a convenience store. "I'll be right back." He left the car running and walked into the store.

JC was wondering what Justin was up to and how he was going to weasel himself out of this one. He had been having fun trying to make Justin squirm but it seemed like it was backfiring once again.

Justin came back with a small brown paper bag. He tossed it onto JC's lap and resumed driving. It was his turn to sport the shit eating grin that JC had earlier.

JC looked in the bag. "Whats this for?" JC asked nervously as he pulled a can of whip cream from the bag.

"Well you know... can't have a blow job without whip cream, makes it soooo much easier when it goes down..." He had to keep himself from laughing. He saw just how nervous JC was getting and Justin was having too much fun watching him squirm.

"Just, you don't have to... I was just kidding about the whole thing. I wouldn't make you do anything like that... it was all a joke okay, you don't have to." JC's voice wavered. With as many times as he had fantasized getting blown by Justin he was actually getting nervous now that Justin seemed more than eager to do it. The whole whip cream thing didn't help either.

They passed a park. "Oooooh the park... ever get blown in a park? I could do you while you're sitting on a park bench in the dark... awww... but the whip cream would get you all sticky and stuff... oh! Then we'd have to go to that little lake they have there to wash off... oh yeah and we could go skinny dipping! Could you imagine me and you butt naked in a lake... together??????? Oh imagine all the things we could do all wet and naked..." Justin was trying so hard to fight back the laughter building up inside him. This was just too much fun watching JC squirm like this.

"Justin, can we just go home? I think we should go home." His voice cracked a little.

"Oh yeah! There's a shower there... good thinking Josh! You are soooo kinky... shower sex has to be the way to go. Oh, but what if my mom walks in on us... hey... maybe we can get her to take some pictures of us... and post them on the internet... now that would be something." He was playing this off really good. He didn't want to look directly at JC but could imagine beads of sweat building up on his brow.

They pulled into the driveway and walked into the house. JC started to go towards the stairs and up to his room. Justin grabbed his hand.

"And where do you think you're going mister?" Justin led him into the living room and pushed him down on the couch. "You gotta promise me you'll stay here while I go upstairs and get ready, okay?" He looked at JC seductively and began trailing his finger down JC's chest.

"Justin, you really..." JC was silenced when Justin put his index finger to his lips.

"Shhhh... promise?" Justin began to run his finger across JC's lips.

JC nodded and Justin stepped back and headed for the stairs. He stopped at the living room entrance and turned around. "Oh yeah, and don't take anything off." He smiled and took off running up the stairs. He couldn't contain his laughter when he got up to his room. After composing himself he started digging around in his closet.

"Just run to your room now JC," he thought to himself. He had wanted to be intimate with Justin all these years but now that the opportunity presented itself he was scared shitless. He knew he could run but his body wouldn't get up. Part of him wanted it but for the most part he was scared and nervous beyond belief. He heard Justin coming down the stairs. It sounded like he was talking on the phone.

"Yeah Chris, I got him in the other room. So how do I do the blow job?"

JC gulped when he heard this. He couldn't believe that Justin was talking to Chris about this.

"Okay, yeah, I bought some whip cream. Can't have a blow job without whip cream right? Okay, so just top it with whip cream, yeah, I got that... wrap my mouth around it... got that too... and when it hits the back of my throat just swallow... huh... okay okay... don't cough or gag or it'll get all over the place and be really messy... sure thing... so top with whip cream... wrap mouth around it... and when it hits the back of my throat just swallow... sounds easy enough. Heck yeah this blow job is gonna mess with his head... you know how he is with that. Okay talk to you later."

Justin made his way towards the living room. "JC, you still there buddy?"

"Yeah," his voice squeaked and enticed a giggle from Justin.

"Okay... I want you to close your eyes cuz I'm coming... in," Justin teased. He waited a few minutes. "Are they closed?" He peered around the corner to make sure JC had his eyes closed.

"Yeah," his voice squeaked again.

Justin grinned at the sound. He made his way into the living room and emptied the contents of the paper bag onto the coffee table.

JC could hear Justin rummaging around in front of him but was scared to open his eyes. He jumped when he felt Justin rest each of his hands on his thighs. They slowly began to move up towards his crotch. He squirmed a little as he could feel his member grow in the confines of his jeans.

"You can open your eyes now," Justin said as his hands stopped at JC's waist.

JC's eyes fluttered open. He was scared of what he would see. Justin sat there kneeling between his legs wearing a wife beater and his boxers. He looked over Justin's shoulder not wanting to make eye contact and saw two shot glasses with whip cream peering over the tops of both. "Whats that for?" his voice was still a little squeaky.

"That's your blow job. Come on," He said as he moved to kneel in front of the coffee table. He motioned for JC to join him.

JC knelt by Justin. "I don't get it?" he gave Justin a slightly confused yet slightly relieved look.

"You didn't really think I was gonna actually... eeeeeeeew... Josh is a pervert!" Justin looked directly at JC, who was blushing. "Okay you can't use your hands to shoot these. You gotta wrap your mouth around the shot glass, tilt your head back, and just swallow as soon as it hits the back of your throat. Chris said not to gag or cough once it goes down or it'll get all over the place and be really messy." Justin was smiling knowing that he had JC going for the longest time.

"Um, whats in it?" JC asked.

"Half vodka and half kahlua with whip cream on top," Justin answered smiling. "You gonna drink up or what?"

"Justin, thats alcohol, where did you get this?" JC was a little curious.

"Lance and I had Joey buy us some because we kind of wanted to try. We thought you'd get really mad so we didn't tell you... and I did promise to give you a blow job so... just this once Josh, I won't ask you to drink again or whatever... just one shot." He looked at JC pleadingly.

"Fine, one shot, but only because its you. And I'm gonna have a talk with Joey when him and Chris get back. So just wrap my mouth around it, knock my head back and swallow?" He couldn't really believe that he was going to do this. But Justin did give him a blow job, he just had to accept it.

"And don't cough or gag. On the count of three?" Justin placed his hands behind his back.

"Okay. I'll count though," JC stated. "One... two... three."

They both bent forward picking up the shot glasses with their mouths, tilted their hands back and just gulped it down. They put the shot glasses back on the coffee table.

"Whoa!" was all Justin could say. He could feel the vodka burning in the back of his throat. He looked up at JC and noticed he had a little bit of whip cream sitting on the corner of his mouth. "What you been doing JC? Looks like you been doing a little sum'n sum'n." Justin pointed to the corner of JC's mouth.

JC licked it off. "Well... you know me." He smiled back. "Those taste pretty good... except for the burning part. How about one more?"

"And you worry about me becoming an alcoholic," Justin rolled his eyes.

"Yeah but I'm 23, you're not," JC replied, "besides its only one more."

"Fine. One more... for each of us," Justin added in. He set up two more shots and they downed those too, just like the first. They heard a car pull up the driveway. "Oh crap! Its my mom. I thought she wasn't coming back til later." Justin scrambled to get all of the stuff together and ran back upstairs to hide it in his room. Just as his mother walked through the garage.

"Josh? Justin? You two here?" Lynn called out.

"I'm in here Lynn," JC replied from the living room. He had taken his seat at the couch again.

"I was worried about you. Adam told me that you weren't feeling too good and that you might be sick and that you two left in a hurry." Lynn's motherly concern comforted JC.

"I'm okay now... I guess... maybe a little under the wind or something." He tried his best to cover and he was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol.

Lynn placed a hand on his forehead. "You're perspiring Joshua. Maybe you should go up and get some rest. I'm going to get the thermometer so I can check your temperature." Josh was as much as son to her as Justin was, after all he had been living with them for the past few years and the attachment developed naturally.

"I'm okay, really Lynn. But I think I should go up and get some rest anyways." He started to get up but the two shots he had taken made him a little tipsy. He wobbled a little and Lynn caught him and steadied him.

Justin came bounding down the stairs eager to greet his mother. "Hey mom, you're home early. I thought you were gonna stay out late and see Adam off."

"Well I was worried when Adam told me that Josh might be sick and that you two left in a hurry. Justin, honey, can you help Joshua up the stairs? I'm going to fetch the thermometer and check up on him. He really doesn't look to good." Lynn handed JC over to Justin who took him gratefully. The two started up the stairs towards JC's room.

"Lightweight!" Justin whispered jokingly into JC's ear once they were away from his mom.

"Funny man... wait til I tell her that her son got me drunk," JC replied.

"Who's she gonna believe me or you? I'm her son... plus I can't buy alcohol but you can. So there." Justin stuck his tongue out at JC teasingly as they got in JC's room. He laid him down on his bed. He pulled out a clean t-shirt for JC and watched as JC changed to sleep.

"Fuck! He looks soooo good, sexy. Must be the alcohol talking... If only we could've got wasted and had a night of hot sex or something... hehe... what would my mom think... I should've really blown him... after all I did promise him." Justin was thinking while he stared at JC.

"Justin?" JC broke him out of his trance.

"Huh?" Justin said, a little surprised.

"You were staring... as if you've never seen me change before." JC looked up at him and their eyes locked for a moment.

"Sorry... must be getting to me too... guess you're not the only lightweight here." He giggled a little trying to cover what he had been thinking earlier.

Lynn walked in carrying some tylenol and a thermometer. "Here Josh put this in your mouth." Lynn placed the thermometer in JC's mouth and waited for a reading. It came out normal. "Hmmmmm... temperature is alright, but you were perspiring earlier..." She trailed off. She placed her hand to his forehead again. It was still a little moist.

"I probably just need some rest Lynn, I'm really okay though. I should be fine in the morning." He tried to reassure her. "Yup... be fine in the morning once I get over my buzz," he thought to himself. He smiled to add reassurance.

"Okay sweetie. You just get your rest okay? Come on Justin let's let Josh get some sleep." Lynn turned to Justin and ushered him out of the room.

"As if he doesn't get enough," Justin added in teasingly as they left the room.

"What a day," JC thought to himself. "I guess I just can't win against Justin though. I think he got me on everything I pulled today. I must have sounded like an idiot when I was babbling about Marc in the car. I hope Justin doesn't think anything. I don't want him hating me because I'm gay. I should've told him. I hope I get to see Marc again. He said I was cool. I hope he's gay. He said I was cool." JC smiled at that last thought and slowly drifted to sleep.


Was it too long? Didja like it? I hope so... took me like a month to write between work, school, and life. Writers block doesn't really help these things go along well either. Questions, comments, flames, whatever can be directed to my e-mail at vocal76@hotmail.com... peace and adobo grease!

Next: Chapter 2

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