Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Oct 2, 2000


Okay... blah blah blah... this is my first time writing one of these stories and blah blah blah blah... first time posting to Nifty... lets see what else blah blah blah... this is fiction... blah blah blah... don't know the true sexuality... or homosexuality of the characters portrayed... if you don't like homosexual material you know what to do... blah blah blah... 18+ = good... 17- = bad... read on and enjoy (hopefully)

Wooohooo... wonderful 3 day weekend. But heres chapter 7 for your enjoyment. Hope you like it.

Turn Around Part VII ===============================================================================

"Hello?" A sleepy JC picked up the phone.

"Um... did I wake you, sorry." Marc apologized.

"No... its okay..." JC slowly got up and brightened up realizing it was Marc. "Um... what time is it?"

"It's 12:45 sleepyhead. I made reservations for 6:00 tonight." He paused a bit before continuing. "Um... is that okay?"

"Yeah... so what are you doing right now?" JC asked, wanting to keep the conversation going just to hear his voice.

"Um... lemme see... talking to this really hot guy." Marc joked back.

"Awwwwww... shucks." JC drawled out playfully.

"Yeah... Justin's having lunch with me..." Marc threw in before giggling.

"Awwwwww you suck man." JC said acting a little hurt.

"Only for you baby." Marc flirted back.

"You're too much." JC chuckled. "Um... whats Justin doing there anyways?"

"He had lunch with me and his mom. You were still asleep and he didn't want to wake you but..." Marc was cut off by JC.

"but if I go downstairs and check the fridge there'll be a note... God I'm such a dork." JC laughed.

"So you finally admit it." Marc said surprised.

"Hey... this is the part where you disagree with me and try to make me feel better about myself." JC added in mock hurt.

"Well... don't know about the disagreeing part but... hey... they're calling me so I guess I better get back... but here's Justin... and I'll call you later." Marc said before handing the phone off to Justin.

"Hey Josh, I'm gonna head back home so you better be ready when I get there." Justin didn't even give JC time to respond before hanging up.

JC was ready by the time Justin got home. Justin walked in on him sitting on the couch watching TV. He looked over at him and smiled before plopping down next to him.

Justin reached over and tickled JC's sides playfully. "Ooooooooooh he called you baby." Justin said excitedly.

"So?" JC said plainly.

"So?" Justin was enthusiastic.

"Yeah. S O... So." JC questioned.

"Gosh Josh... hehe... that rhymes... anyways... just kiss him already, he likes you." Justin was overflowing with joy for his best friend.

"So you called me babe before and wasn't that big of a deal, besides we're just friends." JC smiled at this.

"And you and I also flirted with each other like there was no tomorrow. Don't tell me you still don't think he's gay." Justin said still caught up in his own enthusiasm.

JC grinned at his friend's excitement. "Okay okay okay... I think my gaydar was blipping last night oh great gaydar Jedi master."

"Awwwwwwww yeah!" Justin rocked his head back and forth cockily. "Opened your eyes you have." Justin tried to do his best Yoda impression.

"And you call me a dork." JC rolled his eyes.

"What happened? You gotta tell me. You gotta tell me!" Justin pleaded.

"We were flirting last night. I mean... alot... I think at times... worse than you and I have ever flirted together." His face was beaming.

"Oh mah gawd! I am so jealous! How... you gotta tell me man." Justin begged.

"I dunno... we just were... and we were all talking all babyish on the phone last night til like one in the morning. But I kinda feel bad cuz he had to work in the morning and I kept him up late." JC smiled as his memory turned back to the previous night.

"AND YOU ONLY GOT A FEW BLIPS?" Justin raised his voice excitedly. "That should be outright pinging right there buddy."

"Hey... I'm not a gaydar master like you." JC ruffled Justin's hair a little as he teased him.

"So, you're gonna make a move, right? I mean... why not do it at dinner tonight or something. Then you can be happy and I can watch you guys have sex." Justin teased.

"I wanna get to know him better before I do anything and NO... you aren't ever going to watch us have sex you pervert." JC ruffled his hair again.

"Awwwww... you suck." Justin played.

"Um... only for Marc." JC stuck his tongue out at Justin.

"And you call me a pervert." Justin rolled his eyes.

"But I'm not the one wanting to watch my best friend do some guy I've been fantasizing about so there." JC stuck out his tongue again.

"Don't show me that unless you plan on using it." Justin teased.

"Um... no... not on you... but if you were Marc..." JC trailed off.

"If I was Marc what?" Justin was curious.

"Nothing..." JC shook his head and chuckled.

"Anyways... pervert!" Justin said rolling his eyes. He threw his last word in nonchalantly.

"Did you wanna tag along tonight? I think we're gonna watch a movie afterwards... you could just meet us after dinner or something." JC offered.

"Naw... don't wanna be third leg you know. Plus mom's leaving for Tennessee tonight and I'm gonna take her to the airport." Justin declined.

"Man... I forgot she was leaving tonight. Man... you should have reminded me." JC stated feeling bad for his forgetfulness.

"Naw... you were too caught up in your happiness to remember. Don't worry about it I'll just tell her you had a hot date." Justin smiled still teasing JC. He noticed JC's frown.

"Whats wrong Jace? You were all smiles earlier." Justin voiced his concern.

"Is it gonna end up being like this? I mean am I gonna end up forgetting about everyone I love if I end up with him? I dunno if I want that to happen." JC furrowed his brow in thought.

"Hey... we're not gonna mind. We're all gonna be happy for you no matter what." Justin reassured.

"Yeah... but... I shouldn't forget about those others that I love, even if I'm madly in love with someone." JC was still in thought.

"Then don't... try to make time for all of us, and if you ever find yourself having to choose then I'd choose Marc. Josh, he's gay, he has to be. And if you have a chance to be happy with him and you both can deal with a relationship under the circumstances then I say go for it. It may be a long time before you're ever gonna run into something like that again." Justin consoled him.

"When did you ever get so wise?" JC eased up smiling a little.

"Have been always young Skywalker." Justin tried his Yoda impression again.

JC rolled his eyes. "And you think I'm a dork."

"Nope, I know you're a dork." Justin teased before running upstairs to dodge any impending retaliation from JC.

JC walked up the stairs muttering nervously to himself. He looked up to see how much farther. "One floor to go." He sighed then continued his climb. "Almost 5:30 too. Okay... you can do this Joshua Scott Chasez. Is the rose too much... I should've got a yellow one. Yellow means friendship, red means love. Gosh he's gonna know I'm a fag. Maybe I should ditch the rose here. Am I overdressed? Shoot I'm so nervous. Its just dinner its just dinner its just dinner. Whoa eighth floor already. Man I need time to think. I wish Justin was here. Nope can't have Justin holding your hand for everything. Okay here goes." He sighed one last time before heading off to Marc's room. Standing in front of his door fidgeting, he rapped lightly anxiously awaiting Marc to answer.

"Wow. You look great Josh." Marc was astounded.

"Um... I didn't get over dressed did I... I mean I thought I did, but... I mean I could go back and change... and it won't take long... um this is for you." He rambled a little and handed the single red rose over to Marc.

"How sweet." Marc went to set the rose in a cup that he filled with water from his bathroom. "I'll have to get a vase or something but I guess this'll have to do."

"So I mean, is this okay? I mean I'm not overdressed or anything right?" JC questioned nervously.

"Your fine Josh... I mean you look good... I mean... you know what I mean." Marc sounded as nervous as JC was.

"Thanks. Um... You look great too." JC took in the sight of Marc. He was really dressed simple. White polo, khaki's. The polo shirt hugged his body showing off his physique, which was what JC was really checking out. Maybe his own dress shirt and tie was a bit too much.

"Thanks." Marc blushed a little. "Um... cologne or no cologne?"

JC walked over to Marc and breathed in his scent. "Fuck he smells good." JC thought. "Um... you smell fine... but um I think... um... I heard that Eternity is a real turn on."

"Yeah... whaddaya know... I have some of that too..." Marc sprayed himself lightly. "Come here." He looked at JC with a hint of seduction.

Of course JC couldn't resist. "Huh?" Marc responded by spraying him lightly with the same cologne. JC smiled and breathed in the scent.

"Um... can't have just me turning everyone on now can we." Marc added playfully.

"Guess not." JC smiled and they stared at each other for a while before the phone broke them from their trance.

"Phones just have a way of ringing at the wrong times huh?" Marc asked as he answered it. "Um... just when we were about to go I mean."

JC nodded in agreement and laughed a little uneasy as he drifted into thought. "Man what is coming over me? I'm gonna end up totally showing my attraction and things are gonna get wierd really fast. Can I really bring myself to do this?"

"Um... yeah... this is he. Cool. So I can pick it up tomorrow? I'll be there around eightish then? Oh, is that what happened? No, don't worry about it. I mean things like this happen I guess. Yes sir, thank you. I'll be there in the morning." Marc talked excitedly to whomever was on the other line.

"So... I guess we better get going... um... ready?" JC asked still feeling uneasy about earlier.

"Yeah." Marc offered his arm for JC to take as they readied to make their exit. JC was more than happy to accept and they made their way out of his room, out of the hotel, and to JC's jeep.

"Um... you seem extra happy all of a sudden." JC sparked up the conversation as he drove them to dinner.

"Sorry." Marc said grinning.

"No, I mean... thats always a good thing, when you... when people are happy." JC smiled as he almost slipped again into making it a Marc conversation.

"Well I'm finally getting my car tomorrow. Its been like three weeks since I saw it last. I'm sooooooo happy." Marc spit out happily.

"Thats cool. So what happened to it?" JC was curious.

"Um... they accidentally shipped it to Orland California instead of Orlando Florida where its been sitting for about a week til they shipped it out here. Kinda funny actually. But they were kind enough to give me a refund for the shipping fees." He giggled a little at the situation.

"Do you want me to take you to pick it up tomorrow? I mean... I have nothing to do tomorrow... so I mean... unless you already have someone to take you." JC stumbled as he tried to keep himself from babbling.

"Could you? I mean but you've already driven me around so much... I just didn't want to impose... um... how bout when I get my car how about I give you a ride once in a while." Marc asked him.

JC started coughing as something caught in his throat from his misinterpretion of what Marc said. "Dirty fag dirty fag dirty fag." He cursed himself.

"You alright man?" Marc looked over at JC curiously.

"Um... yeah... something just caught in my throat. Um... looks like we're here." JC quickly changed the subject and tried to usher them out of the jeep and into the restaurant.

They got to know each other more over dinner sharing stories about their lives. JC talked about his days on MMC and how he moved to LA for a short time following the cancellation of MMC. Marc shared little stories from school and allowed JC a little glimpse into his family life. He talked a little bit about his best friend Mike back home and Mike's sister. He even went on to compare Mike to Justin. JC agreed once Marc shared a few of his best friend's antics with JC. JC finished up with the whole N Sync story as they finished dinner and prepared to leave.

"So you still wanna catch a movie?" JC asked as they drove nowhere in particular.

"Um... naw... I don't think I'm really in a movie mood?" Marc relaxed in the passenger seat.

"Um... you want me to take you home then?" JC asked a little disappointed. He frowned inwardly at the thought of Marc leaving him alone for the rest of the night.

"Um... naw... don't really wanna spend the rest of the evening moping around at my place either." Marc reclined the seat a little and rested his eyes.

"I could mope around there with you and we could um... watch TV... or something." He paused a bit before finishing his sentence. He smiled a little as he thought of him and Marc alone together laying on Marc's bed side by side watching TV.

"Hmmmm... you're such a dork Josh... but that'd be nice... but I just feel like going out and doing something, just not a movie. I guess whatever you want to do... if you could think of something." Marc suggested.

"How about a walk... um in the park or something... I mean... um its nice out tonight and stuff." JC spoke a little unsure if he was being a bit obvious.

Marc sat up a little and cocked an eyebrow at JC. "Walk in the park? At this time of night? Alone with you?"

JC tried to laugh it off. "I guess that does sound kind of gay, doesn't it." He felt like dying. "Two guys like us walking in a park at night, what would people think." He chuckled trying to hide his heartache.

"Who cares what people would think. Let's go... I mean... if you're serious then I'm down." Marc smiled at JC.

JC snapped his head to look over at Marc. "Really?" He said surprised. The jeep swerved a little at JC's excitement.

"Whoa... eyes on the road babe." Marc gently turned JC's head back to face the road ahead. He could feel the warmth from JC's flushed cheeks against his skin.

JC's cheeks became even more flushed at Marc's touch. He felt that all too familiar feel of butterflies storming around in his stomach again. He apologized for his lack of driving concentration and drove to the park near his house. They joked a little as they walked into the park. They made small talk as they made their way through the park slowly. Eventually they came to the little man made pond in the center and settled there for a while.

"I love this place." Marc uttered breaking their comfortable silence.

"Me too. I used to come here all the time when we were in the process of forming N Sync to think about stuff." JC agreed as he began drifting into his thoughts.

"Yeah... I have an aunt that lives near here, not too far actually. I used to come here all the time to do the same when I stayed with her." Marc agreed. He began to skip stones in the water to pass the time and ease any akwardness between the two.

"No shit?" JC questioned a little surprised.

"Yup... like ten years ago, I stayed here for like three months." Marc answered. He seemed to be lost in his own thoughts as he talked.

"Funny... how we were just a hair away from each other and we only meet until now." JC added absentmindedly.

"Yeah... isn't it romantic?" Marc joked.

"So you came here for the Summer or something?" JC asked eager to know anything else he could find out about Marc.

"Naw... It was around February March... like end of Winter beginning of Spring." He skipped another stone in the water and didn't look over to JC. He seemed a bit uncomfortable talking about being there.

"No school?" JC asked. He slowly picked up Marc's discomfort as he drifted out of his own trance. "Um... I'm being too nosey, huh?" JC giggled a little at his own curiousity.

"Naw... its all good... you wanna talk about something else though?" Marc suggested not wanting that topic to progress further.

"Um... sure..." JC agreed, not wanting to press the subject any further.

"So why no girlfriend? Um... for you... if I'm being nosey just say so." Marc paused before proceeding. He still stared off into the water.

"I dunno. I haven't really been looking. Work keeps me pretty busy so I don't really get too much time to date. I mean sometimes but most people aren't too willing and ready to carry on a long distance relationship with someone who they think can get anyone they want. Kinda sucks being a pop star sometimes. It gets lonely... but its what I asked for so I might as well live with it." JC sighed, secretly wishing that Marc would ease his loneliness.

"But you can pretty much have anyone you wanted to... I mean... you have girls literally throwing themselves at you all over the world." Marc said.

"All I really want is someone that will be patient with me, and that I can be patient with. Someone that sees Joshua Scott Chasez and not JC from N Sync. I mean people don't really take the time to get to know me for me, you know?" JC explained to Marc hoping he might pick up at least a little hint and make a move on him.

"Yeah, that does make sense. You know, for someone that Justin pegs as an airhead you sure have alot more than air in that big head of yours." Marc laughed as he poked a finger at JC's temple.

"Was he talking crap while you guys were out to lunch? I'm gonna have to talk to that boy again." JC giggled.

"He's so funny. Its so cool how he could be at ease with himself and those around him. Makes you feel comfortable even though you're like in the midst of this big time celebrity." Marc said. He still looked distant and JC was still picking up an akwardness between the two.

"Yeah, he has that effect on people I guess. Well if you can actually see past his godly image." JC spit out sarcastically.

"Yeah I know. I forgot about his godly status." Marc joined in on the joke.

"Yeah, I think he has to be the god of dorks or something." JC added in trying to get Marc to smile and ease up out of whatever was bugging him.

"Yeah... but he has alot of good things to say about you, ya know." Marc answered and went a little quiet.

"Really? Like what?" JC asked surprised.

"Just good stuff." Marc uttered with a little smile. He still skipped stones across the water.

"You gonna enlighten me?" JC was curious as to what Justin had said exactly.

"Hmmmmmmmm..." Marc pretended to think hard. "How about... NOPE!" He finished teasing JC.

"So you're gonna make me tickle you to get it out." JC started moving towards Marc seeing this as a reason to touch him.

"Oh... since I'm so 'ticklable'" Marc teased.

"You just know how to ruin a mood don't you." JC said as he stopped scooting over towards Marc.

"Heaven's no. Me?" Marc batted his eyelashes at JC fliratiously. "I can't help my ticklability."

"Now you're in for it." JC rolled his eyes and leaned in sending Marc on the ground as he attacked. Marc was able to quickly overpower JC and reverse their situation pinning JC to the ground as he sat on his stomach.

"So whatcha gonna do to me now?" JC looked up seductively into Marc's eyes.

"Hmmmmmm..." Marc fell into JC's gaze. He slowly trailed his left hand down JC's body causing JC to gulp. He leaned down, almost laying on top of JC bringing his mouth inches from JC's ear and he whispered, "Take your keys and jack your car." With that he reached into JC's pocket, pulled out his keys and took off running for the jeep laughing loudly.

JC shot up. "Hey no fair!" JC took off chasing after Marc laughing with him as Marc taunted him with his keys. He pinned him against the jeep and took the keys back. "I swear you are so much like Justin." He said as he giggled.

"And again... you say that like its a bad thing." Marc grinned.

JC rolled his eyes. "I dunno how I'm ever gonna survive with the two of you. I've only known you for a few days and already you're driving me crazy." JC joked back. "And in more ways than one," he added in his head. They stood unmoving in their current position locked in a gaze laughing at each other.

Marc broke the silence. "Um... maybe we should get going." He shifted uneasily away from JC and tried to make his way around the jeep.

"Hey... hold on." JC stopped Marc who just turned his head curiously. "You have leaves and grass all over your back man." He giggled a little and started brushing Marc's back off with his hand.

"Well if you didn't try your JC tickle torture on me then maybe I wouldn't be all dirty." Marc shot back giggling a little. "Hey man... don't be trying to get any free feels... I charge you know... gotta make money somehow." He started giggling again as JC's hand moved towards his lower back.

"You mean feels like this?" JC finished brushing off Marc's back then cupped his right cheek and squeezed hard.

"Hey!" Marc yelped. "Thats gonna be five bucks." He said as he rubbed his bum.

"Awwwwww... you should be charging more with an ass like that." JC joked back.

"What... so you wanna pimp me?" Marc cocked an eyebrow at JC.

"Hmmmmmm... I could always use the extra cash." JC joked. "C'mon lets get out of here."

"You're dirty." Marc told JC as they both moved to get into the jeep.

"Hey... what did I say? What did I do now?" JC defended.

"No... I mean... you have leaves and stuff on your back." Marc laughed.

"Um... could you brush me off please?" JC bent over jokingly and stuck out his butt.

Marc walked over shaking his head and chuckled. He brushed the leaves off. When he finished he spanked JC's butt. "Sinong tatay mo!!!" He joked as he spanked him again.

"I can't believe you did that!" JC laughed as they both scramled into the jeep. "What does that mean anyways? Seenong... what was it?" JC asked curiously as his giggles died down.

"Sinong tatay mo?" Marc questioned. "It translates to 'Who's yo daddy'." Marc started laughing again.

"Seenong taught aye moe? Did I get it right?" JC questioned still giggling again.

"Yeah... close enough." Marc giggled a little at JC's attempt.

"Is that Japanese?" JC asked.

"Nope... its Filipino, Tagalog to be exact." Marc answered throwing a little education at JC.

"Tagalog?" JC questioned.

"Yeah... theres like a hundred something different languages and dialects in the Philippines. I can't remember exactly how many... its pretty diverse over there." Marc told him.

"Wow. So how many of them do you speak?" JC asked intrigued by Marc's culture.

"Um... lemme see..." He began counting on his fingers.

JC was amazed at his intelligence. It was amazing to believe someone could speak so many languages.

"Um... oh yeah... how about none." Marc smiled at him as he finished his counting.

"You're kidding me right?" JC said surprised.

"Nope... I can understand two of them... but I can't speak them... I get all mixed up when I try to talk. Stupid me." Marc answered.

"Don't say you're stupid man... I think... I think it would be sexy for anyone to know more than one language regardless of if they can speak or just understand it. And you, you speak two and can understand like four. That's amazing... intelligence can be a real turn on in some cases." JC stopped realizing he hadn't even tried to cover anything he had let slip.

"Really? Where can I get some of this intelligence you speak of?" Marc joked.

"Hey man, you're really smart, don't knock yourself on that either." JC poked Marc in the ribs trying to get him to accept his intelligence.

"Yeah... but sometimes this brain of mine..." Marc trailed off and became lost in his own thoughts, unsure of how to continue.

"Hey... don't worry about it. Your looks and your intelligence has to garner a few girls." JC tried to bring him up. "Not to mention me." JC added in his head.

"If thats what you're looking for. I just wanna finish school really... maybe work on that whole relationship thing later." Marc slumped in his seat and turned away from JC's gaze.

"Yeah... but I don't think you should close yourself off completely... I mean... if you meet someone between now and the time you finish I think you should go for it." JC bit his lip nervously as he drove, thinking he had said too much.

"Yeah... maybe... if that ever happens." Marc sighed and shut his eyes.

JC remained quiet until they arrived back at the hotel. "Um... thanks for dinner Marc, it was really nice. And I'm truly sorry for the other day. I never meant to insult you with what I did. Um... did you want me to accompany you to your room?" He questioned pleadingly.

"Um... no but thanks... I think I just need to walk up alone tonight. But thanks for the offer and thanks for spending the evening with me, I really enjoyed your company." He thanked JC and exited the jeep.

JC looked at him a little hurt and felt a little rejected. He really felt like crying and inside his innards churned uneasily.

Marc turned around. "Hey Josh, call me when you get home?" It was more of a request than a statement.

"Um... why... was I driving bad again?" JC tried to hide the hurt in his voice. He was afraid what might end up being said over the phone and if he'd even be able to hear him without crying. His mind was lost in fear and thought over the fact that he might have turned Marc off simply because of the declined offer.

"Naw, its not that." Marc smiled easing JC out of his discomfort just a little. "Just for my own peace of mind. I just wanna make sure that you get home safely. And I'll see you in the morning? Like around 7:30?"

"Yeah, I'll be sure to call. And I'll swing by in the morning." JC agreed.

He slowly drove home. Justin was asleep and JC didn't want to wake him so he lay in his own bed awhile after prepping for bed. He was beginning to have doubts about Marc wanting to be with him and he was all of a sudden faced with hurt all over again. He was pulled out of his thoughts when the phone rang.

"Hello?" JC asked.

"Hey Josh... you had me worried, its been like an hour man." Marc voiced his concern over JC's well being.

Hearing his voice actually eased him a little. "Sorry... I kinda just got home... I um... drove really carefully." JC tried to giggle and cover for himself. In reality he had driven around thinking a bit trying to think why Marc would decline his company further in the evening.

"You really had me worried man... I dunno... I guess I worry too much." Marc sighed in relief at hearing JC's voice.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to get you all worried, but I'm okay." JC tried to cheer up a bit.

"I'm just glad to hear you're okay, I wish you would've called... I've been waiting by the phone and um..." Akward silence overtook the phone. "Um... so I'll see you tomorrow then?" He neglected to finish what he had started saying earlier.

JC's mood lit up imagining Marc waiting by the phone. "I didn't mean to worry you, but we both need to get our sleep." JC smiled. "I'll swing by there at 7:30 then?" he questioned all of a sudden happier.

"Yeah... I'l see you in the morning then... um... Josh?" Marc questioned hesitantly.

"Yeah?" He was curious but still all smiles.

"Um... goodnight... and I'll see you tomorrow." He spoke softly, timidly.

"Hey, right back at you. I'll be there at 7:30." He hung up the phone and drifted off to sleep smiling.

JC woke up early and made his way to the Marriot. He was still smiling when he woke up and knew today would be a good day. He had really wanted to talk to Justin last night about things and tell him how dinner went but figured he'd have time to talk to him after he ran his few errands. He made his way happily to Marc's door and knocked. No answer. He knocked again. Still no answer. He tried the door which was surprisingly unlocked.

"Hello? Marc?" JC called out as he stepped in. He could hear Marc singing in the shower and he smiled. "Man... he just has so much emotion in that voice." He sat down and closed his eyes just taking in his voice. He heard Marc step out of the shower toweling off, still singing. The door slowly opened and Marc walked out half naked, his towel draped loosely around his hips.

"Oh shit!" Marc said surprised as he scurried back into the bathroom.

JC sat there in shock at what he had seen, jaw slacked open.


Hmmmmm.... okay... I'm leaving off at wierd parts so sue me. Chapter 8 should be out soon... really soon. Its almost done, for reals... no BS. =) As always... Questions, comments, flames, whatever can be directed to my e-mail at vocal76@hotmail.com ... peace and adobo grease!

Next: Chapter 8

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