Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Sep 30, 2000


Okay... blah blah blah... this is my first time writing one of these stories and blah blah blah blah... first time posting to Nifty... lets see what else blah blah blah... this is fiction... blah blah blah... don't know the true sexuality... or homosexuality of the characters portrayed... if you don't like homosexual material you know what to do... blah blah blah... 18+ = good... 17- = bad... read on and enjoy (hopefully)

Sorry I took a while to get this out. It looks like I'll probably end up posting a chapter per week. At least thats what it seems like I've been doing since I started. Anyways... I'm trying to have fun with this story so I hope ya'll are enjoying reading. And now to the story...

Turn Around Part VI =============================================================================== "Wakey wakey Justin... I want my M-Class." Brit jumped up and down on Justin's bed.

"Go away!" Justin said groggily as he hid his head under his pillow.

"I know his keys are somewhere around here Brit..." Lance searched around Justin's room for his car keys. "Maybe they're in his pants..." He picked up Justin's pants which were strewn on the floor with the rest of his clothes. "Hmmmm... whats this... " Lance pulled out a list of numbers from Justin's pocket.

"Whats what?" Britney stopped bouncing to peer over Lance's shoulder.

"Whats what?" Justin said groggily as he looked up from under his pillow.

"Ooooooooooh! Looks like Justin's got himself a collection of numbers!" Brit drawled excitedly.

Justin got up and snatched the slip of numbers from Lance's hands. He looked at it and scratched his head. "What time is it?"

"Touchy touchy..." Britney said annoyed.

"Its too fuckin early..." Justin glanced over at the clock. "FUCK! Its only 8:30! What the fuck?" He tried to climb back in bed.

"Nope... I came to pick up my M-Class... so hand over the keys, THEN you can put your ass back to sleep." Brit gloated.

"Go away... I didn't sleep til like 3AM..." Justin whined thrusting his head under the pillow again.

"I told you he wouldn't tell him again... probably playing video games again... Justypoo is such a big ass kid..." Lance teased.

"Didn't tell who what?" JC came in scratching his head. "You guys are too noisy... and its too early..."

"Um... oh... um nothing... yeah... nothing... go back to sleep Josh..." Lance and Britney both scrambled to cover themselves, not expecting JC to awaken.

"Can't now... what are you two doing here so early anyways?" He took a seat next to Justin who was still laying down in his bed.

"Um... we came to bug Justin." they both spit out quickly.

"Well leave him alone," JC started rubbing Justin's back to coax him back to sleep. "He didn't go to sleep til late." Once he felt Justin start to relax he kissed the back of Justin's neck.

Britney and Lance gasped when they saw JC kiss Justin, though it was only on the back of his neck.

Justin turned over and stared JC in the eyes. He smiled. JC shot him an evil look and mouthed for Justin to play along.

"We stayed up til like 3 talking... and I bet he didn't sleep good... but at least things are settled between us..." JC sighed. He picked up Justin's hand and kissed it, then sighed again.

Justin shot JC a curious look. His eyes pleaded with JC asking him, "what are you up to?" silently.

"Um... what... what did you guys talk about?" Britney asked hesitantly.

JC sighed again as he tried to hold his laughter back. He wanted to prove that he could play a joke just as good as Justin could. "Justin confessed his love for me..." JC sighed again. "He must've stayed up late crying after I rejected him." He sighed again and tried to put on his best apologetic face.

"Oh my god..." The words slipped out of both Lance's and Britney's mouths softly.

JC looked at both of them then focused his eyes on Lance as he tried to fight the smile that threatened. "I couldn't love him... as much as I wanted to... if I knew that I've been in love with someone else since day one."

Britney and Lance looked over at Justin who had turned his back to them. He had turned as soon as JC had made his own confession. He shook softly and it looked like he was crying. They looked at Justin concerned, in disbelief that JC would put him through something like this again.

JC stood up and walked over to Lance. "I guess what must have hurt him more is knowing that I've been in love with one of the friend's he's been confiding in for the longest time." He reached up to stroke Lance's cheek gently with the back of his fingers. "Lance I love you... I've always been in love with you... Its always been you... I could never love Justin..." JC said softly, looking Lance dead straight in the eyes. "Please... don't turn me away."

"Josh... I... I... I..." Lance didn't know what to say as JC's eyes pleaded with his own. He closed his eyes to avoid JC's intense gaze.

Justin couldn't contain his laughter anymore. He rolled over spasming uncontrollably, tears creeping from his eyes. "Oh god Josh... I didn't think you could... its too much... and he... oh god."

JC threw up his arms. "God Justin! Couldn't you help me out until he at least pissed in his pants?" JC scolded Justin before he broke down in laughter.

Lance opened his eyes and saw the two laughing. "That was so not fucking funny you assholes." He uttered plainly.

Britney glared at the two as they rolled in laughter. "You two assholes have a sick sense of humor. C'mon Lance... lets leave the two boyfriends alone." She grabbed Lance by the hand and headed out the door.

JC and Justin jumped up and switched to serious mode seeing at how angry the two of them were. They stopped them just before they reached the front door. They were still grinning as they made their apologies. After some bickering they managed to convince the two of them to stay for breakfast.

JC set up the coffee maker. He rummaged through the fridge grabbing whatever he could use. Justin poured himself a bowl of cereal.

"A is for Apple... J is for..." Britney and Lance sang together.

"Finish and die!" Justin glared at them as he poured milk over his cereal.

They both stuck their tongues out at him childishly.

JC just looked over his shoulder and rolled his eyes. He flashed Justin a smile. Justin smiled back and blushed a little embarrassmed with Lance and Britney's joke.

"You two are soooooo cute together in the morning. I'm so glad that you two finally admitted your love for one another." Britney said excitedly.

"Um... remember Josh has someone else in mind." Justin reminded them.

"Hahaha very funny Justin." Lance said monotonously, smirking a little.

"Oh wait... before I forget..." Justin quickly ran upstairs. He returned shortly with a slip of paper.

Lance and Britney looked at him questioningly.

"Here Josh, I forgot I shoved it in my pocket after you showed it to me." Justin smiled, recalling the previous night.

"Thanks... I'd probably kill myself if I lost this." He laughed a little. "Especially with everything that I went through to get this." He smiled at Justin as he ruffled his hair.

"Hey... watch the fro man..." Justin joked.

"So is this a gay thing or... you guys gonna share?" Britney tried to coax them into talking.

"Its a gay thing... so I guess you're gonna have to leave Brit." Justin smiled and looked at Lance.

"Fuck you Justin." Lance said flatly.

"Awwwww... you know he's just kidding Lance... You're not still mad because I LooOOOOOOoOoOoVe you are you?" JC added jokingly.

Lance gave JC the finger enticing more giggles from the Justin and JC.

"So... whats with those numbers Justin?" Britney asked again.

Justin pulled up a chair next to Britney. "Oooooh girl... Josh has this hot date with this asian cutie... oh god is this guy hot... you could bounce quarters off his ass." Justin started gossiping with Britney.

"I do not have a date with him." JC disagreed. "He's just taking me out to dinner to make things even between us." He said composing himself.

"Yeah right Mr. Chasez!" You know its a date." Justin added.

"Are you guys joking again?" Lance questioned. "Cuz if I find out that I'm the one taking Josh out for dinner I'm leaving."

"Hmmmmmm... lemme see... the only reason a quarter would bounce off your ass is because your extreme whiteness would scare the crap out of it... so its definitely not you." Justin laughed. "And unless you have an asian in you..."

"That is soooo not funny." Lance said rolling his eyes.

Justin rolled his eyes back at Lance then turned back to Britney. "Girl... I'm telling you this guy has it going on."

"Yeah... and Justy popped a woody staring at his ass last night." JC added in casually.

"JOSH! You sooooooo did not have to tell her that!" Justin yelled in embarrassment.

"But its true though." JC shot over his shoulder as he flipped what he was cooking.

"You guys are serious this time aren't you?" Britney said disappointed.

"You sound disappointed Brit. I thought you'd be happy for Josh." Justin voiced his own disappointment.

"Well... I always thought you two would get together... I mean you two have always been too perfect for each other." She pouted a little.

"Yeah... what happened. I thought... Justin... what happened?" Lance asked.

"Well I met a guy yesterday... actually Monday... and Justin's being such a babe and is doing his best to hook us up. Thanks Justin." JC placed the plates of food on the table and gave Justin a kiss on the cheek then went to get the coffee.

Britney threw Justin a questioning look to make sure everything was okay. He smiled back at her as he piled food on his plate.

JC poured each of them some coffee. Britney stared him, wondering what had happened. She blew on her coffee lightly.

"So... who's this guy your dating?" Lance asked, breaking the silence.

"We're not dating... he's just taking me out to dinner, to pay me back and stuff." JC said smiling as he blew on his coffee.

Justin rolled his eyes. "Sounds like a date to me."

"Josh, I'm a little worried about this new guy... I mean, this would be a high risk relationship for you... you'd lose everything if it got out." Britney sounded concerned.

"Thats why its not a date... I just want to get to know the guy better... and if something happens... then..." JC neglected to finish and just smiled.

"Josh, she's serious... its not just your career that would be on the line if something like this would come out. What if he tried to blackmail you with this? You can't get weak on us all of a sudden." Lance said sternly.

"Thats gotta be the most selfish thing I've ever fuckin heard." Justin didn't even try to hide the anger that exuded from his voice.

"Justin... its okay... I know he's right... and you're right too. But I want to get to know Marc better, regardless of the consequences Lance. Plus, I already get the feeling he's not in it for money." JC blew on his coffee once more then turned to Justin to calm him down.

"And how do you know that for sure?" Lance wouldn't leave it alone.

"Because he does okay... god... you haven't even met Marc and you're already passing fucking judgement on him." Justin tried his best to not raise his voice.

"Justin hey... calm down buddy." JC reached over and took Justin's hand and squeezed it.

"Look Justin, I'm sorry. But those are facts that he's gonna have to face if he pursues a gay relationship with someone outside of our circle." Britney defended Lance's views.

"Besides at best..." JC smiled before continuing. "At best he'd probably use me for sex... really hot sex."


"Then tell Lance to cover his ears." JC smiled, taking a sip of coffee as he caught Lance's threatening glare.

"Fuck you Josh!" Lance spit out as he flipped him the bird.

"Awwwww... is Lance finally admitting his secret desires for me? Are you finally offering to return my love?" JC batted his eyelashes at Lance.

Justin started laughing, easing himself out of the tension he was feeling earlier. "Hey... you know... if anyone's gonna be using Marc for sex... It's gonna be me..." He sang his last line out causing the others to laugh.

"Nope... I saw him first." JC smiled pushing Justin a little.

"Josh, we're serious though, think of the implications to your career, not to mention everyone else that works around you." Britney changed back to her serious tone.

"I have. So don't worry. And I'll be careful with him. Besides, I'm pretty sure Justin will be watching my back... not to mention Marc's ass." JC added in before stuffing his face to shut himself up.

"So when do we meet this guy?" Lance asked, trying to make amends with Justin.

"Um... I dunno... unless you feel like going to the gym to stalk him like someone decided to do yesterday." JC rolled his eyes over to Justin.

"What... hey... it was for a good cause... besides... I'm not the one that tried to use a cheesy played out pick-up line on some hot guy in a gym." Justin shot back.

JC and Justin related the story from the previous night to Lance and Britney.

"Aaaaaaaaaw how sweet... Justin playing cupid for his best friend." Britney cooed.

"Just brings a tear to my eye." Lance faked wiping a tear from the corner of his eye.

"So when are you gonna introduce us to your hottie JC?" Britney was still laughing at their story and how much of an airhead JC could be sometimes.

"I dunno... how about you guys come to dinner tonight?" JC offered.

"I can't make it... this sucks." Lance slumped into his chair, folded his arms, and pouted.

"Why not?" Justin asked whiningly.

"I promised to take Chrissy to Miami to visit her boyfriend since she doesn't have a car anymore." Lance scrunched his face in frustration.

"Awwwwwww poor baby... don't worry Lance... I'll check him out for you." Britney said.

"Thanks Brit..." Lance said still disappointed.

"Ooooooh check him out for Lance... you know Lance wants to check him out on his own... then we can have 3 Nsyncers ooogling over Marc." JC teased.

"Shut up you freak... just wanna see what all the fuss is about." He flipped JC off for his little homosexual accusation.

"Just kidding man... don't have to get so defensive..." JC backed off.

"This is just great though. I'm the one that gets accused of being the gay one in the group by all our homosexual fans while in reality its our two heart throbs that have captured the attention of millions of teeny bopper girls worldwide that swing the other way... fuckin ironic if you ask me." Lance pouted in frustration.

"Hey... I can't help it if I'm... what was it you said yesterday Brit? Damn! Can't remember..." Justin furrowed his brow as he tried to remember.

"What? Strictly dickly?" Britney answered.

"Yeah... yeah... can't help it if I'm strictly dickly... that was it." He agreed laughing.

"Yeah... but I'm glad that I can at least share this part of my life with you guys now. You wouldn't believe how scared I was to tell anyone about this." JC sighed in relief.

"So when are you guys gonna tell the other guys not to mention Chrissy." Lance added in.

"I think it would be better to leave Chris and Joey in the dark for a while. I mean... all of this is really sudden for me and I think I need to let it sink in and stuff." JC sighed again.

"I'm in the same boat... I mean at least I've had you guys to talk with... but I think it would be better to not tell them for a while." Justin added in.

"But you guys do plan on telling them, right?" Britney asked a little pushy.

JC looked over at Justin before replying. "Eventually, don't know when, but eventually."

"But you are gonna tell them soon, right?" Britney and Lance pushed.

"Why do I just know that this is gonna go on for a while?" Justin rolled his eyes at Lance and Britney. The two of them gave him their best angelic face which caused him to roll his eyes again.

"Anyways... what are you guys doing today... other than waking us up so early? ..Since that's already been accomplished." Justin asked.

"I dunno... Brit was just dying to know what happened last night... thats why we just couldn't wait to come over." Lance said.

"Oh yeah... blame it on me... you're the one that called at 6:30 asking if Justin called me yet." Britney shot back.

JC and Justin smiled first at each other then to the other two. It wasn't long before the four of them were laughing at the whole thing.

"Gosh... will you two quit turning my life into the next episode of 'Days of Our Lives'?" Justin managed between giggles.

"Yay! I'm gonna get to be part of a soap opera now... can't wait." JC added in mock enthusiasm.

"You're such a dork Josh." Justin said as he ruffled JC's hair.

"And you're not?" JC retorted as he messed up Justin's fro.

"Exactly Justin." Britney and Lance said in agreement with JC.

"Hey... is it pick on Justin day or what?" Justin said getting a little defensive. "We should be picking on Josh since he's the one with the hot date." Justin smiled as he tried to turn it around on JC.

JC just rolled his eyes and got up. "Anyways... I'm gonna go shower and get changed and all that good stuff... you three gossip among yourselves."

"Running away? Scared Joshypoo?" Justin taunted.

JC flipped Justin the bird as he walked out of the kitchen. He turned around to flash them a quick smile before stepping all the way out. He hopped in the shower not caring for any jokes that they'd sling at him. He sang in the shower to drown out the laughter he could hear from downstairs. No doubt they were using the whole situation with Marc as fuel for their sick humor. He stepped out running into Justin.

"Um... I guess the bathroom's yours. Brit and Lance still downstairs?" JC asked as he toweled off his head.

"Naw... they went to pick up Chrissy. I think they're gonna try to get her to buy another car." Justin called out as he stepped past JC and into the bathroom.

The rest of day went by slow and pretty uneventful. The two boys lounged around the house watching TV. Britney, Lance, and Christina swung by before Lance and Chrissy left for Miami. There were a few phone calls, but nothing really important. JC waited in anticipation for dinner to come where he could spend a little more time getting to know Marc. He drifted off to sleep on the couch as he fashioned what the night had could have in store for him.

"Joshua... Joshua..." Lynn lightly shook JC from his place on the couch.

"Hmmmm..." He asked, sleep still heavy in his voice.

"I'm sorry to wake you honey but I need someone to pick Marc up for dinner since I'm running a bit behind... I asked Justin but he says he has something he needs to get done... I already called Marc and told him that one of my boys was going to pick him up so he'll be waiting in the hotel lobby. Can you do that for me sweetie?" Lynn questioned.

At the mention of Marc's name JC shot up instantly. "Um... sure... I'll um go get him." He got up and grabbed his keys and headed for the door.

Lynn followed him giggling. "Josh... I think you need the directions to his place. I'll give you his cell number also."

"Um... oh yeah... I guess I do... must be a little sleepy still." JC smiled at his excitement.

Lynn came back shortly with a piece of paper with directions scribbled on it. JC took them from her and headed out the door. He smiled dreamily all the way to the hotel.

Marc was seated in the lobby anxiously waiting for his ride to arrive. He saw the jeep pull up and watched curiously as JC stepped out. He slowly walked out to greet JC.

"Um... hey... Josh." Marc uttered curiously.

"Hey... I'm here to pick you up for dinner..." JC said smiling.

"Um... I thought we were gonna go Thursday..." Marc questioned a little confused.

"Oh yeah... gosh... I must have forgot." JC answered smiling. "Um... so you look like you're ready to go somewhere."

"Yeah... I'm waiting for my co-worker's son to come and pick me up. I think he might have got lost on the way here or something." Marc frowned a little.

"Um... how about I drop you off... I mean... it wouldn't really be a problem for me... if thats okay with you..." JC added in hesitantly, trying his best to play off the whole thing.

"Um... yeah sure... I guess... let me call Lynn to see if its okay with her." Marc added in as he dialed Lynn's number on his cell.

Lynn answered and gave the okay for Marc to come with JC. He scribbled the directions to her house down quickly and hopped into the jeep. She expressed her concern as to the whereabouts of her 'son' as she put it, and reassured Marc that she'd call him to take care of everything. He stole a quick glance at JC while they were on the road and noticed him giggling as he drove.

"Um... whats so funny? You gonna share?" Marc asked eyeing JC.

"Um... um... I can't believe I forgot when we were gonna have dinner... I um... I must've looked like an idiot showing up back there." JC covered.

"Hey... we can all be a little forgetful sometimes." Marc chimed in comfort.

"So... this um... Lynn... is that her name?" JC started in feigning ignorance.

"Yeah... Lynn." Marc answered.

"So is she just a co-worker or is she a ahem special co-worker." JC tried setting Marc up for a little sweat session.

"Um no... she's just a co-worker... she's just a real nice older lady... and she's married and has two sons that are about my age... so you need to get them dirty thoughts out your head boy." Marc shot back defensively.

JC laughed at this. "Hey... I was just kidding anyways. She sounds like a really nice lady anyways."

"I know... just wanted to see if I could make you sweat by pretending to be mad." Marc smiled back.

"You know... you can be just like Justin sometimes..." JC rolled his eyes.

"And you say that like its a bad thing..." Marc teased.

"See what I mean..." JC rolled his eyes again and joined Marc in a fit of laughter.

The laughter eventually died down and the two enjoyed a comfortable quiet moment. JC stared at the road ahead, still smiling in disbelief that he had actually met the guy that had captured his interest in such a short amount of time.

"So... what time do you want to go to dinner tomorrow?" Marc asked as his giggles reached a slow halt.

"Um... I dunno what time do you want me to pick you up?" JC asked back.

"Hmmmmmm... maybe I should rent a limo and pick you up... wouldn't that be sooooo romantic?" Marc chuckled a little. "I get to take teen heart throb JC Chasez out on a dinner date... do you know how many girls would just die to be me?" Marc smiled over at JC batting his eyes flirtatiously.

"Anyways..." JC rolled his eyes at Marc. "God boy... you don't know how much I really want this to be an actual date. Why do you have to be so cute and why the hell do I have to be so gay?" His thoughts caused the smile to form on his face.

"So... limo... no limo... limo... no limo?" Marc asked getting JC's attention as he mimicked weighing his options with this hands.

"Um... naw... I'll pick you up... besides limo's can be a bit overrated for this sort of thing." JC answered.

"So no limo?" Marc sounded a bit disappointed.

"Naw... besides I could do without the limo... get enough of those on tour." JC added in. He really wanted to be the one to pick Marc up for their little dinner engagement.

"Well sorry... I guess I'm not Mr. High and Mighty Pop Star where I can just jump in a limo whenever I want to." Marc said dejectedly.

"Um... sorry... I didn't mean for it to come out like that. Guess I sounded a little stuck up there, didn't I? But I guess... I like driving since I don't get to do alot of that on tour so..." JC bit at his lower lip nervously as he replayed what he had said earlier.

"Well I guess if you're up to driving then that will be cool." Marc said easing up a little.

"Um... you've never ridden in a limo before, have you?" JC asked curiously.

"Um... not really... but I think it would best if you drove anyways... limo would just mean that I'd have to get over dressed for the occasion." Marc added in.

They pulled up to the house which brought their conversation to a halt. JC set the jeep in park and they sat in silence for a bit.

"Um... so I guess this is the place?" JC asked.

"Um... yeah..." Marc didn't turn to look at JC. "Um... thanks for taking me here, you really didn't have to."

"Hey... it was no problem really." JC smiled as he watched Marc.

"So I guess I'll get going." Marc started. He gave JC a thank you as he stepped out of the jeep and headed up the walk way.

JC didn't wait for him to get to the door. He immediately took a short drive around the block then parked the jeep on the driveway. He entered the house through the garage. Peering into the living room he saw Marc sitting contently on the couch as he waited for Lynn. He could hear Lynn coming down the stairs with Justin in tow.

"Looks like I got here just in time." JC whispered to himself. He slowly walked into the living room as Lynn made her entrance.

"Marc, this is my son Justin..." Lynn started as she breezed in.

Marc began to turn towards Lynn's voice when she abruptly started speaking again. She had noticed JC coming in from the other end of the room.

"Joshua... I was so worried... did you get lost... Marc had to have a friend of his drive him over here. I tried to call you but you left your cell here." Lynn voiced her concern.

Marc snapped his head the other way and was surprised to see JC standing there grinning. He looked back the other way and saw Justin come up behind Lynn with a smile just as big as JC's. He shook his head and tried to conceal the laughter that was beginning to build.

"Um... yeah... sorry about that... but I ran into a friend too, and he needed a ride to his co-worker's house and I couldn't say no... you know how I am... sorry to let you down Lynn." JC smiled nervously.

"Anyhow... Marc, this is my son Justin and that over there is JC, he's also a son --of sorts --to me." Lynn said smiling.

"Please, call me Josh." JC smiled at Marc trying to hide his own laughter that was ready to burst.

"I'm going to go set the table up and you two keep him company. Get to know each other. I'm sure the three of you will get along fine." She gracefully made her exit to the kitchen.

"Please... call me Josh." Justin mimicked in a girly voice.

The three of them burst out laughing. Lynn heard them from the kitchen and took it as a good sign. She had no idea that the three of them had already met the night before. Britney came in through the garage and greeted Lynn.

"Whats all the fuss in the Living room?" Britney asked curiously.

"Oh I have a guest over from work. I have the boys entertaining him." Lynn answered as she began pulling dishes from the cabinets.

"Is he cute?" Britney teased.

"He's a rather handsome young man. And he's very well mannered. Reminds me of my Justin." She added in dreamily.

"No wonder." Britney thought. "Ooooooh... Lynn checking out a younger guy..." Britney continued her teasing.

Lynn blushed a little and rolled her eyes at Britney. "And how come Lance and Chrissy decided not to join us this evening. I was really hoping those two would come by. I haven't seen either of them in a long time."

"Chrissy wanted to visit her new beau in Miami... I think his name is Matt. Lance had to drive her since she got rid of her car." Britney explained.

"Well, I guess I'll have to wait for the two of them to come back. Help me set the table so we can get dinner started." Lynn pushed Britney to help her.

Dinner mostly consisted of Lynn and Britney bombarding Marc with questions, most of which had been asked the previous night among the three men. JC, Justin, and Marc cracked a few jokes towards one another which brought smiles from Lynn. She had been happy the three of them had been getting along so well. Eventually the three admitted to their encounter the night before. Which brought an outburst of laughter from the group, much to Lynn's embarrassment for her lack of knowing. JC was more than eager to volunteer driving Marc home at the end of the night.

"I can't believe you put me through all that Josh... I mean you could've just told me that Lynn was Justin's mom." Marc said.

"Hey... then it wouldn't have been any fun then, wouldn't it?" JC answered back. "Plus you should have seen the look on your face when I walked in the living room. It was classic."

"Anyways..." Marc rolled his eyes.

"So what time tomorrow?" JC asked referring to their dinner engagement.

"Um... how about you pick me up like at 5:30? I guess I'll make reservations for around 6PM. And I'll call you tomorrow from work to let you know whats up? Cool deal?" Marc asked him.

"Yeah... cool deal. So you gonna totally surprise me with dinner or what?" JC asked teasingly.

"Hmmmmm... we'll see." Marc smiled.

"Awwwwwwww how romantic." JC cooed.

"Anyways..." Marc rolled his eyes again.

"Um... you wanna do something after dinner? Um... like a movie or something?" JC asked hesitantly. "Please say yes... please say yes... please say yes..." He sang in his head hoping to obtain the response he wanted from Marc.

"Yeah, sure... since I don't have to work Fridays I can actually stay out late." Marc giggled.

"There is a Lord and he loves me... now if only he could be gay too." JC smiled lost in his thoughts. "So you have plans Friday? I mean... we could do something then... um... also. Unless you have something else to do... but if you don't I don't really have anything that I need to get done... so I'll be free... if you want to do something... unless you'll be busy... of course." He realised he had started babbling and quickly silenced himself. Nervousness took over him and he wished he had Justin there to bail him out.

"Sure, I'd love to kick it with you... my sis would be soooooo jealous of me... I actually get to kick it with the Backstreet Boys." Marc said joking.

"Hahaha... not funny..." he poked at Marc's side tickling him a little. Marc laughed which made him tickle him more. It just gave him a reason to touch Marc, which he didn't mind of course.

"Hey... Josh... stop... you... should... you should... keep your eyes on the road... okay... sorry... sorry..." Marc managed between fits of laughter as he tried to fend JC off.

JC stopped as he felt the car drifting to the side of the road. He replaced his hands on the wheels and tried to quiet his own laughter. "Sorry... you're just so... so... ticklable."

"Ticklable?" Marc shot JC a curious look. "Is that even a word?"

"I dunno... but I couldn't think of anything else." JC beamed back.

"Justin was right... you are a dork." Marc smiled back as he straightened his clothes. He noticed the change in JC's face at his little name calling. "Josh, I meant it in a good way... I think its cool that we can be stupid with each other after only knowing each other for like a day."

"Yeah... its cool... how we just clicked... right off the bat." He turned to look at Marc and immediately became lost in his eyes again. He imagined himself leaning in and kissing the object of his infatuation. He didn't notice that his car had started drifing off yet again until someone honked.

Marc placed his hand gently under JC's chin and faced him forward, then slapped him playfully on the cheek. "Eyes on the road babe." He giggled a little at what had just transpired.

"Sorry..." he chuckled a bit. "Guess I am a dork."

They pulled up the hotel after remaining silent the rest of the trip. Smiles plastered on both of their faces. JC offered to walk Marc up to his room again. Marc freely accepted, seeming to enjoy his company. They took their time, using the stairs to traverse the eight floors rather than the elevator. Upon reaching Marc's room they experienced one of those awkward moments.

"Um... so I'll call you tomorrow?" Marc questioned.

"Um... yeah... that'll be great. I guess I'll be waiting desperately by the phone." JC joked, drawing a smile from Marc.

"Thanks for walking me up here again. I really enjoy... enjoyed your company." Marc smiled a little and actually looked like he had a slight blush.

"Hey, it was my pleasure." JC smiled back.

"So... I'll call you tomorrow?" Marc questioned again.

"Um... yeah... you just asked me that..." JC said staring dreamily into Marc's eyes. He started to get that lovesick and lost feeling all over again.

"Um... I guess I did, huh?" He blushed a little. "Um... I better um... go to sleep... since I have work tomorrow morning and stuff... Um... thanks for driving me... um... and thank Lynn for dinner... and... um... thanks Josh." He smiled before breaking from their gaze and opening his door.

"Um... I'll see you tomorrow then?" JC asked timidly.

"Yeah... hey Josh... drive safe... and um... can you um... call me when you get home? Um... I just wanna make sure you got home safe... as gay as it may sound... um... cuz you weren't really... um driving your best tonight..." He tried to giggle and cover up.

"Um... sure... so... um... goodnight... and I'll hear from you tomorrow?" JC uttered a little questioning.

"Yeah... night yourself." Marc slowly closed the door, never breaking from JC's eyes and smiling all the way through.

JC wandered dreamily back to his jeep. He tried to concentrate on driving but his thoughts kept trailing back to Marc. Eventually he made it back home with the same lovestruck smile he wore when he left the hotel. He wandered up into his room still spellbound over just stealing a few precious moments away with Marc. He dialed Marc's number and called him to inform him of his safe arrival.

Justin walked across the hall to pester JC about the drive to Marc's. He stopped as he heard JC's voice carry out of his room through the slightly open door. He was talking in that hushed tone of voice that you people use when they want to get the hook up. He smiled and listened in to find out who it was. Upon finding out it was Marc, he smiled and walked back to his room. He lay down for bed and fell asleep smiling, happy that JC had started working towards his own happiness. Now if he could only start working on his own.


Did I end this wierd? I think I did. Anyways. I'm almost done with chapter's 7 and 8 and I have a 3 day weekend from school and work. wooooooohooooooo!!!!!! Questions, comments, flames, whatever can be directed to my e-mail at vocal76@hotmail.com ... peace and adobo grease!

Next: Chapter 7

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