Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Sep 21, 2000


Okay... blah blah blah... this is my first time writing one of these stories and blah blah blah blah... first time posting to Nifty... lets see what else blah blah blah... this is fiction... blah blah blah... don't know the true sexuality... or homosexuality of the characters portrayed... if you don't like homosexual material you know what to do... blah blah blah... 18+ = good... 17- = bad... read on and enjoy (hopefully)

I'd just like to thank everyone that wrote in. I guess I'm just a little excited that people are reading my crap. =) Really sorry that this chapter took longer than expected. You know the equation work+school+life=NO TIME... which really sucks cuz I really like to write even its not good... and no else reads it. I'm hoping (cross your fingers) that chapter 5 will done by Saturday. Guess I better get started on it then... enjoy...

Turn Around Part IV =============================================================================

"Hey..." Josh said nervously.

"Oh you, hey..." Marc said between reps. He finished his set and set the bar back on its stand.

"You um... need a spotter?" Josh asked, not really sure what to say.

"Yeah, sure... let me just rest between this and my last set." he said as he wiped his forehead with his wristband.

"Even his sweat is sexy," JC thought to himself.

"Um... ready?" Marc asked as he lay down for another set.

"Yeah sure." JC moved up to spot him. He helped Marc lift the bar. "My god... how can such a small frame lift something this heavy?" he thought to himself as Marc lifted it easy. JC looked at how much he was lifting. "Let's see, two 45's on each end, plus the bar is like 45... 45 and 45... thats ninety. Shit! Thats like 225! Damn!" JC was amazed that someone Marc's size could lift it so easy.

"Sorry about earlier... in the bathroom and all... I still feel really bad about it." He spoke between breaths.

"Um... its okay... um..." JC stumbled not knowing what to say. "So... do you... do you come here often?" Immediately he started cursing himself.

Justin watched and smiled as he did some curls. He tried to read JC's lips as he talked to Marc. He picked up what JC said. He slapped his palm to his forehead. "What a dork. I should've just took him off your hands Josh... you are such a dork."

"Um... actually this is my first time here." Marc admitted.

"Well..." JC started, he wasn't sure what to say. "Well it beats meeting in bathrooms," JC giggled a little when he said this.

Marc giggled as he placed the bar back up on the rack. "Yeah... I guess it does." He winced in pain a little as he sat back up. "Ow."

"You alright man?" JC asked concerned.

"Yeah... I think I'm gonna be sore tomorrow," he stated. "Thats what I get for not working out for a week," he giggled again.

"So... you work out alot?" JC asked.

"Usually like 3 to 5 times a week, 2 to 3 hours each session." he tried to stretch his sore muscles. "I guess you can say I'm somewhat religious."

"I'd say you're definitely religious... not that thats a bad thing..." he was hoping that he didn't insult him and he'd take it as a complement.

Marc giggled a little which made JC smile. "Naw... my ateh... um... my older sister, now she's religious. That girl works out everyday, 7 days a week, no less than 3 hours each session, and still has time to work 2 jobs and take care of the family." He chuckled a little more.

"Yeah, that would be pretty religious," he giggled in agreement with Marc.

"What about you? You don't look so bad yourself." He pointed to JC's arms.

"Oh me?" He said as he started to blush a little. "Yes you who else would he be talking to you dork?" he scolded himself. "Actually I don't really come to the gym all that often my room mate over there kinda dragged me along cuz he didn't want me moping around at the house." He pointed over to Justin who flashed him a smile.

"Well, I mean... cuz you're... well you look nicely toned... so I just kinda figured." Marc said a little embarrassed.

"Oh, I do alot of dancing so I guess that keeps the fat off." JC answered, giggling a little.

"Thats cool, really good cardio workout too." Marc glanced over at Justin and saw him smiling.

"Oh, um... by the way... my name is Josh... usually people call me JC... but you... you can call me Josh." He blushed a little as he gave Marc that special privelige of calling him by his real first name.

"Oh, nice to meet you Josh, I'm Marc." He extended his hand which JC grabbed eagerly to shake.

"I know who you are... its not like I haven't been stalking you all day... please be gay." JC thought as he shook his hand.

"Well.. I don't know about you but working out gets me really hungry so..." he got up and turned to walk away. "Nice meeting you Josh, hopefully we'll run into each other again sometime... preferably somewhere other than a bathroom" He flashed him a smile and left for the locker room.

JC went back to where Justin was sitting. He had that lovestruck schoolgirl smile on his face.

"So... did you get his number? Room number? Work number? Pager number? Cell number? Shoe size? Date? What?" Justin drilled.

"Um... no..." JC frowned knowing he had blown it again.

"At least you introduced yourself... so thats a start... and he did say he hoped you guys would run into each other again... so its not a total loss." He tried to comfort JC and bring his spirits back up.

JC smiled a little at Justin's comforting words. "So you still wanna work out here or you wanna go see where else we can get a membership?" He joked back at Justin.

"Um... Josh?" Marc asked a little timidly as he walked up behind them.

JC spun around quickly and beamed a smile back at Marc. It couldn't be any more obvious that he had a thing for him. "Um... yeah?" he answered equally as timid.

"I wasn't sure how long you had planned to stay here but... I was wondering if you and your room mate... um?" He looked over at Justin to get his name.

"Justin, my name's Justin... and you are?" Justin smiled back.

"I'm Marc," he replied.

"Oh... I guess I should've introduced you... um Justin, Marc, Marc Justin." He was a little embarrassed for being too caught up in Marc to remember.

"Yeah... a little late for that buddy." Justin laughed at JC. He laughed a bit more when Marc joined him. Marc stopped and finished what he was going to ask.

"Well.. I wasn't sure how long you guys were gonna stay here... but if you guys are still gonna work out then thats cool... but I'm gonna go grab something to eat... and I was wondering if... if... if you guys maybe were a little hungry too." He looked almost too ashamed to ask.

"Yeah... food sounds really good right now. What do you think Josh? Hungry?" Justin tried to be calm but couldn't help but get excited about playing cupid for JC.

"Yeah, I haven't eaten since lunch." He could feel the butterflies dart around his stomach all over again.

"Do you guys wanna meet somewhere? I have to go back to my place and take a shower and change and stuff but I can catch a ride and meet you guys somewhere." Marc still sounded a little timid, almost as if he was afraid to ask.

"Well we could drive you back... and wait for you to get ready and all... and just hang out at your place while we're waiting... I mean that would save time right... if you don't mind." Justin sounded too ecstatic.

JC glared at Justin and then smiled. He wanted to pull him into a hug and thank him all over again for doing what he was doing. He still wanted to talk to Justin about things and still couldn't help but think that Justin was going to try to use this as another joke.

"Um... yeah... I guess that would work. Did you guys need to change or anything? I can wait while you guys hit the locker room or whatevers." Marc said, he had a little smile on his face as he overcame some of the timidness that hung over him earlier.

JC and Justin headed to the locker room and changed. JC gave Justin a smile as they finished up and headed back out to meet Marc. They drove over to the Marriot and headed up to Marc's room. A few people recognized them but they hurried off before anyone could stop them.

"I'm not normally this messy," Marc said as he led them into his room. He bent down to pick up a few articles of clothing and what not off the floor and generally tried to tidy up the place.

"Damn!" Justin thought to himself as he checked out Marc's butt. "I'm sooooo not cool for letting JC get this one." He looked away quickly as he felt an erection coming on. He blushed a little when JC caught him staring. He sat down on Marc's bed and crossed his legs, trying to hide his erection.

"Okay, I'll try to make it quick so we can go eat... um... I guess the TV's there if you guys wanna watch." He closed the bathroom door. A few minutes later they heard the water turn on.

"You were staring at his ass you pervert." JC laughed at Justin and hit him with one of the pillows.

"Not like you weren't," he smiled. "I wish he would've left the door open... I want a show." He giggled and JC hit with the pillow again.

"You are too much man," JC couldn't help but laugh at Justin's comment. "I hope he's... you know... like me... and you... you're... you know... right?"

"Why can't you say it JC... just say it... I'M GAY," he said a little loud.

"Shhhhhhh... not so loud Justin!" JC scolded. He was a little embarrassed.

"As if you couldn't tell Josh. I just popped the hardest woody I ever have staring at another guy's ass... if thats not an indication of being..." Justin was cut off at the pillow meeting his head once again.

"Okay... um... so... what does you gaydar tell you... is he?" JC said in a hushed voice.

Justin's face scrunched up. "I dunno... I think I got a little blip, no pinging though." He frowned a little. "I think he's on stealth mode or something. I'm not too sure cuz I think I'm too caught up in my own hopes that he might be gay." He frowned again. "Well for your sake at least."

"I hope he's just on stealth mode, whatever that is." JC said a little dreamily.

The water shut off. They could Marc humming some tune as he towelled off. The bathroom door opened just a little and Marc peeked his head out.

"Um... could one of you guys do me a favor?" he asked shyly.

"Blow job? Toss your salad? Ride you?" Justin thought dirtily. He giggled a little. He nudged JC to go find out.

"Um... sure... what did you need?" JC said as he approached the door. He tried to get a glimpse into the mirror over Marc's shoulder but they were still heavily fogged from his shower. He frowned a little then smiled as he realized how he had just scolded Justin for being a pervert.

"I left my watch out on the nightstand... and I kinda left my clothes out there... so could you hand me the little red duffle bag at the foot of my bed... and my watch? Please." he batted his eyelashes a little flirtatiously as he pleaded with JC.

"I guess he kind of can be like Justin, in a way." He smiled again and went to go get Marc's things. "Here you go man." JC handed him the duffle bag. "It kind of feels weird not being in the bathroom when you're in there." He realized how stupid it sounded as soon as it left his mouth but tried to laugh it off. He was relieved when Marc joined him.

"Yeah... I guess it kind of is..." Marc joined JC in laughter as they shared their little inside joke.

"Oh my god they're both dorks... it wasn't even funny. They should not be together. I don't even know why the hell I'm hooking them up anymore. Stupid people should not breed... wait they can't... they're gay... hehe... well at least Josh is... hopefully Marc is too. I think they'd make a cute couple... but what I wouldn't give to... gosh Marc." Justin smiled at the sight of Josh and Marc laughing. "Okay tweedle dork and tweedle dorkier. I thought we were hungry."

"Um... yeah... I'll um... go and... um get changed... and then I'll um... be out in like... um... two minutes." Marc's eyes stared straight into JC's.

"Ooooooooooooh a two minute bruthah!" Justin joked.

"Okay tweedle dorkiest, if you'd quit your wisecracks then maybe Marc could get ready," JC said plainly. His eyes never left Marc's.

"Um... yeah... I'm gonna go back and um... change." Marc closed the door slowly, his eyes never straying from JC's.

"Um... wait... you forgot this," JC said shyly as he handed Marc his watch.

"Um... yeah... guess I did." Marc reached out with his right hand to get the watch. He slowly closed the door never breaking eye contact with JC.

Justin saw the whole thing unfold and smiled. "So JC... you gonna stare at the door all day?"

JC took a seat by Justin on the bed. He was still glancing at the door.

Justin put his hands on JC's shoulders and rested his head on one. "Ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping."

JC spun around to look at Justin. "Are you serious?" He was a more than just a little happy.

Justin smiled at JC. "Gosh you need to get yours fixed damn it." He started laughing and didn't even try to fend JC off as JC began beating him with the pillow. They heard the bathroom door unlock and scurried quickly to straighten up the bed.

"Hmmmmmm... whats this? You guys weren't doing anything kinky on my bed were you?" Marc asked curiosly.

"Um... no... just um." They both said a little embarrassed.

"Well if you were... I have some whips and some chains in my closet... but if you go in there just make sure you come out," He said smiling.

"Hahahahaha... come out... he said come out." Justin couldn't contain his laughter.

"Yeah, I think I have some whip cream in there too." Marc was still joking with them.

JC started laughing when he remembered the whip cream from the other night.

"But... if you two hot boys are gonna get freaky you gotta let me go back to Cali to get my camera." He said grinning.

The three of them stood there laughing about the whole little thing. They quieted down a little. Marc's stomach growled loudly. They all started laughing again. Marc looked a little embarrassed.

JC walked over to Marc, patted him on the back, then rubbed his stomach. "We need to feed you boy," he said playfully. "Oh damn... you could wash clothes with this thing!" JC thought, amazed at how firm Marc's stomach was.

Marc's stomach grumbled again causing JC to laugh as it vibrated against his hand. "Yeah... I guess we should go eat... um where... are... um... we... um going." Marc and JC were locked in a gaze again.

Justin watched the situation unfold. They looked too cute together. "What I wouldn't give man... can't have em both though. It would be sooooo cool if Marc had a twin brother." He smiled a little at his thinking.

Justin decided to break their trance, as cute as it was. "Ahem... I think I remember there being a really good Chinese restaurant around here. Are you okay with Chinese Marc? Its one of JC's favorites."

"CHINESE? Are you kidding me? I love Chinese!" Marc yelled excitedly.

"NO WAY!!!!! Thats gotta be like my favorite food man. I mean... I could eat it like everyday. Oh my god... this is sooooo cool!" JC was just as excited as Marc, probably a litte more so since they had one thing in common.

Marc's stomach growled again. The three of them started laughing again to Marc's embarrassment.

"So what if I'm hungry..." he said as he tried to fake a pout. The giggles overcame him and JC's and Justin's laughter subsided.

JC walked up to Marc and put his arm around his shoulder. "We better get something in there before your stomach digests itself." He said giggling as he poked a finger at Marc's stomach. He headed out the door with Marc. Justin followed close behind smiling at them.

"Awwww man... now I'm jealous... they look soooooo good together." Justin smiled at the two of them as he walked behind them thinking. Marc pulled him out of his thoughts.

Marc held his left arm out to Justin, JC was already in his right. "So you gonna link up... or stare at my butt all day?"

Justin blushed realizing that his eyes had focused on Marc's rear as he was deep in thought. "Um... well... if you put it that way..." He knelt down and stared straight at Marc's butt. This caused JC and Marc both to laugh.

"C'mon you dork," Marc helped Justin, who was still laughing, stand back up. They locked arms, forming a chain. Justin looked at him curiously.

Marc started skipping off and JC and Justin followed arm in arm with Marc. "Weeeeeeeeeeeeee're off to see the wizard..."

JC and Justin started laughing but joined in. "... the wonderful wizard of..."

"CHINESE FOOD!!!!!!" JC changed the words and the other two started laughing but kept the song going as they made their way towards the elevators.

"...because because because because becaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaause... because..." The three of them sang.

"...his ASS is HOOOOOOOONGRY!" Justin chimed in sending the three of them into another fit of laughter.

They noticed all the people staring at them and made a dash for the elevator, breaking the chain. As soon as they got to the elevator they bursted into laughter when Justin's stomach growled. They made it to the parking garage and composed themselves, trying to act a little too serious, then started laughing again as they raced to Justin's Mercedes. The three of them cracked lame jokes all the way to the restaurant.

The hostess was an older woman. She sat them down at a table near the back, away from everyone else, at Justin's request. They sat quietly waiting for their server to make an introduction. They played a little game of footsies to pass the time which kept them giggling like a bunch of schoolchildren.

"Hi, my name is Trisha and I'll be you're... OH MY GOD YOU'RE!!!!!"

JC and Justin both pressed their fingers to their lips to silence her. Marc looked at them a little questioningly.

"You're N Sync though... this is so cool," she said a little hushed.

Justin and JC exchanged nervous looks. They hadn't really told Marc anything and were a little nervous on how he'd react. They slowly looked over to him and he flashed them a smile, letting them know he was okay. They sighed inwardly, a little relieved.

"Awwwwwww man... I thought I was kicking it with the Backstreet Boys... I should go then..." Marc got up jokingly.

JC grabbed his hand as he stood up and pulled him back down. "No you don't mister, I'll be your Backstreet Boy..." He started cursing himself again, realizing he said something that sounded stupid, yet again.

"Well... only if you dress up in those really stupid outfits that they wear in that one video... and I'll think about it" Marc joked back.

"Anything for you..." JC smiled. He still hadn't let go of Marc's hand and sat there resting it on Marc's lightly.

Justin smiled. "Awwwwwwwwwww look at that... its sooooooooooo disgustingly cute... I hate myself." He thought as he looked at them interacting.

"You guys are too funny. Oh my god. I should get you some drinks... I'm so sorry... its just... you know... you're... and... oh gosh..." She tried to calm herself down.

"We are a little thirsty." Marc said sarcastically to her.

They exchanged smiles. "You look a little familiar too? Which boy band did you step out of?" She said a little jokingly.

To JC and Justin she sounded a little harsh. They frowned towards each other hoping Marc wasn't hurt. Marc just smiled all the way through not revealing anything.

Their waitress took their drink orders and left to get them, smiling as she walked off. The table stayed silent until the waitress returned with their drinks.

"Nihon-jin desu ka?" She asked Marc as she set his drink out in front of him.

"Hai... to Furipin-jin." He replied.

"Honto?" she answered back a little surprised. "Doko e..." she started to ask.

"South Cali," he replied. He smiled up at her. "Sorry, I don't really feel comfortable speaking Japanese... its like... well you know..." He giggled a little as he trailed off.

She laughed with him. "Sorry, its just that I'm learning, and figured what the hey... You speak it good though. Oh my god... I should get your food orders. Are you guys ready to order yet? Should I come back?"

They looked around at each other seeing if the other knew what they wanted.

"Um... I guess I'll have the orange chicken dinner plate." Justin was the first to order. Marc and JC quickly ordered after him and gave the waitress their menus. It was a little quiet again when she left.

"So... you're Japanese?" Justin asked Marc breaking the silence.

"Only like a quarter." he answered.

"Really? What else are you?" JC asked eagerly.

Marc giggled a little. "I'm a mutt." He looked up into their curious stares.

"A mutt?" They asked in unison.

"Well I'm a quarter Japanese, half Filipino, and a quarter Spanish." he seemed a little embarrassed.

"Talk about multicultural... I mean not that thats a bad thing... I mean its a good thing... you know... to have culture... in you... and stuff and..." JC started babbling again. Luckily Justin cut him off to save him.

"Well I think its a good mix." Justin said reassuringly. "Yup real good mix if it makes a guy look that good. JC you are such a dork." He thought as he checked Marc out again.

"Thanks," Marc said as he blushed a little.

It went silent again.

This time JC broke the silence. "So... you're from South Cali?"

"Yeah, San Diego actually, I'm living near La Jolla cuz I go to school at UCSD." He said as he took a sip of his drink, not really knowing what else to do.

"Oh, you're in school. Did you just start? I was thinking you looked kinda young." Justin started in.

"Actually I'll be graduating this coming quarter. And I'm really alot older than I look." He answered, a little nervous.

"Really? How old?" JC asked.

"I'm 23, I'll be 24 in December though, like a week before I graduate." He said.

"Cool! Someone to buy me alcohol... since JC won't." Justin said. JC threw him a scolding look.

Marc laughed. "Sure I'll get you whatever you want man."

"You mean it?" Justin said amazed. He had thought that maybe he insulted Marc by making it look like he was using his age to get drinks.

JC threw both of them looks. Justin threw him a cocky look. Marc just smiled, which of course caused JC to smile.

"Yeah what kind did you want? Isopropyl? Ethyl? Oh yeah... they come in these little wipes too that you can get from the doctor... those are soooooo cool." He threw his smile back at JC who was about ready to burst.

"Awwwwwwww man... I thought you were serious." he said, a little disappointed.

"I am serious. I can get you what I said earlier... I gots connections you know? Import it straight from Cali mah man. The gooooood shiznit." Marc joked back with him.

JC couldn't contain his laughter anymore and started laughing at Justin. "Looks like someone's gonna put you in your place J."

"Besides Justin, you're not missing much. I mean I think the only reason why someone underage would do it is to break the law. Once you get to be legal age it loses its thrill." Marc took a sip of his drink thinking he might have said to much.

"I guess you're right, kinda makes sense." Justin said thoughtfully.

"He is right, J" JC said sternly.

"I know... I was just joking anyways." Justin answered.

"Anyways..." JC rolled his eyes at Justin. He looked down and saw that his hand was still restin on Marc's. Marc made no move to change its position. He smiled and saw Marc smiling back at him. He blushed a little as he stared into Marc's eyes.

Marc turned to Justin. "So... well I didn't really want to be all excited... you know... like a fan girl... that I was actually hanging out with you guys... I mean .. its kinda funny."

"Funny, why?" Justin asked curiously.

"Well... I didn't really recognize JC... um... Josh... I can still call you Josh... or...?" Marc asked.

"Um... yeah... of course... as long as I can still call you Marc." Josh flirted back.

"Well... I didn't recognize Josh both times that I ran into him in the bathroom." Marc said.

"Both times?" Justin asked, throwing JC a curious look.

"Um... yeah... that one guy's retirement party, and then earlier today. I didn't really start thinking about it til I got home and thought he looked like... well you know... him... and then it made sense when I saw him at the gym." He giggled a little at his own ignorance.

Justin looked over at JC and was about to say something. JC shook his head and started talking before Justin could. "So... um... I was just wondering how that mix came about... I mean... you know... how your a... um... mutt?" He wasn't sure how to word it without sounding insulting.

"Well... you are what you eat..." Marc started laughing a little. "Sorry... its a really stupid racist inside Filipino joke." He calmed down a little, feeling a little embarrassed.

JC and Justin looked at him not sure if they should join in on the laugh or not. It just made Marc feel a little more uncomfortable.

"Um... well... My dad is half Japanese and half Filipino... and my mom is half Spanish-- from Spain Spanish-- and half Filipino so..." He was still feeling a little uncomfortable until he felt JC squeeze his hand a little.

"I think thats an awesome mix." Justin said as he took a sip of his soda to shut himself up.

"Yeah, I think its a good mix. I think you're parents have beautiful kids... I mean... you're parents probably have beautiful kids." JC said looking directly at Marc, a little embarrassed.

"Yeah, probably... dunno what happened to me though." He answered jokingly.

"Hey... you shouldn't knock yourself like that man... I'm pretty sure you have hundreds of girls trying to get at it." Justin said a little nervously as he started to eye Marc again. "And at least two guys as well," he added in his head.

"HA! I'm not Justin Timberlake or anything like that." Marc laughed it off, hoping he didn't insult him.

"And thank god for that!" JC said jokingly. "I dunno what I'd do with two of him running around!" He lifted up his hand momentarily to point to Justin, then moved it back over Marc's purposefully. He looked over at him and smiled again.

"Hey... I'm not that bad... and besides its not like I try to play any of those girls anyways. I can't help it if I'm a god." Justin said obnoxiously.

The three of them started laughing. Marc and JC both rolled their eyes at Justin and started laughing harder. They calmed down a little bit when their food came up. Their waitress set their plates in front of them and took their glasses to refill them.

"So what are you going to school for... I mean what are you studying?" JC asked, trying to gain control of the conversation.

"Kinda funny," Marc giggled.

"Why? Whats so funny bout that?" Justin asked.

"Well I'm studying computer science but I really want to go into web design." He sounded a little unsure of himself.

"So why not change over?" JC asked.

"I just really want to graduate, thats all. But at least I've been getting the chance to do Web stuff. Maybe its just a phase." Marc chuckled a bit.

"Well if you're good at it, and you love doing it, then why not do it. I'm pretty sure people would hire you from talent alone." JC tried to reassure him. "You know, the whole follow your dreams type of thing."

"Yeah... I haven't seen any of your work... but if you made it all the way to Florida on an internship I'd say that has to be some indication of your skills." Justin added in.

"Yeah. I guess so, huh?" Marc said thoughtfully.

"So what else do you do in Cali? I mean there has to be more than just school out there for you right?" JC asked, eagerly wanting to know more about him.

"School mostly, then theres work and family. Um... what else... I'm also really active in the Filipino community back home. I guess it doesn't really leave time to do much else though. I tend to keep myself busy." Marc answered.

"You're active in the Filipino community?" Their waitress asked as she returned with their drinks.

"Um... yeah." Marc answered. He seemed a little annoyed with her.

"That is so cool. Orlando has a huge Fil-Am community. Do you dance?" She asked Marc.

"Yeah... among other things." He tried to hide his annoyance with her.

"Cool. Well we have this youth culture show next week to celebrate Philippine independence and we could always use extra dancers... well thats if you're good and all... and you could learn fast." She sounded a little insulting, though she probably didn't mean to.

"Thats cool... I was wondering when I'd run into some Filipinos here... they're usually springing up everywhere else." He sounded a little sarcastic towards her.

"Yeah... hey... um... can I get your number? I mean to call you about the show... and all that." She asked casually.

"Sure." He quickly scribbled his number on an old receipt he pulled from his pocket. "Here you go... if I'm not there you could leave a message at the front desk." He was trying to get rid of her.

She ripped the receipt in half and scribbled something on that side. "Okay. Here's my number if you want to call me for anything... about the show and all." She smiled at Marc and he smiled back then she went back to work.

"Woooohoooo! Got the digits! See told you you shouldn't knock your looks man." Justin said as the waitress walked out of earshot.

"Well... if thats what you're looking for though." He said feeling a little insulted by Justin.

JC felt this and gave his hand a little squeeze. He frowned when Marc moved his hand from beneath his. Marc then placed his hand over JC's and squeezed as a thanks which sent the butterflies into a frenzy in JC's stomach.

"Why... you have someone back home?" Justin said moving his eyebrows.

JC felt a knot tie up the butterflies all of sudden at Justin's question. "Please be single... please be single... please be single... and gay too." He prayed inwardly.

"Um..." Marc paused for a bit in thought, "Nope... just me myself and I."

"He's single... he's single... he's single... I just hope he's gay." JC sang triumphantly in his head. Marc squeezed his hand again, releasing the butterflies.

"It'll probably help you finish school faster anyways." Justin stated. He felt that he might have insulted Marc and tried to keep himself occupied as he played a bit with his food. "You know... being single and all..."

"Yeah... thats what I tell myself... seems to be working too... so far at least." Marc agreed.

"I think its good to be goal oriented like that though. You stay on track. Plus... I think... I think um... people... find it attractive." JC immediately took a sip of his soda realizing he might have said a bit too much. He felt Justin kick him under the table. He reached under the table to rub the sore spot then quickly slipped his hand back under Marc's who squeezed it again.

"Yup... leave it to JC to say something like that. He's not the type that really goes for looks alone. He's more of the sentimental type... you know... emotions... stuff like that... the whole shabang. He's gonna make someone happy someday." Justin said as he giggled.

"And what type are you?" Marc asked Justin.

"Oh me... I think I just wanna have fun... you know... I mean I'd probably go for all that other stuff too... but I wanna have fun for the most part... you know kinda like finding out who you really are... and what you really want before I commit myself to something." Justin said, trying to hint a little at being gay with his little speech.

"Oh yeah... he likes to have fun alright." JC said smiling. "Especially with Ms. Britney Spears." He nodded his head cockily as he mentioned Britney.

"Oooooooooh so the rumors are true." Marc slipped in mock awe.

"Um... NOT!" he answered a little hurt. "Me and Brit are just friends, nothing more." he finished a little annoyed.

"Suuuuuuuuuuure you are J. Thats why you've been talking every day since we got back to Orlando." JC joked.

"Hey... I talk to you everyday... so whats that supposed to mean?" Justin smiled as he tried to turn the tide back on JC.

"Yeah... but don't you guys live together anyways? I mean it would be hard not too. Right?" Marc jumped in on JC's side to put the heat on Justin.

"Yeah... but... but..." Justin couldn't think of anything to say as they teamed up on him.

"But finish chewing your food Justin." JC laughed.

The rest of dinner was spent picking on Justin and Britney's relationship. No matter how many times he tried to think of something to get out of it, the other two always turned it around on him. He gave up in frustration when the waitress brought them their check.

Marc reached for his wallet. "So how much do I owe?"

"Hey, its okay man... I'll get it." JC moved to take care of the bill. Marc grabbed his hand to sit him back down.

"No for reals. How much do I owe?" Marc said again.

"NO... for reals... I got it." JC said smiling.

"Its not like I'm broke or anything I can pay for myself, Josh." He was beginning to sound a little annoyed.

"Hey... its really no problem Marc." JC made a dash for the register to pay for dinner. He turned and looked back at Marc and Justin as he paid. He flashed them both a smile.

"You okay man?" Justin asked, almost afraid to ask. Marc looked a little ticked.

"Its just that... I don't like people... I dunno... doing handling things like that for me... it just... it kinda makes me feel inadequate... stupid as it may sound." His arms were crossed over his chest in frustration.

"Hey... I guess thats just the way Josh is. He's a nice guy, he'll do things like that. Its really just his nature. Look... if it makes any difference I'll talk to him later about it so... um... don't be mad... kay?" He tried to sound comforting but it didn't seem to help. He scrunched up his face a little in defeat.

"Naw... its okay... I just need to get over it." Marc said as he sighed, trying to calm himself down.

JC came bounding back towards them smiling. "So... ready?" He noticed that Marc wasn't smiling anymore and frowned. "Um... you alright Marc?"

Marc got up. "Yeah... I guess we should go though. Thanks for dinner." He tried to sound genuine but he still seemed a little annoyed.

"Um... yeah... no problem." He smiled a little confused. He looked over at Justin who just shook his head in warning and got up to follow them out of the restaurant.

It was quiet all the way to the car. No jokes, no nothing, which made JC feel uncomfortable. He knew something was up but didn't press and trundled along to the car. When they got to the car JC moved to take the passenger seat.

"Um... Josh, could you drive? I'm feeling kinda tired... I think I... I think I wanna just lie down in the back... um... Marc... do you mind sitting up front?" Justin asked, trying to ease the air.

"Okay Mr. Sleepy." He said joking a little, still trying to get over himself.

"Um... no... I think you got me confused with Josh there." He said smiling, a little relieved that Marc seemed to feel a little easier.

"Um... so... where to now... did you have any plans for tonight Marc or..." JC trailed off as he started the car.

"Actually I should just go home," he still sounded a little annoyed. "Um... I have to make a few calls back home... and I have to be at work early so..."

"Oh... okay." Josh was lost in thought, wondering what had changed so suddenly. He drove quietly back to the hotel and parked in front.

"Thanks for dinner. I guess I'll see you guys around again sometime?" Marc asked rather questioningly as he exited the car.

"Um... did you want me...um us... to um... walk you up... to... your room?" JC asked almost hesitantly.

"Naw... Josh you go ahead... I'm gonna sleep in the car. I'll be fine." Justin said grinning from the back seat.

"I guess if you want to." Marc said as he started to walk off.

JC got out and followed. He had to jog a little to catch up with Marc.

It was almost an hour before he came back to the car. Justin couldn't fall asleep and was a little peeved that JC had taken so long. On the other hand he was also extremely curious as to what went on within that hour.

"So... didja guys have sex or what?" Justin asked half jokingly.

JC just grinned and drove home, ignoring Justin's question.


Questions, comments, flames, whatever can be directed to my e-mail at vocal76@hotmail.com ... peace and adobo grease!

Next: Chapter 5

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