Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Nov 24, 2000


So here it is. I hope you didn't have to wait too long for it. Man... um... keep the e-mails coming. I love hearing from you guys. Big thanks to Casey, and Ray for always taking the time to e-mail me on this story. I'd also have to thank Jordan for constantly badgering me to work on this and DMG. I tried to make this one a little longer than the other ones have been since I took so damn long and I haven't written anything for DMG in a while. I'll having something up for that one soon though. So... just stick with me and keep the encouragement coming. Thanks to all of you that read this. Peace!


EVIL DISCLAIMER: Yes... they're gay... my psychic told me so. And if you believe that then you guys really have something else coming cuz they're not and I don't know them and if you're not 18 or older then go away and if you don't like homosexual material then go... other than that I think its okay for you to read. =)

Turn Around Part XIII ============================================================================

The clock on the nightstand said 8:30. Josh reached across the bed. It was empty. He heard the shower shut off and Marc's sweet voice on the other side of the bathroom door singing something softly. He couldn't quite make out the words. JC got up and walked over to his bag and pulled some clothes out. He pulled a chair up to the table and sat waiting for Marc to finish. Marc exited the bathroom a few minutes later fully dressed, much to JC's disappointment.

"You know you have the sweetest sounding voice?" JC smiled as Marc walked over to him.

Marc rolled his eyes and smiled back. He pulled up a seat next to JC. "You could've slept a little longer, you know."

"Nope, couldn't... can't sleep without my teddy bear... the bed felt so empty without you." JC smiled at him as he flirted.

"Thats what the pillow gets for moving. Pillows aren't supposed to move you know." Marc flirted back smiling all the way through.

"I'm sorry... I wasn't aware of that in my job description... it'll never happen again sir." JC teased.

"Anyways... go and get ready so we can pick up the rest of the guys." Marc smiled as he made his way to the closet.

JC jumped in the shower with a smile on his face. He had actually slept with Marc in his arms. With Marc in his arms for an entire night. With Marc in his arms in the same bed, cuddling. And Marc had kissed him. Marc had kissed him before they both fell asleep. He cleaned himself up, singing softly, thinking about Marc. It was almost 9 when he walked out of the bathroom.

"Does this shirt make me look gay?" JC asked about his bright yellow shirt.

"Well it depends..." Marc began, smiling. "Do you want to look gay or do you not want to look gay?" Marc smiled mischeivously.

"Um..." JC looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Just wear it... or you could wear no shirt." Marc teased him. "Trust me, you look fine Josh."

"Okay... I'll take your word for it." JC answered him smiling.

"Um... Justin called earlier. I guess the guys want to go to Miami later tonight and for the weekend so that Chrissy can hang out with her boyfriend. And then he said that MTV wanted Joey, Chrissy, and Chris to host TRL or something so they're gonna leave when we get back on Sunday." Marc informed JC. "Cologne?" Marc asked him as he held out the bottle.

"Are you using some?" JC asked him as he took the bottle.

"Nope. I'm gonna be in costume most of the day so it'll kinda be a waste." Marc told him.

"Then I won't wear any either." JC smiled. "Don't want to be attracting anything with that awesome scent." He giggled a little at his own stupid joke.

"The only thing you're gonna be attracting is a bunch of flies with your stench." Marc teased him. "Come on, use some. That way I can come and smell you on my breaks." He smiled and sprayed JC lightly. He inhaled the scent and smiled at JC.

"You want me to stay close today... in case your girlfriend pulls anything." JC teased him about Trisha.

"She's not my girlfriend." Marc told him annoyed.

"I was just kidding..." JC tried to reach out for him but Marc walked back towards the closet.

Marc began pulling out some of his costumes. He zipped them up and headed for the door.

JC reached out and took the carrier from Marc and set it the dresser momentarily. He pulled Marc into a hug from behind.

"Hey, I'm sorry..." JC apologized.

"No, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have gotten all pissy." Marc turned as he nestled into JC's embrace. "Look... if you haven't figured it out already... I'm..."

There was a long pause as the two held each other, swaying slightly.

"You're...?" JC inquired, eagerly waiting for Marc to finish. He hoped Marc would say the words that would make everything okay, that would make everything easier for him, though he may have known it already.

Marc picked up his carrier from the dresser as he broke from JC's embrace. "I'm... I'm not interested in her. Um... we're gonna be late so lets go get the guys."

"Yeah, we have to go meet them." JC smiled back, feeling the tension ease up. Inwardly he frowned from the absence of the words he wanted to hear.

They picked the rest of the guys up and headed for the park. The park was decorated in a Pacific Islander theme. A Filipino flag flew over the park right next to the American one.

"Anak! Anak! Come on! You are late na! You have to check in and get your costumes." Marc's auntie came running towards him once she caught site of him.

"Auntie, these are my friends. This is Justin, Chris, Joey, Lance, Britney, and Christina. And that is... gosh I don't know who the hell that is..." Marc pointed at JC as he teased him.

"Come on, come on. You have to present the first dance and open." Auntie Lydia smiled at them all before dragging Marc off. The rest of the group laughed as she hauled him away like a little kid, though he was already 23.

The guys ended up running into Marc's kuya Alan and his wife. He kept them company most of the time. He introduced them to several of Marc's other relatives that were there. Marc finished his fourth dance and they broke for intermission. A few minutes later he was back on stage dressed in black slacks and a barong. He picked up a mic and smiled out to the applauding crowd. He brought the mic up as music began to play. His voice reached out with the music as he began singing in Tagalog.

"Kailanman ikaw lamang ang aking mahal Kailanman ang tangi kong pinagdarasal Minsan pa sanay mayakap ka Patutunayan na mahal kita"

Marc finished and bowed to the crowd. They applauded and he made his way over to the guys.

"Man... you have an awesome voice." Christina commented. "I didn't understand anything you said but you have a great voice." She repeated.

"Thats what I'm always trying to tell him but he's so stubborn." JC said agreeing with Christina.

"What language was that in?" Joey inquired.

"Tagalog, one of the main dialects of the Philippines." Brian, Marc's cousin answered as he walked up behind him. "Where's your manners Chill, can't introduce your friends to your own cousin?"

"Oh, this is Yam, my stupid cousin." Marc joked as he pushed Brian forth.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Brian joked back with Marc.

"Is there a translation? It sounded beautiful, especially coming from you." JC added in the last part smiling. "I wish I knew what you were singing about." He kept smiling at Marc.

"Um... its pretty much saying I'll love you forever... even though we're not together. Stuff like that. Really sappy, cheesy, Filipino love song... kinda like what you guys like to sing." Brian joked with the Nsync guys.

"How sweet." Britney cooed as she looked on at Marc and JC exchanging glances.

"There you are!" Trisha's voice yelled from across the way as she began walking over to them. Marc and Brian looked at each other and groaned.

"Great, just great." JC mumbled low enough so the only one to catch it was Justin.

Trisha pulled Marc to her and kissed his cheek. Marc flashed JC a disgusted look and then smiled. JC smiled back.

"I've been looking all over for you. Are you trying to avoid me?" Trisha asked him as she hung on his arm.

"You think?" Brian whispered to JC. They giggled a little. Brian walked over to Trisha and Marc.

"If I remember correctly you're supposed to be in the next set of dances Trish, and as stage manager it is my duty to..." Brian began.

"To screw yourself." Trisha stuck out her tongue childishly. "Come on, let's go Marc." She started to drag Marc with her.

"I believe my cousin has to entertain his guests, plus I know he's probably hungry, aren't you Marc." Brian smiled at him.

"Um... yeah, I'll catch up with you later or something Patricia." Marc managed to peel himself away from her and she departed. He briefly hugged his cousin. "Thanks man."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever would you do without my ass?" Brian smiled at Marc.

"So... did you guys eat yet?" Marc asked them.

"Well, we all did, except for JC. He said he wasn't really hungry." Justin spoke up and pushed JC towards Marc. "You hungry now Josh?" Justin asked.

"Um... yeah, lets go get something to eat?" JC turned to Marc. The two walked off towards the food tables leaving Brian with everyone else. They returned shortly, each with a full plate. They sat with the rest of the guys.

"Oh man... JC you don't know what you're missing out on. You should've got some of that chocalate meat stuff. That stuff was bomb!" Joey sat next to JC and grabbed a lumpia off his plate.

"Man, I thought you already ate?" JC slapped Joey's hand away as he reached for another one.

"You ate the chocolate meat?" Marc asked a little surprised.

"Yeah, but it didn't really taste like chocolate or anything. But it was good as hell." Joey smiled as he reached in quickly to steal another lumpia off of JC's plate.

Marc looked over at Brian and smiled. He and Brian burst into giggles soon after. The rest of the guys looked at them curiously.

"Yeah, it was pretty good... whats so funny?" Chris asked the two cousins. He had some of the chocolate meat too.

"Nothing, nothing." They both answered with smiles on their faces. JC threw Marc a curious look.

"I'll tell you later." Marc mouthed to him and smiled.

"You know Marc, your talent is definitely something worth signing." Lance spoke up like an eager business man.

"Thats what I've been telling him for years." Brian threw up his arms in a gesture of frustrated agreement. "Him and his brother, not to mention ate Mae." He added in.

"Atay Mae?" Chris asked.

"Oh... sorry... ate is older sister. Yeah, the three of them have the best voices in the family." Brian stated proudly.

"I'm not really looking to do that for the rest of my life, you know? I just want to get my degree so I can do something that I enjoy doing more than singing." Marc stated, a little annoyed with his cousin.

"And that would be?" Brian pushed him.

Marc looked at him harshly. "Well definitely not you!" He joked as he stuck out his tongue.

"Eeeeeeew... that would be so gross... we're cousins you dork." Brian shot back.

"And even if we weren't cousins I wouldn't give you the time of day." Marc shot back at Brian smiling.

"Anyways..." Chris rolled his eyes at the both of them.

With the next set of dances complete Marc had to reenter the rotation. He left the group to hang out with Brian and Alan, who had decided to join them again. Chris and Joey began their teasing of JC and Marc again which annoyed JC. JC ended up leaving to find Marc by the makeshift dressing rooms.

"Yeah, yeah... I miss you too. I'll talk to you later, kay? Yeah." Marc paused to giggle a little over his cell. "Yeah, yo to you too. You're still flying over, right? Like in two weeks, right? Okay. But I think I better go. See you soon." Marc clicked off his phone and turned to see JC standing behind him.

"Hey you." JC smiled at Marc.

"Hey yourself." Marc smiled back.

"Was I interrupting something?" JC asked him.

"Naw... I was just talking to my friend. Um... not to sound harsh or anything but what are you doing here?" Marc continued smiling at JC.

"Chris and Joey were being a pain so I decided to see if you were busy or something." JC smiled back uneasily.

"Awwwwww... how sweet." Marc giggled and pulled JC into a hug. He buried his face in JC's chest and breathed in. "I love how you smell." Marc said as he broke the embrace.

"Thanks... but its your cologne." JC pointed out.

"Not just that... its... I dunno..." Marc stammered a bit.

JC smiled at him and wanted to pull him into another hug. He really wanted to kiss the sweet asian boy that stood before him but he still didn't know anything for sure.

"YO CHILL!!!!" Brian called out from behind them. "We're up again. High Energy so put down that crack pipe!" Brian joked.

"Anyways... he's such an asshole." Marc rolled his eyes causing both of them to burst into their fit of giggles. "I better go before he has a shitfit."

Marc smiled at JC and turned to join Brian and the rest of their dance group. JC made his way back to the rest of the guys to watch the routine. There was another routine and then Marc came back on wearing his barong and black slacks. He was accompanied by a shorter Filipina girl. They both held mics and smiled to the crowd before they both started singing. The girl started first.

Be still my heart, lately its mind is all its own. It would go far and wide just to be near you. Even the stars shine on me bright I've noticed When you're close to me. Still it remains a mystery.

And anyone who's seen us Knows whats going on between us. It doesn't take a genius To read between the lines. And its not just wishful thinking. Or only me who's dreaming. I know what these are symptoms of. We could be in love.

I ask myself why I sleep like a baby through the night. Maybe it helps to know you'll be there tomorrow. Won't open my eyes. I'll wake from the spell I'm under. Makes me wonder how... Tell me how, I could live without you now.

And what about the laughter, The happy ever after. Like voices of sweet angels Calling out our names. And its not just wishful thinking. Or only me who's dreaming. I know what these are symptoms of. We could be in love.

All my life I have dreamed of this But I could not see your face. Don't ask why, two such distant stars Could fall right into place.

And anyone who's seen us Knows whats going on between us. It doesn't take a genius To read between the lines. And its not just wishful thinking. Or only me who's dreaming. I know what these are symptoms of. We could be in love.

They finished, held hands and bowed to the crowd smiling.

Auntie Lydia came out and took a mic from one of them. "Thank you thank you! That is my nephew, Marc, from San Diego singing with Janette Pagalinan. He's very pogi naman. For all you bebots looking, you talk to me and I'll get you the hook up."

Marc blushed as he made his way back to the guys throwing embarrassed looks at his auntie. They giggled at how red he had turned.

"Man... I wish she'd stop trying to do that." Marc commented shaking his head.

"Do what?" Joey asked obvlious to what Marc was getting at.

"Trying to find me a girlfriend. Great, and now Trisha's over there talking to her. Just what I need." Marc glanced over at his auntie to see Trisha talking to her. "Kill me... kill me now."

JC laughed and slung his arm over Marc's shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." He giggled as he eased a smile onto Marc's worried face.

"That song was awesome Marc, so was your voice. But where did you get it? Any certain reason why you sang it or..." Britney stopped when Justin nudged her for being a little too nosey and direct.

"No special reason." Marc smiled as he looked up at JC. "Um... just thought it would make a nice duet, and Janette has an awesome voice, I think she should try to get signed."

"Have her come talk to me and I'll see what I can do." Lance told him, he agreed with Marc on Janette's voice but was hoping that Marc would sign as well. Justin nudged him knowing that he was gonna bug Marc about signing as well.

"I'll do that." Marc smiled. "I better go get ready for my last dance though. Um... can we leave like right after I finish? Or did you guys want to stay longer?"

"Joey wants to stay to check out more girls." Chris joked.

"So what?" Joey didn't really argue with him.

"Anyways..." JC rolled his eyes at the duo before turning to Marc. "We can leave right away if you want. I have to go by my place and pick up some clothes for this weekend anyways. I guess we could wait for the guys over there." He smiled at Marc as he nodded to him.

"Cool... um... meet me by the thing we call a dressing room after so we can leave without any... um... delays." Marc pointed over towards the direction Trisha was at causing JC to nod and giggle.

Marc left and was back up on the stage a few minutes later in a different costume. He was accompanied by the girl he sang with earlier as well as four other guys holding sets of bamboo poles between them. Marc and Janette danced the Tinikling as they elegantly stepped through the rhythmic claps of the poles. The pace picked up bringing cheers and applause from the crowd. The guys were amazed at how Marc and Janette were able to keep time with the claps and escape unscathed. After they finished Marc met JC outside of the dressing tent.

"Let's go?" Marc was obviously in a hurry to leave.

"Yeah. Let me get that for you." JC grabbed the carrier from Marc as they rushed from the park.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Trisha called out as she ran after them.

Marc looked over at JC frustrated as Trisha caught up to them. His eyes pleaded with JC to help him.

"I'm sorry for making you do this Marc." JC looked at Marc hoping he would pick up on his thinking.

"No, its okay but we should really hurry up." Marc looked over at JC still looking for a save.

"And where are you two going?" Trisha asked demandingly.

"I asked him to take me to Miami, I just got called for a family emergency and the other guys can't take me. We're really in a hurry. Sorry." JC smiled a little towards her as he continued to push on towards the car.

"Don't you have people that can take you?" Trisha asked, still pushing.

"I won't be able to get there in time." JC said plainly trying to mask his annoyance with Trisha as they still walked to Marc's car.

"So you're not gonna go to the dance later Marc?" Trisha whined.

"Most likely not. Sorry Trisha." Marc looked over at her and then smiled at JC.

"But you have to go..." Trisha whined as she clutched onto Marc's arm.

"I can't. I promised Josh I'd take him already, and I'm not about to go back on that promise." Marc continued to walk, dragging her along totally unfazed by her advances and whining.

"Marc..." She whined again and pulled him back towards the park.

"Look, I can't. A friend really needs me right now so I can't go, okay?" Marc shrugged her off as he popped the trunk and threw his stuff in.

"Fine... but you owe me." Trisha pouted and looked at Marc.

"Don't do that. My schedule is already tight as it is for the short time I'm gonna be in Orlando." Marc looked at her sternly as he unlocked and opened the door for JC. He waited for JC to climb in and shut it. He made his way to the driver's side. JC unlocked it for him and pushed it open gently.

"Come on... you have to..." She continued to whine.

"I don't have time to do anything extra while I'm in Orlando. I came here to work and to learn and to get some tips on what its like to be in the real world. I helped Auntie Lydia because she's my auntie. Other than that I don't have time to go around galavanting and kicking it." Marc tried his best to not sound too annoyed and angry with her. He got in his car and drove off, leaving Trisha in the parking lot. He was quiet all the way back to JC's.

JC waited until they got inside before he said anything. "You okay?"

"Yeah... I didn't sound too harsh with her or anything, did I? I just... I just... I just don't want you thinking I'm like this bad person that leads people on and stuff..." Marc waited for JC to answer. He looked down at the floor as he shifted his feet nervously.

JC put his hand gently under Marc's chin and lifted his face to meet his own. "I don't think you're a bad person." He smiled and waited for Marc to smile back before pulling him into a hug. He rubbed his back gently to ease him up. "You tried your best to make her get the picture and she still didn't get it. It was best that you were as direct as you were with her... before she started to really think..."

"I just feel bad for her because..." Marc started as he swayed in JC's embrace.

"Don't." JC cut him off. "Don't feel bad because you did the right thing... at least I think you did and thats got to count for something." JC pulled back and smiled.

"You're too sweet sometimes Josh... you know? Sometimes..." Marc pulled JC closer again and just rested his head on his chest since he was that much shorter. JC rested his chin gently on the top of Marc's head and smiled.

"Come on. Let's go get my things so we can get out of here." JC smiled down at Marc as he led him up the stairs.

When Justin and the rest of the guys decided to join them, JC and Marc had already fallen asleep on the couch. The TV glowed softly in the living room casting shadows over their sleeping faces.

"Ooooooh... come on camera..." Joey started as he entered the living room.

"Um... no stupid ass. We had this conversation before, remember?" Justin warned him.

"Party pooper." Joey spat out.

Justin lightly shook JC and Marc awake. "Let's go?" Justin smiled as he helped them both up. "You sure you could drive Marc? We can make one of the other idiots drive if you're tired." Justin suggested as they made their way out.

"It's okay... I'll be fine." Marc smiled as he opened the car door for JC. He shut it and got in his car himself. Justin looked at JC through the window and smiled.

The group made it to Miami without a hitch. They dropped Christina off at her boyfriend's place and checked into a hotel. After countless arguements Lance decided to settle the who rooms with who debate.

"THIS IS HOW ITS GONNA BE DAMMIT!!!!" Lance yelled over their argueing. Everyone turned to look at him surprised and shut up immediately.

"You scared the shit out of me man." Chris turned a looked at Lance. He forgot everything else he was gonna say when Lance shot him another look.

"Britney gets the single since she's the only female. JC and I will share a room. Chris and Joey will have to put up with each other. And Justin and Marc get the last room. Okay? NO ifs, ands, or buts about it. Do I make my self clear?" Lance looked over at all of them sternly. They all nodded in agreement.

After they all checked into their rooms and got settled they crammed into Britney's room.

"So whats the plan for tonight?" Joey asked as he walked in.

"I dunno, how bout we just get a movie and just chill here." JC suggested as he snuggled up to Marc. Marc rolled his eyes at him.

"We always do that. We do that at enough at home." Chris whined.

"Yeah but we don't get to do that enough in Miami." Justin shot back at Chris as he stuck his tongue out playfully.

The group laughed and decided that it would be okay. After all they were all pretty worn out from being at the park earlier and then from the drive down to Miami. They got bored with the movie they ordered and decided to play some stupid games.

"I say we play butt naked strip twister!" Joey cried out.

"Yeah... with a bunch of guys you dork?" Chris threw a pillow at Joey for being so stupid.

"Oh yeah, huh?" Joey agreed. JC and Justin just looked at each other and smiled.

"How about truth or dare?" Britney suggested.

"I'm down!" Chris and Joey called out excitedly. Everyone else just rolled their eyes.

"Are you two in?" Lance asked JC and Marc. They reluctantly agreed, knowing that most of the questions would be going towards Marc anyhow.

"Okay, Marc... truth or dare?" Britney asked him.

"Um... truth... I guess." Marc shrugged his shoulders, not really wanting to get into the game.

"Awwwwwww truth is for wooooooooosies..." Joey teased. JC looked at him and flipped him off for Marc.

"Yeah... so that means you'll be doing alot of those then, huh?" Lance threw at him causing everyone to laugh.

"Anyways..." Britney rolled her eyes. "Have you ever had sex with a guy?" Justin shot her a 'shut-the-fuck-up-what-the-hell-do-you-think-you're- doing' look. She just smiled at him.

"Hmmmm... " Marc looked thoughtful for a moment. "I'd have to say no..." Everyone nodded their okays... JC let out the breath he was holding as did Justin and Lance.

Marc continued. "I've never had sex with a guy. I usually like to have sex with several... you know... fat ass gay orgies with members of certain boybands... yeah... then I steal their underwear after we're finished but I just can't seem to find where Chris hides that Victoria's Secret lace thong he was wearing the other night." Marc smiled at them as they all burst into laughter at Chris's expense.

"That was so not funny you asshole." Chris flipped him off as he turned redder and redder from embarrassment.

"That was too funny Marc." Joey high-fived Marc.

"Cool... cuz I have one for you next." Marc looked at JC and giggled. "Truth or dare Joe?"

"He's gonna pick truth... remember? He's a wooooooosie." Lance teased Joey.

"Fine... dare. Dare me to do something." Joey smiled back cockily.

"I dare you to take the elevator down and moon the lobby." Marc smiled, seeing if Joey would really do it.

"You can't be serious." Joey looked mortified.

"Well... we'd understand if you weren't up to it..." Lance told him. "Wooooooooooosie!" Lance threw in as they all laughed at him.

"Fine... but someone has to go with me to make sure the door closes so we can get the hell out of there." Joey walked towards the door. Justin and Chris volunteered to go with him.

About twenty minutes later the three of them returned. Chris and Justin were laughing so hard they could barely walk. Joey looked mortified as he rushed in after them.

"What happened." Britney and Lance asked smiling.

"He... Joey... he... and then... and... a lady... and..." Chris and Justin managed to stutter out as they rolled on the floor in laughter.

"Okay..." Marc said confused.

"What happened Joe?" Britney asked him.

"Fine! We got to the lobby and there was an old lady waiting for the elevator and she saw my ass and thwacked it with her purse real hard and called me a pervert." Joey crossed his arms and looked up at the ceiling embarrassed as the room roared with laughter. The room quieted down enough for Joey to choose Justin and Chris.

"Hey... no fair... one person at a time." Chris and Justin defended.

"Yeah... but they... and..." Joey spat out whiningly.

"Fine... fine... let the brat have his way on this one... and only this one. Okay?" Lance looked over at everyone and they nodded in agreement.

"Truth or dare jackasses?" Joey asked them harshly.

"Dare." They both agreed.

"I dare you both to give Lance a hickey." Joey grinned back evily.

"Hey no fair... how did I get thrown into this?" Lance protested.

"Well... you did say to let the brat have his way on this one Lance." Marc and JC threw in smiling.

"Fine... but I get to go next." Lance pouted annoyed. "Let's get this over with then." Chris and Justin went in to do their work and Lance came away with a hickey on each side of his neck.

"Lance kinda tastes like chicken." Chris commented before the room burst out into laughter.

"Truth or dare, Marc." Lance asked him with hard eyes.

"Truth." Marc answered.

"Awwwwwww... truth is for woooooosies..." Joey chimed in again.

"Fine... dare. Happy?" Marc flipped Joey off himself as JC hugged him in comfort.

Chris whispered something in Lance's ear causing him to smile evily. Chris walked off back to his seat innocently.

"I dare you to give JC a lap dance... since we all know how well you can move." Lance smiled his evil smile.

"Man..." JC protested.

"Ah ah ah... don't even try to get out of this one Josh." Chris shot back. JC shot Justin a scared look and Justin just shrugged his shoulders. There wasn't much he could do for him at this point.

"For how long?" Marc asked as he stood up.

"Just one song." Joey smiled.

"Fine." Marc pulled JC up and sat him down on one of the chairs. "Ready when you are." Marc looked over at Joey to press play.

Joey put on Mya's 'Its All About Me' as a perfect lap dance song. He smiled as Marc began moving seductively in on JC.

"And you have to make it good." Chris threw in. Marc and JC both flipped him off without turning around as Marc continued dancing.

Marc worked on JC like a professional. He gyrated his hips seductively grabbing JC's head and bringing it his abs as he continued his grind.

"Make it real good." Lance threw in as he giggled. "And remember its a lap dance... I don't see you on his lap..." He threw in trying to remind him.

Marc stopped for a moment to glare at the smiling Lance. Marc straddled JC's lap as he stared into his eyes and continued grinding. JC shifted under Marc and closed his eyes. Marc tilted JC's head back as he guided JC's hands to his chest. He shifted positions so his back was resting against JC's chest. Joey hit the CD player near the close of the song sending it back near the beginning. Marc and JC stopped momentarily to glare at him.

"Ooooops... sorry." Joey whistled away innocently. "Guess the song isn't over, huh?" Joey scratched his head innocently.

Marc continued his grind on JC. He guided JC's hands to roam everywhere on his body except near his own crotch. JC gulped at the feeling and sensuality of the dance. He loved the way Marc moved on him. He was already beyond hard and hoped that Marc wouldn't feel it through his jeans. He closed his eyes nervously and prayed for the song to end soon. Chris bumped the CD player again causing the song to skip to the beginning again. JC glared over at him nervously.

"Oh gee... how did that happen?" Chris asked innocently. "Guess, the songs still playing, huh?" Chris snickered.

Justin pushed Chris and Joey away from the CD player which gave JC a look of relief on his face. Marc continued working on JC as JC hoped the song would end soon. He shifted under Marc again and shuddered at the sensation. He closed his eyes and prayed. The song finally came to end and Marc got up. He smiled at JC. JC smiled back uneasily. Chris, Joey, and Lance were rolling on the floor. JC looked over to them hurt and embarrassed before he took off running out of the room.

"Josh!" Marc called out as he began to run after him.

"I'll check on him, okay?" Justin stopped Marc and grabbed Lance's keycard. He headed out after JC. Marc went off to his and Justin's room without saying anyting to the rest of the guys.

"Guess the party's over." Chris and Joey snickered as they headed off to their room.

Lance was about to leave when Britney stopped him. "Oh no you don't mister." She sounded pissed off.

"What did I do?" Lance almost yelled.

"You know how Josh is and you went along with Chris and Joey's stupid joke." Britney lectured.

"Hey... he was asking for it." Lance shot back a little angry.

"Asking for what? He's probably mortified now. How's he gonna face Marc in the morning? You know how much he likes Marc." Britney scolded him.

"Look, I'll talk to him later, okay?" Lance told her. He was obviously annoyed and didn't feel like arguing.

"Fine, but wait til Justin talks to him first. But I think you should go apologize to Marc too. You guys let this one go way too far." Britney continued her scolding. Lance left to apologize to Marc.

"Hey Marc, you in there?" Lance called out as he knocked on the door. Marc answered it a few minutes later. He walked back to his bed and climbed in.

"I just wanted to apologize. I guess we kind went to far on our stupid jokes and dares and stuff tonight." Lance started feeling some remorse for the nights events as he looked on how bad Marc looked right then. It looked like he had been crying.

"Yeah... kinda..." Marc mumbled from under his blanket.

"I'm sorry... I just hope that we can all get over it in the morning and have some fun." Lance said uneasily as he still stood by the door.

"Yeah... whatever..." Marc mumbled again.

"Hey... you take care... you gonna be okay? Or did you want someone to talk to?" Lance started stepping towards Marc's bed to comfort him.

"I'll be fine... I just want to be alone right now..." Marc mumbled again.

"Okay..." Lance reluctantly agreed and opened the door to leave.

"Lance..." Marc called out.

"Yeah man?" Lance paused in the open doorway and looked back towards Marc.

"He doesn't hate me does he? He doesn't hate me because I'm..." The blanket muffled his words so Lance couldn't really hear.

"Naw buddy, I think we just really embarassed him. I don't think he could hate you." Lance smiled as he closed the door and walked back to Britney's room.

"Josh?" Justin called out as he entered the room JC was sharing with Lance. The shower was on and the bathroom door was open. Justin stepped into the bathroom and called out again. "Josh? You okay?"

"I'll be fine... I'll be out in a few." JC called out over the shower noise. Justin turned and walked out, but not before taking notice of JC's soiled boxers. ============================================================================

Okay... so... hmmmm... yeah... um... explanations explanations... Tagalog is the widest spoken dialect in the Philippines... a barong (barong tagalog) is a formal dress shirt made from the fibers from pineapple leaves. Its kinda translucent and you usually have an undershirt when you wear one. Ate (pronounced ah-teh) means older sister and kuya (pronounced koo-yah) means older brother. A bebot (pronounced beh-boat) is a babe. The solo song that Marc sang in Tagalog is 'Kailanman' originally sung by Jocelyn Enriquez, really beautiful song even though I don't understand everything she's saying... but theres a translation somewhere. The second song is a duet sang by Brad Kane and Leah Salonga (the singing voice of Princess Jasmine from Aladdin). Its titled 'We Could Be in Love'... I just thought it might fit perfectly for the story. Hm.... anything else? Sorry for attempting to make this story soooo ethnic... hehehe... oh yeah... Anak (pronounced ah-knock) translates to child. And um... go have a plate of chocolate meat and tell me how it tastes... I like it... but tell me how it tastes and then I'll tell you whats in it. And as always... Questions, comments, flames, whatever can be directed to my e-mail at vocal76@hotmail.com ... peace and adobo grease!

Next: Chapter 14

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