Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Nov 7, 2000


Yeah... so its been like forever since I updated this for all of you that still read this. No I didn't forget any of you. I'm still writing this and intend to. Even though I'm having soooooo much fun with 'Dirty Mind Games' and 'The Other Side of the Coin'. But I'm still gonna write this so just hold out for me for a bit longer. Um... yeah... I'm working on it... so I hope you guys enjoy this one. Thanks for reading.

EVIL DISCLAIMER: Know them? I don't Homosexual? I wish. <18? Don't read. Homophobe? Leave. Cover it all? Good! Enjoy? You better.

Turn Around Part XI ================================================================================

Justin lay asleep on JC's bed. He was already dressed for bed in his boxers and a wife beater. JC got ready for bed and sat next to Justin. He shook him awake to get him to go to his own room.

"Mmmmm.... what?" Justin droned as he tried to go back to sleep.

"You're in my bed Justin." JC shook him again.

"So... Lance is in mine..." Justin flailed his arm trying to push JC away.

"So go sleep with Lance then." JC rolled him over and sprawled on the bed.

"Man! Did you think your skinny ass could really take up all this bed?" Justin pushed JC over.

"Hey... its my bed." JC tried to push Justin over and eventually gave up. Justin just laughed at him. JC in turn, turned on his side and sighed.

"Hey... what's wrong?" Justin picked up on JC's discomfort.

"I dunno... I'm confused again." JC said, still not facing Justin.

Justin scooted over to JC and wrapped his arms around him. He rested his head next to JC's. "You wanna talk about it?"

"That chick showed up... the waitress from the restaurant." JC sighed a little.

"The one that was all on his nuts?" Justin asked smiling. "And you're worried? Even after he dissed her like that?"

"Well if you didn't think she could be anymore on his nuts you should have seen her tonight. And then she... she kissed him... and he smiled." JC slumped in Justin's embrace.

"Kissed him where? On the lips? Shit." Justin was a bit speechless.

"No, it was on the cheek. But he smiled. Guess your gaydar isn't all that its cracked up to be." JC felt like crying but didn't want to do so in front of Justin.

"Josh, c'mon man... so what else happened. I mean it couldn't have been all that bad." Justin tried to soothe and comfort him.

JC sighed. "So what did you guys end up doing." He really didn't want to think too much about today because it made him think of Trisha and Marc. And all he wanted to think about was Marc but everytime he thought of Marc he also thought of Trisha.

"The usual... we gave Chris his clothes back after we made him walk into McDonalds with that NKOTB baby tee and the sequence pants... that was hilarious." Justin laughed as he recalled the days events.

"Wish I could've seen that." JC said regretfully.

"Don't worry, we got it on video." Justin pulled JC closer. "Hey... I'm sure there were alot of good things that happened today. I mean you almost looked like you were gonna get it on today."

"Yeah... I don't know what happened." JC was coming closer to crying each time he thought about Marc.

"Josh, c'mon... so what did you guys do? Maybe I can help you forget about that um... hoe." Justin giggled as he tried his best to get into gay mode.

"Well, I met his cousin." Josh started to say but Justin immediately cut him off.

"Is he cute? As cute as Marc?" Justin asked curiously.

"You would ask me that." JC giggled a little in spite of how down he was feeling. "I don't know... I was too busy checking out Marc." He sighed and giggled a bit more.

"You are sooooo sprung. Anyways... so how did that go?" Justin leaned in closer to JC and relaxed again.

"He was constantly teasing Marc and I like if we were together." JC smiled thinking about how that went. "Oh yeah, and damn Marc can move, I kind of asked him if he wanted to work on some stuff for us, like be our choreographer, but he's so into school right now he wouldn't have time." Justin was met by another sigh from JC.

"You saw him dance?" Justin asked.

"Yup. I guess he choreographed some routine for his aunt's Fil-Am youth dance troupe. He's really talented though, I mean... he did that whole hi-energy routine and also taught or helped out with every single cultural dance routine that they were working on." JC sighed again, as he tried to focus on the good points.

"Hmmm... so what other talents of his are you interested in?" Justin asked suggestively.

JC chuckled. "His cousin said the same thing right before he took off running cuz it looked like Marc was gonna whoop his ass." JC giggled more and Justin followed.

JC finished up his story with their parting at the front door. As he finished his cell started to ring. Justin looked over at it and nudged JC.

"Aren't you gonna answer it?" Justin bugged him.

"It's just Marc, I told him to leave a v-mail." JC stared at his phone dreamily.

"Just answer it man." Justin moved to pick up the phone.

"Hey... just let it ring... I'll check my messages later... like right after he hangs up." JC slapped Justin's hand away.

"You know you want to talk to him." Justin reached for the phone again but it stopped ringing. "Too late now, dork." It rang again. JC had to fight with Justin not to answer it. Then it rang again. And they still wrestled. It rang a fourth time. They wrestled again until it stopped ringing. It didn't ring anymore after that. JC moved off of Justin.

"Hey... I promised him we wouldn't talk til like 3 in the morning anymore... he was like so tired today because we talked til like 3 the other night." JC reached for his phone to check his messages. He turned and smiled at Justin. He listened to the message with a bunch of giggles here and there and a huge smile the whole time.

Justin looked at him curiously when JC handed him the phone. "What?" he asked.

"I want you to listen." JC giggled.

"Isn't it like personal or something though?" Justin giggled with him as he took the phone since he was curious anyways.

"He's just so cute." JC sighed completely forgetting about Trisha for that moment.

Justin listened to Marc's message on the phone and smiled. "So I'd just like to thank you for going with me to my auntie's today. And don't worry about Yam, he's such and ass."

Justin turned to JC momentarily. "Who's Yam?"

"Its his cousin." JC still had a dreamy smile on his face.

"Anyways... I was hoping that we could do something tomorrow but Yam is dragging me to some stupid get together and then off to practice. I guess I could pick you up before I head off to practice but I'm not sure if you'd.... beeeeeep, end of message 1." His message got cut off but the service forwarded to the next message. Justin smiled as he listened in some more.

"Anyways... before your thing cut me off... I was saying that if you wanted to go with me to practice then I could probably pick you up but then I'd feel weird if I won't even get to spend any time with you since I'd probably have to teach like the whole time again. But if not then I'm free for sure on Tuesday and we could do something like right after I get off work and I'll call you from work and then we could.... beeeeep, end of message 2." Again he got cut off and it again went to the next message.

"Okay... I guess I'm not talking fast enough or something or your v-mail just doesn't like me. You know what? Its gonna feel weird not hearing your voice til like 3 in the morning tonight, maybe you shoulda picked up your phone." Marc paused to giggle into the phone. "Naw... but you're right, I'd probably be hella tired or something... anyways... what was I saying before? Oh yeah, I'll call you from work on Tuesday and then see if you want to do anything and then I could swing by after work and we could just chill or something. I hate it when Yam calls me that! Damn." He giggled into the phone again and again got cut off. It forwarded to the next message again.

"See what I mean?" More giggles. "But I'll probably call you to see what you're doing tomorrow and if you want to go to practice with me. I could really use an extra hand in fending off Ms. Trisha. But for sures on Tuesday since Bryan got me the day off from practicing. I guess he can be cool sometimes. And you and the rest of the guys are gonna go on Friday, right? Guess I should say good night though, and oh yeah... I guess I was supposed to tell you that I got home safe and all that too. So don't worry okay? Cool, well I'm gonna go before your v-mail... beeeeep, end of message 4."

Justin hung up JC's cell and smiled at him. He pulled him into a hug and made JC rest his head on his shoulder. "So, still worried about Ms. Trisha?" He giggled a little.

JC's demeanor immediately changed again. He really was worried that Marc may end up with her and not him.

"Josh, don't be stupid man. He said it himself, he wanted you to fend her off. Plus he just left you like over 5 minutes of messages on your voice mail... so if thats not any indication of things... man... don't make me knock some sense into you." Justin giggled as he teased JC's insecurities.

"I guess I'll see what's up on Tuesday." JC sighed.

"Hey, I'll get the rest of the guys out of the house so you can have the day to yourselves? Cool?" Justin lightly kissed JC's temple in hopes to get him to relax a bit.

"Thanks, I think I'm gonna go with him to practice tomorrow though too. I just can't get enough of him." JC giggled again.

Justin giggled again. "You really are so sprung. And you were so worried about that waitress chick. You are such a dork man." Justin ruffled JC's hair before placing another kiss on JC's temple.

"Yeah, I guess I am. Hey, this is gonna sound weird but could you hold me til I fall asleep?" JC asked Justin timidly.

"Yeah, sure man." Justin pulled JC closer.

"Thanks... I'll just pretend you're Marc." JC grinned and rested his head on Justin's chest.

"Haha... not funny. Just go to sleep so I can go back to sleep." Justin lightly flicked at JC's nose teasingly.

Justin lay there quietly until JC's breathing evened out. It was almost 1 before he too fell asleep.

Monday sucked for JC, to say the least. The guys just would not leave him alone. They were constantly badgering him about Marc being his new boyfriend and trying to get Justin to play the jealous ex-boyfriend type. If they had only really known what was really going on though. Joey, as usual was clueless. Chris had absolutely no idea. Christina still whined that she still hadn't met Marc. Britney, Lance, and Justin just found the entire thing amusing since the three of them knew. It was especially frustrating that he kept missing Marc's calls and they spent most of the day playing telephone tag with each other. He ended up not being able to join Marc at his practice and by the end of the day he had been going through serious Marc withdrawals. Marc ended up calling around 10 after he got back from practice.

"JCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.... It's your BOOOOOOOOOOOOYFRIEND!" Chris called up the stairs and JC could hear his and Joey's laughter as they continued their relentless teasing.

"I got it asshole!" He yelled back down the stairs. He waited for them to click off before he spoke again.

"Hey you." JC said sweetly. Just knowing it was Marc eased away alot of the frustration that had kept him company the whole day.

"Hey you yourself." Marc giggled back.

"I missed you." JC couldn't hold back, and he tended not to think in situations like these. He didn't even realize that he had said what he said.

"Awwwwww how sweeet. I missed me too." Marc giggled some more.

"You're such an ass, you know that?" JC chuckled back.

"Yes, I have one. As Ms. Britney Spears pointed out. I still can't believe that she did that yesterday. I was like so embarassed." JC could hear Marc shuffling around over the phone.

"Anyways." JC rolled his eyes at Marc and giggled. "So how was your day?"

"Boring, I was really hoping that you'd be able to go and help me fend Trisha off. She just does not get it." Marc sighed into phone.

"And I hope she never gets it" JC thought as he giggled with Marc over the phone. "That bad, huh?" JC asked him still giggling.

"Yup." Marc went silent all of a sudden.

"Maybe you should tell her you're gay or something." JC chuckled nervously at the thought.

"I should, huh? And that you're my boyfriend or something." Marc laughed along with JC. "Naw, but there would go your career, but I really really want her off my back."

"That would be something, I'd do it too. But yeah, my career." JC agreed with Marc. "Damn fucking career and celebrity bullshit. Of all the times." JC thought cursing himself.

"So what do you want to do tomorrow?" Marc asked.

"I don't know, we could just chill over here and watch some movies or something." JC joked, calling Marc by his nickname.

"Ugh! Not you too. Anyways I'll hang out with you and the rest of the guys at your place. That'll be cool. I won't have to deal with people." Marc giggled a little.

"Hey, we're people too." JC giggled with him. It was beginning to become a habit with them. "I think the guys were gonna go out though, but I'll hang out with you here tomorrow, if you don't mind." JC inwardly hoped that he would agree.

"Yeah, that'll be cool, less people." Marc's voice had just a touch of sarcasm to it which only served to make JC giggle a bit more.

"So are you gonna come over right after work?" JC asked timidly, fidgeting as he lay in his bed.

"Yeah, but knowing us, we'd probably end up catching a nap rather than doing anything else." Marc laughed over the phone again.

"And you say that like its a bad thing." JC laughed turning Marc's own line against him.

"Hey! That's my line." Marc protested. "But only if you play the pillow again." Marc giggled again.

"As long as you'll be my teddy bear." JC laughed again at their little exchange.

"Sure, but hey, I'll call you from work tomorrow." Marc told him as he giggled as well.

"I'll be waiting. But I better let you go before it gets to be 3 again." JC laughed again at the two of them. "You sleep well though, night baby." JC threw in as he smiled.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night. And tell everyone I said wussup and good night." Marc giggled as they both reluctantly let each other go.

JC ran downstairs to relay Marc's message minus the frustration he had felt early on in the day. He was practically his usually bounding spaztic self, if not more. He headed back up the stairs to try to fall asleep. Justin smiled seeing that he was back to being happy again. It had seemed that the past few days had been a real emotional rollercoaster for JC. Justin was really hoping things would work out for JC and Marc soon.

It was Tuesday and JC was up early for a change. He was still bounding with energy much to everyone's amusement and curiousity. Around lunch time he went over to Lance's house to pick out some movies.

"So what do you think would be good to watch?" JC asked as he looked through Lance's collection.

"I dunno, what mood are you exactly trying to set?" Lance asked him from the couch as he flipped through the channels.

"I'm not sure, I kinda want to set like a romantic one, but I don't know... wouldn't that seem too gay for two guys to be watching a movie like that all alone?" JC asked Lance seriously.

"Um... hello you are gay." Lance chuckled as he threw a cushion at JC.

"Yeah, but I don't know if he is for sure." JC defended as he tossed the cushion back at Lance.

"Oh god man... I'm not even gay and my gaydar works alot better than yours." Lance laughed again and tossed the cushion back at JC.

"Maybe you're just in denial." JC stuck his tongue out and tossed the cushion at Lance again.

"Fuck you!" Lance shot back as he flipped JC off.

"Right now?" JC joked before being hit with an onslaught of cushions.

"Anyways, just pick your damn movie and go." Lance laughed as he tidied up his living room.

"Okay... what about um... Star Wars?" JC asked. "Thats like a guy movie, right?"

"Thats a geek movie... and I know you didn't come all the way here to just get Star Wars when you have it in your closet... um... house anyways." Lance was just full of jokes today.

"Hey... I am not a geek." JC defended as he cast Lance a hurt look.

"Oh yeah... DUH! That's right... you're a DORK!!!!!" Lance yelled as he sat next to JC to help him with his movie choices.

"Fuck you." JC just shook his head and laughed with him.

"How about this?" Lance handed JC a tape he pulled from the shelf.

"The Opposite of Sex?" JC looked at Lance questioningly.

"Hey... its comedy... and its funny and it has like three gay guys in it. So maybe you could gauge a reaction from him. Or how about this." Lance pulled another movie out.

"Talented Mr. Ripley?" JC shot Lance another questioning look.

"Yeah, with Matt Damon. He's like some psycho gay guy. Hope Marc's not like that." Lance laughed a little.

"Um... okay... your gaydar is better than mine... and you have all these gay movies... okay where are you hiding all your gay porn?" JC teased Lance knowing it would piss him off.

"Hey! These are good movies! They just happen to have gay people in them. It doesn't mean I'm gay or anything and before you say anything... SHUT UP!!!!" Lance yelled at JC again since he hated being teased about his sexuality. "I can't help it if I have good taste and I know how to pick a movie."

"Um... only gay people have good taste." JC joked further.

"Okay... so what happened to you?" Lance shot back quickly catching JC off guard.

JC was speechless. He couldn't believe Lance had actually got him on something. It was the first time Lance had ever pulled one over on him.

"That's what I thought. Just take the movies and go before you embarass yourself anymore. Now be a good boy and run along now." Lance smiled as he ushered JC out the door with the two movies he picked out for him.

JC walked back into the house and Justin came bounding down the stairs to meet him. He set the movies on the coffee table and looked on at a smiling Justin.

"What's up with you? I thought I was the spaz?" JC laughed at Justin's dorky face.

"Marc called like 10 times. You left your cell you dumbass so I took the liberty of answering it for you." Justin bowed like a servant. "Anyways... It's 2 right now and he said he'll be over in like an hour and a half or so. Me and the guys are gonna go kick it with Chrissy... I told them you were busy and stuff so you won't be going with us and that Marc had practice anyways so Chrissy would have to wait til next time to meet him." Justin was practically jumping in place from his excitement.

"Man. You just covered all my bases, didn't you?" JC hugged Justin and thanked him.

"Um yeah... and if you check under your matress I bought you some lube and some condoms just in case... you know." Justin smiled.

"You're serious aren't you? You really did that didn't you?" JC looked on amazed.

"Yeah... I mean... have to hope for the best." Justin was still smiling ear to ear.

"All I'm hoping for is like just a kiss or something. But I doubt if I'll even get that... I just want to spend time with him... and if I get a kiss then I'll just be happier." JC sighed and smiled at Justin.

"You'll get it. And you're gonna be happy anyways. Anyways... I'm gonna go get the rest of the guys so you and Marc have fun. And you better tell me about it when I get back." Justin smiled and kissed JC on the cheek before leaving.

JC smiled and lay down on the couch. He ended up drifting off to sleep again.

"PHONE!!!!!" JC yelled as he shot up from his nap on the couch. He scrambled to get the phone and looked at the clock. "Four o'clock already? Shit!" He ran to the phone and picked it up.

"Marc??????" He was hoping it was and forgot how to answer the phone properly.

"Um, yeah... I was just checking to see if you were home." Marc giggled on the other line.

"Um... sorry..." JC giggled with him. "So you coming over still?" JC asked shyly hoping Marc would say yes.

"Um... only if you open the front door." Marc giggled again.

"Yeah I will, so when are you gonna be over here?" JC asked happily sighing knowing that Marc wasn't gonna cancel their little get together.

"You gonna open the front door?" Marc asked him again giggling.

"Yeah... when you get over here." JC was lost, obviously.

"No, I mean like right now." Marc giggled again at JC's airheadedness.

"Why?" JC asked again confused. Then he heard a knock at the door. "Um... hold on someone's at the door." JC walked over to the door and looked through the peephole to see who it was. Whoever was on the other side was blocking the hole. "Who is it?" JC yelled across the other side of the door.

"Will you just open it?" Marc giggled again seeing that JC still hadn't picked up on it.

"They're covering the peephole and I don't know who it is. And they're not answering either." JC reluctantly opened the door to find Marc on the other side.

"I can't believe you made me stand out there for like 15 minutes man." Marc told him over the phone even though they were looking straight at each other.

"Sorry." JC replied sheepishly over the phone. "I kinda fell asleep on the couch." He giggled a little as he still spoke into the cordless.

"Awwwwwww... without me?" Marc giggled into his cell.

"Um... well you could come inside and join me." JC laughed back into the cordless before opening the door wider to allow Marc to enter.

"Um... why are we still talking on the phone?" Marc giggled as he walked in still talking to JC with his cell.

"Um... I don't know... you hang up." JC giggled as he guided Marc to the living room.

"No... you hang up first." Marc argued playfully as he sat down next to JC on the couch.

"No... you hang up first." JC flirted back.

"Okay... on the count of three then." Marc said back, still talking through the phone as he stared on at JC.

"One, two, three." JC hung up but Marc still had his phone on.

Marc laughed. "Gotcha." he said as he clicked off his cell.

The two of them sat laughing at each other for a while before laying back down on the couch. JC draped his arm over Marc's waist as Marc leaned back into him again. It just felt so right for Marc to be so close to him like this.

"So..." JC said breaking the silence. "You want to watch one of the movies?"

"Sure, what did you get? Marc sighed as he nuzzled up closer to JC.

"Um... 'Talented Mr. Ripley' and 'Opposite of Sex'" JC said nervously. "Um... they're Lance's movies... he said they were pretty good." He didn't know why he was trying to throw a cover on the movies but he found himself doing it anyways.

"Cool... have you seen them before?" Marc asked.

"Nope. What about you?" JC shot back at him.

"Yeah, I watched 'Ripley' in the theatres with my best friend and we rented 'Opposite of Sex' once." Marc giggled a little as he got caught up in his memories.

"We could watch something else... if you wanna..." JC suggested sheepishly.

"We could start with 'Ripley'. I really don't mind watching it again. Matt Damon is so psycho in this." Marc giggled as he got up to pop the movie in the VCR leaving JC alone on the couch. A few minutes later he lay back down on JC, much to JC's desire.

They fell asleep half way through the movie. When the tape got to the end the sound of static blared over the speakers jolting the two of them awake.

"Wha????" Marc tried to shoot up but JC's arm pulled him back down.

"Um.. control... on the table... I think." JC smiled as he pointed towards the table and pulled Marc back down to him.

"Yeah." Marc giggled a little as he fumbled with the control and pressed mute. "You're too comfy, you know?" Marc said as he lay back down with JC.

"And you're too cuddly." JC giggled back as he pulled Marc closer to him.

"Maybe we should sit up for the next movie." Marc giggled as he pulled JC up to a sitting position.

"I don't wanna." JC protested but giggled as he let Marc sit him up on the couch.

"Come on. We can't sleep here all day." Marc giggled back with him.

"What would be wrong with that?" Josh whined as Marc got up to pop the next movie into the VCR.

"We'd miss the movie silly." Marc teased back. "How about you make us some popcorn so you can wake up a little. It'll be romantic." Marc trailed off still teasing.

JC of course couldn't refuse. He waltzed to kitchen and threw a bag of popcorn in the microwave. He poured ice into two glasses and took a two liter of Nestea out to the living room with the glasses and set them on the table. He went back for the popcorn and poured it into a bowl and went back to join Marc on the couch.

"You about ready?" Marc asked still a little giggly at how mopey JC was still being.

"Yeah, I guess." JC tried to act disappointed that they weren't gonna lie down and go back to sleep but he was getting ideas for the popcorn.

They started the second movie and they both dug into the popcorn bowl. A bit after the movie started JC started swatting Marc's hand away from the bowl.

"Hey greedy!" Marc said feigning hurt.

"Hey. Here. Open." JC began to playfully feed Marc popcorn. Marc didn't resist either. It brought laughter out from both of them.

"Okay, then. Your turn. Open. Come on. Open." Marc did the same to JC. "Eeeeew... you're such a dork." JC managed to lick at Marc's fingers as he tried to lick the piece of popcorn seductively.

JC laughed and tried to reach for the bowl again so he continue feeding Marc. Marc tried to snag the bowl back but they ended up spilling the popcorn all over the couch.

"Ooops." Was all they both could say as they broke down into laughter completely forgetting the movie.

"I guess we should get this all cleaned up before Justin has a shit fit." JC suggested as they still giggled about the situation.

They set about picking up whatever pieces of popcorn they could off of the couch. They even fought for which pieces they would try to collect which only made them laugh more. Their fits of laughter overtook them so much that they ended up rolling on the couch in the spilled popcorn. And in their rolling they managed to bump heads causing the both to stop as they took seats on the floor, in more popcorn, as the leaned up against the couch rubbing their heads.

"You alright Marc?" JC asked still giggling and rubbing at the sore spot on his head.

"Yeah, but you have a hard head, skinny as it is." Marc laughed as he too rubbed the sore spot.

"Here let me see if theres a bump or something." JC giggled as he steadied Marc's head and began feeling around his head. Unconsciously he started pulling him closer as they locked eyes again, both in a dreamy daze, giggles ceasing.

"Josh." Marc whispered as he let his eyes close.

"Marc." JC whispered back as he felt his eyes flutter shut.

They leaned closer. Slowly til their faces were mere moments apart. And they inched closer still, the world fading around them, eyes still shut. A phone rang in the distance.

"Um... I think thats mine." Marc whispered, eyes still shut. He made no move to answer it.

"Yeah." JC agreed in a whisper. He could feel the heat of Marc's face near his. They were that close. Lips almost touching.

"Maybe I should answer it." Marc whispered, unmoving from his current position.

His whispered breath sent shivers up JC's spine as they sat there, unmoving, ready to kiss at any moment.

"You don't have to." He finally managed in a hushed tone. He leaned in a little closer. His lips yearning to taste Marc's own. ================================================================================

Okay so I'm just gonna end it there. Um... should they kiss? Hmmmmmm... Yeah, so what if its a weird place to end. But maybe it'll make you wanna come back? Oh well. Anyways... you know what to do... Questions, comments, flames, whatever can be directed to my e-mail at vocal76@hotmail.com ... peace and adobo grease!

Next: Chapter 12

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