Turn Around

By moc.loa@dikeNeraBeraB

Published on Sep 4, 2003


I can't believe the amount of feedback I've gotten from this story. However feedback to this part would be appreciated too.



I had finally gotten to bed by 6 am, and the combination of alcohol, drugs and being fucked many times took there tole and I collapsed into bed and slept dreamlessly for twelve hours. When I woke up I didn't know what time it was and I felt completely disoriented. All I knew was my ass hurt like hell. Then everything came flooding back to me. I not only had gotten fucked bareback, but by four guys who fucked me twice each. At least I think it was twice each. Images were overflowing in my head, just as much as the night before cum had been flooding out of my ass. I remembered Chad fucking me, pictures being taken, being given something to drink and then really flying. I saw myself riding Victors cock by sitting on it and jumping up and down like a deranged kid on a bouncing ball. I also remember someone had been video taping that and that I played for the camera. I also remember begging Ted to fuck me a second time. Then I remembered that while they were taping all three of them had put on Halloween masks. I had asked why and they said they didn't want to be recognized in the video. When I had asked for a mask they said they wanted me to be seen, that my facial expressions when I got fucked were to priceless to cover up. I think I might have even said "Thank You" to them after that comment. How high had I been? The worst thing I did remember was that I had been rock hard most of the evening and had shot two or three loads myself.. All day Sunday I kept replaying these scenes in my head. I felt guilty and like a hypocrite. Hadn't I always talked down to guys who barebacked. And what about HIV?

Yet there were also times on that Sunday , when I thought about it, I would get hard again. I ended up jerking off twice thinking about those raw cocks fucking me and shooting in me. After I would cum I would feel even worse. Had I become what they kept jokingly referred to me as , a cumslut?

I was also thinking about work. How would I handle the next day? How could I counsel people not to bareback when not only had I done it, but now I was fantasizing about it? What about Ted? Not only had he tricked me, but he had pictures and videos of me taking it raw. How could I work with someone who at one point the night before I was begging him to fuck me a second time? God, I thought, and does Ted fuck good. They all had.

By Monday my ass was still a little sore, but I could at least sit down at my table when I had breakfast. I wanted to get into the office early so I could shut my door and do the paperwork I had scheduled to do. That way I could avoid seeing Ted.

When I got to work I was the first person there and I had to unlock the building. After I did that, I quickly went to my office, shut the door, turned on the computer and sat down to drink the coffee I had picked up from the vendor outside .Then my entire world shattered, not with a bang but with moans.

I was sitting at my desk, eyes shut, sipping my coffee, waiting for that familiar music the computer makes when it turns on. It never came. What did was a recording of a guy moaning. Horrified I quickly recognized my own voice and I was moaning "Fuck my ass raw! Let me feel your cock shoot in me again!" I quickly opened my eyes, I must be dreaming, I turned to look at my computer and everything went from bad to worse.

Instead of my work logo being the wallpaper, there was a picture of me on my monitor screen. I was on my back, my red t-shirt still on , but nothing else. Next to me you could see a small brown bottle, a little bit down on the bed there was condom package, ripped open but with the condom still in the package. My legs were high over my head, but you could make out that my cock was rock hard. In between my legs was someone, I knew it was Chad from the muscular frame, but his head was out of the picture. Actually both his heads were out of the picture, my legs were put in a way that you got a clear view of my ass and the cock that was sticking in it. Only the head of his cock was in, but it was obvious looking at it that there was NO CONDOM on it. I looked at my face again, I looked like I was in ecstacy. (For those wondering, I still have those pics that were taken) Then a message popped up that said I had mail. I went to the email program and opened it. When I did I heard my voice again, this time saying "Yes, I'm a cumslut!".

Oh my god, I thought, what the fuck is going on? As if in answer I saw one of emails subject was "pics and sounds on your computer". I quickly opened that message, it was from "the group". They said Sunday they had come in and changed the wallpaper and sounds on my computer. They also wrote that such a performance had to be shared.

I started opening and shutting programs, minimizing and maximizing windows - every action had a sound attached to it and the sounds were of me from the night before having sex. Not only sex, but raw sex. I thought I had to quickly change my computer back before anyone saw or heard it. Then another shock! From the other room I heard my voice saying "Fuck my ass raw! Let me feel you cum in me again!" The I heard a scream and then laughter and a lot of talk. I then remembered, we were networked. This wasn't just done to my computer, but to every computer in my office. Everyone was seeing my ass getting fucked bareback. They were hearing me scream and moan while getting fucked. I was finished! Anxiety , humiliation overcame me and I sat just staring at my computer screen, knowing that as everyone came into the office and turned on their computer they would see it too.

I don't know how long I sat there, I was in complete shock. The next thing I remembered was Ted opening my door and coming in.

"Hi baby", he greeted me, "Like your new computer settings?"

I looked at him like he was crazy. "How could you do this to me?" I sobbed.

"Hey, you'll thank me for this later. Meanwhile, we have a client who is asking for you specifically. You have work to do." He then grabbed my arm and led me out of the office. As I walked by the administrative assistants all of them were just staring at me with an amused expression on their faces. One of them looked me right in the eye and said"Wow, he was big! Should I book you for your first test now?"

Ted led me to the largest counseling room, opened the door and pushed me inside shutting the door behind me. I looked up. Chad was my client.

"You're here for a test?" I managed to ask.

"Hell NO! I just wanted to check in on you and see how your day was going." he said

I suddenly burst into tears. Surprisingly he came over and hugged me. I let him

"You know you're going to lose your job, don't you"

I nodded.

"Well", he said,"Don't worry about it. You don't belong here anyways. For such a slut, you've led too tame a life. I've tricked a lot of guys into letting me fuck them raw a first time but you're different. You not only took to it, but you became a wild animal. I have never seen anyone turn so quickly and change so much. You are cock crazy and anyone like that shouldn't be telling people to restrain there urges. Don't worry about work , I've got a job for you at my business that will fit perfectly with your past experiences. Pay is better than here, more vacations, and full benefits."

"Jesus Christ, this feels like a really bad movie script" I managed to sputter.

He laughed, then took my hand and put it over his crotch. I couldn't believe it, it was rock hard. He reached down and pushed me to my knees. All of a sudden I was face to face with the cock that was on my windows wallpaper. It was so hot looking , without a thought I took him in my mouth. I love sucking cock and his tasted great. I could taste his precum, it was the breakfast of champions. Realizing where we were I quickly looked up and said "The door isn't locked, there are no locks on the door, anyone can come in."

"Isn't there a sign on the door saying counseling is going on?"

"Yes" I answered.

"Then keep it quiet and no one will come in."

I sucked his cock for another five minutes or so. It was hot thinking my coworkers could come in any second and I got lost in that thought. All of a sudden I felt his arms go around me and pull me to my feet.

"Get naked", he demanded. I was no longer looking at the gentle guy who offered me a job a few minutes before but the dominator who had fucked me several times a couple nights before.

"I can't get naked here" I quickly said.

All it took was one look from him and I was throwing off my clothes. In 30 seconds or less my clothes were on the floor and I was stark naked next to him. Meanwhile he was fully clothed with just his pants button undone and his pants unzipped with his hard cock sticking out.

"Aren't you getting naked" I asked.

"Nope, I like having my slut naked in front of me with me being fully clothed. Makes it more dangerous for you than me" He looked down and I did too. My cock jumped when he said that. He smiled "God you really are such a fag"

He walked over to his bag and reached in and pulled out two items, a bottle of lube and bottle of poppers. "Time for me to fuck another load in you, what do you think?

"Yes sir" I quickly answered, I lay down on my back on the table and pulled my legs up. My ass hung at the edge of the table and Chad walked over and started applying the lube. I watched as he put the lube all over his hard cock and rubbed it in. God did it look big and beautiful. He put my legs on top of his shoulders and put his cockhead against my ass. He leaned down and put the bottle of poppers against my nose . I inhaled and then settled back for the rush. It hit me in just ten seconds. Slowly he leaned in. It took a few seconds before it pushed past the opening then it popped past and I saw stars again.

Once again, he held it there til I got used to it and then he started to fuck me. The position wasn't the best for me to push back but soon I was moaning. "You sound like a cat in heat" he whispered. Realizing my voice might be heard I moaned softer, but he was picking up pace and the faster he pumped the more I had a hard time keeping from screaming.

I couldn't believe it. Here I was , in a room where I had counseled many guys to have safe sex, getting fucked by this hung stud, bareback. I was still flying from the poppers but they were wearing off. On top of that this position was hard because the table was so uncomfortable.

Chad quickly withdrew, instinctively knowing I wasn't comfortable. He stood me up , bent me over the table and then started fucking me again. Now I was in a good position to fuck back and I backed myself onto his dick and rode it.

He slowed down, and put the poppers under my nose again, after I inhaled he started pile driving in my ass. The poppers started to have an effect on me. I started to fantasize that I was doing a counseling, but instead of telling the client how good safe sex was I was advocating bareback sex. Then to prove it to the client, I would have him fuck me. This fantasy played out in my popper filled mind until the high started going away and I realized it wasn't a total fantasy.

Chad was fucking me hard, but now he was moaning and saying things very loudly. He would scream things like "God you're right , bareback sex is best" and "I just came here for a test, now you're showing me what I'm missing by not fucking raw!"

I realized in horror that he had to be making so much noise that people outside the room could hear. All of a sudden I became aware of something else. He had been jerking my cock off with his hand and I was beginning to feel my balls rise and I knew I was about to cum. I couldn't cum now, not with him making noises and the fact anyone could walk in. But the body doesn't always do what you want it to do. He hit my prostate once more and I lost the battle. I moaned real loud, I couldn't help it and started shooting my load. I could feel my ass contracting around his cock, giving it a major massage.

All of a sudden he screamed "Yeah guy, shoot your load while I shoot my cum up your ass. I'm cuuumminngggggggggg Auughhhhhhhhhhh". I could feel his cock fire out the beginning of his load. That's when the door burst open.

I turned to look and saw a group of people staring straight in at us, among them were Ted, several secretaries and my boss. Chad quickly withdrew, shooting the last of his load on my ass. We must have been quite a sight:: me naked bent over a table, him fully dressed, with just his hard cock, which was still dripping cum, sticking out from his pants. He grabbed my underwear, which was on the floor, wiped off his cock, put it back in his pants, zipped up, and walked out, pushing back the people by the door. As he left , he turned to me and said, "Thanks for the counseling" then disappeared.

There I was, bent over the counseling table, totally naked, cum leaking from my ass and coating it, cum dripping from my cock onto the floor below, which was soaked with my shot load.. I didn't know what to do, so I got up and shut the door in everyones face. I got dressed and left the room, everyone had already left the area. I went to the bathroom and then headed back to my office. On my desk was a note from my boss to see him as soon as possible. I sat down at my computer, the wallpaper had changed back to its original logo. I quickly typed up a resignation letter , resigning from my position and stating I would return when no one was there to clear out my desk.. I walked to my bosses office, handed him the letter and left the building. After I had walked a couple blocks, I heard a car horn. I looked over. There was Chad in his car. He made a motion to me. I smiled, walked over and climbed into the passenger seat.

For those interest, for several years I did become a cumpig. Lots of adventures, should I write them down?

Oh, and if anyone is curious, as of my last test, I'm still HIV neg and now I only bareback with one person. I guess its true what they say about fools and drunks, because acting as stupidly as I did for a few years, I should be poz, but luck is with me. I don't plan on tempting fate anymore.

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