Tuning Bimbos

By Ellie Dauber

Published on Oct 16, 1999



SRU: Tuning Bimbos by Ellie Dauber copyright 1999

"Man," Larry Bryce said, "I cannot believe the way Old Lady Reese came down on us."

"I know," Bret Sanger said. "Two weeks' detention for one little joke."

"Yeah, but it was almost worth it," Rick Quint said. "The way she screamed and everybody scattered when the mice jumped out of her drawer. Hell, half the guys in the class screamed."

The three laughed, remembering what had happened when their teacher opened a desk drawer and a dozen white mice, liberated from the biology lab, scattered through the room. They'd gone directly from their senior English class to the Principal's Office to detention.

Now, at 5 PM, they were "liberated", but they knew that they'd be spending two hours after school in detention for the next ten days. In no hurry to get home, they all piled in Bret's car and headed to the local mall. It would be crowded with kids to share in their triumph.

Unfortunately, the first kid they met was Lisa Harrison. Lisa was a perky blonde whose good looks and cheery personality made her among the more popular kids in the Senior Class. She'd also been in the front row in their English class.

"That was not funny, boys," she said, glaring at them hands on her hips. "You really scared us."

"Hey," Bret said. "It was funny. I mean, watching everybody jumping up on their chairs." He smiled, remembering the sight of the girls on their chairs, many of them --- including Lisa - with their skirts pulled up high to keep the mice away. All those great legs in display for him to enjoy.

Lisa saw him staring down at her legs and realized what he was thinking. "You bastard," she said. She slapped his face and stormed off. "You three should have been kicked out of school."

"Whoo, man," Rick said. "I guess she showed you." He laughed, running his fingers through his close-cropped sandy brown hair.

"Some women got no sense of humor," Bret said.

"Yeah," Larry said. "She sounds just like Old Lady Reese." They all laughed at that and headed into the mall.

A few kids waved at them, and one or two actually came over to congratulate them or express sympathy at what they thought was a harsh punishment. But many shied away. There were a lot of kids who had friends in that class and resented what had happened.

Also, Ms. Reese was a popular teacher. She'd come to the school six years before, right out of college. She was an attractive brunette, although she played down her appearance. She'd started an afterschool poetry club and taken over directing the annual play. This year, at her insistence, the students had gotten to vote on what play they wanted to do, and she'd defended their choice, STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE, when the school board had tried to change it. She had won, and the play was now in final rehearsal.

The three pranksters were in one of the less crowded part of the mall. "Kids got no sense of humor," Larry said. He took a sip from his coke.

"You know it," Bret said. "You'd think they'd be grateful for our livening up that English class."

"Damn straight," Rick said. "And girls like Lisa are so damn stuck up. She got mad at us for nothing. I never told her to jump up on that desk. I thought she was cool."

"Yeah," Bret said, "but I got a great view of those legs of hers. Hell, she got her skirts up so high, I think I saw panty."

"Man," Larry said. "You wouldn't know panty - or pussy - if you ever saw it."

"Seen more of it than you have," Bret said.

"Hey, guys," Rick said. "Chill. We don't have that many friends right now.

We got've to stick together."

"You're right," Larry said. "I'm sorry." He stuck out his hand.

"Okay," Bret said. He shook hands with Larry. "Hey, isn't there a comics store around here? I want to see if the new X-Men is out."

They looked around. The comic book store was gone. In its place was a weird looking shop, a Pier 19 wanna-be with its windows full of brasses, funny looking sculptures, and such. There was a sign over the door that said "Spells 'R Us".

"Hey, what gives," Bret said. "I was here just last week. They didn't say anything about moving."

"And how can another store set up so fast," Larry said.

"Duh!," Rick said, "'Cause we're in a different part of the mall."

"Oh, yeah," Larry said. "Well, there's the health food shop and the Radio Shack that have always been by the comics store. Did they move, too?"

"Only one way to find out," Bret said. He walked over to the store and walked in. The other two followed.

The bell over the door clanged as they came in. The three boys looked around. The store was even stranger than they thought, filled with all sorts of junk on the shelves. Larry was about to pick up a funny looking little doll when a voice called out, "Please don't touch that, Larry. I've got enough inflatables right now."

They turned in the direction of the voice. It was an old man, who looked like a skinny Santa in an old blue bathrobe. "Larry, Bret, Rick, welcome to my store. Let's go over to the counter where we can talk." He gestured towards the back of the store, then waited until the boys began walking in that direction. They followed him to the counter and sat on three stools while he walked behind it.

"How'd you know our names," Bret said.

"Yeah," Larry said. "You some kind of magician or something?" Larry was the Dungeons and Dragons player of the group.

The old man looked at them for a moment. "Very good, Larry. You're not as dumb as you look. Though, I must say that the idea with the mice wasn't the smartest thing that the three of you could have done."

"How'd you know about that?" Rick said.

The old man pointed at a sign on the wall behind the counter. It read "Because I'm a wizard. Now stop asking dumb questions and tell me what you want."

"Right," Bret said. "Okay, if you're a wizard, what can you do to help us get back at Old Lady Reese for getting us stuck in detention for two weeks?"

"Yeah," Bret said. "And at Lisa and her friends for giving us such a hard time."

"I think I have what you boys need." The wizard reached down behind the counter, felt around for a few moments and pulled out what looked like a TV remote control, except that it was bright pink. The buttons and the lettering on it were a sort of canary yellow."

"What's this do?" Rick said.

"Call it an attitude adjuster. Look at the buttons." They looked. It had a power button and buttons numbered 0-9, like any other remote. But instead of a channel changer, there were two buttons with arrows pointing left and right over the word "BIMBO".

"Bimbo," Bret said.

"Yes," just turn it on and point it at a woman. You use those two buttons to adjust the, well, call it her level of 'bimbo-osity'. With this thing, you could turn the easiest, most bedable girl in your school into a prim little nun."

They all smiled, realizing the other possibilities. "Or turn Old Lady Reese into a really friendly teacher," Larry said. "How much?"

"Seventy-five dollars, that's only twenty-five dollars each."

The boys checked their wallets. They had about eighty dollars between them, with Larry having the most, and Bret holding only about fifteen dollars. "I'll pay you back, guys," he said.

"Wait a minute," Rick said. "How do we know it works."

Just then the bell over the door rang again. A woman in a UPS uniform walked to the back carrying a package. "Are you, Mr. Spellman?" she said to the wizard. She was in her twenties, slender, with reddish brown hair done up in a bun.

"I am," said the wizard. He took the package and signed for it. As the woman turned to leave, he picked up the remote and pointed it at her. She froze in her tracks. He pushed one of the arrow buttons. A pink "18" appeared in mid-air over her head. "Now for a demonstration."

The wizard pushed the right arrow button. The number increased: "25", "37", "52", "64", "80". As the number increased, the woman changed. Her slender figure became more lush, her hips and butt swelling against her now skin tight pants. Her blouse pulled out of the pants, re-tying itself just below her breasts. Breasts that were growing out from 34-B to 40-D. Then the bottoms of her pants moved quickly up her legs. They shot past her knees, past the mid-thigh length of a UPS summer uniform to become a pair of "Daisy Duke" shorts that clung tightly to her crotch. Her face changed, lips becoming fuller, eyes bigger. Her hair undid itself from the bun and grew bright red, becoming longer and thicker as it cascaded down her back, stopping just above her narrower waist.

The wizard took his finger off the button. The woman turned and saw the three boys staring at her. "Like what you see, boys," she said in a voice that was now a high soprano. She stepped over to Rick, the tallest of the three, and put her arms up around his neck. Then she pulled his head to hers and kissed him. As she did, she pressed herself against his and ground her hips against his loins.

After a minute, far too short a time as far as Rick was concerned, she broke free. "Well that was fun," she said with a sexy giggle. "But I've got stuff to deliver. Later, boys!" She continued walking towards the door, her ass swaying invitingly. Her shorts were cut so close that the boys could see the bottom of the curve of her ass at the bottom.

Just as she got to the door, the wizard hit the button again. She froze. The number appeared above her head, and the wizard stepped it back down to "25". Her body and clothing changed back to what they had been when she first came into the store. She left the store apparently unaware of anything that had happened.

"I thought '18' was a bit low for an attractive woman in her 20s. Besides, Milly there could use just a little loosening up. She's been wanting to shake off a little bit of her prim upbringing anyway. So boys, are you interested?"

The boys quickly put the cash on the counter.

"Now before I give you this, I want to tell you a little about how it works.

The effect normally wears off after eight hours, but it can be repeated as often as you want. You can only use it on one person at a time, but you can use it on one person after another. Don't use it on too many at one time or the spell - and the device itself -- become weaker. The tuner converts basic magic energy to the 'bimbo' magic and stores it, so you have to be careful how you use it. And be careful how high you try to set the number."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Be careful. Don't use it too much." Bret said. "C'mon, old man. We paid for that thing. Give it to us."

"Yes, you did," the wizard said. "Take it and go. I'd say use it wisely, but I don't think I need to worry about that that." He handed Bret the tuner.

The boys laughed and left the store. Rick looked back as they walked away. The comic book store was back as if it had always been there.

They headed back towards the entrance they'd come into the mall. Lisa was standing near the exit talking to a couple of her friends. She saw the boys and scowled. Bret pulled the tuner from his pocket and pointed it at her. Everyone around seemed to stop, like a trick TV effect. The number "35" appeared over Lisa's head.

Bret pushed the right arrow button. The number increased in jumps: "48", "56", "67", "81", "88", "92". Finally, "00". As the number increased, Lisa's already attractive figure became even more curved. He dress inched higher up her legs as her flats grew three-inch heels. The dress finally stopped just below her now wider hips. Garters could be seen holding the patterned stockings her panty hose had become. Her blouse became a spandex top that barely contained her now 38-DD breasts. Her short haircut was now a halo of golden curls around her head.

Bret took his finger off the button and put the tuner away. Lisa's scowl became a happy grin. She left her friends without saying another word and walked over to the boys. They didn't seem to notice that anything had happened to her. Her body swayed in fluid movements that made the three of them grow stiff before she got to them.

"Hi, boys," Lisa said in a high 'fuck me' voice. "Where are you headed?"

"Over to Larry's," Rick said. "His folks are out of town on business, and we're going to keep him company. Care to join us."

"Gee," Lisa said. "Alone in a house with three cute boys. I don't know." She paused for a second, then smiled. "Sure, let's go."

She took Rick by the arm. "Where's your car, Honey?"

The three got into Bret's car. Bret was driving, while Larry and Rick got in the back with Lisa between them. Bret started the car and headed out of the lot. He could see Lisa in the rearview mirror, her hands in both boys' crotches, while Larry was kissing her and Rick had his hand up under her bra. Bret decided to hurry, so as to miss out on as little of the fun as possible.

He was speeding down Pine Street, when he heard the siren. He looked in the mirror and saw a cop on a motor cycle. He took a quick look at the dash. He was doing almost 50 in a neighborhood posted at 25. He slowed and pulled over to the curb. Larry, Lisa, and Rick stopped the backseat orgy and tried to pull their clothes back into place.

Bret pulled his wallet out of his pocket and fished out his license and registration. This was real trouble. His Dad had warned him that another ticket, and his driving privileges would be lifted for a month. He looked in the mirror to see if the cop was coming to the car yet. The officer took off his - no, her -- helmet and started walking to the car. Bret smiled and reached for the tuner.

He waited till the cop came over to the car and leaned in to talk to him. Before she could react, he pointed the tuner at her. She froze and he could see the number "22" appear over he head. He pressed down hard on the button. The number shot up: "30", "44", "61", "79", "91". "00."

The uniform was still regulation, but it was a lot tighter on her lush body.

Wide hips and butt pushed against tight pants. Her hair had been tied in a short ponytail. Now it hung from in thick brown curls that went halfway down her back. The top two buttons of the blouse were undone to reveal the tops of two creamy 40-DD breasts. Her complexion was perfect, peaches and cream. She smiled, parting two thick lips, "Now where are you bad boys going in such a hurry." Her voice was a throaty half purr.

"We're having a party at Larry's," Lisa giggled from the back seat. "Just the four of us."

The cop smiled. "Not anymore. She walked around, hips swaying, and got in beside Bret. She leaned over and kissed him. "I think you need adult supervision. Drive, lover."

Bret looked at his watch. It was 6:30 by now. They were rehearsing that dumb play over at the school tonight. Ms. Reese was sure to be there early.

"One more stop," he said and drove towards the school.

As he got near the school, Bret could see that the lights were on in the auditorium. He pulled up and parked by the main entrance. Then he turned to the cop. "Officer Korvach," he began.

"You can call me Peggy, Honey." She leaned over and kissed him again. He felt her hand on his crotch.

"Okay, umm, Peggy. Would you do me a big favor? Go into the school and bring out a teacher, Ms. Reese. She should be in the auditorium."

"Do I have to," Peggy asked. "Her finger traced the length of his erection through his pants. "I'd rather stay here with you."

"Don't you want to be fair?" Bret said. "She wants to come to the party, too. But she has to work. So go in and look official. That's the only way she can sneak out. You bring her back and we all go party."

"Okay," Peggy said. She took his head in her hands and kissed him. Hard. When he opened his mouth in surprise, Bret felt her tongue dart in. It felt like a really sexy anteater was checking his tonsils. She broke the kiss and smiled at him. "That was so you'll miss me."

She got out of the car and walked into the building, her hips swaying. Bret noticed that her walk became more stiff and military as she walked. Just before she went in, she turned back and blew Bret a kiss.

Bret waited watching her through the window. He could hear noises from the back seat: Lisa giggling and one or both of the boys groaning and breathing hard. Then he saw the cop - Peggy - walking out of the school with Old Lady Reese. As they got near the car, Ms. Reese got a look at who was driving. "Is this some sort of joke?" Ms. Reese said. "If it is, you'd better get ready to spend the rest of the year in deten--"

She froze as Bret hit the button. There was a number "31" over her head. Bret smiled. He'd had a hunch that she might have a higher number. Now that number rose rapidly. "39", "52", "67", "81", "93". "00".

Ms. Reese had been wearing a loose fitting skirt that hung down to her knees. Now it tightened as it crept up her legs. By the time it stopped, just below her hips, it looked like it was painted on. Her flat sandals changed to a pair of spiked heels that rose two, three, four inches above the ground as her legs grew more supple and shapely. Her blouse changed from a pale green cotton to sheer nylon see through. Her bra was now visible, a wisp of black lace that strained as her breasts grew from 38-B to 42-DD. The neckline lowered to just above the top of the bra. Her short brown hair changed into a mass of auburn curls that now reached down to the middle of her back. Her lip thickened and darkened, a pink gloss changing to a deep red. She had dark eye shadow on now and mascara. Her short nails lengthen and a polish the color of the lipstick she now wore.

Bert clicked off the tuner. Ms. Reese smiled at the boys in the car. "Hey, stud," she said. "I hear you're having a party." Her voice, formerly a well-modulated alto, was now a high, little girl soprano that seemed to connect directly to Bret's penis.

Larry opened the back door. "Get in, Ms. Reese, and we'll head to my place for the party."

She climbed in quickly and kissed him. "My name's Catherine, silly. But you can call me 'Kitty.' You know, just a snuggly little pussy cat."

Peggy got in the front next to Bret. "Thanks, Peggy," he said.

"My pleasure, lover." She reached over and kissed him again. "But the feeling will be very mutual when we get to Larry's house."

That was all the encouragement Bret needed. He could hear giggling from the back seat as he sped to Larry's. Peggy had her hand at his crotch the entire drive, so he kept the car at just below the legal limit. (The next cop might be a guy.) He pulled up into the driveway and parked. When he opened the door to get out, he could see Larry and Rick adjusting their pants. Lisa and Kitty just giggled and got out. Both their blouses were unbuttoned, and Kitty was holding her bra in her hands. Larry opened the door, and the group went inside.

Larry turned on the lights and walked over to a CD stereo set-up in the corner. He put in a CD and turned it on. Low, sensual jazz trumpet soon filled the room. Rick went over to the liquor cabinet and brought back a scotch for himself and one for each of his male friends.

The three girls talked for a minute. "Now you boys just sit down over there," Kitty said with a lascivious grin, "and we'll show you a little something that you might like."

The boys sat on the couch. The girls stood in a circle in front of they. They swayed to the music, caressing their bodies and moving their hips in the same slow rhythm. Then, slowly, they began to unbotton their blouses. They dropped them to the floor. Lisa and Peggy reached behind their backs to unhook their bras. Kitty already had hers off and she held it in front of her face like a veil, peeking over the top and licking her lips.

The boys gulped at their drinks, finishing them almost at the same time. While the other girls danced, Lisa brought the bottle over from the liquor cabinet. She poured each of them a second drink, taking a little for herself. As she leaned over to pour, each boy got a close look at her perfect breasts. Bret reached up and tweaked at the nipple. She only smiled and left the bottle on the floor next to him.

The other girls had gotten their bras off by now. They mimicked Kitty for a moment, teasing the boys, then all three tossed the bras to the nearest boy.

Kitty and Lisa unbuttoned their skirts and let them fall to the floor. Peggy undid her uniform pants and pulled them down slowly over her hips. When she had them down to mid-thigh, she dropped them and wriggled out of them. All three girls stepped out of the piles of clothing. They danced for the boys wearing only panties, stockings, and heels.

Rick leaned forward, grabbing for Lisa. She jumped back out of his reach and smiled. "No, we want to dance a little first." "Hey, man," Rick said, slurring his words slightly. "Use that thing on 'em again. Make the girls so horny that they want to stop dancing and just fuck our brains out."

Bret remembered the wizard's warning, but he was too horny and too drunk to care. He pulled the tuner out of his pocket and pointed it at the girls. They continued dancing as lights seemed to flash around them, switching back and forth between half-naked bimbos and their normal forms. Bret clicked and clicked at the switch. Suddenly there was a bright light. The three girls assumed their normal forms. The numbers appeared over their heads, shrinking back to the original values. The girls smiled and slowly faded away.

The three boys jumped up. "What the hell happened," Larry asked.

"Damned if I know," Bret said. "The wizard warned us about overusing that thing. I guess I did, and it changed the three of them back."

"You think they'll remember what happened?" Rick said.

"I don't know. But even if they do, what can they do about it?" Bret looked down at the tuner that was still in his hand. "I guess I'd better put this thing away. We'll take it back to the wizard tomorrow. Maybe he can explain what happened."

Bret felt the tuner suddenly begin to vibrate in his hand. There was a sudden, final flash of light, and it faded away just as the three girls had.

Bret looked up at his two friends trying to figure out what happened. Neither was moving. He saw number slowly form in the air over their heads. He looked up, there was a number over his head, too. In all three cases, the number was low, "01". But he could see the number rise quickly: "16", "29", "42", "60", finally stopping at "75" for each of them..

Larry and Rick both shrank several inches. Then their clothes shrank to fit, only not too well, as hips and breasts swelled beneath them. Their fingers became more slender as their nails grew out. Their hair became longer growing out over their ears and down past their necks. Their faces shifted, jaws narrowing, cheekbones becoming higher. Their thick bushy eyebrows narrowed to thin trimmed lines even as their lips swelled becoming full and pouty.

Bret looked down. He had only to see his own breasts swell out beneath his T-shirt to know that what he saw was happening to him as well. He felt the familiar warmth of a growing erection, then the feeling slowly changed to a moist softening, a feeling of emptiness between his legs. He knew that he and his two friends were now female.

The changes continued. An invisible artist was putting make-up on their faces. Bret tasted something sweet as his own lips darkened. He could feel something, mascara, he guessed, forming on his lashes.

Larry's shirt and jeans seemed to fuse into a single light blue garment. The sleeves faded away as the pants legs fused and crept up his legs, stopping at mid-thigh as a tight mini-skirt. His sneakers became a pair of low heels as his sock rose up his legs, changing to sheer hose.

Rick's pants crept up his legs becoming a pair of shorts that were tight against his crotch. He suddenly was wearing hose as well. His Babylon Nine T-shirt changed into a lycra blouse cut low enough that a bit of the lace from his bra could be seen.

Bret felt a pinch at his ears. Then something was hanging down from them, earrings he guessed. He felt himself being raised several inches as his shoes got some sort of heels. There was a feeling of something creeping up his legs. He felt something slide down from just below his waist and pull the sheer material tight. Stocking and garter belt, he said to himself. There was a weight at his wrist, and he looked down to see a pair of thin gold bracelets seem to grow out from his flesh. He caught a whiff of perfume.

Bret was afraid to look down at his new body. He looked over at his friends again. Where two boys had stood just moments before, there were two gorgeous girls. The numbers over their heads bumped up to "83" as they began to move. As Larry and Rick looked down at their new bodies trying to understand what had happened, the numbers faded to nothingness.

"What the hell happened to us," Rick said. He started at the sound of his sexy new, little girl voice.

"More important," Larry said. "How the hell do we change back."

Bret started to answer. Then the room began to spin. He felt himself fall back onto the couch as everything got dark.

"Bren, wake up!"

Brenda Sanger opened her eyes. Her two best friends, Lori Bryce and Rikki Quint were staring down at her.

"Are you okay," Lori asked.

"I guess, so." She looked down at the scotch bottle on the floor. "I guess I had a little too much to drink."

"You scared us for a minute," Rikki said.

"I'm sorry," Brenda said. Her brow furrowed in thought, something she didn't do very often. "Gee, I don't even remember what we were doing when I fainted."

Rikki giggled. "Gosh, you really had too much to drink. We were dancing, remember?"

"Not exactly," Brenda said, trying to remember. She vaguely remembered people dancing, but it wasn't her two friends. It was somebody else. She was watching, and she -- oh, this is ridiculous -- she remembered being a boy and watching girls dance. The thought faded almost immediately.

"Well, we weren't dancing exactly," Lori said. "Listen to the music. We were trying to do exotic dancing. You know, turn the boy on with a slow strip, like they do in the movies."

"Yeah," Rikki said. "Something new to do with our guys this weekend."

Brenda felt her nipples begin to tingle at the thought. She felt a looseness in her groin. Would she really have to wait until the weekend to satisfy the hunger she was beginning to feel. No, she looked at her two friends. They needed something as much as she did, and a little girl-girl action was always nice.

A small clock on the mantle chimed. 10:30. Lori shut off her father's CD player. "Let's take this upstairs," she said with a smile. "We can have some fun and still get a good night sleep before school tomorrow."

The wizard smiled as he watched them head upstairs, all three giggling in anticipation.

"I knew that I could trust you boys to mis-use the device," he said. "You got your wishes. You had a chance to play with Lisa and Ms. Reese. Peggy Korvach was just an added bonus. Still, nothing serious happened, and they have no memories of any of it in this new reality. Nor is there any memory of detention, since you're too busy thinking about boys and having fun with them to ever think of any sort of prank."

He used the tuner to shut off his crystal ball. "All in all, a good day," he said as he turned off the lights and teleported to his own bedchambers. It was late, and he could watch the three girls just as well from there.

The End

Copyright Ellie Dauber, 1999 This story can be copied to any FREE site.

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