Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Jul 3, 2010


Tuleman's New Friends Chapter 8 storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

This is an adult story. You must be an adult to read it. It contains male on male sexual situations. It is totally fiction and depicts unsafe sex which in today's world is stupid and probably will lead to STDS and possibly death. Don't do it!

Tuleman's New Friends

Bob whispered into Terry's ear. "We don't want him to cum, just hold it in your mouth and keep him hard."

Terry nodded and backed off with his tongue. Looking up, he could see Shannon's eyes were closed and Carl was playing with his nipples. Frank had two fingers in Shannon's mouth and was talking closely to his ear. So much for Shannon telling these guys he wasn't going to suck their cocks, he thought bringing a grin to his face as it held Shannon's cock.

"That's a good faggot Shannon. You're doing fine. Just relax and let it all go. You were born a cocksucker and finally it happened. It was going to happen at some time. The way your lips look and having sexy legs and ass. You know you have a pretty ass, just like a girl. You could have been feeling like this for years but you fought it. That was stupid of you. Use your tongue on my fingers. Work it between my fingers and worship them just like a cock. Very soon you're going to have Bob's cock in your mouth. He's going to feed you his cum. Then Carl and Bill and Don and I are going to shoot our cum into your belly. Terry wants to fuck your mouth too but he doesn't get to cum today."

Shannon was hard and wanting to cum but Terry had stopped sucking his cock. He tried to move his hips forward and back to slide his cock in and out of the mouth but Terry was moving back and forth with him, his lips locked around his shaft. His chest was being caressed by Carl and he felt dizzy. The words that Frank was telling him were exciting to him but he knew he didn't want to be a faggot cocksucker. He let his imagination transform the fingers in his mouth into a cock and he was enjoying it. He was going to suck everyone's cock today and he knew he shouldn't do it, but he wanted to. After today, he would never do it again.

Shannon was being pulled up and walked to another room. Being lowered down, he knew he was on a bed. His cock, still hard, was no longer in Terry's mouth. His eyes now focused on a much larger cock than he'd ever seen this close. The cock pushed against his lips and he opened to allow access. He was on his side and once again, he felt that unbelievable exhilaration of a hard cock with skin so soft and smooth move into his mouth. Another voice was now talking to him.

"Yeah you faggot cocksucker. Big shot basketball star. What would your teammates say if they could see you now? I feel the way you're trying to gobble my cock. Feels good, don't it? Yeah, you're a fag alright. Only a fag goes after a cock like you are. In a few weeks, Taste my leaking cock. What a selfish cocksucker you've been. We've been looking for cocksuckers like you for a long time and there you were all along. We're gonna be good friends. My cock is in love with you and I know you love it." Carl groaned as his own words were helping him reach a quick climax. He held Shannon's head securely as he slid his cock in and out in a slow deliberate motion until he exploded into the teen's mouth. " Drink it all down pussy boy. You're gonna love this stuff" . Panting and moaning, He emptied his cock, slowly easing up on his sliding cock until he lay there breathing hard, his semi hard cock still leaking into Shannon's mouth. Pulling out, there was a sucking pop and he laughed, knowing that Shannon still was trying to hold on to his cock.

Carl got up and Don pushed Shannon on his back and sat on his upper chest. His 6 inch cock lay on Shannon's nose. Leaning forward using the head board for support, He slapped Shannon's nose with his cock. "Open open, boy." He said.

Shannon opened and Don's cock entered. Again, the heavenly feel of another cock was embraced by his lips. His own cock was rock hard and twitching, needing it's own release.

"Oh, that's good Shannon. You're being a good little boy now. Good cocksucker. Damn, I'm so ready this ain't going to take long for me. Open your eyes Shannon and look at me. Yeah, you're one fine faggot. You and me are going to be close from now on. I don't want you to worry about where your next cock is coming from. You can just call me and you can come over and suck me anytime. You're with friends here Shannon. Everyone here likes you and we're going to protect our little faggot like you were our own son. You can consider everyone here as your daddy. Let me rephrase that. You WILL consider everyone here as your daddy. We're all here to help you adjust to being a cocksucker. Here it comes son, swallow it all for me. Ahhhhh, Oh yes, Ahhh," Don held on to the headboard as Shannon's tongue and lips coaxed his sperm out.

"Good boy Shannon, You swallowed it all down. Just three more cocks to suck and then you're a full blown cock faggot." Don pulled his cock out, making room for Bill who pulled Shannon's face to his 8 inch fat cock.

Don took the camcorder from Bob and continued shooting video.

Bob stood beside Frank who was petting Terry's head like a puppy as Terry kneeled, licking his balls. "Far out, huh Frank?" Bob said quietly.

"Fuck yeah man. I haven't had a hard on this long in years. Terry's making sure it don't go away. I told him any time he sees it start to fall, he's supposed to blow it back up again, just not too much. I wanna fuck Shannon's mouth too." Frank said laughing. "You think Shannon's going to be OK with this later?" Frank asked.

"I think he will be. I'm going to talk more with him and I arranged for him to have someone else to confide in on his computer to help steer his way of thinking. "Terry, get your ass over to the bed and lick on Shannon's balls awhile. We need to make sure he's getting something else out of this besides cum."

Terry scooted up on the bed and nuzzled Shannon's crotch, licking and kissing his legs and balls. Shannon's cock was still hard and jerking.

"We're going to have to keep an eye on Terry from now on. From what he's told me earlier, he has it bad for Shannon. Young guys are funny, they fall in and out of love at the drop of a hat. The other day, Shannon told him he didn't want anything more to do with him and Terry about fell out of his tree. Then the revenge factor made him see Shannon in a different light, but now, I can see he's back in love again." Bob said quietly.

Frank turned around, facing away from the bed scene and faced Bob. "My friend, I told you before, you treat Terry too much as an equal and a friend. He's starting to forget he's our faggot cocksucker. You give him any more rope and he's going to realize he can walk off and leave us and then what? He's one helluva convenient faggot and none of us want to lose him. The only hold we have on him is our cocks and him thinking that he belongs to us. I know you're the one that turned him into a cocksucker, but I'm just suggesting that we need to be careful with him. I mean I use him 3 to 5 times a week and I don't want to lose him. He's your boy, but please be careful Bob."

"I know, I know." Bob said. Looking at Terry who'd lifted Shannon's leg and was licking under the boy's balls as Shannon was gulping down a big load from Bill. "I think maybe the best way to set things right is to create problems between the two of them. Why don't I put Terry in charge of Tuleman when we're not around. Make him have to ask Terry for permission as to what he can do and where he can go. You guys can taunt him about being Terry's faggot and having to be beneath Terry the fairy. That will piss him off at Terry and Terry will get mad at him and get tougher on him which will keep it going. I know what to say to Shannon to keep him in line now that we have all this video of him. Trust me, it will work, hey it's your turn with our new fag. Let him know that Terry's going to be his new master when we're not there."

Frank was left alone with Tuleman as Bob took all the guys back out to the living room.

Frank lay down beside Shannon, reaching down and gently holding his penis and balls. First, he was going to give the stud a taste of intimidation and humiliation. Frank loved the power and the fear he saw in the boy. Shannon was 18, but he had obviously been incubated under mommy's wings. He was a big man in school, but here, he was alone and scared shitless.

"Faggot, I have to talk to you and I want you to pay very close attention to me. After we talk, I have a fat cock you're going to suck for me. You're going to suck it, because you're a cocksucker. You're just like Terry the fairy only he's better than you because he gives better blow jobs than you do. But don't worry fag, cause all of us guys are going to let you practice on us and we'll give you special attention. Frank put his thumb to Shannon's mouth and told him to hold his hand and put the thumb into his mouth. That's it boy, hold my thumb in your mouth and practice sucking it like it was my cock. In a bit, my cock will be in your mouth. As Tuleman sucked on the thumb, Frank talked quietly to him.

" While you were busy sucking cock, Bob told me he was going to put Terry the fairy in charge of you. That means that Tuleman the stud star basketball player is going to have to treat Terry like he was your master when you're away from us. You think you can handle that stud?" Frank asked.

Shannon felt that dull feeling of doom in the pit of his stomach. This was going a lot further south than he'd thought. He'd come here to put an end to this and somehow, he was now further into it. He wanted out and fast. He knew that, and this thumb in his mouth was ridiculous. He tried to think how to get up and leave, but he was naked and this bigger naked man was pressing up close to him and telling him Terry was going to be his master. He knew that wasn't going to happen. He wasn't ever going to suck cock again. He wouldn't answer his phone if they called him and he'd punch Terry out cold if he so much as looked cross ways at him, let alone try to talk to him.

"Now I know you might be thinking you can just walk off from all this excitement and return to your former life as a straight arrow stud basketball star. I've never heard of a cocksucker turning his back on a cock. You've just had several cocks in your mouth so your brain knows how much fun it was to suck them. I guess you can thank Terry or blame him for all this. He's the one that got the hots for you and planted that gay magazine in your locker and car." Frank whispered. "If you tell him I told you, I'll have to let some other people see your video that he took of you in his room."

Shannon was stunned. Instantly, he hated Terry for doing this to him. All the trouble he was in now was because of that faggot.

"Please, I want to go home, let me go." Shannon said pushing the thumb out of his mouth and trying to get up.

"Whoa boy, don't let your temper get the best of you." Frank said, putting his arm around him and holding him down. "Maybe you got a right to be sore about it, but like it or not, you've become a cocksucker and you're not going to be able to turn the clock back. I'll tell you what. I'm going to have you suck me and see if you can do it without getting hard yourself. If you can, I'd say you have a chance." Having said that, Frank straddled Shannon's chest and moved his cock to his face. "Open up boy, you know you have to one more time and then you can go home and forget all this."

Shannon once again was eye to eye with another fat cock. He wanted to keep his mouth closed and tell the guy to let him up. The eye that was looking at him touched his lips and with tears in his eyes, he parted his lips ever so slightly and the cock's eye slipped inside and Shannon's tongue began it's work of pleasuring the cock. Shannon put his hands on Frank's ass as Frank once again talked to him.

"That's right Shannon, Just do what feels natural to you. Your tongue is sooo good. You['re a good cocksucker boy." Frank pulled his cock out telling Shannon to lick on his balls like a good faggot. He smiled through lust filled eyes as the boy complied with his tongue. Frank's cock was poking Shannon in the eye as his tongue worked on the hairy balls. "Good faggot, now open your sweet lips again for my cock boy." Frank said. He moved his arm behind him and felt Shannon's hard cock and smiled. "Your cock is so hard my little faggot cocksucker. Even he knows who you are." Frank groaned with pleasure as he flooded the warm mouth with his load of cum. He watched Shannon swallowing several times, not losing any out of his mouth. When he was sure that Shannon had cleaned him, he pulled out and wiped his cock back and forth across his face, telling him he did a super sucking job. "Now, get up and go back to the living room and you can dress after you talk to Bob.

To be continued Email the author: storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 9

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