Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Jun 30, 2010


Tuleman's New Friends storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Warning...This story depicts male on male sexual situations. No minors allowed. You must be an adult to read this story. The story is fictional and takes place in a world where HIV and STDS do not exist. That's not so in the world we live in now so play SAFE.

Tuleman's New Friends

At 11:30 that night, Shannon added cockslave4ever to his yahoo friends list. Immediately, he saw that he was online. He sent him an instant message just saying hi. Cockslave quickly added him as a friend too and replied.

'Hi Shannon, how are you.'

'I'm OK, just mixed up a little on what I am right now.

'What about? Tell me what the problem is.'

'Well, I kind of got caught sucking another guy off and it was my first time but he got it on video and gave it to an older guy and now he wants me to suck him too. But I don't want to. I mean I don't want anyone to think I'm a cocksucker.'

'But I thought you already sucked a cock. That means you're already a cocksucker.'

'It's hard to explain. I hadn't meant to suck his cock. It just happened and then he made me suck it again and I don't know why I did except that I was scared he'd tell people about it.

'So you sucked cock more than once now. Let me ask you a question. When you sucked cock, did you get even a little hard yourself? Didn't you like the feel of the cock in your mouth? Haven't you started thinking about cocks more or even looking at them on your computer?'

'No, not really. Well, maybe a little. but I still like girls and that's what I want. I mean, I can't be a cocksucker. I'm in sports and hope to make a lot of money in a few years and and even get married some day.'

'Hey Dude, Tell me how many girls you've fucked this year. You're probably a virgin. You ain't gettin any are you? Do you think that all cocksuckers are poor? Money doesn't have anything to do with being a cocksucker. You aren't born rich, but you can be born a cocksucker. It just takes the right events to occur. That's when those guys who were born cocksuckers find out for themselves that that's what they are. You just found out that you're one.'

Shannon knew that cockslave had him pegged right. He had sometimes played with a girl's tits but it never went further than that. Truth was that mom had warned him almost daily about getting a girl in trouble and destroying his future by having to get married and support a baby. A couple of times, a girlfriend at the time had wanted to go further but his mother's warnings had made him back off and take her home. One of his friends had even told him that some of the girls had thought he might be gay or at least a momma's boy.

'So, you want me to tell you something that will help you not be a cocksucker?

'I don't know what to do. I liked the cock in my mouth and it made me feel real good and part of me wants to do it again but another part of me says no. I'm afraid of what the older guy will do with the video of me sucking cock if I don't suck him too.'

'How old is he?'

'I don't know, maybe in his 40s.'

'As long as you're not real well known, you should be OK. But if you are a sports figure and everyone knows you, you better play along. How bad could it be. You said you enjoyed the feel of a cock in your mouth. Just do it and enjoy it.'

'But I don't want to be a cocksucker.'

'OK, I see you don't want to be a cocksucker, but I don't think you have a choice in it now. I think the best thing for you to do is keep the guys who know you suck cock happy. Maybe they will just want you to do it one time and that will be it. Be their friend and they won't do anything to mess you up. If you try to fight them or piss them off, you'll be making them an enemy and that's when other people will start finding out what you did. You don't want that.'

'Yeah, I just don't know.'

'I bet you're looking at the pictures on bullyboy, aren't you?"


'Well, that pretty much tears it bud. You like looking at guys sucking dick and you like sucking dick. You're a dick sucker whether you like it or not. Sorry about that.' You need to be submissive to that adult and get him to like you. When he likes you, he may not mess you up and your reputation will be safe.'

'Yeah, OK, Well, I appreciate you talking to me about it. I'll think about it. I gotta go now.'

'OK, Let me know how things work out and we'll chat again. bye now.'

'Yeah thanks, bye.'

As Bob signed off as cockslave4ever, He looked at some other sites that he thought might come in handy for Shannon's continuing sexual education. There were so many deviant vices that he was anxious to acquaint Shannon with. An 18 year old's mind was capable of absorbing so much and Bob wanted to expose him to as much deviant homosexuality as possible.

Saturday morning, right on time, Terry watched Tuleman turn the corner and come down his street. Terry walked out to meet him. Getting in, Shannon asked him where they were headed. He didn't want to be seen with Terry riding with him.

"Go south on Wannamaker" Terry said. He was nervous, not knowing exactly what was going to happen this morning. He looked at Shannon and saw that he too was nervous. Terry wasn't sure that he was going to show up at all. He figured that Tuleman was going to try and bluff his way out of this but knowing Bob, he didn't have a chance. Bob could be very persuasive with words and intimidation. Shannon was going to learn more about sucking cock than he'd ever dreamed about.

"Turn right at the next street." Terry said.

"I'm going to tell you right now Terry, I'm not sucking anyone's cock. No matter what. I'm just going to tell him I'm not really gay. I just kinda fucked up with you. I want you to back me up too. It was just a one time thing and he can forget it." Shannon said in a determined voice.

"Shannon, I like you a lot, so I have to tell you not to do or say anything that's gonna make anyone mad OK. Just try to keep cool and think things out and everything will be fine. Park in front of that brick house with the big rock in the front yard." Terry said.

"You're still going to suck my cock aren't you?" Terry asked.

"I don't know. Maybe, but only as long as you keep your mouth shut, and the deal still stands. You don't talk to me or even know me at school, OK?" Shannon said looking at Terry.

"That's fine with me Shannon. You're a great cocksucker." Terry answered.

"Look Terry," Shannon grabbed Terry by the arm. " I ain't like you. Don't call me a fuckin cocksucker. I ain't gay and don't you think I am. I don't swap lip spit either so don't ever try to kiss me again and don't call me either like I told you earlier. I'm gonna get this shit straightened out this morning and be done with it. Let's go get this stuff out of the way." Shannon said.

Bob had seen the boys pull up in front. He placed calls to four of his friends, telling them that Tuleman and Terry were here and for them to wait a half hour and then come to the house. The door would be unlocked and to not knock but to just come right in. They had discussed earlier how best to play this out with Tuleman and had decided on the tactic they would take.

Terry and Shannon walked to the door and Terry pushed the door bell. The door opened and Bob greeted them, standing to the side as both boys entered.

Leading them into the living room, Bob sat down in his recliner and both boys sat beside each other on the couch.

"Terry, why don't you get you and Shannon a cold coke out of the fridge, and bring me a beer. Bob said.

As Terry walked out of the room, Bob turned to Shannon. "I watched you play last week Shannon. You're a damn fine ball player. How many points did you end up with that night?"

"Uhh, I had 37 I think." Shannon said quietly.

"Is that all? It seemed every time you touched the ball, you were scoring. I really thought you might have been close to 50." Bob laughed. "You're the best 3 point shooter I've ever seen. What kind of percentage are you making?"

Shannon smiled uncomfortably, uttering a thank you. "I'm making 54 percent of my shots."

Terry returned with the drinks and they all opened them while Bob turned the TV on. ESPN Game Day was on and they were showing clips of the top college teams.

"Who are you thinking of playing for Shannon?" Bob asked.

"Uhh, I'm not sure, I've had some offers but my mom doesn't want me to talk about it yet. She's kind of running things for me." Shannon said

"That's smart of her." Bob replied. "Being 18 years old doesn't really qualify you to deal with adults. It's best to let the adults make the right decisions for you. Don't you think so boy?"

"Yes sir." Shannon answered. He suddenly felt very nervous as he picked up on being referred to as boy. It seemed to come off as somewhat of a challenge to him and he felt vulnerable. His bravado in the car seemed to have disappeared and he realized he was not equipped to deal with this man in his home. He glanced at Terry who was looking down at his shoe and playing with his shoelace. His leg was crossed over his knee and shaking a little in time with the music on the TV.

Bob could see the walls beginning to close in on Tuleman. He had slipped out of his element and had entered a strange adult arena in which he had no control. He knew why he was here but had lost his mojo to mount any resistance. His advice to him through cockslave had set him up to fail in any defense he might try.

Shannon was suddenly startled to see two other men walk into the living room.

"Hi Frank, Carl, come on in. We were just visiting and watching a little TV. You know Terry and this is his friend Shannon Tuleman."

Shannon quickly got up, grateful that these men had come and interrupted a difficult time he was having being in the same room with Bob. Terry just sat there and smiled at the men. Both men extended their hand and shook with Shannon.

"Terry, get our friends a beer and bring another one for me." Bob said. Terry quickly got up and went for the beers.

Terry had been sitting on the end of the couch and Frank and Carl sat down on the couch, now leaving Shannon sitting in-between the two men. The couch was facing Bob's chair and Bob had a front row seat to observe Shannon's ultimate capitulation.

Shannon was feeling funny at how the seating had changed. He had felt some sort of protection, sitting next to Terry. Now he was surrounded by adults. Still, he thought, These men now afforded him some protection too. Bob would not try anything with these guys being here. As soon as he finished his coke, He'd get up and tell Terry he had to get home and help his mom out.

Bob, Frank and Carl were talking about something when Two more guys walked in. More introductions were made and Shannon shook hands with Bill and Don. Terry came in with the beers and was immediately sent for more beer. Bill and Don sat down on dining room chairs that Terry had brought into the room.

Shannon got up and told them he really had to go home and help his mom do some things. Bob quickly said "NO, NO, You just got here Shannon. These guys live for basketball and they may not have even recognized you yet. Guys, this is Topeka's own Shannon Tuleman.

Carl quickly spoke up. " Hey, you're him.. I didn't place you right off. I know your face but it didn't connect with me. Great game you played. Where you going to go to college at?"

Shannon was pulled back down on the couch by Frank who then patted him on the back. "Stay awhile, Shannon. It's not often we're able to talk to a super star."

"Shannon doesn't know where he's going to play basketball yet. His mother is going to make his decision for him, I think." Bob said. "I don't like the idea of a woman making his decisions for him. I think an 18 year old boy needs a man to guide him in life."

"Or maybe men." Carl said, which quickly brought a few laughs from Bob and Frank.

Shannon felt trapped and intimidated by the men. He needed to take a piss too.

Terry came back in with the beers and passed them out. Bill reached out and swatted Terry's ass as he went by.

Bob watched Shannon's surprise at what Bill had done. He could see a little color drain from his face. Terry had smiled back at Bill.

Terry picked up his coke and stood there listening to the men. There were no more chairs to sit on. Terry could tell Shannon was getting nervous, but could only smile at him.

"Come on over here Terry. I haven't seen you for awhile." Bill said. Terry walked over to him and Bill reached up and pulled him down on the floor between his legs. I hope you guys don't mind, but my wife is visiting her dad in Wichita and I need some relief. "Having said that, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his hard cock and pulled Terry's head to it. "Ahhh, Oh, that's good Terry. Thanks man."

Bob's eyes were on Shannon. The boy had turned beet red in the face and was beginning to sweat. Bob had purposely set the heat at 75 degrees so the room was already warm. It was going to get warmer for Shannon, he thought.

Shannon began to feel light headed. The whole scene was surreal. The men were talking about how good of a cocksucker Terry was and how nice his body was. Shannon was beginning to sweat more as Carl laid his hand on Shannon's knee asking him what had happened to his dad.

Shannon explained that he didn't have a dad, trying to ignore the hand which still was on his knee. Bob was telling Terry to take his clothes off so everyone could see his sweet ass.

All conversation seemed to cease as they all watched Terry remove his clothes and return between Bill's legs. The men continued talking, making comments about what a great body Terry had. Shannon was frozen to his seat, realizing that he had developed hard wood. He could not avoid looking at the naked Terry sucking Bill's cock in front of the whole room. From his position he could see Terry had a hard-on and as he bobbed up and down on Bill's cock, his own cock was bobbing up and down. Shannon tried to avert his eyes from the scene in front of him, but his attention was drawn back to Bill's cock being sucked by Terry, then back to Terry's cock bouncing up and down and then back to Bill's cock and Terry's lips.

Shannon glanced over at Bob and was embarrassed to see that Bob was looking directly at him and had a grin on his face. At that moment, Shannon sensed that he was not going to be able to escape without sucking Bob's cock and maybe Carl's too.

"Shannon, Has Terry sucked your cock yet, boy?" Carl asked, his hand still on Shannon's leg.

Shannon was unable to respond verbally, but uttered something that no one could understand.

At Bob's direction, Terry crawled over to Shannon between his legs and reached up and unbuttoned Shannon's jeans. Opening them up, he fished out the hard cock that was straining to escape the tight underwear. His experienced lips and tongue immediately sent Shannon's senses spiraling out of control. He was so aroused and scared at the same time. Carl's hand was moving up his chest. His shirt had been somehow unbuttoned and Carl was playing with his nips. That alone was sending sensations down through his body. Frank was playing with Shannon's hair and ear. Shannon was overwhelmed with feelings he'd never experienced before. His eyes were glazed. He was entering a a state of mind where nothing existed but his cock, the warm mouth around it, his nipples and the hand now playing with his neck. He could not know that moving around in front of him, Don was taking video of him in his descent into lust. He lifted up a little without knowing it, while his pants and shorts were being removed. His shirt had disappeared.and he knew it was the most wonderful place he'd ever been.

To be continued storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Guys, let me know if I should bring this story to a screeching halt or what. Having a hard time figuring out how to end it. Too many more ideas keep popping into my head, but so far, none how to bring it to a conclusion.

Next: Chapter 8

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