Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Jun 13, 2010


Tuleman's New Friends Chapter Six By storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Adults only Story is about male on male sex so if you're offended, go away. Keep this story and all adult erotica away from minors. I know I'm slow, but really busy so bear with me please. Thanks for all the email. That's why I keep writing I really appreciate hearing from you guys and like to know what you think, including suggestions and comments. Thanks again

Chapter Six

Shannon walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him. His little sister Sherri stuck her head out of her bedroom and whistled at him. He turned into his room after sticking his middle finger up in the air. He had known that she couldn't keep her mouth shut about catching him jacking off. He loved her as his sister, but he couldn't help but think that she had a hand in him being in the shit that he found himself. He heard her voice call out to him as she walked by his room. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Looking out his window, he watched her going down the street on her bicycle. Taking his towel off, he again went to spend quality time looking at himself in the mirror as he played with his cock, turning this way and that at the perfect body that he was seeing. His big cock was pointing upwards and bobbing and swaying as he turned, his hand fondling it.

Thoughts of basketball games were not on Shannon's mind. He was thinking about Terry's cock moving in and out of his mouth. That wonderful erotic feeling of that soft velvet like smooth skin penis fucking his mouth. That feeling was like nothing he'd ever felt before. It seems to have taken over his very soul. Almost every minute, he was thinking about cocks. He wanted to get into the showers with all the guys and look at their cocks. He fantasized that they made him get on his knees and suck them all off. That they then would all piss on him and call him a cock sucking faggot. He squeezed his cock as the thoughts racing through his head sent a signal to his cock which answered by shooting ropes of cum onto the mirror. His knees weak, He lowered himself to the floor, still holding onto his still plump and sensitive cock. He looked at the cum on his fingers and brought them to his mouth. He licked his fingers and thought that the taste wasn't all that bad. Leaning forward, he licked at some of the cum that was slowly moving down the full length mirror. The thought that he would be sucking Terry's cock again and would have to swallow his cum convinced him that he needed to get used to eating cum. He moved up and down on the mirror, licking it clean of all the cum. He still didn't like the taste, but he envisioned himself as a cocksucker kneeling in front of his master and being forced to lick up his cum. When he had finished, he saw in the mirror that his cock was hard again.

Shannon thought about Terry's older friend Bob. Terry had said that he was going to have to suck Bob's cock. He knew he wouldn't do that. All this thinking about being a faggot was just a thought to masturbate to. He knew he wasn't really a faggot. Shannon knew in his heart that he was going to play Division One basketball maybe for just one year and then he'd like to declare for the draft and go pro. He wasn't about to derail that by getting tied up with some old guy. He would also tell Terry that he'd go meet the guy, but that was all. He would tell Bob that he wasn't interested in sucking anybody's cock. Maybe he'd go ahead and suck Terry's cock again since Terry said he'd not tell anyone else. If he could meet Terry at night, he could take him out of town and suck him in the car and just take him right home again. He went back to the mirror and with a hand held mirror looked in it. He could see his perfectly formed ass in the mirror and knew that gay guys would love to fuck him. His hand went to his cock again and slowly worked it back and forth, looking at himself in the mirror. His eyes were glazed as he came in his other hand. This time his cum looked more watery and thin, but there was still almost more than a handful. It was strong smelling to him. He brought it to his nose but instead of tasting it, he grabbed some tissues and wiped it off his hands. No, he thought, he wasn't a faggot after all. He would have to be very careful to protect his reputation. Everyone knew Terry was a faggot and he didn't want them to think that about him. Terry's cock was so beautiful and he knew he wanted to feel it's softness in his mouth again. Looking out the window, He could see his little brother, Shane, shooting baskets at the garage. Still naked, and holding his soft cock, He thought about what had happened to both of them years ago. They had been at the Mall with mom and Shane had to go to the bathroom so Shannon had to take him into the public bathroom by the game arcade. As they stood up to the urinals, a man had joined them and started masturbating. Both boys had stopped peeing and watched wide eyed as the man had made sure the boys had a good view of his cock. "Touch it." He'd said. The man had taken Shannon's hand and put it on his cock and used it to masturbate. Shannon had been frightened and did not resist but kept watching his hand play with the man's cock. When the man shot his sperm into the urinal, both boys had seen it. Quickly, the man had let Shannon's hand drop, zipped up and hurriedly left the bathroom. Shannon was shaking, from what, he didn't know. Shane was still talking about it when they walked through the store, even though Shannon had asked him not to say anything to mom. Shane told mom everything right away and they had cut short their shopping that day. Mom had questioned him at home, wanting to know why he'd let the man do that to him. He'd told her that he was scared and didn't know what to do. But in truth, he hadn't been scared, he still remembered how exciting it had been to hold another man's dick in his hand and to masturbate him. That was the day he had started doing the same thing to his own dick. It felt good to him and the more he'd done it, the better it had felt. Mom had told Shane to not tell anyone and for both of them to forget it, but to never do that again.

For a long time, Shannon had masturbated while thinking of the pervert that had used him and Shane to get off. He knew that he also was somewhat of a pervert since that day. He had gotten into the habit of leaving his bedroom door cracked open about a foot so when Sherri walked by to use the bathroom, she would see him supposedly sleeping naked with no covers over him. A couple of times, she had entered his room and tip toed to his bedside and looked closely at his hard cock. He had watched her through slitted eyes. She had looked totally awed by the size of it. Later, he had masturbated over his exhibitionism. Now, when Sherri looked at him, he imagined she was looking at his big cock. Then there was that afternoon when mom and Shane were at the doctor's office and he'd waited for Sherri to come past his room. He'd been horny and had decided to put on a show for her. He was in the bathroom, naked, and playing with his cock. His back was to the door that he had cracked open a little but he could see in the mirror as she came by and stopped. She was quiet and stood there watching him beat his meat. He had not meant to cum, but the thought of her watching him was too much for him. He'd quickly grabbed some toilet paper and shot his load into it. It was a great climax, but when he glanced into the mirror, he saw that she had gone. He'd worried that Sherri would tell mom, but she never did. What she did do was tell some of her girl friends and it didn't take long for the story to get around school. He could never figure out why he'd done that in the first place and he still felt embarrassment and shame over it. He had done it for her so she could have the pleasure and excitement of seeing a good looking stud with a large cock playing with it. It was supposed to be just between the two of them. He learned that you can't trust a fucking woman. They tell everyone about everything.

Turning his computer on, Shannon brought up the Nifty Erotic Story site. He knew he'd been spending late hours reading and masturbating. He signed into Yahoo and saw he'd received some messages. The first one was an invitation to join a Yahoo group called bullyboy. A picture of a big beautiful cock told him he was going to join it. He replied that he would like to join and sent it. Other messages were also invitations to join more groups. He hadn't known there were sites like these. He had just gotten his computer a month ago and had been so busy with basketball that he had not know it could open up a world of porn to him. Lately, he had been receiving a ton of porn through his email. It had started out being men and women but had changed to gay sexual situations and pictures. He made sure his door was locked and sat down. He loved being naked while he could read all the good stuff that had come his way.

His computer started getting messages from bullyboy. In just a couple of minutes, 10 messages had come. They were all pictures of young men being forced to suck another guy's cock. Each picture had text with it describing what the man was telling him. The guys sucking were called fags, faggots, cocksuckers, etc. Then he got a personal message from a member of the group. It thanked him for joining the site and congratulated him on becoming a member. Shannon began reading the email.

'Dear Shannon 66610. It's nice to welcome another fag into our group. I hope you don't mind me calling you a fag. It's not meant to be mean. I'm a fag too and know that when you're just starting out it takes an act of courage to admit it. You indicated in your profile here on bullyboy that you were inexperienced and had just started sucking cock. I want you to know that you can bring any questions you might have to me and I will do my best to help you overcome the stigma that comes with being a cocksucker. I want you to keep in mind that every male falls into one of two groups. He is either straight or homosexual. If he is homosexual, he is either dominant or submissive. Every one of this last group has one dominant thing on his mind. The dominant male is always thinking about having a warm mouth to put his cock in. The submissive male loves to be dominated and humiliated. He is ready to hand control over his life to a real man or master. He feels that his place is to be on his knees before a man. A fag or faggot is all of those things but include an overwhelming desire to have a cock in his mouth. Fags want to please the cocks owner by showing him how low he will go to bring pleasure to the cock. Cock will always rule the faggot's life whether he knows it or not or acknowledges it or not. I'm telling you this so you can tell which one you are. If you are a faggot, there is nothing you can do to stop that from controlling your life. Fighting it will only cause you misery and discontent. You will never be satisfied with your life not matter how successful or rich you are. Let me know if you'd like to chat with me. I will be happy to help you. sincerely, cockslave4ever.

Shannon finished reading the email, his left hand slowly pumping his leaking cock. He wondered if he was doomed to be a faggot or if he was just going through a phase. He reassured himself that he was OK and went back to looking at cock pictures that his computer was now receiving again.

To be continued storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 7

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