Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Jun 3, 2010


Tuleman's New Friends Chapter 5 By storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

This story is for adults only and contains homosexual activity between consenting males. If you're a minor, go away. This story portrays unprotected sex which can cause disease, unhappiness and even Death. Just don't do it. I want to apologize for the delay in getting the story out in a timely manner. I promise to do better. Thanks to all the guys who have emailed me. I really do appreciate it and it's the reason I feel compelled to continue it. Thanks again to all. storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Tuleman's New Friends chapter 5

Terry had been dropped off at home by Bob. After eating with his mom and little brother, He helped his mom clear the table and washed the dishes for her. She came up behind him, wrapping her arms around him and kissed his neck as he finished putting the dishes in the drainer.

"Thank you honey. You're so helpful around the house. Now, I need to talk to you. I have a chance to see Carrie Underwood in Kansas City this weekend with Sharon. We would be staying overnight with her sister in KC. Do you think you could manage to get along without me? We're leaving Friday evening and won't be home until Sunday afternoon."

"Sure mom, go and have fun. We'll be fine." Terry said, his mind suddenly kicking into high gear at the thought of being free over the weekend.

"Well, your brother is going to go over to Tim's house and stay with them while I'm gone You're the only one who would have to be alone. I just need to know that you'll be OK with that." She added.

"Go mom, for crying out loud, Hey, I'm an adult now." He said with a laugh. "I'm going upstairs and shower now. OK?

Half an hour later, Terry was finishing his shower when his mom knocked on the bathroom door and yelled at him. "Terry, Your friend is here. He needs to talk to you. He'll be in your room so hurry up hon."

Terry was suddenly alarmed. " Who could it be?" Quickly he dryed and then became aware that he had no clothes in the bathroom. Putting the towel around him, he left the bathroom and walked to his room. Opening the door, he was shocked to see Shannon sitting at his computer. He was looking at Terry when he came in.

Standing by the door, Terry didn't know what to expect from Tuleman. He didn't look angry or violent. "You here to kick my ass all the way to KC?" he asked.

"Man, why did you video me like that? What are you going to do with it and who was that guy with you in the car?" Shannon said.

"Well. I didn't know how you would react to my suggestion to help you out, so I wanted a record of it in case you went off on me. I had no idea you were going to come out gay like that with me." Terry answered

"I ain't gay," Shannon replied. "Who was that guy with you and has he seen the video?"

"He's a friend of mine and yeah, he made the disk off the original.?" Terry said. Terry detected an attitude of helplessness in Shannon. There was no anger in his words or demeanor. He realized that Shannon had unknowingly handed over the power to him. Terry acted on the moment and walking to his dresser, He picked up his comb and began combing his hair in the mirror.

"Why did you give him the video? I didn't do anything to you." Shannon said quietly.

Terry turned around and faced him, his arms crossed, towel tented and his cock now pushing out against it. "When you called me and called me a homo and said you were though with me, I was really messed up. I had thought you liked me. My friend, Bob, helped me get over it and when he saw you sucking my cock, he told me he wanted some of you too. He wants you to suck his cock."

"Terry, I"m not gay an I'm not gonna suck his cock or yours ever again." Shannon said.

Terry went over to the door and locked it. Turning around, he took the towel off, freeing his cock which sprang upward. Shannon made no move to get up. He eyes dropped to the floor, avoiding the sight before him. Terry stood before him now and began talking.

"You say you're not gay, but you are. You sucked my cock and you liked it. It was the best sex you ever had and you know it. Chances are you're a virgin with the girls too. You're a stud, but you're not stupid enough to get some girl pregnant and the girls you date are goody two shoes. You and your friends all talk about getting laid, but truth be told, it's all talk and the only sex any of you get is with your hand. When I was sucking you, you got so turned on you grabbed my ass and started sucking my cock like it was candy. The noises you were making told me that you were just like I was when I started sucking my first cock."

"Now I know that deep in your heart, you liked sucking my cock and having yours sucked. You're just afraid now that your friends are going to find out and then you will be just like me. Well the truth is, you are just like me. Your friends just don't know that and they won't if you're smart."

Shannon looked up again to deny he was gay, but his eyes could not get past the beautiful cock in front of him. He was listening to Terry and felt a hand on his head, pulling him forward. He felt weak, his heart beating rapidly and his breath ragged as he let his head be brought to the cock that was calling to him. As it touched his lips, he opened and it slid inside. He slipped off the chair onto his knees, His arms around Terry's legs and moving upward to his ass. His hands caressed Terry's smooth ass as his lips and tongue held the cock firmly.

"See, I told you so." Terry said. " Once a guy has a cock in his mouth, It's all over. At the very least, you're a bisexual, but gay will always be dominant over straight. You may fuck girls in the future, but you will always crave a cock in your mouth. What you're doing now is confirmation that you're a full blown cocksucker. You're crying now and I remember that I did too when I discovered that I had become a cocksucker. You know that you'll never be a real man ever. You gave that up and your life will never be the same.

Shannon knew he was crying but he didn't know if it was from happiness or sadness. He just knew that the cock in his mouth was the most wonderful feeling and his tongue was busy exploring it. He heard Terry tell him not to make him cum. He was to just hold it in his mouth and listen to him. He had something important to tell him

"That's it Shannon, just hold it and think about what you are doing. There's no going back now. You're a cocksucker and I'll never tell anyone about you. At school, we won't talk to each other but you will never again call me names. We will just go on like it was before those rumors started. By the way, You wouldn't be sucking cock now if it weren't for your little sister spreading a story about catching you masturbating. did you know that? Yeah, all the girls have been laughing about you jacking off and your sister catching you doing it. So I guess you owe your sister for helping you find your true self.

"My friend's name is Bob and you're going to have to meet him and suck his cock. Maybe you'll just have to do it once and that's all." Terry lied to him. He knew that Bob was going to want him to suck the other guys too, but there was no reason to worry Shannon about that now. It wouldn't make any difference and there wasn't much Shannon could do about it without throwing away his sure fire basketball scholarship. Yeah, he thought, he needed to remind Shannon about that.

"I need to tell you that you're going to be fine Shannon as long as no one finds out about you being homosexual." Terry Said.

Being called a homosexual gave Shannon a horrible depressing feeling but it was tempered by the wonderful feeling of the cock he lips were holding. He realized that Terry and his friend Bob were in control of his life and that he had to be careful not to anger them. He needed to get away from them and regain his freedom. He had a strange feeling of being helpless and being used like a girl by Terry. He realized that far from being horrified of it, it was sending a constant thrilling feeling through him. He was feeling an arousal that he'd never experienced before.

"You can't afford to have anyone find out your a homo. If that video gets out, no college or university will want to offer you a scholarship. They can' t have a cocksucker playing basketball on their team and the other guys won't want to play with you and for damn sure not take a shower with you.

Shannon pulled off Terry's cock just long enough to plead with him. "Please help me Terry, Don't let anyone find out." Shannon said tearfully before engulfing his cock into his mouth again.

Terry could tell that Shannon had totally surrendered to him. He pulled Shannon up and held him close, bringing his lips to his. His tongue entered Shannon's mouth and he felt Shannon's tongue moving against his. Quickly, he pulled Shannon's T-shirt off and unbuttoning his jeans, he pushed them and his boxers down. Leading him to his bed, he pushed him down and quickly took off Shannon's shoes and pants. He laid atop Shannon and kissed and licked his face.

Shannon's jerked his head away and pushed Terry off the bed onto the floor. Terry looked wide eyed at Shannon who was wiping his lips and face with his arm. "Sorry Terry, but I just can't kiss another guy. That's nasty and something I won't do. Can't I just suck your cock." Shannon said.

"Sure man, That's OK. This is all just new to you." Terry said, getting up and sitting on Shannon's chest and putting his cock into Shannon's eager mouth.

Terry looked down on Shannon who had his eyes closed as he sucked. Terry could tell the stud was a hooked cocksucker the way he made soft noises. The high and popular high school star thought it was nasty to kiss another guy, but he sure liked to suck their cocks. Terry laughed to himself at Shannon's fucked up mind. He would tell Bob about this and enjoy watching how much lower and nastier Shannon was going to become.

Terry felt it coming. He grabbed onto the headboard and leaned forward as he shot his cum into Shannon's mouth. The wonderful sensation flowed through his penis throughout his body as he pushed in and out of Shannon's mouth. He felt Shannon gagging and trying to escape his cock. 'Gag you cocksucker,' He thought, 'this weekend you won't be able to spit it out or Bob will spank your sweet ass.'

Shannon made excuses to leave and hurriedly dressed. "Please Terry, don't say anything about me. Maybe we can do this again soon."

Terry stood naked in front of the door. "Before you go, you and I have to go see Bob Saturday morning at 10: A.M.. If you don't go see him, Bob is going to give the video to the local video arcades so you need to talk him out of it. Be here at my house at 9:30 sharp or there's nothing I can do to help you.

Shannon nodded his head in defeat. "Thanks Terry. Will you talk to him too for me? I don't want anything to do with some older guy and I'll tell him that."

Terry assured him that everything would be cool. Just to be here on Saturday morning. He closed the door as Shannon left. Laying on his bed, He realized that Shannon hadn't even asked him to suck his cock. He smiled as he instinctively knew that inside Tuleman was a natural faggot. He was probably going to jack off at home thinking about sucking Terry's cock. Faggots didn't need to get off so much as they wanted cock in their mouth. Terry knew that because that was the way he was and he knew he was a faggot.

To be continued

by storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 6

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