Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Apr 22, 2010


Tuleman's New Friends Chapter Three by storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

This story contains male on male sexual situations. If gay doesn't spark your hormones and raise your blood pressure, then you won't like it. You must be an adult to read this story and please keep it out of minors hands and view. Also, this story depicts unsafe sex OK. The exchange of bodily fluids in today's world is stupid, dangerous and can cause disease and Death. Don't do it This story is fiction, so don't believe it.

Chapter Three

While Shannon stood there wiping his lips with his hand letting me know he didn't like the kiss I had just put on him, I detailed my plan which would let everyone know that we wasn't gay and was not having a relationship with me. He was to come up to me at my locker in front of a hall full of students, grab me by the front of my shirt call me a homo and tell me to keep away from him. He was then to shove me down on the floor and walk off. I told him that I expected him to diss me as he talked with his friends.

"You won't say anything about what I did, right?" Shannon said quietly.

"I promise you that I'll never say anything, Shannon. and I won' talk to you at school anymore." I replied

"Thanks." He said and turned and left.

I watched from my window as he crossed the street and walked to his car. After he pulled away, I went to my computer and stopped the recording. I was shaking in excitement as I watched my seduction of Shannon. My cock was hard and I sat naked in the chair as I slowly stroked myself as I looked at Shannon's naked body and how he could no longer lay there without taking my cock in his mouth. I was so proud of myself for being able to pull it off, I punched in Bob Olson's number and waited breathlessly for him to pick up.

"Hello Terry." He answered

"Hi Bob, I did it. I got Shannon on web cam and he sucked my cock!" I proudly reported.

"Good boy, that's wonderful. Tell me all about it." Bob said with a laugh.

I went through the whole thing and told him how Shannon and I were going to be secret friends now and get to suck each others cocks. I told him how I was going to straighten the rumors out at school so they wouldn't think he was gay. I couldn't help feeling so elated that everything had turned out better than I had thought it could.

"You did a super job Terry, Send me a copy of the video right now. I've got to see this." Bob said.

Suddenly, I was sorry I had called him and told him of my conquest. It dawned on me, that Bob wasn't just happy for me, He was wanting Shannon for himself and our other friends too. Just like that, I went from a high to a sickening feeling in my guy.

"Uh, I'm not going to be able to do that Bob. I promised Shannon that this was just going to be between he and I and.".......

"Terry, Terry," Bob interrupted me, I don't give a flying fuck what your promised him. You don't want to piss me off do you? You and I have been friends for a long time. You know me and I certainly know some things about you. I hope you are remembering that." Bob said calmly.

Deep in my bowels, there was that numbing feeling that comes with a sense of dread and fear. I was so sorry I had even told him about Shannon. I didn't want Shannon to know about other people in my life. I just wanted he and I to be lovers. I had been prepared to force him to be my lover through the threat of exposure but I know it would have been an empty threat. Shannon was a good clean cut jock and an all around nice guy. I just wanted him for myself. I was sure he would see the benefits of having me around him to suck his cock and hoping that over time, he would love a cock in his mouth as much as I did. I wanted a friend my own age.

"I want to see what our little star stud looks like and how good a cocksucker he will make. I will make you a deal Terry. Tuleman is going to belong to our little group, but I will put you in charge of him. I guarantee you that he will be available for you to use just about any time you want him." Bob said firmly. "I'm telling you, send me the video now."

"OK Bob, I'll do it right now. Terry said reluctantly.

"Good boy, and tomorrow after school, I'll pick you up at Starbucks." Bob said.

Shortly after talking with Bob, Terry reluctantly hit the send button and a copy of his video was in Bob Olson's hands and so was Shannon Tuleman.

Shannon pulled into the driveway of his home. His younger brother Shane was shooting baskets at the rim above the garage entrance.

"Hey Shan, Play you a game of horse!" He yelled.

"Uh, no thanks Shane, I gotta go inside." Shannon replied, going through the garage into the kitchen. He grabbed a coke out of the fridge and said hi to his mom who was sitting at the dining room table.

"Hi honey," she said, "Do you feel OK, you look a little funny."

"Yeah mom, I'm OK, just a little tired. I'm gonna lay down for awhile." Shannon said. He would usually give her a quick kiss on the cheek but he didn't want her to smell cum on him. He knew he could still smell it.

Up in his room, Shannon lay on his bed crying. Ashamed and depressed over what he had done with that fag . Why had he put that kid's cock in his mouth and sucked it? "I'm not a cocksucker, I'm not a fag." he said aloud softly. Getting up, he stripped off his clothes and naked he stood in front of the full length mirror on his door. What he saw was a masculine body, not much body hair at all but he was young. He had smooth skin and muscles and his cock was beautifully shaped and at least 6 inches long and cut. Turning and looking back over his shoulder his ass seemed too big, but it still looked like a cute bubble sticking out. His legs to him seemed somewhat girlish even though they were well toned and strong. He had no trouble with girls. It seems he would always catch them stealing looks at him. He thought to himself that he probably had the whole package that the girls wanted in a man. He was always going to have pussy offered to him. He

just had to be careful not to knock some girl up

He started thinking about Terry. He was like a pretty boy/girl. He didn't have the kind of body that I have he thought, but he sure was good looking. He just walked kind of funny for a boy and some of his movements were somewhat effeminate. He seemed like a really nice kid, but everyone knew he as gay and he knew that from on, he had to avoid being see talking to him. He hoped that tomorrow at school, their little plan would show everyone that he was not gay and certainly not a friend of Terrys.

Then, just like that, the image of Terry's cock just inches from his face entered his mind. That unconscious effort that he had done, pulling Terry's body and cock into him and taking the cock in his mouth. He remembered the way his body had felt. Like no other feeling, he had ever felt before. The velvet like feeling of a penis so hard, yet at the same time so soft as it slid in and out of his mouth, across his lips. He looked at his cock in the mirror and it was rock hard. His hand went down to it and caressed it before gripping it and slowly pumping it as his eyes took in the body that Terry had obviously lusted after. In seconds, he began shooting cum into his left hand, his legs buckled as he almost fell to the floor. As he came, he went to the floor on his knees as his orgasm slowed and he was able to regain some control over himself. He looked at his hand full of cum and was suddenly overwhelmed with that same sense of shame that he had

earlier.Spying the Kleenex box, he wiped the mess into the tissues. Quickly, he locked his door as the smell of cum permeated his room. Opening his desk drawer, he pushed the tissues into the back. He dressed, picked up the tissues and went to the bathroom where he threw them into the stool and flushed. He washed his hands and taking his pants down, he wet a washrag and wiped his cock and legs, trying to get rid of the smell of cum. He tried blowing his nose and finally sprayed himself with right guard deodorant. Satisfied that the smell was gone, Shannon went back to his room, sitting down at his computer desk.

Turning his computer on, he went to google and typed in 'Am I gay' and read as much as he could. After having looked at other pages referring to homosexual characteristics, He turned it off after deciding that he was not a homo fag.

Shannon would never have anything to do with Terry again. He didn't care what Terry would do. He'd tell him that it's his word against him and he'd kick his ass if he had to. After this year, he'd be in college somewhere playing basketball on scholarship and Terry would probably be working at the local convenience store. Feeling better about himself, He went downstairs to shoot some hoops with Shane.

At the same time, Terry was sitting naked in front of his computer, watching Shannon's ass wiggle as he was face fucking. Terry lovingly played with his cock as he watched himself on his knees sucking Shannon's cock.

Across town, Bob Olson was playing with his cock too as he watched the same video. Shannon had an outstanding body and he was going to enjoy fucking that beautiful ass. He picked up his cell phone and called Frank Sommers. He got the answer machine so he left a short message. ' Frank, Bob, Give me a call when you get in. We're going to have a new playmate next week. You'll never guess who it is. Call me, bye.'

Next: Chapter 4

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