Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Apr 19, 2010


Tuleman's New Friends Chapter Two By storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

High school students live in a fragile world. Their reputations can change at the drop of a hat or even of rumor. When their reputations change, their lives change and futures can be hijacked and an adolescent can be taken off the road he is traveling and put on another that will seem like a roller coaster that will take him higher than he's ever been before and then scare the hell out of him by throwing him into a free fall. He becomes a passenger while his life is being driven by others.

This story is an adult story. You must be an adult to read it. Keep it out of the reach of minors. Unsafe sex is stupid and dangerous and can cause disease and death. Don't do it!

Chapter Two

Bob Olson had been divorced for over 10 years and was enjoying his life. He took another sip of beer and smiled at Terry who was kneeling between his legs. Terry's tongue was rolling around his cock head sending tremors through Bob's entire body. Terry had turned out to be a great discreet cocksucker. For $5 or $10 bucks every so often, The boy had discovered that he could be independent of parental control. He was making his own money and could buy the things he needed without begging his mom. He had introduced Terry to his friends who also had taken advantage of the boy's desire to have his own money. Bob couldn't remember exactly when money had become secondary to Terry, but that at some point, Terry had become addicted to having cocks in his mouth and ass. Bob knew that he was the catalyst that had made Terry the cocksucker that he was today and that Terry would be sucking his cock for years. He had already planed Terry's post high

school life. Bob's body shook as he unloaded into Terry's mouth.

Bob parked a block away from Terry's house. He slipped Terry $20. and told him again to be careful with Tuleman. "Tuleman is going to play college basketball on scholarship and you don't want to mess that up for him." bob said. "Play your cards right and you'll be sucking his cock this week. Don't go getting soft hearted when he starts crying. You're doing him a favor, he just won't know it right away." Bob watched his young cocksucker happily walking down the sidewalk before driving off. Tuleman would be a great catch. Bob had watched him play basketball and had visualized having Tuleman naked sitting on his cock. Terry lusting after him could work out good for him and when he had him, He would bring the star athlete into his group.

After practice, Shannon had a car load and he pulled into Sonic. He had no idea that the guys were being so quiet because they had seen the gay mag under the seat and had picked it up and were passing it back and forth looking at the pics. They all had the same thoughts. "OMG, the rumors are true!" they mouthed quietly to each other. They stuffed the mag back under the seat as the intercom asked for their order.

"Hey Shan, What's with you and Terry the fag? You tight with him?" Pete Wilson asked with a laugh.

"FUCK YOU Tom, He was just asking me how much my car insurance cost." Shannon yelled at him.

Jerry Dunn cracked everyone up when he said that Terry the Fairy only has enough money to buy insurance now and someday He'll maybe buy a car.

After dropping everyone off, Shannon stormed into his house and slammed the door to his room. What the hell is going on Shannon wondered. Now they were thinking that Terry was sucking my cock and maybe I I was a cocksucker too.

Hearing the phone ring, Shannon ran downstairs and picked it up. "Hello." He answered.

"Hey Shannon, I heard what some people are saying about you and I want you to know I don't hold that against you. I was just wondering if you would like to suck my cock. It's about". SLAM, down went the phone. Shannon was shaking with anger and embarrassment. He didn't recognize the voice. He went back to his room and for the first time that he could remember, He cried.

At school the next day, several guys asked me point blank if I was sucking Shannon's cock. I just told them that Shannon was a nice guy and they should leave him alone. I never did deny their accusations, but by sticking up for him, they took that as proof that Shannon had turned gay. I was delighted with how Shannon seemed so miserable. Truth be told, I was also sorry for him and wondered how I could now help him get through this as easy as possible. I found myself worrying about what he may do. At lunch, Pete Wilson gave me a big smile as if he knew something about me. I blew him a kiss and he turned away embarrassed. I knew I was a cocksucker and I stopped being ashamed of it a long time ago. If he ever got the nerve up, he'd be calling me on the sneak begging me to suck his cock instead of him jacking off.

Later that evening, my mom called me downstairs to take a phone call. It was Shannon.

"Hey Terry, I need to talk to you. There's a rumor going around that you and I are good friends and maybe more than that and I need it to stop. I mean that's your business what you do and I don't have anything against you but I need those rumors to stop. OK?" Shannon stuttered over the phone.

Well Shannon, It's not me spreading the rumor." I said, "But since you called me, I know how to stop them from even thinking that anymore."

"How do you do that?" Shannon answered.

"Come to my house in 30 minutes and I'll tell you." I said.

"Just tell me over the phone." said Shannon

"Look, You want my help, be here in 30 minutes. I'll be here to help you squash the rumor. I'm on 31st St, just off Wannamaker Ave. I'll be standing outside waiting for you." I said and hung up the phone before he could answer.

"Mom, a friend of mine is coming over for some help with math. We'll be in my room so please don't bother us." I yelled

Running back upstairs, I turned my web cam on to record and positioned it, then darkened my computer screen. Putting my shoes on, I went downstairs and outside to wait on Topeka's newest cocksucker. My mind worked overtime working out how this could play out. I knew I had to be careful. Tuleman could lay me out with one punch. I damn sure didn't want that.

I watched as Shannon parked his car a couple houses away and walked back to me.

"Now Terry, What did you want to tell me." Shannon asked.

"I ain't talking out here man, come on in." and went up the walk.

Up in my room, I closed the door and locked it as a precaution. My mom never bothered me when I was in my room.

"Now, whats your problem Shannon." I asked.

"Look Terry, Some of the the guys think I'm letting you suck my cock and I want that to stop." Shannon said

"Hey Shannon, I've been hearing rumors about you too, like having gay magazines in your locker. Are you gay?" I asked

"Hell no." Shannon snapped back at me. Someone put that gay porn in my locker and then put it in my car too. The guys saw it and think you're sucking my cock and you need to tell them that I'm not. Talking to me in the lunchroom didn't help either. I don't want you talking to me at school."

"OK, I'll help you out and tell them that you're 100% straight and prove it to them if you'll do me a favor first." I smiled at him.

"Let me suck your cock and I'll make sure they have no doubt that you're absolutely straight and there's no truth to the rumors." I said.

"NO FUCKING WAY!" He spit at me.

"Fine then, I'll just tell them that you like me sucking your cock, and trust me, They'll believe me, not you." I said. I could see Shannon wavering between anger and helplessness. I slipped down on my knees in front of him. Looking up at him, "Look Shannon, I'm a cocksuckerand most guys don't know that for certain, but assume I am. You don't want them to think you're like me, do you? If you let me suck your cock, you'll have an experience you'll never forget. You'll like it and I promise that I'll make sure all the rumors go away, and they will know you're not gay." I told him.

Shannon stood there in a daze as I reached up and lowered his zipper.Carefully, I put my hand inside his boxers and pulled out his semi hard beautiful cock. He was like a poker player who needed to call, raise or fold his hand and Shannon's mind was going inactive as he grew weaker while the blood rushed south to his cock. Shannon ran out of time when my lips engulfed his hardening cock and held it firmly. My tongue ran along the underside of his cock and circled around and around his cock head causing him to groan in pleasure. I felt his knees begin to buckle and I edged him backwards until he fell down on my bed.

Seeing victory over my prey, I quickly unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. I slid them and his shorts down. His cock slapped against his belly as the shorts being lowered pulled him out of my mouth. His pants, now on the floor, my mouth captured his cock again and I nudged him backward where he layed on the bed. Sucking and licking, I worked quickly, taking his shoes, jeans and shorts completely off. Shannon was breathing hard and making soft noises, but unable to make any effort to resist my assault on him. My tongue was keeping him compliant while I pulled my clothes off and pushed him further onto the bed. Bare assed naked, with my ass mooning for the webcam, I cupped his furry balls.

Turning around on the bed, I was now in a 69 position with his cock firmly embedded in my mouth. I could tell Shannon was lost in lust and I wanted to know if he could be pushed over the edge before I let him cum. I eased off his sensitive cock head, licking his balls and in between his legs. My own cock was now separated from his face by mere inches and it and her were now looking each other in the eye. I knew the cam was catching all the action and when finally, I felt a tongue touch my cock, I moved my hips closer to him. When I did, I felt my cock sliding into Shannon's mouth and his tongue carressing it. I was beside myself with excitement. He had crossed over the line and had was willingly sucking my cock. I had achieved my victory over the stud muffin. I had targetd his straight boy and by engineering events which he had no control over, I had put him into position to be used as a sexual toy for my pleasure.

My joy was enhanced when I felt Shannon's hands grab my ass cheeks and squeeze them, pulling me further into him. He was moaning and his lips and tongue were bringing me on fast.

My cock erupted into his mouth. I could feel him pull off as he gagged. my cock shooting more spurts onto his face. At the same time, he was now face fucking me as he filled my mouth with his cream. I swallowed it down and nursed the rest of out of his cock gently, letting him come down easy.

Turning around, I laid next to him and scooped some cum off his face with my finger and put it to his lips.

"Hey, don't." Shannon said pushing my hand away.

"Shhhh," I said calmly. "Don't push my hand away. I don't want you wasting my cum Shannon." and brought it to his lips again.

"I don't do that shit man." He said and gripped my wrist tightly, holding it away.

For an instant I was afraid. I knew I had to get the upper hand over Shannon. "Look Man," I said, Nobody forced you to suck my cock. I was just going to suck you off and that would have been the end of it. When you willingly put your lips around my cock, it showed that you wanted to become a cocksucker too and is what you've now become."

"I'm going to keep my part of the bargain and make sure everyone knows that you're straight and would never do anything gay. Once you've had a cock in your mouth, there's no going back. I'll keep your secret, but you're going to do as I tell you or everyone in school will know you're MY cocksucker. Now, open your fuckin mouth boy."

I felt a little sorry for the guy as now tears were welling up in his eyes as his mouth opened, allowing my cum covered finger to slide into his mouth. "Lick my finger shannon." I said firmly.

Shannon was numb with embarrassment and humiliation as I fed him finger after finger of the cum that had been splattered on his face and hair. I wiped up his tears and fed them to him too.

"Now stand up and let me get a good look at you." I said

I sat on the edge of the bed with Shannon standing before me. I slipped his t-shirt off and he was totally naked except for his socks. I gazed on the magnificent body I had only been able to glance at discreetly in the shower room. Now, it was mine to have and to hold. I lifted his flacid cock to my mouth again and cleaned up a dribble of cum off the tip, sucking it into my mouth. My hands roamed over his ass and between his legs. Such smooth perfect legs and they were mine.

"Please, Terry, I want to go home now." Shannon whispered.

I hugged him to me, running my hands up and down over his body. Ipulled him down until he was on his knees in front of me. I pulled his face forward until my cock once again was pushing against his lips before pushing into his mouth.

"I want you to pay attention to me shannon." I said, petting his head like one would pet their dog. No one in school is going to find out that you've become my cocksucker. I promise you that I'll make sure your secret life stays secret. But you need to understand that you do now have a secret life. You will be sucking my cock from now on but at school, we won't have any contact with each other. When we get together, the kids at school won't know about it."

"If you decide you are going to ignore me, then I promise you that your life if flat going to fall apart for you." I warned him. Now, to show me that you understand and accept your new secret life's role, I want you to suck my cock like I sucked yours. I want you to suck it very lovingly and tender."

As he complied and sucked and licked, tears began forming in his closed eyes and rolled down his cheeks. I smoothed his hair and felt genuinely sorry for the guy. I really did like him and was hopeful that this change in his life would come easier to him than it actually was. Part of me wanted to let him go but I had lusted after him too long. Shannon was one of those nice guys that just happened to have been blessed with a super body and face. His nearly hairless body and face made him appear much younger than he was. The way he had willingly sucked my cock on the bed told me that there was more to Shannon than the one we had all known.

He was bringing me to another climax with his lips and tongue. I noticed the tears had stopped and that his own cock was hard again.

"I'm going to cum again. Swallow it all, don't let any of it out of your mouth." I said. I moaned aloud as my cock went off in his mouth. I held on to his ears as I emptied into him. As I came back to earth, I pulled out and told him to stand up.

Turning him so he faced the cam straight on, I knelt in front of him and took his cock in my mouth. I could hear him groaning in pleasure and felt him jerking his hips as he began fucking my face. He gave in to the pleasure and pumped another load into my mouth.

After cleaning him up with my tongue, I stood up and kissed his lips, sticking my tongue inside and sharing the cum that was in my mouth.

"Trust me Shannon, I will take care of you. Nobody will find out what you did, ok?" I said

Shannon nodded his head. "Can I go home now?"

To be continued. Uhh is anyone reading this story? Ideas? comments?

Author storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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