Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Aug 19, 2013


Tuleman's New Friends Chapter 19 storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

This is a continuing story involving male on male sexual situations. You must be an adult of at least 18 years of age to continue reading this fictional story.

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Chapter 19

The morning passed slowly for Shannon. His stomach still in knots. The lunch bell rang and Shannon put his books in his locker. He quickly ducked into the boy's restroom, hiding in a stall until the noise in the hall died down. He hurried down the hall to Mr. Austin's homeroom and entered, Mr. Austin waving him toward his desk.

He stood in front of Mr. Austin who had taken off his glasses and was shaking his head. Shannon's heart was pounding as he heard Mr. Austin refer to him as the homosexual basketball player who likes to suck cocks."You're Topeka's star faggot, boy!" he had said.

"On top of failing my English class, it appears that the boy most likely to graduate and receive a top scholarship to play basketball at a Division One college will instead be sucking cocks at some fast food window here in Topeka. I'm sure your mother, I believe her name is Mary, isn't it, will be very proud of her faggot son. Everyone will still keep track of you. They will want to know where to go to get their daily blow jobs from their former friend."

Shannon was stunned. "But Mr. Austin, I am passing your English class Sir. I'm passing all my classes Sir, You know that sir."

Mr. Austin ignored the upset boy as he opened up Shannon's student file and thumbed through it. I see you have lately failed all your English tests and your classroom participation has been non-existent. I have sent three warning notes with you addressed to your mother. I bet you threw them away, didn't you boy?"

"Mr. Austin, that's a lie, you know it is Sir. Why are you doing this to me?" Shannon said, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Doing what to you boy? Are you calling me a liar? All the information is here in your folder. If you do accuse me of lying, I will say you are trying to blackmail me to improve your grades and I refused. Then you can say that I let you suck my cock, right? Oh, they would sound real good on your part. wouldn't it boy?"

Shannon began crying and dropped to his knees in front of Dean Austin.. "please sir, I'll suck your cock or do anything for you, but please let me pass your course. I have to go to college and play basketball sir. Please let me pass sir."

"Get up Tuleman, You will continue being a cocksucker, no worries about that, but I want to know the whole story about how you got into this situation in the first place. Tell me everything and if you lie to me, I'll make sure you get expelled and you won't play basketball here again or any college. No one will believe anything you say against me. You'll be see as a liar and a blackmailer. Now, start talking, we don't have much time." Austin said.

Austin sat watching young Shannon as he told an amazing story of falling prey to teenage lovers and older men and the adult video store. He felt he understood the reason for the relationship between the boy and bob. He'd watched the boy play basketball and knew Shannon had exceptional talent and could be playing pro basketball at some future part of his life. At least one year of college was necessary though before he would be eligible to be drafted by the pros and that one year in college was not going to happen if Shannon did not pass English, or if his proclivity for sucking cocks became general knowledge.

He had a strong feeling that Bob Olson had an eye on Shannon's earning power as a pro athlete. Signing bonus money alone was worth millions of dollars.

Tuleman was not looking at himself as a victim in this. Instead he saw himself as having a character flaw that Bob was helping him control by supplying him with all the cock and cum that he now required.

Obviously being young, Tuleman's experience with Terry and Buddy had a massive impact on his impressionable mind and set him on the road to homosexual addiction. Dean Austin knew that he now had to set in place his own authority over the boy to keep him obedient and docile.

"How do you think you will pass English boy? Do you think I'll give you a passing grade because you're an athlete? I will more than likely fail you because you're an athlete." Dean said. "Will you become an obedient little boy for me and do whatever I tell you to do if I give you a passing grade Shannon?"

Shannon fell to his knees again in front of Austin, Tears on his cheeks and hope in his eyes as he agreed to obey Mr. Austin.

"You will report to me immediately after school today. No basketball practice for you. Tell your coach and get out of here." Austin told him.

As Shannon entered Mr. Austin's room for his English class, He was surprised to see Mrs. Johnson, a substitute teacher, sitting at the desk. She soon announced that Mr. Austin had an emergency and will be back later today. Shannon did not know what to make of it and decided he would return after school to see if Mr. Austin had returned.

At that moment in time, Dean Austin was sitting in Bob Olson's living room sipping on a cup of coffee as he visited with Bob. Austin had surprised Bob with a phone call wanting to come over and discuss one of his students with him. He had told Bob there was no problem, but he wanted to discuss a possible mutual benefit and he was free to come over and talk to him right now. Bob had agreed and although a little nervous was also curious.

After two hours of discussion, an agreement was reached and both men shook hands. "This may work out real well." Bob said. "We can maintain greater control over the boy and keep him out of trouble like he got in last night."

"I will follow Shannon home after our talk this afternoon and talk to Mary Tuleman." Austin told Bob. "After I've explained how dangerously close to failing English her son is, She will agree to let him come and live with an expert English tutor such as yourself." Austin said laughing. "Especially if I am guaranteeing a passing grade for Shannon.

Bob laughed with Austin and shook his hand. "I'm glad you got involved Dean. Having him living here will be nice for all of us. Some of my friends have been needing their cocks drained too. Also having him away from his mom's influence and protection will be very helpful.

Entering Mr. Austin;s room, Shannon saw him sitting at his desk. "Close and lock the door boy" Austin told him. After locking the door, Shannon went to Mr. Austin and stood there, not sure of what to do.

You're alone with a superior male who knows you're a faggot. Don't you think you should show me proper respect by being buck naked boy?" Austin said, not even looking at the boy.

"Yes sir, I'm sorry, I forgot." Shannon said, quickly stripping his clothes off.

Once naked, Austin reached out and grabbed Shannon's soft cock, pulling him toward him and down across his lap.

Austin delivered a stinging slap to the boy's smooth ass, causing Shannon to jump. Shannon felt Austin's hand roam over his ass. Fingers began probing his crack and pushed inward against his rosebud. Running his hand again over Shannon's ass and pretty legs, he felt the soft hairs and thought he'd prefer Shannon to be shaved smooth like a swimmer. Maybe they should have him join the swim team and shave.

Shannon felt himself being lowered to his knees and being placed between Austin's legs. "Take it our and suck it boy." Austin said hoarsely.

Next: Chapter 20

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