Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Nov 6, 2012


Tuleman's New Friends Chapter 17 storydreamer2006@yahoo.com


This fictional story contains gay sexual situations and unsafe sex. Keep this and all adult oriented material away from minors. You must be an adult to read this story.


Bob walked in the kitchen through the attached garage door and immediately saw his friend Doctor Tom Stone sitting in the dining room. In front of him sat a naked Shannon Tuleman.

"Hi Tom, Did the boy behave himself for you?" He asked, dropping his car keys on the counter and purposely ignoring the naked Shannon. Bob sat down on the other side of the table from Shannon and smiled as Tom winked at him.

Shannon quietly, shuffled around the table on his knees until he was beside Bob's chair. He looked up at Bob with puffy eyes and a worried look on his face.

"I've explained to Shannon that wearing clothes when he is in the company of his superiors is a sign of disrespect. I'm sure he was just ignorant of how an inferior faggot should act. I think you will find that he will be more polite to you and his other friends from now on." Tom said as he reached down and ruffled Shannon's hair.

Shannon suddenly began crying and apologizing to Bob for not showing him the proper

respect to him and not taking care of his needs and that he would know more of what to do now that Doctor Stone had helped him. Bob's right leg was crossed over his other leg and Shannon lowered his head and began licking his shoe.

Both Bob and Tom were smiling as they reached out and shook hands. Bob was now, no longer worried about Shannon being unstable and knew he could push him further into voluntary slavery. Shannon was becoming a slave to the pleasure centers of his brain and bob was in control of it. He would have to make sure that Terry was rewarded for the work he'd done on Shannon.

He petted Shannon on the head as the boy licked the edges of his shoes lovingly.Lifting Shannon's head by pulling his hair, bob explained to the boy that when he comes home., his shoes and socks should be taken off and then his feet licked and kissed. The shoes could be tongue cleaned later.

Apologizing, Shannon scooted under the table and carefully took Bob's shoes and socks off and then began licking and kissing his toes and feet. He would change from one foot to the other and back again. Tom had got up and brought back two bottles of beer from the refrigerator and as they sipped beer, Tom informed Bob of Shannon's mental condition, ignoring the fact that the boy was under the table beneath them. Shannon could not hear them anyway, His mind had slipped into a strange state of lust that he had never felt before. He was no longer Shannon, but a cock sucking, foot licking faggot slave who was intent on pleasing his master and owner. His left hand was holding his cock and slowly pulling on it as he paid homage to his master's feet. Shannon was in love with Bob wanted Bob to know he would love his feet for him and take care of them for him.

After another beer, Bob told Shannon, he needed to go piss and he could continue his foot licking when he came back.

Shannon put his hands on bob's legs and quickly explained, "Please master, Let me take care of it for you sir so you don't have to get up."

"Are you sure boy?" Bob said, looking down under the table at Shannon. "If you do it for me, it's only polite of me to have you do it for the Doctor here also."

"Yes sir, I would be honored to serve you both so you don' t have to get up. I'm sorry I did not offer before this master." Shannon replied.

"Well go ahead then fag boy, but be careful.

If you spill any, I'll be forced to punish you." Bob told him.

"Yes sir, thank you sir. I'll be very careful." Shannon replied.

Bob spread his legs allowing Shannon to get closer and unzip him. Shannon reached in and pulled Bob's cock out carefully. Bob's cock was semi hard and Shannon quickly engulfed the cock head in his mouth, sealing it with his lips. The expected stream was not long in coming. He was grateful that Bob would cut it off at intervals, allowing him to keep up with the flow. Shannon thought he could detect beer in the piss and concluded that all in all, it tasted ok. He also realized that his own cock was hard again and knew he wanted to jack off soon. Bob continued pissing in Shannon's mouth until at last, Shannon felt him use short spurts to empty the last of the urine from his cock. Bob's hand gently pushed The boy's head off his cock.

"That was great boy." Bob said with a sigh. "I'm going to want you to do that for me all the time now."

"Tom, do you need to use my faggot?" Bob asked.

:Not right now Bob, but thanks." Tom replied and then added, "Shannon, come out from under the table and stand here before Bob."

Shannon crawled out and stood holding his hands in front of his hard cock.

"Shannon, it is very disrespectful for you to cover your cock in front of real men." Tom scolded him. Shannon quickly moved his hands to his side, obviously embarrassed.

Tom addressed Bob. "Bob, Shannon and I had a serious talk about where his life was going and he is worried and rightfully so that his mother, friends and the general public will find out he is a perverted faggot cocksucker. Now you and I both know, It was in his DNA to become one and since Terry was the one that flipped Shannon's trigger, He has exhibited the classic markers of a faggot. I tested Shannon myself and there is no doubt in my mind that he not only is a homosexual, but that his libido has an unsatisfied lust for sexual debasement, degradation, humiliation and will, if left to himself, will lead to him being publicly exposed, and preyed upon by unscrupulous predators. It also will lead to an end to his basketball career and a life of eternal shame and exile from his family"

Hearing these terrible incriminating words that the Doctor was saying had brought Shannon to tears and he cried unashamedly in front of the two adults who were extremely happy with the results the Doctor's diagnosis had produced in Shannon.

"Now I did have a discussion with Shannon about a possible way he could escape such a disastrous ending to such a promising life. Shannon has become aware of the bdsm lifestyle and was hoping"......

"Please Master Bob, Let me be your slave sir, I will take care of you and your housework and do whatever you want me to do sir." Shannon cried out suddenly, falling to his knees and holding on to Bob's legs. He buried his face between Bob's legs and sobbed uncontrollably, clutching Bob's legs tightly. "I know you can protect me from being found out. I will give you everything I have sir, please don't let my mother find out about me sir. I love you sir and want to serve you and be your son or your slave sir."

Bob ran his fingers through Shannon's hair and petted him lovingly as he exchanged smiles with Dr. Tom Stone. Leaning over to him, He whispered, "This just brought you another $50,000. my friend." Tom smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

"Hush boy, don't cry anymore." Picking Shannon's head up, he unzipped his pants and pulling out his cock, he brought it to Shannon's lips. Shannon whose eyes had been closed, opened his mouth when he felt the cock touch his lips. "Everything is going to be all right boy. Of course I will let you be my slave, but you will have to understand, that I will be the same as your owner. I will own you and everything that you have or will have. Do you understand that boy?" I will take care of you and protect you, but you must obey me and do what I say. You will make a lot of money as a professional basketball player and I will control and manage it for you my little slave boy. Is that what you would like me to do for you boy?" Answer me Shannon."

Shannon mumbled a yes sir between sobs that were wracking his body. The cock in his mouth suddenly seemed to grow harder and longer and he had to back off of it a little to avoid gagging. He seemed to be just slowly sucking on Bob's meat. Bob pulled Shannon off his cock. "Look at me Shannon." Bob said sternly. Shannon looked into Bob's eyes and heard Bob tell him that he would protect and save Shannon from being exposed as a homosexual deviant cocksucker but that Shannon would now be Bob's slave until Bob let him go. He asked Shannon if he agreed to that and Shannon said "Yes Master, I want to be your slave forever Sir."

Bob stood and went to a desk in the corner and turned a video recorder on and brought back some papers and a pen. As he sat down, he handed Shannon a condom, telling him to put it on his master's cock. Shannon looked puzzled but took the wrapper off the lubricated condom and rolled it down over Bob's big cock.

Doctor Stone at this time stood up and stretched. "Bob, I have to get back to K C if you don't mind. I think you have everything sorted out here." He said.

"Thanks Tom." Bob said, shaking his hand. "Are you sure there isn't anything I or Shannon can do for you."

"No Bob, I'm fine and have a lot of work to do back home, but call me if I can do anything more for you and your new slave, ok?"

After Tom had walked out the door, bob rolled his chair back a little. "Back up to me Shannon, I want you to sit on my lap and let my cock inside your boy pussy back there. You know you now have a pussy instead of an asshole?

Shannon was afraid, but still, he was so grateful that bob would let him be his slave and he would be protected and now he wouldn't be found out. His mother would never know now and that made him feel good.

Backing up, he lowered himself carefully as Bob guided his cock to Shannon's pussy. Shannon felt it push against his hole but not enter. He felt bob pull down on him gently and as he did, he felt Bob's cock suddenly pop inside. Now Shannon was slowly pulled down until he was sitting flush on bob's lap, deeply impaled on his cock. The sharp pain was almost more than Shannon could bear, but he didn't want to offend his wonderful master. The sharp pain was letting up but still, he felt like a log had been inserted in his rectum.

Shannon felt Bob breath on his neck and then the nibbling bites and kisses. Bob's fingers captured both of Shannon's nipples and the massaging set his entire body tingling. Bob moved his left hand upward and put his thumb on Shannon's lips. His right hand went down to Shannon's cock and balls lovingly squeezing the pulsing cock. Bob's thumb pushed and entered Shannon's mouth. Shannon was breathing harder.

"You are 18 years old now Shannon and you are now a young adult. You have reached the age where you are responsible for your actions, not your mother any more. In front of you on the table is a paper. It has been notarized and witnessed by Doctor Tom Stone. I have already signed it and now you need to sign it. It is a legal document that you are willingly giving me power of attorney over you and your affairs. By signing this document, you are being given my protection against discovery of your unnatural homosexual perversion.

Bob was was sky high on lust. He felt close to cumming without any additional help from Shannon other than his warm ass and beautiful body firmly impaled on his hard cock. Shannon was sucking on Bob's thumb and Bob teased Shannon's cock and rolled his balls around in his fingers. Bob could tell that Shannon also was lost in lust. He more than had the boy by the balls. He now owned him, well, just as soon as he signed over power of attorney that is. Tom had done a great job of scaring the hell out of Shannon by painting a devastating picture of his future without Bob.

Every nerve in Shannon's body was tingling. His eyes were only half open and his ass was feeling the pulsing probing movement of the big cock. He barely understood what Bob was asking him to do except that he felt like when he signed it, Bob would then own him and he would be Bob's slave. He knew deep in his heart that he wanted Bob to own him. He wanted to be Bob's slave and serve him and suck cocks for the rest of his life and play basketball.

Bob pulled his thumb out of Shannon's mouth. Picked up the pen and held it up in front of Shannon.

"Take the pen and sign my little faggot. When you do, I will protect you and you can suck more cocks and I will control everything for you." Bob said in Shannon's ear.

Shannon reached for the pen, and put pen to paper, signing his name. His hand was shaking slightly, but he managed to sign his name. Bob took the pen back and pushed the paper away. Knowing the boy was now his to do with as he wanted, Bob began rocking back and forth on his chair, the movement sending his cock forward and backward in Shannon's ass and causing the boy's prostate to react, sending an exhilarating pleasure numbness from deep in his bowels, through his legs and into his upper body until Shannon's cock shot several ropes of cum upward onto the table. A throaty groan of relief and pleasure erupted from him as he fainted back against Bob's body. Shannon's reaction set Bob off as he too filled the condom in Shannon's ass. Both man and boy, drained of emotion sat in silence except for the breathing of the two.

Shannon had mixed emotions as he drove home. He felt happy that he now had the security of being Bob's slave and was confident Bob would protect him. But Bob had mentioned that he would control everything that Shannon owned. He wondered how that would work in the future. Remembering his cell phone was off, he pulled it out of his jacket and turned it on. There were three missed calls from a number he did not know. Curious, he clicked on the send and called the number back.

"Well Hello Shannon, I've been trying to get you on the phone. How are you dong boy"? A voice that sounds somewhat familiar to me answers.

"Who are you"? I ask.

"Shannon, You don't remember me after I was so nice to you and let you suck all those cocks down here at the store. This is Walt and I need you to come back and talk to me real quick."

Shannon had no idea how Walt had known who he was or how he had gotten his phone number. A feeling of impending doom settled in his bowels as he realized that the man knew who he was and what he'd done.

"Uhh, I'm sorry sir, I am just on my way home and don't have time right now. I really don't want to do that anymore." Shannon stuttered finally.

"Look Shannon, It won't take long, just want to talk to you for a second. Come right now. I'll expect you within 10 minutes boy." Walt Said before ending the call.

Shannon pulled into a Quick Trip parking space and sat there, trying to think what he should do. Should he call Bob and tell him. Bob would be mad at him. Finally, he decided he would just drive to the adult video store and tell him he wouldn't do it.

Shannon parked around in the rear of the adult store and hurried in so on one would see him, Inside, Walt waved for him to come behind the counter and ushered him into his office and closed the door. Walt reached his hand out and Shannon shook his hand and started to tell him he was done with that stuff when Waltl interrupted him.

"Shannon, you were a big hit with the guys and I need you to do just one more party here for them. After that, I won't bother you again, deal"?

Shannon was looking at Walt, but his attention was suddenly drawn to a large wall poster of a beautiful naked model directly behind Walt. The man's cock was soft and must have been over 10 inches long.

Walt knew what Shannon was looking at. Quickly, he unzipped and brought out his own 7 inch cock which was semi hard and suggested Shannon give him a quick suck.

Shannon moved forward and fell to his knees before the cock immediately taking the cock in his mouth. Waltl ran his fingers through Shannon's hair, talking softly to the cock addict. "Oh, that is so good. You are such a good cocksucker Shannon. It feels good to have a cock in your mouth doesn't it. That's it swirl your tongue around the crown, feel how soft the skin feels in your mouth.

To be continued


Next: Chapter 18

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