Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Oct 13, 2011


This story is iintendedfor adults only. Minors may not read further. story contains male on male sexual situations.

Tuleman's New Friends Chapter14

Monday morning at 7: 15 A.M. Bob Sommers opened up his front door and Shannon walked in. Bob took his shorts off and sat down in his favorite chair and waited for Shannon to strip naked.

kneeling, Shannon thanked Bob for letting him come early to suck his cock. Bob pulled him forward, his hard cock slipping into Shannon's mouth.

"Suck slowly boy. It will always be here for you. After practice tonight, you will come back again. Frank will be here too so you'll have an extra cock to suck." Bob said

"Now my little faggot cocksucker, You listen to me and listen good.

"By now, you are starting to understand your addiction to cocksucking. I took you to the glory holes so you could get your fill of cum. Eating cum has become important to you even if you don't know it. Just like your brain rewarding you with that pleasure feeling when your mouth has a cock to suck on, your body's internal system has latched on to sperm for energy. Like the energy drinks college and pro athletes use, your body uses cum for quick energy. I'm afraid that your playing level has suffered because you have needed cum before the game. Not having the cum in your system has left you sluggish and dazed. Surely you can remember how alive and strong you felt after consuming all that cum. Because of the protein and vitamins in the cum, you probably weren't hungry for several hours. The cum has the power to make you a better player than you would have been without it. So you see, being a cocksucker is a very good thing for your career. Some pro players use steroids but they have been outlawed as illegal drugs. Sperm is natural and cannot be ruled illegal. However, only a few players are cocksuckers and that means they and you have an advantage over average players.

Shannon nodded his head as he held Bob's cock firmly in his mouth, afraid to suck on it. He knew it was important to listen to what Bob was telling him. He could only feel love for this man who'd come into his life. How many times growing up had he wanted a father or friend who could teach him. Cum seemed to have a bitter taste to him, but he hoped that he could acquire a taste for it. He was going to need a lot of it if he was going to fulfill his dreams of playing pro basketball.

Shannon felt Bob stiffen and heard him let out a groan. Warm cum spurted into his mouth. He concentrated on not gagging as Bob pumped his important protein into his mouth. Instead of thinking of the cum as a sticky mess, He now looked at it as energy medicine. Finally, his lips milked the last of Bob's cum out. Feeling some running down his chin, he caught it with his fingers and scooped it into his mouth.

"Good boy Shannon, I think you got it all this time. Now come over to the kitchen table. I want you to have a good productive practice tonight. You need to be aggressive and assert yourself. Bob laid out two slices of thick bread and spread peanut butter on one slice.

"I want you to cum on the peanut butter. This is what you're going to start eating for breakfast everyday. Stand up close to the plate boy." Bob said with a chuckle. "Here, I'll do it for you this time.." With one arm around him, Bob aimed Shannon's cock downward as he stroked it. Only a couple strokes were needed as Shannon squirted his cum onto the sandwich. Bob used his finger to spread it evenly over the sandwich. Using the other slice of bread, Bob wiped his finger and Shannon's cock clean, before laying it on the peanut butter. He gave Shannon a coke and told him to hurry up and eat. Shannon felt totally humiliated as he looked down at the sandwich. Shannon picked it up and started eating and quickly took a gulp of coke. He could taste the cum slightly, but the peanut butter masked it so he could finish it quickly.

"Go wash your face in the sink, but not your mouth. You'll be able to taste that cum most of the day. Hurry or you'll be late for school. I'll see you after practice boy."

Shannon parked his car and hurried into school and ran for class. He was just a little late but he lucked out as the teacher just shook her finger at him when he barged into class.

He found his seat in the back of the class next to Jerry Dunn who looked at him funny. " Hey, I'm just a little late, what's that look all about?" Shannon said.

"Dude, you look like someone busted you in the mouth. Your lips are swelled up." Jerry replied.

Shannon turned back to his books and looked straight ahead. He now felt panic. His mom mentioned that his lips looked swollen. He wondered if sucking cock so much was the cause. Can people now tell that a guy is a cocksucker by looking at his lips, he thought. He ran his fingers over his lips and thought he could tell they were bigger than usual. Ahh shit, they were bigger. I have cocksucker lips. He gave the teacher 100% of his attention, not so much because he was interested but more as a way to avoid Jerry.

"Where have you been man, I haven't seen you around all weekend." Jerry asked as they filed out of the classroom.

"Oh I had to do a bunch of stuff for my mom and trying to rest up for the game tomorrow night. We play K.C. West and they haven't lost a game yet." Shannon said, getting a book from his locker.

"Hey, did you ever find out who put that porn in your locker?" Jerry asked grinning.

"Fuck no. Hey did you do it?" Shannon said looking at him.

"Hell no, man, I wouldn't do that. We're buddies." Jerry shot back.

"If I find out, they'll have to suspend me cause I'm gonna kill him. Shannon said as they walked to their next class.

As the teacher droned on, Shannon's thoughts were filled with remorse over how his life was going. Deep down, he knew he didn't want to be the way he was. That damn Terry had ruined his life. He and Bob and those other guys were fucking up his life. He felt the chains of their control over him to be too much. Peggy Sanders had stopped him in the hall and flirted with him and she was such a knockout in her short cheerleader skirt. Long legs all the way up to her ass. She'd asked him if he was excited about the Homecoming dance after the game. He was afraid to ask her to go with him without getting permission from Bob. She was just the kind of girl his mom had been scaring him away from. Shit, he thought, his own mom was also responsible for the fucking up his life. Don't be getting serious with girls, she kept harping at him. You get a girl pregnant and your life will change right quick and you can kiss your life as you know it goodbye. He needed to get rid of Bob and those other guys. They need him, He didn't need them. He had to tell them he was going to quit sucking cocks. Yeah, he could stop doing that. No, he knew he didn't really want to stop. His fucking body was out of control and he couldn't stop it from doing what it wanted to. Maybe he could quit them and go back to the adult video place. He couldn't remember the guys name there, but he'd told him he could come back anytime. It would be fun to go there after practice and suck some cock. Maybe he'd let him do it for free. His hand was laying on his hard cock and squeezing it. As he was feeling better about deciding to stop sucking cock, he found himself mentally back at the glory holes sucking cock after cock after cock.

Buddy took his tray and spotting Terry sitting all alone, asked him if he could share his table.

"Hi, Buddy, sure, sit." Terry said cheerfully.

"I never did get a call from you." Buddy said, opening his coke.

"Yeah, well I didn't know if you were serious or just being kind." Terry said. "I don't have a lot of friends asking me to call them."

"maybe you don't have the right kind of friends." Buddy answered.

Terry looked at the boy, thinking how cute he looked. Looking around to see if anyone was close enough to listen, he softly whispered. " Maybe you haven't heard, I'm a cocksucker."

Buddy looked into his eyes and smiled. "I know, that's why I was hoping you'd call."

Both boys sat there, silently eating their lunch. Finally, Buddy stood up and picked up his tray. "I know a quiet place in the country if you'd like to see it. Meet me at my car after school." He dropped his tray off and walked out of the lunch room,

Terry sat there watching him. He knew he was hard and knew he was going to see Buddy's quiet place in the country.

After basketball practice, Shannon had to tell some of the guys he couldn't hang out with them this evening, he had to do some things. Pulling out of the parking lot, he made a bee line to Topeka Blvd and headed south. He parked outside Sensations in the back of the store so no one would see his car as they drove by. Entering, he say the same guy that he'd sucked.

"Hi boy, welcome back. I was hoping you'd remember what I told you and come back." He said.

"Hi, I'm sorry but I forgot your name but yeah, you told me I could come back anytime, so I thought I'd ask if you were sincere about that." Shannon said, looking down at the counter.

"I'm Walt and you bet I was." He said extending his hand. "Come on and I'll let you in the same booth. I put an outside lock on it so you won't have to worry about someone coming in on you. I'll let you in." He said.

"Uhh, No, I can't stay right now, but I'd like to come back later if you'll be here." Shannon replied.

"Sure, come in whenever you want to. We're open 24 hours a day." Walt said. "Here, take this card and show it to whoever is behind the counter and they'll let you go in without buying any tokens. I'll be here tonight until 11 so I hope you'll stop in later."

"Thanks Walt, I'll try to make it back tonight." Shannon said, taking the card before heading for the door.

"You do that you cock faggot basketball big shot." Walt said softly as the door closed.

Shannon parked his car in front of Bob's house. There was a pick-up truck in the driveway. The garage door was open and Bob's car was there. He felt nervous not knowing exactly who was with Bob. He rang the bell and waited.

To be continued

Email the author storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 15

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