Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Oct 14, 2010


Tuleman's New Friends Chapter 12 storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

An adult story depicting male on male sexual situations involving domination, submission, and humiliation. Minors may not have access to this story. The story is pure fiction and should be treated as such. It also takes place in a world without STDS and Aids. Not so in the world of reality in which we live. Don't do it...be safe

A big thanks to all my readers who've taken the time and let me know they are reading this story. Your emails have let me know I can keep writing because you're reading! Another story of mine you might like is also found on Nifty, gay authoritarian. It's title is ( Employee Manipulation )

Tuleman's New Friends Chapter 12

Shannon was busy sucking another cock when he heard a knock on the door to his booth.

"It's me, Walt, let me in boy."

Shannon pulled off the cock and opened the door for the man who had told them to use booth 15.

"Go on and finish that cock boy." Walt said and turned Shannon around.

As Shannon sat and took the cock in his mouth again, He felt embarrassed as Walt stood close to him and watched.

"Make love to his cock like it was the last cock you'll ever suck boy." Walt whispered in his ear. "Good cocksucker." He said over and over again and Shannon felt his head being petted by the older man.

They both heard the man in the next booth verbally announce his ejaculation and Walt smiled as Shannon's sucking made smacking noises as he sucked and struggled to keep all the cum in his mouth. He didn't want the man beside him to see him spill any on his floor.

When the cock withdrew back into the hole, Shannon felt a hand turning his head and submissively opened his mouth for Walt's cock.

"While you're waiting for your next cock, you can practice on mine boy. I want to see how good of a cock sucker you are. Shannon had sucked bigger cocks but Walt's cock was nice and fat and he lavished as much loving attention on the big piece of meat as he could.

"You're a good faggot. Your name is Shannon isn't it? I thought I heard Bob call you that."

Shannon nodded his head yes. Walt's hand continued petting his head like he was a dog.

"I haven't seen you here before Shannon. Is this your first time at the glory holes?" Walt asked.

Shannon again nodded his head yes.

"Are you enjoying having all these cocks to suck?"

Shannon nodded.

"Well, I have to tell you that as a new cocksucker, you're very good at it."

Walt heard Shannon try to say what he thought was, thank you sir. It was comical to Walt. A big boy like this trying to talk around the cock that he was sucking on.

Walt couldn't hold back and his cock went off in Shannon's mouth, flooding him with several squirts of thick milky cum, some of which poured out of the corner of his lips and ran down his chin dripping onto the floor. Walt moaned loudly as the boy lovingly held back his sucking on the now sensitive meat in his mouth.

As Shannon carefully cleaned his cock, Walt talked to him.

"I don't know what your connection with Bob is Shannon, but the fact you've been left here naked doesn't seem quite right to me. If he doesn't treat you right or sometimes you want to do this again on your own, you just come and see old Walt, OK. I'll let you in free and you won't have to pay for any videos here in the booth. You can just sit in here and chill out with all the cocks you want. You understand me?

Shannon nodded his head and thanked Walt for his kindness.

"Boy, you have another cock just came through the hole behind you." Walt said. Shannon swiveled around on the stool and took the new cock in his mouth

While Shannon sucked, Walt reached down and took the boy's hard cock in his hand and slowly masturbated him. "You weren't very hard boy. I bet you already jacked off, didn't you?" He smiled when Shannon nodded his head. "You ate it too, didn't you Shannon?" Shannon again nodded.

Shannon serviced two more cocks while Walt stood beside him petting his head and talking to him. " You're a very good cocksucking faggot Shannon. For the rest of your life, you're going to remember this day as one of the best days of your life. All these men are coming to you for your lip service. By the time you leave here your stomach will have so much cum in it that you won't even be hungry tonight. After you finish that cock, I'm going to give you a drink to wash it all down and since you're here in my video booth naked, you're going to drink it like a good little fag. I don't want you to get dehydrated in this hot booth. Trust me, It'll help you.

Shannon's cock had started filling up as he listened to Walt. This is what Cockslave had been telling him about. Walt was going to piss in his mouth and there was nothing he could do about it. The thought of it, far from being horrible, had his head spinning with more excitement. His pulse was racing as he felt more cum being pumped into his mouth.

Walt turned Shannon around and inserted his cock into the open mouth of the young man. "I'll start out as slow as I can but make sure you have your lips sealed around it good cause any piss you can't drink is going to run down your chest onto the floor and stink the place up, not to mention you having bare feet. I'm not going to give you a lot boy, just enough to hydrate you.

Shannon waited for Walt to start. He was filled with lust as he thought about being where he was and having all these men performing sexual acts upon him and he was wanting them to. Why was he allowing himself to be used like a whore by strange men he wondered. Everyone's words came back to him. Terry, Buddy, Cockslave, Bob and his friends. He had sucked one cock and it had made him a cocksucker and then he followed his fate which made him a faggot for life. It dawned on him that his mom's dreams of being a grandmother to his baby would not be realized. If he was a faggot, he could never get married to a girl.

A stream of urine interrupted his thoughts as it hit the back of his throat and made him choke. Walt had stopped after his first short spurt of piss, allowing Shannon to recover. The pungent odor that he'd smelled so often in the school restroom was now in his mouth and nose. Shannon cleared his throat and apologized to Walt for choking.

"That's OK son." Walt said continuing his petting of the boy. "It's your first time and I understand. Now that you know what it feels like, I will be pissing a little harder and then stop for a second or two before starting again. You're going to be a fine piss drinker Shannon. Cocksuckers that can drink piss are very valuable and you're going to please a lot of men with your special talent.

His cock was back in Shannon's mouth and Walt was giving him longer spurts. Walt groaned as he found it difficult to hold back his full bladder. Added to this was the fact that he was once again hard which made pushing the piss through that much harder.

The choking had caused Shannon's eyes to water and it looked like he was crying but far from that. Shannon was riding a high wave as he held the fat cock in his mouth. The humiliation and being degraded in such a fashion had stirred something in his libido that Shannon knew was now in control of this moment and his entire life. He was now a piss drinking, cock sucking, faggot and he was being rewarded with this wonderful feeling of lustful pleasure. He looked up into the smiling face of Walt who was still doing that constant petting of his head.

"My pretty cocksucker. Oh I have to talk to Bob. I want to see more of you my little piss drinker. Walt crooned as he slowly pulled his cock out of Shannon's mouth. When it came out, it made a popping sound and Walt chuckled out loud. Bob withdrew his cock and wiped it across Shannon's eyes, nose and cheeks. Reaching down, he picked up Shannon's cell phone and dialed his own cell phone hanging on his belt. When his cell phone rang, he ended the call. He now had a record of Shannon's phone number in his cell phone.

Another cock came through the middle glory hole and Shannon dutifully went to it as Walt examined the boy's cell phone. He looked at the name Shannon Tuleman. He knew that name from somewhere, but from where? Laying the phone back on the floor, he again patted the boys head and ran his fingers through his hair. He was again making those wet smacking sounds indicating he had fluids being injected into his mouth and he was fighting his gag reflex.

Walt unlocked the door when Shannon finished sucking the withdrawing cock. "Have fun Shannon. How many have you sucked today?" He asked

"I think 22" Shannon said. His head down looking at his cell phone.

Laughing, Walt said, "Keep it up. There's more coming. Lock the door after I leave. I may come back to check on you later."

Locking the door, Shannon sat back down and watched his glory holes for another cock. He picked up his phone off the floor and pushed the buttons. He looked at his contact list. What would they think of him if they could see him now and what he was doing. There was that familiar feeling of shame but now something else too. It was a feeling that he finally had faced the fact that now he was a cocksucker. Not just a cocksucker, but a faggot and piss drinker. It was as they had been telling him and he felt a calmness because there was now nothing he could do to prevent it. Bob said his libido in his brain was now in control and making him do these things and he would be unable to resist it's power. As

he was

watching the sexual

movie above showing several men bullying a younger man, his hand was slowly playing with his own cock which was hard again. He saw himself as the young man being bullied and it was making him excited. They were calling him names like pussy boy, sissy and fag, forcing him to suck their cocks. He saw himself doing the sucking.

A huge black cock came through the hole to his right. It was a perfectly formed cock and he took it in his mouth and went to work providing sexual pleasure for the unknown man.

Before he could bring the man to a climax, another cock came through behind him. He heard a voice say Suck me faggot. Pulling off the black cock but holding on to it with his

hand, He whispered thought the hole to wait just a minute and I'll suck you.

After finishing the black cock, He moved to the waiting cock. In just a minute, the man shot his wad deep into Shannon's mouth. Shannon dutifully licked the cock head clean of the sticky cum. He pulled his mouth off the cock and waited for the man to remove it from the hole. The cock however stayed right there.

Shannon was perplexed. Did he want him

to continue sucking his shrinking cock


Since there were no other cocks in the holes, Shannon again gathered up the somewhat limp cock into his mouth and began massaging it with his tongue. Even soft cocks were a turn on for Shannon. He just loved the smooth feel of a cock in his mouth. Suddenly a spurt of urine entered his mouth. Being unprepared,

Shannon choked and sputtered momentarily

as he expelled the cock from his mouth.

Noise from the center booth hole made him look and a nice long cock came through the hole. Rolling his little stool, he engulfed it and began pleasuring it. This cock was more than a mouthful and he was happy to suck it for the unknown male on the other side of the wall.

Suddenly, he felt liquid being poured on his side. Looking quickly, He saw the cock he'd just finished dripping some piss in his booth. The left side of his body was wet with piss. Shannon was upset and slid over to the cock, pushing it back through the hole. He leaned his mouth to the hole and whispered. "Hey, I don't do that fella."

"Well, you better do it fag or I'm just going to fill up your little booth with my piss. It's up to you boy. Here comes some more." the unknown voice said.

Shannon just had enough time to seal his lips over the pulsing cock as it began to spew its waste into his mouth. His feet were sliding around on the wet filthy floor. He had no choice but to try to swallow as much as he could to keep his booth from having a floor covered with urine. He couldn't keep up with the

volume of piss, try as he did and it

began seeping out of his lips and nose as he

swallowed rapidly. The piss ran down his chin and chest as the cock persisted in unrelenting pressure. Slowly, the volume decreased and as it pulsed out the last few spurts of piss, Shannon was able to catch his breath and cough out some that had tried to enter his lungs.

Shannon turned to the cock in the center hole, but it wasn't there now. Instead, he heard a voice from the hole say, You ain't

sucking my cock with that filthy mouth

faggot. He heard the man unlock his booth and leave.

Immediately, Shannon was overcome with shame and guilt as he realized that the man was right. He was no longer Shannon the best basketball player in the state, but the filthiest piss drinking faggot in the state of Kansas. His feet were wet with the piss that was on the floor. A cock came through the hole where the cock that had pissed in him had been. He could only sit there and

stare at it.

A knock on his booth door and a voice told him it was Walt. Shannon unlocked the door and Walt came in and handed him a mop. There's some deodorizer on that mop, mop it up real quick Shannon. Hurry up, there's a cock waiting for your mouth boy.

Murmuring a thank you, Shannon quickly mopped the urine up. Walt stood the mop in the corner and pushed Shannon down on his stool and up to the cock. Shannon automatically resumed sucking as Walt patted him on his head. "One of the guys said that you needed a mop in your booth so I got back here as soon as I

could." Walt whispered into his ear.

"You're doing a great job boy, Everybody here

likes you a lot. You're making a lot of friends here. I brought you a cold Pepsi that I'll just sit down here on the floor. I don't figure you're hungry at all." Walt said with a laugh. "Lock the door when I leave,"and he opened the door and slipped out.

Shannon heard the owner of the cock groan loudly and push his cock as far through the hole as possible. Several spurts of cum flooded his throat and tongue. The thick milky fluid was so thick and kept on coming that it started coming out his nose back on to the cock still pumping it into his mouth. He somehow was

not gagging anymore and was able to

drink it all down and lick the cock clean and

also lick his lips clear of the remaining cum. He washed his throat with several gulps of Pepsi.

The rest of Shannon's time in his little cubicle of a cell was a seemingly never ending show of bobbing cocks sticking through the three glory holes all demanding to be serviced by his mouth. Shannon had no conception of the time as he went from one hole to another, his jaw, tongue and lips becoming very tired

from the sucking, licking and

swallowing .

Bob's arrival was welcomed by a grateful Shannon. As he dressed in his clothes Bob had returned to him, Bob told him to keep sucking while he tied his shoes. Finally, fully dressed and no more cocks to suck, Bob led Shannon out into the bright store, pausing to thank Walt for letting Shannon practice his cock


Walt told him that he was great for business and to bring him back anytime and he wouldn't even charge a fee the next times. "Don't forget what I told you boy!" Walt said to Shannon as they headed for the door.

"What did he mean, don't forget what I told you?" Bob asked.

"Oh he was just telling me to be the best cocksucker in Topeka." Shannon lied. He didn't think Walt would want him to tell Bob that he was invited back by himself anytime he wanted.

At Bob's house, Shannon was told to take a hot shower and clean himself up. In the shower, Shannon played the day over and over in his head, thinking of all the different types of cocks he'd sucked. It occurred to him that he'd not eaten all day but that he didn't feel hungry at all. He couldn't be sure, but he thought he'd sucked over 35 cocks and then there was that guy that

made him drink his piss and then Walt did too. But he wasn't mad at Walt. He had just thought that he might be thirsty and was trying to help him. He washed his hard cock and pumped it slowly. He was almost ready to cum, but he decided he better not yet. Bob was waiting for him to finish.

Bob was sitting on the couch and totally naked. Pointing to the floor, Shannon knelt between his legs. Bob pulled him forward and his hard cock slid into Shannon's mouth.

"Just hold it in your mouth and look at me Shannon. By now, you fully realize that you're a faggot cocksucker. If your mother knew this, it would break her heart. We will have to hide that fact from her. You will have to trust me with your future. I've told Terry to keep his mouth shut about you and not to

talk to you at school. You will now

need cock every day or you won't be able to

concentrate on school work or basketball."

"From now on, You will leave a half hour earlier for school every day. Tell your mom it's to use the school library and to brush up on your daily assignments. You will come here and suck my cock and masturbate. That will get you through the day and practice. After practice, you'll come back here for your nightly

cock and masturbation. Saturdays will

be reserved for some type of cocksucking.

You tell your mom you're goofing around with friends. Don't fuck up Shannon. You don't want to lose her love for you or your basketball hopes. I want you to consider me your daddy. As such, you will ask my permission to do things and go places. When your mother tells you things, you will call me and OK it with me. Nod your head and caress my cock with your tongue if you understand and agree."

Shannon nodded and licked as he knew he must. He felt more control over his life being transferred to Bob. He had started dating Sheila Blanda off and on and had been able to get underneath her sweater. Already, she had been a little put off because he hadn't had time to spend with her. Now he was going to have

even less time. His friends were

wondering what he was up to because he stopped

hanging out with them. Life was becoming complicated because of his sucking cock. The thought of cock brought him back to the wonderful feeling of the fat cock in his mouth. He could only equate it with the comfort feeling a baby feels with his thumb in his mouth. Shannon knew now that a cock in his mouth was soothing the desires of his libido that Bob had told him about. He knew that Bob was looking out for him by providing him his cock twice a day and letting him masturbate in the morning and evening. The thought that he would have cock every day was a relief.

Pushing Shannon back, Bob got up and pulling Shannon by his hair, gently guided him to the dining room table. Pushing him over the table, he picked up a condom and put it on. Taking a tube of KY Jelly, He lubed his cock and Shannon's asshole.

"Please Bob, I don't want that done to me. I'm not that way Bob." Shannon said, trying to get up.

"DON'T FUCK WITH ME BOY. Your daddy's going to fuck you. Bob said, slamming Shannon's head down on the table.

Shannon started crying softly and trembling as he felt Bob's hard cock pushing against his sphincter.

Bob's hot breath in his ear telling him to relax his asshole and it won't hurt forced him to focus on what was going to happen. Shannon felt a searing pain as his flesh was parted and penetrated by the large cock. Slowly, he felt it moving in him further until he felt Bob's groin flush against his ass and he knew

he was completely impaled on his


"This is what completes you Shannon. Now you are truly a fag. Your ass is now your pussy. You are a pussy boy. You'll always remember my cock in your ass this first time. In time, you'll learn to appreciate the fact that you now also have a pussy. Think of how you'll feel with a cock in your mouth and another one

in your ass at the same time. This

is another step in becoming the faggot you

were destined to become. Now, as I begin pulling out and pushing back in, You try and relax your asshole so it will slide in and out smoothly without tearing your tender insides out. That's a good boy. Oh yes, that feels so good. I've wanted to fuck you since I first saw you and Terry together. Your ass is so tight."

Shannon was shaking from fear and shame. He was being used like a girl. Everyone would know what he had done. A man was fucking him in the ass and Shannon knew that he deserved to be fucked. It was right that he should offer his ass to men so they could fuck him. All his friends and family too would be

horrified and ashamed of him. They would

not want to be his friends anymore. He saw now

that all those men in the adult book store would want him for a friend. They wanted him to be a faggot and suck their cocks. He could feel Bob's cock slowly sliding in and out of his ass. He could hear Bob breathing hard and making animalistic noises and then groan loudly as he reached his climax. Bob was jerking sporadically now as his body shook with pleasure.

Bob collapsed over Shannon as he slowly came down from a monster ejaculation. He lay on top of his personal cocksucker, a smile on his face from ear to ear. This young man was his to fuck anytime he wanted to.

Getting up, he pulled out of Shannon's ass. Carefully, he removed the condom from his cock. Seeing there was a large amount of cum in it, he held it over the table let the spunk run out onto the table top. He pulled Shannon up and began pumping the boy's cock.

"You did very well today Shannon. I'm going to give you a reward now. My cum is on the table and when you're ready, I want you to shoot your cum on the table too. You deserve a nice cum after what you've done today. After you cum, I'm going to allow you to lick it all up and clean the table with your tongue.

I'll sit here and watch


Shannon was embarrassed as he began masturbating with Bob watching him.

"You're becoming a fine faggot Shannon. If you sucked off 35

guys today, that's 35 new friends you made. Shit, you don't have that many friends in high

school. Just looking at you now, I can see that you have cocksucking lips. I'm surprised that the kids at school haven't recognized that in you."

Shannon groaned and shot his load across the table top. After 4 good spurts, it came down to dribbles of white cum as he milked the last of it onto the table.

"Good girl, now get up on the table and start licking it all up like a good fag would do." Bob said with a satisfied smile. Bob watched as Shannon's tongue lapped up the trail of cum. He had started with Bob's cum from the condom first and then followed the cum he'd shot across the table. Shannon was now firmly entrenched as a cocksucker. He would make sure the boy got his daily cock and cum. He had a few more surprised for him in the weeks to come.

"You're dripping some cum from your cock boy. Lick it up." Bob said. When you're finished, get dressed and go home. Take tomorrow off, but I'll see you before school Monday morning."

To be continued

Email the author: storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 13

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