Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Aug 8, 2010


Tuleman's New Friends


This story is erotic fiction depicting homosexual situations. Minors are not permitted to read this story. Keep this and all adult oriented material away from minors.

Thanks to all the guys who have taken the time to email me about the story. It's because of you wanting me to keep the story going and letting me know that keeps me writing it. I really do appreciate you suggestions, incite and commentary regarding the story and the course of the story has changed several times because of what you say and what you want to happen. Thanks again, You're great fans! storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Tuleman's New Friends

Saturday morning at 9:AM. Shannon pulled into Bob's driveway. As he extended his finger to push the doorbell, the door opened and Bob told him to come in.

Bob closed the door and greeted Shannon warmly. " I'm glad you came Shannon. You need something don't you boy."

"Uh, good morning sir, um, you said it would be ok for me to come over if I wanted to." Bob took Shannon's arm and led him into the living room.

"I just got out of the shower and didn't get to make coffee yet. Would you like to make it for me boy?

"I'll walk you through it this first time so you will know in the future."

Shannon followed Bob into the kitchen, confused at what Bob had just told him. Was he expecting him to make more coffee later for him?

With Bob telling Shannon where everything was and what to do, Coffee was soon being made. Shannon's arm again was taken by Bob who guided him back into the living room. Bob sat down in his recliner and Shannon sat on the couch.

"Shannon, you need to take your clothes off. You may put them on the floor."

"Yes sir." Shannon quickly got up and stripped off his clothes and shoes.

"Turn around for me boy, let me look at you." Bob said

Shannon's ass was free of hair and made Bob's cock jump. Shannon turned around and stood there. unsure of what he should do. His cock was pointing at the ceiling and bobbing up and down as he moved.

"Tell me why you're here Shannon. What do you want?"

"Uhh, well, you said that I could come over if I needed to sir."

"Well, what is it you need Shannon?"

"Uhh, I'd kind of like to suck your cock sir, if it's ok with you."

Bob opened his robe, revealing his fat semi hard cock. "Why is it that you think you want to suck my cock, boy?"

"Because something inside my brain is telling me that I need to do that sir. I think it's because I'm a faggot."

"You see Shannon. That wasn't so hard to do, now was it? You've finally admitted to yourself that you are a faggot. It is the hardest thing for a new faggot to do. I'm glad you were able to do it. Now come over here and get on your knees between my legs and taste it."

Shannon fell forward on his knees and took Bob's cock in his hands.

"Don't suck it yet boy. Be gentle with it and explore my cock and balls with your tongue. That's right, lick under my balls." Bob raised his leg over the arm of the chair. "Ahh, thats good boy, go lower, get in there. Oh yeah, you're doing good."

Bob turned the VCR on and watched the video of Shannon servicing everyone until he couldn't hold it any longer. Petting Shannon's head and putting his legs over the boy's back, Bob enjoyed a pleasant cum into his new cocksucker.

As Shannon gently cleaned Bob's cock and held it in his mouth, Bob began his mentoring of the boy.

"You know that after a cock has shot it's load, it's going to be very sensitive so you have to be very loving and gentle with your tongue and lips. Work on pleasuring my balls and ass crack. Now that you are firmly convinced that you're going to be a cocksucking fag the rest of your life, you are going to have to be very cautious concerning who knows what you've become.

As long as you take care of your reputation, you will always have lots of cocks to suck for the rest of your life and your friends, teammates and family won't find out about it. You will find that cocksucking is not something that you will get tired of. It's different from most things that we do and eventually get tired of. Just like nicotine to the brain, cocks and cum will always be desired by your brain and no matter how many cocks you suck, you will always want more. You will have to supply your brain with cock and cum because your brain will take over your thinking process and you will have a hard time concentrating on anything including basketball. Are you understanding this, boy?"

"Yes sir," Shannon said raising his head from under Bob's balls. His tongue was giving Bob a wonderful licking of his lower ass. Bob sighed and ran his fingers softly through Shanon's hair.

"Now I want you to know that as much as I like Terry, you are going to have to be very careful around him. Sometimes Terry talks too much and if he ever mentions that you're a faggot cocksucker to another student or someone who knows you even if it is accidental, your secret life as a cocksucker will be in real danger of becoming common knowledge in Topeka."

Shannon immediately stopped licking Bob's balls as he experienced panic setting in. He suddenly went in to shock at the warning of the impending doom he had feared. His thoughts immediately went to Buddy.

Bob knew right away that what he'd told Shannon had hit him hard. Now he would push the boy to confess his little secret.

"What's wrong boy? Why did you stop? Take my cock in your mouth and use you tongue on it." Bob told the boy.

Shannon opened his mouth and took Bob's meat in his mouth and used his tongue to again explore the big cock. His mind however was numb with fear that his life as he knew it was going to be over.

Suddenly, Bob grabbed his hair and pulled his head off his cock and looked him in the eye.

"What's wrong with you boy? You look worried?

Shannon looked up at Bob, tears running down his face. He dropped his head in Bob's lap, shaking and sobbing loudly.

Bob laid his hand on Shannon's head and patted him gently. Bob was extremely happy with the boy's reaction to his veiled warning. Shannon was coming apart at his seams and it was time for Bob to save the kid.

"Whoa, Whoa boy. What's with the tears. Tell me what's wrong." Bob said while petting Shannon.

After a couple of minutes, Shannon had regained some composure and tried to find words to tell Bob about Buddy Carlson.

As Shannon told him about running into Buddy Carlson at McDonald's parking lot and what was said, Bob was unsure of what had really happened, but it sounded like Carlson had been talking about something else and Tuleman, through guilt, had misunderstood him completely and confessed to sucking Terry's cock. Whatever actually happened was now beside the point. Somehow, Bob would have to figure out what to do with Buddy. At the present time, Bob was more intent upon seducing Shannon into giving up his freedom and remaining manhood. He wanted to own this young man, not temporarily, but permanently, and bind Shannon to him mentally.

As Shannon again began crying, Bob held him to him, Shannon's face being held against Bob's cock which was beginning to grow. Lifting his head up, Bob's cock pushed against his lips. Though crying, Shannon opened his mouth slightly and Bob pushed his cock in. Shannon's tongue held onto the cock as Bob consoled the youth.

"Stop your crying Shannon. Maybe I can help you." Bob said softly.

Shannon pulled away from Bob's cock and looked painfully at Bob. " I need your help sir, I don't know what to do. If people know I'm a cocksucker, my whole career is over and my mom would be so embarrassed. I can't hurt her sir."

"Shhhh boy, Just listen to me. I said I may be able to help. Because you're so well known in this town, this may take a lot of my time and If you're not obedient to me and tell me everything that's going on in your life, then it's not worth it for me. If I help you out of this mess, I have to tell you, your ass is mine. I will own you and you'll be my personal cocksucker. I'll make sure you have plenty of cock to suck. I want you to bear in mind, that if your fiend Buddy tells others about you before I can straighten things out, you'll probably to exposed to others. It is ironic that either way things go, you will still be a cocksucker for the rest of your life. Being exposed to the whole city won't stop your craving to suck cocks. You'll do anything you have to do in order to find a cock to put in your mouth. You do know that, don't you?"

Shannon hung his head in shame. "Yes sir, I know."

"Good cocksucker," Bob said, ruffling the boy's hair. "When did you masturbate last? Be honest now."

"Yesterday morning when I woke up sir. I'm sorry, I couldn't help it."

"You want to masturbate now, don't you boy?"

"Yes sir, please and may I suck you some more?" Shannon asked softly.

"I'm going to let you cum tonight. Right now, get dressed. leave your underwear here. You won't need them today." Bob said, getting up.

"Where are we going?" Shannon asked.

Bob pushed Shannon down to his knees. "Who do you belong to boy?"

"Ahh, You sir." Shannon uttered.

"That's right boy. Just keep your mouth closed until you see a cock wanting in and follow my instructions." Bob said and went into his bedroom to dress.

30 minutes later, Bob and Shannon pulled into the parking lot of Sensations Adult Arcade. Taking him by the arm, Bob propelled the young man into the store and up to the counter where a middle aged man was standing.

"Hi Walt, I need $100.00 worth of tokens for the video booths

Walt put rolls of tokens on the counter and took bob's money. "You must be horny today." He said, casting an eye on Shannon.

"Oh, this is a friend of mine." Bob said, picking up the tokens. "He's very interested in volunteer work to help the busy men in our community. He's going to be here for most of the day returning these tokens to you. I'm going to show him how it works and then I'll be back for him later."

Walt raised his eyebrows and smiled. "If he's going to be productive and give the guys what they want, I'll give you 6 hours of continuous running of the video instead of him taking time out to put those damn tokens in and not keeping his nose to the holes. Put him in booth 15, it's a three holer and he better keep busy,"

Thanking Walt, Bob gave him back the tokens and led Shannon through the beaded curtains into a dark hallway.

Shannon followed, feeling embarrassed at how the man had looked at him as if he were some kind of pervert.

Bob went all the way to the end and turned left and then left again. Shannon kept up with him noticing that there were several men standing in the dim hallway looking at him as he passed them.

"Ahh, Here's booth 15 boy. Let's get you started, I see Walt has the video running already." Bob said loudly, knowing the men around the corner would hear him.

Opening the door, He pulled Shannon inside. The booth was dark and the video machine put out a flickering light. Shannon glanced at the screen and saw two men involved in 69. There was a stool with rollers on it and looking at the walls, Shannon saw there were 3 round holes, waist high. The booth was adjacent to three other booths.

"Hurry up boy, Get naked and hand me your clothes."

Shannon began stripping and giving Bob his clothes. He saw a clothes hook next to the door, but Bob was just folding this shirt and pants and holding on to them.

Shoes and socks too, Hurry up." Bob said.

Shannon had just handed Bob his shoes when he felt something hit his thigh. Turning and looking down, He saw that a cock had pushed through the side hole and Bob pushed him down on the stool. Bob's hands pushed Shannon up to the hole on his stool.

Bob reached out and took the cock in his hand and pushed Shannon's head forward, inserting the cock into the boy's mouth.

Shannon's mouth engulfed the fat cock, his tongue running along the shaft and circling his cock crown. The wonderful feeling of once again having a cock to suck on and knowing that there was a stranger on the other side of the wall using his mouth was exhilarating.

Bob was whispering in his ear, "That's a good cocksucker. You're a good faggot Shannon. Those men in the hallway are going to be putting their cocks through the holes too. Lot of men are going to fuck your mouth today and you're going to get a lot of cum to eat. Be careful, not too rough a blow job. Be loving to the cock as if it were going to be the last cock you'll ever suck. They heard the man on the other side of the wall groan loudly and shoot his load into Shannon's mouth.

Shannon struggled to swallow the cum as spurt after spurt hit the back of his throat. As he swallowed, He saw Bob's cock close to his face. Bob was jacking off and as he was finishing drinking the stranger's cum, Bob's cock exploded onto his face, drenching him with thick white sperm. He felt it hit on his forehead and cheeks and in his hair. His tongue came out involuntarily and caught Bob's cum as it ran down to his lips just as the unknown cock slipped back from the hole.

"Thanks faggot, You're a good cocksucker." a voice said through the hole.

Shannon was excited and hard as he felt Bob wiping his cock off in his hair. A movement to his left caught his eye and he saw another cock bobbing up and down through the hole directly underneath the video screen. This guy was in the booth on the other hallway that they had gone by where the men had been hanging out. Bob pushed him toward the cock. Shannon took the cock quickly and began working his tongue and lips.

Bob put Shannon's cell phone in the boy's hand. "You see how much you are enjoying sucking cocks. These men are giving you a chance to practice your craft. Each cock is special and I expect you to give the best blowjob you can to each and every cock. I want you to keep accurate count of how many cocks you suck here today. I'm taking your clothes with me and I want you to think about this while you're sucking cocks. Frank, Don and Bill are going to be coming by sometime. You will know who they are because before they blow their wad down your throat, they are going to piss in your mouth. You're going to be here for the next 6 hours eating cum and you're going to be thirsty, so they will be helping you out. In the corner here is a coffee can you can piss in if you have to go. A word of warning to you. Do your job and don't try to leave this booth and don't let anyone in. You're in here naked and you don't want to cause trouble. If you cause any trouble at all, your reputation and all your dreams of playing ball will come to an end.If Walt wants in, you can let him in. I'm sure he's going to want to use you."

Shannon listened as he sucked the cock. His metabolism was in overdrive as he focused on his cocksucking. The idea of being naked and being forced to suck strangers cocks was overpowering him and he was going to be able to drink piss right out of a cock. Bob stood there watching as Shannon started gagging on a fresh load of cum being injected into his warm mouth. When the cock was withdrawn, Bob unlocked the door and told Shannon to lock it as he slipped out of the booth.

"Walt, I told him you may want in the booth to use him, so feel free. He's going to be a fine cocksucker." bob told the man.

"Thanks, Bob, I'll go see him on my lunch break. What? You're taking his clothes?" Walt asked.

"Yeah, It's been a fantasy of his to be naked and surrounded by cocks, so I'm just helping him out and making it feel real to him." Bob answered before walking out the door.

Shannon felt so alone, yet so excited and scared. He had no clothes and although he had his cell phone with him, who would he call and have to tell them he was in an adult arcade booth, naked with glory holes. Now, he was afraid that three cocks would come through the holes at the same time and someone would get mad at him for not sucking them right away. Sometimes a cock took longer than others. As he thought about it, a huge black cock came through the hole to his right. He stared at it momentarily, not knowing what to do. He'd never thought about sucking a black cock before. Something inside him moved him to the cock and he instinctively opened his mouth and closed over the huge penis. Shannon was riding an emotional tide of lust, his right hand held his throbbing cock that was straining for it's own release while his mouth was servicing a black cock.

Bob returned from the men's room and sat down with Frank and Bill, They were at their favorite bar enjoying a few beers and even shooting some pool.

"I gotta piss too, but I guess I'll go over to Sensations to take mine." Frank said, laughing.

"Good idea Frank. Everything should be ok with him. Are you going too Bill?" Bob asked.

"No," Bill said. "With my luck I'd run into someone I know from work. Saturday is a bad time for me with the plant being shut down this week. I'd slip over to your house later though Bob if you're bringing him back home with you, and if you make him shower and brush his fucking teeth."

All three men laughed as Frank headed out the door.

Shannon was keeping meticulous count of the cocks he'd sucked. He was on his fourteenth cock and he heard someone dropping coins into the middle booth. He wanted to take his time and savor the feel of each cock that entered his mouth, but whenever another cock came through the holes, He felt panic and the pressure of someone waiting on him and getting mad or thinking he didn't want to suck it. The smell of cum permeated his little booth. It didn't help that sometimes he couldn't swallow all the cum when someone had a huge load and it entered his mouth in a large volume and it ran out of his mouth, down his chin and on his leg or on the floor.

Hurrying up, he brought the cock to a climax and swallowed the cum down. Each load of cum tasted somewhat the same and he'd gotten more used to it, but sometimes a man's cum would be extremely bitter and have a strong aroma to it and he would let it all roll out of his mouth. The floor under the glory holes was slimy with cum and his bare feet would slip around on the floor.

Rolling over to cock number 15, he put his lips around an uncircumsized cock, The owner of the cock pulled back a little and then pushed it forward into his mouth. Back and forth, the man moved it. Shannon knew he just wanted to fuck his face as if it were a pussy. The idea that a pussy was just what his mouth had become came to his mind. Instead of feeling degraded by such an act, Shannon began breathing hard and he felt his cock involuntarily discharge onto the wall in front of him. Quickly reaching down, he captured what cum he could in his hand. Holding it carefully, He worked on the cock in his mouth until it shot off into his mouth and gradually pulled out after Shannon had lip milked it of its remaining juice.

Seeing no more cocks in the holes, he brought his hand to his mouth and began licking his own cum up. He felt his own cum tasted better than that of those he'd sucked. Slowly, he licked his fingers clean as he sat there on the stool, watching a video of a boy at a glory hole sucking a cock. Glancing down at the wall, he saw a big glob of his cum slowly running down the wall. With his finger, he scooped it up and stuck it in his mouth. His hand went to his cock and collected as much as he could find and ate it too.

In the semi darkness of his booth, Shannon waited, his eyes going from gloryhole to gloryhole to gloryhole.

To be continued


Hey guys, Is anyone still reading this story? I really appreciate hearing the comments, good or bad and ideas you guys have. I'll try to answer any and all email, OK? thanks a bunch.

Next: Chapter 12

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