Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Apr 16, 2010


Tuleman's New Friends

by storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

A high school basketball star attracts the lustful attention of a fellow student who sets out to create rumors designed to chase him into his arms and his bed. The basketball star discovers something much more exciting than basketball. This story is fictional and you must be an adult to read this.

Chapter One

Terry Wallace sat in the bleachers watching his Topeka high school beat their rivals from Kansas city. He was sitting in front of several girls who were cheering the team on. He was paying close attention also, but not to the game. He was watching Shannon Tuleman make another free throw. Terry wished the boys still wore the tight shorts instead of the baggy ones they wore now. He had loved looking at Shannon in the shower room. The guy had a body that had Terry masturbating over nightly.

Terry was gay although no one in school could prove it. He looked gay, and acted gay. It was just the way he was. The guys made comments about him, behind his back and to his face. He had grown used to it and wasn't intimidated by them. He was gay but he wasn't a sissy. He just happened to love sucking cock. He had acquired the desire before he was even a teenager. His mom never had much money and he wasn't able to enjoy the clothes and toys the other boys took for granted. One fateful afternoon in the park restroom, he was offered $5.00 to let a man play with his little cock. He had earned more money the next day by learning the art of sucking cock. At first, it was the money that had snared him, but it soon became a wonderful feeling that he looked forward to. His men friends continued to be generous and they continued to teach him. They became his only real friends through his school years.

He was brought out of his day dreaming over Shannon when he realized the girls in back of him were talking about Shannon. Listening intently, He heard that Shannon's sister Donna had caught him masturbating in the bathroom. They were laughing so hard, they spilled a cup of coke on the seat next to him. Terry moved over a little as they apologized to him. Terry kept listening to the girls talk about Shannon. One of the girls said she'd heard that he was gay because he didn't have a girlfriend. Another girl replied that it was just a rumor and that he was just a shy boy. Another girl added thought that sometimes rumors turned out to be true. The game horn went off and we had won the game. Terry sat there watching Shannon being mobbed by the kids as the team tried to get off the floor and the crowd headed for the exits.

Terry was thinking about how embarrassing it must have been for Shannon to be caught by his sister. Telling all her friends about it wasn't very nice of her. He knew for sure that the rumor about Shannon being gay was not true. Terry would be able to detect that right away if it were true. Still, the very idea that the rumor was out there intrigued him. He wondered what effect it would have on Shannon if more rumors like that were spread.

A plan began forming in his head. His mind raced with changes and improvements until, he finally stood up with a smile and headed for the exit.

At school the next morning before 2nd. hour, Terry stood with his locker door open. He pretended to be looking for something, but his attention was focused across the hall where Shannon Tuleman was joking with a friend of his as he opened his locker. When his locker door opened, a magazine fell out on the floor. Terry held his breath as the two boys both looked down at the magazine. The cover on it showed a man with a cock in his mouth and the title of GAY LIFE in big pink letters.

He watched both boys look down in shocked silence. Shannon quickly scooped the magazine up and begin talking rapidly to his friend Jerry Dunn. Both boys appeared to be embarrassed as Shannon seemed to be trying to tell him that it wasn't his magazine. Dunn seemed a little white as he turned and headed for class without saying anything, leaving Shannon standing there looking after him. "Jerry, it ain't mine." He yelled at him. The bell rang and Shannon seemed to not know what to do with the magazine. Quickly, he walked over to a trash container in the hallway and dropped the magazine in and hurried to his class.

I was hardly breathing as I witnessed my initial attack against Shannon. It had been a great success. I now had one more person in school who was going to be capable of spreading a rumor about Shannon. Finding myself the only one left in the hall, I retrieved the magazine from the trash and slipped it into my back packbefore heading for class.

During lunch, I stalked my prey again from my table. I was having lunch with a few of the other geeks and nerds. They were, for one reason or another, ostracized from the in crowd. Mostly for being squares, jerks, too intelligent or suspected of being gay. I was one of the guys who actually was gay. Although on one had caught me at it, they had been correct in putting the homo tag on me. I thought about it all the time and for several years had been having sex with a variety if men. More often than not, they were much older men who liked having their cock sucked by a young guy and of course sucking mine. I had learned a long time ago that most guys would never experience sex of any kind other than masturbation until they were older as long as they lusted after girls. The girl sex store was basically closed until they became older. Shannon's luck for sexual satisfaction had changed when I began lusting after his body. He just didn't know it


I watched Jerry Dunn take his tray and instead of sitting with Shannon as he usually did, he sat with some other guys several tables away. I glanced at Shannon who had been watching Jerry and I could see the color drain from his face as he saw he was being purposely snubbed by Jerry. "Binglo," I thought as I knew that rumor number two had been set in motion and Shannon was now feeling what I had felt for years. Now, I thought is the perfect time to put rumor number three into play.

Taking my tray up front and discarding it, I went over to Shannon, still stitting all alone. I came up behind him and put my arm around his shoulder. Leaning down, I whispered into his ear. "Hey Shannon, I've been thinking about buying a car. How much do you have to pay for vehicle insurance. Shannon, without thinking, smiled and told me he wasn't sure as his mom paid for it. He asked me what kind of car I was going to buy, and I told him I wasn't sure and that I had just started looking. He told me to check at A-1 Used Cars on Topeka Blvd because that's where he got his. I thanked him and patted his shoulder before walking out of the lunch room.

A quick glance showed me that lots of students, including the table that Jerry was sitting at, had followed the exchange between Shannnon and me. It had been an innocent exchange of words, but no one else heard what the conversation was about and right now, half the lunchroom was talking about Shannon getting chummy with Terry the homo. Rumor number three was now out there and being circulated.

I walked out to the parking lot and quickly slipped the gay magazine that Shannon had thrown away, under his car's passenger seat. I made sure that whoever got into the back seat would see it sticking out. I knew Shannon would never look back there but Shannon always had a car load of his friends riding to the Sonic after practice. Rumor number four was ready to be spread.

After school, I caught a ride to Starbucks on Wannamaker Ave. While waiting for my latte, I make a phone call to Bob, one of my adult benefactors. He was the first one to discover me in the park restroom and took me under his wing. Thanks to him, and several other men, I always had money for clothes, cokes and snacks. I always carried around $500.00 on me for emergencies. My friends were always slipping me ten or twenty dollars. I always tried to treat them to a fantastic blow job and did whatever made them happy. As I mentioned before, these guys were my true friends and I knew I could always count on them if I got in any trouble at school or with my classmates. I'd found out that being sucked off while I had a big fat cock in my mouth was like awsome and I needed that every day if I could get it.

I stood outside with my coffee and soon Bob Olson pulled in. I jumped into his car and sipped my coffee as he drove me to his house. Once inside, I was soon naked, on my knees, with his cock in my mouth. I was so happy sucking his cock again. Bob kept talking quietly to me as he always did, telling me how much he loved me and how I was the best cocksucker he had ever known. Hearing such love and praise made me want to please him even more.

I pulled off his cock, deciding to tell him about what I was doing to Shannon.

"Way to go Terry." Bob said laughing as he tapped my nose with his cock. "Great basketball player and he's got an awsome body. Let me know how it goes with him. Just don't get yourself into any trouble. Now wrap those lips around my cock and show me what you've learned."

To be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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