Tug of War

By J-dot M

Published on Jan 24, 2003



Tug Of War Written by JM

** Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters that are mentioned within this story. All character's pre-developed personalities belong to Vince McMahon and their souls belong to each wrestler/human respectively. This is a work of fiction with little fact-based material. This is an artificial world I have created and is very much unlike my usual work. It revolves around a romance between wrestlers Edge (Adam Copeland) and Rey Mysterio. Send any and all of your comments to catsfan1@hotmail.com. Thanks for your time. **

'You missed your flight Adam...'

It ran in the same pattern, the same tone, with the same hint of despair. The statement that tugged at his heart, made it hard to ignore what he held so secretly inside of him. But his patience, his urgency seemed to win more wars than anything.

"Stop looking at your watch. The flight is only fifteen minutes late."

Her voice burned inside of him because fifteen minutes was beyond forever for him. Not seeing him for a week? Seven days without seeing that face, touching it to make sure those feelings that were there in his bed were true? To see if there was something or nothing at all? He didn't think she could comprehend, see the depth of what it meant for him to find something that finally awakened him just to put him back into that state of upheaval.

"Why must we be here?"

He shook his head, nothing inside of him wanting to look at his friend. He knew Chris Irvine didn't want to be there, but he was because he was a friend. It couldn't have been any simpler.

"Do you want to go and sit in the truck with Jeff and Jay?"

"No thanks Trisha. I don't think I could handle sitting in there with your ass-clown boyfriend and Adam's bumbling sidekick," Chris replied briskly, sneering at her offer.

He glanced upon Trish, watched the way her upper lip curled and her eyes narrowed at Chris. She didn't favor anyone who spoke ill of Jeff Hardy. Maybe it was just the love in her? They had been through enough together, enough for her to willingly never give up on him. He wanted to have that much emotion inside of him. He wanted to be able to carry it on his sleeve and not fear what anyone thought.

But he couldn't. That's why only Chris, Jeff, Trish and Jay knew about his romance with Rey. Or was it a romance? Sitting on his cell phone from six in the evening until four in the morning seemed to constitute that feeling. Even the two-way pages Rey sent him seemed to speak more than just casual friends that had a one-time affair. But none of the numbers ever added up right.

"I don't remember you bitching this much when you and I went with Andrew to pick up Stacy from the airport," Trish stated, leaning in her seat toward Chris to mock him with a broad grin.

"Dear Trisha, that's because Stacy is an unbelievably hot young woman. She's not the runt that old Copeland here has decided to spark things with," Chris retorted, reclining in his chair while pushing his sunglasses on top of his head. "No offense to you, Copeland."

"None taken, Chris. None taken," he replied, pushing strands of hair behind his ear.

Adam Copeland couldn't afford to be offended by what people thought of his relationship with Rey. He was good at ignoring it because his friends meant enough to him for him to bare it. But he didn't take too much flack for it.

Trish was accepting, Jay understood, Jeff was quiet, and Chris was just himself.

"I mean, I'm just trying to figure out how you went from that beautiful wife of yours to the little runt that jumps off of everything," Chris questioned, adjusting his leather coat as he looked at Adam. His confidence was sometimes overwhelming but Adam didn't mind.

"Shit happens Chris," Adam shrugged out because he couldn't give his all to the conversation, not when his heart fought with the strings it was tied up in. His heart was lonely and it couldn't have been any more obvious to his own mind.

"If you promise to stop being an ass, I'll give you a puppy treat in the car Chris," Trish joked, standing from her seat. She pushed up her own sunglasses, glancing at the arrival screen nearby. She only wished Rey's arrival would come quicker to ease the unsettling tension between the three.

"Oh ye of big breasts," Chris scoffed back, resting his arms on either chair next to him. He did his best to contain a laugh, but the scowl Trish gave him became too much.

Adam shook his head promptly, standing from his own seat because nothing was easy the apprehension inside of him. He sighed softly, staring at the nearest window. He didn't really want to think about anything else. If he did, he might lose that fuzzy feeling. He knew it roamed in his stomach, the way a smile would easily melt across his lips when Rey arrived. He didn't even think about Rey being in Canada with him, around his closest friends and some of his family. He could only think about the first night, first chance he could to lay in his bed with Rey, cuddled and safe.

"So, do you love him?"

Chris didn't have timing. He had no concept of being too blunt. He was just open, afraid of nothing and willing to ask anything.

"Chris Irvine, would you please shut the hell up," Trish hissed, easing closer to Adam. She laid a hand on his shoulder and looked up at him. He ignored her glare.

"Ooh, I knew you liked my domineering personality," Chris chuckled at Trish. He tipped his head back and grinned at Trish, giving her a small nod. His foolish attempt at playful flirting left Trish would no other choice but to laugh lowly, shaking her head.

"Someone's willing to risk getting his ass kicked by Jeff Hardy for flirting with his girl," Adam spoke up, offering Trish a minute smile as he spoke. Trish blushed heavily, ducking her head while pulling her sunglasses back down. Adam knew that somewhere Trish adored Jeff's overprotective demeanor. There was something about his willingness to face any adversary for her that attracted her. But she hid it so well.

"Oh, let the little albino jump off another twenty-foot ladder and see where it gets him," Chris scoffed back, drawing another irate glare from Trish. He merely smiled back.

"He's here."

The stare between Trish and Chris didn't last long once Adam spoke. They both peeked around with curious glances when the announcement. They couldn't hide their wonderment. They wanted to view Adam and Rey's interaction, to see if a painted smile would cross Adam's lips when the younger man came into view.

"Where's the midget?" Chris questioned, leering as he leaned forward to search for Rey. A kick to his shin made him flinch and he decided upon concentrating on Adam rather than replying to Trish's action.

Adam took small steps, shy ones toward the gate. Other passengers eased by him, moving to their respective places through the terminal. Adam didn't look at any of them. He brushed them off, remained somewhat calm even though his heart was in the upper portions of his throat. It had just been too long for him. It was too much for him to think about and too many dreams for him not to want to share each and every one with Rey.

Then there was Rey. His walk was a little better, but he still hadn't recovered completely from his knee surgery. He eased his backpack onto his shoulder and Adam pulled his shades over his eyes as Rey looked up, letting Rey catch a glimpse of his trademark grin. Rey smiled back and it made it easier for his heart to dislodge itself from his esophagus.

He couldn't fuel his body enough to walk closer to Rey, probably his mind's judgment hampering him. Would it be smart to sweep Rey into his arms? It would only draw attention to them, garner stares. Then everyone would know because they were in Canada and many knew it was the residence of Edge from World Wrestling Entertainment.

Then again, would Rey want to be swept into his arms? Would he find any pleasure in a slow, honey-thick embrace? Adam furrowed his brow because it was leaving his heart to lye in a blackened state of thinking.

Rey was in front of him by the time he decided to push the thought aside. He wasn't startled, just a little taken aback by Rey. There was a smile on Rey's lips, one that was so sudden in its cute essence. Rey's head was partially covered by a skullcap, his shoulders wrapped in a leather coat. He wore baggy jeans and that endless smile. It didn't seem to fade, not even when Adam couldn't find the perfect words to greet Rey.

"Geez, are you trying to figure out how to welcome him in Spanish or something?"

Again, Chris' presence was a welcome relief from tension and Rey and he laughed softly, still looking upon each other. Adam ignored the cry Chris gave out, confident that Trish had struck him again.

"Can I at least see your eyes?" Rey's request was unexpected, shivers running through Adam's spine. He watched Rey's hand reach up while the question still lingered in Rey's expression. He slowly nodded, permitting Rey to remove the sunglasses from his eyes and face. He chewed back his shyness for a moment, just to look into those soft brown eyes with a clear vision. Rey merely looked back, still smiling upon him.

"Cute, cute... can we go now?"

Adam sighed, forcing himself not to look back at Chris. He felt Rey's thumb run under his eye, over his cheek for a small moment. It drew him into Rey and maybe Rey did want him to sweep him up into his arms? His smile spoke so many phrases of sentimental bliss.

"You know, I don't think I really missed your smart ass when you left WCW, Chris," Rey spoke again, pulling his eyes from Adam's to glance upon the other man that sat a few feet away. Adam didn't let the interlude discourage him. He let the blush from earlier flee his cheeks and he collected his feelings, relaxing his body in the process.

"Oh, but you had to pipsqueak. You came to the WWE, didn't ya?" Chris retorted and Adam was sure Trish would try to kill him somewhere down the road.

Adam turned to his side, offered a view to Trish. She was grinning, arms folded under her chest with her head slightly tilted. He smiled back at her, sensing her thoughts. She was some kind of hopeless romantic when she allowed herself to be. It was usually when she was around Jeff and away from the others. He thought it was unique for a woman of her standings.

"Rey.. I don't know if you've been formally introduced, but this is Trish Stratus," Adam spoke up, bowing his arm in Trish's direction, bringing a stare between the two. Mutual smiles were exchanged and Adam didn't feel a need to worry so much anymore.

"Actually, I have never been formally introduced but it's good to meet the WWE's resident superwoman," Rey chimed, edging forward a little until he was standing next to Adam. He leaned in Adam's direction and their fingers touched, stirring memories inside of Adam.

Trish snickered and rolled her eyes at Rey. "You must have me confused with Stephanie."

"No, I don't think anybody could confuse a superwoman with Stephanie," Chris disagreed with a proud smirk.

Rey snickered lowly, rolling his shoulders forward while closing his jacket a little. He leaned a little closer to Adam and smiled at the others. Adam's temptation to slide an arm around Rey, to feel his warmth oh so close again pushed against his heart. He resisted the need.

"I hope it's not too cold for you here in Toronto," Trish said once she spotted Rey closing his jacket more.

"No, I think I've been here enough times to handle it," Rey replied with a kind smile. He hooked his index finger with Adam's and it was more than obvious to Adam that maybe their moment in the hotel room wasn't left in Tulsa. Rey couldn't be just flirtatious. There was so much more behind his actions. Adam couldn't help but believe that.

"I don't even know if the people who've lived here all their lives can handle this cold," Adam noted with a grin, looking down at Rey, trying to figure out his actions subtly. Rey merely shrugged, pulling away some of that softness he showed Adam before.

"Doesn't matter. You'll be there to keep him nice and warm, now won't ya Copeland," Chris boasted, finally standing from his seat. He shrugged on his coat and waited for a reaction from Trish. It was automatic and he laughed instead of wincing this time. He slinked an arm around her shoulders and began to lead her in the direction of the exit.


Adam's whisper was almost inaudible but he was sure Rey heard it because there was a squeeze around his index finger. Rey moved away too smoothly for him to catch a glimpse of his facial expression and he instinctively wanted to reach out and pull Rey back, but he couldn't. He knew where they were, what might happen. He merely let Rey walk a little bit in front of him, following Chris and Trish as Adam followed him with bemused thoughts.

There was laughter, random jokes, flowing conversations and he wasn't apart of it. He was trying not to fuck it up. His mind was a continuous river of thoughts that never parted. It wasn't that any one thought was so divine, but it was enough to keep him from being what they wanted him to be.

He smoothed his finger around the rim of his cup and leaned his elbows onto the counter in his kitchen. He could hear Chris making some sarcastic comment about the story Jay was telling and maybe if he wasn't criticizing himself, he would laugh, he would be with them to share in the moment. A smarter man would be there, but he just couldn't.

He stared down into his cup, clear liquid standing still. If only his mind would be as motionless as his water. Maybe then he'd be willing to sit next to Rey and reminisce with Jay. He could listen to some quaint conversation between Jeff and Trish, waiting on some unnerving comment from Chris to tie them up in laughter and friendly arguments.

He loosened the ponytail that held his blonde hair together and sighed. He didn't know what direction to move in, whether to be an optimist or just another man guilty of his own feelings. He didn't think Rey was this hard to figure out when they were on the road or when they were working out a match with Kurt and Chris. But sitting next to Rey, wanting to hold his hand while Rey just gave his attention to the others left Adam more than baffled. He couldn't swear by anything stronger. He just wanted to touch that obscure feeling of being happy. Something he had lost the yearn to achieve with his wife.

"It's so much easier to deal with things when you step outside of the bubble."

Trish spoke of experience, Adam knew, but he just gazed up at her and nodded slowly. Why hide it? It did no definite damage to his situation. It just spun another line that he dared to cross.

He watched Trish pull open the fridge, ducking her head inside. She was in search of something, something a little less troubling than what he wanted.

"Well, I did the same thing Adam and though I want to believe it made things better, it didn't," Trish stated firmly. She had retrieved two beers from the fridge and set them on the counter, using her hips to shut the door. She didn't even bother to open them. She just stared at Adam and he felt her thoughts.

He didn't let his head hang. He folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the counter. "My situation is a bit different from yours Trish."

She laughed lowly and shook her head. Sometimes, her confidence disturbed him.

"Let's see, I fall for a guy, hard mind you, chase my heart around for awhile and finally settle on waiting for him to say whether it's real or not. All the while, we flirt, we touch, we share the same bed and fear uttering anything about the way we feel. By chance, he does say something, sparing me months of degrading myself for being an idiot about the whole situation," Trish boasted, pushing her hair behind her shoulders. She toyed with the hem of her baby-tee, waiting for him to speak. He knew she was waiting.

"It's not the same. Rey and I were.. are both married men. Hell, Trish, we're two men. And though you might be right about me falling hard, it's not so easy for one man to tell another man about feelings that each other have never dealt with," Adam retorted, striving to keep his voice low and kind, but his frustration was building a wall. He huffed and rubbed his temples.

"And you think that it's so much harder? A heart is a heart, Adam. You said that we should take advantage of the feelings that it gives us. So, though you might not want to, grasp the moment for a fucking second and at least sit out there with Rey. If you don't try to reach for the belt, you'll never know what the gold feels like," Trish argued back, her voice soft but strained.

Adam thought to respond, try to express himself further. The sound of Jeff restrained him.

"Doll, you all right in there? Got the beer?"

Trish closed her eyes, furrowing her brow a little. He sensed her frustration and he could remember what it was like for him. He could count the times he watched her wallow, lose what she had left of her vibrant personality because she was hanging around on a blue note trying to figure out Jeff. She survived it.

Trish pulled the beers from the counter and stared at Adam. She smiled softly because who could break the bond the two had?

Adam giggled and smiled back at her. She was being Trish, she was being a friend. He had to accept that. He did. He nudged her with his elbow as she passed and held the smile on his lips when she finally exited the kitchen. He might not have been able to pull himself to walk out there himself, to sit with Rey and enjoy the presence of the others, but he grasped enough momentum to acknowledge his feelings.

A throat was cleared and he almost spun on his heels, apprehension swallowing him when he peered to see Rey walking past him. He swallowed what pride he had and eyed Rey, watched the smaller man push himself up onto the counter, his leg almost touching Adam's glass of water.

Rey laid his hands in his lap and offered Adam little in the way of a smile. His tender eyes were just as they always were: open with wonder. His lips were together, not forming any type of question that might unsettle Adam, but maybe that calm expression could do it. And if only Adam had someone to save him, then maybe he wouldn't feel so hungry for answers.

"It's quiet in here," Rey said, his voice just as equally soft. It didn't do much to slow the way Adam's heart fluttered against his chest. He was beginning to love the feeling.

"Is it too loud for you out there?" Adam asked, leaning his left elbow onto the counter. He rested his arm forearm on his left and looked only into Rey's eyes. He could understand his emotions a little better when he could look into Rey's eyes.

"No, it's just Adam-less out there," Rey replied quickly and with frankness.

Adam didn't know how to take the comment, but he watched as Rey sucked in his lower lip and began to chew on it. He caught Rey's eyes drifting over his face before finding his eyes again. It sounded meaningful, in some foreign tongue, but Adam couldn't take anything for granted. He couldn't afford to.

"I guess that means the room is a little livelier then."

Adam tried to joke, but it seemed to fail. Rey didn't smile. His lips curved into a small frown. Rey toyed with his goatee and sighed, turning his focal point from Adam. That toyed with Adam's breathing. He didn't want the attention to fade, not yet. He wanted to look into Rey's eyes for a few more moments, if only to try and burn the memory of those eyes expressing adoration when they were in his hotel room.

"So.. should I stay in the guestroom or in your room tonight?"

Rey's question was sudden, a little too casual for Adam to express what he wanted to. Rey's hand laid flat against the counter, close to Adam's arm and Adam dared to lean a little further forward until the tip of Rey's finger rested under his arm. Rey didn't flinch and Adam gasped inside of himself. He could say it, he could tell Rey where he really wanted him to stay later on.

"It's up to you," Adam shrugged out and Rey squinted his eyes a bit. Maybe his response was a little too casual? His mind wouldn't let him say what he wanted to, too much fear underlying the words. The way Rey lowered his brow and narrowed his eyes, it became more than obvious that it wasn't the response he was searching for. But what could Adam say?

"Guestroom it is then," Rey blurted out, murmuring something in Spanish while pushing himself off of the counter. The sudden motion winded Adam. He stood straight immediately as he watched Rey shove his hands into his pockets and walk toward the door. His arm lifted and his hand reached out but Rey had already passed and had one hand on the door.

"You know Adam, I haven't seen you in over a week and haven't had five minutes alone with you since I got here. I don't know what I'm supposed to think, but maybe we're both sending the wrong message here," Rey stated, signs of grief glazing his eyes. "If it is what it is, then maybe the friendship road is the best road to go."

Adam's lips couldn't move fast enough. Rey pushed open the door, leaving Adam in the kitchen with the words he couldn't utter. Everything sunk while frustration burned. His chance, his opportunity to express his heart and Rey barely gave him a moment to breathe. He slammed his fist onto the counter and cursed under his breath. He didn't want to taste tears on his lips. He let them burn against his eyes as he bawled his fists tighter. He knew being angry now would lead the others to think something. But how could he not express himself? If he looked at Rey, he knew his heart would fall again and he would just exist. He'd be nothing else.

"Copeland, Trish says we need more beer and I could go for some better chips too," Chris barked out as he entered the kitchen.

Adam kept his back to Chris. He squeezed his hands together until his knuckles were white and he refused to close his eyes. He refused to let a single tear fall down his face, especially with Chris in the same room. It was all he needed.


Adam could hear Chris' footsteps drawing near and he sighed quietly. He gathered himself quickly and turned to Chris, not looking in his face. He adjusted his shirt and toyed with the lobe of his ear. "I'll go, don't worry about it."

Adam edged by Chris quickly, sensing the concern that was beginning to brood in Chris. Nothing inside of him wanted to stare at Chris and reveal what was destroying him internally. He couldn't come to Chris like that. He couldn't come to terms with what was happening within him.

"Touch the gold but burn your soul... and oh, yes, the burn feels good... cause everyone takes that uphill climb into the green grass... so climb with me until our hearts bleed and we're made of gold..."

Adam didn't know if he was intrigued by Jeff's tune our just fearful of its meaning, but he let it pull him back toward his house. He walked up the few steps leading to the door and looked down at Jeff as he sat on the stoop, knees pulled to his chest. His dark, multi-colored hair was pulled back in a small, sloppy ponytail and when he glanced up at Adam, his eyes were a smoky gray.

"Take a seat Adam," Jeff requested, patting to the small area next to Jeff.

Adam nodded slowly and adjusted the paper bag in his arm. He placed it down a step below him and sat next to Jeff, pulling one leg to his chest while letting the 0other stretch over the lower steps.

"What's up Jeff?" Adam asked with a kind tone. He'd known Jeff for years, more years than he had known Trish. They'd worked together throughout most of their rookie years in the WWE. Their connection was strong and, at times, closer than just acquainted friends.

"Did I tell you that I would never have a problem with you and Rey getting together?" The question was unexpected, especially from Jeff. He was never one to express his feelings on many subjects and if he did, it was too bleak for too many people to care about. It was just natural for Adam and Jeff to keep their comments to themselves when it came to each other's relationships.

"What relationship?" Adam sounded bitter. It was probably because he was. Every moment he was away at the store, his mind concentrated on Rey. Nothing else kept his attention. None of the women giving him second glances or the couple of guys that walked up to him to verify that he was a WWE Superstar. Nothing captivated him except for Rey's last statement.

"The one that is so obviously there that maybe you and Rey just choose to ignore it," Jeff said frankly, leaning back until his back rested against the door. He closed his leather coat and crossed one leg over the other. "But that doesn't matter. I'm trying to tell you that I don't and never will have a problem with you choosing to be with another man. Especially someone as cool as Rey."

Adam took his eyes off of the bag sitting below him to look at Jeff. Those offsetting green eyes couldn't possibly tell lies. There was just a man behind those eyes, one that stated something that Adam didn't know he longed to hear; but he did. He wanted to know that the outside wouldn't chastise him secretly for abandoning his marriage for a man that he cared for. It might have been trivial, but it was what he needed.

"I do have a problem with you having such a problem with your relationship with Rey," Jeff added.

Adam narrowed his eyes at Jeff with disbelief written into them. What problem? He couldn't possibly have a problem outside of the fact that he wasn't sure Rey wanted a relationship. He wasn't sure whether Rey felt as much as he did. He wasn't sure if he even felt the way that he did.

"I don't..."

"You don't act as if this man is something you're willing to give up a lot for. You don't make your feelings known to everyone and that obviously means that you don't make your feelings known to yourself," Jeff argued, his tone still calm and slightly pleasant. "And I don't know whether you're looking for some form of approval from the rest of us to get you going or if you're looking for it from Rey. I do know that he and I sat out here for most of the time you were gone talking about how much he does want it to work outside of a friendship but you're still lingering in limbo looking for something else."

To say Adam was stricken with guilt or paralyzed by the comments Jeff made wouldn't do his feelings justice. He was devastated. To know that he had no control over the way he made Rey feel crushed him. He was just being cautious. Why risk it? He did once, in the hotel room, and the relationship still wasn't born. It was just an act, at least, that's what his mind constantly told him.

"I want more," Adam managed to say, his voice strained by the lump expanding in his throat. He pulled out the tie that held his ponytail together and let his hair grazed his shoulders and back. His fingers rubbed his temple and he sighed heavily. The constant push and pull was taking its toll, more than he was willing to admit to.

"Don't want it, Adam. Get it. Hell, I got Trish and that's because I got tired of wanting her," Jeff asserted. His words seemed so confident, so determined but Adam's own certainty seemed a hundred oceans away.

"I think Trish is a little easier to figure out," Adam commented, trying to part a smile because he was willing to try.

Jeff laughed lowly before exhaling heavily. "You've got to be kidding me? Miss Stratusfaction herself has to be as confusing as I am to everyone else.

It's funny because she puzzles me and yet she can figure me out so easily."

Adam nodded and he knew that was the case with Rey. Rey knew him with a confidence that he rarely saw. Yet, Adam could not get past the mystery of Rey. He wanted to, tried to, but there was an unmovable wall that kept him out. And it wasn't a wall that Rey built.

"You're all right Hardy. I'm really glad you and Trish got together and figured things out," Adam remarked, standing from his seat on the small porch. He snatched up the bag and brushed stray strands of hair from his face. He watched Jeff blow his breath into the air, white smoke curling in front of his face.

"We haven't figure everything out yet, Adam. And I don't ever want to because when you do figure everything out in a relationship, what's there to look forward to?" Jeff questioned him and the thought was more than enough to satisfy Adam. Maybe he didn't need to know everything about Rey or the way he felt. Just enough to keep the mystery alive seemed good enough for him.

Laughter surrounded Adam once he pushed open the door to the kitchen. He didn't eye any of the individuals in the room but he did watch their movements as he walked toward the refrigerator. He placed the bag on the counter and shrugged off his jacket, pulling the door to the refrigerator open.

Chris sat at the breakfast table, a nearly empty bottle of beer in his hand. He swirled around the yellow content while making another joke. He slapped his hand on the table to express the humor in the joke, but even Adam got the sense that the others were going through the motions.

Trish giggled from the counter, drying a few dishes with a small towel. Her blonde hair had been pulled up into a neat ponytail while the sleeves of her turtleneck sweater were rolled up, exposing a few bruises she had sustained from her last match with Lisa Marie. She glanced at him occasionally but not long enough for Adam to acknowledge her. There were still indications of frustration roaming in her, but he didn't have the tolerance to be yelled at by Trish again.

Rey stood in front of the sink, his hands submerged in a pool of suds and water. He wore a black wifebeater, his decorated arms bare for viewing. His muscles bunched under his skin as he scrubbed a plate diligently, snickering at Chris' comment. He kept his eyes on the water instead of Adam, an expected reaction. But Adam still admired Rey's smooth face, the black hairs of his goatee showing the only sign of maturity in his appearance. The tattoo on his neck changed shape, wrinkled somewhat when Rey turned his head to look upon Adam. Adam smiled at Rey, but he received no reaction. It only hurt for a moment. He could only think of Jeff's words, his encouraging statements.

"What can I say? They said don't flash everything for the cameras and Jay and I just went for it. I'm sure the side of the arena I was on got a full view of the balls of Jericho," Chris laughed out, drawing louder laughter from Rey and Trish.

"Oh, yeah, it was classic. The ladies have been trying to get a tape of that segment for a month now," Trish snickered, grabbing up a cup from the set of washed dishes to dry it.

Adam smiled softly. The sound of each of them laughing was a little bit contagious, but he controlled himself. He slid the new case of beer into the fridge and kicked the door closed, throwing the bag of chips he bought toward Chris. Chris quickly caught them, still chuckling.

"Thanks Copeland," Chris giggled out, swiftly yanking open the bag.

"No problem Chris," Adam replied, finding his nerve for just a moment. He moved behind Rey and took in a quick breath, wrapping his arms around Rey's waist. He leaned down until his chin rested on Rey's shoulder and interlocked his fingers in front of Rey's stomach. He thumbed the ribbed material of Rey's shirt while snuggling his chin to Rey's shoulder.

"Hmmm, somebody sure is suddenly friendly," Trish cooed, crossing her legs as she grabbed another dish.

Rey giggled and shook his head, lifting one of his soap-soaked hands. He ran it over Adam's cheek, leaving behind suds as he brought it back down into the water. Adam gasped but kept his head near Rey's, flinching to shake away the suds. He failed at it.

"Either he's drunk or he has hypothermia," Chris remarked, swallowing down the last of his beer.

"Let's pray for option one," Trish snorted.

"Either way, I have someone to take care of me," Adam sneered, sticking his tongue out at them. The feeling of Rey's small tight body in his arms was enough for him to lose some of his inhibitions.

"Qué? Con permiso? A little confident there Mr. Copeland?" Rey questioned, his accent vaguely thick as he glanced to his left to look upon Adam. He had something reminiscent of a smile on this thick lips, dimples daring to flare against his cheek.

"No, not confident; just hopeful," Adam replied, sweet honesty blazing through his eyes. He watched the smile bloom on Rey's lips again and thought to kiss them just to remember their taste. He didn't though. He wasn't sure if he had that much confidence, but he knew he would later.

"Keep dreaming," Chris scoffed, tossing a few chips into his mouth. He nearly choked when he felt a damp rag slap against the side of his face. He peered at Trish with squinted eyes and she returned the stare, her lips pressed together in a firm white line.

"Hey, I needed that towel to dry my hands," Rey laughed, glancing at Trish as Adam continued to stare at Rey from over his shoulder. Adam watched the way the blush rose in Rey's cheeks and he couldn't deny that it was appealing, in an adorable way. He considered kissing away the redness, but Rey's squirming in his arms distracted him. He laughed softly as Rey tried to move away. His taller figure prevented Rey from moving, content on holding him for hours.

"Watch out now... I heard he's bendy," Trish warned Adam with a grin. He laughed lowly as Rey turned around in his arms, their eyes meeting for a moment that Adam wished was bonded into his memory. The way those soft brown eyes held a charming grin and those lips stayed parted into a smile. Rey giggled lowly, but his struggle was needy. It was playful, the way Adam wanted it to be. He was in no rush to escape Adam's arms and Adam reveled in it.

"Yeah, your boyfriend can bend into all kinds of shapes," Chris chimed, standing from his seat.

Silence somehow entangled Rey and it was more than apparent that the comment had offset him. Adam furrowed his brow for a minute and let his hold loosen. It was just enough for Rey to escape and Adam regretted it. He watched Rey shrug away and grab the fallen towel near the table.

"I'm not his boyfriend," Rey noted with a tenseness in his voice. He began to dry his hands while walking out of the kitchen, leaving Adam behind.

Impulse wanted to take over Adam, force him to rush after Rey and discuss his feelings. But he just couldn't. Maybe it was because he had to hurl his own body between Trish and Chris before she could latch her hands onto him. He kindly pushed her back, shaking his head while trying to deal with his own emotions. He had no words for Chris, nothing. He was just being Chris, again. It was natural and maybe it was more Adam's fault than it was Chris' words? Wasn't he the one that hadn't attempted to express himself to Rey earlier? Their conversations on the phone never indicated where they were headed and was a relationship, a continuous one, the road that Rey wanted to travel with Adam?

"Sorry Adam," Chris whispered lowly, leaning back onto the table.

"Ass," Trish hissed, turning her back to Chris.

Adam sighed and buried his hands in his hair, covering his face with his arms as he again fought with tears. It would never be easy. That was something he had to understand. The friendship, the relationship, the two of them would never be easy again.

The atmosphere didn't seem to change much once the others had left Adam's house. Nothing seemed to pull his attention from Rey. He eyed Rey as he slinked through the house, looking through rooms, sitting on the couch to watch some television, make phone calls. He sat in a corner of the kitchen when Rey chatted on his cell phone with his estranged wife for half an hour.

He didn't listen to the conversation whenever Rey walked into the kitchen to grab something. He didn't want to be intrusive. He just wanted to be near Rey.

He smiled a little when Rey laughed at him tripping up the stairs to get to his own cell phone. He cried a little after his conversation with his own wife. He made sure Rey didn't hear him and when Rey knocked on his door to watch a movie, he declined calmly. He knew he wouldn't be able to hide the tears that stained his cheek, no matter how much he tried.

Adam didn't think much when he looked at his own reflection in the mirror. His upper body was exposed while his lower half was dressed in baggy gray sweats and ankle socks. Droplets of water still clung to his skin, some sliding down like splashes of a waterfall. He brushed his teeth with intent, his thoughts of Rey drying away like the drops of water. He had spent close to four hours without Rey by his side and the pain started to numb a bit easier.

He used his tongue to hold the toothbrush against the side of his mouth while pushing stray stands of hair behind his ear. His hair was pulled up into a nice ponytail, letting the wet ends rest against the lower portion of his neck. He toyed with his metal-ball necklace with one hand while turning on the faucet with the other. Nothing felt normal anymore. Not even the way his necklace felt around his neck. It just felt a little less symbolic without someone else to touch it.

"Got an extra pair of sweats in here? I just got some ice cream on mine."

Adam didn't know how Rey did it. He always caught him in the bathroom. Always in some awkward moment when Adam didn't want Rey to see him.

Adam turned around briskly when he heard Rey's voice, leaning back against the sink with the toothbrush still hanging from his mouth. He grabbed the end of it, dislodging it from his mouth. He dropped his hand from around his necklace and watched Rey shift through his luggage. Even when Adam was home, he never unpacked. None of the WWE Superstars did. They wouldn't be home long enough to enjoy it.

"They'll probably be big on me, but I forgot my extra pair back in San Diego," Rey announced while unzipping another one of Adam's bags, a small bowl of ice cream next to his feet. Adam raised his brow before turning back to the sink to spit out the remains of the toothpaste. He rinsed out his mouth and spat again, wiping his lips with a nearby washcloth.

He took small steps into his bedroom, eyeing Rey as he held up a black shirt. Adam snickered to himself as Rey gawked at the '619' shirt that belonged to Adam. Adam needed something to remind himself of Rey on the road and bought the shirt before the Armageddon pay-per-view. But he never let anyone see him wear it. He wasn't even sure if he was going to tell Rey about it, ever.

"Good choice," Rey remarked, turning to look at Adam.

Adam was just a few feet away, shooting Rey a simple smirk. He folded his arms over his chest and nodded, forgetting that he wasn't even wearing a shirt until small goose bumps began to rise on his arms. He opted not to grab a shirt for himself just to be able to stare at Rey a little bit longer.

"So... about that pair of sweats," Rey sung out, standing from his seat on the floor.

Adam didn't mean to let his stare linger so long, but when Rey stood, Adam got a full view of him. He had removed his stained sweat pants and now only stood in a wifebeater and a pair of bikini briefs. Adam was glad he didn't have the toothbrush still in his mouth or he might have accidentally choked on it. He gulped lowly and tilted his head, kindly admiring his one-time lover.

"You look fine without them," Adam shyly said, blush tingeing his cheeks. He continued to glare at Rey, every memory beginning to recolor itself into his memory.

"Oh, don't try to charm me now Adam," Rey admonished with a grin, leaning down to pick up his bowl of ice cream.

Adam was tempted to sneak a view of what he once saw with Rey's permission, but he couldn't. He couldn't entice himself. He watched Rey take a small spoonful of the vanilla ice cream into his mouth and everything inside of him wanted to kiss that cool feeling from Rey's pink lips.

"I wasn't try to charm you, Rey. I was just trying to.." Adam pressed himself, but couldn't get himself to say it. He wished he could blame Jeff for trying to encourage him, but he knew it wasn't right. It was himself. His own need to find another way out of what he knew was inevitable.

"Hey, I was kidding Adam. You were being you and I appreciate that," Rey replied, nudging Adam's elbow with his own and Adam held back a sigh of relief. He nodded, finding a way to free a smile again for Rey.

"So.. do you still want that pair of sweat pants?" Adam wondered.

Rey chuckled happily and shook his head. "How about we sit down?"

Adam nodded unevenly, nothing concrete to say because Rey was there and he wasn't fearing him leaving. He let Rey take his hand, lead him toward his bed and there was no struggle this time. Whatever wanted, even if he wanted to end the relationship that hadn't even started, he was willing to accept it just to have these few minutes with Rey.

Adam got comfortable, his legs hanging off the foot of the bed while Rey turned to him and crossed his legs Indian style. Adam smirked when Rey took another scoop of ice cream to his lips, this time letting the ice cream melt across his tongue, Adam's eyes watching him contently.

"Let's play questions," Rey suggested, snatching up another scoop of ice cream. This time he led it to Adam's mouth and waited with innocent brown eyes.

The room was lit that well, everything seemed to call for a more romantic atmosphere without Adam even trying. The proposition seemed undamaging and Adam was willing to risk another disagreement just to sit with Rey a little longer. He opened his mouth slowly and licks out his tongue, gathering the first taste before taking the spoon into his mouth, permitting Rey to feed him the ice cream. All the while, he nodded for Rey, agreeing to the game.

"Have you ever felt strongly for any other man?" Rey started and Adam wasn't sure if he'd choke on the ice cream or just blush. He ducked his head and shook his head quickly.


Rey nodded approvingly, chewing on his lower lip. He grabbed another spoonful of ice cream and slid it into his mouth, smiling as Adam stared at him with wonder. "Qué?"

"Do you like me?" Adam blurted out, his steady shyness drawing a bigger smirk from Rey.

"Yes," Rey replied briskly, digging up more ice cream. He led it toward Adam's mouth and happily fed it to him, watching the way the grin on Adam's lips refused to fade.

"A lot," Adam mumbled out, trying to swallow his ice cream at the same time.

"One question," Rey responded, shaking his head with a quiet giggle. "Was there more than just what we did in the hotel room or was it just you being horny?"

Adam wrinkled his brow and frowned a little. He licked his lips slowly and laid his hands in his lap. Nothing inside of him liked the question, but he knew his reaction could push Rey away. He didn't want that. "A lot more... a whole lot more."

Rey nodded again, a crooked smile on his lips this time. He grabbed a smaller scoop of the melting ice cream and fed himself. He twitched his nose and looked down into the bowl, unable to erase his smile. The feeling left Adam warm like a California sun dream.

"Do you still love your wife... a lot?" Adam questioned, chewing on the side of his mouth because he was afraid the question should never have been asked. But he didn't want to lay down his guard without something to look forward to. He didn't want anything. He wanted more than everything.

Rey looked preoccupied by the question. Adam feared that it was too much, but Rey looked up from his bowl with a little less than a smile, but much more than sadness.

"No. I still love her, but it's a very small portion of myself that I'm not willing to let grow unless these other feelings die."

His reply was too genuine for Adam. He didn't expect it to shiver up his spine the way that he did, but it did. He pulled a leg up onto the bed. He pulled it under himself and tried not to look uncomfortable for asking the question of Rey.

But Rey didn't let it trouble him. He scooped up another portion of the ice cream and held it up for Adam. Adam readily accepted it, opening his mouth with worrisome eyes. "Are you really ready to give up on your marriage?"

Adam faltered at the question and gasped when some of the ice cream dripped from his lips. Rey laughed softly and drew forward. He slipped the spoon back into the bowl and Adam tried to draw his attention to the clatter of the metal against the glass rather than the feeling of Rey's fingers on his chin. Rey's fingers brushed against his beard and his face came closer. Adam remained still when Rey's brushed against the corner of his mouth, velvety smooth lips drawing a line down his cheek until reaching his chin. A smooth tongue licked out briefly, cleaning away remains of the ice cream. To deny the sensation would be to deny what he wanted so bad now.

"I'm ready..."

Adam half-closed his eyes at the feeling of Rey's lips before they pulled away, kissing his cheek once more before leaving permanently. He balled the bed linen in his hand and controlled himself. He didn't know what he wasn't willing to give up for Rey?

"Do you want to kiss me.. on the lips?" Adam asked, licking his own lips because they were dry and desperate for Rey's attention.

"Yes," Rey laughed out, scooping up more ice cream. He shook his head at Adam and Adam couldn't resist parting a smile for him.

"Do you want to be with me?" Rey inquired, a cheeky grin still plastered on his lips. He took in the spoon while still watching Adam. He desired an answer.

Adam was hesitant. He looked down into his lap, watched his fingers fidget with one another. He took a quick breath and glanced at Rey before replying, "Yes."

Rey nodded again, inclining toward Adam. He licked his lips quickly and waited to see if Adam drew forward.

Adam pressed his thumb to Rey's chin. "Do you want to be with me?"

Rey nodded once more, grinning pushing back against Adam's thumb. He was searching for something, something he prayed Adam would give him. But Adam was tentative and it was patiently showing in his eyes. It would've showed forever, but Rey believed it would just fade if given the chance.

"Will you..."

Rey's own hand laid over Adam's lips, stopping him. He giggled at Adam's surprise, but didn't remove his hand. "One question."

Adam laughed back, sliding his thumb off of Rey's chin to let him progress forward. He couldn't think of any other reason to let Rey stay away. It would do nothing but prolong feelings that Adam believed existed inside of both of them.

"Can I kiss you?" Rey asked this time, pulling his hand from Adam's lips. He waited until Adam nodded and it lured him in, made him want to try a little harder to reach his destination. And when he did, he never wanted to come back. He pressed his lips forward, drawing Adam into the kiss and he loved the sugary taste of vanilla that was rubbed against Adam's lips.

Adam smiled into the kiss, daring to feast on the flavor of Rey's tongue. He pretended nothing else was there but need. He had no other reason to care. It just existed in his hidden world with Rey, the one they traveled through in the hotel room back in Tulsa. And what was wrong with that? Nothing he wanted to admit to.

Rey's thumb rubbed slowly over Adam's bottom lip when he receded. He laughed a little because Adam was in a trance with the kiss, just staring at Rey without any other thought surviving in his green eyes.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

The question was rushed, but it had some form of emotion. It might've been lost in the kiss, just asked because lustful emotions were being created, but Adam knew otherwise. It was on his mind for hours, for days, for almost a week. He just didn't know where it was inside of himself. He thought maybe it was absent, possibly untouchable. But there was a rift when he looked into Rey's eyes, exposing to his heart what should've been asked long ago.

"What is this high school?" Rey snickered, his thumb tracing over Adam's chin.

"I asked first," Adam smiled back, his hands lifting and caressing Rey's bare arms. He scooted closer, hoping for an answer he could live with. He couldn't afford to hear anything less.



"Qué?" Rey wondered, confused by Adam's response. His hand slipped from Adam's face and he didn't know whether to wait or to accept it.

"No, this isn't high school," Adam snickered out and he could only laugh harder when Rey pushed him back on the bed, climbing on top of him. He snorted as Rey pushed at him, laughing with a glee that wasn't unfamiliar, just missed. He let his hands rest on Rey's hips, smoothing his fingers over the taut curves and muscles. He was pretty sure Rey wasn't saying anything nice to him in Spanish, but he didn't care because Rey was his now.

Rey wasn't just the friend, former tag team partner that he harvested feelings for.

"One more question," Rey chuckled, laying a friendly punch against Adam's chest. He waited until Adam laughed out an agreement before speaking. "Do you want me to stay in your room or the guestroom?"

Adam couldn't hide the smirk that tugged at the corner of his mouth, so he didn't. He simply gripped Rey's hips a little tighter and rolled them in the other direction until he was on top of Rey, grinning down at him. He pushed up Rey's wifebeater and rubbed Rey's stomach, fingers ghosting over a trail of hair that led into Rey's briefs.

"Stay here."

It was more of a plea than a response, but Adam knew Rey took it for what it was. He knew Rey wouldn't fight it because he leaned down, pressed his lips against Rey's and felt no resistance. He only felt a tongue pushing back, fighting to get into his mouth. He didn't refuse it. His hand just skated over Rey's stomach, drawing up a quiet giggle from Rey to vibrate through the kiss.

Adam pulled away from the kiss, his smile still lingering. He wasn't sure where to go with Rey, but he knew his body was making most of the decisions.

And Rey didn't refute anything.

"So you're mine?" Adam asked, pressing Rey down to the bed. His lips traced over Rey's but didn't kiss them. His fingers hooked into Rey's briefs and tugged on them, awaiting Rey's approval.

"Mmm hmmm," Rey moaned back, his fingers pulling Adam's hair from the ponytail it was pulled up into. He laid soft kisses over Adam's ear while sliding his hands down Adam's back.

Adam coyly drew down Rey's briefs until they were just below his knees, licking over Rey's neck. He nipped at the base of Rey's throat, cautiously biting at Rey's collarbone. His hands massaged Rey's skin, groped at the muscles of his legs and it became familiar territory for him again.

Rey took his time with his kisses over Adam's face, pecking his nose, tasting his lips, licking at his cheek. His hands groped Adam's shoulders, held him tighter because nothing could pull him away from the sexual feelings harboring inside of his smaller body.

Adam didn't think much. He kissed down Rey's chest, flicked a smooth tongue over Rey's brown nipples with an expertise that he didn't think he had. With Rey, it was just so natural. He became one with the feelings, letting the lover inside coat his skin with that golden feeling he thought he only saw in a good movie.

He didn't know if he could wait when his lips sucked at the skin of Rey's stomach. He wasn't sure what drew him down there, but he knew what his goal would be once he reached his objective. It was an act he had only heard about, never read or seen. Only a few of the wrestlers had been this far, some that never spoke of it for too many to hear.

But then his lips were there, his tongue was adventurous to lick and he was sure that being married to a woman did not change the way he felt about this feeling. His tongue curved up the underside of Rey's penis, flattening to taste the fullness. He let the tip lick over the head and he could only think of what would make himself feel good. There was no instructions, no manual. He had to go with his own desires to please Rey.

"Oh God... oooh," Rey cooed, fingers tangling themselves in Adam's still damp hair. His legs spread further and he gave himself to Adam. He didn't need this, didn't ask for it, but something would not let him refuse it.

Adam didn't know if resistance existed once that tangy flavor bathed his tongue and he took in the scent of Rey. It was something masculine bathed in soap and he didn't mind. He slowly took Rey between his lips, cautious of his actions as he went for what he never thought he'd want. His hands did their own work, cupping Rey's ballsac. He felt them pull up tighter against Rey's body, felt the way his penis throbbed in his mouth.

He moaned against the hard flesh, tongue delving to the underside to feel the thick vein as Rey massaged his scalp and slowly pushed himself further into Adam's mouth. Maybe he didn't want to know what made him welcome the feeling of another man's dick sliding against the roof of his mouth, but he knew he wanted to take Rey to a height he was sure they'd experience over and over again.

Rey felt his toes beginning to curl at the warm, wet sensation of Adam's mouth. He arched his back off the bed, held onto Adam's shoulders and prayed the feeling didn't take everything out of him.

Adam reached down, yanked down the front of his sweat pants and felt the throbbed of his own dick. He breathed heavily and closed his eyes, unable to look at Rey's face full of ecstasy without losing all of his strength. He fumbled with his penis until it was pulled from its confines, exposed to the heat of the room and the moistness of Adam's sweaty hand. He collected the precum from the tip of his penis and used it as lubrication, slowly masturbating as Rey's groans and grunts sung out the music of the moment.

Rey gasped for air as Adam's tongue ran quick circles around the top of his penis. He heaved and let sweat bead against his forehead, everything going from color to black and white as he experienced everything inside of him catch fire.

"Adam.. Adam.. oh fuck, Adam," Rey panted out, one of his hands gripping the bed sheets. He pulled on them as Adam used his other hand to slip under Rey. He pulled Rey up, Rey's ass lifted into the air as Adam took Rey deeper. Magic flared and Rey's head became dizzy with emotion.

Adam moaned around Rey's dick again, holding him in position as he drew back, using his tongue to lick from the base to tip. He thought about everything. He thought about Rey's kisses, his strong, soft hands, the way his body was reacting, the way he laughed when Adam accidentally tickled him. He thought about Rey.

"I.. I.. I'm real close baby," Rey gasped out and just the name brought Adam to his own pleasure zone.

"Cum Rey-Rey," Adam whispered before opening his mouth, taking Rey back in.

Rey screamed out and Adam smiled, the throb growing more intense. He let Rey rest back on the bed as he rolled Rey's balls in his palm, hoping to bring out the orgasm that he knew Rey needed.

The bed rocked a little as Rey's hips became more insistent, Adam's throat beginning to adjust as Rey's penis reached for it. He didn't know if he could do it, wasn't sure if he had that much skill, but he tried and controlled his gag when the tip of his cock ran against the back of his throat.

"Mmm mmm mmm... Lord, oh Adam..."

White, thick, a taste he never forgot. It was sweet to him now and he swallowed with a newfound pleasure. He let Rey comb trembling fingers through his hair as his body convulsed. And it took almost all Adam had not to swallow Rey's flaccid penis whole when he began to ejaculate, the bed spread beginning splattered with his essence. He tried to settle his breathing but the sounds of Rey's quiet coos and the feeling of everything inside of him being released onto his hand and the sheets ached against his bones in the sweetest way.

He crawled up the smaller man, his breathing still a little ragged. He felt Rey pet his face and he smiled to himself. He scooped Rey into his arms and they laid on their sides breathing in the bliss. They kicked away the rest of their clothing and Adam was pleased when Rey pressed their naked bodies closer together. He ran a hand over Rey's head and let his lover rest his head on his shoulder.

"I didn't expect that," Rey whispered, kissing Adam's cheek.

Adam giggled and could he deny that he didn't either? It just happened. It was just Adam's body doing what he thought might be natural. And it was.

It just was.

Adam was going to speak, say something to melt with the moment, but couldn't. His cell phone rang and he cursed under his breath as Rey rolled away, letting him scoot up the bed until he could reach the nightstand. Adam yanked up the phone and clicked it on.

"Yeah?" He asked while trying not to sound worn out.

"Hey Adam, it's Chris. I was just calling to apologize again because I didn't mean to cause any problems between you and Rey. I mean, I really want it to work out if it makes you happy," Chris babbled and Adam smiled again. He reached out and grabbed Rey's arm, pleading with his eyes and not his mouth. Rey snickered lowly and crawled to him, laying back down in his arms as Adam pushed hair from his face.

"No, it's cool. Everything's all right," Adam replied as Rey snuggled to him, a feeling Adam reveled in.

"Really?" Chris questioned, his voice a little unsure.

"Yeah man. Trust me," Adam assured him as Rey kissed his bicep with tender lips.

"Cool," Chris sighed out and Adam shook his head because it was the first time in awhile he heard Chris being genuine.

"So... do you love him?"

Adam laughed at the question and looked down at Rey. His eyes were lidded and he was beginning to dose off in Adam's embrace. Adam sighed happily and rubbed his fingers over Rey's chest, turning to his side until they were spooning.

"You know what? I really believe I do," Adam replied, an answer he gave Chris and his own mind. He listened as Chris ranted something happily and rolled his eyes, thinking about Rey as he began to kiss at Adam's hand. He hung up the phone and clicked it off because he was sure Chris was going to call back or Trish would call after Chris called her. He didn't want to talk to any of them at the moment. He wanted to emerge himself in his newly accepted emotions. He wanted to be bewitched by Rey's innocence.

"I'm yours?" Rey asked in a hushed tone, eyes already closed.

Adam grinned and kissed the top of Rey's head, interlocking his hands over Rey's hands. He closed his own eyes and breathed a breath of relief. "You're mine."

Mr. Nothin' is late He's running out of time He questions whether chance or fate Will ever show a sign He looks to the sky above For a glimpse of what it means And now or never never made Made more sense to him

You push and you pull it Struggle with the knot Take's tying you up while you're fading You give and you take it Take in what you got Round and round till it breaks you You push and you pull it Struggle with the knot That's tying you up while you fade Into your life

To be continued...

-- Thanks to Nikka Costa for the title to this story and for the lyrics to this song --

** I apologize for not getting back to a few people that e-mailed me but I read EVERY e-mail I got about "Twisted Gold." Every single e-mail made me want to write this second story and I hope to continue writing stories about Edge & Rey Mysterio. It's great to see such support for WWE fiction, no matter what the kind. Support everyone! Thanks again and I hope to have another story out, but only if people want it. **

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