Tuckers Cub

By PapaWereBear

Published on Jan 2, 2011


Tucker's Cub II By Travis McGee travismcgee76@gmail.com

When we left our Papa bear and his cub their celebration of the third year of Josh and Tucker's pairing was interrupted by the arrival of one of the local police officers.

As Bear and I had gotten to the good part of our pawing around the part that usually leads to us changing and having some serious bear on bear action a light appeared. The light was provided by a local police officer. He must have been waiting in the woods for someone to come to this spot or we would have known he was coming. He was as stunned by what he was seeing as we were.

Luckily for all of us Bear moved a lot faster than the officer could. Bear was behind him, pinning his arms and whispering in his ear.

"Son I don't know what you're doing here but you're in for the time of your life. I can smell it on you, it smells like you liked what you were seeing didn't it officer?Johnson?" Bear said moving his head so he could read the officers name tag.

The officer swallowed loudly and said, "I don't know what your talking about but I know when I get free your in a load of trouble old man."

"I don't know about that officer." Bear said and leaned in a licked him along the back of his neck. I watched the officer shiver as Bear tasted him knowing how much Bear liked tasting those he was going to play with. I already knew where this was going but how far was it going to go? Were we going to bring him over to our side or just give him the time of his life and sneak off afterwards? My money was on the second one but you just never know.

Now that Bear had pinned the officer and the danger was past I took a good look at our guest. He was bald but had a strong face covered in a thick red mustache that came down the edges of his mouth and curled under his chin like Paul Tuttle senior on American Choppers and just like Tuttle senior, he had the big bulky body that comes from years of working out. It must be confusing for him, how easily Bear could pin his arms like that. By the light of the flash light I could see that he had red hair curling up from the top of his turtle neck that was under his uniform tunic.

I sniffed the air and I said, "Sir, I think your right, it does smell like he was enjoying himself watching us."

I walked up to this poster boy for the police force and ran my hand along the inside of his leg up to the log that was resting down the right side of his pant leg and said, "Oh yeah this feels like he was enjoying himself alright."

I reached down into my boot and pulled out the knife I kept there. I reached down and switched off the flashlight so that only the moonlight shone down on us. Then I opened the blade of the knife and said, "What do you think Bear, think we should take care of his interest in us?"

I could see the horror of what he thought we were going to do in his eyes and I just couldn't keep the grin off of my face.

Bear saw my face and said, "You are a naughty cub and I couldn't agree with you more."

I approached office Johnson and holding up the knife so he could watch. I inserted the knife between his waist and his weapons belt and giving a sharp twist, I cut through the leather, causing his belt to drop to the ground. Bear and his friends had opened my mind to all the possibilities in sex and with Bear teaching me I had been a very quick study. Bear watched as I slowly moved up to our guest and popped open the snaps on his tunic finding out that this naughty boy had been wearing a mock turtle neck and not the full shirt he was suppose to be wearing.

However, looking at his barreled chest covered in all that red fur I could see why he would cheat; one shirt on this guy and he would be hot all the time, add two and the sweat stink would overpower everyone near him. "Mmm nice pelt officer!" I purred as I ran my hand through the luxurious fur and tweaked his plump nipples, which appeared to have been worked on quite a bit. I took the right one in my mouth and chewed on it for a couple of minutes.

As I did this I heard Bear whisper, "Taught him myself! That cub of mine could suck the paint off a pipe at ten paces and you've got a front row seat for his premier performance." I blushed as I heard Bear say this to Johnson. Then as Bear pulled us back towards a tree I had to let go long enough to grab his belt and my knife. I took the handcuffs from it the ruined belt and handed them to Bear, watching as he finished stripping the shirt off from Johnson and then cuffing him around the tree.

"Good, now I can join in if I want to." Bear said as I came back up to Johnson.

I said, "Bear, why don't we get comfortable and then we can play with our guest?" Both of us stood so that he had a unobstructed view of both of us as we undressed each other. Once we had stripped each other down to our boots we turned to face our uninvited guest and saw that we weren't the only ones sporting full hard-on's our officer was sporting one as well only his was trying to tent a pair of slacks tailored to be skin tight like the rest of his uniform.

"Bear I think officer Johnson is uncomfortable. Shall we help him with that? What do you think?"

Bear said, "I think your right son!" Bear moved up to our captured cop and taking him by the waist band of his pants said, "I really think you'll be more comfortable after I do this don't you?" Our cop said, "No, no I don't!" You fags are sick! When I get out of this I'm going to kick both of your asses and then kill you!"

At that last little bit, Bear hauled back and slammed his fist into Johnson's stomach and as the air rushed out of his lungs he said, "Boy what the fuck makes you think your going to get out of this alive?"

I stood back letting Bear play with our cop. I knew he had no intention of actually killing, let alone hurting the guy, but fucking with that homophobic attitude was well within something he would do, especially when he could tell that it was hiding a desire to be with his own kind; a desire chained by his upbringing and a job that reinforced the belief that what he was doing was right. Bear was a lot older than he would tell me and I'd learned that there were things that would definitely push buttons; homophobia and gay bashing were two of them.

Once bear had demonstrated his displeasure with Officer Johnson's attitude towards us, he pulled out Johnson's "Johnson" which, still encased in its cloth sheath, was rapidly hardening again.

Bear said, "Now were where we again?" He took Johnson's pants by there waist band and unfastened them, opening the zipper, allowing them to drop to his ankles.

I had assumed that our cop was wearing underwear of some sort but when his pants dropped we both found out that Johnson didn't. We watched his unfettered member swing up to stick straight out at us. Now we could see that our cop was covered in bright red fur from his neck down to the tops of his boots.

Bear moved around him, whistled low in an appreciative way and said, "This looks very nice!"

Taking cues from Bear I said, "Yes it does!", as I moved to take his cock in my hand and started to stroke it. Johnson began moaning and his eyes started to roll back in his head. He moaned, "No stop! This is wrong, it's evil!"

"No boy this isn't evil. It just some grown men having some fun." Bear said

Bear moved back behind Johnson. He had gotten himself as close to our cop as the tree allowed and wrapped a fur covered arm across his chest so he could play with Johnson's nipples while with the other hand he began to play with our cop's furry ass.

Bear said, "So just what is your first name officer?"

He said, "I don't have to tell you shit you fag!"

"Sure you do," Bear purred, "and I bet I can make you, too."

By this time I was ready to begin and knelt down. I heard Johnson say "What he fuck do you think you're doing you fag? leave me alone!"

Bear pulled hard on the nipple he was working and when Johnson yelped I swallowed his cock to the root, working his cock just like Bear had taught me through tireless demonstrations. Soon our cop was moaning and trying to push more of his cock down my throat.

"Tell me you first name boy or I'll tell my cub here to stop doing that to your cock" Bear said

"No you fag! I won't tell you a thing!" Johnson spat.

"Good I was hoping you say that." Bear said.

He took the hand that was playing with his ass and started stroking the officer's puckered hole. This caused him to moan loudly and thrust into the cub's mouth hard making him gag.

"Bad little cop! You made my boy gag and he was being so nice to you." With that I pulled my hand back and spanked him on his furry ass causing him to cry out in embarrassment more than pain and I went back to stroking his puckered hole tickling it every once and a while to cause Johnson to buck.

When I did this I would say, "Tell me your name boy." and he would moan and say "No" but his no's were getting fainter and his moans louder and fuller. This told me he was starting to give in.

"Can I bring him now Bear?" Josh said.

"You can't make me cum you fag." said Johnson

"Sure he can." Bear said, "Do it cub." While Josh brought Johnson to his 'happy ending' I slid my finger which I'd been using to tickle his hole as deep as I could into it. I heard his gasp and felt him clench his ass as it went in. I said "Tell me your first name boy."

Johnson whispered "No."

I started to move my finger in and out he started to moan loudly and I finally pushed in far enough to tap his prostate causing him to cry out and start to buck, shooting his load into Josh's mouth; my cub swallowed it all.

As he was coming down from the high I said "What is your first name boy?"

"It's Buck, Sir" officer Johnson said in defeat.

"Now that we've gotten our introductions over, Buck, mind telling us why you were out here in these woods waiting?" Bear asked.

Buck said "I don't have to tell you shit!"

"Now son don't start that again!" Bear growled and moved the finger that was still in his ass in and out just a little.

Buck finding new defiance said "Fuck you asshole I won't tell you shit."

Bear replied "Son, are you doing this just because you like being a little shit or are you doing this because you like the treatment your ass is getting when you refuse to cooperated? Tell the truth now."

This time he pushed in far enough this time to reach buck's prostate again and began massaging it, pressing in hard with a thrusting motion.

Buck moaned and said "Sir... it's because of what you're doing to my ass Sir."

See that wasn't so difficult was it son?" Bear asked. "Now do you want me to stop?"

"No please don't stop, Sir, it feels too good to stop." and as Buck said this he turned his head into the arm I had wrapped around his chest causing him to get a big dose of my scent; this had a huge effect on officer Buck, it apparently ramped up his sex drive. His cock was hard again only seconds after taking in my scent.

Josh, seeing that Buck was hard again, went over to his pants and pulled from them a tube of lube he had in a pocket. Coming up to Buck he held the lube up so that Buck could see it and said, "Time for you to ride officer" and started to lube up Buck's cock good and slick.

Even as Buck moaned from the treatment his currently overly sensitive cock was getting he was trying to protest, saying "No don't do this, I'm not a fag."

Bear said, "No son you're not a fag you're just a big strong bear of a guy who likes other big strong hairy men. it's not wrong".

Bear removed his arm from around Buck and ran it through his sweaty, silver and black chest fur and then wrapped it back around Buck. Buck instinctively moved his nose back to the wet fur on the muscular, tattooed arm and breathed in more of Bear's scent.

While bear was whispering this into his ear and again dosing him with more pheromones, I was maneuvering myself onto Bucks impressive member. It was three fingers thick and as long as ruler. The thing was something like you get in porn movies and not in real life. Buck was probably one in several million with that kind of equipment. The difference between a porn cock and Bucks was that Buck's had red hair growing up around the first couple of inches of his cock and to about half way up it on the under side. After stroking and admiring it, I started to slide myself onto his huge member. As it started to go in I realized that it was going to be slow going. Buck's cock was bigger than any I had taken; even Bear wasn't quite this big.

I was grunting as I slowly worked my way back along his cock hearing moans of pleasure; occasionally I heard him whisper, "Please make him stop. I don't want to be like you."

I couldn't figure that one out. I couldn't decide weather he thought the act of him fucking me would make him gay or that once he fucked me he would have to admit he was gay and stop hiding it. Either way I was going to go through with it because lets face it chances to get fucked by something this big didn't come along every day.

Bear said to him, "Son him fucking you doesn't change who you are or what you like sexually now does it? Papa knows."

Buck said, "No Sir it doesn't that's why I was out here I was hoping to catch people out here fucking each other so I could watch and then catch them."

"Now why would you want to watch them AND catch them?" Bear asked.

"Because when everyone you know, church and friends, tell you that being gay is wrong and that destroying them is right, what am I suppose to think?" Buck said.

"Son haven't you heard not to believe anything you read and only half of what you hear. That damnable 'good book' has caused more problems in the last 2000 years than any other piece of literature ever created. " Bear said.

I said, "Yeah look at us were happy health men. We're truckers. We watch sports and play them when we can. We do every thing you probably like to do as well. Only difference is we like to fuck big burly hairy men. I mean other than that whole baby thing I can't figure out what straight men see in women. I mean guys know what is important and what isn't to men."

"Fuck that kid's long winded isn't he?" Buck said.

Bear replied, "Only when he's trying to make a point and that point is were just like you are, except we like sex with other men and we admit it."

By now I had gotten myself halfway down Buck's cock and hearing that "Fuck that kid's long winded isn't he" just pissed me off so I slammed myself the rest of the way down his cock. Eliciting a grunt from him and an "Oh fuck!" from me as my ass met his furry groin. I had to hold myself against him for a couple of minutes while my hole adjusted to his cock. While I did this I could feel his rock hard furry body against mine, I could feel Bear's arm still holding him tight.

I could feel my hole twitching around his cock and damn that thing felt like I had impaled myself on a tree trunk.

I heard Buck saying "Fuck! His hole is so tight it feels like it's going to squeeze my dick in two."

I couldn't believe what had happened, I was handcuffed to a tree and being sexually tormented by two truckers who thought they were helping me by making me admit that I wanted to have sex with other men. I mean, I was a man. I was suppose to like women. Liking men in that way was wrong and evil, the priest said so in his sermons. That church councillor I tried to talk to said that it was The Devil and I needed to fight it. So I've been fighting it, but it's become so much harder to do lately, ever since that night I got drunk when I went to visit an old friend and I ended up fucking him because he said he wanted me to. His hole didn't feel anything like this guy though, his was loose and offered no resistance. This kid's was tight and firm and was still trying to pull me in even though I was already as far in as I could go.

I couldn't help myself I started to fuck him and as I did I could feel whatever it was the old guy was using to push into my ass move in and out as well. I was fucking myself while I fucked the kid and I couldn't stop because it just felt too good. As I was fucking the kid he was doing something with his hole so that every so often it would tighten down extra tight and I couldn't move my cock for a second. Soon I was moaning and straining to move my arms so I could wrap them around the kid. I couldn't because I was still handcuffed to that damn tree. I was slowly realizing that what the old man and the kid were saying was true, that doing this didn't change who I was it just made me less angry with myself and the others, like these two.

Right now though all I wanted was to fuck that kid's ass until I blew a load up it. What ever the old guy was doing to my ass was feeling better the longer he did it. I didn't know I could get that kind of feeling from my ass. I started to moan louder as I came nearer and near to cuming and as I did I heard myself say, "Oh God, this feels so good!"

Could they be right? Could this be what I really am?

As I finished saying this the old guy pushed rhythmicly on something in my ass and I felt myself building to a release. As I fucked the kid faster, I could feel the old guy twisting whatever he was using in my ass and I couldn't stop, I had to cum at that point. I started shooting up into the kid while the old guy just kept hitting that place in me that caused me to shoot harder and longer than I ever had before. As I finished shooting my load into the kid, I started crying I just couldn't help my self. I was weak I had given in to The Devil. I had hurt this kid in ways I didn't understand. The kid pulled himself off my cock and as he did a little of my cum dripped out. I closed my eyes and started crying and saying, "I'm sorry", over and over again.

The kid came up to me and I felt him place his hands on my face and pulled it up so that he could look me square in the eye. He said to me "What the hell are you sorry for? We both enjoyed it. There's nothing to be sorry about."

I said, "You're not mad at me because of what I did to you?"

"Hell no I'm the one who started it you idiot! How can I be mad at you for something I did? If anything I want you to do it again." Josh said.

I said, "Sir would you let me go I'm not going to run or anything it's just that well, I know what you were trying to do and I understand now. I can't hide through acting out at others like I have been and I need to be the real me."

"Son that there is some real wisdom you just learned I'm only sorry we had to be so rough on you to help you learn it." said Bear

As he finished saying this I heard the click of my cuffs being unfastened and I held still as he unlocked the other wrist as well. Once I was free, I just stood there unsure of what to do, because up till now they were controlling everything. Now if I wanted it to continue I had to take an active role in it. Finally I reached out and put my hands on the face of the kid who so recently impaled himself on my cock and pulled him to me and kissed him full on the lips.

Both me and Josh stood there and listened as Buck asked us, not ordered us, to let him go. He told us that he understood that with what had happened tonight he couldn't hide the fact that he likes other men sexually and had enjoyed what we did to him. As I heard him say this I decided to go ahead and let him go and see what would happen when I do. Once his cuffs were off I waited while he made up his mind about what he was going to do. After a second he took Josh's face in his hands and kissed him full on the lips. Then he turned and faced me for only the second time that night. As he turned to face me I could smell the fear on him even though he looked like he was perfectly fine. Buck said to me, "Thank you for forcing me to face the feelings I had kept locked up in me, Sir". Then he surprised me by kissing me as well but I enjoyed the tongue wrestling.

I surprised myself when I kissed both of them like that. Up until I actually did it I had no idea what I was going to do. The very acts of this night had forced me to realize that I actually liked what they had done to me. All the things they had put me though had excited me sexually in a way sex with a woman never had. The kid fucking himself on my pole like that, I had never felt anything like that and I wanted more. The old guy doing what ever he had to my ass had started a fire in my hole that I wanted put out somehow I knew the only way that was going to happen was to have one of them push their cocks up my ass.

I stood there unsure of what to do now that I was free. Did I try to beat the shit out of them, did I leave and try to forget this ever happened or did I try and continue and see what happens if I did?

I said, "Would you tell me what your name is?" Bear said, "Well, Buck, I'm Bear and this here is my son Josh."

I asked him, "Why did you do all this when just tying me up and leaving me would have been so much simpler?"

"Well Buck," he said, "that would have been the easy way and only solved half the problem. Son us leaving you would have solved our problem, but not yours and yours was far more important than ours. The way you were going you were headed for suicide or more likely you would have put your fellow cops in the position of killing you since you believed all the things that the priest and councillor told you. Son you have to believe that life, any life, is worth living because that's the life the creator wants us to live."

"Bear I don't understand I mean, sure I understand what you're saying and yes I probably was headed for suicide, I couldn't take the stress anymore. I was living a lie and I had come to realize it but I couldn't find a way out of the lie I had built for myself and I was slowly destroying myself and I knew it." I said.

"Buck you have gone through a whole lot of learning in a short period of time and I know it wasn't easy for you but this was something you needed to go through. It wasn't easy for you but in the end it probably saved you from making even a bigger mistake." Bear said.

The light of false dawn was just starting to break through the clouds when I, Bear and Josh had finished talking and having some of the most satisfying sex I had ever had. We got dressed again or at least I got redressed as much as I could after what they had done to my uniform and we made our way out through the hole in the chain link fence. Josh went through and held the hole open for Bear and Me.

Bear asked me "You want some food son? We're going to grab some breakfast before we head off, your welcome to join us."

I said, "Sure, I just need to put this in my car" lifting my weapons belt "and I need to call in and tell them I'm going off duty."

I went over to my car that I had parked back in the darker area of the lot and when I opened the car door I heard my radio blaring "BUCK WHERE ARE YOU? DAMN IT ANSWER ME!"

I picked up the radio mike and said "Sorry Chief I'm here I was out checking on something." The Chief said, "For the last nine hours? I know damn well where you've been Buck. Jason and Mack found your car at the truck stop, Buck, I told you to watch your back you little shit. Apparently you didn't and now I want your badge and gun."

"Well if you want them you apparently know were the damn things are so you can come and get them." I told my former boss. I heard him start screaming at me over the radio but I just tuned him out. He'd finally gotten his way, I knew he was still pissed off at me for not 'forgetting' that traffic ticket I'd given his son. I just never realized how pissed off he was.

I made my way back into the diner and found Bear and Josh sitting at a corner booth. Once I reached the booth Josh said, "Hey Buck what's with that look, you look like someone killed your cat."

I said, "When I went to sign off for the day my Chief was screaming for me on the radio and when I answered he fired me. He knew what I had been doing for the last nine hours. Most likely the officers found the car and called the chief. He's just going to use it to justify firing me for ticketing his son."

"Son now that was a stupid thing to do. Ticketing the son of the police chief, were you looking to get fired? Strike that son from what I saw early I know where you were going with it."

"The question now is what are you going to do now?" Josh asked.

"I don't know guys, I've been a cop for so long I don't really know how to do anything else. My chances of finding work in this town with the police chief against me will be anything from nil to zero." Buck said.

"Josh do you remember what Billy said the last time we were home, a couple of weeks back, about them needing a couple of extra officers on the sheriffs force?" Bear asked.

"Yeah" Josh said "Billy was trying to get me to sign on part time, mostly I think so that he'd have someone to hang around and play with. I know the guy gets lonely."

"What are you guys talking about?" Buck interrupted.

"Well you said you don't have anything holding you to this town, right? Well I know a guy on the sheriff force where we live. He said that the Sheriff is looking for some more deputies for the local force." Bear said.

"Bear, with what the Chief is going to put in my record I won't ever find work in law enforcement again." Buck said.

"Our friend Billy is on real good terms with the Sheriff. With Billy on your side, it won't matter what that Police Chief put in your record, the Sheriff will hire you." Josh said.

"Well, as I said, I really don't have any reason not to and it would be easier to find work even if I couldn't get back into law enforcement again in another town."

"Well that's settled then, Josh why don't you stay with Buck and help him get everything moved. He can stay with us until he finds a place. When you get out to the house call Billy and go ahead and introduce them." Bear said. Getting up he said, "Josh I've got to go to make the delivery dead line. Call me if there are problems OK and I'll see you both at the house."

I said, "Josh why is he doing this you two barely know me?"

Josh said, "Bear's a good man Buck and he just wants to make sure you have a fair shot at living your life. Our town is a good place to live and the local law isn't as up tight as a small town is about people like us."

"Well I can't stay here, not after what the Chief will spread about what happened, so I might as well take the chance and go with you." I said.

We paid the bill and walked back to his place luckily it was only about a mile from the truck stop.

Once we got to Buck's house I saw that it was a nice looking, single story, wood framed house. He kept it up very nicely, there were flowers planted in the in the flower beds and the lawn mowed and trimmed. I commented on how nice the house was and he thanked me. The inside of the house reflected its status as the house of a single man; all leather furniture and dark woods. On the wall was a large flat screen TV and sitting on the end table that was between two leather recliners was a humidor and a pipe stand with two pipes sitting in it.

I asked Buck if he actually smoked and he said "Yeah, on occasion I do".

I said, "You and Billy are going to get along great then, he likes to smoke a cigar or pipe from time to time."

Buck said, "Well I guess the first thing I need to do is call a realtor and put the house on the market. Then I'll need to start looking at moving companies won't I."

I said, "Yes you're going to have to do those things, but first I think we both need to get some sleep."

"Josh I know I have no right to ask you, but would you sleep with me?" Buck asked.

"Of course I'll sleep with you." I said.

Buck led me back to the master bedroom and it was more of his personality, all dark woods and dark paints. He also had black out curtains on the windows so he could sleep during the day shift. Once we were in the room Buck removed my shirt and pants and then undressed himself for the last time from his uniform leaving it piled on the floor. Then he wrapped me in his arms and kissed me. I kissed him back, running my hands down the fur that covered his back. I felt his hands start to move over the contours of my back and through the fur that covered it. After a few minutes of kissing, Buck laid me on the bed and then laid down next to me. Then while we were laying on the bed Buck ran out of things to do just from his lack of experience so I took the lead again. I worked my way through his chest fur all the way down to his cock which I started to suck on again getting him hard. Once hard I rolled myself over so and opened myself up to him allowing him to penetrate me for the second time, only this time he was doing it willingly. I moaned as he forced his massive log into me.

He was starved for any type of physical relationship for so long that he was building for release for second time quicker than he had the first time. As he started to shoot up into me he grabbed me and pulled me hard against his chest and just hugged me. Shortly, with his arms still wrapped around me, I heard him start to snore.

"Well Buck you've had a hard day and I guess you're due some sack time." I said to the sleeping beast. Shortly after I nodded off.

I woke up at 3 p.m. according to the bedside clock, Buck was still snoring away. I slid out of bed and went in search of the toilet. While standing there with my eyes closed I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around my stomach and I could feel Buck's hard cock push up between his stomach and my back.

"So" I said, "what do you need to do now?"

"Well I don't want to do it but I need to take my uniforms back to the station. Maybe if I'm lucky I won't have to deal with the Chief Rolling." Buck said.

We went back into the room and I found my jeans and boots but I decided it was hot enough out to only wear the tank top I had been wearing under my flannel. So there I stood in jeans and a tight fitting tank watching Buck still 'buck' bare looking in his closet for something to wear that wasn't a uniform. Finally from the back of his closet he pulled a pair of worn, thread bare jeans and said "I hope these still fit, I haven't worn them in years."

He threw them on the bed along with a black tank top and he pulled from the bottom of the closet, a pair of old beat up army surplus boots. Once he had every thing pulled out he started dressing and I must say he looked even hotter dressed like this than he did in the uniform.

He looked over his shoulder at me and said "What are you doing back there, Josh?"

I said, "Just taking in the view. Man! I thought you looked hot in uniform, but this works for you too."

I helped Buck gather up the uniforms and accessories from his closet and dresser and put them in paper bags.

"Come on" he said, "Lets get this over with".

He led me to the garage and there, sitting in a place of honor, was a 1974 fully restored Barracuda painted a deep, rich midnight blue shading into ebony. He saw my admiration of it and said, "Yeah found him about ten years ago rebuilt him from the frame up. Every thing stock on it except the nitro rig mounted in the trunk."

I said, "Upstanding member of the police force huh?" with a smirk on my face.

"Come on let's get this done and then get some dinner huh?" Buck said.

We piled into the 'Cuda and he fired it up the damn thing. It didn't purr or growl, it ROARED with power. Again I just looked at him and said, "Sure you were just an above the board cop... riiiight". He had the good grace to look sheepish.

Buck pulled the 'Cuda out and we headed into town for him to turn in the last parts of his old life. He parked in the station lot and we walked into the station house and the first person we came to said, "Well howdy Buck I heard about Rolling firing you and over the most stupidest of reasons."

"Oh what's he saying the reason is Karen?" Buck asked.

He was fishing for information trying to find out just how bad Rolling intended to trash his local reputation.

Karen said, "He's saying that Darrell and Wes saw you back in the woods behind the truck stop up on the interstate with a couple of truckers all night."

"Yep that sounds like something he would do." Buck said.

"Yeah no one really believes it because every one knows that Darrell and Wes are boot licking toadies. So what are you going to do now?" Karen asked.

"Well my friend Josh here flew in as soon as he heard, with a job offer with his local sheriff's office. I'm getting ready to put the house on the market and make arrangements for the move."

Karen said, "You're going to put your house on the market?"

Buck said, "Yeah I don't want to have to mess with renting it out or maintaining it."

"Buck, how much are you wanting for your place?" Karen asked

"I was thinking about $95,000. because that's how much it apprised out for when I took out a loan on it to expand the kitchen and the back deck." Buck said.

"Buck would you hold off putting it on the open market for a couple of days? Tommy and I have been trying to find a place of our own. Don't tell anyone but I'm 2 months pregnant and we decided that with the baby coming it's time we had our own place and well we would need at least a day or two to get the loan pre-approved. Tommy's dad can do the house inspection for free since that's one of the things he's done as a building contractor." Karen said.

Buck finally working a word in edge wise said, "First off congratulations and second off I don't mind holding off for a day or two if it helps you guys also could you make sure these get recorded as being turned in so Rolling can't use it against me."

Karen said, "Sure thing Buck and thanks for doing this for us."

Buck and I turned and walked out of the station house Buck saying to me "I'm glad their going to have a child, they've been trying for the last two years. So if me waiting a couple of days, so that she has a chance of getting a house that she wants and it'll make it easier on her and give her a better chance of keeping the baby, I'm happy to do it."

As we were walking past one of the alleyways on our way to the parking lot, we heard someone say, "Hey fag, over here!"

Looking down into the alley we saw a lone police officer standing there. Buck started down the alley saying "So Wes, I see your boot licking isn't just limited to polishing boots with your tongue."

"Its good enough to get your ass fired Buck and Rolling's has let it be known in certain circles that you showing up hurt would be a good thing." Wes smirked.

I knew what was coming next and, making sure I had Wes' eye, I casually put my fist through the brick wall. Once I pulled it out, I blew the brick dust off my knuckles making sure he could see it. The look on the cops face as I did it was well worth the trouble, it was the look of pure horror you get when someone knows that the only thing keeping them from being treated the same way was the discretion of the guy who just showed you what he could do. Doing this solves the immediate problem and hopefully no one would believe him since he was a known bootlicker and would say anything Rolling wanted him to.

"Come on Buck, you said you wanted to take me to this restaurant you said was great." I said as a way to pull us out of this cop situation easily since I was fairly sure he wasn't going to do anything.

He said, "Yeah I've spent enough time with this waste of a uniform." We turned and left officer Wes standing there in the alley.

As we were leaving Buck said "Any idea why he had a giant piss stain running down the front of his pants."

"Not a clue" I said.

As Buck drove us I started to recognize where we were and started to get that sick feeling you get when you know things just aren't going to go well. Buck took us out to the other end of town, I knew where we were going. We were headed to this little restaurant on the outskirts, a restaurant owned by my parents.

Buck pulled into the parking lot and we got out. I kept telling myself, "It's been years since they last saw me, plus the changes becoming a werebear made in me means there's no way they can recognize me."

We walked in and I saw that the place hadn't changed all that much in the years since I was last here. I saw my mom working the cash register but I couldn't see dad which must mean that he was out working on a construction site. Buck sat down in a booth and started looking over the menu. I didn't need the menu to know what was available, it hadn't changed in years. When the waitress came to take our orders Buck ordered the meat loaf and I ordered the chicken fried stake, both of us ordering coffee with the meals. Towards the end of our dinner my mom came over to our table and said "Hey Buck how are you doing? I heard what Rolling did, Karen called to spread the news before he could poison every one against you. So who's your friend Buck?"

"Sorry Mary, this here is Josh. He's a friend from Oklahoma. When he called this morning and I told him what was going on. He caught the first flight out so he could help me."

"I expect you'll probably have to move, it's good to have loyal friends." she said.

"I'm going to move out there and make a fresh start. He says that he knows someone who can get me a job on the local force."

"Well I wish you well in your new start Buck and hope it all works out well for you." Mary said.

I paid the bill and we left heading back to Buck's house as we pulled into the drive Buck's cell phone went off. Sitting there in the car, Buck answered the phone.

"Karen I didn't expect to hear from you so soon. The bank wants a current appraisal and you're wondering if they can come out and do it today? The bank can get the paperwork finished. Sure Karen well be here for the rest of the night so feel free to come on over. OK, see you in an hour then."

"Josh, Karen and an appraiser are coming over to do a current estimate of the house so the bank can have it. She's also got her husbands father coming with them to do a home inspection; basically she arranged everything needed to buy a house in less than twenty-four hours. Never get in the way of a determined woman who has found herself a house." Buck smiled wickedly.

Once back inside buck went around picking up what little was laying out while I just tried to stay out of his way. Finally Buck sat down in the leather recliner next to me in front of the big screen TV. He opened the humidor and offered me a cigar which I accepted. We sat there smoking in peace for the next few minutes.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Buck got up to open it. Standing there were two men; one older, one younger, both pretty damned woofy. The older had a nice fully gray beard and the younger had a nice thick nut brown mustache. Otherwise they looked a lot alike, most likely father and son. Bucks greeting told me that my guess was correct.

"Tom glad you and your dad could come over tonight and get this done." Buck said.

"Not a problem Buck, when Karen said you were putting your house on the market and had given us first refusal we knew we had to move quickly I just didn't know how quick that would be when Karen decided now was the time. She said we needed to get this done fast because you had to move for a new job you had taken out of state." Tom said.

"Yeah" Buck said.

Just as Tom and Buck were finishing up their conversation another car pulled up. This time Karen and someone who I hadn't seen before, got out. Karen came up and kissed her husband and said "Hi everyone, sorry we're late, I had some last minute paperwork to do. Apparently Wes needed to go to the hospital. He kept claiming he was seeing men put their fists through brick walls, kept pissing his pants anytime someone male would come into the room."

We all had a good laugh at that, apparently Wes hadn't endeared himself to anyone in our group. The appraiser asked Buck if he minded if he began the appraisal. Tom's dad then asked if he could get started with the interior since the appraiser was going over the out side and then they could just switch.

Buck said, "Sure go right ahead and do whatever you need to just let me know if you need anything."

So for the next hour or so we stood there talking while the appraiser and Tom's father did their things. Finally they came back to us and the appraiser said "I'll have this delivered to the bank by tomorrow morning for you, Karen, don't worry everything will be fine."

"Karen, Tom, the house is everything Karen led me to believe and I have no qualms in saying to you this is a sound and well maintained house, get it if you can." Tom's dad said.

Tom said, "Thanks for doing this on such short notice, dad."

"Your welcome son, hope things work out for you and Karen. Unfortunately I need to get home, your mom will have my dinner on the table waiting for me." He said.

Well long story cut short, Tom and Karen got the loan for the house. At the closing we found out that all the improvements Buck had done had pushed the appraisal well over $100,000. so the bank had no qualms in issuing the loan. By the end of the week we had packed and had everything shipped out to Bear's and my house out in Oklahoma. That Saturday we loaded what clothes we were taking with us and headed out in Buck's 'Cuda. When we hit Colorado we stopped at this little town up in the mountains. Once we pulled into the only motel after we signed for the room I told Buck I was going to go for a walk. Once I was far enough away I striped down and started to change for a little romp in the woods on the furry side. It had been awhile and I needed to let the bear out for a stretch.

Once Josh had started off on his walk I threw the bags into the room and snuck off after to follow him. I saw him start to strip down so I followed suit thinking that like so many other times Josh already knew I was here. What I wasn't ready for was seeing a nude Josh grow fur, claws and turn into a full grown bear. I took a step back and I heard the snap of the twig at the same time he did. I saw his head turn and I looked him dead in the eyes and could see all the surprise and shock that his face couldn't display. Then all of a sudden the bear changed and became more of a man then, in a combination of Josh's voice and a growl, I heard it say "Buck, don't run its me Josh I won't hurt you. I just had to change. I've been cooped up too long to hold off much longer and this was just too good an opportunity. I had hoped to change and get it out of my system and be back before you knew what had happened."

I said, "Why didn't you tell me before now, Josh, I thought you knew me well enough to not need to keep secrets from me."

"Buck this isn't your normal run of the mill secret, here. We don't tell anyone about this except those we are going to change. We keep it to ourselves because we've found its best this way. From what I've learned this is the way it's been for over several hundred years."

As Josh was telling me this he started to slowly change back to his fully human form.

"Buck I've been trying to decide how you would take the knowledge that life wasn't limited to being human and I've decided if you want it, it's yours. I think you would make a great bear, that was one of the reasons Bear let me stay to help you, so I could make that decision." Josh said.

"Do I have to make a choice right now Josh?" Buck asked.

"No Buck take all the time you need. It's a one way trip into the wild and furry side if you take it."

We both dressed and headed back to the motel for the night. That night in bed Buck still held me tight and the next morning was curled around me. We loaded up and headed off for OK. Buck had neglected his shaving since we left his house and had already grown out nice short red beard with some white at his chin, his thick mustache jutted out past that, of course.

As we crossed out of Colorado and in to Oklahoma, Buck turned to me and said, "Josh if that offer is still open, well, I've been thinking about it all night and, well, the truth of the matter is you and Bear have been the only people who have been up front and honest with me about things. I know I'd rather be a part of your world that this one." Buck said.

I said, "OK, when we get to the town I'll make the arrangements." Shortly after that we stopped for gas and while Buck was filling the car I made a call on my cell to Billy telling him what interstate we were on and how far we were from town. Once back on the road I convinced Buck to show me how the Nitro system worked. He tripped the system and we rocketed up over 100 miles an hour and right on cue the blue and red globes of a sheriff's car lit up and proceeded to chase.

Buck, being the good citizen he was, pulled over and had his license and title in his hand waiting for the deputy. The deputy came over and said, "License and registration please."

The deputy was tall with a barrel chest, his uniform sleeves were stretched tight over bulging furry arms and his pants were tight over large thick legs. The name badge pinned to his chest said B. Badcock.

Billy walked back to his car and after a few minutes he came back minus the gun belt but holding his cuffs behind his back. He came back up to the car and said, "Mr. Johnson would you step out of your car please?" Buck climbed out and Billy was ready, he grabbed Buck and slammed him down across the hood of the 'Cuda and cuffed him.

Billy growled, "Johnson you're going to LOVE this!" And then he pulled down Bucks jeans and after freeing his own member by dropping his pants he worked his dripping member up and down Buck's crack, lubricating his hole. He whispered into Bucks ear, "I know you want it boy, I'm Badcock boy! My cock knows what you want! Come on tell me you want it!"

Buck said, "Please officer I want it, you're right I need it! Could you please give it to me, please."

I was nearly laughing out loud at this point. Buck was playing the game, he knew something was going on and that there was no real danger so he was playing along. Finally Billy was done teasing and forced his cock into Buck with one stroke, popping his cherry for the first time. Buck couldn't help but cry out in pain.

"Damn boy! Didn't know it was your first time or I'd have been gentler on ya." Billy said, but he didn't withdraw. Billy Badcock rode Buck hard for a long time on that lonely stretch of road, not a single vehicle passed us. Finally firing off into Buck with lots of loud shouts on both their parts, Billy cemented the bond between the two. Billy removed the cuffs and I came around to his side of the car and said, "Welcome to the family Buck!" and I kissed him on the lips.

He said, "What do you mean Josh?"

Well I said, "Deputy Badcock here is a family member, a werebear like me, when he fucked you just now, you became part of the family too."

"I figured Billy here would be the best one to bring you over, since he's the one you're going to be working with." Josh said.

Buck came over to me and grabbed me in a bear hug and said "Damn it Josh ya could have warned a guy couldn't ya?"

I said, "Now where would the fun be in that?"

I called out to Billy "You off duty yet?"

He said, "Just now why?"

"Well, I thought you could follow us back over to our place and we could get comfortable." I said.

"Oh hell yes! I ain't done with this here boy yet!" Billy said.

Billy followed us to our house pulling into the drive next door. Buck and I opened the door to the house and went in. From the back yard we heard a giant splash followed by a hollered "You boys coming out or do I have to come in after ya and you know you don't want Badcock coming for ya!"

I said, "Come on Buck he will come in after us, he's done it before."

As I headed for the sliding glass doors I started to strip out of the clothes I was wearing I could hear Buck follow suit. Once out back, Buck could see the pool and the hot tub; we could also see Billy floating in the pool. I told Buck about Billy watching our house when we're gone for long hauls, so we put a privacy fence around both our property lines so Billy gets the use of the pool and tub.

I saw Buck staring intensely at Billy. Billy was a barrel-chested man with huge muscular arms and legs covered in thick black hair except on his head which was bald. His beard came down from just under his ears and ran the full length of his face merging with the hair from his chest. His cock was standing tall and proud again ready to go even though it had so recently been fired off. It was easily fifteen inches hard and his balls were each bigger than a golf ball which caused his sack to hang down low between his legs. As he twirled in the water you could see the anchor, globe and eagle tattoo on his shoulder.

Buck called out to him, "Hey Billy, how long were you in the Marines?"

Billy replied, "Forty years. I was career military. I didn't get invited into the family until after I turned Fifty."

Buck turned and looked at me in a puzzled way. I said, "One of the benefits of the change is that you heal faster and if you're past your prime when you're changed you regress back to your prime and your life span increases exponentially. Not even the oldest of us has passed from old age yet, we usually die from extreme injuries that not even our healing abilities can repair, like a beheading."

"Well that explains a few things to me." and with that Buck took a running jump and shouted "CANNONBALL!" slamming into the water right next to Billy.

I dropped myself down into the water and watched Buck and Billy splash and generally try to drown each other when all of a sudden I felt hands cover my eyes and Bear say, "Damn son didn't think I could sneak up on you like this." Bear dropped himself down into the water next to me and we kissed long and deep. So bear said, "I see Buck and Billy are getting along just fine."

I said, "Yeah we explained some of the benefits to being were since Billy decided to stop Buck at the town line and initiate him into the family before he could even set first foot in town."

We heard Billy say, "Well when you told me when you would be hitting town and sent me that picture of Buck I decided I couldn't wait."

While we we're all present I decided now would be a good time to bring up Buck's impending change. "Buck in the next four months you'll change from human to werebear and when you do, a lot of changes are going to take place." Bear scratched at his furry chest and continued, "First off you'll take on some of the characteristics of the bear who fucked you to give you the gift. So since Billy was the one, you'll most likely get a lot bigger and probably get his barrel-chest too and you'll get much hairier. It's also possible and your cock and ball's will grow too, adding to your already impressive size. While your changing your going to get extremely hungry and probably eat your weight in food for a couple of days on either side of the change. You'll grow hollow legs, its going to be like going through puberty again.

Four months to the day Buck changed for his first time, the weight training and stretches prior to that helped him some and he turned into a beautiful large black bear. The next morning when he changed back, the transformation had made an already handsome man into a man who could drop men and women at a 1,000 yards. His already hairy chest became even more so and true to Bear's prediction he became barrel-chested. The fur on his chest extended all the way down his body, now covering it in an unbroken pelt. His already impressive cock had grown another five inches to seventeen, almost a foot and a half long and added two inches in girth, making him beer can thick. Finally, his balls had doubled in size to make some nice thick bear seed. He was now past the size most humans could take, unless those humans truly enjoyed pain. Buck would have to content himself with the company of werebears. His facial fur had thickened, as well as the hair on his head and oddly enough he now had grey at the temples and just a few streaks of grey in his beard. His voice which had been a baritone had deepened and added resonances to it that totally changed how he sounded. He had a deeper more commanding tone that spoke 'DADDY' to anyone hearing it. Buck was a seriously sexy werebear.

During the four months Buck had been waiting for his change he and Billy had been spending more and more of their free time together. Finally on the day after his change Billy formally asked Buck to move in with him and Buck accepted. As everyone predicted Buck got on with the local Sheriff's department without any problems and soon he and Billy were the stars of the force.

Six months after his move Buck got a call from a distraught Karen saying that the bank was trying to take the house because one of the easements on the house hadn't been signed over from the correct personages.

Buck asked her, "Do you know who has the easement?"

Karen said, "Yeah it's Rolling. He won't sign. He doesn't know I know but I do. He can't get to you, he tried that too, and your Sheriff said he could go fuck himself. So he's taking it out on us. Tommy said not to call you, but I don't know what else to do."

I looked at Bear, Josh, and Billy and they all nodded their heads singling they would back my play.

I said, "Don't worry Karen, I take care of it."

Then Billy and I called our boss and asked for a couple of days off to deal with problems from that jackass that had called him when I came to work for him.

He said, "Sure son, just don't get caught doing anything too illegal." There are perks to having a boss who is also 'family'.

Billy and I flew out the next day. We landed at the nearest town that had an airport. We rented a car and drove into town. We stopped a the dinner that Karen always liked to use for lunch and sure enough right on time Karen came in. She was larger this time, pretty near to term, as she came in I got up from our table and met her at the counter.

"You know a pregnant woman like yourself might be better off sitting at a table with some up-standing deputies."

Karen turned ready to chew me out when she saw my face she whispered, "Buck what are you doing here? If Rolling sees you he'll lock you up on some trumped up charges!"

I led her over to our table and introduced Billy to her.

I said, "I know, that's why I brought my partner, Billy here, with me and our boss knows were here on business. I've got a plan to take care of Rolling but I need your help can you help me?"

She gave me a look and whispered, "Are you two gonna kill him? I can't have any part of murder." I laughed, "No! We're not here to kill Rollins, though he might consider suicide after. But that's on him if he goes through with it."

"Alright then, what do I have to do?" She said and there was a gleam of glee in her eye at the thought of getting Rollins off her back.

"All you have to do is dump this in his coffee and get us a few hours alone with him; think you can do that?" I asked.

She said, "Sure do! Ever since you left and Ernie and Jeff quit, the others have had to pull double duty, so they are never in the station house anymore. The only ones there are me and Rolling."

"Ernie and Jeff quit?" I asked.

"Yeah, with you gone Rollins turned on anyone who wasn't his pets. They both had enough about two weeks after and up and quit." Karen said.

"That's too bad, those two were OK guys." I said.

I handed her the vial and said, "Call me when he passes out, the just leave with the door open; well take care of the rest."

About ten minutes later I got the call from Karen and we headed for the police station with our duffle bags. Upon entering I could see the place had gone down hill; there were papers piled everywhere along with trash and clutter. Rollins' buddies were the lazy kiss-ups I had always known them to be and it was very evident now, stacks of back logged, unfinished reports were everywhere. I turned and locked the doors and went farther back through the mess to Rolling's office. There slumped over his desk was Rolling.

I said to Billy, "Lets move him to one of the holding cells and then we'll plant the camera and change."

I pulled the handcuffs Rolling had on his belt and picked him up and carried him into the holding cell, while Billy pulled out the camera and tripod from one of the duffles we had brought, I handcuffed Rolling to the bars of the cell then we stripped and put our clothes out of his line of site and changed to half-bear state.

Finally he started to come around and once he was fully around we stepped into his line of sight.

He yelled, "What the fuck is this? What the fuck are you two costumed freeks doing here in my station? Don't you know who I am? I'll have you thrown so far down a hole they'll have to down pump daylight just to see where to send you mail to!"

I reached out and causally gave him a light slap to his face, which had the effect of snapping his head around.

Billy said, "The bigger question you should be asking yourself, fuck fest, is 'Who are we that we know who you are but don't give a fuck?'"

He said "What do you mean?"

"Someone at your bank made a phone call and the receiver didn't like what he heard, so he hired us to come down and show you his displeasure. I must say I was misled and I'm glad." Billy said taking a clawed finger and running it down the furred chest of Rolling. Billy went on "Not much muscle definition, but hey can't have everything."

Billy reached out and started to gently tug on Rolling's cock. Rolling started shouting and cursing us finally Billy said, "Make him breath you."

So I licked him along the side of his face to get him good and mad so he would keep shouting and breathing deep. Once he started shouting louder I grabbed his head, Since he was level with my armpit, I just shoved it into my pit and just kept it there while he breathed in the bear-stink from my pit. After a couple of minutes I pulled him out and he had a glazed look in his eyes. He was almost purring in pleasure and his cock was full hard. I just nodded to Billy and grinned.

Over the next four hours we spent every second sexually tormenting Rolling. We did a lot of ass play with him, making him cum and whimper for more. We took care to stretch him out and with the biggest condoms on we could buy, both tapped his ass two or three times while one or the other of us gave him poppers. We captured it all on film, especially the glazed happy look of oblivion that was on his face. Finally, Billy turned off the tape and looked him square in the eye.

"The last four hours have been very well preserved on the finest electronic recording devices money can buy." Billy said. He grabbed Rollins by the back of his head and twisted it around so he was staring right into Billy's fierce eyes, "Now, fuck face, sign over the fucking easement in the next twenty-four hours or not only does the mayor get a copy of today's little sexcapade, it gets posted to XXX-Tube, U-Tube and every other internet porn site we can think of. "Your life will be completely ruined beyond repair, do you understand us piss-head?"

Saying that, I forced another vial down his throat and soon he was dreaming again. We dressed him and cleaned up; making it look like it had before we came in. Then we placed Rolling at his desk, changed back into our human forms, dressed and unlocked the door. Karen was at the door just as we opened it.

I said, "Don't worry it's taken care of. After about thirty minutes we could hear Rolling storming around shouting at Karen; so we decided to remind him he was running out of time. Billy called Rolling's private line.

When he picked up Billy in his best 'Dom voice' said, "Hey Fuck Fest it wasn't a dream and you're running out of time. Tick-tock shit head! Seconds after that Rolling came storming out of the station house heading for the bank.

The next day Karen called me and said, "I don't know what you did or how you did it, but the bank says that every easement that needed to be signed was and not only that the property involved was signed over as well, meaning we no longer have to worry about in the future! Thanks Buck, I'm glad your new life is working out for you and thank you for helping with mine. Give that partner of yours a kiss from me in thanks, OK?"

I told her I would and if she ever needed any help, she could call on me and Billy.

So with that, Billy and I returned to our humdrum lives at the local sheriff's department. We called Karen every so often, just to make sure Rolling was staying under control. He walked on egg shells around Karen, he must have figured that Karen had influential friends he knew nothing about and in a way, she did. The threat of the video must have been driving him nuts, not knowing who had it.

Billy and I have been together for six years now and things are going great. Bear and Josh were the best things that ever happened to me and Billy, well me and Billy like to recreate our first meeting every so often and sometimes I get to play the speed trap deputy!

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