Trying to come out : gay : Adult Friends : Authoritarian

By Muscle

Published on Nov 9, 2017



Story by

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So I finally decided to tell someone.

How do you manage that first time of coming out.. who do you even tell.. i had no idea. I mean let's be real I'm in my late 30's.. I've had some sexual encounters.. even a boyfriend or two.. but it's always been kept on the WAY DOWN LOW.. and i always broke things off before they became too serious and they wanted to meet friends and family.. ya know the "become a part of your life" kinda relationship..

At the time i lived alone.. i had friends in the complex etc.. friends i went to the gym with.. friends from work.. but who could i trust.. who could i 'test the waters' with?

I thought about it long.. i tried not to think about it HARD but in the end .. i think i thought about it more hard than long..

I had known Robbie for several years. He and i worked together.. and i saw him at the gym at work every once in a while.. and what can i say but he was one major stud. We were kinda casual friends.. work friends.. gym spotters if no one else was around.. that kinda thing.. but he was cool.. and from everything i knew about him he was pretty open minded and honest.

I knew he was a pot smoker.. and i knew he was straight as well.. the second was painfully obvious.. but he is 5'10. must be close to 200lbs of perfect muscle. I remember being in the gym with him and commenting on how good he was looking as i elevator eyed him. He just gave me this wicked smile and flexed his arms and chest. He was wearing a tshirt with the sides completely cut from his pits to the waist so his biceps bulged.. his triceps flexed.. and his lats spread wide out from under the material moving it so much you could see the edges of his hard abs.

I was pretty obvious in my oggling and probably would have cum instantly.. i mean without even being hard.. the moment he did it.. if i hadn't been so closeted.

So i guessed he knew.. or at least suspected.. and he never said anything to anyone about that day.. i figured he was my best bet..

so like an idiot i approached him on Friday.. it was late in the day.. most people had left for the weekend.. and he was sitting at his cube in jeans and a golf shirt.. The arms of his poor shirt looked like they were in pain trying to tear away to let his biceps free.. oh did i mention he is bald.. He started going bald at an early age.. probably from all the testosterone and masculinity he exudes.. so he shaves his head.. it just looks amazingly sexy on him..

i ducked into his cube and started talking in a low voice.. "Hey Robbie.. i know you smoke.. and was wondering if you wanted to come hang out after work and blaze a little bit.. I know we don't really hang out outside of work but i don't want to smoke alone.."

He looked up at me and smiled.. he thought for a moment and said "Sure, why not.."

"Cool.." i kinda stumbled not sure what i was expecting.. "wasn't sure if you had time.. or were going to the gym.. or what.. but let's do it.."

"I worked out after lunch today.. so no worries there.." he responded "but I am meeting Cheryl for dinner later.. but I'm not gonna pass up a smoke.. let's go now"

I checked my watch it was almost 4pm.. "no problem here.. my place is only a few miles away.."

"Cool.." he responded "the ONLY way to start a weekend." he said handing me his phone "put your address in google maps and I'll meet you there.."

I typed in my address and handed the phone back.. "great see you in a few" i said and left his cube..

All of the sudden i started to feel a little panicky.. was i really going to do this.. actually out myself to someone.. I mean this was a BIG step for me.. and to pick Robbie of all people.. what was i thinking.. Well honestly i was thinking with my dick like i always did.. but I had to keep reminding myself.. this is about me coming out to someone.. not me trying to get Robbie into some complex sexual position.

"couldn't it be both" my cock said to me.. "Um no" i replied talking to my own cock "he's sexy as all hell.. a fantasy.. and completely straight.."

When i got to my condo i didn't have much time to straighten things up before the doorbell rang. I opened the door and Robbie walked in.. or should i say strutted in.. ok i can handle that..

"Hey there's a few beers in the fridge," i said heading down the hallway "feel free to grab us some, i want to change into something less work related."

"Ok" Robbie answered but quickly followed me down the hall.. "hey do you have a pair of shorts and a tshirt i can wear.. i don't want to be getting stoned and not be comfortable."

"Um sure" i said not really thinking twice about it.. We were both about the same size.. well at least in the waist..

I grabbed some clothes out of the gym drawer of my dresser as Robbie glanced around the room..

"Pretty cool digs" he said although my room was pretty sparsely populated with the typical.. dresser.. bed.. TV mounted on the wall.. and what was that by the bed.. a fleshlight.. oh shit..

"Thanks" i said trying to distract him. "I picked up the place for a steal but i mainly like it because it's close to work." i tossed him a pair of long basketball shorts and a tshirt i used for the gym that had the sleeves cut off.

I moved over by the bed and sat down kicking the fleshlight under the bed while he peeled off his oh so tight golf shirt and tossed it casually aside. I watched for a moment as his muscles flexed when he lifted his shirt.. i was transfixed but only for a moment before i caught myself and started changing my own shirt.

"Must be nice" he said "you are close enough to even come home for lunch.. a nap.. and a quickie and be back to work in no time."

I laughed as i unbuttoned my pants and slid them off.. As i was pulling up my shorts i noticed Robbie was having problems getting his jeans down over his massive thighs. The muscles were cut so far in the definition was amazing. I raked my eyes up from his thighs to his smooth upper legs where his black cotton briefs outlined his big package. He hadn't put on his shirt yet so he was standing there on one leg struggling with his jeans. There was no hint of hair around the edges of his briefs, and i wondered if he shaved. Lots of bodybuilder types do.. it wouldn't be surprising. I could see the massive mound that had to be his balls and the outline of his soft cock wrapping them from top to bottom. He had to be pretty big.

I stood up as he reached down into his underwear and adjusted his cock and balls.. and decided i needed to play it straight.. I guess it was a last stitch effort in my mind to retain my heterosexuality..

"Are you going to sit there and play with yourself or are you gonna get dressed and we go smoke." i said..

"Yea yea yea" he said pulling on the shorts and shirt "There's just never enough room ya know." he said casually.. "briefs and boxerbriefs are too tight.. regular boxers.. well i just end up spending the day hanging out the fly.. " he laughed..

some people have all the.. whatever.. "yea.. braggin braggin.." i said "come on.. you grab the beers and we'll hit the deck."

We walked out to the kitchen and Robbie headed towards the fridge while i grabbed my smoking kit from the bar. I opened the door from the kitchen that led out to the deck and he followed me out..

Letting out a low whistle "Wow" Robbie said "this is amazing." My deck was very private because my condo backed up to a river. So all you could see was trees and water.. across the river was completely blocked from foliage and walls prevented either next door neighbor from seeing onto my deck.

"Yea this is why this place was such a steal." I sighed "i love sitting back here and relaxing"

"No kidding" Robbie said "I'm glad you invited me over." he said dropping down into one of the lounge chairs on the deck.

We each cracked a beer and i handed him a prerolled smoke. "Get us started" i said handing him a lighter.

We sat back and smoked for.. oh who knows how long.. it gets that way when you smoke.. relaxing.. feeling the warm sun on our bodies.. the cool breeze from the river.. the occasional splash of a turtle jumping in..

We didn't say much.. just relaxed.. and i was trying to figure out how to actually say the words.. ya know.. the WORDS.. while the smoke burnt out and we just lay there

As if reading my mind Robbie stretched and pulled off his (my) shirt and leaned back reaching his hands over his head. His lats bulging out with amazing striations cut into the sides.. His biceps, even elongated, massive mounds of muscle attached to his arms..

"Um before you do that there is something i should tell you." i said "What's that" Robbie said reaching over and taking a swig of his beer.

"Well I've never said this before.. um really to anyone.." i stammered.. "but I'm actually.. um.. gay.." I couldn't believe the words actually came out of my mouth.. it was almost surreal..

"I know" Robbie said. He looked over at me and smiled flexing his biceps. I kinda looked at him quizzically. "Well I've seen the way you look at me when we run into each other in the gym.. " he said casually.. "and i caught you looking at my ass more than one time in the halls at work.." "Oh" i said not knowing where to go.. "Yea" he continued "it really goes way beyond bodybuilder jealousy.."

"I.. um.. guess so.. "i stammered. "wait" i snapped to a little bit "then why did you just pull off your shirt and flex."

Robbie laughed and drank more of his beer. Using his opposite hand he put the beer down on the table between us causing him to basically lean towards me, flexing his chest and causing the ripples in his abs to ripple and criss cross..

"What can i say i am somewhat of an exhibitionist. I work hard for this body and it should be appreciated." he said with an incredibly cocky tone. "I mean i AM one muscled machine and not only do i like showing it off.. i like people getting hot watching me. but that doesn't change the fact.."

He lay back down on the lawn chair

"that you're straight" i finished for him.

"You got it." he said closing his eyes and relaxing.. "I hope you weren't trying to lure me over here to fulfill some deranged sexual fantasy of yours.."

I actually kinda got scared with that last statement..

"honestly no" i said.. "actually you are one of the few friends i have that is.. well somewhat distant from me.. but understanding.." i started stammering "i mean you seem like an open-minded nice guy.. not that i mean you are OPEN.. i mean.. "

i stopped and took a deep breath.. "i just figured i could test out the waters of actually coming out to someone.. i knew.. know you are straight.. i just thought you were the type who wouldn't really care if.."

"Dude. calm down" he said in an even caring voice "you mean you have never come out to anyone before?"

"actually no.."

"you aren't.. oh my god are you a virgin?" he looked shocked..

"no.. I'm not a virgin.. i have had boyfriends before.." i said "I've just never let it get real serious.. and I've always kept them isolated from everyone i know.. and i never told anyone that i really knew that i was gay.."

"So you're just way deep in the closet" he kinda laughed..

"I guess I'm trying not to be" i responded..

"Well dude.." he said "in this day and age it's nothing really to be ashamed of. There really is no reason to hide. Hell half of the guys I'm friends with in the gym are gay.. especially those really BIG muscle queens."

"Really?" i asked

"Oh yea. they are always trying to get me to 'come to the dark side' as they say it.." he laughed.. "but really it doesn't make you any different of a person.. "

we sat there quietly in the peacefulness of the deck for a few minutes letting it all sink in..

After a few minutes i started to talk again.. "So now i have to ask.. did you ever.. ya know.. go over to the dark side.. or have one of those teen exploration things.."

Robbie looked at me over with this incredible sexy, come and get me, eyes. He flexed his arms and even licked his biceps.. UGH i was starting to get hard..

"Nope" he said plainly dropping the gaze and his arms.

"You shit.." i said wanting to punch him in the arm ".. why did you go and do that.."

Robbie laughed an EVIL laugh.. "well to get a rise out of you of course.. " and he looked down at my shorts. "See it worked.. you're hard as a rock." he stretched his arm down and flexed his triceps at me..

"You're a bastard" i said not knowing if i was joking or not. I openly pulled out the waistband on my shorts and adjusted my cock so it wasn't poking straight out.. but more up..

"You bet i am" he said and jumped up. For a split second i was scared of what he was going to do but he stood there facing away from me and stretched his arms straight out to the sides flexing all the muscles in his back.. big and small.. it was like looking at an ariel view of a mountain range. My cock oozed at the sight and all i wanted to do was jump up and run my hands all over his body..

He turned his head and caught me looking.. well of COURSE i was looking.. he was showing.. what an evil grin he had on his face...

He rotated around curling on arm up and the other in to flex his entire torso. chest.. abs.. lats.. ugh.. i almost shot right there..

"See how much you enjoy it" he said finally turning directly to face me. Then he grabbed his large package through the basketball shorts, using both hands in a triangle to accentuate the outline of his manhood. "but my cock has no interest.."

Yes i sat there looking at his crotch and there wasn't even a slight stiffening.. not a chub.. not a flicker or pulse..

he grabbed his beer and sat back down..

"It's too bad too.." he said casually "because if i was Gay i would probably never stop having sex.. guys are always hitting on me."

"What does it matter" i asked "you could have any girl you wanted.. you probably have had any girl you wanted.."

"yea.. i pretty much have.." Robbie answered cockily "but they always make you work for it .. then complain.. it's too big.. and they never give good head.. "

I laughed hysterically.

"What" he asked

"Wow.. to hear you talk like that.. it's just funny.." i said.. " i was never anything to look at in high school or college.. i had to work 10 times as hard as anyone to even get a date.. i swear girls went out of their way to avoid me.. and you're complaining.."

"Oh.. so you weren't always gay" Robbie asked

"No.. i was always gay.. i just didn't admit it to myself until somewhere in college." i said.

"Did you have sex with girls in high school?" he asked

"no.. guys.. i couldn't get any girls to have sex with me in high school.. or college for that matter.."

"So wait.. you are a virgin.." Robbie said

I laughed "um not by a long shot.. but no.. i have never had sex with a woman."

"Then how do you know you are gay?" Robbie asked.

"Ok you just stood there and flexed for me and i almost came just watching you.. and you didn't even get the slightest bone.." i said plainly "I can play with titties and finger a girl and not get the slightest bone.."

"But you said you never.." he started

"i said i never had sex with a girl.. but I've played.. even given head to a girl.. my guy just wasn't interested." i shrugged.

"Oh" Robbie said and sat back.. as he reached down and adjusted himself under his briefs.

"um hum.. thought guys didn't get you going" i said acknowledging his hand.

He looked down absently "oh ha ha.. just uncomfortable.."

"you know for someone who is open and friendly with gays you sure don't take many cues from them" i laughed.

"What do you mean" he said questioningly.

"We have a solution to your underwear problem." i laughed.

"Oh yea, what is that.." Robbie asked

"You really want to know.. fine.. follow me.." i said and got back up.

We headed inside .. as we walked back down the hall towards my bedroom i said "You, Robbie, have a new boyfriend. John Sievers."

"What are you talking about" he laughed.

I opened up my dresser and grabbed a pair of John Sievers underwear, they were black, low rise, boxer briefs with a large contour pouch. I tossed them at Robbie "Check these out."

He grabbed them right out of the air like a trained athlete and looked them over. "Whoa.. these.." he stammered.. i mean Robbie.. Masculinity dripping off him actually stammered.. "these actually would work." he sounded almost elated.

I could tell he was lost in the thought because he reached down and peeled off his shorts and underwear in one swoop. His cock and balls jumped into view before me and my jaw dropped. his balls were amazing. Hairless and massive.. his cock even soft was both long and thick lying.. arcing down over his balls..

He looked up at me and laughed, clearly comfortable being naked in front of another man.. I thought he might flex or something but he was a man on a mission.. he threw his underwear at me laughing and bent down and pulled up the sievers and moved everything into place..

"Yea.. you're a nasty little pig aren't you" he said looking at me.. i didn't realize but i already had his underwear up at my nose..

Looking him dead in the eye i inhaled deeply. Musk, Man, testosterone.. no hiding behind aftershave or cologne..

"So what do you think"' i mumbled through his underwear..

"What" Robbie asked grinning evilly "you standing there smelling my dirty underwear"..

"Oh ha ha" i said dropping my hands "i told you i was gay.. i meant THOSE underwear"

"I can't tell you how many pairs of underwear and jocks I've had stolen from the locker room.. " He said eyeing me "do i need to conduct a search and seizure.."

"no" i said plainly "I'm a pervert not a thief."

I honestly had no idea where this boldness was coming from me. I would have never talked like this before.. Robbie.. with all his fake come-on's and teasing was really easy to get along with and i felt comfortable being out by him.

Robbie shook his hips and swung his package around a few times.. "well then this is your lucky day.. I'll let you keep those if you let me keep these.. These are the most COMFORTABLE underwear i have ever had on.."

"Well there is one downside" i laughed "if you get hard in them they are a might bit trickier to get off.."

Robbie laughed running his hands all over his package feeling the material "I'll keep that in mind.."

He noticed me watching him grope himself and stretched out his leg flexing his thigh. He ran his hands up his thigh.. across his package.. and among the cuts in his lower abs accentuated by the low rise in the boxer briefs..

"UM HUM.. " he said "how do they look.."

"They make you look like a man with a lot to offer" i drooled..

He laughed wickedly spreading his legs and reaching up for the sky.. all the while flexing his arms and tensing up all of his rock hard abs..

"Fuck you are cruel" i said turning back towards the hallway knowing this was going nowhere but blueballs.. "i need more smoke".

"Aw but i thought you liked to look" Robbie mocked

we got back outside and sat back on the lounge chairs. I sparked up another smoke and realized he never put the shorts back on.. he was just sitting there in my seivers..

After a few passes back and forth Robbie stood up and walked over to the railing. He leaned over showing off his oh so beautifully muscled ass. I really didn't even take notice.. i was lost in thought.. about wondering if it would be this easy to be out.. with friends.. with family..

Robbie looked like he was getting fidgety. He turned around and flexed some more but i wasn't really paying attention. i caught him looking at my lack of a hardon and he frowned..

"What happened to you" he said "not liking what you see anymore?"

There are just some things that you can tell when you have been smoking.. and i could tell it bothered him that he wasn't the center of my objectifications.. i guess he was so used to being the MAN and the center of attention that not being it was starting to get to him.. especially in a one on one setting..

"Hey" Robbie said after a second of my non-response "do you have any baby oil.. i need to work on my tan."

"Whatever," i said not looking up. "medicine cabinet in the 1st bathroom."

Robbie disappeared back into the house for a minute and i thought about it.. yea.. he lives for the attention.. he lives for the worship.. i wonder how far he will go to get it..

I wiped an evil grin off my face as he reappeared with the bottle. He deliberately stood in front of me starting to pour oil over his massive shoulders. He paused to rub it in seductively and i knew i had him beat. Oh yea i was watching out of the corner of my eye.. but i was making sure he didn't know it...

he grumbled something about his back..

"what are your muscles too big to reach your entire body?" i laughed..

"actually.. yea" he smiled widely at me "i bet you want to help don't you."

I paused for a moment.. HELL YEA i wanted to help.. but i didn't want to seem eager... i wanted him to ask for it..

"Ya know... help me with the oil.. and you get to feel these muscles" Robbie said turning his back and flexing again..

"Fine," i said not getting up "I'll help you if you shut up." i knew i would be pushing his buttons.. but hey fair play and all.. and with his back to me he couldn't see the massive rock that my cock had turned into thinking about oiling him up.

I grabbed the bottle of oil from him and squirted a liberal amount on his traps. Dropping the bottle i started to massage it in. I could feel the tiny striation cuts in his muscles under my fingers as i ran them along his neck and back. my cock throbbed and oozed.. I could feel my cock squishing around in my soaked underwear now..

"I mean have you even looked at a cock up close.." i asked pressing into his tense muscles.. "besides your own.."

Changing his flex pose i moved to triceps stretched down alongside him. "not up close like an inspection or anything." he said plainly as he shifted. His hand brushed across the tip of my rock hard cock as he moved. "Yea i bet you want me to 'inspect' your cock." .. what can i say .. he had me..

I put some more oil down the center of his back.. letting it drip down into his hairless crack that was prominently showing over the low cut seivers. Massaging the oil in i said "so you know ALL about ALL the muscles.. except the one that gives you the most pleasure.." i laughed..

"Legs" he barked. I jumped. startled a little. but decided to play along.

I sat down on the deck indian style as he turned sideways to me stretching his leg out. He placed his foot right down and under my balls as i reached up and started stroking his massive legs from thigh to calf. Each time i went up i tried to sneak just a finger up higher into the leg of the seivers but he would catch my hand and place it back on his leg muscle.

After a few minutes he slid his leg out of my bear hug like grasp and turned to face me. Offering me his other leg, i let it slide down into my grip. I looked up to see his massive bulge just above my face and my mouth watered.. As my eyes refocused i saw his shit eating, mischievous grin.. "see nothing you are doing is even remotely affecting my cock."

"You, on the other hand" he said and wiggled his toes up under my balls. " are a different story".. my cock jumped at his touch on my balls.. it throbbed and oozed more precum increasing the wet spot on the front of my shorts.

He was so in control.. he was so playing with me.. and i was so hard.. i wanted him all the more.. but that was his game right... and he knew I'd never get him.

Did i make a mistake coming out to him? was he just going to abuse me..

I knew he was when he said "stand up. NOW" pulling himself away from me. He paced back and forth in front of me "ok. take off your shorts.."

i looked at him kinda shocked. "Well you are right.. I've never 'inspected' another man's cock before.. especially a hard one.. let's see it."

Embarrassed i removed my shirt and shorts.. when i got down to my underwear they were tenting out massively.. soaked with precum.. i struggled for a moment to get them off..

Robbie looked me over.. now i am no slouch.. i don't have the muscle definition that he has but i can hold my own..

He ran his hands across my shoulders and down my arms.. "Not bad" he said as if he were sizing up a prize calf. He reached down and grabbed my dick. "UGH" he said quickly and let it go.

"Dude.. you made a mess" he laughed

"Have you ever tasted your own cum?" i asked boldly.

"Nah dude.. too gay" he said as he stuck his fingers in my mouth for me to clean them.

I licked my precum off his fingers.. tasting me.. oil.. and a hint of Robbie on them..

"You really like that don't you" he said and i moaned.

he drug his thumb over the slimy head of my cock getting more and putting it back in my mouth..

"i bet if i was leaking you would lap it up like a dog on a hot summer day" he laughed..

"Maybe you just don't know what you are missing." i said sternly but didn't move.

he grabbed hold of my cock and squeezed it.. stretched it out and back.. even stroked it a little.. a shudder ran through my body.. his cock was still completely NON-reactive

"I don't see what the big deal is with you guys.. " he said "it's just a cock..maybe some different shapes and sizes.. but it's just another muscle.." He let go and it was everything i could do to keep from collapsing..

"So what is the big deal" he asked me and absentmindedly licked his thumb.

for a moment he froze. it dawned on him what he just did.. and he was looking me straight in the eye when he did it. the taste of my cum sitting on the tip of his tongue.

"I guess you should tell me.." i said staring him down.

For a minute i thought he was going to beat the ever living shit out of me..

he grabbed my cock again hard. I flinched and doubled over a little bit.

"I bet you really got off on that didn't you.." he said.. rubbing his thumb over my cockhead.. "a big guy like me.. a real man.. tasting your iddy biddy spooge"

He was still gripping my cock tightly and pulling me down by it.. all the while still rubbing his thumb over my head and cockhole..

Unable to support myself i reached out with both hands and caught his massive shoulders.. the tense masses of muscle flexing under my fingers as he kept on "you should be thanking me for everything I've done for you today" he said as my hands slid down his oil slicked triceps feeling the striations and cuts and i lost it..

my eyes went dark from the electricity coming off his skin.. his grip on my cock and the motion over my head sent spasms through my body.. i shot rope after rope trying desperately to hold onto the cuts in his muscled form until i couldn't take it anymore and collapsed into him..

He let go of my cock and i slid down his oiled up body landing in a puddle at his feet.

I looked up at him after a moment and he was smiling that shit-eating grin.. There was cum all over the deck but none on Robbie. His cock still resting where it always had undisturbed under the seivers. "now what do you say" he asked licking my cum off his thumb..

"i wish i could make you feel that good.." i said looking him in the eyes..

"I always knew you were gay" he replied "and yea.. it's not bad.." he licked his thumb again.

I wasn't sure if he was talking about me being gay wasn't bad or my cum didn't taste bad..

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