Trying So Hard To Be Butch

By Joseph Farrin

Published on Mar 17, 2005



Hi! I'm in town for a seminar. I'll be staying for one week of meetings with a weekend at both the beginning and end of the week.

I have an obligation as well as a desire to fulfill. The obligation is to get a good rating at the seminar my firm has sent me to for junior executives. It's going to be difficult. Some other guys in the office, who have attended in the past, told me that the two assholes running the show are a couple of mean, hardnosed, unlikable bastards. Pricks in short.

Some guys in the office had also warned me that my achievements at the seminar would be placed in my employment record and would affect my reviews for promotion.

The weekend prior to the seminar was, I figured, to get rested and the weekend at the end was either to recuperate or to sight see; maybe someone thought the host city was beautiful.

My non-official objective is to get as much sex with other guys as possible; I am a married bisexual and more than ready for a week out of town. I've had my fill of fucking cunt. I'm bored sick of cunts as well as tits, menstrual periods, headaches and other female maladies.

The other half of my sexual orientation is crying for attention. I need man sex, I need cock, I need a lot of cock and I need cock bad. I need to be sucked. I need to suck. I need to get fucked and I need to fuck some young male pussy.

I intended to use both weekends and a week of evenings getting some TLC for my aching dick. And, for that purpose I withdrew some money from an account my wife doesn't know I have. If she knew about the account it would have a zero balance, more probably a negative one.

Shit, I damn near forgot; I better back up. My name is Pete Leighton. I'm from Oregon. I work in Portland and live in a suburb. I'm 25 years old and have black hair, which is receding slightly at the temples in the premature, male baldness pattern but I still have a long way to go before I'm bald. My eyes are dark brown. My build is not great but adequate. Some of my friends call me "Skinny Pete". I'm 6 feet, 2 inches tall and weigh 145 pounds, naked, on my bathroom scale.

While I'm telling you all this shit about myself I might as well tell you my prick is 8-inches long and is slightly deformed. I don't have Peyrones Disease, which is a curvature of the cock when erect. I wish to hell I did though as there's nothing that turns me on more than a cock that bends either up, down, right or left when it's erect. I don't know the medical name for what I do have but I can describe it to you. The end of my urethra tube, that raised tube along the bottom of your cock, the one through which you piss and cum, does not end in a piss slit at tip of my cock head. Instead it ends in a half inch long slit at the end of the tube just under my cock head. It causes me no problem so I've done nothing about it. I guess some guys have an operation to fix it, like if when they take a piss they piss on their feet instead of in the toilet.

As a matter of fact, most cocksuckers who've serviced me have remarked that they love it because my load just oozes out onto their tongue where they can enjoy it rather than shooting down their throat. Cocksuckers are always sticking the tip of their tongue into that opening I described. The skin in there is real shiny, soft and tender. I like it, too, when a guy tongues it.

Another guy in the office tipped me that the hotel where the seminars would be held in a small banquet room would also be where most of the attendees stayed so If I wanted to get in a little hanky panky while I'm here it would be best to make reservations in another downtown hotel.

I did just that.

I also immediately buttered up and tipped over generously all the bellhops and the young guys who brought up orders from room service and the bar. Sure enough one of them voluntarily gave me the names and address of several downtown bars including two gay bars if I was interested. All of them were within walking distance.

I was interested.

In fact I got so interested in the first gay bar that I only once bothered to even check the other one out.

The bar was in reality two bars. The one that faced the street was called "The Office". But, if you walked to the corner and down the alley there was another bar, in the same building, but entirely separate and called the "Back Door", an obviously gay, inspired name, one used sometimes by gays to denote a man's anus.

It was way to early on a Saturday to expect much action in a gay bar but I was horned up and went anyway. The inside had what must have been the longest horseshoe shaped bar in the world but no booths, just standing room only and a shelf that ran all around the room for guys to place their drinks on.

I sat down about halfway along the north side of the horseshoe just scoping the place out. Then, in comes a guy and sits down one barstool removed despite the near empty bar.

The guy was about my age, obviously a businessman from his dress, and began bad mouthing everything about the place, the customers, who he admitted he didn't know, and gays in general. I couldn't figure out why the hell he'd even come in the place, unless it was by mistake.

So, to get rid of him without kicking him in the nuts, I got up, went to the john on the south end of the horseshoe, pissed came back out, put a twenty dollar bill on the bar right in front of a guy sitting about four stools from the hallway that led to the bathrooms.

He looked at me perplexed and I hurriedly said, "Just act like you know me and start talking. I'm trying to get rid of an obnoxious guy that came in and sat down beside me." I nodded toward the guy with my head. He responded in a loud voice, "How ya doin. Haven't seen ya for a while"

We talked a while and he wanted me to take my twenty back but I told him no way. By then we'd exchanged names and he said, "Pete, don't be ridiculous, just buy me another beer instead".

Mr. Obnoxious got up and walked out the door. I was glad to see his ass leaving the place. I noticed he didn't even leave the bartender a tip.

My new bar friend was a nice guy, a tad older than me I guessed. We talked about this and that and two beers later in came a young guy who must have been 21 to get in the place even though he looked 18 or younger. I couldn't keep my eyes off him, especially after he'd sat on the opposite side of the bar, got his beer, got up and came around to my side of the horseshoe to take a leak. He had brown hair, collar length, which was straight but curled at the ends. His eyes were brown. He showed a slight growth on his upper lip and below his lips like maybe he was starting a mustache and some version of a goatee. His smile was terrific; so were his teeth. I thought I was thin. This guy was so fucking thin that when I looked at him sideways as he passed by on his way to the john, he was damn near an illusion.

His clothes were a riot, bright blue cowboy shirt with lots of small, pearl buttons and bright embroidery, tight, tan pants and brown cowboy boots that looked two sizes too big. I knew they didn't fit because he walked awkwardly in them. He looked as though he'd fall forward with every step he took. It made you want to reach out and grab him to keep him from falling. I'd also liked to reach out and grab his cock. As you read on you'll discover I have a very filthy mind. I do enjoy having it.

Chris, my new friend, nodded and smiled at the new arrival when he looked at us, in passing, on his way to the men's room. When he was back and seated on his side of the bar, Chris and I started talking about him in low voices. Chris told me the guy came in often on weekends and said his name was Darren. Chris thought he was putting so much effort into being butch that it came off a little pathetic. Chris was of the opinion he would do better if he came in drag because he was so fucking cute.

After that Chris left, saying he hoped to run into me again. If I'd had any sense I'd have left too, gone back to the hotel and taken a nap. I do have sense sometimes but this was not one of the times. I stayed. The kid that was trying so hard to be butch captivated me. Guess he caught me eyeballing him because he picked up his beer, came around the bar, sat down beside me and introduced himself. He was as cute acting as he was looking and easy to talk with. He twisted the bar stool around in my direction and I twirled mine around, too, so we were facing each other and our knees were sometimes touching.

In conversation, I learned he was a college student and he had an older roommate, a guy that was 23, who worked as a dispatcher at a trucking company and wouldn't be off work until midnight, so he was killing time waiting for him. I asked him what he was doing for dinner. He replied he didn't have anything on. I invited him to eat with me. He suggested a place he was sure I'd like, a place that was down in an industrial area. We took a cab and, I might have guessed, it was an historic place, a real country/cowboy looking place that specialized in fucking huge steaks.

It was Friday night and the place was jamb packed with a waiting list to get a table. While we waited at the bar for a table, Darren got tipsy on his pre-dinner highballs after the beers he'd had at the "Back Door". I drank, too, but I didn't get as tipsy from my drinks as I got from just staring at Darren. He was one young, gorgeous example of young, American manhood enhanced, in my mind, by being a bit gay, and I as I started at and talked with him, I began hoping he was he was hung, too. At the Back Door I'd checked out the bulge in the front of his tight pants but not knowing if he was flaccid or erect, I couldn't estimate his cock size.

After dinner, I invited him to my hotel. He called his roommate from the room and told him where he was at and gave him my room number. After some flitting around like two exotic birds giving each other mating signals, we finally gave up and went for it, slowly leaning toward each other and into an open mouth session of face sucking.

I was having the wildest most erotic thoughts. They were all fantasies of how good it was going to feel having my big cock once again inside a young male's tight, teen pussy, pumping it for all it was worth. Well, we did end up fucking but I think you'll be as surprised as I was when I tell you the details.

Despite his angelic face and his fragile looking body, despite his somewhat feminine gestures and his voice, he fucked me! He had a sizeable cock, 6-inches with a shaft as big around as a quarter and a cockhead as big as a ripe, juicy plum; the little shit knew how to use it and he fucked me for a long time, he fucked me hard and he was even a bit rough with me. He made me damn near swallow my tongue once or twice and he had me gasping, breathlessly, with pleasure, for most of the time he was plowing me. What he was doing to me came naturally with his big cockhead. On his out strokes it felt like he was sucking my whole insides out, like he was going to turn me inside out. I wish you could have experienced the feeling. Even though he was a hard fucker I was wishing he'd never stop, but you know how that goes. Finally his pelvis was just jabbing at my butt trying to push his dick in deeper than it was long and I could feel his young balls unloading their warm juice into my love hole each time his pelvis slapped against my butt.

Well, Darren was going to need some reappraising on my part. But, first, I needed a drink, a cigarette and a chance to calm down. I was exhausted. I was fucked out in fact, as reluctant as I was to admit it.

Having started in the afternoon, it still was early and the horny little prick got into me again before his roommate showed up at 12:30 AM. He didn't even bother to warm me up; he erected, pushed me down on the bed, raised my legs up, held them and entered me. I felt as though I was being raped. I loved it!

Darren's roommate's name was Josh. He was both like and unlike Darren in some respects. He was tall and slender but he had a well-developed body, especially his shoulders. He had brown hair, cut short and all combed forward, or maybe it just laid that way of it's own accord. He had huge, blue eyes, a small mustache and a small, triangular bit of beard right below his mouth, like maybe what Darren was trying to grow. He had a long face, but he was every bit as cute as Darren and more masculine in his manner; he showed up in his work clothes and that added to his masculinity.

Josh didn't think he was dressed properly to go to the hotel bar, so the three of us walked to the Back Door. The place was standing room only. Darren kept saying, "Excuse us" and opened up the way to the bar. We managed two drinks before closing time. Our bartender said we better get another one before last call. We did and another bartender said, over a microphone, "OK guy's it's time to go home, or wherever the hell you go after you leave this den of inequity."

We walked down the alley and up to the street and luckily a cab came by. When we were back in the room we undressed Darren and put him to bed. I had a bottle of scotch in my suitcase. Josh said it wasn't his favorite but he had one with me and we began to talk. "I suppose the queen drilled you while you were waiting for me."


"Sounds like Darren. You'd think he had a pneumatic jackhammer for a cock. Fucking is all he ever has on his mind."

"I can't say I object to that."

"I can't either, but I'd sure like to suck him sometimes, too, or have him suck me. As it is I have to do it when he's sleeping."

"You can't make him cum that way, surely?"

"No, but he gets hard and you can suck him for as long as you want too. I suck him and jerk off while I'm doing it."

"I might try that. But I'd rather suck you off first. I haven't sucked a cock like forever and I'd sure like to get a load of cum down my throat."

"Should we undress?"

"I can't wait!"

By the time we got naked we both had erections. Josh grabbed mine while he kissed me and then said, "Jesus, after you suck me I hope you'll fuck me with that monster".

"I think that can be arranged."

"Do you mind if we do it in the bathroom, so we don't wake the queen from her beauty rest?"

"It would be good where ever we do it. The bathroom sounds great to me."

I sat on the toilet, he stood in front of me, legs spread apart, and I got my first, good look at his cock. It was fat, cut, and about 4-inches long, an easy cock to suck, a pleasure for me as well as for Josh because I knew I could do a good job on it. He had a thick pubic bush and his huge knockers had already contracted up against up against his shaft. There was sure no doubt that he was a boy. He had all the attributes.

I sure hoped his tightened ball sac wasn't a signal he was going to shoot the minute I got his cute fucker thing-a-ma-bob in my mouth. I guess I was blessed; my fears didn't materialize. I took it easy, just in case, but I got a good, long session of servicing his cock. When he was about to shoot his load, he put a hand on each side of my head and poured a wonderful load of cum down my throat. I remembered his saying he didn't get much oral sex with Darren and I guessed he really needed to have a cocksucker take care of him because when he started ejaculating his cock just kept on jerking up and down in my mouth of it's own accord and it seemed like with every jerk I got another wad of cum in my mouth. I hated to see it end. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kept him pulled close to me. I kept his cock in my mouth until I felt it going flaccid and then I took hold of it with a finger and a thumb, put the tip in my mouth and milked it to make sure I got ever last drop of his sweet, sticky, cock honey.

He left saying he'd be right back. He brought our glasses and the Scotch, left again and came back with my cigarettes and two joints. We sat down, together, on the edge of the bathtub and after we'd started on our drink, he asked me if I wanted a joint. He lit one, we passed it back and forth, waited a while as we nursed some more of our drinks and he lit another one. It had been eons since I'd smoked a joint.

Then he wrapped his arms around me and began kissing me. We got so heated up that once we lost our balance and fucking near fell into the tub.

By that time we were fully erect again, he got on his knees and sucked my big dick for a while and then we changed positions.

It was sex time again. My toilet kit was on the vanity; I opened it and got a tube of lube. "Do you want to do it in bed or here, Jason?"

"Here, where there's light and big mirrors. I'll lean against the wall and I can look into the mirror and watch you easing your big meat into my hole and while you're taking me."

I lubed his love hole and he wanted to lube my fuck tool, so that's what we did.

Josh was right, it was erotic looking into a mirror as I spread his cheeks with both hands and aligned my cock up with his hole. I entered him slowly but once I got it all the way in I really pounded his boy-cunt as you can do much better than when you're fucking a guy who's horizontal in bed. I guess Darren's plum headed cock hadn't enlarged his hole. It was tight and the lube made it real slippery. He was an easy fuck and a very pleasurable one. And, I guess just the fact that he was so fucking good looking it made it doubly exciting knowing that my big dick was buried inside his boy-twat and he liked it. In fact he wanted it bad, and I was giving it to him.

Like he said he'd wanted to do, he kept turning his head sideways so he could see himself getting fucked in the mirror. I wasn't at that eminent stage at yet, but I told him I knew I'd be shooting in a minute or two, I couldn't tell exactly but it was getting too good in there to last much longer. So, what does he do, he starts abusing himself. Shit, I'd never seen a guy jack his cock the way Josh did. He said he wanted to cum when I did. We did. My cum was neater than his. Mine was all in his love hole. His was slowly dripping down the tile wall.

When we went back to the bedroom you could see fairly good around the room because of light from streetlights being reflected off the ceiling. Darren was sleeping on his side, near the edge of the bed with cock and his big plum head sticking out of his shorts.

Josh whispered, "He must be dreaming. Now might be a good time to suck him. In fact, you kneel in front of his cock and I'll kneel in front of his face and kiss him. Who knows, together we might arouse him enough to get a load out of him".

That big, plum cockhead felt so good in my mouth that I decided to concentrate on it and began rolling it around in my mouth until it was covered with my saliva then I began, with an open mouth swallowing it without closing my lips around the shaft. I'll be damned if he didn't begin to moan then he gave me what I'd been hoping for. He ejaculated down my throat. Josh was astonished that it had worked and Darren didn't even wake up. We watched as his clock receded into a flaccid state, then Josh climbed into bed from the opposite side and then I got it.

Josh and I faced each other and whispered back and forth. Josh said both of them had been invited to a party tomorrow and Darren didn't go to the bar during the week. He wasn't doing A-1 at college and had to keep his nose to the grindstone during the week because his dad had given him an ultimatum – either get his grades up or come home because a younger brother was waiting his turn and the dad couldn't afford two in college at the same time.

We left it that Darren would call in sick next Saturday, a week from tomorrow, as he had 14 days of sick leave unused. The two of them would go to the bar at 5PM and wait for me to show up.

We all slept late and had breakfast delivered by room service.

I was pooped out and after I'd showered and shaved I took a nap; then again, I went to the bar far earlier than you could expect it to be crowded on a Saturday evening. In fact I got there around 5PM. Of all people, Darren was there. He later explained his presence saying he was on his way home from an errand and had time for only one drink. Anyway he saw me come in, waved and motioned me over. I walked around to where he was sitting within a few stools of where he'd been sitting the evening before. There were two stools between him and the wall and an older guy about thirty-five years old occupied the one by the wall, wearing black, knee length shorts, a white wife beater undershirt and black, flip-flop, rubber sandals. He had brown hair, neatly cut but not too short. He had large nose, brown eyes and really was quite handsome.

Darren motioned for me to sit between them, we talked a few minutes and he said he had to get home and fix dinner for Josh. As he rose to leave, h winked, which I didn't get the significance of. The guy sitting next to the wall remarked that he hadn't seen me in the bar before. I told him I was from out-of-town. He said if I wanted to pick up something it would probably be easier if I took off my wedding ring. Shit, I wore it all the time and wasn't even conscious of it.

We introduced ourselves. I told him my name was Pete Leighton and he told me his was Richard North.

I have nothing against older guys but I guess they just don't excite me sexually as much as younger guys did. He was drinking Jack Daniels on the rocks and when I ordered my Scotch on the Rocks, I told the bartender to bring Richard another round, too. We talked. I asked him if he was married. He said he was divorced. I said, "Sorry about that." He replied, "Don't be." He went on to explain his ex couldn't take him. His cock was too big. I guess I'm dumb, but I didn't see the significance of that remark either, but I continued with the topic.

I wanted to say, "Show it to me." Instead I said, "I've always thought if I were a female I'd want to get fucked by a big one."

He answered, "You'd think that would be the case, wouldn't you?"

We sipped our drinks and finished them about the same time; the bartender noticed and asked if we wanted another round; I said, "Sure."

I stood up so I could get my billfold out of my pant's pocket and remained standing while he brought me my change. When I sat down, Richard was standing up facing me. I couldn't figure that out. I thought maybe he was going to down his drink in a hurry and split. I glanced at his crotch. He was exposing himself to me and he had the biggest fucking piece of cock flesh I'd ever seen – it was at least nine-inches, smooth and free of veins with a nice head on it. I think I must have made a small gasping sound.

Suddenly an older guy excited me; I was so excited, in fact, that I could hardly speak.

Richard said, "See what I mean about it being big."

"It really is!"

"You interested in it?"

"Most definitely!"

He sat back down, twirled his stool to face me and I did the same so our knees were touching, the same as Darren had done the evening before.

In a low voice, he asked, "Are you a cocksucker?

"Yes, I love to suck cock."

"Can you take mine?"

"Most of it, I'm sure."

"Do you use poppers?"


"I want a long suck. I can hold off but cum when I want to. Do you think you could stay on it for two hours?"

"I'm sure about it with that cock."

It was hanging down over the edge of the stool. I kept looking at it and he said, "Grab hold of it, lift it up and make sure you want it."

I did what he asked. It seemed like it weighted at least a pound.

"Still interested?"


"It will cost you."

My dick was trying to crawl out of my pants it was so excited. There was no way I could stop now. I wanted that big cock more than I'd ever wanted a cock before.

"How much?



"You got that much cash on you? I can't cash checks."


"Sorry to have to ask you for money but I'm between jobs and need the dough."

"I don't have a car."

"That's OK. We can walk to my room. I'll leave first, you wait a few minutes, go out, look left and I'll be standing at the end of the alley on the other side smoking a cigarette. I'll wait for you."

"You're not a cop are you?"

"No way, are you one."


When I joined him at the end of the alley we walked in the opposite direction from the street fronting "The Office" bar, turned right and crossed the street. On the corner was a liquor store, we went in and he asked me to get a bag of ice, a bottle of Jack Daniels and whatever Scotch I wanted to drink.

His apartment was next door above a small, picture-framing store.

Before we went up the stairs he wanted the money. I gave it to him, he said thanks and put it atop a chest of drawers when we got inside.

His digs turned out to be a one-room affair with a small kitchen area and it's own bathroom. The bank of three windows opened out to a view of a brick wall about five feet away. At least it made for light in the room.

He kicked off his flip-flops, pulled his undershirt off over his head and unzipped his shorts letting them drop to the floor. He had no boxers, no jockeys, no nothing underneath. He walked to the kitchen area, opened the bag of ice, filled two glasses with ice cubes and poured a heavy drink of Bourbon in one and a heavy drink of Scotch in the other.

"Do you want to suck me on the bed or sitting in the lounge chair." I chose the chair.

He put the ice cubes in the fridge, took out two bottles of poppers, turned on the TV and slipped in a video entitled, "Two hung black dudes fuck big Alice".

"Mind if I watch a fuck film while you suck me?"

I shook my head that I didn't mind. Shit, he could watch Mickey Mouse fuck Minnie it turned him on. He sat in the recliner chair, tipped it way back, scooted his butt forward to the edge, draped his legs over the arms of the chair and I had full access to start sucking his still flaccid cock to erection. I hoped he wasn't shitting me. I hoped I'd still be sucking it two hours from now.

"I'm glad you came in the bar and sat down beside me, Pete. I wanted you to suck me off the minute I saw you."


"You've got a wide mouth. It takes a wide mouth to handle a big dick."

I sucked him for I don't know how long. I was enjoying the hell out of it and every time I looked up at him he was watching me as much as he was the TV. One thing bothered me, though. He was still flaccid.

"Richard, I'm enjoying this but are you? Am I doing it OK?"

"Sure, why?"

"You're still soft.

"Don't worry baby. You're doing great. I told you I wanted you on my dick for at least two hours. If you want to quit, I'll shoot for you right now."

"No, don't. I just needed some reassuring."

He bent down and kissed me. "Go get us another round and then we'll both take a hit from the brown bottles before you go back down."

I guess my question had concerned him. He became more vocal – "Pull my low hangers, baby. Suck my balls. Stick a finger up my asshole, baby. You're doing great, you're making it fee real good!" – that sort of stuff.

Later on he said, "I don't want you backing off. But, if you need a break, pull off and jack it. Just keep doing something to it. That's what I like."

I lost all track of time, but it was at least an hour and a half later when things heated up (it was dark outside and he'd turned on the floor lamp beside his chair). We'd had a few more drinks, we were hitting the poppers a little heavier, my mouth was so wet I was drooling saliva out the corners of my mouth and his big cock was getting harder.

Every time I looked up at him, he seemed more handsome, his cock seemed longer and everything seemed to take on the aura of a fantasy.

There I was in a dark room, lit only by a small circle of light shining down from the floor lamp. In my face was a fully hard, nine-inch, spit covered cock with a huge, pinkish colored head. And, the whole, fucking, beautiful thing was mine to suck. It was a better fantasy than any I could have ever dreamed up and it was about to get better.

I went back down on him and by now I was actually able to take all but an inch of it and I began sucking him faster and faster. Suddenly he yelled, reared up in the chair and his nuts emptied his cock juice into my mouth. When sucked to its maximum size, Richard truly had a massive cock and his load was matched to his size. Like I'd done with Josh, I milked it for every last drop, put it back in my mouth and just held it there. Richard bent down, kissed me on top of my head, reached down and jacked me off. I shot all over his carpet.

"Damn, Pete, you're one hell of a cocksucker. It was obvious you like sucking cock. You'd have to like it do what you did. " We went, together into the bathroom, I held his cock as he pissed, we cleaned ourselves up and, to my surprise he got dressed, this time with sweat socks and sport shoes plus long pants and a windbreaker jacket and walked me back to my hotel.

We had a nightcap at the bar in the hotel, sitting in a booth near the rear corner. We chatted. He said he hoped I enjoyed the intimacy of the sex act we'd just engaged in. I told him I'd found it intimate, too, and I was sure I'd never get to suck another one as big as his. He told me how much he'd enjoyed it. He walked me through the lobby to the bank of elevators, gave me a hug while an elevator was coming down to the lobby and said goodnight. Then he turned and walked away. I felt a pang of regret that I'd never see him again. I was sure I'd remember Richard North and his big, long cock for as long as I lived.

I practically fell into bed and slept like a baby. I remembered that "baby" was what he kept calling me and suddenly realized my world had just expanded; older guys were just as hot as young ones; maybe even hotter. It was worth $150 just to get that big of information and insight.

Then dawned Monday morning. The two pricks conducting the seminar were just that. One was huge. One was small. I thought of them as Big Prick and Little Prick. The Big Prick was huge all over, tall, bulky, big head, white thinning hair and a booming voice that just about blew everyone out of their seats. The Small Prick was a snide, sarcastic, gibing little snit. Both of them were unchained attach dogs and within half an hour had reduced the twenty seminar attendees to frightened, sniveling, little grade school boys.

Unfortunately, I was the first one they singled out to attack. I had worn a lightweight, light-tan suit, with a white shirt and a subtle multi-colored, summer looking tie plus brown loafers. The two pricks were dressed as though they'd just come from a golf course and the other attendees were all wearing jeans or summer plants with polo shirts.

"Mr. Leighton, why are you so overdressed this morning?"

I felt everyone's eyes were on me. "I read your pre-seminar mailings, none mentioned dressing casually and I assumed that in a big-downtown hotel, most people would be wearing suits."

"Well you know how to spell "assume". To assume makes an ass of you and me." I replied, it sure did, and let him make of the remark what he wanted to make of it. He dropped the subject.

The seminar turned out to be mostly of setting, monitoring and evaluating goals. But there were IQ tests, business situations, including personnel problems thrown at us and we had to respond to them in writing within 15 minutes and then the two jerks took turns reading our papers aloud. They even gave us homework to do evenings. I wore one of my three summer suits every morning thereafter. I felt like if I didn't I would be admitting to Big Prick that I'd let him intimate me.

When I'd finish the homework I'd take off for the "Back Door". Even gay bars have their quiet nights and Monday and Tuesday were both that way. I talked with guys but no one I felt about strongly enough to proposition.

Wednesday, the two pricks hosted an evening cocktail hour and dinner at the hotel, in a small private room. A lot of the guys had brought wives. Luckily mine worked and couldn't come. One of the wives had a cocktail dress on that was an absolutely stunning, blue color and I complimented her on it, which led to a conversation between her, her husband and me. The Big Prick picked up on it, didn't say anything, but eaves dropped the whole time.

The party broke up quickly after dinner and I made haste for the bar.

The south end of the horseshoe, back near the wall had become my favorite place to roost so that is where I headed and sat down by a cock arousing young guy, probably a little younger than me; I guessed him to be about twenty-three.

His name was Jason, I knew without asking because he had on a dark red shirt with his name and a Goodyear Tire Emblem on it, as well as black pants and heavy, black work shoes. He was of medium height, had startling blue eyes and long, brown, stringy looking hair. I thought it looked as though he needed a shampoo. His hands were grimy and his fingernails had a lot of grease under them. He said he was an auto mechanic.

He'd obviously come in right after work and started drinking beer right away. He kept bumming cigarettes. After a while we started talking to each other. He wasn't drunk but he sure as hell wasn't inhibited either.

Like Richard, he noticed my wedding ring, asked if I was married and I told him yes but I was in town for a week attending a seminar. He asked where I was staying and I told him the name of my hotel.

After a while he got up to take a leak, came back and leaned against the wall instead of sitting down. He wasn't fat, quite the contrary, but his pants, I guessed, were part of his uniform and too tight for him. The waist button looked strained and the zipper missed being fully zipped by one inch. I always look at details like that, especially any detail in the area of a guy's crotch. Guess you do that, too.

After about thirty minutes, he asked if I wanted to go get something to eat. I said I'd eaten but I'd go with him and have a desert or something if he wanted company.

We left together, walked to the liquor store where Richard and I had gone, went in and he bought a six-pack and I bought another pack of cigarettes, walked further down the block to a cafeteria. Jason said it wasn't a chain but it had good food. He had beef prime rib and other things to go with it. It looked good. I had apple pie a la mode and coffee. His car was parked in a parking lot across the street.

I asked what he was doing for the evening. He said he was going to go home, drink his six-pack and watch TV. I asked if he wanted to go to my room and do the same. He said he thought he looked too scrounge, I told him he could shower. Just outside the room door was the evening paper lying on the floor. There was one every evening. Jason went into the bathroom with a beer, opened the door again after he stripped and asked if he could use my shampoo and nail clippers. I said, "Help yourself to whatever you need."

He took a good long shower; I poured a Scotch and soda, read what interested me in the paper and was down to the comic's page when he came out, naked, except for a towel over his shoulders. I was reading something that made me laugh; he came over behind me, looked over my shoulder and asked which comic strip was so funny. His dick was resting on my shoulder and hanging down. I turned my head to look at it. It was a nice size, about seven-inches and uncut. As the old saying goes, "He cleaned up real nice".

He said, "Oops, I'm sorry". He went back to the bathroom, came back with his hair pulled back and tied in a short pony tail with a hair band and said "I borrowed the hair band from your toilet kit". I didn't even know there was one in the kit. My wife must have used the kit on one of her out- of-town business trips. He threw the spread off the bed, stuffed a pillow under his head, grabbed the remote from the lamp table and started surfing TV. He then called me over and asked me to get access to the 200 numbered channels, which required a credit card.

He knew more about the hotel TV than I did. The credit card channels offered a long string of 200 series sites. He'd watch one for a few minutes and flipped to another one. Shit, he soon found a porno channel showing two guys across the street from one another, giving each other the eye. One darted down an alley; the other crossed the street and followed him. The first guy was standing with his back to the wall, smoking a cigarette and the other walked right up to him, unzipped his pants, pushed them down and goes down on the guy.

As with a lot of porno films, the lighting was poor, but you could see enough to get the idea as well as to get a hard cock. The film ended. It was a short one. He flipped the channel, found another one, walked over to my chair, leaned across my lap and said, "I've been a naughty boy; I've been watching dirty pictures on TV. Spank me!"

I did. He kept saying "Ooh! Harder. Don't stop." He had small buns and they first turned pink and then read.

I asked him if I was hurting him. He said no and told me to reach around and grab his dick. I did. It was erect. I could feel the foreskin still hadn't retracted, so I helped it slip back over his cockhead. He asked me to spank him some more and spank the back of his legs, too. That really made him squirm and jerk.

"Have you had enough?"

"Yes, for now."

"Will you behave?"

"I'll try but it's hard not to be naughty." He stood up in front of the chair and said, "Suck me daddy. Suck your boy's little pee-pee." His little pee- pee wasn't so little. As it had hardened it had also expanded in girth. He had a big pee-pee, a real nice pee-pee to suck on. If role-playing turned him on I was only too happy to play the role of his daddy. I took his big/little pee-pee into my mouth. He smelled so clean from his shower, his cockhead seemed a little damp, as though he hadn't skinned back his foreskin and dried it. I liked his pubes, too, they tickled my lips when I went I deep throated him. His little pee-pee really exploded with sticky, warm cum, as he hollered, "Oh shit that feels good. I've been wanting a good blow job all day." I wondered how he could have a real, wet cum being he was such a little boy.

"Oops, you said a naughty word while you were shooting in daddy's mouth; daddy's going to have to spank you again."

"Not now, please!"

"Why not now?"

"Because I want to be naughty again."

"What does my little boy want to do now?"

"I want you to raise my legs up in the air and fuck me just like I saw you fuck mommy once."

"Mommy's been fucked a lot of times. She has a big, loose pussy. I'd like to fuck you, but it would hurt, you're never being fucked yet."

"Oh I have daddy, some of the older boys at school fucked me in the boy's toilet."

"You should have told me. I'd have talked to the school principal about that."

"He wouldn't have done anything about it. He's fucked me too. In fact he's fucked all the third and fourth graders. He says we're all little fags and part of our education is to learn to take a man's cock up our boy pussies."

"Are you telling me the truth, son?"

"Yes, daddy. I don't want you to spank me for something so far back as school."

"Why don't you bend over Jason and show daddy your little boy pussy so I can see how tight it looks and decide whether your telling me lies or telling me the truth."

He bent over and spread his cheeks for me to examine his boy pussy. He had told me the truth. It was obvious he'd been fucked, many times in fact. The entrance to his anus was more open than any I'd ever seen, the opening was round and about the size of a nickel, I could see into it about an inch. It was red. I wanted to stick my cock into it as deep as it would go!

"Your principal should be hanged. He really opened up your pussy. He must have had a big cock."

"No, he didn't. One of the boys had a big one though. I liked him fucking me better than any of the others. How could you tell by just looking between my buns that I'd been fucked?"

"There are clues. It's just like when momma looks at your older sister's pussy every time she comes home from a date. If a date fucked her there are clues that momma would recognize.

"Has sister been fucked, daddy?"

"Yes, once. That's why she had to get married."

"You mean her husband fucked her on a date before they were married?"

"Yes son. Do you want me to fuck you now, Jason?"

"Yes, daddy. Please daddy."

"You wont tell mommy?"

"No daddy. I know she'd be jealous if she knew you were giving some to me. Should I suck you up first, daddy?"

"No Jason. Daddy is already hard."

I was eager and after I'd looked up into his pussy, I didn't ever bother with lube. He was already down on the floor; I just lifted his legs and gave him my whole eight inches with one slow push. He screamed so loud I was sure they must have heard him in the lobby.

"Oh daddy, you're so big!"

"Do you want me to pull it back out?"

"No daddy. Fuck me. I want it."

I fucked him. I could tell he liked it. I liked it too. He had a slippery pussy. After I unloaded in his ass, we lie together on the floor and kissed. He looked at the digital clock and said he had to leave; his wife was a nurse and her shift ended at midnight.

I was surprised he was married. When he'd asked me if I was, I didn't think to ask him and he hadn't volunteered anything.

I turned off the TV, poured another Scotch on the rocks, lit a cigarette, flopped into the armchair and relaxed. My mind focused on Jason. I decided his good looks were due, in part, to the bone structure of his face. I also wondered how and why he'd gotten into role-playing. Maybe he just did it with guys. What did it matter; it was just that I was surprised. But then, after all it was not much different than a fetish, a dream or a fantasy. I decided it wasn't so weird after all.

Friday was spent mostly with evaluations. I passed. I was rated excellent in mathematics and conversational skills. We were told that one of the two pricks would make an appointment with us in six months to evaluate our success in obtaining the goal we had set. Too, they would be sending their evaluation to our firms.

Saturday evening, I was five minutes early to meet Darren and Josh. They were already there. We batted back and forth whether we'd go to a Mexican or a French Restaurant. Normandy, a French restaurant won and Josh drove. It was one building removed from a gut street, full of businesses but not in the main commercial area of town. It was in an old, remodeled house.

We were early enough that we didn't have to wait long. Even before we were seated, people were staring at Darren. This evening he had on a purple, western shirt, black pants and, if you can believe it, purple boots. When we were being seated, Darren walked in his awkward, stumbling way to our table all eyes seemed to follow us to our table; at least they were all on Darren. He exuded a happy-go-lucky, vibrant persona and dominated conversation at the table. Although he wasn't speaking loudly, he seemed to have a voice that carried and in addition to all eyes being focused on our table, all ears were attuned to it as well. Darren didn't seem aware of it and all during the meal he carried on a spicy monologue with a lot of sexual innuendo.

He was also very popular because he had another date. We went back to the bar, he soon departed with another guy and Josh and I ended up back in my room. That was OK, too. Josh was a swell person and good sex. I really liked him a lot. Unfortunately he climaxed the same instant as I did when I fucked him and then he too had to leave.

I watched TV, had a couple of Scotch and sodas and thought of going to bed. However, I knew I wouldn't sleep. Despite a week of sex, I still felt aroused. I still felt the need. It was almost 11 o'clock when I arrived back at Richard's apartment. The street door wasn't locked and had no buzzer for the upstairs apartments. I went upstairs and knocked on Richard's door. Though the door, he asked, "Who is it?"


The door opened. He kissed me.

I started to get his fee out of my billfold, but he said "Put it away", continuing that I'd brought him luck. He was starting a new job Monday as a truck driver for a firm that did contract hauling for companies that had their own trailers but no trucks and no employee drivers. Naked, he tumbled back into bed and told me to get undressed.

The windows looking out on the adjacent building yielded no light at night. In bed with him, in total darkness, was as much a fantasy trip and every bit as erotic as the magic circle of light from his floor lamp had been a week ago. No light, no drinking, no poppers; just a huge cock and balls; mine for the feeling, mine for masturbating to arousal, mine for sucking. His balls felt moist, I kissed them, I kissed every inch of his cock and I combed his pubic hairs with my fingers.

"Oh Pete! I'm so glad you came back. I've needed you. Can you stay all-night?"

"I can stay until Sunday night if you want me to."

"I want you to."

Then, he did what he hadn't done last week. His hand began exploring my genitals. "You weren't behind the door when cocks were passed out either" and he went down on me but didn't stay long. "I don't want to make you come right away. You'll be hotter if you're packing a load."

"You want to make it last a long time."

"I don't know about a long time. You have a talent for sucking cock. I'll stave off as long as I can, but I'll be able to erect again in about three hours if I sleep. You game for a lot of cock sucking."

"Yes. I was reluctant to come this hour of the night but I couldn't stop myself. You're cock is like a magnet to me."

"It likes your mouth, too. It's glad you came. It likes to sleep with a cocksucker."

It was a night of fondling, a night of frottage, a night of mutual masturbation, a night of cock sucking, a night of short interludes of sleep wrapped in each other's arms, a night of two men reveling in each others manhood, a night of mutual, sexual arousal, a night of using each other's sexuality to ascend to the highest plateau of intimacy between two men, a night of two cocks climaxing not in the body of a woman but in the mouth of their cocksucker, a night of love and all in a night of darkness.

In the morning, Richard made coffee and we later went to the cafeteria down the street where Jason had taken me. As we sat at the small, kitchen table, naked, I saw a man looking into my eyes like no other person had ever looked at me. I saw a man whose eyes told me that he loved me. I hoped, I prayed, that he saw the same message in mine.

Later, in the cafeteria, I told him I couldn't stay any longer. I wanted to go to the airport and see if I could get an earlier plane. He was upset and wanted to know if he'd done something wrong. I assured him that, to the contrary he'd done everything just right, at sometime last night I'd fallen in love with him, but I was married, had a good job and if I stayed with him any longer I'd never be able to go home. He said he understood, whether he did or not, I couldn't tell, but he insisted we exchange addresses and telephone numbers.

Getting stuff ready to leave the hotel, I could hardly function. I was a nervous wreck. At the airport I was worse. When I got my car out of the long-term parking are and arrived home it was still the same. I knew as I put my key in the door to our apartment that I was more than twenty hours early. The living room was a mess but empty. I walked into the bedroom and saw my wife naked, in the arms of a naked man. In the bathroom were several needles on the washbasin. I had no idea she was into drugs nor that she was involved with another man. I closed the door, got into my car, drove downtown and checked into a hotel near the office.

My mind had been shocked back into reality, I drove to the office, called my boss at home and told him what I'd found when I got back in town and back to my apartment. I asked him if I could have a week off. He asked where I was going and how the office could contact me. I gave him Richard's address and telephone number.

"That's where your conference was, isn't it?


"I think I forgot to tell you we have an office there, too. Why don't y ou check it out while you're there. If you want to switch to that office, I can arrange it for you."

"I will, and thanks Mr. Barnett for you understanding."

Next I called Richard. He said he knew exactly how I felt. His split up with his wife was for different reasons, but he remembers the shock that came from sudden and total separation from someone you'd lived with every day for a long time. I asked him if I could come back and camp out with him.

"You sure can, Pete. Can I ask you a question, though?"


"Why don't you plan on staying with me permanently? You said in the cafeteria that you loved me. And, before you answer, I want to tell you I love you, too."

I was too stunned to answer. Finally he said, "Hello, still there."

"Yes, I just can't talk."

Well, what's your answer, baby."

"Yes, yes, yes, definitely yes."

"When will I see you?"

"In about eight hours. I'll be driving and I'll leave right now."

"Oh no you won't. I want permanent to be just that. We were up half the night, you're under stress and I want you to check in a motel, get a night's sleep and leave in the morning."

"But you'll be gone when I arrive and I won't get to see you."

"I'll be back Thursday morning. You can pick up my spare key to the apartment in the picture-framing store on the first floor. Ask for Paul, the short kid with the wild hair. I'll call tomorrow and tell him you're picking it up. Then, since we'll be living together, you can wash the sheets and get the bed ready for our honeymoon night. The last door down the hall is where you'll find a washer and dryer. No coins required to operate.

Wednesday I went to the local office, had a new job, starting in two week, called a friend at the old office and asked him to go get my stuff from my apartment for me. He knew where it was; he and his wife had been friends for several years.

Wednesday, I also washed the sheets and tiding up the apartment. The laundry room also contained cleaning supplies including a vacuum.

I also had time to think and time to calm down a bit. I had been unfaithful from the minute I'd arrived in town for the conference. It was a shock to return home and discover my wife had spent the week doing the same thing. At least it saved an argument. Both of us were guilty but neither needed to forgive the other. I guessed it must take someone without sin to forgive a sinner, or something like that.

Richard hadn't said what time Thursday. He probably didn't know for sure. I was about 8 PM when the door opened. By 8:01 we were both naked and both erect. Richard walked over and closed the blinds on the windows and pulled the drapes shut. I had already turned down the bed earlier in the day. By 8:02 we were making love. All my past dissolved the minute my mouth engulfed his love tool. Nothing past mattered.

Richard was now my life, Richard and his cock. Well, that's not as nasty as it sounds. Richard's cock was part of Richard.

Well, not everything in my past dissolved. I remembered I'd have to thank Darren for having me sit down between him and Richard that evening in the bar. I think I understand now why he winked at me as he left. I think he was playing cupid for a few minutes rather than trying to be butch.


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