Try Walking in My Shoes

By moc.liamtoh@hsoj_dna_ylruc

Published on Mar 20, 2001


I know I said I wouldn't be writing anymore of this story, but I also told my Mum that I was a virgin until I was 20 and My fiancee that I never drink and drive. So I'm a compulsive liar. I also had some help from the fantastic Jeff from Sydney (a good Aussie Boy) who sent me a rough outline of the chapter and got me to fill in the details. Anybody who wants to have a go at the next chapter, I really would love to hear from you because I really don't know where to take the story, I really should be completing the thousands of unfinished Uni assignments I have, so this story will be on the back-burner for quite a while unless someone else does something. Anyway enjoy, Love and Stuff, AKW

Disclaimer: I know for a 100% certain fact that NSYNC have no idea who the hell I am! I also have a sneaking suspicion that JC, Lance and Justin are all as camp as a row of pink tents, dress nicely, dance well and have money. Sure signs that they are gay. They are still trying to cover that fact up with their various "fashion accessories" (i.e. Beverly, Britney and Bobby -- hey 3 "B's" is that a coincidence? Can they possibly be hiring these people?) so I will go along with that illusion and say that I have no Idea of their sexuality (OH puh-leeze! If they aren't donut punching I'll stop imagining Lance naked!) Thanks to all the people who wrote to me (I'll remember your names next time) especially Jeff, who has a fantastic imagination and a filthy, grotty, disgusting mind to go with it!

Justin couldn't sleep, he had been happy that his plan had worked, the five band members had spent the day together and had enjoyed themselves. Joey's mood had improved from total depression to one of near euphoria. They were all exhausted by the time they had returned to the hotel, but happy nonetheless.

After retiring to their rooms Justin had been too keyed up to sleep, but too physically drained to change and hit the hotel gym, as per normal routine. With JC sleeping soundly he headed to Joeys room to have a chat, which was a normal occurrence before Joey began to have problems, as neither Joey nor Justin liked to sleep early.

Justin had listened at the door for signs that Joey was still awake, but had heard instead Joey sobbing endlessly. He had been immediately concerned for Joey, but respected his privacy too much to knock, instead he just padded barefoot back down the hallway to his room and climbed back into bed. Sleep would not come, no matter how hard he tried, he kept worrying about Joey. After an hour and a half of tossing and turning he decided that the best thing to do was to confront Joey about the problem. He slipped silently from his bed so as not to wake JC, and headed toward Joeys room.

Through the door he could hear the forlorn sounds of Morrissey. He immediately felt like crying, Justin had always been sensitive to the feelings of his friends and Joey was hurting so he felt useless, his attempt to remedy the situation had failed and he didn't know what to do.

"When you say it's gonna happen now well when exactly do you mean see I've already waited too long and all my hope is gone..."

Bang bang bang "Joe you awake?"

"I am human and I need to belong just like anybody else does"

"Joe it's Juz, let me in...please"

"You could meet somebody who really loves you so you go and you stand on your own and you leave on your own and you go home and you cry and you want to die"

The lyrics resonated through Justin's thoughts with mind-numbing clarity and he ran full pelt down the hall toward the lifts, where he began his slow decent to the lobby. The lobby was fairly deserted but the few people who were milling about at that late hour stared in amazement as the curly haired blonde dashed across the lobby toward the reception desk in nothing but a pair of Donald duck boxers and a white wife beater.

"I need the spare key to room 208!" He sighed breathlessly.

"I can't give..." The receptionist, a prim woman in her late 30's began, before she realized who he was. She stared in amazement at his state, but reached for the key, placing it gently in Justin's open hand.

"Have a nice..." She began, before Justin turned on his heal and ran back toward the lift, without even a thank-you.

As the lift climbed slowly toward the floor Justin allowed himself to think about what had been at the back of his mind since Joey had not responded to his request to open the door. He shuddered at the thought of finding Joey, the once happy and humorous member of the group, in a bath with his wrists slashed, or something equally as gruesome. Justin had never experienced depression of any sort before, but he had read stories of people who had done unspeakable things to save themselves from eternal misery. As he ran toward the door of the room tears streamed down his face.

"Joe" he called, his voice cracking as he unlocked the door "It's Juzzy, I just wanted to see..."

He trailed off as he entered the room to find Joey's double bed empty, he checked the large bathroom but found it also empty. He rushed through the kitchen of the large suite, toward the living area. The music got louder as he entered the living room, the song now different.

"Every morning I walk toward the edge and throw little things off like car parts, bottles and cutlery whatever I find lying around and imagine what my body would sound like slamming against those rocks"

Justin stared at the stereo in disgust. "UGH!" he groaned, hitting the power button and ending the macabre wailing. He noticed a jumble of bottles covering the small dining table and the floor littered with rubbish despite housekeeping having cleaned it only that morning. As he scanned the living area he could still not see Joey.

"Joe?" he called again, before noticing the heavy curtains blowing with the wind of an open balcony door behind it. An involuntary shiver rocked Justin's body for the second time in a few minutes. "Shit" he muttered as he ran for the door. He stepped out cautiously, scanning the balcony railing as he did so, afraid of what he might find. Then he saw movement in the corner and looked to see Joey leaning against the door behind him.


"Hi Juz." Joey replied somberly. "Hey, ya wanna drink?" he asked with a little more enthusiasm.

As Justin moved closer he noticed Joey was wrapped only in a towel, drawn tightly around his waist.

In one hand he held an open bottle of bourbon, and with the other hand he offered Justin a beer from the stash he had beside him. "I know you don't drink, but it's no fun drinking alone." Joey slurred

"Joe you're drunk, and you'll catch your death out here, you must be freezing. Come on back inside."

"I don't wanna!" Joey responded in a voice that reminded Justin of a child throwing a tantrum. "Besides I can't get up." He continued before bursting into a fit of sick laughter.

Justin disappeared into the hotel room and returned a few seconds later wrapped in the doona from Joeys bed. "I'll make a deal with you Joe, I'll have a drink with you if you tell me what's been eating you for the past month or so." Justin reasoned.

"Eating me? Joey asked "I dunno whatcha mea..."

"Cut the bullshit Joe, you know exactly what I mean." Justin interrupted forcefully but with kindness.

"OK Whatever." Joey responded, giving in easily due to his drunkenness. Justin sat down next to the older man and wrapped the doona around them both. Joey opened the beer and handed it to Justin, before resting his head on Justin's shoulder and starting to cry. Justin ran his fingers through Joey's hair comfortingly until finally the crying stopped. As Justin leaned down to ask for an explanation, he realised Joey was asleep.

"Ah big man, I only wish I could help." Justin whispered.

OK, to be continued, at another time, by another person. If you wanna have a go at the next chapter send me your ideas and I will add them to the story. If you think this story sucks, tell me and I'll stop writing it. You all know the address ( Bye for now, love and stuff, AKW.

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