Try on the Pantyhose

By S M

Published on Jun 10, 2012


The following story contains graphic sexual scenes between young men. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

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Importantly, the actions of the characters in this story are in no way intended to show approval of, or give sanction to, their actions.

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Part 6

Shuffling out of Nicole's house, I made my way to my bike still parked out in her front yard. Baking in the sunlight, it was hot

to the touch as I got on but I still took a moment to look back at her house. Nobody watching, not like the times I left from Leah's. The door was still open and I could see in but Nicole didn't watch. Part of me wondered if she was calling all her girlfriends to spread the word of my confirmed 'blanks' that I was shooting. Jesus, was I the talk of the town now because of this? Something that should be a total embarrassment has turned into a goldmine. How totally unreal this was, like a warped dream of youthful perversion.

My home was only 2 blocks away and I made it home and dropped my bike in the shady backyard as always. Mom was there but leaving to run some errands and meet with my aunt to shop and then have a big cookout tonight. At that point I realized how hungry I was. Playing baseball all morning, topped with my first sex with a girl, I was exhausted and starving. Mom marveled at how I ate two sandwiches and a handful of chips and still wanted an apple afterwards. Downed with several glasses of fruit punch, my body absorbed all the much needed calories it could. The joys of youth.

Now it was something like 1:30 and mom was gone. The early 80's were the last days of no cable TV and loose parental supervision. I was old enough to be on my own for a while, it was pretty much understood that my friends were welcome but we had to behave. I was also free to go so long as I had a note left telling where I was. Usually I was with my friends Dave or Mike if not both and we were out riding bikes and doing random stuff. Then I'd do my paper route at 3:30 and finish around dinner time.

I was just finishing

up cleaning up my dishes when there was a knock on the door. It was Jeff and he was almost pressing his body against the screen door. I came up and asked him what he was doing while he had a big grin on his face. "Oh yeah, like you don't know, I bet you liked what we did, let me come in" he said with huge excitement. I stood at the door and told him I didn't know if my mom would be back so fooling around was not something we could do. He came in and said it was cool, he just wanted to see what was going on.

"Look Jeff, my mom heard some of what we did, she thought I was having bad dreams, she could have caught us!"

Jeff smiled "Heh, she would freak out and tell my mom but don't worry, that was pretty crazy, I don't think we should do something that way again"

I was kind of relieved he said that. So far, he had probably been the most erotic person I was with.

Sliding his body on mine just in pantyhose felt so hot and when he sucked me off, it was the best I'd ever felt. None of the girls did

a better job. It confused me, was I somehow into both girls and guys? Or did this make me gay?

Nobody had ever talked about the idea of 'bisexual' at that point in my life, there was no internet to use and abuse.

Jeff had never been in my house except for climbing in my window and we were in my kitchen kind of talking casually when he said he liked what we did. He wanted to tell me a few things and kind of explain himself. We went into the living room, my house had a casual family room/living room setup, not too fancy at all. He sat on the couch and I was in a single seat. He proceeded to tell me a story of what had happend with him in camp the previous year.

Now some of it he had already told me about being tricked into wearing and becoming almost a sexual slave to the guy who had dared him. He confessed that at first he was confused but found out that it was a huge turn on to do the things with another guy, to wear pantyhose felt so hot he didn't mind it and a few times the guy even started jacking him off and even doing this thing called a 69. I was shocked to hear some of the confessions, the thought of a 69 was new, I mean, two people doing it that way was pretty hot and I couldn't hide that my cock got hard as he talked, I tried but my damn hormones were ready if the wind was blowing the right way.

Jeff was getting excited too and started talking more about being a sissy in secret. I told him that no way was I a sissy which only made him laugh. He basically said I could deny it but if I was getting sucked off by another guy and we were both in pantyhose, anyone who saw it would say we had been pretty much 'sissy'. That whole conversation was so surreal, who the hell talks like that to another person? Jeff said it's ok for guys to be this way because we know what feels good and girls are guessing at it the whole time and pretty much 'stupid' to begin with about dicks.

He spent some more time talking about how the guy he was with also wore pantyhose with him a few times. That was some of the hottest fun they had together last summer and Jeff was hoping that he might meet a guy this summer like that. Summer camp was coming up in a week for Jeff so he would be gone, he told me that he was hoping the same guy would be there but was also excited that we had some fun together.

Now, I was torn. Jeff seemed really ok and wasn't being a jerk about seeing me dressed which he totally could have. I was pretty damn lucky he also liked dressing because then he would keep the secret and I got one hell of a blowjob out of it. Inside, was I gay or something? I

figured that if I had just had sex with Nicole and liked it a lot, there was no way but Jeff was making it hard to admit I didn't think a guy was good at it.

He made it seem like this was kind of a

'goodbye' visit. Talking about summer and going away but that he was thinking about me and what we had done.

Standing up, he surprised me by pulling his shorts down and showing me a pair of navy blue panties that had lace all over them. I jumped up from my seat and was shocked and surprised he did this in my living room! "Jesus man, what are you doing? My mom could come home and see you, get your shorts back on!" I said in a near panic.

Jeff smiled. "Don't worry about it Steve. I bet she's out shopping and doesn't have a clue about any of this."

"Shit Jeff, you're getting me in trouble doing this."

He smiled and reached into his pocket and produced another set of panties.

"Join me" he smiled.

Damn, the panties were really tempting. I never had tried them. Jeff stepped closer to me and I

really got a view of them with them at eye level while I sat. He held out the black lace

panties and offered them to me. My hand went up and took them from him, like my mind wasn't even in control, under a spell of the panties. His big smile encouraged me to do this, his growing cock in panties made it clear how much he liked it.

Jeff stepped out of his shorts on the floor, picked them up and walked upstairs to my room. I quickly followed him, seeing his ass in panties was a shock at how hot it was. Once in my room, we both undressed silently, me sliding the lace panties on and tucking my dick into the lace. Oh God, it felt amazing! Jeff watched as he sat on my bed.

He motioned me over to him and as I got close, his hands slid up and down my legs, along the sides of my hips, touching the panties, covering my ass and squeezing and feeling me up, causing moans from me based on pure pleasure. It felt so hot and made me so hot. Jeff leaned in and kissed my cock in panties, telling me how sexy this was. My moans

encouraged him, fuck, this guy had me so hard.

Without any pause, he slid his hand along my dick and squeezed it through the material. I gasped and felt my hips move to push against his hand, like I was humping my cock on his hand. Jeff surprised me, pulling my dick out of the leg of the panties and directly into his mouth!

"Oh my God!" I moaned deeply as Jeff went down on me with his hot mouth.

He was so hungry, and the thought in my mind was that he was sucking on me after I had fucked Nicole maybe 2 hours earlier. Damn, that was such a hot thing to know. Jeff pulled me in, holding my ass and probing my crack with his fingers. I felt uncomfortable about this new feeling but his sucking was so good I couldn't stop him. Bastard had me at his mercy.

I felt like I was on sexual fire. He was taking me in and out, basically deep each time.

He teased my butt and made me jump as he pushed

on the panties at my back door. It made me cum so hard and so fast. Arching my back, I came and shot my dry orgasm with my cock spasms in his mouth. Which felt so hot and good but wiped me to totally. My legs trembled as I felt like I had lost all energy.

Jeff was voracious. Holding my ass as I shot over and over. Keeping me there until I whimpered as my body was spent.

Jeff let me go and my cock left his mouth and Jeff looked up at me with a wicked grin. Leaning down I sat next to him on the bed, out of breath, panting deeply.

"You have such a hot dick, I bet you'll cum so hard one day soon"

Jeff stood and faced me while rubbing his panties cock. I was thinking he was going to grind on the bed with me like we had before but he moved close, taking an aggressive tone.

"See what you are missing Steve" he said softly as he pulled his dick from the leg of his panties.

I didn't

know what to do but I was staring and Jeff stepped to me and put his dick to my lips. Oh no, I had his hardon on my lips! Jeff hand his hand on my chin holding me up and I felth the head of his dick slide over lips and I didn't pull away.

"Kiss it" he whispered.

Without thinking, my lips pursed up and I was giving his dick gentle kisses. It smelled musky and was smooth on my lips. Kissing his horny cock wasn't bad, he had sucked me off and I hadn't done anything in return yet.

Moaning, he moved his hand to the back of my head and was holding me in place. His cock gently being kissed by my lips. He let out soft moans as he watched me intently and I looked up at him, feeling this weird feeling that making him feel good was a good thing too. Our eyes met and his mouth was opening, forming an 'O' and then he whispered 'make that shape with your mouth'.

I responded by making that 'O' just like he did but he didn't see it, as my mouth formed, he guided his dick right into my mouth and I had him him in me. Just like that, I had his dick in my mouth and he let out a low moan of pleasure I could feel on my lips. His dick was in my mouth and my lips fit nicely around it. I looked down and could see the lace of the panties so close now. The flavor was salty and funky but of skin. His hand holding my head firmly as he slowly guided more and more into my mouth while I breathed through my nose.

Not really sucking, just holding it in my mouth, I was trying to figure out what to do, trying to keep my mouth open enough that my teeth didn't touch the skin. Jeff groaned as more and more went in until I gagged a bit and he let go.

With a gasp he said "Oh yeah buddy, that's so good, you're a sissy boy for sure now"

It made me feel ashamed somewhat, I was being fed his cock and he held me in place. It was strange to sense this as he was moving his hips slowly and I wrapped my lips around that dick. He told me to use my tongue on the underside of his cock and I followed his orders.

Growing more vocal he started saying I was a natural at this, my mouth was hot and sweet and that he wanted me to blow him so badly. It was a bit humiliating to hear a boy say this with me but got me hard again almost instantly. Jeff would tell me to do something and I would, use my tongue, lick the head, suck - anything just felt like I was a puppet doing what he wanted.

It was a blur and in moments it was over, he pulled his cock out of my mouth as I sucked and I heard and felt the 'pop' as it did. He stroked and shot his load all over my chest with a huge groan of relief. He was stiff as a board and I felt so horny but in a different way. The cum was hot and thick as it landed on my chest and belly, a bit even on my new panties too. Stroking his dick furiously, just in front of me I could see the ropes of cum his body produced.

The smell was new, it was fresh cream from the source and I was sure he'd put it back in my mouth but he stepped back and told me he knew I was a sissy just like him. That I would want to suck just as much as I liked being sucked.

He looked at me and said that it reminded him of summer camp and that he was looking forward to another meeting as he quickly put on his t-shirt and shorts and sneakers. Almost racing out of my room, I lay there all sticky in black lace panties as he said he wouldn't forget this anytime soon.

I watched him leave and felt strange emotions, totally new and odd.

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