Try on the Pantyhose

By S M

Published on Apr 22, 2012


The following story contains graphic sexual scenes between a young man and young woman. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

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Part 5

The days were really feeling like a story or dream at this point. Whatever happened, it seemed to be one day after another of exciting experiences and nothing every seemed to be what I expected. I felt like I was winning the sexual lottery on a daily basis. What had been my private dressing in bed at night had turned into sexual experiences with 3 different people in a matter of a few days.

Leah had opened a door and now I wasn't sure where it was leading. To have 2 girls and one boy suck me off in 3 days, was truly beyond what my mind could handle. I wasn't even wearing my hose at night before bed and stroking off, I was feeling electric every day.

As the sun rose, I thought to myself about Trisha and what she had done. Damn, she was pretty. The whole blowjob with her was great but Leah's was better and I found myself thinking that Jeffs may have been the best. It was kind of unfair though to compare, Jeff sucked me when I was so close to cumming that it made me almost jump out of my bed. I didn't think I was gay at all, I felt like I was a guy in pantyhose that was very very lucky.

Getting out of bed, I had three lovers in my mind. I really thought Trisha was cute. Dating her would be great, she had a sexy body. Leah was my friend and I just wasn't sure if what we were doing was really a dating thing or was it fooling around between friends? Jeff, well that was different, I wasn't sure what he was all about and if he'd look for more with me. Pulling on a t-shirt and shorts, I got going on the day slowly with some cereal and TV.

My buddy Dave came by and told me to bring my mitt and bat, seems there was a pickup game starting and most of the guys in the neighborhood were going to go tot he park. Back in those days, it was kind of regular that a bunch of guys to have a pickup game and you'd get 20 or more to show up. We weren't great or anything but it happened. So I got my cap, glove and bat and headed out to the field.

It was a typical day for early summer, just in the low 70's, nice sun and we chose teams and started playing. It wasn't unusual for a crowd of others to show up after the game got going, The park was a central hub of activity and with a field of guys ages ranging from about 11 to 14, plenty of friends and schoolmates would see what's going on and stop by. There was one girl - Nicole Page, she came by after we hit about the 6th inning. Nicole was one serious girl in our school. She was a year older than me and nature had really blessed her. Her body was the full deal, knockout woman style body. Great boobs and ass, she was curvy and her facial features became more mature faster than any other girl in school. Her strawberry blonde hair was long and wavy and riding in on a bike in shorts and a t-shirt, we all got an eyeful.

Now, what was unfair to her was that her body was her best friend and worst enemy. Girls fucking hated her for it. She got labeled a slut and whore because of her looks. I had known her when she first moved to the neighborhood and she was always cool to me but as it always happens, people change and find different friends. The fact that she had this incredible body was not something lost on the guys either. They had heard the girls say she was a slut and it was weird because guys said they'd want to hook up with her but then say there was no way because she was some loose tramp that slept with anyone. She was the center of a lot of negative attention and I thought she was pretty but because of her mature look - totally out of my league.

The game finished not long before lunch and as the guys split up we all started to make our way to get home for food. I hopped on my bike and peddled on my way. As I made my way home I saw Nicole outside her house looking sad, almost like she was crying. Since nobody was helping her I pulled up and asked her what was wrong. She looked up at me and said she had lost the key to her house, it was in her shorts but it had fallen out. Her parents both worked and she stayed home by herself, they didn't have money for a kidsitter so she was alone and quickly getting upset that she couldn't get inside her house. She started to sob saying her parents would be pissed that she lost her key.

I hated seeing her that way so I offered to help. We looked around a bit and backtracked to the park and then slowly the way she went home. We got lucky, the key was actually in her driveway by her house and she squealed in delight when we found it.

"Thank you Steve! Oh this saves my life" she said as she hugged me as hard as I've ever been hugged. Her boobs crushing into me as she did, now that was a nice feeling.

"No problem Nicole, I'm glad I could help" I said as she released me.

"Look, come inside, I want to thank you, my mom has some great cookies, let me share a few with you"

Now, cookies? I can do cookies. So I went in and kind of forgot I was with Nicole the slut, it felt like Nicole the new girl in the neighborhood. She was sweet and happy and we went to the kitchen and she got me a drink and we had the cookies. It was funny talking about the old times when she moved in and how things had changed over time. How we lived a block apart but really kind of fell out from talking.

It was at that moment she dropped a bomb on me.

"Let's fool around"

I nearly gagged on my cookie.

"W-what?" I said as the crumbs fell from my lips.

"You heard me, I want to fool around with you."

I was so flipping shocked I didn't know what the hell to say.

"Steve, don't you want to? Is there something wrong with me?"

"No, no way Nicole, I just thought you didn't have any interest in me! You're so pretty and I'm just, well, me."

She smiled this seductive smile, damn it melted me and probably every guy as she moved closer and we kissed on the lips. We stood almost the same height and our lips started to mash as we kissed hard. My hands went around her waist and I could feel the sexy press of her tits against my chest. Her soft lips were delicious. My cock was rigid and at attention right away. Nicole giggled and noted that I seemed to think that I was excited. I tried to respond but her hand went right to my cock, rubbing it in my shorts.

Fresh off the experience with Trisha from yesterday, my hands went to Nicole's breasts and I fondled them. Damn we were horny kids in the kitchen!

Nicole wanted to go back to the bedroom to fool around in her room. Now, I don't know where this idea came from for me but it was my one stroke of genius I had in a moment of passion. As we went to her room, I said to her that she was so gorgeous and that I had a fantasy I wanted to know if she'd do it for me. She had a wicked grin and asked what I wanted. Simply put, I told her I wanted to see her in some sexy lingerie. Some thigh highs and anything else that I had seen in a catalog.

Nicole wasn't that shy about it but the truth was clear: "I don't have anything like that though, sorry I can't do that"

However, I pointed out, maybe her mom had things that she could put on if they were sexy.

"Oh, now you're a little perv that wants me in my moms underwear?" She said with a surprised look.

I don't know how it came out of me but I answered: "Yes."

She thought about this a long moment and then said softly "I'm going to regret this but, come on, lets take a look."

Fuck, that made my heart skip a beat. We walked together into her mom and dads bedroom. She went to the closet and dresser and started to look around. The room had a scent of grown ups. Perfume and cologne mixed with other scents like fresh linens and no kid funk. In a few moments, she started to strike gold. Turns out mom had a few very sexy little numbers and I convinced Nicole that wearing them would be so good. She and I picked out a few things and she said she'd try them on and I'd have to wait to see if she found one she liked. She called me a 'little perv' more than once but seemed to like it.

Retreating to the parents bathroom, she took an armful of things and started to change. I was sitting on the edge of her parents bed, on this little bench seat at the foot of it. Dang, I was so fucking lucky to be me this week I thought over and over. Now I am waiting for this sex pot to come out in sexy lingerie for ME. My dick was about ready to burst through my poor shorts, it actually hurt it was so hard. While waiting, there were these sneaking thoughts about her parents coming home and catching us. That would put an end to me for sure with my folks, but I'd score some serious points with my friends in the process.

All that didn't matter when the door opened and in the daylight lit room of her parents bedroom I saw Nicole. Dressed only in a lace teddy that was mostly black but with red accents down the middle with attached garters and stockings. Like something out of the best catalog I'd ever seen or maybe a Playboy, she stepped out with a smile and her face blushing.

"Looks like it fits" she said softly.

I nodded and told her immediately it was so beautiful and she was gorgeous. Standing up infront of her I told her this felt like a fantasy come true to see her like this. Nicole and I began kissing again but this time, my hands were all over her body, feeling her up and down and loving the feel of her lace wrapped body. She was a woman and I was just a boy at that point.

Our kisses were sloppy and wet and we made all the mistakes, teeth bumping and tongues wildly all over but it was so passionate and hot. Her hands were equally all over me, grabbing my ass and cock, sliding up and down my chest and under my clothes and in short time, I was naked in her parents room with her in sexy lingerie.

For the first time, I put my lips to a womans nipples and savored the feeling of sucking on a hard nipple. Causing Nicole to gasp I held her tits as she pulled them out of the top of the teddy. As a first time on this, I liked it but kind of wondered what the big deal was. They felt good to suck on but I could tell she was enjoying it so it must feel good on the receiving end. I just kept at it and went back and forth a few times to make sure they had equal attention. Nicole became more aggressive and started to take off the teddy and I had to basically order her to stop. She had to keep it on, it looked so hot on her I assured her. It totally did and I didn't want to lose this chance to see her in this amazing lingerie.

Getting yet another 'perv' comment, I gladly endured any of it with her and she sank to her knees and held my cock with her hand. She stroked me and watched it in her hand and almost inspected it. Looking down, I could see her lovely legs in black stockings kneeling as she adjusted her body so she was right at the level with my hard cock. What I expected was for her to just deepthroat me and I'd blast off in a few seconds. But she was rather timid. I didn't understand, was something wrong? Looking down she slowly stroked me and seemed almost lost.

"You Ok?" I asked.

Nicole leaned in and brushed her lips on my dickhead but didn't really kiss it. Looking up she said quietly "don't laugh if I tell you"

I nodded at her words

"I've never done any of this, you're my first"

Holy fuck, if this was true, the rumor mill had been working overtime on her and it was all bullshit. Suddenly, Nicole was the same girl I knew years before. She had shared that secret with me and I had no idea how to handle it. I didn't have to though, her words were soft and clear.

"I heard you don't shoot anything when you cum, I wanted to try with you and see. I wanted to know what it's like without anything getting messy and, uhm, well."

Fuck. Goddamn Leah and Trisha must have blabbed.

"Do you stay dry when you cum? Is it true? Will anything come out?" she asked in rapid succession.

I was so mad at the girls and so fucking horny that Nicole's first time was going to be me because of my lack of ammo. It stopped being about her at that moment and I told her to "Just suck my dick Nicole and you'll see"

She spent the next few moments kissing my dick softly and gathering the courage. My animal desire was so strong I felt like I was out of body. I said things to her that were so direct, nothing like Leah or Trisha. "Suck me Nicole, open that mouth and let me in" as my hand was on her head, guiding her on. "Suck it, suck my cock Nicole, you can take it in deep, your mouth is so fucking hot and wet, oh yes, that's it, now bob on my dick and taste it, you're a good cocksucker."

She had talent, my dick went further into her mouth than anyone at that point. My balls actually touched her chin as she swallowed most of me. I could feel her gag a few times but she had a determination that was strong. If I had gotten more aggressive, I might have been fucking her mouth but she started bobbing on me with some force. I was ordering her "Grab my ass Nicole, hold onto it and take me in deep, suck me all the way."

Nicole seemed to respond to all of it with a horny desire that got stronger and stronger.

I came suddenly, my cock spasming in her mouth for the first two blasts of dry orgasm. She pulled off and looked up with a shocked feeling and urgent words.

"What is that? Are you cumming? Are you shooting now or is anything coming out?"

I was so horny and cumming with such force I moaned an order to a sexual partner with more energy than ever before

"Keep sucking my fucking dick!" my voice said with pure lust

She put her lips on my cock and sucked for the last blast and I groaned and moaned in ecstasy.

Her face was red, the heat from our sex and play was intense. I stood a moment and stepped back, there was a long mirror and I could see us both in it, like a TV show of me and her having sex. She watched me move and smiled. She had done it, she had done me.

"Holy fuck Steve, nothing came out!" she said in amazement.

"I fucking know that Nicole, sounds like everyone knows that!" I said a bit pissed off that I was becoming a carnival attraction.

"Oh don't be mad, I think it's cute."

Great. My cock not shooting is cute. Just what I need for the summer, I'm the dry cumming freak that all the girls know about.

Sitting on the bench as my cock remained hard. Nicole got off her knees and kissed me deeply. I could taste my dick on her lips and tongue. It was weird to do that, my first time really having that flavor. Looking down, she touched my cock as it stayed hard and asked "will it get soft again soon?" and I answered "usually it does".

She surprised me and said "I want one other thing"

With that, she unsnapped the crotch of the teddy. I could see the slit between her legs and some of the soft curly hairs at her pussy. She straddled me and told me to remain still as she positioned herself on me, lowering down and pushing my cock into her body. We moaned together as her wet pussy welcomed me in, so tight and our mutual virginity was swept away. My hands on her hips as she pushed down, a look of pain on her face as she moved down on me. Oh God, I was inside her and it felt a thousand times better than a blowjob. I gripped her hips and she moved up and down in little moves getting used to me in there. Fuck it was great. She moved and we were clumsy as fuck for a first time but it felt so good neither of us could stop.

Not know what to do, we went with what we felt was right and she rose up and down letting me go in and out of her.

She was focused on herself at this point as her hand moved to her clit and she rubbed herself as I was inside her. She moaned so loudly and so erotically, that she didn't take long. She orgasmed and I could feel how wet and how soaking her body had become with me in her. Oh damn, I'd had this brief sex and it was so good, maybe one or two minutes tops. Her body shook and her mouth was open and she made these high pitched squeaks. It made me wonder what was wrong but she wash gripping my shoulders so tight I felt her nails dig in and make me gasp in pain.

"Oh God" she moaned as she leaned in and kissed me.

For a long moment she sat there, on my lap, facing me as we both were panting for air like we had been running a marathon. Her chest heaving and she still looked so hot, her face flush from pleasure.

"Don't you fucking dare tell anyone what we did." she said with her eyebrows now almost angry and serious.

"You gonna tell everyone I don't shoot?" I replied

Her smile curled on her lips and she got a little less serious.

"Listen, I know a lot of people think I'm some kind of super whore. It sucks, I didn't ask for my body to be this way but everyone thinks that with the way my body looks, I must be a total slut. I just....I just wanted to have an idea why anyone would have sex, I didn't think it would feel so good." Her confession was one of the most honest things I've heard in my life.

She slowly got off me and my dick was totally soft, and back to it's normal, unexcited size. She was quick to say 'wow, looks so different when you're hard'. Another lesson girls were learning via me and my dick. Jeez.

Getting dressed I managed to get my clothes back on and when I left her house it felt as if Nicole would use what we had done for the future but that I probably was not in it. She'd learned about sex with me but I was not a boyfriend by any means. The feeling of all this animal lust was like being in overdrive. My young libido could keep up but it was good that emotionally I wasn't getting attached. Nobody was talking about boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. We were horny kids being horny and every moment was filled with something new.

Next: Chapter 6

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