Try on the Pantyhose

By S M

Published on Apr 10, 2012


The following story contains graphic sexual scenes between a young man and young woman. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

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Try on the pantyhose - part 2

The bike ride home was short but took an eternity. My head was spinning from the fresh experience in Leah's room. Wearing a pair of pantyhose while in her room and cumming a dry orgasm from her handjob really blew my mind.

Leah had been my friend and now, she was someone I'd had an intimate experience with, my only one! As I peddled home, my mind replayed every moment back to me. Her thin fingers felt so different. The smell of her room was so feminine, like a sensory overload. It was amazing I lasted more that a few seconds.

Pulling up to my house, I wasn't really hungry but it was time to eat. What soaked into me was that this girl, a friend of mine, had done this with me. My hormones almost ran out the door for more with her. If they had a voice, they would have been screaming for round 2 and three and beyond. Like anything new and exciting, the feelings and thoughts owned me.

I had lunch while my family was around but there was no plan for the day so it was painfully boring. Going back to Leah's would be weird I decided. It would be pushy. Her folks would come back and I would be dumbstruck.

For the afternoon, I went out and saw my friends Dave and Mike. We did some standard army action. All sorts of shooting and explosions with daring raids. The afternoon ended with me and Dave riding bikes until dinner time.

The overwhelming sensations about the morning fun melted away until I went to bed. The night was painfully long. The entire night I looked at my ceiling thinking about Leah and what we had done. Just a few blocks away, she was probably in her bed, the place where she touched me and mad me cum, well, orgasm.

Sunday started like always with me delivering papers at dawn. Going by Leah's house made my heart race but she was likely asleep. With her family going to church, I wouldn't see her until after lunch at the soonest. Usually I didn't see her until Mondays anyway so my hormones and desires would have to wait.

Heck, I had no idea what we'd do next. It was silly to think that I'd just jump into some hose for a repeat. Maybe she thought something was wrong since I didn't shoot. Whatever Leah had for experience, made me wonder if maybe I had let her down?

So I finished my route, got home and did go to my friend Teddy's house. We spent the morning building spaceships with Legos.

As I finished lunch back at my house, the phone rang and I answered it, to my surprise, it was Leah! She hadn't called before, and this was long before caller ID. Her soft voice was sweet as she told me she wanted to know if I would want to come over, she was going to be home alone because she told her folks she didn't feel very good and wanted to rest at home. Because they trusted her so much, they didn't question her at all. They were going to see some family for an afternoon supper and bring her back some dinner, hoping she would feel better.

She said we could talk and I should come over 'if I wanted to'

Trying to contain my excitement, I told her I was finishing lunch and would come over soon. Hell, my heart was pounding and I wanted to peddle over at top speed. Even as I tried to maintain control, I still ended up going fast.

I put my bike in her backyard and saw her at the door as I came up, she had a huge smile and her eyes were bright as headlights. Leah was wearing jeans and a pink t-shirt. Mid June weather was low to mid 60's at best. She held the door open as I walked up to her house.

We both had silly smiles on our faces and thankfully Leah broke the silence by welcoming me in warmly.

"I'm so happy you came over!"

She said with a bright energy.

I should preface what Leah looks like. She and I were about the same height, around 5 foot tall. Her body was just starting to show female curves with her boobs staring to have real presence. She had straight blonde hair and large blue eyes. Her shoulders were a bit square and strong. She was not a frail type of girl, she was a little bit of a tomboy which made her a regular around me and the boys of the neighborhood. Shewas athletic and would regularly join us in dodgeball or baseball games.

She and I went to the family room and she began talking as we sat on the couch.

"I thought about this all day after you left and I want to apologize for what happened. It was really unexpected and all kind of happened so fast. I didn't think that you and me would ever do something like that so suddenly."

All I could do was nod in agreement, she made it easy on me. She wasn't in love, she was being super cool.

She continued: "So, hopefully we're still good friends. I was so curious about things and when I saw you and how you were, I kind of couldn't help myself". The smile on her face was big and she was visibly blushing.

Trying to be cool I told her how I felt the same, how it was a shock but in a good way. It was unexpected to me since I never had fooled around. What kind of surprised me most were the things Leah told me about what girls talk about. The way girls share all this info about everything was a surprise. She told me all these bits I never knew. Girls talk about virtually every boy, girl, teacher, tv show, local business, you name it. And they are way more open about things among their friends. Sexually, they talk about everything. For someone that went to church and seemed totally normal, she shared with me how girls talk about oral sex, all kinds of sexual discussions that blew me away.

Girls shared way more detail than guys. We would look at a porno mag, make some comments but never really talk in an open way like girls. I realized what a disadvantage guys were at! We tend to 'follow the leader' where girls seemed to discuss it all like equals.

It also was clear that Leah was using this experience as a chance to learn about sexuality. It didn't feel weird though, we were good friends doing something intimate without it being romantic.

The talk was a surprise because we were both being so honest. The thing Leah couldn't stop bringing up was that I had a dry orgasm. I had no idea when my orgasms would stop being dry and it was endlessly interesting to Leah. She wanted to know what it felt like, what did the good feelings feel like? Was it just at my dick or all over? Did it feel that good when I masturbated? Shit, it was like the third degree.

Finally, she said she would not tell anyone about what we had done. It was our secret and she wasn't going to breath a word. That was a huge relief to me, being the pantyhose wearing boy would ruin my life.

Leah then surprised me once more. She got up and said that the first time wasn't fair to me and she wanted to make it up to me. I had to swallow hard, listening to her words without eating too excited.

"I thought about what you said about what you and other guys look at on women and find attractive. I always thought that pantyhose were yucky because I don't look at them as anything other than something I have to wear, not that I want to wear them. When I saw your legs in them, it looked so different, so exciting Steve."

"Leah, they felt so different, like my legs were tingling in a good way. Then, you seeing me and touching me, it felt so good."

"Well, I thought about it and wanted to see if you'd let me make some suggestions?"


"Yes, if you'd like to"

With that, she got up with a huge smile and motioned for me to follow her upstairs. My body was more in control than my mind and I was on my feet and going upstairs to Leah. Entering her room, I found her standing next to her bed with two items on her bed. She held them up with her wide smile. It was a pair of black pantyhose and a pink skirt!

"A skirt? Hey Leah, I don't know about that"

"I know, I know. Just listen, when you wore the shorts, they were too tight, and I could tell. This skirt will give you some more room, if you need it. Plus, the pantyhose are from my moms drawer, so it's a bigger size, I think it wont be so tight."

Fuck, she had really thought this through. I was kind of speechless, and she stepped to her door and said I should change and let her know when I've changed. Without giving me a chance to answer, she closed the door with a giggle.

I looked at the items and felt like I couldn't just leave. Any guy I knew would jump at a chance for a handjob, pantyhose or not. Basically, it was my dream come true, wearing pantyhose and have these kinds of experiences couldn't be more perfect.

So, I slid off my pants and underwear and put on her moms hose. They were less tight than her hose but held me nicely. The black sheer hose were nice and I picked up the skirt which was just long enough to reach my knees. Sliding it up my legs to my waist, I guessed that's how it went on. There was a zipper so I put it on the front where zippers go on shorts and jeans. It was different how the skirt fit, it had a form fitting feeling without being super tight. Zipping it up, I looked at myself in the mirror and figured that was about it, me in a t shirt with a skirt and black hose. Unreal.

Leah came in when I said I was changed. She covered her mouth in astonishment. She was looking me up and down and I felt a bit self conscious.

"Is something wrong?" I asked

"Oh no Steve, you were right, looking at you, I see what you mean about sexy when looking at legs in hose."

She stood next to me and did giggle, pointing out that the zipper was wrong. Leah then told me women's zippers go on the side or even the back on some skirts and pants. Her hand reached and unzipped the skirt, silently she knelt down and started to turn the skirt, sliding it on my thighs, crotch and ass. Oh man did that feel good. She then zipped the skirt back up and she looked up and down, smoothing the black hose on my legs.

Needless to say, I got hard very fast from this. Her hands were going up and down my calves to my knees and the hem of the skirt. My hard dick was not held back by the black hose at all, it grew stiff and tented the pink skirt in front of Leah. I groaned as she caressed my legs slowly, Leah was smiling and breathing deeply like me as her hands roamed freely. Looking down, I watched her and felt so hot all over like the room was 200 degrees.

Leah softly slid her hands up into the skirt, exploring and finding my cock and balls within the skirt and covered by hose. It felt as good as it had the day before. Her hands were soft and they were easily finding their way around. I let out soft moans as she found sensitive spots on me. Unlike before, her hand could move freely. When she wrapped he hand around my stiff cock, it was easy and felt incredible. My legs trembled as one of her hands caressed my ass as the other stroked me slowly.

Here was Leah, kneeling before me, stroking my cock and ass in a pink skirt wearing black pantyhose. It made my whole body tense in sensory overload.

I became aware that the skirt was sliding up, exposing me to her. It made my heart thump in my throat. All I could think was that Leah was going to see my cock and somehow that was wrong. But I wanted to laugh, she was stroking me in her room, this was a dream!

Looking down at Leah, I could see her looking right at my hardon in front of her. My mind was begging, pleading for her to keep going, just don't stop! She softly planted a kiss on my swollen dickhead in hose. I could feel some of it but seeing it is what made me groan out loud. Leah's bright smile greeted me as she looked up and our eyes met. She kissed it again and again as we had this sensual staring contest.

From deep inside me, my desire took over and I softly told her to suck on my dick. Leah barely missed a beat or showed any pause as her mouth open and draw the head of my hose covered cock into her mouth. It was warm and soaked my hose with her saliva. She moaned on me as she sucked which felt amazing. Damn, and she had told me downstairs that she was totally inexperienced.

Like I was watching from out of body, I watched her suck me in black pantyhose. What a vision. My hands had no idea what to do and naturally settled on her head, just resting there as she suckled my cockhead. I didn't thin I would last long and told her I was close, my voice heated and breathy.

Leah kept up this nylon clad suckle and took a bit more of me in her mouth. It was too much. My body stiffened and began to shake. Leah looked up at me, realizing I was beginning to orgasm. Arching my back, my body convulsed and spasmed in pleasure. The head of my cock and that shock of pleasure contracted over and over.

Her mouth was warm and wet on my dick as my legs became weak. The look in her eyes was that of a girl excited to get me off. She was studying me as my dick dry spasmed in her mouth. Her hands caressed up and down my thighs. It felt amazingly good. She sucked a bit until I stepped back and sat on the edge of her bed, almost collapsing being out of breath.

Leah was kneeling on the floor, watching me and studying it all. I really understood what she meant, this was her first blowjob. She wanted to know what got me off so she could use it in the future. I whimpered in pleasure from this all. Trying to catch my breath.

Next thing I knew, Leah laid on me with a big smile, she again gave me a peck on the lips and asked if I liked it. Damn woman, I loved it and could barely talk. I nodded with a big smile since talking wasn't possible as I gasped.

Her body on mine was a first, it felt good, intimate and soft and feminine. I was sweating and she had done all the work!

We didn't talk very much this time, the afterglow was more quiet and Leah knew I loved it. She caressed my legs for a long time. Her smile lit up the room and I didn't want to leave but had to or risk her parents surprising us.

It was so sweet and innocent as we were two young people learning together. Leah helped me change and I got dressed to go home. Less of a rush as last time but damn, I wanted to go over and over.

Walking outside, I am sure I had a goofy smile. This was the most amazing sexual feeling I had ever had in my life and wanted more. Yesterday, a hand job was heaven. Now, it was oral sex.

Getting on my bike I waved to Leah as I got out and started to peddle. Slowly riding home, I just got around the corner of her block. From far behind, I heard my name and stopped. It was Jeff, someone I knew a little but didn't do a lot with. He was one of those kids with a funky birthday so he could have been in my grade but is parents held him back so he was my age but a grade down.

Jeff pulled up next to me on his bike, a little out of breath. He caught his breath, thanking me for stopping and said: "I watched you and Leah through the window just now. Next time she has you over I want to watch, but I want to be in the room with you two next time. Or else, I'll tell everyone."

Next: Chapter 3

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