Trust Me

By Tristan Camus

Published on Jul 23, 2001


Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who has sent me an e-mail. All of them have been very positive and encouraging. Keep sending them in. If you want a good story, read Josh and Just. It is amazing.

Disclaimer: Same as before. I do not know Justin or JC from N SYNC. Nor do I know their sexuality. This is just a story that I thought up...blah blah blah. I do not mean to imply anything about their sexuality, either. Its just a story.

Trust Me (This Is Love) - Chapter 2

Justin and JC had woken up together many times before. But there was something different about this time. Knowing that if someone walked in on them, they wouldn't have to make excuses. They weren't hiding anymore. They were madly in love, and didn't care who knew.

JC propped himself up on his elbow to watch the younger man sleep. Justin was beautiful. With his chiseled features, stunning blue eyes, and blond hair, Justin was a god. JC couldn't help but think about how lucky he was to have Justin in his life. JC noticed the slow rise and descent of Justin's chest as he breathed deeply. He also noticed the look of joy spread across his face. This caused JC to smile from ear to ear. Seeing Justin so happy made him happy, too.

Justin began to stir and open his eyes.

"Good morning, beautiful" JC whispered, placing a kiss on Justin's forhead.

"Mmmmm...good morning" Justin replied groggily.

JC got out from under the covers and walked over to the cart sitting by the door.

"I ordered breakfast" he stated, looking towards Justin for approval.

"Good, 'cause I'm starving" Justin replied while pulling on a t-shirt.

The two were enjoying a peaceful breakfast until they heard a loud knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Justin yelled.

"Delivery" Chris replied in his most professional voice.

"Very funny" JC stated, opening the door to let the other 3 band members in.

"Morning guys" Justin stated cheerfully.

"Morning" the all replied in unison.

The 3 guys looked at Justin and JC rather strangely, no one really knowing what to say. Lance was the first to speak up.

"I just want to say that I am very happy for you two."

"Yeah, you make a cute couple" Joey added.

"And we kinda already knew, but we didn't want to jinx it." Chris finished.

"Thanks guys" Justin responded.

"We are very thankful for your support" JC stated, finishing Justin's statement.

Now that "business" had been taken care of, the guys were free to plan their day. It was a day off for the guys. Well, almost. They had to do the Rosie O'Donnell Show at 4. It was already 10, so they had about 6 hours to do whatever they wanted.

"What do you guys want to do?" Justin asked while finishing off a bowl of cereal.

"We could go shopping and maybe swimming" Chris suggested.

"I don't know about the shopping" JC began "this is New York City and we are bound to get recognized."

"True...what else can we do?" Chris asked.

"We could just chill" Lance replied "go swimming and watch a movie."

"Agreed!" Joey stated.

"Then its settled" JC concluded "we will all meet in Lance's room in half an hour to go swimming."

The boys returned to their room leaving JC and Justin alone in theirs. They just sat for a moment. Silently gazing into each other's eyes. JC broke the silence first.

"I love you" he whispered, still gazing into Justin's eyes.

"I love you too" Justin replied.

JC walked over to Justin and pulled him up into a tight embrace. He kissed him softly on the lips.

"What was that for?' Justin asked.

"Just because" the older man replied smiling.

The two got ready, grabbed their towels and headed for Lance's room. Once all five guys were there, they went down to the pool, which was totally deserted. Lance had called and asked the pool to be cleared, so as not to cause a scene. Security guarded every door. The guys horsed around for a while, but got bored and decided to go watch the movie and have some lunch.

After changing, they all returned to Lance's room and saw food covering the table.

"What are we going to watch?" Lance inquired.

"I say 'Bring It On'" Justin responded.

"I don't know..."Joey began to protest.

"Lots of half naked girls jumping around, Joe" JC said trying to convince Joey.

"Cool!" he replied enthusiastically.

The guys ate their lunch and got situated to watch the movie. Lance got comfortable on one of the beds, while Joey got comfortable on the other. Chris sat with his feet up on the couch, and JC and Justin curled up under a blanket on the floor.

As the movie ended, Lance looked at his watch.

"Come on guys, we have to get ready for Rosie."

Everyone went to their rooms to get ready to visit their favorite television host. They piled into the limo and proceeded to the studio. They were greeted at the door by the executive producer, who led them to their dressing room. As the guys were preparing for the show, there was a knock on the door.

"Good afternoon guys" Rosie stated enthusiastically.

"ROSIE!" Justin yelled, running over to give her a big hug.

"I'm glad that you could make it" she added.

"We are always glad to be here" Lance replied.

"We'll be starting in about 5 minutes" she informed the guys while exiting the dressing room.

"Welcome to the Rosie O'Donnell Show!" The crowd erupted into cheers and screams.

"On today's show," Rosie began "an hour with your favorite band and mine....N SYNC!" The crowd erupted into even more cheers and screams.

"Let's bring the guys out!"

The 5 guys walked onto the set and over towards the desk where Rosie was waiting for them. Each of the guys gave her a hug and a kiss and sat down in one of the plush red chairs.

"How are you guys?" she asked.

"We're all doing great" Joey replied.

"Especially now that we've seen this awesome crowd" Chris added, causing the crowd consisting of mostly teenage girls and their parents to erupt again.

"You played Madison Square Garden last night. Do you still get nervous when you get on stage?"

"Not really.." Lance answered "there are 5 of us on stage, so we can work off of each other and help each other out."

"Yeah, but if we each performed alone, things would definitely be different" Justin added."

"Speaking of performing alone" Rosie said smiling "JC, you sang a very beautiful song last night. You must have been nervous."

"I thought that I would pee my pants" JC replied causing the entire audience to burst into laughter.

"Who was that song for?" Rosie inquired.

"I can't really say" JC answered "we want to keep our relationship out of the public eye for the time being."

"Are you in love?" Rosie asked.

"I am very much in love" JC responded without hesitation. This elicited a large amount of coos from the audience, causing him to turn a deep shade of red.

"We have to take a break, but you guys will be performing when we come back, right?"

"Most definitely." Joey replied enthusiastically.

The performance and the rest of the interview went off without a hitch. There was something about Rosie and her show that the guys loved. The said their good-byes and returned to the hotel in time for dinner. They agreed to meet in Lance's room in an hour, so they all had a chance to unwind and relax.

"I'm going to take a shower" JC said to Justin "do you want to join me?"

"How about we take a bath?" Justin asked. He pulled JC close and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Anything as long as its with my baby" JC replied giving Justin a quick kiss on the lips.

JC entered the bathroom and began to run the water. He poured in some bubble bath and waited for the double-sized jacuzzi/bath tub to fill. Once it was full, he walked out of the bathroom to find Justin sitting on the bed watching TV.

"The bath is ready" JC stated helping Justin up.

"JC, can I ask you something?" Justin asked shyly.

"You can ask me anything" JC replied.

"Is it alright if we go slowly?" Justin asked looking JC in the eyes "I mean the relationship, can we just take things slowly for a while?"

"As long as we are together, then I am happy." JC replied comforting JUStin.

"You're too sweet" Justin said as he held JC close to him.

"And you are too beautiful" JC responded kissing him on the forehead.

"How about that bath?!" Justin suggested.

The two men walked into the bathroom. They began undressing so that the other couldn't really see anything, if you know what I mean. They had sen each other naked before, but not while they were together, so it was a little weird. Justin quickly slipped out of his boxers and into the hot water of the tub. Justin looked up as JC was slipping into the water. He had seen "little JC" before, but never up close. He soon realized that it wasn't little at all.

"That's the biggest thing that I have ever seen" was all he could come up with to say.

"Uhh...thanks" JC responded shyly while blushing uncontrollably.

The two of them sat and soaked in the water talking. They didn't really talk about anything, they just wanted to hear each others' voice. JC stepped out of the tub and reached for a towel. Justin whistled and hollered causing JC to smile. He wrapped the towel around his waist and began brushing his teeth. Justin got out of the tub and wrapped his arms around JC's waist.

"You are so cute when you brush your teeth" he whispered into JC's ear. JC just smiled and spit into the sink. He rinsed out his mouth and turned around to see Justin bent over, drying his legs.

"Nice ass, Mr. Timberlake" JC cooed.

"You're just jealous" Justin replied smiling at JC.

The two got dressed and headed over to Lance's room to eat. The dinner was uneventful. The guys talked about the tour, which was almost over. They had only one show left. It was in two days in Orlando. Upon finishing their meal, the guys decided that heading to a club would be a fun thing to do. JC opted to stay in and was able to convince the protesting Justin to go, too. Once the guys had left, JC put his plan into motion. First, he went to the front desk.

"How may I help you, Mr. Chasez?" The blond haired woman asked. JC noticed that her name tag said 'Kelly'.

"When Mr. Timberlake returns, could you please call my room?" JC asked.

"Will that be everything?" Kelly asked.

"Yes, thank you" JC replied and walked away.

He walked into the gift shop and looked around. He found what he was looking for and started piling items on the counter. Once he was satisfied with his purchase , he pulled out his credit card.

"Will that be everything, sir?" the clerk asked.

"Yes" JC replied.

After the clerk had bagged JC's purchase, he exited the store and proceeded to the elevator. He stepped in and pressed the button for his floor. When the elevator arrived on his floor he got out and walked to his door. He pulled out the card key and opened the door. He closed the door and began setting up.

The telephone rang shortly after midnight.

"Hello?" JC asked.

"Mr. Timberlake has returned" Kelly stated.

"Thank you very much" JC replied.

Justin used his card key to open the door. As soon as he stepped into the room he saw candles lit everywhere and heard music playing softly in the background. He closed the door and looked around again.

"May I have this dance?" JC whispered, holding out his hand for Justin. Justin slipped off his coat and took JC's hand. JC wrapped his arms around Justin's waist, who wrapped his arms around JC's neck. As they danced JC began to sing along to 'I Knew I loved You' by Savage Garden. He looked into Justin's as as he sang 'I knew I loved you before I met you', causing Justin to smile. As the song finished Justin let go of JC.

"Why did you do all of this for me?" Justin asked.

"Because I love you" JC replied kissing the tip of Justin's nose. It was at that very moment that Justin realized just how much he loved JC. He loved him more that anything or anyone else in the world and he wanted to be with him forever.

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