True Strength Lies in Your Submission

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Apr 16, 2023


True strength lies in your submission Part 9 By Chaim

Your true strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate your life, through devotion, to something beyond yourself.

"What about tomorrow?"

Jonathan asked.

"You'll keep the control. Now upstairs and get ready for bed, you have a big day tomorrow," I said. I walked over to Bobby, who watched everything.

"I'm proud of my slave boy. Yes, you, you sleep next to your buddy. There is a blanked in the corner. All rules are in place, so don't touch yourself and if you need to pee, use the bucket."

I kissed his shaved, nearly bald head and left him there.

As Jonathan stripped and lay down on our bed. Next thing he knew the sun was shining into his windows and I was shaking him awake.

"Come on, boy, put your shorts on and let's check on our slave boy Tanner."

"Shit, I was out of it, don't think I moved all night. Just let me take a piss."

Jonathan gave me a kiss as he ran into his bathroom. We went down. We found Bobby in his blanket and I woke him up.

"Good morning, slave boy. Did you sleep well?"

I asked.

"Yes Sir."

Bobby said and he went to his knees, waiting for my next instructions. I loved his humble and submissive attitude. I asked Tanner the same,

"Good morning, Tanner, slave boy. Did you sleep well?"

Tanner tried talking but his throat was so dry, he just mumbled and nodded his head.

"Good boy, Bobby will get you something to drink. First, Jonathan will you take all the tension off, one turn at a time."

"Yes sir."

Jonathan remembering that I had promised three turns and only had done two. So he only did two-thirds of a turn at a time.

"Done, Sir."

I smiled and asked the slave boy,


Tanner nodded.

"Now lift your head so I can put this collar on. I'm going to be leaving you alone with Jonathan today. I take Bobby with me."

I looked at our slave boys.

"You will be a nice couple of slave boys serving us. For the time being, Bobby is my first responsibility and personal slave, I'm his Master. You Tanner are my lover's personal slave boy. He is your Master. Understood?"

Tanner nodded his head and looked at Jonathan, now having a personal Master was new for the boy. Bobby just slimed at me and was clearly happy.

"You do anything bad and Jonathan will push the switch and you feel a shock in your collar."

Tanner shook his head and tried licking his lips as Jonathan slipped his collar on.

"I'll be good, Master,"

he croaked. I looked at him,

"I'm sure you will, and I'm sure your parents will be pleased when I tell them what a good boy they have,"

I said and I walked away with Jonathan and Bobby following me.

His parents, Tanner hadn't thought about them since the whole thing started. He closed his eyes and started crying like a little child. He stopped, wondered if he'd cried because of the disappointment they would feel if they found about his new life, or over having to go home at all. Being at home? what about that? Was this his new home?

When he went down a half-hour later Jonathan placed two bowls on the floor near

the rack.

"Can I trust you, my slave boy?"

Tanner nodded,

"Yes Sir, you can trust me, I am your slave boy."

Jonathan thought he could trust him. He unhooked Tanner's legs and quickly put each ankle in a cuff that was attached to either end of a one foot chain. After releasing Tanner's hands he helped him sit up before putting an identical set of cuffs on his hands.

"Now I'm going to help you off the table. You're going to fall again like last night so that's why I left your breakfast bowls on the floor. Keep moving your legs as you eat and you'll be ready when you're done."

Tanner lapped at the water bowl for a minute, then turned to Jonathan.

"Thank you, Sir. I promise I'll be a good boy for you."

Jonathan smiled and patted Tanner's head. In a way during all those hours cracking him, he felt pity for the boy. Still, he was his boy and he was and wanted to be his Master. Tanner had to be trained to become better and he had to be trained to be a good slave boy by him.

"I know you will, Tanner."

As he watched Tanner eat, he gobbled the food and water was more like it, Jonathan decided he was glad he stayed in his soccer shorts. When Tanner finished eating he carefully wiped his face clean with his tongue and fingers. He licked his fingers and after looking around for something to dry them on just turned his face up at Jonathan and smiled expectantly. Jonathan thought the slave boy was fine this way and ignored his silent request.

"Stand, slave boy."

Jonathan just said.

It took three tries, but soon Tanner stood at attention in front of him. Silently Jonathan attached a weight to the cock ring and let it drop. Tanner gasped, his knees started buckling, but he swallowed and quickly recovered, his chest up with pride. Jonathan admired his cute little tits on his well-developed chest.

For the rest of the morning and afternoon Jonathan tried all the various things he'd enjoyed being on the receiving end. He caged his cock so it was clear it was all about his Master's lust and joy.

Jonathan touched and kneaded Tanner's nipples and Tanner went weak, a shiver running down his spine and right into his groin. The slave boy's tits hardened and he reached for Jonathan's hands. He slapped them away and secured them on his back. Tanner's caged cock throbbed inside its confines. Jonathan squeezed his tits and twisted them and Tanner

both whimpered and groaned deep in his throat. Jonathan's other hand went down, feeling his white butt cheeks, he down his crack to his tight boy hole and Tanner push back against his finger. Tanner's ass wanted more, but Jonathan could wait, this way of playing with his slave boy turned him on.

Tanner chest pushed against his wandering hand, the slave boy begged for more. Pushing his ass back, his chest forward,

"Please, please,"

Tanner whispered,

"Please use my tits, Sir."

Jonathan put his hand over his mouth and after and guttural moans and whimpers were all what was left of his slave boy's begging. Jonathan looked into his eyes and nodded, smiling at his slave boy.

"Yes, my slave boy. Keep silent, I know what you want and need. I know because the Master created you as you are now: to want it and need it: to be my slave."

Tanner's brain was lust and desire, he knew how much he want it; how much he need it. How far he had come. Tanner?s tits were like tips protruding from my pecs: little, a little bit swollen, hungry knobs of dark brown red flesh, needing, wanting, begging for more.

"Yes Sir, I'm your slave,"

Tanner whispered.

"Yes, I know,"

Jonathan said.

"You're exactly what I wanted, my slave boy."

Jonathan holds up a bag, bulging with wooden clothes-pins. Just simple, wooden pins.

Tanner knew what they're for and his eyes begin to fill with fear and hunger for what was to come. Jonathan takes two out of the bag and hold one in each hand. Tanner's eyes were on them.

"Yes, for my slave,"

Jonathan said in his deep, quiet voice; the voice that enslaved and enslaves him.

"For you."

Jonathan pinched them open and fastened one onto each swollen nipple and Tanner squealed in pain and arousal, knowing his silent cries were what Jonathan wanted to hear. Tanner's groans of pain and desire. Jonathan hurt his tits and that brought him pleasure.

Tanner's nips went quite sore and after a while Jonathan removed the pins in one move. Jonathan reached for his tits and kneaded them with his fingers. Tanner groaned in pain and looked down and saw that his nipples were puffy and red. Trailing his hand down Tanner's chest, his slave wanted more, Tanner wanted more. Jonathan rubbed his sore tits. A pain-mixed thrill shot down his spine, straight into his gaged cock and made it throb. Jonathan gripped his sore knobs and twisted, knowing that this additional torture would leave him

with a very sore chest, but for some reason, he didn't care; he just kept on, his slave boy needed it and he needed it too.


Jonathan said softly.

"I'm not sure what's going on with you, but you don't have to hide yourself. You are a slave boy, you don't need to be ashamed of your little sore tits. I can tell that I'm your Master now, Tanner. Let me help you. Okay?"

Tanner felt unsure and finally, looked up at Jonathan. Something in his eyes and his quiet, compelling voice told me it was okay. Tanner nodded,

"Thanks Master,"

Tanner whispered, suddenly feeling suddenly reassured in his new place in life; he wanted to be his slave boy all the way. Like a good puppy dog obeying all his rules, offering his body.

By four in the afternoon Tanner was forced to his knees and he sucked Jonathan off.

Jonathan shot his load into his mouth. He worked on Tanner's cock once, he removed the gage but left the ball stretcher. His slave's nuts were so tied off it was impossible for Tanner to cum.

At 4:30 Jonathan checked the time and turned to Tanner.

"Our Master will be home soon. There's a shower in the changing room. Would you like to smell nice for him and his slave Bobby?"

Tanner bowed his head,

"And for you, Sir. Your boy smells like pig, Sir."

Jonathan pointed the way and Tanner shuffled over. Once there Jonathan attached the cuffs to brackets on the wall. "Stand, slave boy. Move your feet back as far you can and spread


Soon Jonathan was satisfied and he picked up a rubber hose, pulled out the dildo in

His slave's ass and started shoving the hose up the boy's anus. He kept going until there was almost two-feet inside Tanner. He attached it the water tap.

"Slave, first part of getting clean is an enema. I'm turning the water on now and it will feed into that sexy ass of yours. Tell me when you can't take anymore."

Tanner said,

"Yes sir,"

Jonathan turned the knobs. From experience Jonathan knew already it took about ten minutes to really be full. He watched the clock and was impressed when his slave went past ten, all the way to twelve minutes before gasping,

"Sir, please."

Jonathan had intended to give his new slave an extra minute but quickly turned the water off.

"I'm going to pull the hose out now. Keep your butt cheeks clenched tight and don't let anything out. Or we'll have to start all over."

Tanner nodded his head,

"Yes Sir."

Small drops kept seeping out but Jonathan decided not to be too hard on his newbie.

"Sir, I can't hold it much longer, please Sir,"

Tanner said fifteen minutes later. Jonathan bent down on Tanner's left side and released that ankle, then pointed to a toilet off of the shower.

"Hold it in till you're sitting and then let it all out. Get anything on the floor and you will pay for it."

After releasing Tanner's wrists he watched, with a combination of pride and annoyance, Tanner moved quickly and got there in time. Pride of a Master watching his new slave perform well for him. Annoyance, because he remembered his own first time.

"I'm done Sir,"

Tanner said five minutes later.

"Did you wipe your ass boy?"

Tanner nodded,

"Yes Sir, I did wipe my ass, Sir."

Jonathan praised him,

"Good slave boy, get your clean ass in here so you can wash the rest of your body."

Tanner returned and Jonathan quickly reconnected the ankle to the cuffs. Jonathan undid one of the handcuffs on Tanner's wrists.

"The collar is waterproof, and even more painful when wet. Now take your shower."

Watching Tanner shower Jonathan hoped he wasn't making a mistake. No, he didn't

think Tanner would try to hurt him or escape. But, could something normal like showering bring back some of his independence? For sure the slave put on a hot show while showering.

Tanner turned off the water and Jonathan picked up a soft, large towel and began drying his boy off.

"There are rewards for obedience as there are punishments for disobedience, Tanner. I hope to reward you more than punish you,"

Jonathan said then brought Tanner's mouth to his. He thrust his tongue into his slave's mouth and found it hot and welcoming. He put his hands on Tanner's back and felt the new welts rising from the previously unblemished flesh. Tanner was muscular but now a willing boy, in a strange way little and vulnerable.

From the corner of his eye Jonathan saw me who brought with his fingers to his mouth. Their eyes met, his Master pointed upstairs but then gave him a take your time

signal. Jonathan returned a thumbs up. Their kiss lasted another minute. They broke their kiss and the two teenaged boys looked into each other's eyes and smiled at each other.

Tanner put his hands out in front of him.

"Not yet, I've got to go get ready for supper, then I'll bring you yours, while Master gets ready. Now walk to the back."

Along the back wall there were a couple of cots and Jonathan told Tanner to lay down on one. He took the empty manacle and attached it to a bar bolted into the wall.

"Rest my slave boy, there are more new treats for you later."

Tanner nodded his head,

"Thank you Sir,"

Tanner said and watched he walk away. Jonathan switched the lights off right over Hank but left the rest of them on. He knew Tanner needed his rest for later.

Twenty minutes later Jonathan had showered, dressed in a fresh pair of shorts and was sitting at my kitchen table telling me everything he'd done on his day with Tanner.

"And how was your day?"

Jonathan asked when me was finished.

"Got some contracts signed, and set some other deals in motion. Bobby was a good slave boy during our trip. It was his duty to attend to my needs, whatever. Walking behind me at a respectful distance. I kept a small flogger in case he required a quick spanking from me.

Right now, I keep Bobby only with me as a slave-boy in training but, he already knows that he have tits on his boy chest, just like he has a boy pussy between his legs, in case I felt in need for some sexual action."

I smiled at Jonathan ,

"When I told Bobby that, of course his boy pussy was throbbing in anticipation. Bobby was during the day available, like I ordered him to be. Once in the car, I immediately stripped him down to clothing more appropriate for a slave-boy walking with me in the City. Removed his soccer shorts and gave skimpy black briefs, a seam opened in the back to give me easy access to his boy-pussy, and a white T-shirt cut-off just below his little boy nipples. Nothing else, our little slave boy thought, so Bobby felt embarrassed and humiliated during our drive.

Jonathan, Bobby is new to this. He knew he looked like a complete boy slave in this outfit, maybe as a sissy slut. Believe me, that's only proper, since that's one of the things he is destined to be. One of the things he already started to become, a complete slave and boy for us.

Well, he was afraid to meet people he knew, asked for permission to dress more respectful, nearly pleaded me. I smiled at him, thinking about his friends, acquaintances, he could meet. That didn't happen, I turned his request down, but I kept him on my side, out of sight to others, but he didn't know during the day. Bobby was nervous.

The boy worries too much about what other people think of him. I told him the only thing he should ever worry about is making us happy. Bobby felt embarrassed. I told him to trust our way of doing things, our power and responsibility over him, so he always just should do, what we tell him to do. Regardless how humiliating it is for him. He is a boy. He is our slave-boy.

Being humiliated and embarrassed is what he can expect for the rest of my life. Bobby need to stop worrying about that and just started and concentrate on serving us as his Masters."

I looked at Jonathan,

"Well, after all, Bobby did a great job. I'm proud of him, so I took him with me to the bedroom when we came back. You were busy with Tanner, Jonathan, so I left you out of my little pleasures with him. I moved Bobby on the bed and gave him his reward. You know how I show my appreciation, as I entered his slave's hole, I whispered to my slave boy,

"Okay Bobby boy, I'm going to give you my cock. Do you like the feel of my cock up your tight little ass? This is my cock that will be controlling you!"

as I fucked him hard, Bobby groaned and moved with me and I asked him,

"Feel good, my bitch? You like having your Master's cock up your ass? You gonna be a good boy? You gonna keep your cunt nice and juicy for me?"

I wanted him to feel it, so I reached down to grasp Bobby's cock as I fucked him hard and deep, stroking his boy cock,

"You want me to make you to feel good, slave boy? I can't tell you boy how proud I am of you. You will probably sleep with me tonight."

Bobby moved with me with tears in his eyes, he kept on whispering how he loved it, being our slave boy, being fucked by me, his Master. I stroked his smooth body and fucked my slave hard and affectionately,

"There, you have taken everything very well, like a good slave always should. Now I want

you to cum with me and spray your boy load on the bed, while I breed you."

Believe me Jonathan, Bobby was loving every minute of it as a bottom and as our slave. As my fucking continued, I felt him getting closer and closer to the edge of an orgasm. Not knowing whether he should talk or not, he managed to mumble that he are getting closer to cumming. Bobby was helpless, so very close to climaxing, and at my mercy.

I came in his beautiful slave ass and bred him. He was getting closer and closer, he thanked me for breeding him and groaned, arched his back and his slave cock erupted in a powerful orgasm. He shot and shot globs of his warm slave cum on to his body.

I moved my hands over his body scooping up his slave cum. Moved my hands at his wide open mouth as I fed him his warm seed. He hungrily lapped it up, as a good slave boy should do, and I continued feeding it to him until it is all eaten. Still weak from his incredible orgasm, I helped him up and start he got dressed for us, standing there for more."

I winked at Jonathan,

"Feel good, my lover? You dreamed about my cock up your ass as Tanner sucked you? Was Tanner a good slave boy? You kept your slave boy in line?"

Jonathan smiled proud,

"Wow, great, you had a good time with your slave boy! Yes, sir, I dreamed about you all the time."

Jonathan hesitated a split second,

"How did I do? I mean I kept him in line, but did I perform well enough to be his true Master?"

I looked at him,


Jonathan nodded his head,

"Please Master, just tell me the truth."

I smiled at my lover,

"Probably better than I would have. I've never developed a boy that young till Bobby. Your attitude probably made it a lot easier on him. Though I was a little nervous when I saw you kissing him with his hands unchained. Your kissing was tender and passionate, that was his reward, but Tanner is not as far as Bobby."

Jonathan smiled happy at me

"I know I took a couple of chances today, but I always held onto the collar's control and besides that, you know, I just felt it was safe."

I laughed gently at my lover. I gave Jonathan some instructions and told him,

"Yeah, I know you were safe. Now bring Tanner his supper and I will change myself and Bobby. I'll be down in a few minutes."

Tanner finished eating and cleaning himself as I and Bobby entered the chamber. He rose to his feet unsteadily and came as close to attention as the restraints permitted him.

"I hear you were a good little boy today,"

I said.

"Thank you Master,"

Tanner said. I guided Jonathan's hand down to his cock. Jonathan licked his lips and gave his balls a reassuring squeeze. There was no need for words this time.

Tanner allowed himself to the center, two chains hung from the ceiling, ending in leather cuffs. There were also two ankle cuffs connected to the ground.

Jonathan kissed his slave boy Tanner again, reached up to secure his wrists in the suspended cuffs. He also secured his ankles. Tanner looked at himself in interest in the mirror. The cuffs were just high enough to stretch his body out, and he could just rest his feet on the ground. The leather cuffs were hot, and being hung there like a piece of meat turned Tanner on even more. His slave cock twitched.

I circled him and ran my hands up and down Tanner's helpless body, making him tremble.

"You have a hot body, slave boy, I would have thought you were a top if it wasn't."

I gave his slave cock a slap, and Tanner yelped.

Jonathan stood behind Tanner and tenderly kissed his back, bringing his hands up to fondle his nipples. He circled the sensitive pink flesh and yanked lightly on them. Tanner moaned and pleaded in bliss, his slave cock continually leaking and leaving strings of pre-cum sticking

to his thighs.

As Jonathan continued to rub his nipples, Tanner felt the familiar sensation of a cock rubbing up against his ass cheeks. Jonathan's cock slipped in easily.

Tanner was not a top at all, what was left of his straight boy dreams was smashed.

Each thrust from behind made him swing forwards, but his wrist and ankle restraints prevented him from going anywhere. Tanner hung onto the chains while his slave cock uselessly in front of him. Pre-cum was flying everywhere.

Getting fucked while hanging by your arms wasn't exactly comfortable, but Tanner found it incredibly hot to watch himself in the mirrors around him. He saw Booby watching him and he didn't care anymore.

As Jonathan's fuck got more and more heated, I watched with slave Bobby at my side.

I gave Bobby permission and he jerked his erect boy cock and he wasn't shy about

reaching out to fondle Tanner's cock. He groped his cock, and his nipples, his hands roamed all over his body.

"How badly do you want to cum, slave boy?"

I decided to plant myself right in front of Tanner. I relaxed and leaned against

the mirror and started stroking my own cock, my eyes locked on the three moving bodies.

"Don't you wish you could stroke your little cock?"

Jonathan teased his slave boy.

"Please... please..."

To Bobby, it was like being in a candy shop, being allowed to touch his bound buddy. There was me, his Master slowly jerking off in front of him, and Tanner couldn't do anything, he

couldn't get his hands or legs free. Tanner tried to hump the air. He was so horny! He needed to cum so much!

"Look at my slave, he is trying to get off!"

Soon, I came, shooting strings and strings of hot cum onto Tanner's outstretched torso. My cum dripped down his body and down his slave cock. Tanner whimpered, his own dick denied by Bobby, who kneaded his chest and nipples.

Behind him, Jonathan groaned and came as well, pumping more and more cum into his stretched slave ass. Before Tanner's asshole could recover, I said to Bobby to fuck him. Bobby was surprised but delighted his teen cock was in soon place. This time it was Bobby with his long and thin penis fucking him.

"Fuck, please..."

Sweat rolled down Tanner's body as he took the boy's pounding. His cock rocked against his body, and cum streamed down the back of his balls and down his legs.

After some time I mercifully freed his arms, and he collapsed on the ground, panting

hard, with Jonathan's cum still seeping out his asshole. I knew Bobby didn't cum. It the hottest and most uncomfortable fuck they had ever had together. Tanner's shoulders were in agony. His hand automatically went to his cock, but it was no use, he had no permission to do so. He couldn't get off humping the air, and he sure couldn't get off now.

We left them with their frustrations.

"Shall we go up and get something to drink?"

I said to Jonathan and smiled at our frustrated boy slaves.

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Next: Chapter 10

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