True Strength Lies in Your Submission

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Apr 12, 2023


True strength lies in your submission Part 8 By Chaim

Your true strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate your life, through devotion, to something beyond yourself.

Ten minutes later I returned and walked right up to Tanner, "Can you hear me you piece of shit?"

Tanner opened his eyes and rapidly nodded.

"Good, I just got off the phone with your dad. He is okay with everything, it's up to me."

A nod. Then realization struck Tanner who started shaking his head even faster than before.

"Oh yes, they were so thrilled I was willing to have you stay here. I even told them I had clothes your size. Not that you'll be wearing any clothes. Aren't you happy slave?"

Tanner shook his head. Begging noises came from around the gag. I slapped Tanner's face and asked the question again. This time he nodded.

"You mean it master? We can keep him?"

Bobby was jumping up and asked, "Very good Master. Can I stay too, Sir? I want to serve you the best I can. Uh.. will he been broken?"

I smiled at him, "Of course you can stay, Bobby slave and yes, believe me, he will be been broken."

I went to Jonathan, "Have you decided what your next step is?"

I asked him. Jonathan, new to this, looked puzzled. He didn't expected my question.

"I thought we'd attach some weights to the tit clamps, then put weights on his balls to lower them. I think they ride way too high,"

Jonathan said.

"Of course it's up to you, Sir. Is it too much, maybe Tanner can be been broken without pain."

I nodded at Jonathan, "Very good, just continue."

Jonathan liked his new role and suggested, "The ball stretcher, sir?"

I smiled at him, "Excellent, you will become a good trainer and Master on day. How tight you want that ball stretcher?"

"I don't want to hurt him beyond limits, sir. Say we start with two turns and move up to four?"

I smiled again, "Proceed, use these little weights on each of Tanner's cute boy tits and a some on his balls. We'll increase those as well, but only when he earns it. The ball stretcher has to wait, Jonathan till later, maybe even tomorrow, it's too dangerous to do both together."

I stroked with my hand above Tanner's newly shaven groin.

"You do want to become a good slave, Tanner boy?"

Tanner sobbed, nodded his head.

"You see Bobby, he's halfway there already."

Bobby looked at me and said, "Yes Master, he will be yours."

Jonathan walked over to the bench and carefully picked out what he needed. Jonathan carried the little weights back to where Tanner hung. He quickly clamped one to each of the tit clamps. Blood immediately started flowing from each nipple but Jonathan just walked away, what surprised me.

Jonathan was paying no attention to the stifled sounds emanating from our new boy slave.

On his second trip Jonathan raised Tanner's rigid cock and slipped the noose around the hanging boy's balls and tightened them. After letting go of the cock he raised the weight and held it. He sounded like a real master when he whispered to Tanner, "Tanner, little slave boy, this will learn you to obey the Master and me. You make one single sound and it'll be another ten blows of my hand. Do you understand me?"

Tanner nodded in fear. Jonathan pulled the weight up as high as it would go and then let it go. It crashed into Tanner's slave cock, nuts and groin before pulling the nuts straight down hard.

By the time Jonathan stepped back Tanner yelled out in his gag.

I quickly checked the slave boy and gave my lover a reassuring smile.

"Tanner will be fine, let's have something to drink."

"Yes Master,"

Jonathan said with relief. He understood Tanner was in pain, and had had mixed feelings. It had scared him and in a way he felt some pity for the now tortured boy. He didn't want this slave boy suffering, even if the cute blond boy needed it.

Long, long ago they were just three teens in the gym, Tanner, Bobby and himself, before he met me, his lover and Master.

Following my own rules, I put my shorts back on but Jonathan raced buck naked up the stairs to the room. I went upstairs and kept Bobby close to me. Upstairs I gave Bobby and Jonathan a clean pair of soccer shorts to put on. Bobby's latex shorts were for in the dungeon and for special occasions.

Once this was their home, a tight pair of the soccer shorts were the only things, being their Master, I allowed him to wear sometimes.

Bobby followed me and rubbed his cock. He remembered the first time he was here with me, surrendered and found his new path.

"Bobby boy,"

I called bringing my slave boy out of his memories and rapidly back to reality. I looked at Jonathan and Bobby.

"Bobby, I have been thinking. You're one of the best slaves I've ever had. All the men I have around me have started out as slaves and some progressed to being masters. You both different. It is time for Jonathan to begin his training to be a Master like me. For you Bobby, to continue the training to become a real slave."

Jonathan stared at me as he thought this over.

"Are you saying, I'm no longer your lover, bottom and new slave, sir?"

"Yes Jonathan. You will be my lover, bottom for me, but you will not be my slave like Bobby."

Jonathan replied, "Why? I like being your bottom and your slave."

I got up and sat in the chair next to Jonathan, and said to Bobby to stand in the corner with his nose to the wall, I took Jonathan's hand and kissed him gently on his forehead.

"That does not mean we will no longer have sex , that I will no longer fuck your cute little ass."

Jonathan smiled at me, "Good, I'm not ready to give all that up, Master."

"Neither am I,"

I said and kissed the boy, my lover on his lips.

"Now let's get back to our Bobby. Yes, our Bobby, Jonathan"

I took Jonathan to the kitchen and said, "Bobby boy, follow us."

The slave boy did as ordered and I said to Bobby, "Bobby boy, you are a good boy, you are our slave boy now. You will eat at our feet, humble and from the dog bowl."

Bobby went to his knees and ate the light meal like a good puppy dog. I patted his blond head and said, "Bobby boy, you are a good boy, you are our slave boy now. Be proud to serve us as your Masters. Obey us and you will be rewarded, resist us and you will be punished. Clear?"

Bobby bowed his head and answered, "Yes Sir, please can I have some water?"

I nodded at Jonathan.

"It's up to you."

Jonathan smiled at the boy and said, "Bobby slave, I'll put water in the other bowl,"

Jonathan said and kept his word and put the bowl on the floor before Bobby.

"You do as you're told and you will be rewarded,"

Jonathan said softly. Bobby quickly realized he couldn't pick up the bowl to drink, so he bent over it and lapped it up. Halfway through he turned again to him, "I'm sorry Sir, I shouldn't have asked you without permission. Please forgive me."

"Bobby boy. Master told your parents that you're staying here, you will learn everything, so don't worry, your humble attitude is a good start. Do you think your Masters are liars?"

"No, Sirs. Of course I'll stay here, you can fuck my mouth and ass, just tell me what to do, so I can please you both."

We finished our drinks and went to Tanner again. I walked downstairs followed by Jonathan and our slave boy Bobby.

"Stop the torture. Please stop it,"

Tanner was crying in his gag. Bobby looked down at him and felt nothing, this was his buddy he needed this treatment. He was a humble slave boy now, he knew he should feel some sympathy, but Tanner didn't obey his Master and that was a horrible thing to do. He needed this, to be forced into this, it was his own fault. It could have been a lot worse. For Bobby his Master decisions were always right and positive, so if his Master wanted to torture Tanner, he had no doubts about it.

Bobby was enjoying himself, learning to fill his role as slave boy and that was all that mattered. I looked at Bobby and the struggling Tanner, "Tanner, we will fuck you when we want, we will do to you what we want and there's not one damn thing you can do about it. But I promise you this, you will be home once."

Tanner cried and mumbled through his gag, "Bobby, please ask them?"

Tanner started but suddenly the young teen slapped both sides of his face.

"My name is nothing anymore, I'm their slave boy and you will call Jonathan and our trainer respectfully Master."

Tanner looked at him, fear and surprise was on his face. I removed Tanner's gag and he licked his lips. I swallowed and pleaded.

"Forgive me Sir, Master. Please, let me go and I swear I won't tell anybody what happened."

Jonathan bent down and threw some water in Tanner's face.

"Did you hear Bobby, slave boy?"

Tanner swallowed, "Yes."

Jonathan slapped him, "What was that?"

Tanner swallowed again, "Yes Master. I am yours to command Master,"

Tanner said slowly.

I gave Bobby my instructions. Bobby chained Tanner's right hand back onto the X-frame and pulled him back off the floor before going back to the work bench. He had his strict orders. Jonathan took a little weight.

"For being a good boy, Tanner, I'm going to add a weight to your balls now,"

Jonathan said as he snapped the weight on. Tanner's scream echoed around the room as the extra weight began to take its toll.

I wacked Tanner's ass twice.

"I told you what will happen if you scream, boy."

Two more slaps against bare skin.

"I'm going to keep hit you until you're quiet."

Two more were needed.

"Please sir, stop, I'll be good, I'll be quiet, just please stop Sir,"

Tanner said through the tears. The sound of my swinging hand punctuated the air and the boy tensed.


I nodded at Bobby and he walked around and stroked Tanner's cock. I said, "That's for following orders and saying it properly,"

Bobby continued stroking the bound cock and I continued, "Next, Bobby is going to insert a vibrator into your fucking ass boy. You want that, don't you boy?"

Bobby felt his own cock straining against his latex shorts as the stronger teen boy slowly nodded. Tanner had accepted his new role. Bobby himself wanted the vibrator, he wanted the little weight on his balls if that's what Master and Sir wanted.

Tanner heard Bobby walk up behind him, then a sudden emptiness in his gut, an emptiness he hated. Then in seconds the gap was filled, filled with an even larger object than before. He saw the younger boy who was now owned by his Masters step around with a cord in his hand. Bobby raised it till he knew Tanner could see it and flicked the switch that activated the studded vibrator.

"Oh yes Sir, that feels so good,"

Tanner groaned.

Bobby waited for my permission before he flicked the switch to the next setting and Tanner threw back his head and groaned.

Jonathan turned to me. I was smiling which further confused the young Master.

"Sir, I don't understand,"

he said very softly. Quickly my hand struck his left cheek. Jonathan jumped up.

"Don't whine, my boy. You act nearly jealous. A slave boy can enjoy himself in different ways."

Jonathan looked surprised, "I wasn't whining. I didn't want him to hear me, why does he seems so happy?"

I threw back his head and laughed. This infuriated my lover boy even more but he knew better than to strike back at me. Jonathan just stared up at me, trying not to let his frustration show. He really didn't understand.

"Sorry Jonathan, I thought you'd understand automatically. You won, we've cracked him. Up to now we've been as bad as hell in his eyes. Now, Tanner wants us to do whatever we want and he knows deep inside he needs it."

Jonathan smiled, "Tanner likes the vibrator?"

I nodded my head, "When Bobby pulled the butt plug out, I saw the emptiness in his eyes. An emptiness replaced by joy when Bobby put the vibrator in. Jonathan, put another weight on his balls and he'll thank you. Stick your cock down his throat and he'll smile, fuck him and he will beg you for more... Jonathan, he is cracked. You are his Master now."

Jonathan smiled and went to Tanner and moved the vibrator in and out of Tanner's stretched ass.

"Thank you, Sir,"

In a flash Tanner said, unprompted.

"You are going to suck Bobby's cock, slave boy."

Tanner answered in reflex, "Yes sir, I will suck Bobby's cock, Sir."

Jonathan whispered to Bobby his instructions and the slave boy climbed onto a platform and straddled Tanner's face.

I nodded at Jonathan, who said to Tanner, "Beg for it, my slave boy, beg to suck his boy cock."

Tanner closed his eyes, "Sir please, I want to, need to suck your slave's cock. Drink his sperm, as it pleases you, Sir. Please Sir, I beg you. Can I suck Bobby, Sir?"

Jonathan grew bigger in his role as his Master and said, "Open your eyes, you slut boy. Look at Bobby's shaved cock, a cock of a real obedient and humble slave. He was your buddy and you tried to dominated the boy. You didn't succeeded, but of course we did. Bobby is our humble slave boy now. Do you really want to suck his cock as a slave?"

Tanner opened his eyes and smiled up to him, "Yes Sir, I want everything. I do everything to please you, Sir. You are the Master, I'm just a slave."

I smiled at them and pushed Bobby down. My slave boy started to grind his hips in Tanner's face. Our new slave stuck his tongue out and licked the latex shorts containing his prize. Bobby lowered his shorts, after my order to do so, and run his shaved boy balls over Tanner's face. He was really getting into it, this was his little moment of victory. I watched Jonathan, who swallowed, after some thinking, he ordered Tanner, "Lick his boy sweat, slave boy."

Tanner stretched his neck as far as he could and licked Bobby's shaved boy balls.

I looked up, my own cock in my hand, Jonathan followed my moves and did the same, we got both hard.

Finally Bobby ripped his latex shorts away and thrust his boy cock into Tanner's face. The new slave boy started licking it and tried getting the cock head inside his open wet mouth.

"Not yet, slave, did I say you could already suck my boy?"

Jonathan said as he slapped Tanner's face. Instinctively Tanner lowered his head. He groaned, but accepted Jonathan's power over him, "Sorry Sir, I didn't know, forgive me my eagerness, sorry Sir."

I said to him, "Never say sorry again, slave Tanner. You obey us, your Masters, and if you don't you will be punished. Sorry or not sorry, it doesn't matter."

Jonathan added, "Now, obey us and raise your head, slave boy."

Tanner's eyes met Bobby's eyes. Bobby saw the need in Tanner's eyes and smiled, his buddy was now really a slave boy, just like himself. Bobby rubbed the tip of his cock over his wet lips. Tanner hungrily licked his boy cock.

Tanner finally understood his new role in life and what he really wanted and needed in sex. He was a slave.

Bobby moved back and Tanner leaned as far as the chains would let him.

"Now, slave boy, suck your little buddy, our slave boy. Feel his place, he is above you. He is already a committed slave to his Masters and you are just shit, a novice, a slave boy of nothing."

I said making Tanner little and humble. Bobby stood and bowed to me, he walked forward and stuck his hard cock as far into Tanner's mouth as he could. For a second, our new slave boy gagged but Bobby pulled back an inch and he quickly recovered.

Jonathan ran his fingers through his very short blond hair and heard purring noises from around Bobby's cock.

"You know what to do, slave boy."

I ordered Bobby "You use him alt he way, now you are giving him back what he did to you with his arrogant attitude. Let him satisfy you, my slave boy. It's your reward being a good boy."

Tanner moved his head back and forth as much as he could, he sucked Bobby as an expert. Bobby wanted to make it last, but soon lost control and started guiding Tanner's head faster and faster on his boy cock using his hands. Jonathan watched them and whispered to Tanner, "Oh yeah boy, I can see you've got a hot mouth, suck Bobby's cock like your life depends on it, slave boy."

Tanner ran his tongue around Bobby's cock as he bobbed his head. The free flowing pre- cum went along his tongue and down his throat. Bobby groaned and Jonathan warned Tanner, "Get ready to taste my slave load, boy. You are his cum dump now, feel it, taste it?"

Bobby shivered and groaned, the slave boy came into Tanner's willing mouth. Cumming in hard fast shots that quickly filled and overflowed the slave boy's mouth, before he could start swallowing it. When Bobby finally finished shooting he pulled out and wiped himself clean on Tanner's face before putting his cock away and putting his latex shorts back on. He looked into Tanner's pleading eyes and smiled.

Jonathan said to Tanner, "That was a good start, slave boy, slave Tanner,"

And I added, "Good slave boy, slave Bobby,"

I said to Bobby and he dropped nearly to the floor. Bobby walked over to us, his Masters and kneeled in front of us.

"Thank you master, and Sirs, for accepting me as your slave. I hope I have pleased you today."

In rapid-fire succession my hand cracked down on his naked exposed butt two times.

"You have done well my boy, you will make a fine slave one day."

Bobby bowed his head, "Thank you, my Master."

I smiled down at him, "Now our new slave Tanner has had enough for one day. It is time to let him rest."

"He has earned it,"

Jonathan said.

"Where shall he sleep?"

The thought of Tanner sleeping on the floor at the foot of our bed crossed my mind, but the boy hadn't earned that yet. Nor could we be sure Tanner was truly broken and trustworthy. I looked around the room and saw my bull saddle, quickly deciding Hank wasn't ready to spend the night on it. Beside it was the rack, he pointed and Jonathan nodded, then held up seven fingers.

Bobby understood and went to the bench and picked up a seven inch dildo and secured it in the center of the rack. He as a good slave boy examined the complete mechanism to make sure it was working safely. I had instructed him that he had to be sure everything was properly clean and in good working order before his Master were using it. He finished his task and went on his knees and bowed his head. I came over and double-checked his work and praised him, "Good boy Bobby, I knew this beforehand, but I wanted to make sure you didn't get careless with all the excitement. Now Jonathan will bring Tanner over."

Bobby nodded and Jonathan walked over. He lowered the X-frame and released Tanner's ankles. Jonathan instructed him, "I am going to release your arms now, slave Tanner. If you can't stand, you will fall, no problem. Stay on the floor till you can rise."

Tanner whispered, "Yes Sir."

Jonathan continued, "The moment you can stand on your feet, you will walk over to the Master. You will be punished severely for any misbehavior, so it is totally up to you, slave boy."

Tanner nodded his head, "I will obey everything, Sir."

Ten seconds later Tanner was free, and sprawled on the floor. Bobby looked at me, his Master and shook my head. Jonathan stood next to the collapsed slave boy. He gave him further instructions, "Tanner, move your legs and arms, that'll make the circulation come back quicker. Either that or start crawling to the Masters feet,"

It took five minutes but Tanner slowly stood up. Bobby smiled happy. Tanner walked slowly an carefully over to me. He bowed his head in submission and said, "Yes Master."

I looked at him, "Take the vibrator out, and make it fast."

Tanner reached behind him and yanked the vibrating dildo out in one quick motion.

"Good boy, now climb up and sit on the dildo. I want to see your white ass cheeks pressed on the table."

"Yes Master,"

Tanner said and he climbed up the table. The slave boy was sitting with the dildo inside him in two minutes. After some grimaces he face went serene and in a way proud.

"Now lay down, with your hands over your head. Bobby, you take his feet."

Tanner moved in positions and it took Bobby five minutes to secure and double check his restraints.

"Now slave Tanner, this is called a rack. Have you heard of this before?"

I asked the bound slave boy.

"Yes Master, you turn a wheel and it pulls the limbs, Sir."

I smiled, "Very good, now I will turn the wheel three times and that's how you will spend the night. Now do you want me to leave any lights on?"

I asked, my voice was powerful but kind.

"Yes please, it doesn't have to be much Master, but I get afraid if it's pitch dark."

I turned the wheel twice and turned away. Bobby wondered why not three times, but silently followed me as my shadow.

I smiled walked over to Jonathan and kissed my lover deeply. After changing I turned all but one light switch off.

"Is that enough, slave Tanner?"

I called to him.

"Yes Master, thank you Master."

Tanner was in for it now.

"Let's go Jonathan,"

I said and led him smiling, my proud lover, up the steps. Bobby followed us in silence.

Upstairs I told them to walk with me, the mirror in the ceiling was a both way device, so it was possible to see what was happening in the dungeon.

Tanner had actually fallen asleep quickly and was still except for his stiff, imprisoned, twitching teen cock.

"I can't believe he seems so content,"

Jonathan whispered.

"You were the same, my love."

Jonathan shook his head in denial.

"That's not fair though, to compare my free life to his."

I looked at my lover, "I wasn't thinking about that, I meant emotionally. You both needed and need the discipline that being a slave imposes. Your straight life imposed an order on your life for years, to have lost that overnight would have been too much."

Jonathan nodded.

"Tanner on the other hand had too much freedom. I guarantee you, they didn't give Tanner any rules at home as long as he stayed out of trouble with the law and got good grades. That made him a spoiled arrogant macho boy."

Jonathan gave it a thought and said, "You're right, he's bragged about that a couple of times."

Jonathan leaned back and watched Tanner sleeping though the two way mirror. I put my arm around his bare shoulders and brought him close. We moved to the couch and I made Bobby to stand in the corner of the room. Jonathan looked up and our lips met in a long passionate kiss. Out of habit Jonathan's hands found my crotch stroking my cock into an erection.

"Take it out and suck it, boy, make your Master and Lover happy,"

I whispered hoarsely. Jonathan slipped of the couch and knelt between my knees, totally a bottom, totally serving me. Unzipping my fly he reached in and yanked my hardening man-sized cock out through the opening as his other hand worked to finish lowering my shorts. Jonathan started licking the tip of my cock with his tongue. Round and round the head he went until his lips were over my cock head and he gently closed his lips around it. As he started working on the first four inches.

Jonathan sucked and wondered what happened to him in the last a couple of days. He was on his knees sucking my cock as my lover and boy. He wanted and needed me. What happened with the straight acting sportsman Jonathan, a handsome teen, talking about parties and chicks?

As his nose inhaled the musk from me, he couldn't imagine life without pleasing the man who had saved him from a life in the closet.

For my part I knew that today marked a kind of transition point in our relationship.

Jonathan became my lover and now he discovered his other sides in domination and submission. We had a difficult path to walk, but the boy was too great to lose.

I leaned back and let Jonathan do all the work, and he was a master cock-sucker. Four times I was on the edge of filling the boy's mouth only to be stopped at the last possible moment.

When Jonathan started up again after the fourth time I told him to finish it. Jonathan nodded his head, and slowed down. I might be ready to shoot but he wanted to make it last some more.

For another twenty minutes he slowly sucked my throbbing cock barely contained by his talented throat and mouth. I felt my sperm start to make their way from the huge hanging balls, into the base of my cock, up the long tube. My orgasm was building up to an incredible high, "Oh fuck yes, yes, yes,"

I shouted and filled his stomach with a huge load of cum. Jonathan smiled at me and his boy cock was rock hard. I whispered to him to take it out and dry hump my leg. Jonathan pressed his cock into my leg and rocked me. Jonathan looked at me and his eyes were pleading.

"Shoot your load boy, rock my leg like a puppy, do it boy, cum for me!"

Jonathan closed his eyes and groaned, "Yes Sir."

he groaned again and had a heavy and intense orgasm, my boy sprayed my leg with his healthy boy cum.

After cleaning me off and replacing my still large cock inside my shorts Jonathan climbed up on the couch.

"What about tomorrow, sir?"

Jonathan asked.

"You'll keep control, you will be the master. Now upstairs and get ready for bed, you have a big day tomorrow," I said. I walked over to Bobby, who watched everything.

"I'm proud of my slave boy. Yes, you, you sleep next to your buddy. There is a blanked in the corner. All rules are in place, so don't touch yourself and if you need to pee, use the bucket."

I kissed his shaved, nearly bald head and left him there.

As Jonathan stripped and lay down on our bed and I moved next to him. Next thing Jonathan knew the sun was shining into the windows and I was shaking him awake.

Please make donations to Nifty to make this website possible! Chaim

Next: Chapter 9

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