True Strength Lies in Your Submission

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Apr 1, 2023


True strength lies in your submission Part 5 By Chaim

Thanks to the readers who mailed me!

Your true strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate your life, through devotion, to something beyond yourself.

I left Bobby in the bathroom and took Tanner by the arm and lead him back to my bedroom and helped him down onto the floor on a rug I had laid out earlier. Now the final piece of the puzzle.

I picked up the butt plug off my bed and put some lube on it. Pulling his ass cheeks apart his ass ring was exposed, slightly red and open. I pushed the butt plug in without too much trouble. Just then the doorbell rang. Perfect timing Jonathan!

I flicked the switch on the base of Tanner's butt plug and left the room. Slowly walking down the hallway and I opened the door. As the door opened there was my gorgeous new fuck buddy standing there in front of me.


"Hi Jonathan, come on in,"

I said with a broad smile and lust filled eyes. With a little hesitation Jonathan stepped through the open doorway and passed me. Mm, he looked even better from behind, in those tight fitting shorts. The fabric pulled tautly across his firm shaped ass cheeks.

"I haven't started dinner yet, I was going to make something easy, Is that okay with you?"

I asked.

"Sounds great"

came the reply, I smiled at him,

"I figure we should get to know each other better, since I was the first guy to fuck your virgin boy ass."

I smiled cockily as I looked into his blue eyes. Pretty quickly dinner was ready and I dished it up. We moved over to the dining table and sat down. We had plenty of time, I hoped he could stay the weekend. I said,

"To a long enjoyable friendship and a truck load of wild hot sex. Well, I wish I had known earlier that you were into guys."

Jonathan looked at me, with a bright handsome smile,

"I wasn't into guys until this afternoon, David. You were the first guy I have ever had sex with!"

I smiled back at him,

"I know you said that at the gym but you were just a little too far into it."

I said.

"Well okay, sure I have fantasized about being with a guy plenty of times, but I had never done it before. Hell, I have been watching you at the gym for months and dumped many loads imagining you fucking me while I beat off. Well, I wanted to meet you! You just seemed like a really nice guy, someone I could give my virginity to."

Jonathan looked up at this time and smiled weakly at me. After silence he whispered,

"A friend saw you in a gay bar and he told me you were fucking a cute young guy in the black room."

A look of horror covered his face, he had said too much. I smiled at him and nodded my head,

"You know it was true. Come on!"

I said standing up. We headed up to the living room. By this time we were sitting side by side on the couch talking. This felt so comfortable. Jonathan was just a really nice guy and someone who was really hot to look at too. Jonathan moved in a little closer on the couch and I threw my arm around his shoulder. This felt right, it felt kosher and most of all having my arm around this hot dude was making blood pump through my cock with increased pressure. We petted on the couch and fondled each other. We both were hard as stone and ready to get naked and party.

I was on top of him and kissed him passionately, my tongue exploring his mouth. Jonathan kissed me back just as passionately. We felt our bodies through our clothes, I rubbed my hands over his strong muscled back, felt the firm bulbs of his ass cheeks. Yes, I wanted to fuck me and I did want him to fuck me at the right time, no matter how much it would hurt. I asked him

"You want to be fucked again, dear buddy?"

Jonathan moaned,

"Oh yes, I do want it,"

Jonathan looked at me and quickly I was off him and on my feet,

"Take off your clothes boy. I want to see your hot body, you like to get your boy pussy fucked, so I will."

I said as he started taking off his clothes slowly. I felt a really a dominant top towing above him and he understood his position very well. I wanted to move on,

"Didn't you hear me boy? Take off your clothes, Jonathan. Hurry up! We don't have much time now!"

Soon Jonathan was naked except for his t-shirt. I stood there looking at him, while manipulating my semi-soft uncut cock and low hanging balls. I rearranged his balls and

flopped his dick back and forth.

"Come over here Jonathan, and I don't want to hear a sound from you. Get down on your knees and lick on my cock and get me wet, unless you want me to shove a dry cock up your punk ass, boy."

Jonathan's attitude changed into a willing and accepting my power over him.

"No sir. I'll do as you ask. I will get you wet as you ordered, sir."

Jonathan said, as he got on his knees and held my cock in his hands. He looked at my cock and worshipped it with his eyes.

"You're really big. Please take it easy on my ass. I might have some difficulty pleasing you again."

Jonathan whispered.

"Shut up, boy! I don't want to hear a sound of you, remember? You're gonna be my bitch boy and I'll do what I want with your tight ass. Get down there and suck, you need and want it. You get it!"

Once again he was a little bit shocked at my hard demanding ways, it overwhelmed him, but he was eager. Jonathan was into it and wanted it my way. He was on his knees holding my cock in one hand and caressing my shaved man balls in the other. He ran his tongue around my cockhead to be presented with a large amount of pre-cum. Jonathan licked his lips, my cock must have a mixture of salty sweaty and piss-pre cum taste. My man cock had been a long afternoon imprisoned in my underwear.

Jonathan stooped under me to lap on my shaved balls and struggled to suck them into his mouth. I moaned with delight, he was doing a great job.

"Yeah, you are a little slut deep inside, Jonathan. You know how to please a man, don't you? Lick the sweat from my nuts. That's good, boy. Now stand up and let me take a look at your beautiful tight ass."

I lifted him up from the floor, pressed him over the couch, wet one of my fingers, and stuck it into his still small butt hole. I was soon on my knees spreading his buttocks and searching for his pink anus. Jonathan felt my warm breath on his ass, and the entry of my moist tongue. It felt awesome!

I kept tonguing his pink hole. I stood, grabbed my hard cock, and ran it up and down his butt crack searching for his narrow opening.

"Jonathan boy. Your ass is the best, now let's see if your tight boy cunt is as taut as I know it's gonna be. Fuck, boy, you make me so hot. I don't wanna cum before I stick my cock into your little hole."

I spit on my cock for more lubrication. My cock head found his tender mark and I pressed against his hole to penetrate him.

"Damn. You are a sweet piece of ass. Oh, what a sweet thing you are!"

I grunted as I tried to put my cock in his asshole, but it was not going in that easy this time. I lubed my cock again and this time his cock slowly eased into his tight boy ass. I was so anxious to fuck Jonathan that I just shoved my whole cock deep in me with one thrust.

Jonathan cried out in pain, but I quickly positioned my hand over his mouth and held him. He whimpered but remained quiet while I pulled my cock half way out of him and shoved it all the way in again. Jonathan relaxed as I still held my hand over his mouth. I put my hands on his buttocks and started humping him.

"Oh young man, you are the answer to my prayers, the moment I met you at the gym. I've needed some hot young boy like you to satisfy my sexual needs. I want you to be my boy and every time you come here, I'm gonna fuck the hell out of your tight boy pussy. Damn, Jonathan. You're so warm and tight."

I said as I gripped his hips and used him, and shoved my cock deep inside him.

Tears were running down Jonathan's cheeks. My cock was definitely stretching his hole to fit his bowels. I started pounding Jonathan hard and fast. I constantly rubbed against his special spot, and I knew, I would cum soon. My balls would slap against him making a squashy sound. Jonathan started to loosen up and enjoyed my rape.

"Oh, you sweet young thing. You're beginning to enjoy my cock up your pussy, aren't you? I knew once you got the feeling of a man size cock up your hole, you were gonna love it. Shit. Yes. Such a nice warm, tight cunt."

I said as I kept plunging my cock into his receptive hole. Jonathan knew I was gonna cum. My cock was starting to swell, my movements became faster and my grip on his buttocks were hard.

"Fuck. I will unload my cock. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna shoot my load up your punk ass. Oh, boy. Oh Jonathan, my beautiful young lover. I'm gonna cum, breed you. Fill you up, deep inside. Yeah, fuck you, breed you, I'm cumming."

I yelled as I pounded his ass. My cock swelled and filled Jonathan with my warm juices. Jonathan came at the same time and shot his young load down. We melted together.

Jonathan leaned backwards into me as I continued to cum. I kissed his neck and licked his ear. The sweat from my body rolled down my chest and onto his butt. I stopped moving and let my cock rest in his warm cum filled boy hole. I held him tightly against my hard muscular body and spoke softly to him,

"Jonathan I love you!"

We rested. Had a drink together and after half an hour I asked,

"You ready to come with me and play some more, boy?"

Without waiting for a reply, I pulled Jonathan to his feet. His face lit up with a bright smile.

"I also have a bit of a surprise for you, but before I tell you what it is I want you to know that it is your call okay. You have to say a simple yes or no, is that clear?"

Jonathan nodded.

"Remember the boys Tanner and Bobby? Well they are here now and if you want we can all play together or if you don't want that you and I can play or just include one of them, it is up to you."

"Fuck yeah, let's go, where are they?"

Now this had Jonathan all excited.

"Is this yes or no, Jonathan?"

I wanted him to stick to the rules. He replied,

"Yes, Sir. It is Yes, sir."

I took Jonathan by the hand and lead him down the hall to my bedroom. I motioned for him to be quiet as we crept into the room. Jonathan gasped as he looked at Tanner who was motionless and naked on a rug on the floor. His cock was hard and there was cum all over the rug in front of him. Obviously he had cum more than once from the vibrating butt plug that was still buried and humming in his ass. Tanner's breathing was controlled but heavy. The teen's moans were just audible as we sat there looking at him and his struggle.

"This is his first time too, you know."

I said matter of fact to Jonathan.

"Let's explain to you. Tanner is learning discipline here from me and it will serve him well into the future. Tanner was getting a little too cocky with his success and he needed to be brought but under my control. I can keep him focused, you understand. Tanner on the other hand is pure talent, so I can use him the way I want for whatever I want."

Jonathan nodded his head. Just then cum started to once again shoot from the flared eye of Tanner's beautiful meat. His body was wrapped up in his orgasm, shaking violently and his hips pumping back and forth. As his orgasm subsided his body became lifeless except for his breathing.

"Wait here a minute, Jonathan, I am going to get Bobby."

I walked back down the hall to the bathroom. There was Bobby, still kneeling where I had left him earlier. Naked as a baby boy and his penis hanging off his peach sized hairless balls. His eyes never moved a bit when I entered the room. I leaned down and whispered in his ear,

"Good Boy, your obedience will be rewarded. Stand!"

Bobby raised to his feet, his knees had to be killing from being locked in the one position so long. His boy cock had already started to move again. It was nearly too much for me to resist. I wanted to fuck the boy, reward him with my load.

Bobby and I reached my bedroom and Jonathan was still sitting there on my bed. He was impressed by the sight of Tanner bound and gagged on the floor. Jonathan looked up at us as we came back in.

I took Bobby by the arm and pulled him close to me whispering my instructions in his ear. He nodded to show his understanding.

I walked behind him, lowered my shorts and gave my cock a couple of firm strokes with my hand. My cock got nice and hard. I put my hand on his shoulder and pushed Bobby forward.

Jonathan looked at our actions.

Bobby leaned forward and I slammed my hard man cock deep into his ass!

"Oh Jonathan, Bobby's boy ass is like a silk purse, this boy was born to be fucked. He loves it!"

I had something special in store for them though. I stopped pumping my cock in his ass. Bobby let out a deep moan of frustration.

"Oh Master, please fill me up with your cum. Let me be your personal slave. I need all of your cum, Sir. "

Fuck, all this talking that was making me harder. I swung my hand, firmly slapping him.

"Shut Up, Bobby. I didn't ask you to speak, boy."

Silence once again filled the room.

"Follow my orders, boy and don't you dare to do otherwise. You disobey me and I am going to throw you out of the house and you will never be invited back. Is that clear?"

Bobby nodded in acknowledgment and trembled.

I signaled for them all to be very quiet again. I moved Jonathan, so he stood beside the dresser where Tanner couldn't see him and made Bobby to stand in front of Tanner's body.

Once in position I leaned down and carefully flicked the switch to the off position on the butt plug. The vibrations stopped immediately and Tanner jumped.

I pulled the ball gage from his mouth and natural instinct for Tanner was to gasp and lick his lips. A teen who has spent some time with a vibrator in his ass and a ball gag in his mouth will understand the feelings that Tanner was going through. Emotions of relief and grief, glad that the torture had ended and yet at the same time missing the stimulation and pleasure it gave to his body.

I left the butt plug in place and took Tanner by the arms and lifted him into a kneeling position. I motioned for Bobby to step forward. By this time his boy cock was like a piece of steel, pre-cum already dripping from its eye. Bobby placed his hands on either side of Tanner's head and guided his mouth onto his boy cock.

Tanner realized what happened, he put out his tongue licked the pre cum covered cock. As Bobby pulled Tanner fully onto his boy cock. Tanner realized that it wasn't my cock he had in his mouth and immediately resisted. I gave a hard swat on Tanner's ass cheek to keep him in line.

Tanner jumped forward and went down on Bobby's cock in his mouth. Wow, I got horny by the look on Bobby's face. Tanner submitted to his submissive role and sucked Bobby's cock like a real slave boy. His own cock had come fully back to life again. I reached under him and turned the butt plug on once more. Tanner groaned loudly and his body shuddered heavily. His balls pushing forward another long string of pre-cum from his exhausted balls.

Bobby stepped back quickly pulling his cock from Tanner's mouth. I pushed Tanner firmly in the back with my foot and forced him back down on the floor face down. He fell, unable to soften his fall with his arms still bound behind his head. I rolled him onto his back and ordered Bobby,

"Bobby, get on your hands and knees in a 69 position over your buddy Tanner."

Bobby took Tanner's hard cock into his mouth and started to lavish attention to it. The relief Tanner felt was evident as he let out a long guttural groan of pure pleasure. I removed my clothing and knelt down over Tanner's head. Leaning forward I rubbed my hard cock around his mouth and he quickly darted his tongue out to please me. As Bobby was giving Tanner such enjoyment, he in turn was coating my cock in spit and showing me how fast he had learned to please a man with his cock sucking prowess.

I pulled my cock out of Tanner's mouth and raise up on my haunches, my cock head finding its target of Bobby's asshole easily. I shoved my cock inside Bobby and pulled him back a bit and started to pump his ass with a steady rhythm. With each pump Bobby's ass gave up a little more and we were now coating Tanner with a mixture of pre-cum and lube.

As I completely went out of Bobby's ass and I pulled him back onto Tanner' s open mouth.

I pushed Bob off Tanner and reached under Tanner head to the Velcro that held his hood in place. The Velcro tore open loudly. Tanner was temporarily blinded as the light flooded back into his eyes. He looked up into my eyes, then at Bob's ass, then back to my eyes. I leaned down and grabbed the plug pulling it roughly from his ass. I slapped Bob as hard as I could on

his ass and he turned around. His cock was still rock hard and dripping.

"Clean this, loser, up will you. Make sure he is spotless when I get back."

I motioned at Tanner.

"And you don't move a fucking muscle!"

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Next: Chapter 6

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