True Strength Lies in Your Submission

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Mar 30, 2023


True strength lies in your submission Part 4 By Chaim

Your true strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate your life, through devotion, to something beyond yourself.

Oh fuck, this was nearly too much luck!

I had simply come in, to take a shower after my work out. Now, I had a hot fuck buddy naked on the floor, who I had fucked twice! Jonathan had his legs pulled back and my hot young training partner Tanner was eating my cum out of his ass. My other young training partner Bobby was bent over Tanner, having just dumped his load on Tanner's back.

I am here, with my cock balls deep in Bobby's hot teen ass. Oh god, this was pure heaven!

I pulled my now exhausted cock from Bobby's ass. Fuck, this was so good!

We needed to get out of here!

Pretty soon someone was going to come, looking for us. I slapped Bobby on his white ass and ordered him,

"Bobby boy, stand up and get dressed. Now!"

Bobby followed my orders like an grateful puppy, he got his shorts an pulled them up.

Tanner had moved from eating Jonathan's ass, he pumped his cock in and out of his hand and aimed it at Jonathan's open hole. Bobby's large load was plastered all over Tanner's muscled back. Fuck, Tanner looked hot, but there was no way I was going to let him get away with fucking my new fuck buddy without my permission.

I was furious, no way Tanner could do so!

?You asshole! Stop it!?

I shouted at Tanner. I leaned forward and grabbed Tanner by the balls again and squeezed them hard. The teen froze immediately, his cock hard and already deep within my fuck buddy Jonathan.

"Tanner, piece of shit. Did I tell you that you could fuck him?"

I said, giving his balls and extra twist. Tanner whimpered with a groan,

"No Sir."

Yanking on his balls I pulled him out of the warm asshole he tried to fuck. I pulled him to his feet by his balls. Tanner looked shocked and in pain.

"You don't fuck anyone without my permission Tanner, is that clear?"

I enquired. He mumbled a reply. That was not good enough. The teen felt still a lot of resistance accepting my power over him.


I pulled back and slapped his white ass cheeks as hard as I could.

"Is that clear, Tanner?"

I asked more sternly. I slapped his white butt again, twice, once to each cheek. These were

hard slaps, and there was a momentary sting. Tanner's butt cheeks clenched, he nearly yelled,

"Yes Sir!"

he repeated with more intensity,

"Yes Sir!"

I just looked at him, my stern face told him everything he needed to know.

"Get up and get ready for practice boy,"

I ordered. Tanner yelled out his frustrations,

"But David, Sir, I haven't cum yet, I want to cum!"

I grabbed Tanner by the ear and pulled him toward me. Standing nose to nose with him I said very softly and powerful,

"We need to work on that attitude Tanner! Get on and you won't cum till I say so, now get dressed."

Bobby was standing quietly waiting. Tanner pulled up his shorts and went to Bobby to stand beside him.

"You're just boys, who need to have someone to discipline you."

I reached out and took the hand of my gorgeous my new fuck buddy on the floor, helping him to his feet. I gently kissed his lips and held his face between my hands.

"Man, enjoyed your company so much. Believe me, you are the best fuck I had in years. For a virgin straight guy, you are quite a horny gay devil."

I said with a chuckle.

"Jonathan, as you know and the pleasure is all mine. Lost my straight attitude in a flash with you. Thanks mate!"

he smiled. Jonathan followed me to my locker. I reached into my locker and took a notepad. I wrote my mobile number along with the address.

"Well dear Jonathan, I sure like to meet you again. Be at my place tonight about 7.30 pm. Feel welcome to come for much more fun!"

I kissed him good bye tenderly and Jonathan dressed and left us alone. With that I closed my locker and picked up my stuff. Nodding at Bob and Tanner, who were still standing there, I said,

"You two follow me!"

Like two little puppies then followed me out, dressed in their shorts, chest bare. I moved them to a deserted place in the gym.

"Listen carefully, boys. I took my responsibility to set you straight and teach you a bit of discipline. Don't worry, you will learn more, and you both need it. You will work extra hard this afternoon, I can guarantee it!"

They nodded their heads, and I continued,

"Okay, you two, you come with me and follow my rules and directions. You heard me?"

With that I swatted them both hard on their asses as they looked to the floor. One by one they said,

"Yes, Sir!"

A quick lick of my hand and I put them in place. I smiled to myself as I watched them. Yeah, things can only get better! I stopped them,

"Ok boys, you have to do the things I say. I think we should do something a little different. What do you think Tanner, you game enough to bet on yourself?"

Tanner glared at me hard, he knew there was no way in the world he had a chance to beat me. He knew me well enough to know that if I was offering a bet, I knew I would win. He was

cute but he was no dummy, and he was exactly right. I was good.

"So Tanner, you game enough to bet me or are you going to be a weak little pussy?"

Tanner looked at me puzzled.

"I'll take the bet, Sir."

said Bobby just a little too eagerly.

"I know you will, Bobby, I already counted you in. You are a boy, who is willing to put himself on the line, who believes in himself, not like this fucking weak pussy you call a friend."

"I am no fucking pussy, Sir and don't say that I am."

Tanner dropped his eyes.

"Well boy, if you thought you had any talent at all, you would take the bet and prove me wrong. You have been training with me long enough to know how you can beat me."

I added with a knowing smile,

"I have put enough hard work into helping you and you have got the talent. You think I would waste my time on just any teenager, who knows it all? Tell you what, Tanner, you beat me today and you can come to my house tonight and fuck Jonathan and Me. Do what you like to the both of us. You told me how bad you need to blow, here's your chance. That's a bet any man would take!"

That ought to do it, I thought. There is no way Tanner can back out of that.

"I can fuck you both of you and you will do what I tell you to do without question?"

he whispered,

"Yes, that is what I said,"

nodding at him..

"Okay, Deal. How are we going to do this?"

Tanner asked, getting excited at the thought of maybe fucking me.

"Okay, we have our scheme, it has four events called The Challenge,

a Bear Crawl, walk on hands and feet, alternate leg and opposite hand; Crab Walk, so walk on hands and feet sideways, but facing up, making a bridge; Donkey Kicks, Hands on floor, kick both feet into air, land, jump forward; Gorilla Run, Squat position, jump forward, landing on one foot after the other."

both boys nodded in agreement.

"We are going to do this one by one, the other two keep the time. Got it?"

I inquired looking both the boys in the eye.

"Good, let's get going, Bobby you start, I will be next and Tanner the third."

Bobby took position and I shouted,


The way to make sure I didn't lost this bet was to concentrate on technique. Doing this drill is hard enough but you lose energy fast. Off we went, all on a mission.

Bobby's to lose as bad as possible. I was sure of that, he wanted to submit himself and bottom for us. Tanner's mission was to win at all costs and mine to guarantee my cock would be splitting Tanner's ass open tonight.

As I finished, I looked up and smiled at Tanner and blew him a little kiss. I could see the fear in his pretty blue eyes. Bobby finished earlier with a good time but below me and stood against to the wall behind me, I turned and looked at his face. He had a cute little smirk on his lips.

Tanner finished just seconds behind me. Hanging on the wall Tanner was breathing hard. I just stared into his eyes.

It was clear. Bobby lost, Tanner was second and I was the winner. I mouthed the words to him,

"Your ass is mine!"

That really rattled his cage, I laughed. I had my plan set, I knew where I was going to make my move and it was going to be for maximum effect. If I wanted to control Tanner I knew I needed to crush him completely.

I looked over at Tanner, he was looking straight at the wall, but I could see a little tear in the corner of his eye. I had crushed him, goal achieved.

What Tanner didn't understand at the time was just how important a moment that was in his life. I controlled him now. I had a plan and it wasn't just sexual. I put my arm around him and gave him a quick hug. Tanner tried to pull away, but I held him tight.

"You did a great job, boy."

I told him,

"I had to work my ass off to beat you, which I guess was only fair. You are an excellent sportsman. Learn to share victories and accept your loss. A bet is a bet, you have to face the consequences. "

Tanner, the poor boy, looked at me really defeated.

"Let's go and call the work out finished, okay."

Bobby was standing there looking at us.

"Bobby get here, boy."

I ordered. I pulled him closer and whispered,

"You were defeated, because you wanted it that way. You want to submit yourself to my commands an wishes, isn't that true, my boy?"

Bobby looked at his feet an flushed. He nodded his head. To both of them I said,

"You boys thought it was time to challenge me, so you needed to be taught a lesson, you got it."

I smirked. Both the boys kept drying off their red faces and didn't look at me. We walked to the lockers in silence, Bob in anticipation and Tanner with fear for the upcoming events. Once inside the boys started to get ready for a shower. I smiled at them and said,

"Don't bother with that, boys!"

I looked at their naked bodies and ordered them,

"You are both coming home with me, we can shower there."

Tanner looked at me and went to complain, but thought better of it.

"I'll just have to call my folks and tell them where I am going."

he said.

"We won't be too late will we?"

I smiled at him,

"Just tell them we are having a bonding session and you are staying the night at my house,"

I replied. Both boys had called their parents and got the okay, it was only a short drive home from the gym, the boys followed me in Bobby's car. We arrived at the house the boys parked on the street.

I waited for them and said,

"Welcome boys, walk with me, just follow me inside."

They did in deep silence and I put my workout bag in the laundry. I motioned for the boys to follow me into the guest bathroom. I reached into the shower and turned on the taps and started to adjust the water temperature. Once I had it nice and warm I turned to the boys who were standing in silence watching me.

"Both of you drop you gear and bend over the sink, if we are going to really play tonight I am going to make sure you are both clean in- and outside."

I waited a few seconds and added,

"I hate dirt on the sheets."

Bob's clothing came off just a little too fast showing his eagerness to submit to me. I loved his attitude. Tanner wasn't so keen to get naked. I didn't think he had figured out what I was about to do. I guessed they were only fairly young and too unexperienced to face the real consequences.

I filled the enema bag and added some special soap and I put a little long lube on the end.

"Okay, I expect you to take a lot of water. It is going to hurt a little as the water fills you, but I want you to focus hard on taking it. Take as much water as you can, Got It?"

Both boys nodded in reply.

I told Bobby he was the first one and to bend over in the bathtub and put his hands on the side. He did that and I told him,

"I will have to give you an enema, to be sure that your ass is completely clean for my use."

I slapped his white ass and grabbed and pulled on his young, huge ball sack to get him into position. I took the long tube, from the enema bag and inserted the lubed tube up Bobby's ass. I released the clamp which held the soapy water solution up in the bag which I hung from the rail. I saw Bobby's stomach start to bulge as the water flowed into him.

Bobby moaned and licked his lips. He loved it to please me!

The bag finally gurgled, signaling that it was empty. I put the clamp back in place and removed the bag to re-fill it. Bobby looked at me with fear in his eyes. He was already full and he thought he knew that I intended to put more inside of him. I smiled at him rehung and attached the bag to the hose and slapped his ass. First one cheek and then the other. I grabbed his balls and gave them a hard pulling twist. Bobby moaned like a puppy in heat. I slapped his ass, once more, harder than before. Bobby moaned, from both pain as well as pleasure feeling the water into him. He was filled more than he'd ever been filled before.

I left Bobby, bent over the edge of the bathtub and went back to Tanner. I told him,

"You have to be clean too, to be sure that you are ready for me."

And I instructed him,

"Tanner, you lay down in the tub next to your kneeling buddy. You lay down with your legs up over the side."

Tanner did just as instructed. I emptied two full enema bags, plus an additional half bag into his guts. More as the usual, but this time it was not Bobby or a usual boy.

Tanner looked at me fearfully and moaned, loudly at first. His cock started to get hard. reached down to him, as the bag emptied into his guts and pulled and squeezed his hard, dark nipples. Tanner screamed now. He was in pain, but he took it. He needed to get hurt and be used. He was here to get fucked and to be tortured. It was really turning me on!

The rest of the water emptied out of the bag and into his bowels. Tanner was now moaning constantly, feeling more full than he'd ever felt and he was in pain. I told him that I had something else to do and that he was to lay in the tub on his back and to hold all of the water inside of him, until I chose to return. Tanner moaned loudly now. He complained,

"Sir, please, I have to let it go."

and groaned,

"It hurts, I'm so full."

I told Tanner,

"Hold the water up your ass until I will return to you. If you don't, you will regret it! You will be in more pain for the rest of the night, believe me."

Bobby was still there, bent over the side of the bath and seemed to enjoy it. His teen cock came to full attention as soon as the last of the water flowed down the tube in into his gut. He moaned and licked his lips in pleasure and stayed hard all the time. He clenched his ass around the rubber hose which ran into his ass. I told him to relax...

"I am finished with you, for the moment, Bobby. Stand up boy, so it slowly. I want you to release the water from inside of you, while I shower you. I want you to feel it flowing from inside of you while you stand close to Tanner."

I reached down and pulled the tubes from Bobby's ass. I stood next to him, as he drained into the tub. Bobby moaned and felt the humiliation which I put on him. He was getting hot. The boy loved being used. Bobby loved being treated like a little boy slave. Once he was emptied, I told Bobby to take my cock in his mouth to clean it. He did, willing to everything I asked from him. I slapped his tight boy ass and told him,

"Bobby boy, take shower and clean yourself up. You did well, boy."

Bobby did with a huge smile as he looked down at his buddy Tanner. He came from the tube and kneeled at my feet. Waiting for me. Asking in silence what I next wanted or needed of his services. He stayed that way until I was ready with Tanner.

Again, I returned to Tanner. The teen was still moaning and clenching his ass, to hold in the gallons of water which I'd funneled into his body. I barked at him,

"Be quiet and get into a kneeling position in front of me."

Carefully, Tanner did as instructed, trying not to let any of the water out of his filled ass. He did well. This teen had held all of the water inside of him for all the time. I told him to climb into the tub. He did so, and I told him,

"Bend over and grab your ankles."

He did and I ripped the enema tube out of his ass, letting the water spew out onto his feet and into the tub. Tanner breathed a sigh of relief, but not for long.

I stood right behind him and placed a hand on his right buttock, squeezed it and run my hands all over his firm ass. I stepped to his left side and while my right hand continued playing with his ass. My hand continued rubbing, stroking, and squeezing his firm white ass cheeks, with an occasional slap. My other hand toyed with his hard cock and balls, sometimes squeezing my own cock, making it firmer up. I tugged his balls downward, giving them pressure, enough to hurt him and just enough to remind him over and over, I had him in my power.

My hand hit him on his ass again. Each time I hit just a little bit harder. Still not causing real pain, but definitely stinging like hell. We heard my slaps resounding through the bath room. The harder I hit Tanner, the harder I pulled on his two balls. Finally, I built the pressure up on his balls, and I Tanner groaned and nearly exploded.

This just made him more sensitive and made my torture even worse. It was time to stop the action. Tanner panted hard and was covered with sweat. He was too wiped out to move. Tanner's cock was rock hard and his body was very sensitive.

"You did good,"

I whispered to him,

"You put on a good show for Bobby and I'm proud of you."

Tanner swallowed and whispered back,

"Thank you, Sir."

I loved his new attitude and felt my power over him.

They were both squeaky clean. I made them both lean forward over the sink again. They were thinking I was going to shower them, but there was no need. I was sure they were clean and it was time to have a little fun.

I taped Bobby on the shoulder and motioned for him to move behind Tanner. The teen started to turn to see what was happening. I swatted him hard on the ass leaving my hand print.

"Face the front Tanner, move again and I will tie you so tight, you won't be able to move at all."

I could see movement in the Bobby's cock at the sound of my voice. This boy was a complete sub, no doubt about it. I also doubt this was his first experience with being dominated. I grabbed Bobby by the back of his head and forced his head down towards Tanner's ass. Bobby got the idea pretty fast and dived tongue into Tanner's ass crack. I ordered the teen,

"Pull those cheeks apart boy, so Bobby can service that ass of yours properly."

Tanner complied instantly. That cute blonde stud reached back and pulled his ass cheek as far apart as they would go so Bobby could slowly work his tongue deep into his ass. This sight of these to hot young teens going to work on each other was definitely getting me hot. I reached around Tanner and opened a drawer. I pulled a pair of leather wrist restraints with a shackle and a stainless cock ring out. Tanner didn't dare to look around to see what I was taking out for him. He had learned his lesson well so far.

Tanner's hands were still on his ass cheeks. I pulled Tanner back a little and took hold of his cock and balls. This cock stood up and was half hard. I held up the cock ring and smiled. Tanner asked,

"Is this going to hurt?"

I was surprised but answered him,

"Only if you don't cooperate".

As I slid his balls one at a time through the ring I could feel him trembling. This teen really was green. Once his balls were secured in the ring I pushed his cockhead into his body, moved the ring into position, and released his cockhead and guided it skillfully into the

ring. He held onto my shoulders to balance and several times let out a quiet sight, apparently unfamiliar with the tricks his cock is capable of doing. Once the ring was on, I firmly grasped the end of his now flaccid penis and pushed the ring into snug position against his body. It was a perfect fit, and made his large balls and lovely young teen cock stand out strong and proud.

The sensation had its desired effect as he was now hardening up quickly.

A hot young dude in a cock ring does it for me every time.

I took one wrist at a time and fitted the leather wrist strap nice and firm. I could feel the tension in his body increase as I fitted the straps so when I had them both on I let go of his wrists again and put them back on his ass. He once again pulled his cheeks further apart for Bobby's probing tongue.

Bobby's cock was hard as a rock and dripping a substantial amount of pre-cum onto the tile floor.

I grabbed Bobby by his blond hair and pulled him to his feet and pushed him forward over the sink again. Tanner still had his hands on his ass cheeks holding them apart not even realizing that Bobby had moved away. With my hard cock in my hand I stepped forward and pushed the head of my cock straight through the relaxed sphincter.

Tanner squealed and tried to pull forward. I was already prepared for this and grabbed a tight hold of his wrist straps. I clipped the shackle between them so his wrists were now secured behind his back. I slowly eased forward, inch by inch. I couldn't be a complete bastard. I leaned over Tanners shoulder and started to lick his ear.

"You are one sexy stud Tanner, Do you know that?"

Tanner groaned,

"You fucking asshole, David, I will kill you for this,"

I stayed calm and my cock felt good and secure inside him,

"Now Tanner, You are still in total denial. I open you up, and you pretend to hate me for that. I want to control you, own you!

Still you fighting it, you want to get even with me. Fantasies swirled around your head of how to get even, but deep inside you know better. Don't judge me so harshly or I might not consider your feelings here."

I chuckled.

"Be the man you pretend to be. A bet is a bet, Tanner and I won your ass fair and square. You didn't really think I wasn't going to fuck you, did you?"

I withdrew my cock from his ass and unclipped the shackle.

"So, don't move an shut up! I'm going to fuck you, boy. In fact, you are going to beg me or you are never getting up."

I spat and pulled his arms up so his hands were behind his head and refastened the restraints. I pulled Tanner up tight on the front of me so he was now standing up, then maneuvered him over behind Bobby. I spat in my hand and reached around and grabbed Tanner's cock. It wasn't hard but as soon as I touched it, his teen cock went rock solid. I pushed Tanner and he let out a low grunt as his cock slide into Bobby's waiting hot tunnel. Once we were all jammed up tight I held position and gave them my orders,

"Right Tanner, Listen to me, I am going to let you fuck Bobby's ass, but you are not to cum. Do you understand me? If you cum into Bobby's ass, my punishment is going to be very severe is that clear?"

Tanner nodded his head in agreement. I smiled and turned to Bobby,

"Bobby, I want you to work your talented ass muscles to drain every drop of cum out of Tanner's balls, you understand me, boy!?"

Bob replied sharply,

"Yes Sir!"

I smiled, this was good!

"Well, boys, who wins this little contest will get to play with Jonathan and me when he gets here. The loser is going to be gaged, blindfolded, bound and left out of our party. Let the game begin!"

I licked the inside of his ear.

"You're the fag, Tanner. Fucking your buddy. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be a cock hungry slut yourself."

Tanner shouted,


Moving to the other ear, I sucked on his earlobe and stick my tongue in him as far as it would go. I panted into his ear as I fucked his ear with my tongue. He moaned; I was getting to him!

"Yes, Tanner, you know you want my cock. It's all an act with you,"

sticking my tongue as far in his ear as possible. He moaned again.

My fingers found his asshole and tickled it. He tried to lift his hips to give me access. I smiled, that was a good reflex.

"Ready to beg?"

I asked, still tickling his asshole.


he moaned even though he was delirious with lust. I forced my finger up his ass and finger fucked him. I thought he was trying to get my finger out of him but rather struggling to get more. I couldn't believe it. Tanner was fucking Bobby and opened up. pushing back on my finger. I asked him again,

"Ready to fuck?"

He groaned,

"Oh god, Yes!"

His asshole seeking more of my finger. Tanner was in heat.

"Let me hear it, Tanner boy."

Tanner groaned,

"Please fuck me, Sir! I need your cock!"

He screamed now, rolling his head back and forth, fucking Bobby and still wanting more of my finger.

I moved my cock into him, and stayed inside.

His response got me so hot that I needed release, but I stopped for some seconds. I warned him again,

"Tanner, you can't cum inside Bobby. You have to control it, boy."

Slowly slide my cock in and out of Tanner's hot tight teen hole, I wanted to make sure that he lost this round and the best way to do it was to make love to his ass. He hadn't yet released himself into total submission. He begged me to fuck him, but Tanner was still fighting it, so rough fucking him would have caused him pain and most likely stopped or slowed him cumming. I couldn't have that.

With skill I made sure I slowly ran the head of my cock over his internal love button each and every time. I was sure Bobby's incredible anal skills were doing the job on the other side. I licked and nibbled Tanner's neck, moaning softly in his ear. Fuck, if I wasn't careful I would cum way to soon and I wanted to save that for my new fuck buddy Jonathan.

The head of my cock pounded away inside and Bobby's ass gripped his cock. It brought Tanner to the point of orgasm a lot faster than I expected. Tanner mumbled,

"Oh, I'm getting close. I'm cumming."

I looked at my watch and it was only just seven. Jonathan was still one and an half hour away, we could make this last a while longer.

I pulled my cock out of Tanner's ass gently and reached between his legs. His teen balls were pulled up tight on his cock. I grasped them in my hand and then pulled firmly down. Tanner exhaled hard and I continued to pull down, stretching his ball sack lower until Tanner whimpered.

I stood back up and gripped his hips again, guiding my hard throbbing cock back to his tight teen ass. With a gentle amount of pressure I was back in. On this occasion slipping much faster up his hole till I hit bottom. Tanner moaned louder this time. I was moving in and out of Tanner's ass I felt him starting to move with me. Pushing back a little on each in stroke I made. Well, obviously this was starting to feel much better to him. I increased my speed

and started to talk dirty to him. I asked him,

"Tanner, how feel Bobby's ass muscles grabbing your cock? You feel your balls burning, don't you?"


"How badly you need to pump your hot ball juice into Bobby's willing hot ass... breed him, Tanner!"


"You are fucking a little homo who needs your big manly cock, Tanner. Feel it, Bobby likes your fucking. He needs your cum inside little asshole. Don't you like that, Tanner? Your cock deep inside Bobby's ass, fuck him good, boy, seed his fag little asshole!"

This did the trick.

Tanner started to mutter that he was getting close to cumming again. He expected me to stop him and bring him back from the edge, like I had previously.

Well, Jonathan would be here in fifteen minutes, so I had to speed up things a little bit. I didn't brought him back from the edge. I was now fucking Tanner's ass with a good steady pace. I kept giving Bobby encouragement to work his ass on his cock. Tanner started to panic,

"I'm going to cum if you don't stop, please stop, you said I can't cum inside Bobby. Please Sir, I can't control it, I am going to cum, Please Stop! I am going to cum."

I kept right on rubbing his prostate with the head of my cock, Bobby's ass was playing a beautiful tune on Tanner's cock and to finish him off.

I licked both index fingers and rubbed his little nipples. He was beside himself, torn between his desire to orgasm and the fear of being a loser again. His breathing was shallow and erratic, his plea's to stop sounded almost girlish as the pitch of his voice raised higher and higher with panic.

Tanner was in so much ecstasy that he was so close to cumming, he nearly fainted. I roughly gripped his nipples between my thumbs and forefinger and gave them a really good hard twist and stretch. That was the final straw that broke his control..

Tanner gasped loudly and humped at Bobby's ass. I slammed my cock as deep into him as I could. He lost control completely!

Bobby panted,

"Oh yeah stud, shoot that cum into my hot fuck hole. Fuck me harder with your big cock, Tanner. I love when you fuck me, Tanner. Oh yeah, fuck me deep and good! Stud, cum in my ass, oh yeah fill me up!"

I was so close to blowing myself, I had to stop!

Tanner was shaking as he lay on Bobby's back, mumbling incoherently. I pulled my cock out of Tanner and pulled him back out of Bobby.

Cum coated his hard cock!

I took his cock in my hand and pumped it back and forth. He groaned and his cum was all over my fingers. I stuck three fingers from my other hand into Bobby's still exposed ass. Bobby moaned and pushed back. I wiped up as much of his cum on my fingers as I could.

"Tanner, did you cum?"

I asked. There was a mixture of ecstasy, fear and panic in his eyes. He whined,

"You wouldn't stop, I told you I couldn't control it but you still wouldn't stop. It's not my fault, sir."

I took my fingers and forced them into his mouth.

"Lick my fingers clean you fucking weak piece of shit. I told you not to cum and you disobeyed me. A direct simple order and you disobeyed me,"

I was using my deep authoritarian tone,

"You do realize there will be consequences for failure, don't you, Tanner?"

Once again he started to whine and tried desperately to turn his head.

"Shut up, I don't want to hear excuses you pathetic cunt, you failed again! You are a fucking loser!"

Tanner started to cry,

"I couldn't help it, you wouldn't stop me."

I looked at him, Tanner was just a hot, horny, frustrated, disappointed and angry youth. He deserved a good lesson in obedience. This was an act of disobedience against me, who had taught him, the prime rule: always obey me. No exceptions. He was a loser and my boy now. A bet is a bet and I won his ass fair and square. I gave his butt a slap with my hand.

The first wack landed square on his left buttock.

The second landed almost exactly on the previous mark. Ten more followed on the left butt cheek and ten for the right. My hand was stinging by the time I had finished, Tanner's crying had now changed into heavy sobbing with sniffles.

Bobby had not moved at all.

"Don't move a fucking muscle,"

I ordered and left the room. I returned a minute later with the toys for stage two. I slowly placed a leather hood with no eye holes over Tanner's head and stuck the Velcro in place. I waited for a minute for him to calm a little, before inserting the ball gag in his mouth. His functions were now fairly impaired. He could hear us, that was all. No sight and gaged.

I left Bobby in the bathroom and took Tanner by the arm and lead him back to my bedroom and helped him down onto the floor on a rug I had laid out earlier. Now the final piece of the puzzle.

I picked up the butt plug off my bed and put some lube on it. Pulling his ass cheeks apart his ass ring was exposed, slightly red and open. I pushed the butt plug in without too much trouble.

Just then the doorbell rang.

Perfect timing Jonathan!

I flicked the switch on the base of the butt plug and left the room.

Slowly walking down the hallway I checked myself over in the mirror before I opened the door. Yeah, looking good, I thought to myself. As the door opened there was my gorgeous new fuck buddy standing there in front of me:


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Next: Chapter 5

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