True Strength Lies in Your Submission

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Apr 28, 2023


True strength lies in your submission Part 14 By Chaim

Your true strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate your life, through devotion, to something beyond yourself.

For the next two hours they watched some new videos that Arthur had picked up. Whether the boy was very young. The boy was hairless and engaging in every kind of gay sex imaginable. Later on another video Benjamin pointed himself out as a sixteen year old being fucked by a younger boy while sucking on another sixteen year old.

I allowed Bobby some freedom and saw Bobby's eye constantly going from the screen to Benjamin and back. I knew what Bobby was thinking but didn't know how to explain it, instead he leaned against me.

"Don't say anything in front of Benjamin, it would insult him as it would have insulted you,"

I said and kissed Bobby's forehead.

Bobby nodded and resumed stroking his cock.

When the tape ended Arthur stood and stretched.

"I know it's not late but I'm exhausted."

I and Jonathan stood while our two naked slaves scrambled to their feet.

"Do you have any requirements for Benjamin's sleeping arrangements?"

I asked Arthur.

"If your Tanner has earned it, I was thinking we'd let Jonathan take them to bed with him. We'd have to lock the door from the outside naturally."

I looked at Jonathan, "Has Tanner earned it, Jonathan?"

"Yes, I was thinking of rewarding him,"

Jonathan said and I was not surprised at all.

"I think Bobby earned it too, is it okay to take him with you and let him look?"

"Yes, no problem, Master."

We headed up the stairs and Jonathan led the boys into a spare bedroom. Before closing the door I put a ring identical to Tanner's around Benjamin's boy cock.

"Misbehave and you will receive a very painful shock, and so will Tanner."

"I understand Sir,"

Benjamin said and bowed to me and his Master Arthur.

Once the door was closed and locked, Bobby took position. Benjamin turned to Jonathan, "Sir, I have to go to the bathroom."

"Bobby, take him into my bathroom and make sure all his needs are met. After that you take the sleep at my feet, just at the bottom of my bed."

"Yes Sir."

Thirty minutes later Jonathan found himself snuggled between the two slave boys and Bobby at his feet. Tired but with a hard on, that wouldn't disappear. He raised Tanner's top leg and quickly slid his cock inside his warm ass. Slow strokes quickly became a blur and it was only minutes before he was filling Tanner's ass with his juice.

"Good boy, Tanner"

Jonathan said as he slipped out and put his head on Tanner's shoulder.

"Thank you Sir,"

Tanner said as he put his head on the pillow. A feeling of pride swept through him, pride for being allowed to do something only Real Master can this way.

Daylight was streaming through the window when the bed shaking woke Jonathan.

Opening his eyes he saw that Tanner was still sleeping.


"Sir, I need to go to the bathroom. Do I have your permission?"

Jonathan saw Benjamin using every ounce of self-control to avoid wetting the bed. In flash he thought Bobby could drink the boy's piss. But that was not necessary, "Go,"

Jonathan figured he might as well take his own wake-up piss and followed Benjamin into the bathroom. The sight of the boy's ass flexing as a long stream of urine flowed into the toilet started turning his hard-on from a piss hard-on to an erotic one. He forced himself to relax as he stood next to the boy and let his own stream join Benjamin's piss.

"We used to do this at the home, Sir"

Benjamin said.

"Where I used to live too,"

Jonathan said.

"Can I ask you a question Sir, without you telling my Master?"

Jonathan looked over and saw the boy was petrified. He knew that as a Master he should say no, but then he had been where Benjamin was.

"Depends on the question, but if I feel I have to tell Master Arthur, I will tell you so. It will not be a surprise to you."

"I know he is my Master and I must obey his every wish, and I will, Sir,"

Benjamin paused.

"I don't know the right words Sir."

"Your Master is a good man boy, he will take good care of you if you follow his rules. The Master seems to think you are special, if you are he will treat you very well for a long, long time. Does that answer your question?"

Benjamin nodded and smiled. Jonathan looked into the deep blue eyes and ran his hand through the boy's brown hair and slowly brought their lips together. Jonathan ran his tongue against Benjamin's lips and the boy admitted him eagerly.

A noise at the bathroom door startled them.

"Sorry Sir, I heard you in here and I needed to take a leak."

"Fine boy, take your leak, then I want you to stick your tongue up Benjamin's butt and lick him clean."

"Yes sir,"

Tanner said.

"I'm going to fuck that cute ass of yours, boy,"

Jonathan said as he brought Benjamin's mouth back to his own.

"As you wish, Sir."

Benjamin's gasped when Tanner's tongue penetrated his ass. After several minutes Jonathan stepped back and turned Benjamin around.

"Put your hands on the wall and brace yourself. Tanner, when I'm inside his ass, I want you to blow Benjamin."

"Yes Sir,"

the two slaves said.

Jonathan met minimal resistance when he entered Benjamin. Master Arthur may have been his first adult male, but he knew how to accept a cock, and the lustful moan indicated he liked it.

"Now Tanner boy, blow the boy,"

Jonathan said when his balls made contact. A second moan told him that Tanner had deep throated Benjamin. Jonathan used it a signal to start pulling out so just his head was in before stroking back in.

"Don't touch yourself boy,"

Jonathan snapped when he saw Tanner masturbating his slave cock. Tanner's hand quickly went to his side. Jonathan picked up the pace. Each thrust rubbed against the boy's prostate and he could feel him nearing climax.

"Benjamin, when you are ready to shoot pull out of Tanner's mouth and shoot all over his face, then I'll pull out, you'll kneel in front of me and I'll cover your face with my cum."

Seconds later Benjamin stepped back and Jonathan looked around just in time to see the first volley land right on Tanner's forehead. For the merest instant Tanner started to pull back but then kept his head moving to make sure that every volley of cum landed on his face.

As soon as he was finished shooting Benjamin stepped off Tanner and knelt. Jonathan took two long strokes and bathed the boy's face with a huge load.

Exhausted he sat on the toilet and shouted at Bobby to come into the bathroom. He pointed to where he'd been standing.

"There Bobby, stand there!"

"Benjamin you blow Bobby here and I want you wearing a second load."

Jonathan watched Benjamin quickly deep throat the slave boy.

Tanner licked the cum dripping down Benjamin's face.

"Shit Benjamin, it will not take long,"

Bobby moaned.

Benjamin started to slow down, but bobby stepped back and aimed his cock, and instantly a long stream of cum shot out and all over Benjamin's face.

"That was so cool, now it's time for our showers. There's enough room for all of us."

"Do you want me to wash you Sir?"

Tanner said.

Jonathan was startled, where had Tanner gotten that idea? "You may, my slave boy."

Jonathan set the water temperature the way he liked it and told the three slaves to go in first. Jonathan luxuriated in Tanner's soft hands gently cleaning is body.

When they emerged cleaned and dry from the bathroom I was sitting on the bed tossing the cock ring controller up and down in one hand.

Jonathan gulped, he knew he would get it sometime for that mistake. He bowed his head.

"I'm glad to see you're up and clean already. Jonathan, you've got enough clothes for the slaves, I want you in the kitchen in five minutes."

"Yes sir,"

Jonathan said.

"Yes Sir,"

Benjamin said.

"Yes Master,"

Tanner said.

"Yes Master,"

Bobby said with a smile to me.

I smiled to them, turned, left. They were down in four minutes.

After breakfast I took the slave boys with me and instructed Benjamin on what would happen to his cock if he disobeyed orders, or drifted too far from the house then led the two slaves out the backdoor and let the three of them put the suntan lotion on him and then each other. They took particular care with each other's slave cock.


I ordered and they swiftly moved into position. A triangle of slave bodies.

"Can we cum, Sir?"

Benjamin asked right before his lips touched Bobby's rigid rod.

"This time, you can."

I said and leaned on my side as I watched the three boys go at it. I started stroking my cock and wanted my own action. I couldn't take it, watching the hot action any more. I lay down behind Bobby, lifted his top leg and quickly slipped my throbbing cock inside my slave boy. Bobby sighed as he felt my cock fill him. As I began pounding away at his butt. This was too much and Bobby blasted his load into Benjamin's willing mouth.

As I shot he clenched his ass muscles around my cock bringing him over the top.

Benjamin managed to wait till he finished swallowing Bobby's load before returning the favor to Tanner who himself shot his load into Bobby's mouth.

Sexually sated, at least for the time being, the three boys collapsed on the mats and just gazed up at the clear blue sky.

Later on, I barbecued steaks for himself, Arthur and Jonathan and hamburgers for the three slaves. Finally about two o'clock Master Arthur and Benjamin left us and went home.

Tomorrow our normal life's would start again.

"Do you have any homework due tomorrow, slaves?"

Bobby bowed his head and told me he did everything before he entered our household.

I looked at Tanner, who shook his shoulders, "Just an essay, Sir, but I have study first period and can write it then, Master,"

he said.

I slapped Tanner twice.

"Unacceptable, Jonathan take your slave upstairs and sign him onto the computer and make sure he gets his homework done. You can finish yours too."

"Yes sir,"

Jonathan said, "Come boy."

That evening our two of slaves were watching a video when my phone rang. Seeing both our slave boys playing with each other's cocks while watching the sexy boys on the screen, I grunted and went to my mobile and answer it. The credits were rolling by the time I returned.

"Everything okay Sir?"

Jonathan asked when he spotted me staring down at them with a smile. I turned off the set and sat down between Bobby and Tanner put my arms around the boys. Tanner's eyes darted to Jonathan who just shrugged.

"Boys, there's no easy way of saying this so I won't try. I called both your parents and told them about my Household. My idea to start a little home bases training class, to improve your grades and your attitude. They agreed you both needed more surveillance and attention.

They agreed after some discussion, to keep you both here."

Bobby stared at me. He wasn't sure if I was telling the truth or his Master was testing him. How to react, what to do, say? Jonathan put his hand on Bobby's shoulder, "He's not testing you Bobby, he wouldn't do it this way."

"I'm sure, it is the truth."

With that Bobby collapsed into my arms and buried his face into my chest. Jonathan put his arms around Tanner's middle.

"What do I do now Master?"

Bobby said.

"Do you have any objections or do you think you can live with us?"

Bobby nodded his head YES and looked into my eyes.

"Do you want to live with Jonathan and me?"

"Yes Master."

"I want an answer from you too, Tanner, not as Jonathan's slave, but as the boy you are. Are you ready for a big step like this?"

Tanner was still in shock, "Yes please.... SIR. I dreamed about this moment."

He paused, "but I also need to be your slave, Sir. You've given me something these past few days I can't do without."

"Tanner, Jonathan will teach you how I expect you to live and behave as long as you live under my roof. It may be rough, but it will be with love. He will teach you how to be a good slave. But as I am his Lover and sometimes Master, so I am also your friend and Master.

"Thank you, Sir,"

Tanner said.

I stood and picked Bobby up in my arms, kissed him gently.

"Come on, it's time for a quiet night in bed, boys."

They headed up and entered my room. I lay down and Bobby gently undressed me on the bed. Tanner did the same with Jonathan.

Jonathan looked at me and I nodded. He put some lube on his steel hard cock as his slave boy Tanner understood the message and got in doggy position. Jonathan lined his cock up with his boy pussy and slipped it in. I looked at them, "Hell, Jonathan, I love watching some boy on boy action. Just look at Tanner, fuck his slave ass, right in there, Tanner is getting used to it, he's liking it. Fuck, do you see his face?"

Jonathan groaned, "Yes Sir, going to feed my little slave my cock, fuck him, till his ass filled is full of my spunk."

I took my cock in my hand and put other hand on Bobby's head and fed him my cock. The slave boy eagerly lapped at it and them swallowed as much as he could.

"Don't make me cum, Bobby, just get me good and wet so I can fuck you. I will fuck you hard."

I grunted. Jonathan had Tanner on his knees, doggy style and he slid his cock into the boy and fucked him.

"Oh yes fill him good, Jonathan, maybe I want to use his real spunky arse after I filled my slave boy Bobby."

The slave boy groaned with pleasure as he hammered at his ass. I removed my cock from Bobby's mouth and got him doggy next to his friend. Two slave boys lined up! "You take it now, Bobby."

I hissed as I pushed in.

Bobby just let out a gasp as I pushed in. Both slave boys now had their ass full of cock.

Jonathan said nothing, he was too far gone to hear, as he banged away at Tanner's slave ass. He felt the his arse grip on his cock and his body twitch and shake and his balls gave up their load and he shot his load into Tanner.

Jonathan pulled out and the boy turned round and licked and sucked his cock clean. He kissed his slave boy and milked his cock into an intense orgasm.

I watched this, as I fucked my boy hard. I held Bobby by the hips and plowed in and out with long fast stokes. I groaned my permission to cum to Bobby, the boy's cock twitched and spewed his load onto the bed. This sent me wild and my balls could take no more and I flooded my slave boy's ass with my hot man cum.

We, all four of us were now kissing and cuddling and feeling each other up. Jonathan pulled his lips of his boy and looked over at me as his cock returned to full mast.

"Think we have to celebrate this very special moment."

he said to me, "Sir, want you to swap?"

I grinned at him and just nodded. The two boys with spunk dripping from their ass got back on their knees as I got behind Tanner and Bobby was mounted by Jonathan. The two slave boys being fucked were moaning and groaning with pleasure. Sometimes you have to keep your slave boys happy.

We plowed the boys hard and fast for some time before we spewed our loads into the two slave boys again. We pulled out and Bobby cleaned us off, before we all showered.

"We will have plenty for you two, from now on. I'm proud. I have an excellent lover and two great slave boys. I'm a proud and happy Master."

I said and smiled to them.

"You both were good. Both of you"

Jonathan said.

We kissed both boys and went to sleep.

"Sleep well and thanks."


Please make donations to Nifty to make this website possible! Chaim

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