True Strength Lies in Your Submission

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Apr 21, 2023


True strength lies in your submission Part 11 By Chaim

Your true strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate your life, through devotion, to something beyond yourself.

In the kitchen Jonathan looked up at me. The kid, now a man who played many roles in his young life. Better, who developed himself in a short period from a straight acting macho teen into a man with an open mind into my sm world.

There were times like now, when Jonathan didn't know he could be dominant. I, his lover, was always there, I was dominant and his Master, no matter what we were doing. Just as there was no way Jonathan could resist me. I claimed his ass and he gave it to me without doubts or hesitations.


I said to him. Jonathan rubbed his exposed belly as he gyrated his hips. He slowly started lowering his soccer shorts. He saw my excitement building. Fully naked he spun around for me, his rigid boy-cock pointing the way.

Suddenly and effortlessly I picked him up and threw him over his shoulder. Jonathan lay there as I carried him into the Master bedroom. I stepped to the foot of the king sized bed flipped Jonathan, so he spun in the air and landed on his back with his blond head on the pillow. For the next few minutes he watched me, while I stripped my own gear. Nude I crawled up the bed and took my young lover in my arms.

Our lips, tongues, bodies met in a hot, soulful kiss that reminded us both the other was his first true love.

"Fuck me, please"

Jonathan finally whispered.

"Oh yeah, sunny boy, I want to fuck that cute ass of yours real good."

I leaned over and looked at my naked slave Bobby, who stood there in the corner watching our love making, the slave boy was naked and erect.

My shaved boy was really my cute little shadow now and he knew my needs without words or commands. Bobby gave me a condom out of the night table and I quickly slipped it on my hard cock.

Jonathan smiled and raised his legs over his head, exposing his well-used rosebud. He wasn't as loose as Tanner but it still took someone as big as me to fill him, make him feel good inside. I looked down at the winking opening, grateful that Jonathan liked it the way he did.

"You sure have a nice bubble ass butt, boy."

I whispered to him, as I leaned forward and added, "Jonathan, I need a slow and long fuck, dear, you like that? Don't worry, you will be good to you."

I continued rubbing his ass and darting a finger into his tight butthole. With one hand I guided my cock to the cute opening and slowly entered his ass and his boy heaven.

Tanner, basically still a new being fucked, had been a nice tight fit. But I never met any man who knew how to work his ass like Jonathan did. If Jonathan wanted he could work his ass muscles and get me to shoot at whatever speed, he felt like. He was a real power bottom.

But tonight I wanted a long slow fuck, as I slipped past Jonathan's sphincter and felt my crotch meet his ass.

My length was deep and full inside him. Once I saw that Jonathan was comfortable with the deep strokes, I pulled back and went inside him again.

I banged his ass good, and long. My deep lengthening strokes were smooth and consistent. Jonathan was in ecstasy. I could fuck him right into heaven! After twenty minutes my throbbing rod rubbing his prostate, Jonathan groaned and shot his load all over his chest and face. I kept going until Jonathan's breath evened out. Without pulling out I flipped the boy into doggie position and started picking up speed.


I groaned as he fucked himself with my movements.

"Want that big cock again?!"

Jonathan shouted, "Ugh yes, fuck me hard!"

At first I switched to shorter, faster strokes and then lengthened them again.

"Take my cum, boy,"

I growled "Take the cum you pull from my balls."

Suddenly Jonathan twitched his ass muscles and I shot my load.

"Oh, Jonathan, I breed your boy pussy."

I stopped counting after six volleys into my rubber.

"You are my fuck boy,"

I said, "and anytime I want your ass. You will give it to me, won't you?"

"Yes sir!"

Jonathan replied.

"Good boy!"

Jonathan sighed and drifted off for a bit...

I pulled out and rolled over onto the bed pulling Jonathan next to my sweaty chest.

"I love you, Jonathan."

Jonathan whispered back, "I love you too."

Jonathan felt a sleep as a satisfied little boy. I moved him off my chest after a while and looked at Bobby who stood in the corner, watching me, his slave cock was still hard. I got to him in and he dropped on his knees. Without saying a word, started to suck my cock clean.

Oh, what a feeling, my slave boy was so incredible good at it. I got into it and started to fuck his cute face.

While sucking me, I can feel his finger probing my ass, without any resistance from me, his finger slipped in and I almost shot my second load now and there. Bobby was picking up the pace on my cock and on my ass, his finger was doing magic and his tongue was making me feel unbelievable good. Bobby left my cock and bowed his head, "Please fuck me, Sir."

I smiled at him, I shot my load already in Jonathan, but my slave boy is a hot cute teen.

"You sure you want my cock that way, he said. You know how big is it."

He was still looking at the floor when I heard him say, "Sir, I want it up my ass and I want it badly."

I took him from the floor turned Bobby around and spread his legs open for a more than welcome invasion. I was kind to him and lubed his ass with some spit on one finger. I brought another finger inside his ass. It hurt, I knew, but he managed.

I shoved a third finger in his ass. Bobby gasped for air and his hole was really hurting.

"You wanted to get fucked, I'll fuck you like the little slave you are. Get your ass ready because I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll scream."

He took my fingers out and replaced it with the head of my cock. Surprisingly, it went in easily but it still hurt him like hell. I could see that it was hurting, but I only smiled and said, "Now you'll see how it feel to be fuck by your Master. By my big cock deep inside you. You'll be my bitch. Your ass is gonna be looser than ever before, after I'm finished fucking your ass and you'll still be asking for more, slave boy."

I started to get really deep. I felt, a couple of times, my balls slapping against his cute white ass. The feeling was beyond words. It felt so good and my went deep inside my slave boy's ass breeding him totally.

My cock head went right where I knew his hole felt at its best. I humped up and down, shoving my cock through his pucker. Bobby didn't let out a sound. I pushed my inches of my hard cock in his tight ass. He let out a soft grunt, "Yes, Sir"

Bobby said, as he did he groaned, "Fuck my slave ass, Master!"

I fucking him, and I used my full inches. His hole was warm and tight. It was treating my hard cock beautifully! Maybe it was all the better because it had been so unexpected. And yes, my earlier orgasm seemed to add a little extra drive to fuck my slave boy hard. He was here to get my second load of cum. I great fuck, still recovering. Maybe I made him feel a little macho slave, taking my cock. I drove my hot plunger into his tight asshole, pulled it out until only the head was caught by his puckered ass mouth, then drove it in again. I was fucking him the way he had sucked my cock, with slow, steady motions.

"Take my cock, let me ride your slave ass, boy. Let your Master fuck his slave. Will teach you a lots of things."

I groaned, and felt my power. I eased it in to the hilt each time, pulled it out, and slid it in again. I brushed against his firm ass cheeks. My balls swung down against his boy balls. At the same time, I was enjoying the feeling of his strong, smooth slave body under me. Fuck yes, this was turning out even better than I had hoped. Fucking my slave's ass was so good! I tried to make it last, but finally I couldn't help myself. My cock was really getting into it! I started doing what Bobby had asked for, fucking him like he was my boy toy. I slammed my cock into him. My belly banged against his buns, and my nuts smashed against his. I pulled it out fast, then slammed it in again, "I'm cumming, Bobby. Shoot your slave boy load with me, boy. I'm gonna cum. I fill your ass with my cum."

I trembled and shot my load. It didn't took Bobby long to shoot his load on the floor.

I ordered Bobby to sleep at our feet and went to bed myself again.

I picked my head up and saw it was almost time. Seeing Jonathan still sleeping he was about to put his head down, when I remembered Tanner. That slave boy had been hooked to the rack for at least twelve hours. I turned over and went out of bed. In minutes I was looking at the two way mirror in the floor, looking at the dungeon, where the rack was. On the left was of Jonathan's slave boy, well it turned out that way, in reality Tanner was still my responsibility.

Tanner's ass was still showing red from the rough fucking he'd gotten. Of more concern to me was the hot spots around the bonds and around the slave boy's shoulders. Tanner was definitely uncomfortable. Maybe the red zone around his ass was his efforts not to shit himself rather than the aftermath of the nights activities.

"Jonathan, get up,"

I ordered him, shaking my boy awake. He groaned, "Too early."

I got a little angry, "Now, you've got to release Tanner before he injures himself."

Jonathan looked at me, "Oh shit,"

and jumped out of bed and headed for the door. I smiled at the sight of my lover's ass.

"Jonathan, bathroom, boy. Clean your ass out and get some shorts on first. This is not the way to visit your slave boy."

He reached his left hand behind and wiped at his crack.

"I was hoping for another round this morning."

I grinned at him, "Clean him up and bring him up to the kitchen. Wrist and ankle restraints and a leash. You will get your fare share,"

I said to his departing back.

"Bathroom, please, Sir, please."

were Tanner's first words at seeing Jonathan. He released the bonds and helped Tanner to his feet.

"Can you walk on your own?"

Tanner shook his head, "No, Sir. Please help me Sir."

Jonathan felt pity for his slave boy, "Fine, here let me put your arm around my shoulder and let's go. But you better hold it in or you'll be licking it up till the floor's spotless."

Jonathan waited until his slave boy had showered before attaching the restraints. He ordered Bobby, who I sent with him, to bring the leash.

"Where are we going Sir?"

Tanner asked and Jonathan pushed him to the stairs, "Upstairs for breakfast. Be careful on the stairs. Put one foot on the next step and put the other one next to it. Try climbing them normally and you'll end up falling."

When the three teens reached the kitchen they saw the table had been set for three. One of the chairs however was metal and had bars along both sides.

I pointed at it.

"Bobby can from his bowl on the floor at my feet. Tanner, that's your chair, slave. Are you left or right-handed?"

Tanner looked surprised, "Right-handed Master."

He whispered his answer and bowed his blond head.

"Don't be ashamed boy, most of the boys are right-handed. After you sit down Jonathan will unchain your right hand and snap that cuff on the right bar. It will hold you in place but leave you free to eat easily."

Tanner nodded his head, "Thank you Master."

I looked at him, "You've earned the privilege, but it is one that can be taken away as well."

He looked at Jonathan and me, "Yes Master,"

Tanner said as he sat. A rarely felt pride swept through him. No matter how well he'd done, or how hard he'd tried, his parents and most of his teachers and friends, just seemed to take him for granted. It didn't even occur to him that forty-eight hours earlier his current situation would have left him horrified.

Tanner tried remembering all the posture and etiquette lessons that people pounded into him, and he ignored when not in their bribing sight. He sat up straight and carefully cut his omelet, leaning over the plate so not to spill anything. Tanner felt a need to impress, to make these two men proud of him.

Bobby was on his knees, eating like my puppy dog. I liked that.

Jonathan and I talked to each other about the gym. Tanner listened intently, and a little bit in awe, to the exchange. A little pride when Jonathan reported that marks were improving. Surprised when he was required to go through the same routine.

"Very good boy. You're learning fast what I expect."

Tanner smiled at the praise, which I noticed.

"You've got a good strong body obviously, but you've kept it hidden under way too many clothes. Especially those awful baggy jeans."

Tanner hung his head.

"I know boy, you were just trying to be fashionable, fit in. Thing is your body hasn't gotten enough sun. Today we're going to take care of that."

Tanner looked surprised, "How Master?"

Tanner asked timidly.

"Well, we've got a little work to do downstairs, work I think you'll enjoy. You, Bobby and Jonathan will spend the afternoon sunbathing in the nude out back."


Jonathan said. Tanner nodded and smiled. I put what looked like a miniature version of the collar Tanner was wearing on the table.

"Obviously you can't wear your collar outside, or any of the usual restraints if we want you to get an even all over tan. This is a miniature version of your collar, it fits around your cock. It is activated by either a control like the one Jonathan's been carrying, or if you get more than fifty feet from the back door. If activated the pain will be worse than anything you've experienced so far. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master, I understand and obey everything you say, Sir,"

Tanner said lowering his head.

"Good boy, now while you wash and dry the dishes under Bobby's supervision I've got two phone calls to make. Jonathan when they are finished let me know and then take them back down."

"Yes sir."

By the time I got downstairs Jonathan had Tanner strapped into a chair facing a machine with various tubes coming out of it.

"You ready Jonathan?"

I asked. Jonathan nodded and licked his lips. I checked the machine and nodded. Jonathan bent and sucked in Tanner's slave cock. It had been restrained since late Thursday afternoon.

"Oh yeah,"

Tanner moaned, the pleasure overwhelming the pain his sensitive cock was enduring.

Jonathan reached up and with a flick of his fingers undid the lock holding the cock ring in place. He knew it wouldn't take Tanner long. It took seconds, just enough time for his cock to tell his brain to tell his balls that they were free to empty his load into the willing mouth at his feet.

"Yes, oh fuck yes, Sir, YES SIR!"

Tanner shouted as days of pent up cum shot down Jonathan's talented mouth. A mouth that swallowed every drop. He finally pulled off and nodded at me. I swiftly put one of the tubes on Tanner's cock. The slave still hadn't come down from his high when the milking machine started working on the still hard organ.

"No, oh no, Jonathan, please, not yet,"

Tanner yelled. Jonathan slapped him and slapped him again.

"What did you call me boy?"

Tanner shook his head and stared first at Jonathan and then at me. He bowed his head in submission, "I'm sorry Sir, please forgive me."

Jonathan shook his head.

"For calling me by my name and for trying to tell me what to do you will get an extra hour on the milking machine and twenty lashes with the cane tonight."

Tanner looked pleadingly at me.

"Say a word and it will be thirty,"

Jonathan said.

I ignored them, place Bobby next to Tanner and gave him my instructions. I was breeding him upstairs roughly and well. My slave boy served me well, I marked him as my property, no one else would ever get to fuck this whole without my permission. It was only me, his Master.

The thought made me happy, I liked my slave boy, he was willing, obedient and submissive to all my wishes. Bobby belonged to me all the way. Bobby was my slave and he was no longer scared, that was good. Bobby my cum in his insides and it made him happy, that was the right attitude. Bobby stood there, his boy cock stirring, unsure what I wanted to do with him. He waited and I told him, "Don't worry, you're in good hands. Almost everything I do now, will be 100% pleasurable, I just want to tell you might not enjoy it all the way. Okay?"

Bobby simply nodded.

"Yes Sir, whatever you do or say, I'm your slave boy, Sir."

I took a chastity cage and opened it, I slipped the base ring around his cock and balls with ease, but in his youth he was ready to 'go again' and his cock started to grow. I grabbed the lube and slicked it up with one swipe and was then able to slide the cage gently over his still growing slave cock, locking it into a pointed down position, and closing the hasp on the lock thus making orgasm impossible for him without my permission.

"Don't worry about breaking rules, this way you can't break them. Spread your legs wide and look at Tanner, get your focus on his slave cock, he will be milked and shoot a lot of times. You can't, but will get loaded."

The click of the lock on a chastity device always gets me hard instantly, and I smiled at Bobby, who nodded his blond head.

I checked the milking machine and I cinched the strap around Tanner's chest two more notches.

"Come on Jonathan, we've got to get the house ready for company tonight. We have other things to do."

Tanner forced himself not to call out to the two as they turned the corner. Tears mingling with the erotic sensation, a combination that quickly brought on a second large eruption. When he caught his breath Tanner wondered how long he was going to be milked, not that he'd earned an extra hour.

Once upstairs Jonathan put his hand on my arm. I looked at him and said, "I'm proud of you. You reacted swiftly and decisively to his misbehavior."


"And you can be a generous Master and cut either or both punishments short."

Jonathan walked over to the window and looked out. I watched him in silence for a few minutes before walking over and putting my arms around him. He heard Jonathan trying to stop sniffling and turned the boy around.

"Are you scared of hurting Tanner, boy?"

"Not really, but yes. What frightened me was how easily and quickly I said it. Like I was really willing to hurt him,"

Jonathan said.

"Am I still worthy of being your lover, friend and??"

"Of course, of course,"

I kissed Jonathan on his forehead.

"You just taught yourself one of the most important lessons."

"I don't understand."

"Who's hooked up to the milking machine downstairs?"


Jonathan said.

"That's right, it's Tanner. Not a slave you can do anything to and not care, but someone who is depending on you to treat him right. To know when he can take ten lashes and when he can take twenty. To know when enough is enough and when the slave needs to be held and told he's loved."

Jonathan swallowed, "Loved?"

"Yes loved, this isn't an S&M game we're playing here. You're developing a relationship with Tanner and Bobby. Do you think you'd care about what you promised him if you didn't love him?"

Jonathan buried his face into my chest. Effortlessly I picked him up and carried him into the living room and sat on the couch. Jonathan leaned up and kissed my cheek.

"I guess I've got as much to learn about being a good Master as Tanner does about being a good slave."

"More, because you're the one in charge. You all right now?"

Jonathan nodded.

"Cool, hey how long has it been?"

"Hour and a half, that enough?"

"Maybe, but we should go down and check."

"Good answer,"

I said and tickled his pits.

"Uncle, uncle,"

Jonathan spat out between giggles. We arrived in time to see Tanner having a long but dry orgasm.

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Next: Chapter 12

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