True Strength Lies in Your Submission

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Apr 21, 2023


True strength lies in your submission Part 10 By Chaim

Your true strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate your life, through devotion, to something beyond yourself.

Sweat rolled down Tanner's body as he took the boy's pounding. His cock rocked against his body, and cum streamed down the back of his balls and down his legs.

After some time I mercifully freed his arms, and he collapsed on the ground, panting hard, with Jonathan's cum still seeping out his asshole. I knew Bobby didn't cum. It the hottest and most uncomfortable fuck they had ever together. Tanner's shoulders were in agony. His hand automatically went to his cock, but it was no use, he had no permission to do so. He couldn't get off humping the air, and he sure couldn't get off now.

We left them with their frustrations.

"Shall we go up and get something to drink?

I said to Jonathan and smiled at our slaves.


Jonathan said and we left Tanner hanging there, his balls turning blue all the time. We left Bobby next to his buddy.

Upstairs Jonathan sat at the table and slowly turned his glass of root beer, only occasionally taking a sip.

"The longer you take the longer he hangs there,

I said to him. Jonathan shrugged.

"I've never had a virgin slave. Can I fuck him first being his Master?

I emptied my glass. Well, Tanner was not a virgin, but he was never been fucked as a slave boy. The norm was the Master got his cherry, but for some reason it seemed important to my lover and after all, deep inside I knew Jonathan wanted to be Tanner's Master. That was more important for him, than never having a virgin slave before.

"Okay my lover, this time you can have his slave cherry. Besides, you'll loosen him up for me and I won't have to waste time with lube.

Jonathan smiled, "Thanks, I love you. Let's go for it.

He gulped down the rest of his soda and headed to the steps. By the time I got to the changing room Jonathan had already changed, back into his shorts, leaving his shirt behind.

"You are excited, Jonathan. You are really eager now to fuck him as your slave boy.

I said. Jonathan blushed, "I am, I know it's a little silly, but this whole thing has been such a high and taking Tanner's slave cherry is like taking him as my property, although I know he still belongs to you.

I hugged my lover, "It may have been a long time, but I do remember my first time taking a slave boy's cherry. He is still my property?

I winked at him. Jonathan kissed me, "Thanks.

I looked at him, "Now, do you want to loosen him up on the bull first or go straight for the fuck?

Jonathan gave it a thought, "Well, the bull, I've never seen anyone on it.

I looked at him, "What?

Jonathan turned red and whispered, "My lover, Sir, I'm new to this, remember?

I smiled at him, "Is this a week for all kind of first times or what? Come on, Tanner's been hanging around long enough,

I said as I slipped into my shorts. I held Tanner steady as Jonathan lowered him to the floor and unhooked the chain. Jonathan was in charge and he felt it.

"Easy boy, I won't let you fall, just shake your legs.

Tanner looked at him and rasped, "Thank you Master.

He ordered Bobby, "Boy, a cup of water.

Bobby stood and replied, "Yes Sir,

and ran back to the changing area. Back on steady legs Tanner gulped the first half of the cup and then sipped the rest while his breathing returned to normal.

"Thank you Master. Your slave thanks you.

Jonathan spoke to him, "As you have been told, behave and do as you are told and you will be rewarded. Disobey and the punishment will be severe. No matter where you are, no matter when it is, Master and I are always the Masters of your body and soul. Do you understand?

Tanner knelt and bowed his head in submission, "Yes, Sir. Your slave knows his soul, body, his very life is in your hands his Masters.

Jonathan looked at me. The only times Tanner had ever said phrases like that was when they were given to him. Without turning from Tanner, I just motioned him to relax, everything was fine. I saw in Jonathan's face he remained concerned, but his faith in me relaxed him.

"Rise Tanner, my slave boy, we have new treats for you tonight,

He said to the slave boy. We made an odd procession on the way back to bucking bull. The young Tanner and his bubby Bobby, the new slaves and their Masters. Tanner stood at attention as Jonathan attached a dildo to the saddle that was slightly smaller than his own cock. Jonathan unhooked the chain from both ankle cuffs.

"Up you go boy. You know where to sit.

Tanner said with a smile, "Yes Sir, Thank you, Sir.

Once on the saddle Jonathan hooked each cuff to the bull and the chain between the cuffs to the saddle horn.

"Set the timer for five minutes,

I said to Bobby, after he checked everything. I trusted Jonathan but it was his first time using the bull and I wanted to stay on the safe side. It took about fifteen seconds for the bull to start bucking at full speed. We could see Tanner was glad that he was attached to the machine, because he would have flown off almost at once. His primary concern though as the extreme motion sickness he usually got on amusement park rides. Even merry-go-rounds upset his stomach, but he couldn't throw up now, he thought. His masters would be upset and punish him. Plus he knew he'd have to lick it up.

Jonathan whispered to me, "Master, how did he know to say that?

as we watched Tanner's ride on the Bull. I gave him a knowing smile, "Jonathan don't pretend to be naive. There are lots of regular books and movies where main characters pledge their loyalty and lives to their Kings. The brain, being the tricky devil that it is released exactly the right memory at exactly the right moment. We are for him his Kings.

Jonathan said, "It made me feel a little weird,

as the one minute left bell sounded. When the bull stopped moving, Tanner lowered his head and took long, deep breaths.

"Motion sickness, never put him on the Bull right after he eats,

I whispered to Jonathan. He nodded and released his slave boy.

"Your stomach is okay, slave boy?

Tanner nodded, still breathing deeply.

"I didn't want to disappoint you, Sir.

Jonathan smiled to him, "Very good, Tanner. We're coming to the good part now, slave boy.

Tanner felt asked, "I'm going to suck you Sir?

Jonathan smiled at him. He surprised Tanner by first tilting his head, opening his mouth. He checked the slave boy's lips and grasped his tongue, pulled it forward, and explored its taste buds. His fingers roamed deep to the back of his throat, massaging the soft tissue, but taking care not to gag Tanner. The slave boy salivated gushes when Jonathan finished. I was sure Jonathan had done this to show his dominance and to get some time before the real fuck.

"No boy, it will be better, slave boy

Tanner looked at him with a hopeful face, "You're going to fuck me, Sir?

Jonathan looked at Tanner's body and lightly stroked his white bottom. Much to his delight, this had made him erect. He said calm, "Better, slave boy. First I'm going to fuck you. When I'm finished with you, our Master is going to fuck you too.

Tanner smile got bigger and he got off the bull, helped by my slave boy Bobby.

"Just head back to the rack, I don't think I have to chain your legs right now.

Jonathan said and wrapped his hand around the collar control. When they reached the rack, he asked Bobby to remove the dildo from the night before and put with the rest of the equipment to be cleaned.

By the time Bobby returned Tanner was already on the rack with his hands and ankles tied to the head of the table so his pink, slave virgin ass was sticking up in the air.

Jonathan climbed onto the table, took a condom from me and put it on his rock hard cock.

"You see slave boy, safety first. You never let anybody fuck you without a condom, and you never fuck anybody without one. If you are allowed to fuck someone in the future? You do fuck without and it's the last time you will ever shoot.

Tanner nodded his head and answered, "I understand Sir, I do understand.

Jonathan stood behind Tanner and aimed his hard boy-tool at Tanner's virgin slave hole. The knowledge that his cock was going where no Master had gone before made him hot. It was his claim, he was in charge, he was Tanner's Sir and master.

He carefully aimed and lowered his leaking cock to and into the teen's entrance. The various dildos and butt plugs had done their job and he slipped right in until his cock was deep inside Tanner's sphincter.

"Push out and relax, slave boy

Jonathan said.

Tanner nodded, took a deep breath and tried to relax, he pushed gently back and Jonathan slipped the rest of his inches into his anus. Shaven groin met shaven ass and the two boys smiled at each other. Jonathan held his powerful position for a couple of minutes and started slowly stroking his already throbbing cock in and out of his slave's tight ass. Jonathan groaned, "Oh yeah boy, you've got one hot ass and it is driving me crazy,

Slowly he picked up speed, wanting it to last but knowing it wouldn't, couldn't. Grabbing both ankles he started pounding Tanner's ass in harder, claiming it with harder, shorter and faster strokes.

"Oh shit, oh fuck I'm going to fill your ass with my cum, slave boy.

Tanner moaned, "Yeah, pound your slave's ass Sir. Please, fuck me hard, breed your slave bot, let me feel you, Sir!

Jonathan did, "You got it slave boy,

Jonathan said and pounded even harder. After an intense fuck, "I'm going to fill your ass now,

Screamed Jonathan and shot his load. Four, five shots of his boy juice erupted from Jonathan's loins and into his condom and ass. When he finally finished shooting he leaned forward and kissed Tanner hard. Only when the kiss ended he pulled out. Jonathan carefully slipped the rubber off and emptied it all over Tanner's sweaty chest.

"Now my slave, it is time for the Master to fuck your gorgeous ass,

Jonathan said and slipped off the table.

I handed Jonathan his shorts.

"Was it good?

Jonathan smiled and winked, "Find out for yourself, sir.

I climbed up behind Hank and smiled at the bound boy. Tanner's sweat stained skin stretched tight against his muscled frames.

"What do you see slave?

Tanner swallowed, "The biggest cock I've ever seen Master.

I waved my cock his ass, "Damn fucking right boy, that's your Master's rock hard cock. Almost ready to plow up your pretty butt. And I don't give a flaming fuck, if you're ready or not. You are here to please me!

With that I spread Tanner's cheeks and drove all ten inches into his tight ass in one fast drive. Tanner screamed, "Oh shit,

I pushed deeper, "Oh yeah boy, you've got one hot ass. My boy may have been your first fuck as a slave but you are going to remember this.

Tears of pain streamed down Tanner's face and he knew his ass was violated. There was only one thing he could think to say to his master, "Fuck your slave, Master, do to me as you like. Please, Sir, fuck me!

Jonathan's jaw dropped as I smiled and started slowly stroking his rock hard man cock in and out of his teen's ravaged ass. In and out I drove my cock while Tanner moaned from pain and ecstasy. I watched Tanner's cock twitched and spasmed, struggling to do the impossible, and shoot a load.

Picking up my speed I checked the slave's balls, it was just about time to remove the band constraining Hank's ball. I also knew there was a limit as to how long Tanner could take my cock this way.

"Bobby, get the knife ready,

I called out to my slave boy.

Bobby picked up a small knife and straddled Tanner's heaving chest. Carefully he slipped the knife under the band.

"Ready Sir.

I relied, "Hold on Bobby,

And I started my final assault.

"Oh shit, Tanner boy, I'm going to fill your slave ass now,

I screamed and nodded to Bobby.

Bobby cut the band and slid off. The blood rushed back into Tanner's tortured balls.

"Oh hell,

I screamed.


Tanner screamed even louder. Bobby just watched the two shaking men on the rack. He felt obvious jealous. Suddenly there was a loud snap and Tanner's left foot came flying forward.

"Sir, his leg's free.

I looked up just in time and snapped his right arm up and grabbed Tanner's ankle an inch from my face. Tanner's face turned pale and started shaking as I pulled out and laid the leg on the rack. I saw the fear and slowly leaned forward, a smile crossing my face.

"I'm sorry Master,

Tanner mumbled.

I kept lowering my face until we were eye-to-eye. Tanner was crying. I saw it and my smile got wider. The boy was ours no matter what.

I leaned closer, and kissed Tanner hard on the lips, forcing his tongue down the boy's throat. As we kissed Bobby walked over and released Tanner's other leg and gently lowered it.

"Tanner, did you break the strap on purpose?

I asked softly.

Tanner shook his head violently, too scared to speak.

"If it was an accident is there any reason for me to punish you?

Tanner sniffed like a little boy "I broke the table, Sir.

I smiled at him, "We will only punish you for something you meant to do. Like disobeying orders or striking back. These things will happen. Now you are one great fuck and for that we will not tighten the wheel when it's bedtime.

Hank nodded his head.

"Thank you Master,

He said and sank back on the table. I climbed off and took the cold can of soda Jonathan held out to me.

"Thanks. Anything else you want to do tonight.

Jonathan asked, "Has he earned the right to cum?

I smiled at him, "Earned it, yes. But look at his balls, they're still blue from the band. Tomorrow morning will be better. Some time on the milking machine or did you have something else in mind? Jonathan looked at me, "Both,

he said.

"That's my boy. Now tie the slave up for the night, I'll wait for you in the kitchen.

Jonathan asked Tanner, "Do you want anything to drink before I strap you in for the night?

Tanner whispered, "Yes please, some water, Master.

Jonathan came back with a full glass.

"Put your legs on the table.

Jonathan put the glass on a shelf and tied Tanner's legs before releasing his hands and helping him sit up. Once Tanner was stable he handed him the cup.

"Thank you Sir, Tanner said and returned the empty cup.

"Tanner, Jonathan said, "Sir, please don't say you're sorry.

Jonathan shook his head, "I won't, it would be a lie anyway. No what I want to say is that you've been a better slave then I ever hoped. Even My Master and lover is pleased.

Tanner looked at him, "Thank you Sir, he said and laid down on the rack, extending his arms over his head. Quietly Jonathan fastened and double checked the bands. He walked back to Tanner's head and gave the boy a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Sleep well, you've earned it.

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Next: Chapter 11

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