True Love with Justin Timberlake

By moc.liamtoh@51_remaerdrats

Published on Jun 3, 2000


Ok here is Chapter 8.I really hope you guys like this story.I'm kinda in a "writers block" as some people call it.But I am going to continue this story with the best ideas that come up to my head.So wish me luck and try to enjoy this story!

~~Chapter 8~~

"Ok. Brit, i'm going to do this." I said sitting down with her in the dining area with Justin's cell phone in my hand. We were on the tour bus. It was the day after me and Justin had fell asleep in the suite on the couch.

"Do what?Oh no Rj. Your going to do it?" Britney said noticing the cell phone in my hand. "Yeah. I have to.I can't go back home knowing that I didn't spend this summer with Kim, but with N'Sync and Britney Spears instead." I told her. "But what if she makes you catch the nearest flight home?" Britney asked me. I cringed at the thought. I hadn't even thought of that before. "Your right. I have to deal with this though. If she says that I have to come home, I guess I had better go home." I told Britney.

I clicked on the cell phone and began dialing numbers. Soon I heard a ring. After 3 rings I finally heard someone pick up. "Hello?" I heard my mom ask. "Mom, hi its me. Rj." I said to her.

"Hi honey."

"Hi mom."

"How are you sweetie?"

"Just fine.But I have to tell you something."

"Oh no!You and Kim are hurt?!Oh wait honey I'll be down there as soon as I can!"

"Mom no!I'm fine, and i'm pretty sure that Kim is. It's about something else."

"Well what is it?"

I sat there for a moment building up my courage to tell her."Mom." I said finally. "Yes?" She replied. "Um, im not at Kim's apartment. In fact im not even with her. I am kind of touring with my favorite group, and female solo artist." There was a silent pause.

"What do you mean sweetie?" she asked. I told her what I had just said again. "Rj!What are you thinking?!Where is Kim?" she asked me.

"With Mandy Moore."

"With who?!"

"Mandy Moore.She is another female solo artist."

"Rj!OOOH! I should have known that Kim was going to do this.She was always irresponsible,and I knew it was a bad idea to send you down there!I send you dwon there to visit her. And your on the road with a bunch of...guys!OOOh!I really wish there was some way to get you home, but me and Bill (mom's boyfriend)have no money to get you a plane ticket home.Plus, this was a summer for you to get away from the house. You would only be in the way.Your always on that damn computer!Anyways, honey, I am going to call Kim's cell phone. You be good ok?By the way your grounded when you get home. Love ya hon. Bye." My mom said and hung up the phone.

"So what did she say?" Britney asked me. "Well, im grounded when I get home, but I guess that means I can stay with you guys till its time for me to go home. Which mrans i'll be spending the rest of the summer with you guys!" I told her. "Thats great!" Britney replied.

"Shhhhhhh.Be quiet.The guys are all asleep.I don't want to wake them. Or you don't need to wake them." I whispered to Brian. All the guys were asleep in thier bunks, and Brian had just walked into the lounge.Making as much noise as possible. "Oh sorry." He whispered. He plopped next to me on the couch and looked at the television.

"I hate this show." He whispered to me looking at the screen. "Well change it.Im not watching it." I told him. I wasn't. I was writing in my journal.I figured this was one of those good times where its nice and quiet to sit down and write in my journal. Brian saw what I was doing and got up. "Where are you going?" I asked him. "To get my journal duh!" He whispered to me.

I just sat there. He came back a few minutes later and made himself comfy on the floor.He begain to write in his journal as well. I then started to write in mine as well. "Rj?" I heard Brian ask me. I looked up. "Yeah?" I asked him. "I was wondering.Since you and me are the same age and stuff, and since we don't talk, I was wondering when we get to the next city, if you would want to spend a day together? Just as friends though.I mean me and you are going to be touring, and its going to be kind of hard not to ignore each other, so what do you say?" He asked me.

"Ok." I answered him. It seemed like a good idea.Suddenly the bus came to a halt. "I know we are not there.We couldn't be." Brian said. Me and him hoped up and looked out the tinted lounge window. "Your right.Wheres the city and its cheap motel?" I asked him. "Knowing the way your boyfriend eats,he probaly ate it." He said jokingly. "That was lame." I told him. "I know.But I couldn't think of anything better to say." Brian said. Me and him started laughing. "Lets go see whats going on." I told him. We walked quietly out the lounge door and into the bunk area. The guys were already up.Except for Jc. "Hey Brian. Wake your Prince Sleepy." Chris said. "Whst with the lame jokes?" I asked.

Justin looked at me while he layed on his bunk. All the guys curtains to thier bunks were open. "Hey you." I told him. "Hey." He whispered softly. "Come here will ya?" He asked me. I went over to him, and laid down beside him.He leaned in and kissed my nose. "Your to cute." He told me. "Oh please.With this face I could scare even the ugliest woman on earth." I told him. Justin looked at me with an angry look. "Don't you ever say that.Not even if your joking.Your not ugly.It hurts when you say that.Im serious,please don't say that." He told me. I saw the hurt in his eyes. "I promise I won't say that." I told him. He kissed me, and we spent about 20 seconds kissing when Chris decided decided to jump on us causing us to stop what we were doing. "Chris!" We both yelled in unision.

He got off, and I got up out of the bed. "Me and Brian were going to go see what was going on." I told the guys. Me and Brain walkedinto the dining area with the guys right behind us. We all stopped and had to laugh.There, at the dining booth,was Britney.She had fallen asleep there.Her arms were spread across the table, with her face laying on the cold table, with her mouth open wide. We all kept laughing, and then Britney woke up. "What are-" she stopped. "Oh I get it.Ok, guys I don't want to hear nothing about this for the rest of the tour." She said sleepily. She looked at the clock. It read 1:00 a.m. "Whats going on?" She asked knowing something had to be going on for us to be up this late, and the bus not moving.

"Thats what were going to find out." Lance said. He was in his pajamas.It was cute.I almost had to stop myself from laughin. His pajamas had little trains on them. "Nice jammies Lance." Britney said as she got up from the booth. "Hey don't make fun.My mom got these for me." He told us. "Im going to go ask the driver whats wrong.You guys can go back to sleep." Jc said walking to the drivers cab. "I need some fresh air." I told the guys. I walked to the bus door and opened it, and took a step outside.The night air was extremely cold, and as I looked around I saw why. We were in the middle of the desert. "Oh goody." I told myself. I breathed in the cold air, trying to get the not stiff air from the bus out of my nostrils. Pretty soon everyone was outside with me.

"Oh its cold!" Britney said. Jc walked off the bus and looked at us. "He said were broken down.That he has to find out whats wrong with the bus." He told us. Lance groaned. "Earl, trying to fix our bus!Thats not good." Lance said. Joey and Chris smiled. "What are you two smiling about?" Justin asekd them. "Stay right here." The two said. They ran inside. "Wonder what they are doing." Britney said.

"Then as the lady turned around she stopped and screamed.There on top if her car was her husbands lifeless body hanging upside down with his fingers scratching the top of her car." Joey said as we all watched. We were still in the desert, only we were around a fire. Joey and Chris's idea was to build a fire, and tell stories. I liked the idea. It gave us something to do while we were stuck in the desert.We all had blankets around us. I didn't even bother to share one with Justin.He had a blanket that no one was allowed to touch.But him. Of course it was baby blue.I thought it was kind of cute.Him wrapped in a big baby blue blanket.

"Wait.I have a story." Britney said. "It all started when..." Britney began.Her voice trailed off as I went to sleep.

I woke up to find myself in Justin's bunk.At first I didn't realise where I was.I figured I was going to wake up to the hot sun in the desert.But I woke up to a clustered dark bunk. I got up, and made my way out of the bunk. I walked to the lounge and saw that Justin was asleep on the couch. I smiled. 'That was so sweet.' I told myself. 'He put me in his bunk, and he slpet on the couch.' I walked over to where he was laying. I kneeled down to where he was laying and kissed hs lips. His eyes fluttered as he woke up. "Oooh." He said with sleep in his voice. "I wouldn't mind waking up to that every morning."I laughed.I looked out the tinted window to find buildings. "Where are the others?" I asked. It was 1:00 in the afternoon, and it was way to quiet.

"I think they went into the hotel." He told me. "Justin?" I asked. "Did you plan on staying in here till I woke up?" He smiled. "That was my plan." He told me. I smiled. "Justin, why are you so sweet to me?" I asked him. "There isn't a reason why I shouldn't be."He said. "Anyways, lets go inside and see what they are up to. They took pur bags with them, so that means we have to get changed inside." Justin said.

We walked inside, and Justin talked to the lady behind the counter. He walked back over to me and we got into the elevator. I felt really really dirty.Seeing how I had just woken up, my hair was sticking up, and I just felt so...dirty.

We walked out of the elevator and made our way to the door. He opened it and we walked inside. I noticed that this time it wasn't a suite but just a room with 2 beds in it. "This time me and you get to share a room." Justin told me. He walked over and he kissed me passionetly. "Gosh.I love the way you kiss me." Justin said. Just then there was a knock on the door. "Hey guys." Lance said as he opened the door. "I see your out of the tour bus!You guys get ready were going to this amusment park.I don't know which one, but since we got a 2 days off, we figured we might as well do somwthing with them." Lance said. "Ok." Justin said. Lance left the room. Justin turned to me. "Were not going anywhere yet.I just want to stay here with you, and hold you in my arms." Justin said. "Justin your just to sweet." I told him. He leaned in and kissed me.Suddenly the phone rang beside the bed.

"I'll get it Justin." I told him. I picked up the phone. "Hello?" I asked. "Your going to die." I heard on the other end. Then I heard a dial tone.

Theres chapter 8. i told you guys im at a writers block. i am trying to find a way to get this story going! anyways, i hope you enjoyed it!

Next: Chapter 8

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