True Love with Justin Timberlake

By moc.liamtoh@51_remaerdrats

Published on Jun 2, 2000


Ok, guys here is chapter 7 ok? Have fun and read it. I hope you enjoy it!Im kind of upset because this girl told me that Justin And Britney were dating :(! It sux. Oh well can't win them all. (but Justin was my all time dream!)Emails and comments to

~~Chapter 7~~

"Rj!Boy wake up, give us the details!" I heard a voice say as I was being shaken. I awoke instantly and looked around. Britney,Joey,Lance,Chris, and Jc were all gathered around me. I laughed as I sat up on the bed. "So?" Britney asked. "So what?" I said not knowing what she was asking, I was still a little sleepy. "Well, what happened?!" Britne asked , as they all sat on the bed around me.

"You guys wanna know?" I asked. "Yes!" They all replied in unision. "Ok." I said. I told them all of what happened the night before. I left out the kissing part, but I soon realised it was going to be hard to keep that from them. "What?!" I asked. They looked at me. "I know your not just saying he walked you to your door, and you came in?I know there had to be a kiss." Chris said. "Well, was there a kiss?" Jc asked me pleadingly. I smiled.

"Yes there was a kiss." I said. At that moment everyone all yelled and whooped. "I knew it! I knew there had to be a kiss!" Britney said. "So was it a good kiss, or did he become somewhat bad over the years?" She asked. I laughed. "It-well it was nice." I said. "NICE!" They all cried. "Nice is, 'you look nice'.Now define nice." Chris said. I looked at them. "Well I have never been kissed before, so I cannot say he was the best. All in all he was a good kisser though." I replied.

They all smiled. "Rj not only was your kiss your first with Justin,but first with anyone. So Justin was your first kiss both ways." Britney told me. I had to smile. She was right. "Ok, we'll leave you alone.You have to get dressed if your going with Jc to pick up Brian at the airport.If not get dressed and me and you can go swimming.Justin can come of course." Britney said. They all got up and started to walk out.

"Yeah he would have to come since he is my boyfriend.We have to get to know each other now that were a couple." I told them. I hadn't mentioned him asking me out yet.But now they just found out. They stopped dead in thier tracks turned around and ran back to the bed. "He asked you to be his...boyfriend?!" Chris asked. "Yeah.He asked me before he kissed me." I told them. They all screeched with joy. "Finally!Curly has got someone!" Joey yelled. after all the commotion, they all left the room and I got dressed into that days clothes. Of course it was another new pair of clothes.It was a silky blue shirt, and a pair of khaki pants.

I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I said expecting for Britney to walk in. Instead my curly blue eyed boy walked in. "Morning." He said. "Morning." I replied with a smile. "So you going with Jc?Or going to chill here and swim with the rest of us at the pool?" He asked. "I figured I would swim with you guys up at the pool.Jc has not seen his boyfriend in a while, and they at least need some time alone." I said. "Thats really thoughtful." He told me. "Anyways, ill see ya down at breakfast?Its right next to the main lobby." He told me. "Yeah,ill be down in a moment." I said. "Well I was kind of hoping I could walk with you." Justin said holding the door open. "Ok." I said and we made our way to breakfast.

"So, he walked you to breakfast.Well its nothing major, but its sweet." Chris told me as me and him were laying down beside the pool.All the others were in the water. They had a net in the middle of the pool and were playing water volleyball with a beach ball that Lance had brought.

"Well, I still say he should have done the movie idea I gave him.Instead he is always going along with Jc's ideas." Chris complained while rubbing suntan lotion on him. "Oh don't be such a baby. You and Joey are the exact same way." I told him. Chris ound himself caught in the argument. "So." He said and laid down on his back to get a tan. "Chris I promise that if I want to set up the next date, then I will use your idea.But that is only if there is a next date." I told him. "Promise?I don't want you to say this, and then go along with Jc's ideas." He said. "I promise Chris." I said.

Suddenly I found that Britney and the guys had quit volleyball and were now splashing each other. Soon the splashing went a little crazy, and somehow the water had found its way to me and Chris. Chris shot up from where he was laying and looked at them. "Whoops!" Lance said. "Yeah, you better say whoops!" Chris yelled diving in. As Chris dove in, Justin got out and layed on the spot where Chris had been laying. "Hi." He said. "Hey." I responded. "Why don't you join us in the water?" Justin asked me. "Nah im fine." I said. "That you are." He told me. I blushed.

"I was almst in a comfy position when I felt someone picking me up. I looked to find it was Justin. He had picked me up in his arms. "Whoo!Go for it Justin!" Joey and Chris yelled. I noticed that Justin was walking to the water, and I had a feeling me and Justin were going to meet up with it soon. "Um, Justin, no." I said. "Put me down! Put me-" I was cut off by my body entering the water. Justin had went in with me. I came back up gasping for air. Justin came up beside me. "Hehehe, you look cute when your wet!" He said.

I laughed. "Justin!I really did not want to be in this water!Its cold!" I said shivering.He swam next to me. He leaned close and whispered in my ear. "If I hold you in my arms, do you think that will warm you up?" He asked me sweetly in my ear. I blushed. "Well we would have to see." I said. He put his arms around my waiste, and I put mine around his neck. We started laughing nervously, and looked at everyone around us. The guys and Britney all had smiles of "Go for it!" on thier faces. We were the only ones in the pool, and the guys had set it up that way.

Justin leaned in and kissed me.Once again I felt his lips touch mine.His tounge entered my mouth, and I let mine enter his.Our kiss was passionate, and I was enjoying every minute of it.We kissed, and soon, we were just making out.We just kept on kissing.He leaned closer to me,and I felt his chest touch mine.His strong arms were wrapped around my waiste,and his muscular tanned chest was against mine, and I suddenly realised Justin had warmed me up.

We broke our kiss and smiled at each other. "That was incredible." Justin said. I laughed quietly.

"Come on. I think Jc's back with Brian!" Lance yelled walking inside the hotel. We all got out. It was about time I had to meet Brian.

We walked into Jc's suite, and all sat down on his couch. We had all gotten dressed out of our wet clothes, and were now back in our dry clothes.Jc walked in.We all smiled. In followed a boy my age. The same one I saw in the pic Jc had told me. "Brian!" Everyone yelled. They al gave him a hug. I stood up and walked over to where he was. "Oh, you must be Rj!" Brian said. "Im Brian." He told me. "Hi." Britney walked over to us. She led us over away from the guys. "Now we can all chill without the guys.You know, when we get tired of them!" Britney joked. Me and Brian laughed.

"Anyways, Brian, your sleeping with Jc.Cuz of course you two are dating." Lance said. Justin looked at Lance. "So does that mean Rj has the advantage to sleep with me in my bed because were dating?" Justin asked. We all looked at him. "What?! It was just a question!" He said.

We all decided to leave Brian alone to unpack, to catch up on what Jc has been doing. So we left the two alone. Me, Justin, Lance and Britney all went back to our suite, while Chris and Joey went to thiers. "Brian seems nice." I said as we walked into the suite and sat down on our white couch. Britney turned on the Tv. "Oh, I have an idea!" She said. "Im going to leave you 2 alone, so you two have fun. If you need me just go to Chris's and Joeys's suite." She walked out the door. Me and Justin gave each other a puzzled look. We turned our attention to the movie, but we didn't really watch it. I found Justin was looking over at me every five seconds. I smiled.

I decided I would make a move. I grabbed him and pulled him close. I kissed him. I t kind of shocked him, but then he started going with it. After a couple of minutes we quit.I layed down on the couch with Justin behind me.He had his arm around my waiste. I figured he loved my waiste or something. But I didn't mind. Pretty soon we were both asleep.

Ok guys there is Chapter 7! I hoped you liked it.Theres more to come!So look out for more chapters~Q~

Next: Chapter 7

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