True Love with Justin Timberlake

By moc.liamtoh@51_remaerdrats

Published on May 28, 2000


Ok, I am so happy!They actually put up chapter 2!Now I pray they will put up chapter 3!I have always dreamed of this happening to me, but all I can do is write my dream into a story.Please check out the 3 chapters I have written on "A prince named Justin".Do not worry there will be more chapters on that, as well as this.Now On with this story!(any questions or comments please email me at

Chapter 3

I woke up to the silence of the house.The morning sun was shining through the bedroom window, and I smiled to myself.I loved it.The peace and quiet.I was away from my hometown of Dallas, Texas, which was noisy, in Florida next to the soothing waves that could be heard through my bedroom window.

I layed there and thought about the night before.I could not help but laugh to myself.It was all to much of a miracle.The tickets, backstage,getting to spend some time with the guys themselves.And even having 2 of them walk me and Kim to the door.I was loving every minute the happy thoughts came in my mind.Alot could happen for a 15 year old!And I just realised all the posiblitles us teenagers could have if we wished hard enough.

I got up and walked over to the mirror.I looked at myself.My golden hair was all messed up from the night's sleep.And my eyes which were normally, blue had changed colors.This morning they were a very plae blue.I guess it was because I was still sleepy.My body which was slim, I realised, was a very pale color.'Ok you.You are going to have to spend a day on the beach.Get some sun.You look dead!' I thought to myself.

I went over to the dresser, and pulled out some clothes.I had pulled out some navy blue shorts, and an Old Navy T-Shirt.I went to the bathroom, and turned on the shower, and took a nice long shower.I got out,put on my clothes, and combed my hair.Feeling refreshed and awake for the whole day ahead of me, I walked out and walked into the kitchen.I could see my cousin was not up yet, so I decided to give her a wake up call.I made my way to her bedroom, opened the door, and quietly stepped in.

I looked at my cousin.She looked so innocent.Her blue hazel eyes, were closed in a deep sleep.Her curly brown hair hung over her face as she slept on her side.Her tanned hands were under her head, and her skinny little body was all snuggled up in a blanket.I smiled to myself.She wasn't going to be sleeping so innocently any longer.

I ran and jumped on her bed.The bed shook, and my cousin woke up with a start.I started to jump up and down, but she gave me that look.The one where it said "Do it again, and see how fast I jump you into a frenzy!"I stopped and laughed."Morning sleepy girl."I said as I sat down beside her."Good way to wake me up."She said with annoyance."I figured me and you could head to the beach today.I look like a vampire.My pale skin makes me look so dead."I said."So I was thinking, I could get some rays today."

She smiled."Alright, get outta here!Unless you wanna see a naked girl!" I cringed at that thought and laughed as I walked out the room.

"So what do you think of him?" My cousin asked as we were laying on the beach getting some sun.A guy had just walked by, and of course, we had to check him out.It was our thing.We were always checking guys out."Nah, his nose was to crooked.I mean, if you leaned over to kiss him, you'd end up with his nose in your mouth instead of his tounge," I told her.She started to laugh, and soon tears were running down her cheeks."I didn't think I was that funny."I said.

"No..its..hahaha...its just that i pictured...hahaha, oh my, its just that I pictured what you just said and...hahahahahaha."She started to laugh again. I had to laugh as well when I pictured it.

My cousin looked over at me when we both had finished laughing."Man, last night was incredible wasn't it?"she asked rolling to her side and hoisted her head up in her hand, with her elbow supporting it."Yeah, it was.I had dreams of it playing over and over again."I said. "And you and Mandy seemed to be best friends!You to practically ignored the concert and talked amongst your selves!"

My cousin smiled and rolled back onto her back."Well she was really nice.And well, I got some pretty good information off her about JC. And me and her had alot in common."I watched as she got up and started to dig in her brown purse she had brung along with her.After I thought she had almost crawled into the bag cuz she was digging so much, she handed me a littl peice of paper. I looked at it.It had Mandy's cell phone number on it, and a little note that said "I hope we become best friends!I could really use one!" I smiled.

"Wow.So when do you think your going to call her?" I asked. "Right now." she said as she picked up her cell phine and dialed her number.'Wow.Man, my cousin has a new friend that is famous, and I had met my inspirations last night.Man, I am loving my vacation more and more.' I thought to myself.

My cousin waited for her to pick up.Soon I heard her say "Hey Mandy!This is Kim.The girl you talked to last night?...Yeah, thats me!"

I layed down.And listened to my cousin. "Really? Yeah.I am still shocked. ....Oh you are?! Wow. Yeah, I just didn't know you rode the same bus with them. ...Oh, I see.....Are you serious?! I think he would be happy to talk to him." I looked up in time to see her shove the cell phone in my face. "What? You called Mandy.You talk to her." I said with a laugh. "Rj, if I were you, I think I would accept this." She said with a smile on her face. "Ok. Fine." I said. I took the phone and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I said. "Hey." I heard from the other end of the line. I knew for a fact it was not Mandy.It was a males voice. "Who is this.I am kinda confused. I thought my cousin was talking to Mandy?" I said not sure who this guy was. "She was, but I told her I wanted to talk to you.Just to say hi.Oh, its me. Justin. Justin Timberlake.Sorry. I should have asked first. I wasn't sure if you would have liked to talk to me." My heart pounded as I finally realised who I was talking to.The blue eyes angel was on the other end. And what made it surprising is he wanted to talk to me! Me! Of all people!

"Oh my." I said aloud. I heard him laugh.I had to admit it was so cute the way he laughed."Well I am just so shocked.Why did you want to talk to me?"I asked trying to hear myself over my heart."Well were friends right?So I thought I would just say hi, because were friends.You know, besides the guys, I really do not make any friends.Niether do the guys.And well I thought I would take a shot and say hi to you." Justin said."I hope that is alright."

I smiled."Of course thats alright.It is just, whoa!Things kinda moved kinda fast for me.I mean, yeaterday, the concert, and meeting you guys, and then I am talking to you personally on the phone...I don't think I could take it all in!" I said with a laugh. He laughed along with me. "Yeah, I know what you mean.Things are moving fast for us to."He said.In the background I heard someone yell, but I could not hear what was said. "Hey, um...well dang!I do not know how to ask this, but can we stop by your place? We have this afternoon off, and we really do not have nothing planned.Plus when we were leaving last night from your place, we saw the beach, and Lance was all..."Man I wish I could just hang there.Just for one day.That would be nice." And well, I kinda want to take him there.And I was thinking we all could chill there.Since..well you and your cousin.And-"Justin stopped. "I see what your saying Justin.Of course you can.Like you said, were friends, and well since your a friend, your welcome here anytime." I told him.

"Thanks, I appreciate that." Justin said."But now I have to go. I am handing back the phone to Mandy.Bye Rj. It was nice talking to you." Justin said. "Bye Justin." I said. 'Man that felt good to say' I thought.

I handed the phone to Kim.I layed back and looked up at the sky.As I looked at the sky blue sky, and the clouds that were swimming along with it, my heart was racing.All I could think was "An afternoon with Justin?And the guys?Without thousands of people?At my cousins house?On the beach?This is some summer!"

I was sitting on the apartment steps outside the door of my cousins apartment.I was writing in my journal.I was always writing in it when I had the chance.I looked up and looked at the ocean.It looked so beautiful.Its bright blue water, endlessly splashing against the shore, each time as if to say "Hello." I admired the ocean.It was just so peaceful.

I looked down and started to write in my journal again."Beautiful isn't it?" I heard a voice say.I looked up to see the 5 guys walking up the steps.I kept thinking it was a dream.That I was just imagining the 5 N'Sync members walking up the gravel steps to me. I But I knew it was all to real. "Yeah. It is." I answered to Lance's question.

"Must be nice to sit, and stare at it all day."Jc said. I smiled at him. "Well not all day.Than it would get boring." I said.I got up and motioned for the guys to follow me in.We walked into my cousins apartment.They guys looked around for a moment.Admiring the things that had belonged in her home.I told them they could make themsleves at home.The 5 guys did so as they sat down on the couch.

I walked into the kitchen and told my cousin that there were 5 gorgeous popstars sittin on her couch.I heard the 5 guys laugh as my cousin dropped the dish she was washing .It broke into many little peices.I laughed as well.I helped her pick them up and we walked out into the living room.

"Thanks you guys for letting us spend a day away from the tour.I was really needing a break like this."Lance said.Kim told them it was nothing. "So when do we hit the beach?" Jc asked. I laughed."Well I guess right now." I looked at my watch.It was 1:00. We had the rest of the day ahead of us.We all walked out and made our way to the sandy beach.

As soon as we reached the sand, Joey, Chris, and Lance all ran.I saw they were racing to the water.I laughed all the while as I saw them pulling of their shirts and pants.(They had swim trunks under them)I laughed even harder when I saw that Joey had tripped over his pants while he was taking them off.

"Hey wheres Mandy?" I asked, suddenly noticing she wasn't there. Jc looked at me. "Well she had to stay and practice for the next show.Then she has an interview to go to later on today."

I laid down on my towel, beside my cousin who had already made herself comfortable.I looked up to see Justin pull of his shirt and pants.As he took off his shirt, it was all I could do was not to stare.The boy had a body.His muscular chest just seemed to perfect for his cute little body. It matched his face.I had realised this boy was really like one of them perfect guys.The face of an angel.And a body of a teenage god.

I must have gave my staring away.Cus Justin looked at me.I turned away thinking 'I hope he does not suspect anything.Heaven forbid if he ever found out that I was gay.What would he think if i was?Would he run away? would he be content with it?'

I turned back to Justin.He was smiling.It was then I thought he had not noticed.I looked over at my cousin.She and Jc seemed to be hitting off really well.In fact, the two were flirting.'This is to much.' I thought to myself.I suddenly realised I was thirsty.But all the cokes were back in my cousins apartment. I decided I would have to go get one.Then I realised me and Kim had company, and I really couldn't bring anything back without nothing for tham.I was not that mean.

"Kim,I am going to get something to drink.Want anything?And I am also getting the guys something to drink.So..." I said. Jc looked at me."No you don't have to do that.Were fine.I would feel like we were hogging all your drinks and stuff." I laughed. "Don't be so modest." I said. "I'll be back with the drinks." I got up. As I did Justin stood beside me. "I'll go with you.Is that alright?" He asked. 'How can I say no to that?' I said to myself. "Of course. Come on.I may need help carrying all the drinks back." I said.

Me and him walked to my cousin's apartment. We walked in.The aprtment was nice and cool, compared to the outside, which was hot. I walked into the kitchen.I opened the refridgerator. I looked inside and pulled out a couple of cokes out and set them on the counter.Then I got the rest. I closed the refridgerator.I looked up to see Justin staring at me."Um, Justin? Wanna help me out here?" I asked.As if he were in a trance, he shook a little then replied, "Oh yeah sure." H e started to pic the cokes up. "Justin are you ok?" I asked. I stopped him from walking out of the kitchen. "Is there something bothering you?"

He looked at me." I do not think I should talk about it.I am kind of scared to." He said." It's ok Justin.You can tell me. I mean, I know we have not known each other that long.In fact hardly for 24 hours, but something is bothering you man.I can just tell." I told him.We walked to the livng room with cokes in hand.We set them down on the coffee table, and sat down on the couch.

He looked at me."Well promise you will not tell?Because if you told anyone, this could really ruin my career.I just wanna be careful ya know?" He said.

"Of course Justin.I promise."I said.

He looked at me and then began to get this worried look in his eyes. "Rj, well, man I am not so sure.Ok, here goes...........I...I'm...well lets just put it this way. Your fine as hell!"

Theres chapter 3. (please post it please!?)

Next: Chapter 4

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