True Love with Justin Timberlake

By moc.liamtoh@51_remaerdrats

Published on May 27, 2000


Ok, here is my second chapter of the story.I know some of you guys don't like the idea of a boy or guy dating Justin (and that you guys probaly want it to be JC and Justin)im sorry.But this has always been my fantasy of somewhat, and I would love to share it with you all.I have read the stories, and I must say my favorite is "Josh and Just", very well written, and the whole plot of the story is wonderful.Anyways, for those who do not like this story, or feel theres needs to be something more please email me ok? Thanx...

"Chapter 2- The Night

I just stood there with my mouth open.Kim looked at me, and decided she would answer for me."He says yes." she told them, obviously not nervous around the guys at all."Great!" Lance replied.

"Ok, why don't you two come with us.Were taking you backstage so you can see the show."Joey said, as they all were getting up.We followed them through a door, and down a dark hallway.Suddenly we saw that we were in another hallway.I looked at some of the doors, which had names on them.Some of them read " Nsync Clothing Room", " Hair and Make-Up Room", and such.The guys told me and my cousin to sit in the chairs that were sitting far against the wall, right beside their dressing room."Ok, we'll be in our dressing rooms getting ready for the show, so you guys just wait here, then well lead you backstage Ok? JC asked. Me and my cousin nodded our head in approval, and watched them walk in the room.The door shut, and Kim turned to me."We are some lucky bitches aren't we?" she said with a smile on her face."I'll say.I am holding back my tears" I replied.

"Oh, Rj, don't cry."Kim said."Or i'll cry!" I laughed.She always seemed to make a joke out of everything."I don't mean out of sadness, I meant out of happiness.I am still getting over all this.It's like I did something very well, and I'm getting a reward for this.I don't know, its like this was meant to happen you know?" I told my cousin.She looked at me, and then in a serious tone she said."Rj, everything happens for a reason, I didn't even plan on this happening either, but it did." I smiled.Me and Kim talked for about 3 minutes, and them the door opened.The five guys came out of thier dressing room."Ok, were ready for the show, so if you wanna see it, then come along, but if you think were worthless and not valuable of our time, then stay."He said jokingly.I laughed and me and Kim followed them to the backstage.I looked from where I was standing and saw the whole room filled with people.It was loud, and glowlights,signs,cameras,jumping people, were all I could see.Suddenly the lights dimmed, and a man came out and looked at the crowd."ARE YOU GUYS READY FOR THE SHOW?!" he screamed into the mic.The crowd roared making the stage shake."OK, BUT FIRST, AS YOU KNOW, WE ALWAYS HAVE AN OPENING ACT FOR NSYNC, SO WOULD YOU PLEASE GIVE IT UP AND LET THE SPOTLIGHT SHINE ON....MRS.MANDY MOORE!" he bellowed again into the mic.He left the stage and it got dark.Since I was right up at the stage, I could see well.Mandy was taking her place with her dancers.The spotlight came on her, and soon the song "Candy" came on, and the crowd went wild.

Mandy performed it, and then she told the crowd that it was now time for them to give it up for *N'Sync.She left the stage and made her way to us."Hi!" she said.I looked around and found no one but me and my cousin standing there."Are you talking to us?" I asked shocked.She laughed and said "Of course.You must be the boy that got to coem backstage?Let me just tell you, you must have dome something for them to do that, cuz they have never done that before." Mandy told me."Well I thought it was because I'm from Texas, and that I must have traveled the farthest to see them or something." I told her. She laughed again."This isn't TRL you know? I'm serious, there is something about you that catches everyones eye."I looked at her and smiled."Well I have never been told that before."Mandy sat down and looked at the stage.As did I. I noticed the guys had already begun singing one of thier songs from the new CD, they were now touring for." Bringin Da Noise." I sat and watched the show.It was incredible.I remembered the time when I had tried to get tickets when they had come to my hometown.I had cried that night because I couldn't go.Oh well,now here I was at this concert, and only this time I had gotten everything I could want.Backstage,Meeting the guys, everything.Plus I even met Mandy.Wow!

I watched the show, and then my favorite song from them came on, and they sang to it.As I did, I cried.Being the emotional teen-ager I was, I must have looked stupid.But I did not care."When winter turns to summer, and thers no more forever, when lies become the truth..." I loved it.The show finally ended and I look at Kim and Mandy, and I had realised the two hit it off well.The guys ran off the stage.JC saw that I was crying and looked at me.He laughed."Man, your one of them emotional kids huh?" I nodded."Well when you meet your insprirations maybe you'll be emotional to." I told him he smailed and walked off.Justin came up to me.I almost passed out.His curly brown curls, which were no longer blonde, and he had seemed to grow his hair out, with his blue eyes, and his gorgeous smile was enough to make me smile and get all nervous again."Ok, me and the guys are going to go get changed, do our meet and greets, and the you and your cousin are going to sneak out back with us to the bus so that way we don't have to deal with all the fans ok?" he asked."Ok" i said.

Me and Kim waited while the guys changed and did thier meet and greets, and all the while Mandy was telling us how she had gotten her stardom.Kim seemed more than interested, and I sat listening to the both of them exchange conversation.

After all was done, me,Kim, and the guys made our way out the back door, and into the nice cool air.No one was around, and I noticed the bus was fenced in, and the only way to get outwas with the huge gateway door, that the bus would pull out to, and onto the road.I looked at the bus.I had only saw it a couple of times but this was my first time noticing it.Before I could say anything about it, I was walking into the bus with the guys.I instantly saw a booth and table in front of me, and looked to the right where I noticed it was a cute little kitchen.I looked to my left and saw there was a curtain in the doorway.Justin pulled it back and we all made our way following him.I noticed the door was leading to the bunks.Of course they all had cute little curtains hanging over the passageway of the bunks opening.Justin opened a door, and I noticed it was the lounge area.Very big lounge area I saw.The five guys made themsleves comfortable and told us to sit down as well.I sat beside my cousin who sat beside Lance.

"Sorry we didnt give you a tour of the bus, but im kinda tired.Besides you saw it all on the way in here." Lnace said.He moved off the couch and grabbed a pillow.He laid the pillow down on the floor and laid down as well.I noticed that Chris had fallen asleep."You guys are very tired, me and Kim should go.You guys had a rough night." I said breaking the silence that had overtakened the room.

JC looked at me."No, you do not have to go." I looked around again. My cousin spoke for me." We should, you guys are exhausted."Jc got up and blocked the doorway leading to the exit.I laughed."I guess we'll have to stay." I said. "You can't go.We don't know that much about you.We would like to know our fans the way our fans know us you know?" Justin said. "Well what would you like to know?" I asked.

Joey looked as if he was thinking really hard." So where are you from in Texas?"He asked finally."I live in Mesquite.It's near Dallas." I said."Your how old?" Jc asked."15." I replied.Wow." he said."You do not act 15." I kinda blushed at the compliment."Thanks.I hope you don't mean I act younger.Because I don't want you all thinking I am immature or anything."Justin laughed. "No , not at all."he said."Actually I am surprised.You didn't act the way the other fans did.Then again, all the other fans were girls.We hardly ever see any guy fans."

"I have been a fan the instant your video and single were released." I said.Jutin spoke up again."Man, 3 years.So your kind of a dedicated fan eh?" I looked at him. He was gorgeous.His blue eyes were all that I could see.To me nobody's eyes were that blue.Right then and there I disocvered I wasn't crushing over him, I was lusting over him."Yeah, you could say that."I replied.Jc spoke in."Well the bus is taking you home. I hope you don't mind.It was the least we could do for fans such as you 2."Kim blushed.I laughed."Thanks, but that means Kim and me will have to come here tomorrow to get her car." Joey , I noticed had fallen asleep.On the way home Kim had fallen asleep to.I just looked around admiring thier bus.The guys had it lucky.

"Hey Rj?" Justin said breaking the 16 minute silence that had been lurking around."Yeah?" I replied trying not to sound stupid."Hey, um well...I was wondering if you could give us your number, or address or whatever.We would love to keep in touch with you guys."I gave him the address and phone number.Justin went to the driver and told him our address and then came back to the lounge."Ok, im still in shock." I said. "Why?" Jc asked."Well this night has been nothing but miracles for me." I said. Jc looked at Justin."Well we try and give our fans what they want." Justin replied. "But not all of your fans got to see your tour bus, go backstage with you all,or be asked for thier phone number and addresses from you guys." I said. Justin smiled. "So we try our best to give most of our fans what they want."

When we finally reached Kim's apartment, I woke her up. We were getting off the bus when we noticed JC and Justin had gotten off with us as well."We figured we would walk you both to the door." Jc said smiling. I smiled at the thought of these two guys being such gentlemen.I had never thought of the guys to really be as sweet as they were.They walked us to our door, and me and Kim said our thanks.They told us they were not leaving for a couple of days, as if hoping me and Kim would get an idea off of that.We didn't say anything."Well do not be surprised if we call you ok?" Jc said to Kim and me. We finally said goodbye and made our way inside.We both jumped up and down in her living room, and then decided we would eat and then go to bed.We stayed up talking about the night that seemed a miracle over ice cream.We then turned off all the lights and went to bed.I layed in my bed and looked out the window.I could hear the ocean waves splashing against the shore.The moon shined high above my window.I cried myslef with happiness to sleep, and had a very peaceful dream.I replayed the night over and over again in my dreams.

Ok, theres chapter 2.Sorry it was so boring and dull.I really need some help on it I guess, but if you have any suggestions, please email me and tell me. I have so many more chapters to go.I promise I will make the story better.Maybe even add your ideas into them.

Next: Chapter 3

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