True Love with Justin Timberlake

By moc.liamtoh@51_remaerdrats

Published on Jun 18, 2005


This is just a story - This in no means implies that Justin Timberlake is gay. If he is, thats his business, but once again - it is just a story.


Rogers wasn't a little town like I had expected. Though it was occupied with old buildings and not alot of people could be seen.. so far.

"I've lived right here in Rogers all my life," Ray was telling me. "Don't know nuthing outside the county, cept' for a couple of smaller towns nearby."

I smiled as I looked out the passenger window, just in time to see what looked like a couple of parents sitting on a blanket watching their kids feed the ducks some bread. It seemed so peaceful here.

It wasn't long before Ray pulled into a small little feed box that was called "Ma's Kitchen." He hopped out out of the truck and motioned for me to follow him.

"Ma has the best cookin' round these parts." Ray said as he entered the diner. "If I ever don't feel like cooking, I just come here."

I followed him inside and was instantly hit with the aromas off all kinds of food. My stomach made a noise and I instantly felt hungry. I looked around, observing the surroundings.

No one seemed to be here at this hour. Wooden tables were placed throughout the room; each table covered with the old fashioned red and white checkered table cloth. Salt and pepper shakers, and age old mustard and ketchup bottles were placed on top of them. Walking across the wooden floor, I heard Tammy Wynettes, Stand By Your Man coming from an old jukebox. I thought about how long it had been since I had been any place like this... too long.

Ray picked a table near a window, in view of his truck. I shyly sat across from him, suddenly not knowing how to act or what to say.

"Well hey there, Bubba Ray Higgings!" I heard.

I turned to find a dark haired woman making her way past the tables from the kitchen to our table. She was a large woman, wearing a Brooks and Dunn T- Shirt and some blue jeans. She had a friendly smile and kind eyes.

Ray greeted her as she finally approached us. "Hey there, Annamae! How you doin'?"

"Not bad, not bad" Annamae answered. "Just helpin' Mama out, ya know. The usual."

"I know how that goes," Ray said. "Gotta do what ya gotta do, ain't that right?"

"That's sure as hell right!" Annamae exclaimed. Her eyes then fell upon me. "Well hey there! Didn't even see ya there!"

"Hi," I said suddenly feeling my face go red.

"Oh Annamae, this here is RJ." Ray said introducing me. "He had a little car trouble so I figure'd I'd help him out."

"Car trouble eh," She said looking at me. "I know how that goes. My Ford just about went out on me last week. Jed's thinking of gettin' us a new one on the 'count of that thing is so old."

"How is Jed?" Ray asked Annamae. "I haven't seen that husband of yours for a while now."

"Oh you know how Jed is," She said waving her hand. "Since we got that cable, his ass ain't been off that couch. All he does all day long is watch them race cars on that SPEED channel."

Ray laughed. "Well I was sort of going out there to see ya'll in a little bit. I thought maybe Jed might be able to help Rj out with the car and all. Kind of like a favor. He does kind of owe me since we had that ropin' contest down at the ol' rodeo."

Annamae chuckled. "Jed's still pissed that you won. He still want's a rematch to this day."

"Hey, you just tell him that ya can't win'em all, alright?" Ray said still laughing.

"Keep up the braggin' Bubba Ray," Annamae said smiling. "Jed swears up and down he's gonna beat you one day."

"Alright," Ray said. "We'll see... So you think he might help Rj out?"

"I don't know," She said looking at me. "Jed's thinkin' bout closing the mechanic place soon. He says we ain't makin' enough down at the shop. He keeps tellin' me he might be going to work for his daddy on his farm instead. He hasn't been much for fixin' cars these days."

"Well I guess I'll drive down their later and see what he can do," Ray said. "For now, Im'a get RJ and me something to eat."

Annamae pulled out a little notepad and a pen. "Alright, what can I get you boys?"

"Imma have your Chicken Fried Steak smothered in your finest gravy, some mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and your homemade sweet rolls." Ray exclaimed.

I had been too busy listening to their conversation that I didn't even think to look at the menu.

"What bout' you sugar?" Annamae asked.

"I guess I will have the same," I responded.

Ray smiled. "Good choice. Like I told you, Ma has the best cookin' round these parts."

Annamae turned a bit red. "Bubba Ray, stop! Mama just cooks from the heart, you know that!"

"Where is Ma, anyhow?" Ray asked.

"She's in the kitchen, want me to go fetch her for ya?"

"Nah, not if shes busy," Ray told her.

"You know Mama ain't never too busy to see lil' Bubba Ray!" Annamae said. "Imma go put these orders in and got get Mama for ya." With that she walked off.

"That's Annamae," Ray told me. I smiled. I kind of figured that already. "She lives on the outskirts of Rogers, with her husband Jed and they have a lil' girl named Wendell. Nicest people you ever wanna meet. Jed owns the mechanic shop. He was the friend I was tellin' you about. Oh, and if you haven't guess it by now, Mama is Annamae's mother. Annamae helps Mama out sometimes here at this place."

"Oh okay," I said to him. I couldn't help but notice that he had beautiful brown puppy dog eyes. I shook my head as soon as that thought entered my head.

He isn't gay for all you know! This guy could be straight, and if he ever found out you like guys, you could get your ass kicked.

"I used to go to school with Annamae," Ray continued. "Then when she married Jed when she was fifteen, she dropped out and became one of them, whatchacallits, stay-at-home-wives? I guess thats how you put it. Anyways, Mama wasn't too happy about that but of course she didn't say nothin' bout it. Annamae is all she got. See, Mamas husband died when Annamae was twelve, and then shortly after her son, and Annamaes brother, Charlie died in a bullridin' incident. So that just leaves Mama with Annamae."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was so sad. "Oh my goodness."

"Yea, but Mama is strong. And if Mama ever needs a mans help, she can rely on Jed. She has grown to like him over the years."

A much larger woman suddenly appeared at our table. She had white hair, with blue eyes. She seemed to give off a pleasant, down to earth nature, just from looking at her. She wore a white T-Shirt with what seemed to be ketchup and mustard stains, some blue jeans and some house slippers. She smiled when she looked at Ray.

"Well if it isn't my lil' Bubba Ray!" She said, then looking at me. "And company! Well who is this?!"

"This is -" Ray started to say, but Mama cut him off.

"Now, I think he has a voice to speak with Bubba Ray," She said smiling, still looking at me. She held out her hand for me to shake. "And who might you be?"

"I'm Rj" I told her placing my hand in hers. For some reason, I wasn't shy around this lady. I instantly liked her.

"Nice to meet ya, Rj," Mama said after we shook hands. "I don't take it that you are from around these parts?"

"No ma'am." I responded. "I am originally from Texas but moved to Los Angeles. I kind of decided to take a last minute road trip, and I ended up here."

Mama laughed. "Honey, don't no one just end up here. I take it there was some car trouble, I reckon?"

"Yes, there was."

"Well I guess I can talk Jed into fixin' it for ya," Mama told me. "He don't like doin' much these days, all on the 'count of Annamae getting that cable, But I am sure I can get his butt off the couch for just a lil' bit."

"I was going to head up there, after we had a bite to eat," Ray told Mama. "I figured Rj might want to be back on the road as soon as possible."

"Yeah, I reckon" Mama replied. "But you boys let me talk to him. Lord knows you two would be there all night beggin' that boy."

"True." Ray said.

"So Bubba Ray," Mama said suddenly changing the conversation. "How you been? The ranch holdin' up alright?"

"Oh yes Mama. You know that ranch will be doing just fine as long as I am around."

"Good," Mama answered. "Your father would roll over in his grave if he found out you wasn't taking care of his land."

"Hey, I learned from Daddy," Ray responded. "Ain't nothing going to happen to that ranch."

"Yeah, Butch was the best ranchhand and cattle herder around these parts." Mama told him. "You would have made him proud Bubba Ray."

Ray grew quiet.

"Well, Imma go and help Annamae with those orders. You two take it easy. Nice to meet ya Rj."

"Nice to meet you as well." I said silently.

Mama walked away and we were left at the table. I stared at Ray for a moment. He seemed lost in a daze. I suddenly had the urge to ask him what had happened to his father, but I felt that would be rude. Maybe he didn't want to talk about it.

I looked out the window. The sun was setting, it would be completely dark soon. I felt bad about not calling Lana or anyone. I was beginning to miss them.

"Is there a payphone around here?" I asked Ray.

He shook his head. I must have broken him out of his thoughts. "Oh.. yea. There is one right outside the door there."

I excused myself and walked outside. Indeed, there was a small payphone right beside the entrance to the restaurant. I dug in my pockets for some change. After finding fifty cents, I put them in the slot and dialed Lana's number. It began to ring.

She picked up on the third ring.


"Hello, Lana? It's me, Rj."

"Oh my - " I heard from the other end of the line. "I have been trying to call you. You had me worried sick!"

"Well I am fine."

"Where the hell are you? You have been gone for almost four days."

"Really, that long?"

"Yeah, that long! I called everyone. Your job, your mom, Justin..."

"Justin?" I interrupted.

"Yeah, Justin Timberlake. I had his number from the photo shoot."

I didn't know what to say. I had totally forgot that Lana would have Justin's contacts. She was after all, the person who would be taking his pictures for the next few weeks.

"I'm sorry I didn't call you," I told her trying to change the subject. "Just been really stressed."

"I figured that since you hadn't been home. Where are you anyways?"

"Rogers, Arkansas." I said weakly, knowing what her response was going to be.

"Arkansas! Rogers Arkansas?! As in, i'm almost to Tennessee, Arkansas?!"

"I'm almost to Tennessee?" I said. I had no idea where Rogers was located on the map.

"Holy mother of- Okay, so you have no clue where you are at. You just hopped in your car and started driving?"

"Yeah, thats exactly what I did."

"What the hell made you do this? Wait, no. I think I know. From what Justin said, this makes perfect sense."

This peaked my curiousity. "What did Justin say?"

"Well when I called him, he was reluctant to tell me anything. So I had to break the ice and let him know that I knew about you two and how you two had been lovers way back when. After that he kind of went soft on me. Told me how you two were in the studio and were talking, then things just kind of took a turn for the worst."

"Tell me about it," I breathed into the phone. "That was the worst interview ever."

"Doesn't sound like it," I heard Lana tell me. "I wish I would have been there. That's some good stuff right there. I can tell he still likes you."


"He still likes you."

"And how exactly would you know that?"

"Just the way he was acting. He seemed so sad. And when I told him that I had no idea where you were, he seemed concerned. He was even willing to come over here and help me look for you."

I was shocked. Justin was the last person I thought would go looking for me if I had to of come up missing. Did he really still have feelings for me?

"Yeah well, he may still like me, but he has Cameron." I told her, realising that my defense mechanisms were going up. "There is no way in hell we would ever be together again."

"Hello, Justin is not the only guy in the world Rj!" Lana told me. "Anyways... when are you coming home?"

"As soon as the car gets fixed."

"Fixed... honey, what do you mean, fixed?"

"As in, I can't go anywhere until my car is fixed."

"Screw the car... I am coming to get you."

My mouth dropped. "Lana, I don't know-"

"Look, you stay there in Rogers Arkansas. I will be there in.. oh hell, I'll be there when I get there." She hung up before I could say anything else.

The food was just as good as Ray had described it. I had never tasted anything that good, except for my own mothers cooking.

I silently watched Ray as he ate. He was so cute. He may have licked the plate clean if he hadn't of been any hungrier. I found myself looking at him more than once. At first, I wasn't noticing I was doing this, until Ray had looked up at me innocently while he was eating.

"Oh," He said with his thick southern accent. "I am sorry, its just this food is so good."

"No, no its fine."

He wiped his hands with his napkin. "Are you sure?"


He chuckled. "I just haven't had anyone to entertain in a while. It's been just myself to entertain these last couple of years. Course' every now and then I get offered to go into a bar or something. I might get a few drinks... I don't know."

"Are you old enough to be drinking?" I asked.

"Hell no," He said with a grin. "I got one more year then I am legal though."

"So you are 20?"

"Guilty," He told me. "But I have friends that buy me a few rounds."

"I see."

"Its something we don't speak of round' here." He laughed. "But hey, its getting late."

"Yeah," I agreed. "I guess I can go and rent a room for the night, and find out tomorrow if my car is going to be fixed."

Ray looked at me with puzzled look.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you really think I was going to let you check into a motel room? What kind of boy would I be if I did that?"

I ended up telling Ray on the way to his home about Lana coming to get me. I left the part about Justin out.

"Well, I'll still see if I can get Jed to fix it." Ray told me peering out of the windshield. "That way you can just follow her home... She sounds like a nice girl."

"She is," I smiled. "She has been good to me."

Ray pulled onto a dirt road. It was dark, but from what I could see, there was nothing but fields around. We were definately away from downtown Rogers. The dirt road was a bumpy one, and it seemed to stretch on for miles. After a good five minutes, Ray turned the truck to the right and past a gate that was marked HIGGINS RANCH. All around us, there seemed to be nothing but grass.

"There is my home, right there." Ray said pointing to a dark outline not too far ahead.

We reached his house a few moments later. His porch light was on, so I was able to see that it was a two story home. It looked like one of them classic houses you saw in those old western shows.

When I got out of the truck, I took a deep breath and inhaled the nighttime air. The air smelled so fresh. Once again, I was reminded of Texas. I really was beginning to miss it.

"This is my ranch," Ray said coming to my side of the truck. "Been in my family for years."

I just smiled, and followed him up onto the porch.

"Don't think I am a messy person," Ray told me as he opened the door. "I just... well alright I am messy. But I didn't think I would be having company."

I laughed as I entered the house. We stood in the living room. I looked around in awe. It didn't seem as old as it did on the outside. In fact, it looked like it had just been redone. New hardwood floors, the walls were painted and off white... and the furniture even looked new.

"I had to fix the place up," Ray told me as if he read my mind. "The place was fallin' apart. I almost didn't want to for the fact that my daddy's stuff was all here. But it was just so messed up and everything. I almost couldn't part with it."

"I see." I said. "It looks good though."

"Let me give you a tour then." Ray said.

He gave me a tour of his three bedroom, two and a half bath home. I liked it. It had a cozy feel to it.

When we were back in the living room, I noticed some pictures on the fireplace. Ray stood beside me. He got quiet.

There was a picture of a man, maybe about in his mid thirties, standing out in a lake and he was holding up a fish with a boy. I took the boy to be Ray. They were smiling.

"That was my first fish," Ray finally said. "My daddy was so happy. Him, my momma and I went out fishing for the first time. My daddy was teachin' me how to cast out into the water - and what do ya know? As soon as that worm was in the water a fish snagged it. My daddy was telling me to reel it in... Reel it in, he screamed. My momma just stood by watching and smilin'... She took that picture as soon as we pulled that fish out of the water..."

I kept staring at the picture. I couldn't seem to tear my eyes away from it.

"Anyways," Ray said turning away and walking to the kitchen. "I figured you might wanna take a shower, seein' how you probably haven't had one in a while."

"Okay," I said following him into the kitchen. He was sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of milk. "I just don't have any clothes."

"Thats alright," Ray said. "I'll let you wear some of mine." He looked me over a bit and then smiled. "You are a bit shorter than me, but I think it'll be alright."

I laughed and turned and made my way to the bathroom.

"Towels are in the closet there behind the bathroom door," Ray called from the kitchen.

I enjoyed the shower. Feeling the hot water run over my body. It felt good to be getting clean again.

I turned the shower off when I was done and took my time drying off. I wiped the steam off of the mirror and looked at my reflection. I looked so tired.

Well duh, Rj.

Just as I wrapped a towel around my waiste, Ray knocked on the bathroom door.

"Here are those clothes." He said from the other side. "I hope they ain't too big on ya."

I opened the door just enough for me to reach my arm around and grab the clothes. I quickly shut the door. I don't know why, but I felt so self- consience at that moment.

I looked at the clothes he handed me. A blue flannel shirt and a pair of wranglers. I laughed realising I hadn't worn wranglers since I was a kid.

I slowly put the clothes on and looked once again in the mirror. The clothes were big on me. The sleeves hung down over my hands, and the jeans, though they fit in the waiste, were too long for my legs. I rolled the pant legs up to my ankles. I decided I didn't care about the shirt. It was comfortable. Grabbing my dirty clothes, I walked out of the bathroom.

Ray was sitting on the couch as if waiting for me. He stood up as I entered the room.

"Hey, that ain't too bad if I say so myself." He said once he saw me.

My face turned red and I couldn't help but smile. "They are a bit big though."

"Well, maybe you will grow into em'" Ray laughed. "Maybe not."

I laughed too. "I don't think I am going to be growing too much."

I sat down on the couch, Ray sitting next to me. He picked up his remote and turned on the television.

"I really don't watch the television. But I am sure you do." Ray said. "Is there anything you wanna watch? I don't have cable, but I do get a few channels."

I shrugged. "It's no big deal.I'm up for anything."

Ray flicked through the channels and finally left it on FRIENDS. "Them New Yorkers sure are funny."

I laughed at the comment. He was too adorable.

It was maybe ten minutes later that I felt my eyelids begin to grow heavy. I can't tell you how many more minutes afterwards that I fell asleep.

I awoke the next morning to find myself in Ray's bed covered in thick quilted blankets. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up in bed. Looking around, Ray was nowhere to be found in his room. Slowly getting out of his bed, I walked out into the hallway and down the stairs to the living room.

Ray wasn't in there either. Puzzled, I made my way back upstairs. Going into his bathroom, I closed the door, and did the morning ritual... (going to the bathroom people) I walked back out when I was done.

I heard something outside. Walking to the window, I peered out into the pastures to find a whole bunch of cows being herded out into the field. Ray was behind them on a horse along side with a good sized black and white dog. The dog seemed to be the one keeping the cows in the herd. I smiled. I had never actually seen anything like that before.

I watched a little bit longer as the cows were finally brought into the field. Ray had hopped off of his horse and began walking him to the gate near the house. The dog, waving its tail followed Ray happily.

I strode away from the window and walked downstairs and outside, just as Ray and the dog were walking up.

"Good mornin' Rj," Ray said. "You sleep well last night?"

"Yeah, I would have to say that I did." I said. I glanced down at the dog.

"Oh," Ray said when he saw what I was looking at. He knelt down beside the dog and began petting it. "This here is Ashe. I didn't get a chance to introduce you two seeing how Ashe decided she wanted to sleep outside last night."

I walked over to Ashe and began petting her. She happily kept wagging her tail.

"I think she likes ya," Ray told me. I looked at him to find that he was looking at me. For a moment, we just stared at one another, finally I broke away.

"I saw you on your horse with the cows." I said. Trying to steer us away from what just happened. "It was amazing."

"Naw, just somethin' ya have to do round' here." Ray responded with a smirk. "Just a lil' somethin' my daddy taught me before he went."

The more his father was brought up, the more I had wanted to know what happened to him. I didn't dare ask Ray what happened. I still felt now wasn't the time.

"Anyways," He said walking onto the porch. "I hope you didn't mind sleepin' in my bed. I just looked over last night and you was dead asleep. It wouldn't have felt right if I had left ya on the couch. So I took you to my room and I slept in the guest bedroom."

"Ray," I said. "Why didn't you just put me in the guest bedroom. I am not the type to put somebody out of their own bed."

"Well," He responded, taking off his hat once more revealing his matted down blonde hair, "It might be a lil' too late for all that talk now don't ya think?"

I asked Ray to give me a tour of his ranch, which he gladly accepted to do. He began talking about how his great great great grandparents had bought this land so long ago and how it managed to thrive through many centuries. I noticed he talked about his ranch with pride and happiness.

We walked around to the gate to the field where I had seen the cows being herded into earlier. Ray explained to me that the cows seemed to love to eat the grass in that part of the field, which was why he chose to herd them there, then on the other side of the pasture where he kept the sheep.

"Sheep will eat anything, but I swear, I have the pickiest bunch of cows." He said with a laugh.

"The cows, do you actually ship them off to the meat market?" I asked. I looked at the cows. From here they looked so cute.

"Sometimes," He told me. "Mostly during the winter, when they don't have really anything to eat." He pointed to a big huge white and black spotted cow. "See that one there? Thats Unice. She is my milking cow. She's been on this ranch for five years."

"Neat," I said. "But can I ask a question?"


"If this is a ranch, where are your ranchhands? You know, the people who help you?"

"Oh the hell with that," He said. "I can manage this damn ranch here by myself. I don't need no one comin' round here messing things up!"

I smiled. He was stubborn just as he was sweet.

We began walking around. He showed me the sheep, and one little pig he kept in a little pin.

"This here is Minnie. The weirdest pig in the world."

"Why is that?"

"Have you ever met a pig that doesn't like to get dirty?"


"Well," Ray laughed. "You just did."

Finally we came to the horse stables. Ray opened the door, and motioned me to go inside. I stepped inside and instantly took in a foul smell. I knew it well. Manuer. I kept walking though, the hay stems crunching under my feet. There were two horses to my right, and one to my left.

"These are the horses as you can see," Ray said. He stopped at the first stable to pet the horse. It was a pure black horse; its mane seemed to look silky and soft to the touch. "This here was my Daddys horse. This here is Tiger."


"Yeah, when my daddy got him, he wasn't trained. He was wild, and I mean buck wild. He'd buck you off faster than a bull at a rodeo. My daddy said he would have been a pure bread tiger horse if he had teeth."

"Well he seems calm now." I said watching Jay pet him.

"That's cuz he is trained now. Though, he does get edgy if he is saddled up and rode on too long... You wanna touch him?"

I just stood there.

"It's alright, he don't bite."

I made my way slowly to Tiger, raising my hand slowly, I gently went to touch him. Soon I was stroking Tiger on his long nose.

"He likes ya," Ray told me. Once again he was staring at me. Was it my imagination or was it a look of someone that was starting to like someone?

Nah, hes straight. No one this good looking and this straight acting is gay. Then my mind went to Justin. Ok, nevermind...

"What are the others called?" I asked. My heart once again doing its ritual of beating heavily in my chest.

"This here is Chance," He said walking over to the horse right beside Tiger. This horse was a white one, and it seemed to be trying to get out of the stable.

"Whats wrong with him?" I asked.

"Chance doesn't like to be contained. He seems to think hes a wild mustang. Always gotta be on tha loose. But he ain't no mustang... just a regular ridin' horse."

I watched as Ray tried to get Chance to stay still, but it was no use. Chance seemed to be determined to get out of his confinement.

"Why won't you let him out?"

Ray laughed. "You kiddin' me? I would never see this damn horse again. I learned the hard way. I once let him out, and ended up having to chase this horse down with my truck out on Route 9. It was hell gettin' him back here."

The horse that stood alone on the other side of the stables made a noise. I turned around to find a brown horse staring back at me.

"That there's Lucky. She is the sweetest horse I got... If you haven't noticed already, she likes all the attention to be on her."

I walked up to Lucky and began nuzzling her nose. She was so cute. I instantly found her to be my favorite.

"You know, she ain't gonna want ya to go once you start steppin' out this barn." Ray said walking over beside me. "You done and made a friend for life, I tell ya what."

I stood there for what seemed like five minutes giving her all the attention. I loved her.

"Would ya like to go for a ride with Miss Lucky here?" Ray suddenly asked me.

"You mean, ride Lucky?" I asked. I smiled. I hadn't been on a horse since I was two. I couldn't even remember that experience.

"Sure." Ray said. "Let me go get the saddle and reins." He walked over to the other end of the stables.

I stood there with Lucky petting her. I started to step away figuring Lucky would probably grow tired of the attention, but she stomped her hoof and made a noise, so I ended up having to nuzzle her some more.

Ray came back over with a small blanket looking thing, a saddle and the reins. I watched patiently as he pulled her out of the stable and saddled her up. He looked so cute.

Today he was wearing just a white tank top, some wranglers, his brown boots, and his straw cowboy hat. I found myself staring a little too hard. This boy was sexy! But then, my mind went to Justin. I rolled my eyes. I just couldn't get him out of my head, no matter how hard I tried.

"All set," Ray said. "Here hop on."

I walked slowly over to Lucky. "I don't know how to ride. The only time I have ever been on a horse was when I was two."

"It's alright. I can just walk Lucky with you on the saddle. Hows that sound?" Ray asked.

I nodded in agreement, and began to mount Lucky. I failed at that attempt. I couldn't get my leg over Lucky.

"Here try this," Ray said. He took my by the hand, and hoisted me over by helping me push my leg over. I finally settled on the saddle. It wasn't very comfortable.

"You might wanna lean back a lil' that way you don't hurt your... uh," Ray paused. He made a circling gesture around his crotch area. "You know, those."

I laughed as he turned red.

"Well it gets bouncy up there, and sometimes, well, they get caught up in it if you ain't sittin' right."

Ray began to pull on the reins and Lucky started to walk with him. We were off...

He walked us out into the open field. I smiled and breathed in the fresh country air, swaying from side to side as Lucky walked. It was so much different here than it was in L.A. No buildings, no cars, no streets filled with people. It was ... quiet. It was nice.

I looked down at Ray. I could only see the top of his cowboy hat, and his broad tanned shoulders... How all of a sudden did I find myself attracted to him?

I couldn't remember liking anyone except for Justin. Justin had been the only thing my mind had been on. I started to think maybe I was a fool for that. Obsessed much?

"Its beautiful here," I stated before I even realised what I had just said. Did I sound gay? Would Ray catch on? How many straight guys have ever said something was... beautiful?

"Yea," Ray said. He didn't seem to think my statement had been a little too femalish. "I think its nice here too. Course' its all I've ever known."


"Yes sir?"

I smiled. Now he was calling me Sir. "What happened to your father?... You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. It's just I have heard alot about him since I have been here."

"No no, its fine." Ray told me. "My daddy drowned. He decided to go fishing one morning..."

I waited for him to continue. But he didn't. Though I didn't know the whole story, I instantly found myself feeling sorry for Ray.

"If it helps," I told him. "I lost someone to."

"I am sure everyone loses someone," Ray said. "I am sorry for your loss, whoever it was."

It was quiet for a moment, then came "You wanna really ride Lucky."

I looked down as Ray stopped walking. Lucky getting the hint, stopped as well. Ray was now turned and looking up at me... His brown eyes...

Without me answering, Ray ended up hoisting himself up on the saddle. He was now sitting behind me. His arms shot out and grabbed hold of the reins...

I was instantly in shock. Rays body was now behind me, pressing against me, his arms almost wrapped around me as he was taking control of the reins.

"I hope you don't mind," Ray said.

I shook my head. "Not at all."

With a quick "Hee yaw", we were off. I was startled for a moment as we ran through the fields on Lucky. She was pretty fast.

After a quick run, Ray slowed the horse down. "How'd ya like that?"

I didn't say anything. I must have been speechless at that point. I turned my head around to face Ray. He was smiling and then his eyes locked mine. We sat there staring at each other for the longest time. My heart began beating really fast. Maybe Ray was...

I saw him lean in... My heart began beating faster. He was going to kiss me! He leaned in a bit closer, his lips almost touching mine. I started to close my eyes -

Until I saw something moving in front of the house.

I looked past Ray and focused on what I had just seen out of the corner of my eye. The house was not too far from where we sat in the field, so I could still everything from where we were... It was a white stretch limo. And it was pulling up in front of Rays home.

"Ray," I said, nicely pushing him back. He seemed a bit taken back by this until I pointed towards the house. "It looks like theres company."

Ray looked back to see what I was pointing to. Then looked back at me, his eyebrows raised. "Looks like it... Shall we go and see who it is?"

Ray once more grabbed the reins and steered Lucky back to his home.

"Ray, are you sure we should be greeting your company with both of us on the horse like this?"

"It's fine." Ray told me with a chuckle. "It's on my property, and if they have a problem with it, then they can leave, don't ya reckon?"

As we came closer, I saw a girl emerge from the car. I knew who it was instantly.


Then came another figure.

With short brown hair, and a handsome face to match. Blue eyes that you seem to get lost in; a body to die for - and a voice that seemed blessed with a musical gift.

"Oh my..." I managed to say.

We strode up to them with me beginning to get uncomfortable. I had not expected this.

"Hey," Lana said as Ray pulled on the reins of Lucky, making her come to a stop. "We made it!"

I glanced down at Justin. He just seemed to stand there looking at me. Then his eyes shot to Ray.

"Can I help you?" Ray asked.

"Oh, Ray," I said trying not to stammer. "This is Lana, the girl I told you was coming to get me."

I felt Ray shift in the saddle. He held out his hand for Lana to shake. "Sorry, I am Ray. Rj told me you was comin' but I didn't think that you'd be here this soon."

Lana smiled and instantly shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Ray..."

Justin silently walked over and stood beside Lana.

"This is Justin, Ray. " I said as I shot Lana a "What the hell?" look.

Ray once again held out his hand for Justin to shake. "Nice to meet ya man."

Justin stood there for a moment as if debating if he wanted to shake Rays hand or not. Finally, he stepped up and did it.

"Nice place you got here," Justin suddenly said as he stood back. His face was had no expression on it. I noted to myself that Justin seemed to state that comment with a bit of distaste.

"Thanks!" Ray said. He hopped off Lucky. "Not much, but its home."

I didn't know what to think when Ray held out his arms motioning for me to get off Lucky. Hesitant, I threw myself in Rays arms and let him take me off the horse.

"Man Rj," Lana said. "I cannot believe you came all the way out here."

"How'd you find this place?" Ray suddenly asked.

"We ended up pulling into a little diner and asked someone if they had seen someone fitting Rj's description," Justin stated. He slowly made his way and stood beside me. "They told us we could find him here."

"A'ight," Ray said. He looked at me. He wasn't smiling now. "So I guess you are goin' home now eh?... What 'bout your car?"

I opened my mouth to say something but Lana cut in. "Justin is having it towed back."

I glanced at Justin. He still had a strange look on his face as he looked at Ray. Almost as if he was studying him.

"Oh, okay." Ray said. He sounded kind of sad.

"Do you have anything to drink?" Lana asked Ray.

"Uh, yeah... come on inside, I'll get ya something."

Lana began to follow Ray inside. I started to follow them, but Justin stopped me.


"What the hell made you decide to just drive to Arkansas?" Justin asked me.

"Hmm, let me think." I said sarcastically.

"Don't do that Rj," Justin said. "I am serious. I can't believe you did this."

"Did what?"

"Rj... don't play stupid. You know what I am talking about!" Justin said. "I was worried sick!"

"You were worried sick?" I said. "About me? Why?"

Justin looked at me. His blue eyes looked worried. Lost. I had never seen that in them before.

"I shouldn't have to explain why, and now is not the time." He told me.

I sighed.

"What?" Justin asked.

"When is the time Justin?" I asked. "When is a good time to actually talk to you?"

"I don't know..." He said. "Not here."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course. Nevermind. I don't know why I try. I assume its always going to be like this talking to you. I am going inside."

I turned to go.

"Oh, yea Rj," I heard him say. "That's right. I am incapable of communicating with you! Just like you always run away from everything."

My mouth dropped and I turned to face him, angry. " I run away from everything?! I do not!"

Justin stretched his arms out with a look of shock. "Look where you are! You didn't run away?! Okay Rj, thats why you are here in Rogers Arkansas! Rogers!"

"Don't talk to me about running from my problems!" I shouted at him. "At least I am being who I want to be and I don't have to pretend to be someone I am not!"

I instantly felt bad for saying that.

"What do you mean?" He asked, his voice coming out in almost a whisper.


"No Rj, tell me."

"What do you think I mean? I am talking about Cameron."

I saw the tears begin to fill up in his eyes, and then his face turned red.

"Leave her out of this," He said. "She hasn't done anything."

I stared at him. "Why are you even here?"

"Why do you think? I care about you."

"Excuse me?" I heard. I turned around to find Lana and Ray standing on the porch. It was Ray who had said something.

"Are you two alright?" He asked.

I looked at Justin. Justin stared at Ray and Lana for a moment and then shook his head. "Yeah, we are good."

Somehow, I couldn't help but wonder at that moment why Justin was there. Did he really care? What were his intentions with me, now that he was with Cameron?

I shook my head. This was all just too much to deal with...

There ya go! Please feel free to email me your comments... would love to hear from you

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