True Love with Justin Timberlake

By moc.liamtoh@51_remaerdrats

Published on May 16, 2000


This story is entirely fiction and not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Justin Timerlake.

This is a story about a 15 year old boy, and how he and Justin had fell in love...


I walked out of school that day,anxious to get away from the teenagers that go there.It's not that I do not like the kidz that go there, its just the fact that I have to watch out for the ones who don't like "fags" as they call it.This school had some rough teenz in it, and well, I had to be careful of the ones who wanted to beat my ass.

I wanted to get home and enjoy the summer that had finally come."Yes, school is out" I thought to myself.Seeing how I was 2 grades behind, and in middle school instead of high school,I was surprised I was looking forward to the next year in eigth grade.Only I wouldn't be going to the school I was then,my mom had decided to move in with her boyfriend towards the way end of summer.

But I was glad I wouldn't be spending the summer with my mom.My cousin Kim who was 18, had sent me some plane tickets to Florida, which she had moved to the same year.She had lived with me and my mother until she had enough money for a car, and such.

I wanted to get home and pack right away, but I had to walk all the way home which meant I couldn't start packing until 30 min from then, because thats how long it took me to get home.I enjoyed walking though.It gave me time to think.I usually thought of things like, what I would do if had suddenly became famous, it had always been my dream, or about my crushes.Justin Timberlake was my all time dream lover.When I would walk to and from school my fantasy of ever being with him would come alive, at least in my mind.

I guess you could say im a romantic.Im not the type to want to have sex with Justin, because Im not that type of person.Im the type to just have him hold me, and kiss me gently, and say sweet things.And well I don't have to dream anymore, because it happened.That summer I went to mt cousins house in Florida.Well, lets get back to the story and you will see.

When I got home, as soon as I walked into the door, the phone rang.I picked it up." Hello?" I said. "Rj?" a familiar voice said from the other end.It was my cousin Kim."Hey!" I said."I just walked through the door, im about to go pack."There was a moments silence at the end of the line."Oh, did I call at a bad time?I'll let you pack."she said finally.I looked at the clock on my radio. 4:00 p.m. "Nah," I said "I have plenty of time.I do not have to leave for the plane untill 11:45 tonight.Ill just pack while I am talking to you on the phone." "Ok, good, I cannot wait to see you!"she said.I could tell she was happy.I had to admit, I missed seeing her to.And I couldn't wait to see her new house, or apartment.I wasn't thrilled about the apartment, but I figured since she lived right beside the beach,it would be alright.I had never been to a beach before.Let alone out of the stae of Texas.

I went to my room and got out my Adidas gym bag, and my backpack, and started to put my clothes and such in there.All the while listening to my cousin tell me about a surprise she had for me when I reached Florida.This of course got my attention.She wouldn't tell me what kind of surprise it was, and that I had to wait until I reached Florida.I couldn't wait to see what it was.I loved surprises, just like any other person would.

After my clothes were packed, and I had finished talking to my cousin, I took a shower.I was going to make sure I left for the trip clean and refreshed.I hopped out of the shower, and gotten dressed.I looked at the clock again.A couple of hours passed, as I could see, because I had spent most of it packing and talking to my cousin.It was now 6:00.I went to my room, and set my alarm to 11:00, because I was going to get some sleep.I was tired from school, and all the packing.I drifted off to sleep, and not long after, I heard my alarm clock buzz.I looked at it.Like I expected it said "11:00 p.m."I waited for my cab to come, and called my mothers work to tell her goodbye.She was working late, so she couldn't see me off on my journey.She said her goodbyes, and as I hung up a horn from a car came .I knew it was my cab, taking me off to the airport.I got my bags, and headed out the door.

The cab ride wasn't that bad.Now I was sitting in the warm comfy seats of the plane.The stewerdess was nice.In fact a little to nice.She came by every 2 minutes, asking if "I'd like something to eat, would I love to watch a movie?"I preffered I would read my book.I took it out and read through the whole flight.

The moment I stepped off the plane I knew I wouldn't want to go home.I was now in Florida, and the warm air had made everything right.I looked around and went to the bag carrier.Got my bags and waited in the seats that were available."I hope my cousin doesn't keep me waiting to long." I thought to myself.Just then I saw my cousin."Kim!" I cried."Over here!" She walked over and grabbed my bags."It is so good to see you!"Realising she couldn't give me a hug with my overstuffed bags, she put then down, and then proceeded in giving me a huge hug."How are you?" she asked."Im doing well" I said.We made our way out the airport and to her car.We put my bags in the trunk of her car, and hopped in.We made her way to her apartment.

I walked in her apartment and looked around.It was quite nice.It was more luxurious than what I thought it would be.It looked as if my cousin had it made.She showed me to my room.It wasn't as luxurious as the rest of the place.I looked around.The walls were painted blue, and the only things that were in the room were a bed and two nightstands on each side of it.Over to the far side of the room, there was a window overlooking the ocean.I liked the room.Not only could I see the ocean from my window, it wasn't a room fit for someone who lived in Florida.It was made for someone who was from Texas.I smiled to myself.

I made myself at home in my cousins house.I suddenly remembered about the surprise she had for me."Hey Kim, what was the surprise you had for me?" I asked.She looked at me for a moment."Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Hold on, im going to get them."she said.She went to her room, and came out with what looked like to pieces of long thin papers.She handed them to me."I know how much you like them, so I bought them for you." she told me as I looked at them.My mouth dropped open."NSync Tickets!" I screamed. "Front row!" I screamed again.Kim was the only one who knew I was into guys, and my infatuation with Justin.

"Well the concerts tomorrow night, so you had better be ready." She said. " Kim, its Nsync, of course im gonna be ready!" I told her.I had went to bed early that night.I couldn't wait for the concert!

"Man, this line is forever!" I told my cousin Kim.We were standing outside the Reunion Hall, waiting to get in."Hold on ok? I know one of the gaurds here, and im gonna go and talk to her, maybe she can get us in here quicker!" my cousin said.She walked off, and disappeared.In what seemed like forever she came back and grabbed my hand."Guess what?!" she screamed.It looked as if she was about to cry."What?" I said not knowing what she was going to say."The guard is not only going to let us get in quicker, shes going to let us go backstage and meet them!I told her how big of a fan you were, and she decided that you were the perfect person to go and meet them." I stood in shock.I was not only going to get to see them dance on stage in front of me, I was going to get to see them face to face.

Trying to hold my excitement back, we made our way to the guard.She led us through these gate doors, and up a railed sidewalk.We turned and went through a door.Instantly I saw a little crowd of people, but only like 15.They were lined up at this table.I couldn't see through the people,but I knew who was at the table.With my pictures in hand, that I had brought, hoping something like this would happen, me and my cousin made our way to the table.In the line I could see the guys perfectly."Wow" I thought.I looked at Justin.I almost cried at the sight of him.The one who I had dreamt of for so long was now in front of me, and was like a blue eyed angel, who was about to come face to face with me.

When my turn came I made my way up to them.I looked at them all.Nsync was in front of me!I handed my things to them.Justin looked up from signing the pic that belongs to the girl, and looked at me.I almost felt like something was there.Some chemistry was in the air."Well, hi.Whats your name?" he asked me.I looked at him."Whoa." I said laughing."Im Rj." He gave me a smile."Hi Rj.Im Justin Timberlake." His voice was like an angles soaring through the wind i thought to myself at that moment. The rest of the guys signed my things and introduced themselves.Kim stood to the side.She had her eye on J.C. I kinda laughed to myslef, because she was practically drooling.Me and the guys started talking.It was almost as if they had all forgotten about the other fans.I looked around, theyre were no other fans I saw.My cousin started talking and told them how huge of a fan I was, and how I had traveled all the way from Texas."Hey Rj" Chris said."How would you and your cousin like to spend the rest of the night with us?We can take you backstage and let you watch the show from there, and then give you a tour of our bus, and show you what we are like on the road?" All I could do is stand there with my mouth open wide."Whoa!" was all that was going thru my head.

Ok, Chapter 2 is on the way, but be4 I post it, if you do not like this story, please tell me, and I will not have Chapter 2 coming.Thanx. you guys can email me at, and tell me what you think ok?

Next: Chapter 2

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