True Love

By Ryan Cotey

Published on Oct 8, 2000


------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok, for the people who have already read this story, there are some minor adjustments that I made. Mainly because the names I used in my story gave me some really awkward situations. For the new readers, well ... just enjoy :) You can send me mail on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

True Love, part I -----------------

"Hi, what's your name?" the boy in front of me asked.

"Josh," I quickly said, "and yours?"

"Matthew, nice to meet you." he said offering me his hand.

I shook his hand; it was the first person today that said something to me so I was very happy. Here I was, my first day at university and all of my friends from high school went to a different school.

"I guess it's your first day too." Matthew said.

"Yeah, I hope everything goes well. You see, I was a little nervous when I arrived here at first but it's already much better. Hmmm, do you know anyone in here?" I asked him.

"You're actually the first person I talk to. So I know you." he smiled. "So, are you going to sit there all by yourself or do you want to give me someone to talk to?"

"OK", I said.

Just when I was about to sit down, our professor entered the room. He started with the usual "Getting to know each other"-stuff, so that was ok. After what seemed like eternity he decided to call it a day and we could go to lunch.

"You wanna go grab something to eat?" Matthew asked me.

"Sure, but there's someone I know who I'm waiting for. If you want you can come with me and afterwards we can all go to the cafeteria together." I suggested.

"Hmmm, fine by me. I hope this person won't let us wait to long, because I am really hungry." Matthew said.

So we waited for about five minutes before Kathryn joined us. Kathryn is a girl I know from high school, actually I know her very well; we sort of dated for 3 years, but then decided that we weren't right for each other. And now, she's the best friend I could have.

"Josh!!! Oh god, I've missed you so much." Kathryn said, kissing me and giving me a big hug.

"Hi there, beauty. So, how was your first class this morning?" I asked her.

"Oh, it went very well. I already know a whole bunch of people, but I see you also got to know someone." she said pointing at Matthew. "You see, I told you that everything would be fine and that you'd make new friends! Nice to meet you, I'm Kathryn. What's your name pretty boy?" she asked Matthew.

Yep, that's Kathryn all right; she says everything that comes into her mind. But I guess she was right, Matthew did have the looks. He 's 5'10, he's got blond hair and blue eyes and a very nice body.

"Hi, I'm Matthew. Nice to meet you to." Matthew said, shaking her hand.

"So, you wanna grab something to eat?" I asked her.

"I would love to, but I've got to go to some stupid meeting with our professor to see where we get our books and stuff."

"That's all right. It'll be tomorrow then. Bye, my sweet darling." I said giving her a little kiss.

"Ok, bye. Bye Matthew" she said running towards a group of students.

"It looks like we're going to be alone Matthew. We'd better hurry because we've got our next class in half an hour."

"We'll just grab a burger or something," Matthew said, "That's your girlfriend?"

"Nope, used to be but not anymore. We're just best friends. Why? Interested?" I joked.

"Not really, I already got someone, thanks."

The rest of the day went by very quickly, after our last class I said goodbye to Matthew and went to catch my train to go home. I was very happy because the day went bye very well, I was so afraid that no one would talk to me, but I had already made a very good friend! The next weeks Matthew and I got to know each other very well and we became best friends. We did practically everything together, we always sat together in class, we always went to lunch each day... I always hated the end of the days, where I had to go home and had to say goodbye to Matthew. You see, Matthew lived very far away from me and we had to take different trains home, because both our parents wouldn't let us stay at the dorm. My parents said it was better for me to stay home so I could study while they could check on me. Sucks, I know, but nothing to do...

The next morning on my usual train ride to university, I was reading some magazine when some guy entered the train. I recognized him from class, so I said hello. He saw me and asked me if he could sit next to me.

"Sure, " I said, "Hi, I'm Josh. I think we're in the same class together."

"I knew I'd seen you already," the boy said, "I'm Kyle."

"Do you always take this train to school?" I asked him.

"Nope, it's the first time actually. Normally I'm staying at the dorm but I had to go home this weekend and that's why I have to take this train."

"Oh, you're so lucky. You can stay at the dorm, my parents won't let me." I said disappointed.

"Well, home is not so bad, is it?" Kyle asked me.

"Guess not, but the dorm would be much cooler." I said.

"You know, if you like the dorm so much, you can always come around to my room and so it's almost if you'd stay there."

"That would be so great, but I'm afraid my parents wouldn't agree. They feel like they have to check up on me. I told them I'm 18 now, but that doesn't make any difference. So I always have to tell them where I'm going and if I told them that I was gonna stay at the dorm, they'd probably tell me to come home and study."

"Well, that's a bummer." Kyle said. "But remember, my invitation can be taken at any time!"

We got of the train together and walked to the building where we had our first class that morning. As usual Matthew was waiting for me outside and as soon as he spotted me, he began waving at us. I introduced Kyle, but since we were all in the same class, they already knew each other. >From that day on, me, Matthew and Kyle hanged out more and more. I liked Kyle very much, but there was something weird about him. He always looked at me and made sure he was the one sitting next to me and not Matthew.

Today Matthew and me had decided to go for a swim; Kyle didn't come with us, because he wasn't really into sports, like me and Matthew. When we went to the dressing rooms, Matthew began undressing revealing his nice chest and abs to me. Oh god, he was pretty. Wow, what was I thinking!!! I quickly undressed myself to and put on my swim shorts and ran towards the pool. Matthew followed me pretty quick and soon was trying to catch up on me. Since he trained regularly, it didn't take him very long to be swimming next to me. We were having a very good time, when suddenly I looked my watch and noticed that I had to hurry to catch my train.

"Matthew, I really have to go, my train leaves in 15 minutes."

"OK, we'll go change. I'll walk you to the station." Matthew said.

We quickly got changed and made our way to the station. When we arrived there, we saw my train just leaving.

"Shit, that was the last train home. Now what I'm gonna do." I said.

"Well, that's nothing. I'm staying at the dorm today, a friend of mine had to go home and asked me to watch his room. You can stay if you want." Matthew proposed.

"You don't mind?" I asked him.

"Not at all, it'll be fun!"

"OK then, but I'll have to call my parents first."

I did and they understood the situation and agreed. Cool, I was going to stay with Matthew all night! Matthew had to go to meet some friends that evening and I decided to go to the computer rooms to surf a little, maybe chat with some friends. Since I started university, I also got to know the internet. I logged on to the computer and went to my favorite chat room; there weren't much people I know, so I surfed the net a while to look something for school. A beep, I got a message.

"Hi" someone said.

"Hi, who's this?" I asked.

"It's me here, you know Kyle."

"Oh hi, also on the Internet." I said.

"Yep, I kinda was waiting for you. I hoped you'd get online, I've got to talk to you." Kyle said. "You looked very good today in the swimming pool."

"Huh," I said a bit surprised.

"Yeah, I was drinking something in the cafeteria above the pool with a friend. I had a good point of view from there." "No, you really looked very good." Kyle said again.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Well, I'm just saying that you're a very hot guy. That's all."

"Hey Kyle, calm down, if you talk like this, people gonna think you're..."

"Gay?" Kyle said, "What if I am? You got a problem with that?"

"No, I guess not. Just a little surprised, you don't look gay to me, that's it." I said a bit annoyed.

"Well, thank you darling! I'm so flattered. So what are you doing here so late actually?" Kyle asked.

"I missed my train and now I'm staying with Matthew." I said.

"Doesn't Matthew go home every day too?"

"Yeah, but today he's watching the room of one of his friends and I could stay too."

"Oh, cool. If you want you can come over to my room until he's back."

"Naw, that's ok. I said I would be waiting in the computer room."

"Come on, I'm not gonna try to kiss you or something. Not immediately anyway." Kyle said.


"Geez, you don't have a clue, have you? I kinda like you and I hoped you did too."

"But Kyle, I'm not gay. I like you as a friend, but that's all."

"Oh, I see. Well I guess I made a complete fool of myself." Kyle said very embarrassed.

"No, that's ok. You can't help your feelings." I tried to say.

"Yeah I can, excuse me, my friend's here and I gotta go. Bye." he said and he was gone.

Wow, I didn't expect that to happen. I was wondering what to do next when I got another message.

"Hi Josh, I just returned to my room. You can come over now." Matthew said.

"Hi, yeah ... sure. Well ... ok." I said a bit confused.

"Hey what's wrong? Anything happened?" Matthew asked.

"No just, well did you know Kyle's gay?"

"Well, I do actually. I've seen his room and it's covered with poster with men on it. So I guessed he was."

"So everybody knows it, except for me? He kinda likes me..." I said.

"Well, who wouldn't like you? You're the most handsome boy I know!" Matthew said.

"What???" I asked.

"Well, you know. You are very handsome Josh, you're 5'9, muscular, nice brown hair and your eyes are so beautiful. Any girl would fall for you, well it seems guys do to," he said joking.

"You think I'm handsome? It's you that's handsome!" I said.

"Well thanks. So we both like each other, maybe we're in for a hot steamy night." Matthew said.

"Yeah sure, I'll come into the room and rip your clothes off, so we can have sex all night long."

We joked around for another five minutes when I decided to go to Matthews room. I was pretty horny after our little conversation about us having sex, but is was just a joke. But if it was just a joke, why did I have my dick being as hard as never before. Hmmm, I was confused. But hey, it'll pass when I get to Matthews room. I arrived about five minutes later and entered his room; it was empty so I thought Matthew had gone to take a shower. I made myself comfortable and I was lying on his bed, when suddenly Matthew entered the room with a towel around his hips, damn did he look hot! My dick sprung to life immediately, I tried to cover it with some pillow and it worked.

"Hi, didn't hear you come in." Matthew said.

"No, I just arrived...". Just then he dropped the towel and revealed his very sexy ass to me, he walked around to his closet and put one a new pair of boxers.

"Hey, where am I going to sleep?" I asked him.

"Well, I got another mattress under my bed, so that's ok. Huh, Josh, I have to get up really early tomorrow, so if you don't mind, I'd like to go to sleep. Matthew said.

"Fine by me."

I began undressing and with only my boxers I helped Matthew to prepare my bed. When everything was ready, I laid down on the mattress and Matthew laid down on his bed. It was a very cold night, so twisted and turned to get as much warmth as possible and I suppose that made a little noise.

"You can't sleep?" Matthew asked.

"No, it's just that it is so cold." I said.

"Well, if you want you can come in my bed. It'll be a lot warmer." Matthew proposed.

"You don't mind?" I asked.

"Of course not, it has been a while since I slept with someone." Matthew joked.

"Yeah sure." I said and moved into bed with him.

After 15 minutes I felt Matthew getting closer to me, his back was against mine. He turned around and now I could feel his chest resting against my back.

"You're asleep?" Matthew asked.

"Not really." I said.

"You know, you smell very good..." Matthew said.

I turned around and was now face to face with Matthew, our faces were almost touching.

"And you're so sexy..." he continued.

There was tension in the air and I knew what was coming. I didn't try to stop it. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

To be continued???

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Next: Chapter 2

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