True Campus Stories

By Midw Stud

Published on Nov 30, 2012


These stories are about some of my exploits since going back to school for a masters degree. I have been bi since I was in college, but arriving to a huge Midwestern campus with an endless supply of hot boys has put a spike in my sex life. All the stories are true, some details and of course the names are changed. In a few cases, I have added a detail from another event for dramatic purposes, like putting something from a subsequent encounter into the first encounter I describe. I welcome feedback, and particularly would like to hear from guys in school. Of course standard disclaimer: if this type of story offends you or is illegal where you are, hit the back button. Enjoy.

Suck Boy

Shortly after I arrived at school, I put up a craigslist ad looking for a regular blowbuddy. Since I first became bi, I had worked hard to always have a reliable source of blowjobs. I have an incredibly high sex drive and am nearly constantly horny. Added to the fact that I don't really like anonymous hookups, and the need for a regular cum receptacle is obvious. When I was first getting with guys in undergrad, I found this freshman who was such a cockslut that he was visibly unhappy when he didn't have a cock in him. His dorm was pretty centrally located, and he had a single room, so I would often spend lunch or breaks there with him happily slurping on my dick. This was back in my more daring days, and I would text him to meet me in the library to suck me, and sometimes in a locking handicap bathroom. One time during exams, I pumped seven or eight loads down his throat in a day, starting at about 8am and finishing when I left the library about 2am. Since him, I have tried to have an on-call sucker, and before leaving to come to grad school, I had a pretty reliable guy who lived not far from me, and conveniently right by my train stop.

So, I was keen to find one for my grad school days. I had a lot of responses to my ad, some very promising, and lots from the usual senior citizens, weirdoes, and creeps. I emailed one guy back. He had written quite a lot, and attached a pic showing a young looking headless guy, slender and smooth, fit, but no muscles showing, reflecting back in a mirror in some boxer briefs. He said he had recently had some experiences with guys, found he really liked sucking cock, and the idea of being an on-call cocksucker had made him hard when he read my post. I sent him a nice response saying he sounded perfect, asking more about him, and attached a few pics of my dick. He said he was a sophomore, had only been with two guys, one the year before, and one back home over the summer. I asked if he wanted to come over for an 'interview' and he said yeah!

It was late afternoon, I had had class earlier, but there wasn't much work yet, so I was just kind of hanging out. The kid, who said his name was Matt, was on his way over, so I went outside to wait. A few minutes later, a cute guy came on his bike, looking at the address on the side of the building. I gave him a little wave and watched while he locked his bike up to a street sign. He was cute, young looking, and slender, a bit shorter than me at about 5'6 or 7. He had on short khaki shorts, a tank, and one of those silly shell necklaces. He had a crew cut, and an attractive face with sharp features, except for his lips, which could only be described as pillowy cocksucker's lips. He had one of those always partly open mouths where you can always see his teeth, a look I've always had kind of a soft spot for.

Matt finally got his bike locked up and came walking over with a smile. I said hey, and led us up the half flight of stairs and into my place. We talked for a bit, he seemed a bit nervous, and I actually was too, it had been a while since I met up with a dude like this so quickly. We were quickly laughing and having a good time. We talked about his summer, what classes he was taking etc. I asked him about what he'd done with dudes and who with. He told me the first guy he was with was a guy he had been in a group project with the previous spring. He was openly bisexual, and Matt had asked him a lot of questions about it, finally ending up with the guy blowing him. They had hooked up some more, and finally Matt blew him, and realized how much he loved sucking dick. Over the summer, he had gotten with a buddy from high school. They had jerked off together in middle school a lot, and Matt had kinda brought up the topic of bjs and the guy let him blow him. Matt said he had sucked this guy off a lot over the summer, and then with a sly smile said he had gotten really good.

"Oh yeah?" I said, "you going to prove it!?"

"Yup!" Matt said, reaching his hand into my lap where his touch made my hard dick jump.

"Alright, let's see what you got," I said, putting my hand on his hand.

Matt was rubbing my dick through my shorts, and then pulled them down, leaving my dick straining in my briefs. He put his head in my lap, and was sniffing and mouthing my cock through my undies. It felt great. I hadn't cum in a few days with all the hassles of starting class, and was desperate to get off. He played with my nuts through the cotton, and was working the head of my prick good, getting my briefs, which already had a wet spot, all damp with his spit. He tried to tug them down, but it was tough since I was sitting, so I stood up and dropped them. Staying standing, I put a hand on his shoulder and guided him off the sofa and onto his knees on the carpet. I held my dick out straight, and as he leaned into it, I rubbed it on both his cheeks and below his nose before letting it slip into his open mouth. Immediately I could tell this kid was a prodigy. For only having sucked two guys, he had some pretty good skills. His mouth was tight on my dick, and it felt like he had three tongues the way I could feel it all over my prong.

He sucked me for a few more minutes, until my knees started jiggling. I pulled him up, gave him a swat on his shapely firm and skinny butt, and led him to my bed. I flopped down in the center and spread my legs. He crawled in between my legs and lowered his head onto my shiny wet dick. He really went to town now. He was working my dick fast and good, and for a second, I thought I might cum. "Work my nuts dude," I whispered, "they are so full." He immediately went to work slurping on my swollen nuts and licking all around my ballsac. To my surprise for him being such a novice, after a minute he pushed my knees up and licked around my hole. Nothing too serious, but he was really digging his tongue in there. I was glad I had showered recently! He went back to working my cock, and never let up for a good 15 or more minutes. I was in heaven with my head propped up on the pillows, watching this hot young guy just worshiping my cock. He seemed so hungry for it, like he was trying to eat it. I may have found my cocksucker on the first try!

After a few more minutes of resisting the urge to squirt, I knew the inevitable was coming. I thought about it, and decided not to warn Matt. If he was going to be my on-call blowbuddy, he needed to learn to take my big loads. I was afraid it might scare him off, but his enthusiasm was such that I thought that was a slim risk. I could feel my orgasm building and started pinching and massaging his ears. I was fucking his mouth as he was bobbing up and down on my dick. I felt my dick go extra hard, and I knew I was about to spew. I moaned as I felt the first squirt leave my dick, followed by a good half dozen or more. Matt kept sucking vigorously, and I could hear him moaning as he swallowed my goo. When I was done, he was still sucking me, and I had to ease my dick out of his mouth because I get pretty sensitive after cumming.

I got up and went for a piss. I always did after any type of sex, because I had to usually, and also because an old timer I had met once said that the way he avoided venereal disease throughout three tours in Vietnam was to 'piss and wipe' after sex. I had never caught anything, so maybe he was onto something. When I got out of the bathroom, Matt was sitting on the edge of my bed with his bbriefs still on and a massive hardon. I was more than willing to get him off, but didn't want to start a precedent that I would always make him cum when he blew me, so I let it be.

"That was so hot man!" I said, "can't believe you only just started." Kind of a weird compliment, but he smiled. "Can't believe you ate my butt! That was so hot dude. You like that?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Never done that before. Seen it in a lot of porn on the internet, but never tried it. I thought it would be nasty, but it wasn't, kind of turned me on." Matt looked right at me. "So how did I do?" he asked.

"That was awesome bro," I replied. "You're hired!" I said laughing, while throwing my arm around him.

He laughed and re-arranged his dick in his undies. I asked if he wanted a beer or anything, but he said he had to get back, that the floor of his dorm was doing a scavenger hunt or something. We traded numbers, and I showed him out into the late afternoon haze. I was pretty certain I would see him again soon, I sure hoped so.

The next day I got back from a run in the early afternoon and saw a message on my phone. I was sweating like a beast, and my fingers got the screen all wet, making it hard to do anything. It was from Matt: 'hey. U around? Wanna hang?' Texting would be too tough with my jittery sweaty fingers so I just called him and he picked up on the first ring. I told him I had just got in from a run, and would love to see him, I just needed to shower. He said he was on his way and don't bother showering, he liked a sweaty guy. Wow. Now my mind was racing thinking this kid might be some weirdo. Had he lied and played the innocent who had only had a bit of experience? How does a kid who's only blown two guys get into raunchy stuff. Whatever. I was horny, and could sure use an awesome blowjob like the day before.

Within ten minutes, Matt was knocking at my door. I was still sweating and the AC wasn't doing much to stop it. When I let him in and locked the door behind him he immediately sank to his knees on the linoleum of the kitchen. My running shorts were completely soaked with sweat but he leaned in and started nuzzling my cock mound and sucking on the wet nylon. I could smell my own crotch, but Matt didn't seem to mind....I guess he was kinda nasty. He mouthed my dick for a while, and then tugged my shorts down to find my equally soaked and even stinkier jock. He seemed super excited to have found a jock under my shorts, and he was sucking on the sweaty pouch like a hungry calf. We walked back to my bedroom and I got on the bed with Matt following closely and settling between my legs. He kept going on the jock pouch seemingly sucking the sweat out of it in sort of a cocksucker's drycleaning. He eventually grabbed my hips and motioned for me to turn over. I flipped onto my belly and Matt immediately forced my legs apart and dove into my ass. I was pretty self conscious about being fresh back there and I am sure my sweaty undercarriage was pretty funky, but Matt seemed enthusiastic about it. He didn't seem to care. He attacked my ass like crazy, licking, sucking, and trying to tongue fuck me. He pulled my dick down so it was bent back on the mattress with my balls dangling on top of it. He licked the bottom of the head hard, and all around the pee slit. He did a few long motions, licking from the tip of my dick to the tail bone. It was heaven.

We finally ended up with me straddling his narrow smooth chest and fucking his mouth with his head sorta propped up on my pillows. He was looking up at me with lust and maybe some trepidation. I wondered if he had ever had his mouth used like this. I was running it into him pretty fast and deep, and he gagged a little bit a few times. His one free hand was furiously wacking his dick, his other hand was pinned under my knee. He was slurping on my dick as I was pushing it into his mouth and a mixture of saliva, some snot, and probably pre was all around his mouth and leaking down his chin where my nuts were slapping and getting soaked. He grunted, and I felt a warm god of cum hit me in the small of my back. I reached back and felt around for his load, which was all over his stomach. I scooped some up and smeared it on his face, making him suck and slurp even faster as he could smell his own load. I knew I was getting pretty close and was really pushing it far into his mouth. I felt it rising, and the first squirt came out while my dick was knocking at his throat opening. I usually cum pretty big, but the amount that came out this time was amazing. Matt was still sucking, but the volume and his odd head position made it difficult, and my sperm was leaking out all over the place.

I got off of his chest and laid next to him panting. Matt immediately went back to my dick, and gently began sucking on it. Usually I am too sensitive after an orgasm for that, but he seemed so eager and was being very tender. After a while, I got up and went to pee. Despite licking some off, Matt's face was completely spackled with both of our jizz. He got up too and washed his mouth out at the sink, and splashed his face. I suggested a shower, but he said he had to be going. I think the normal awkwardness was coming over him. He must have been trying to process everything. Maybe it was a bit more than he had done before. Maybe he was shocked at himself for getting so horny licking a sweaty ass and came from getting his mouth force fucked. Nevertheless, I knew I had found a reliable and enthusiastic cocksucker.

I saw Matt pretty frequently, but then less so as school got busier. The next semester when I didn't hear from him for a while, I called him and found out he had a new boyfriend. I was happy for him, but of course disappointed to lose and awesome blowbuddy. It was sheer luck to find one so cute and eager and good at it. I generally knew Matt's schedule, and would text him pretty often for a BJ. Usually he would pop over during lunch, because my place was right next to campus, and his dorm was pretty far. As time went on, I could tell Matt was getting more comfortable and a bit kinkier. A few times he asked when I would be going jogging or to the gym and would come over right after, or one time even waiting for me when I got home. He wanted me all sweaty and funky, I guess he had a thing for that. Once he had me blindfold him, which didn't do too much for me but he seemed to like. Another time he wanted me to tie him up and facefuck him, we settled on taping his hands behind his back. That time was kinda cute to watch him try to blow me without losing his balance.

We never really tried any exotic locations, mostly because my place was so close and convenient we didn't need to. One night during finals it was late and I was in one of the libraries on campus. I was texting intermittently with Matt, he was studying too in another building. He was being flirty and asking how much did I want to see him, and had I ever had sex in the library. You would see craigslist postings pretty regularly with guys looking for sex in the libraries from either girls or other guys, so like many universities I suppose it was kind of a thing. I told him no, but it would be fun. I told him to hold on, and hurried down to the main desk. I got the key to one of the study rooms that grad students are allowed to use on certain floors of one of the libraries. It was making me hard to think about getting blown in the library, but I wasn't about to do it in the stacks or carrels. I texted Matt the room number and hurried to get there. Within about 10 minutes, he arrived, wearing a hoodie and some butthugger sweats that showed off his nice ass and his stiffy that revealed he was as hot for this as I was.

I never fucked Matt, although it crossed my mind. I guess I didn't want to mess up a good thing, and he never brought it up. I could tell he would have loved it. One time when I was jerking him off after he had sucked two loads out of me on a weekend afternoon watching football, I was rubbing his nuts and his crack a little when I slipped my finger into his hole, just an inch or so. He bucked and shot a huge load all over himself that instant. I could tell he would probably love to get nailed, but we just never did it. I did often jerk him off after he blew me, or while he did. A few times I polished his knob, or licked his dick a little bit, or slurped on his balls. He appreciated it, but it wasn't required. I loved how forceful his orgasms were, like he just had all this pent up horniness. And I thought I had dramatic cums! I was wearing sweats too, and as Matt entered the study room he reached out and fondled my already hard dick. Shucking his backpack, he sank to his knees. I repositioned us so that I was standing facing out the window. All the rooms had windows, probably to prevent exactly what we were about to do! This room was in a corner of a not-very trafficked floor, it was late, and I doubted we had anything to worry about as long as I kept an eye out. Matt pulled my sweats down and pushed his face to my tented out briefs. Perhaps sensing a little urgency, he got my undies down quicker than usual, and gave my dick a long lick up the underside before taking it all the way in. He worked it pretty quick and mostly concentrated on the first couple inches, really working the head, sucking hard. After blowing me so many times, Matt really knew how to make me cum if he wanted to.

After a while, my knees were getting weak, and I knew it was coming. I grabbed Matt's ears like I liked to do sometimes and really started humping his mouth as he sucked away. A minute of this and I could feel my nuts tighten, and I burped out a huge load into his mouth. I think he had been watching too much porn, because he had recently started showing me my load before swallowing it. I pulled my pants up and we sat at the table. His boner was stretching his sweats out obscenely, and out of curiosity I ran my hand inside the back of his waistband and felt he was going commando. I laughed, and grabbed his dick through the cotton and said "easy access, huh!?"

"You know it!" he replied smiling.

Matt really was a nice guy and it was easy to talk with him after he got over his shyness after blowing me that he had at the beginning. I mindlessly played with Matt's dick. It wasn't huge, but looked big on him. Fat cocks with big heads always look enormous on slender little guys. After a while of shooting the breeze, maybe with rubbing Matt's hard dick, I was hard again, and moved his hand onto my lap. He smiled, and got back on his knees. It always amazed me how hard Matt stayed the entire time we were together. Even when I got him off, he was hard again almost instantly. He was a good sport, and would blow me a second time whenever I wanted. Although it only lasted a bit more than a semester, I really had warm feelings for Matt, and he was about the best blowbuddy I could imagine. I looked down at him fondly and tousled his hair as he worked on my schlong.

Next: Chapter 7: The Top

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