True blood- Jason & Eric

By Sam Wintersgill

Published on Apr 11, 2011



I do not know the actors or own the characters they belong to HBO True Blood and Alan ball the creator From season 2 where Jason saves the vampires from been blown up Between Eric Northman and Jason Stackhouse

Alexander_Skarsgard (Eric Northman) shirtless http://www.trueblood- /ryan-kwanten (Jason Stackhouse) Chapter 1

Jason Stackhouse figured he had done a good job and was proud of himself. Sookie and Bill were safe as was Godric. It was kind of nice knowing that a whole group of vampires were in his debt because he helped save their leader.

Glancing around Jason wondered if he would ever feel as self confident as those around him, vampires and human alike. All his life he had never seemed to measure up to others expectations. Sookie was so confident of herself and Gram had been too. Of course he knew that although he was the oldest his sister and grandma had spoilt him a bit.

Sighing deeply he just wished he could find someone like Sookie had found Bill. Hell those two just doted on each other.

From across the room the slender blond was being observed by another blond but this one was far from insecure. Eric knew his full power and he liked to use it but something or someone was missing from his long life. For a while he though he would attempt to take Sookie from Bill but realized that she would really irritate him after a bit. Sookie was nice enough but she also thought she knew more than she did, furthermore she never listened to reason. If there was one thing that pissed him off was someone who thought they were better than everyone else or knew it all.

Eric had then laid eyes on Jason. This was really the first occasion he had to observe the boy. Eric smiled the boy was certainly easy on the eyes and quite frankly Jason was prettier than his sister. Having lived for so many centuries Eric watched his pretty prey closely. For that was what Jason had become his prey, Eric believed that vampires were the ultimate predator and all others should acknowledge them as such.

The vampires glittering eyes followed Jason's every move, as the boy paid his respects to Godric which pleased Eric. Not many humans would have done that so it showed Jason had manners when he chose to use them. Thinking back Eric remembered how Jason had come to the rescue of his sister and the vampires. The boy had realized he had nothing in common with those religious zealots who hated vampires for no other reason than they were vampires. So the boy had guts to admit when he was wrong and the balls to save his sister.

The child had potential. Eric had his spies out when he thought he was interested in Sookie and they had reported on the brother also. Jason had become a 'V' addict but had kicked the addiction. It was also reported that Jason was quite the ladies man; he had a healthy sex drive and used it quite frequently.

Eric smiled he liked the thought of the boy having a healthy sex drive because it certainly boded well for their future. Certainly the boy had a nice ass that was one of the first things he noticed about him as he had always considered himself an ass man. That was a good thing because Eric Northman sheriff of the biggest vampire territory in Louisiana had decided that Jason Stackhouse was going to be his lover, his mate with everything that entailed. Also unlike sweet Bill Compton with his saccharine sweet Sookie theirs would be a wild rough ride but well worth it.

Jason was wandering in his direction having no idea that his future has just been decided for him.

Looking around Eric knew he couldn't pursue the boy as fast and heavy as he would like, to many witness's. Besides he didn't want Bill and Sookie to know until it was too late to even attempt to stop him. Once he had gotten the boy to taste his blood then that would start everything in motion.

As Jason turned the corner Eric was waiting for him.

Jason caught his breath as he saw the big vampire standing there watching him. Damn but this guy was huge at least six inches taller than he was and a hell of a lot more muscles. This was the first time he had been this close to Bill's boss or whatever he was called.

Eric took a step forward until Jason was up against the wall; the vampire put his hands against the wall on either side of the boys head. Eric leaned down until he was definitely in the child's space.

Jason felt his breath speed up as he wondered what the hell Eric wanted with him. Sookie had warned him to keep his distance as Eric was a very dangerous powerful vampire. Jason mentally cursed as he felt himself react to the vampire. While Jason loved the ladies he had always wondered what it would be like to have sex with a man. Then with all the vampires getting involved with humans his thoughts had progressed to wonder what it would be like with a vampire.

Eric smiled as he smelled his human leaning in close until he was sniffing at the child's neck imprinting the smell so he could locate the boy at anytime no matter where he was.

Of course Jason didn't know what he was doing jerking back his head hitting the wall.

"Be careful child, you don't want to injure yourself," Eric purred his eyes glinting slightly at the heightened smell of arousal coming from his future mate.

"Wh...what do you want?" Jason asked his blue eyes staring right at Eric refusing to let on how nervous he really was. After all there was no doubt that the vampire could break him in half without even trying.

"I just thought I would introduce myself. My name is Eric Northman the sheriff that controls the vampires in your part of Louisiana known as area 5. Bill reports to me and since he is connected to your sister I thought I should get to know you," Eric replied taking another slight step forward. Now there was hardly any space separating their bodies.

"Oh...ah...okay. Well nice to I really need to be going now," Jason stuttered.

"Not so fast. I heard you were addicted to 'V'. I hope you are over that because I don't like humans taking advantage of us for our blood."

"Oh I am, believe me...I am really over it," Jason assured the vampire looming over him.

Eric backed away as he noticed they were getting some attention from the others.

"That is good Jason. I am glad to hear it. I will talk to you soon," Eric said then he chuckled as Jason practically ran from him.

A few minutes later Eric noticed Jason talking to another human they seemed to be having a disagreement. In fact the human male shoved Jason. That did not make him happy, no one was going to get away with touching or abusing his young mate, only he was allowed to do that.

Eric gasped as he saw the man open his coat. The bastard had wired himself to explode. In a split second Eric located Jason and leapt across the room slamming into the boy just as the bomb went off.

It was only minutes but if felt like hours when Jason regained consciousness. Immediately he wondered what had happened, his second thought was what the hell was lying on top of him because it was damn heavy.

Jason realized it was the vampire Eric, he remembered the guy diving across the room and covering him with his own body.

Shoving Eric off he looked for his sister relieved to see her safe across the room in Bill's arms. Sookie smiled at him also relieved to see her brother safe.

Eric moaned and grasped at Jason's arm.

"I'm dying," he whispered staring up at the boy.

Jason hesitated he didn't know what to do for an injured vampire but the guy did save his life.

"What...I mean let me get Bill or..." Jason began but Eric pulled him close cutting off his words.

"I need you to get the silver out of me."

Jason gaped at him.

"How the hell do I do that?"

Eric was gloating inside as he knew this was just to fucking easy. While Jason had been unconscious he had taken advantage and licked several cuts the boy had gotten due to the explosion. He had exulted in the taste as the rich red blood had exploded across his taste buds. Of course now that he had tasted the boy half the battle was done. Jason was a total innocent when it came to vampires and he was going to exploit that innocence, for nothing would stand in his way to have the blond child.

"I need you...need you to use your mouth and pull it out...that is the only way," Eric whispered.

Shaking his head Jason was starting to back away when an iron hand gripped his thigh holding him in place. Eric didn't want to hurt the child...yet...but they were going to share blood one way or the other.

"Please Jase I saved your life would you do less for me?" Eric managed to sound pitiful hiding the triumphant note in this tone.

Jason started at the way Eric had said his name, he kind of liked it. No one had ever called him other than Jason, or stupid or several other names that weren't nice.

Jason licked his lips not knowing that it was all Eric could do not to pull him down and kiss him breathless.

There was movement all around them but Jason concentrated on the injured vampire. Eric took a moment to stare hard at the boy using just a bit of vampire glamour on the boy. Just enough to make sure some of his blood would get into the child's bloodstream. He wanted the child to relax so the blood would go down easier.

Carefully he placed his mouth on a wound in Eric's shoulder easily pulling the silver shrapnel out. Didn't make any sense not to use your fingers but maybe there was something special about doing it this way.

Eric watched as Jason licked his lips grimacing a bit at the taste of blood but swallowing some involuntarily just the same, deciding it didn't taste all that bad.

"My neck...please," Eric urged the young human.

Jason obliged sitting closer and after working at it removing the shrapnel. After spitting it out on the floor he took a deep breath which forced more of the blood down his throat.

Seeing a gaping wound in Eric's chest he placed his hands on Eric's shoulders as he worked to clean the wound out.

Eric relished the boy being this close, the feel of his warm hands on his shoulders. It was going to be such a pleasure to teach this child what pleased him and it was going to be fun as he taught Jase to enjoy all the pleasures of being mated to a vampire. Jase had just thought he had known what good sex was, Eric would show him all the ways to have fun from bondage to pain he was going to enjoy being the teacher.

Jason finally sat back his mouth covered in blood by this time easily licking his lips and swallowing the blood.

Just then Bill and Sookie ran up their faces shocked by what they were seeing.

Bill reached down and grabbed Jason by the arm pulling him to his feet.

"Jason, what the hell are you doing?" Bill demanded wanting to shake the boy.

"I was...I was saving Eric, after all he dove on me and saved my life. I owe him," Jason said wiping the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand.

Sookie glared down at Eric who was smiling at them not feeling guilty at all.

"How dare you," she hissed.

Bill growled, "Damn it Jason, Eric was in no danger he is healing fine on his own."

Jason glanced down at Eric seeing the wounds closing, and then Eric stood up.

"Thank you Jase, I do appreciate your assistance. I will talk to you at a later time without such an audience," Eric said reaching out and rubbing his finger over Jason still slightly red lips.

Jason jerked back not sure what was going on.

"I don't understand," Jason whispered figuring he had screwed up some how again.

"Jason I swear you get yourself into the biggest messes," Sookie fumed at him worried and pissed off at her brother.

Jason flinched at the accusation.

Eric growled, "You listen to me. Jase was helping me, sure I tricked him but he had the best intentions. Do not belittle him ever again. He is a priceless treasure and I won't have him made fun of."

With his mouth slightly open Jason felt a warmth steal through him as he realized this big important vampire was actually defending him.

"Why?" was all Bill asked? He was shocked by Eric's words...Jason a priceless treasure that didn't sound good at all.

Eric smiled, "Because I have chosen the child as my mate, he belongs to me now. Jase has tasted my blood; I have scented and tasted him. I can find him anywhere. Any attempt to hide from me will result in unpleasant consequences for the two of you. I will find you child but there is business here that I need to take care of first."

Eric leant down and pressed a kiss on the red lips enjoying the fact that Jason didn't move away in fact he felt the soft human lips press back against his.

With one last look at Jason who was looking shell shocked Eric walked away. It took everything he had to do so when all he wanted to do was drag the child from the room and fuck him until he was filled to overflowing with his cum. Claim the boy inside and out until everyone would know that he belonged to Eric.

Jason looked at Bill and Sookie still not sure what to say.

"Bill, we need to do something," Sookie said shooting an angry glare at her brother.

"There is nothing to do. Eric has made his intentions very clear. He is right...there is nowhere that Jason can hide, Eric will always find him."

Before Sookie could say anything Jason finally spoke up, "Besides Sookie maybe I don't mind Eric wanting me. After all you hooked up with a vampire. Why shouldn't I? Eric likes me, he saved my life and...he called me a treasure. I never had anyone look at me or say nice things like that about me."

Sookie glared at her brother then said, "We have to leave Bill. We have to leave now and try to figure this out."

Bill nodded his head.

"Get in the car and I will be there in a minute. There is nothing we can do here. Godric has everything under control."

As Jason went to protest Sookie snapped, "Jason do not argue, get into the car."

Jason said, "Fine I will, but I have a feeling Eric will be following as soon as he can."

Sookie replied, "We will see about that. You might just be the flavor of the day for Eric. I would imagine you aren't the first human he has chased after. Besides he was chasing after me recently. What makes you think he is serious about you?"

Jason flinched a bit at his sister's harsh words. Sookie had a way about her that could really hurt people; she really needed to watch the tone she used with people.

Sookie ignored his reaction as she grabbed his arm dragging him from the demolished house. As much as her brother aggravated her she still loved him.

Bill watched wishing that Sookie would watch her mouth at times. Suddenly Eric was beside him.

"I would suggest you remind your mouthy little mate that I am in charge in her little area of the world. I do not want to hear her cutting down my future mate again. I need to help Godric and then I will be paying you a visit. Do not try to keep the child away from me or you will not be happy with the outcome," Eric warned his eyes watching as Sookie continued to drag her brother away.

"What are your exact intentions towards Jason?" Bill asked determined to find out. Ultimately there was no way he could protect Jason but he could prepare for what was to come down the road.

"I was being honest. He will be my lover, my mate; I will turn him at some point as I do not want to lose him. I will teach him everything he needs to know and more."

"Just don't hurt him," Bill said.

Eric smiled, "I won't unless he wants me too. I have a feeling that my sweet innocent has a lot of untapped kink in him and I plan on claiming that."

Bill grimaced but didn't say anything as he walked away.

Eric raised his head barely scenting Jason now but he could sense the fragile bond between them like a thin golden thread connecting them. He knew that Jase would not realize that they were already so connected but he knew and that was enough for now. Jason Stackhouse was his property, his possession and he would not allow anyone to stand between them. He would kill for the child so beware anyone who thought to keep them apart.

Chapter 2 Jason sat in the back seat his arms crossed and in full pout mode trying to ignore his sister as they headed for home.

Sookie had begun her lecture to her wayward brother before Bill got to the car.

Eric stood in the doorway of the destroyed house and watched until he saw Jase raise his head and look in his direction. Eric had to smile as he pursed his lips at the boy, he could tell Jase turned several shades of red. It was going to be so much fun showing the child the joys of being mated with a master vampire.

However Eric could hear Sookie babbling at her brother telling him how stupid he was to swallow vampire blood and believe anything that Eric said. That was one reason Eric wanted to see Jason before they drove off. It would be a couple of days before he could get back to Louisiana and he wanted to reinforce to the boy that he was wanted and desired.

Eric saw the pout beginning to form on his future lovers face and knew that he would love to see that look up close. One day soon he would and those sweet lips would be wrapped around his cock.

As they drove off, Sookie turned to glare at him flipping him the finger.

Eric snorted thinking, 'Stupid bitch, thought she was so much better than others because she could read minds. Jase had so much more to offer and he didn't have her arrogance or nagging voice.'

Chow and Pam were shocked to get the call from Eric about his taking a human mate. Pam was not fond of humans except for the nourishment they provided her. However that would have to change now that Eric had taken one as his possession or his mate. Quite frankly for a vampire a lot of times it was one and the same. Vampires were extraordinarily jealous and possessive creatures. Eric would fall into that category. Eric did not share well and what he wanted he always got. It would be a miracle if Eric let this human child drift far from his side once her boss had tasted of his delights.

In fact the last time Eric had taken a human mate had been several hundred years ago. As Pam and Chow recalled it was an insipid little female who didn't challenge their boss in anything, Eric had been bored within a few months. It had only been her blond looks that had enticed him. Since Eric could not bear thinking about her in the arms of anyone else he had drained her dry leaving her to be buried in her family's crypt. After that he had decided humans were not worth the effort to keep them by his side.

Pam wondered what it was about this Jason that had so enthralled her boss. He had to be special. She was not so sure she wanted someone around who would take some of Eric's attention away from her. This Jason would bear watching and who knew humans were always having fatal accidents.

Chow watched the female vampire as she paced. He had been around her long enough to know that Pam worshiped Eric and she would not take it lightly that their boss had taken a mate and a human one at that. Wondering if he should warn Eric he decided to bide his time, no reason to get Pam or Eric pissed at him just yet. But if it came right down to it, he would side with Eric for he had seen his boss in a rage and it wasn't pretty.

Besides Godric thought the sun rose and set on his childe and everyone knew how powerful Godric was. If the rumors were true then this Jason had saved Godric's life as well as a lot of others so the vampire community was in his debt, that made Jason Stackhouse a very important person and not just because Eric wanted to fuck him senseless.

Chow smiled to himself, hell if he played his cards right Pam would be gone and he would become Eric's right hand person, he had nothing against humans inferior though they were to vampires. Besides if he could befriend Jason then Eric would look favorably upon him and he dearly wanted to advance in the ranks.

Yes he would wait and watch and then make his move. After being around for centuries he was nothing but patient and careful.

Meanwhile Jason was getting fed up listening to his sister lecturing him. He knew Sookie loved him but sometimes her holier than thou attitude just got on his nerves so he tuned her out.

Staring out the window he remembered back to when Eric had loomed over him so powerful and so darn sexy. Licking his lips he fantasized that he could still taste Eric's blood in his mouth, he had been surprised because he thought it would have disgusted him but he had rather liked it.

Jason laughed to himself no way did he ever think being close to a vampire would be so hot and so darn sexy, he wondered how well Eric kissed, probably really good at it, not like he hadn't had a lot of years to practice. Eric had looked like he had wanted to devour him, how he wished he had taken the chance and kissed the vampire.

Just the thought that the vampire could hunt him down and find him no matter where he went scared yet excited him. He had been bored lately with the women in his life, oh the sex was okay but it seemed like he was the one that always had to provide for their needs while they just took and took from him. Sure he got his rocks off but hell his hand could do that with a lot less hassle. What would it be like to have Eric for a lover, there was no doubt the vampire would be the dominant one in the relationship, he couldn't see Eric spreading his legs for anyone.

Jason then realized what he had said, 'spreading his legs' that would be what Jason would be doing for Eric. Eric would be claiming him, fucking him, taking his massive cock...there was no doubt it had to be big because Eric was a big guy...and shoving it inside him.

Jason flinched as he thought of that, before he had not really thought about the physical aspects of male on male sex. He had just thought about Eric and how the vampire turned him and the kissing but not how they were going to do it. Wasn't that incredibly na‹ve of him not to think of that particular aspect of sex?

Damn but that would have to hurt having something shoved into that tiny little hole. Jason cringed when he thought about it. Well he would just have to avoid Eric, let him know that he had changed his mind that he just wasn't into the whole male sex thing.

Jason was pissed at himself as he realized the vampire would think he led him on and he figured Eric would be mad about that but heck he could change his mind couldn't he, it was still a free country after all. Surely Eric would understand that Jason had decided that being fucked by a male was not what he wanted at all.

Besides Eric didn't live in the same town and Jason figured he could hide real well until the vampire tired of looking for him.

It wasn't like Jason was anything special or a real catch so he didn't need to worry about it. In fact Eric had probably already forgotten all about him. No one had ever thought he was special anyway so Eric probably wouldn't spend any time thinking about him after Jason rejected his advances.

That thought soothed him as they arrived in town and he was dropped at his house. He glared after the car knowing that his sister and Bill were on the way to have wild monkey sex while he was left alone again.

As it grew dark Pam arrived outside Jason's house. After thinking on the subject of Jason Stackhouse she decided to eliminate the competition for Eric's attention. It would be better to do it now, not wait until Eric got back. She had a feeling Eric would keep his little pet close so she needed to take advantage while Jason was alone.

Pam had dressed in a pair of jeans and t-shirt unlike her normal attire, she needed to get into the house therefore she didn't need for the human to know she was a vampire until it was too late.

Jason had just showered in preparation to going out; he was feeling a bit horny and was hoping to hook up with someone at Sam's place.

Wearing only a pair of faded jeans that rode low on his slim hips Jason heard the doorbell. Cursing under his breath he headed for the door.

Jason grinned when he saw through the screen door the hot woman standing there. Hell he might not have to leave the house to get some sex.

Pam smiled, "Hi, I am so sorry to bother you but my car broke down and I was wondering if I could use your phone. I am so stupid but I didn't charge my cell and it is totally useless."

Jason opened the door, "Sure you can pretty lady, come on in."

Pam sauntered inside glancing with appreciation at Jason, well Eric certainly knew how to pick them, and he was a delicious looking morsel, probably tasted good too.

Eric was headed back home, he was driving as one of the Dallas vampires wanted to visit for a bit and he had his human companion with him. He had decided to leave early in fact only a few hours after Jason. After the precious human had left he had missed him then he had a feeling of foreboding come over him. He had learned after many centuries not to ignore that feeling.

Eric much preferred to fly, it was faster and easier on his patience level, no traffic or idiot drivers. However he was trying to be hospitable to someone who his sire liked.

Eric felt himself getting more tense the closer they got home, with the sharing of blood between he and Jase he could sense his future mates emotions muted as they were. The senses would be heightened as they continued to share blood and consummated their relationship.

Jason was having misgivings; the child was scared of having sex not only with a vampire but with a male.

Eric swallowed as he felt how Jase needed to have sex; it had been a while for his boy. Gritting his teeth he felt the hot tide of jealousy and fury roll over him. Quickly he pulled to the side of the road and opened the door.

Turning to Caston and the human he apologized, "I am sorry but I need to get to my mate. The GPS will get you to the hotel. I will see you later."

Caston smiled as he stroked through his humans dark hair, "I fully understand, our humans can be contrary at times."

Eric nodded then he took off a sense of danger was surrounding his future mate. Jason was in peril, he had to get to the human child.

Meanwhile Pam had flirted with Jason until she had them both lying in the bed. She figured she might as well have her fun before she drained the boy, then of course she would have to torch the place to hide the evidence.

Jason's cock was hard as a rock, Pam was straddling the boy her ass resting on his stomach, in just a moment she would begin to drain him as she rode his cock in his death throes.

Pam pinned Jason's hands over his head and held them there with one hand. She had fed before she had arrived so her body was warm but was rapidly cooling.

"Come on baby, climb on board, ride me hard," Jason gasped as a sharp fingernail raked down his chest drawing a fine line of blood.

Pam smiled as she slowly lowered herself on Jason's nice warm wet cock. She was filled with the hot throbbing organ and for a second regretted having to kill the boy. He was a prime piece of meat.

Pam leaned down and licked the blood then straightened up her fangs showing.

Jason gasped and began to struggle, "You fucking vampire bitch get off me."

Pam grinned, "Oh no baby you are mine. You do taste good; I guess I can see what Eric sees in you. That is too bad for you as I want Eric for myself."

Jason yelled for help but knew it was pretty useless, his home was isolated and unless someone was right outside no one would hear him.

Leaning down she slid a fang into Jason neck sucking for a second enjoying the struggling body beneath hers, the blood thick and rich. Jason's struggles just excited her more.

Raising back up she watched as blood trickled down the tanned throat her thirst rose up, her fangs ached to drain this human.

Suddenly there was a commotion at the door; Pam was so enthralled with the smell of blood that Jason reacted faster.

"Help get in here," he managed to scream just as fangs sunk into his throat.

Eric stormed into the bedroom, reaching the bed in one leap.

Pam screamed in fury as she was flung across the room.

Jason gasped his freed hands pressing against his bleeding throat.

Eric spared a look at Pam but seeing she had a broken back he knew she wouldn't be going anywhere for a bit.

Jason was terrified he was bleeding to death; Eric had caught him in bed with someone else he was going to die. The vampire was livid and quite frankly he was scared shitless.

Eric sighed leaned down and forced his mates hands down and away from the wound. He could feel the fear rolling off his young mate. That would not do, he didn't want to start out that way with Jase. A good healthy fear of him was good but not this terror he could sense.

"You are a na‹ve stubborn child, you will be fine then we will decide on your punishment. Just remember I want you, I will have you and I will always protect you."

Despite being terrified Jason felt a jolt of lust as Eric licked his throat closing the wound. Feeling overwhelmed by his mates scent and blood Eric licked down the almost hair free chest closing the scratch. The blood exploded across his taste buds making him yearn for more of the intoxicating taste.

Eric had never felt this way about a human before as he sucked at one nipple feeling it harden in his mouth. He had not forgotten Pamela who was moaning in the corner but not moving much yet. However his senses were much attuned to the child under his hands.

Eric smiled as he glanced down the slim body, Jason's cock was hard, and good he wanted the boy under his spell. Despite Jason's fear of male vampire sex he was turned on by it.

Eric picked Jason up and effortlessly sat him back against the headboard.

"This is what happens to those who threaten you or those who dare to touch or taste what is mine. Make no mistake Jase you belong to me, I do not share and if you think to stray from my bed I will punish you severely and the person you strayed with will die a bloody painful death. I can smell her on you and that makes me furious but this time I blame her most of all."

Suddenly Eric claimed Jason's mouth letting his fangs scrape across tender lips drawing drops of blood into his mouth.

Eric was getting ready to do more when a hoarse weak voice whispered, "Please Eric he isn't good enough for you, and I was trying to help you."

Whirling around Eric stalked across the room grabbing Pam up by the throat and slamming her against the wall about a foot off the ground.

"You fucking whore bitch, how dare you touch my possession."

As Pam opened her mouth to plead her case Eric lunged forward and buried his fangs in her throat draining her, then he calmly snapped her neck tossing her body to the side.

In actuality she was still alive but he planned on letting her burn to death in Jason's house. The boy was not living here; he was coming to live with him. Jason belonged to him.

A deep breath brought his attention back to Jason who sat wide eyed in the bed.

Eric stalked across the room, yanked Jason to lie flat on the bed, and then he swallowed Jason's cock. Fury soared through his body as he tasted Pamela on his mate, that was not acceptable.

Jason cried out as his cock was sucked and licked like a piece of candy. Reaching down he buried his hands in Eric's hair holding on for dear life. Jason had never felt so many sensations at once, his cock buried in the velvet cool sheath of a vampire's mouth...not just any vampire but HIS vampire, his vampire mate.

Eric shoved two of his fingers into his own mouth not wanting to let Jason know what was coming.

As Jason cried out, arching up as his orgasm was so close Eric shoved both fingers into his boy's tight virgin ass.

As the long fingers stroked over his prostate the initial pain of the invasion faded Jason felt like he was going to die from the pleasure.

Eric swallowed all his lovers cum feeling their bond grow even stronger, he wanted nothing more than to flip the boy over and bury his cock inside that tight hot ass. However he wanted to take his time when he finally took possession of his precious property.

But he was not one to deny himself all pleasure after all he was a vampire.

"Now pet for my pleasure," Eric hissed.

Fangs descended then slid the femoral artery, Jason screamed as the pain washed over him, then he felt fingers in his ass again manipulating him to hardness. Impossibly he felt himself harden, the erotic sensation of his blood being sucked, his ass being finger fucked and his nipples being pinched by Eric's other hand sent him over the edge again. This time he lost consciousness, loss of blood helping keep him there.

Eric gave one more long pull and then closed the wound. Crawling up Jason's limp body Eric forced his mate's mouth open, ripping open his wrist he filled the boys mouth with blood then watched as the boy swallowed.

Eric stood up and looked at this mate. Jason was a wanton mess. The blond curls surrounding that gorgeous face that had that just fucked look. Blood was still staining the long neck, the chest and thighs of the slim body. It was enough for now, but soon he would imprint every scent, every scar everything that was his mate to his mind and senses. No one but the most foolhardy would touch his property.

Turning when he sensed another vampire Eric saw Chow at the door.

"Come in," he invited watching as the man walked inside.

"I am sorry Eric, I knew she was jealous but I never figured she would go after the child," Chow apologized.

Eric slapped him hard.

"Never put my mate in danger again. You think someone wants to harm him you tell me. It is your responsibility now to keep an eye on him. I will not have him harmed again."

Chow nodded his head suitably cowed by the master vampire.

"I am taking Jase home with me, burn this place to the ground, you will remain here and make sure she burns, then you return to me," Eric ordered.

Eric wrapped Jason in a sheet then picked him up striding towards the door.

In a heartbeat he was gone bearing his new mate to his new home.

Chow shook his head as he looked down at Pam.

"You were a stupid bitch. Eric loves that boy. Oh well now I am his right hand man," he laughed.

In seconds the house was in flames, Chow waiting until he heard his former friend's death screams then he took off for home.

It was going to be an interesting few weeks because he didn't think Jason Stackhouse was a biddable wallflower and would lead Eric on a merry chase.

Chow chuckled he couldn't wait to see who won because he was sure Eric didn't know just how much of a handful the human was going to be.

The End

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