Truckr Treat

Published on Oct 31, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`TRUCk'r TReaT' o3 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Killing time, wanting to take Tony back to the trucking company grounds, making a detour past the pizza place, Duke decided to stay, get in a little workout time. Maybe Tony could show him a thing or two!

Damn, was the eye candy in the locker room sweet! None of the guys really pay mind to Duke, as he stripped down, slow, stashed his clothes, slowly folded each garment, slower and then proceeds to lace sneakers up, but quickly, because the place was emptying out. It's a terrible thing to be left behind, except for catching a glimpse of the `behind'!

Zeroing in on his speciality, frat boys, Duke had overheard two friends talking about not working out for long, having to study for a test.

Before they could make it out of his sight, Duke catches them right before entering the complex of machines, "so, what are you working on today, fellas? Upper? Lower?"

One has the moxie to turn around and respectfully say to Duke, "get lost, deadbeat!"

What sometimes worked, was to play his trump card, "just to let you know, I'm part owner of the gym you're working out at!"

His friend turns, says, "then you should be ashamed of yourself, old man!"

Duke had it in mind to kick the two of them out on the seat of their pants, but instead, he might just find out who they are and slip their names to Jack. Jack was always looking for names to randomly add to the Hallowe'en guest list!

While he absorbed himself in thought...

"That went well!"

Head swishing to the right, there was only one rowing machine in use, "you talking to me?"

"Yeah," he laughs, "those phrases we used to use on the young boys, don't cut it in today's world."

Duke thought the guy was taking an awful lot for granted, like being gay, but how could he refute anyone for pulling a stunt and then as much as being told to fuck off, "we?"

Slowing the rowing to a snail's pace and then dropping the reins, "hi. I'm Dominic Garrity," and throwing in his own pickup line, "it's nice to meet you."

Certainly he was assuming a lot!

"Duke Smith. Have we met?"

Giggling, Dominic says, "yeah, that's old school, too!"

"I see," Duke stood there, arms across the middle, tapping one foot on the floor.

Certainly, the `fish hook' wasn't ugly.

Instead of beating around the bush, Dominic says, "finished with my cardio, if you want to work out?"

For certain, Duke was always committed to hitting on younger guys, but since he had entered his 40's, found as he had gotten older, at 44-years old, the younger dudes were not interested, "sure, why not?"

"Now you're making it sound like I'm the consolation prize at a carnival!"

At first, Duke was irked over Dominic's nose being in his business, but now he was making it his business to extend himself, "sorry. I didn't mean to make it sound that way." Then, meant to be funny, "what are you working today? Upper? Lower?"

Smiling, Dominic responds with a cozy, "maybe a little of both," eyes glance down at Duke's shorts!

Not to make it look the way it sounded, Dominic dismounts the long frame of the rowing machine, stands and assuming the sheep will follow the shepherd, walks over to a bench, barbell stretched across the top, racked.

"Here," Dominic pats the puffy, leather surface, "sit your ass down here."

Okay, so Duke had thought he was going to snag a young, college-type dude, or post-grad would have done the trick, or even early-entry executive. Strangely, he was drawn to dreaming up visions of what he'd like to do to that lycra-covered ass in front of him, swaying with each step!

"Why don't you go first?"

Little did Duke know, Dominic had just performed some reverse psychology maneuver, "really? Okay. No problem," he walks around the barbell apparatus, sits, lies back.

Lying there, Dominic shimmied himself about, not to gain advantage over the barbell, though his mindset was not on hurting himself as he lifted, but to achieve the best advantage point with looking up Duke's shorts!

`Nice,' he signaled to himself, the fact his spotter was wearing nuttin' underneath.

Duke knew the implications, because how many times has he chosen Dominic's position, for the sole purpose of checking out some hairy meat?!

Rarely failing, hardly ever does a gym dude clean up after, Duke saying, "are the weights on here too light? Too heavy?"

It wasn't what was on Dominic's mind, but making it like it is, "yeah. That's fine."

"Really?" Duke scratches his head.

Before they happened upon the weight bench and loaded bar, it looked to Duke like a light-lifter had approached the workout at low impact, 10-pound plates on the ends, unless doing powerlifting.

Placing hands on the bar, Dominic gives it a push, thinking it was laden with 100 pounds total, "oh!"

"Oh is right," Duke replies, the bar zipping up right in front of his face. "Good thing I assumed you could lift more than that," after the bar whizzes back past his nose.

Removing those plates, Duke guessed a good starting weight would be 50-pound plates.

Without surprise, after 10 reps, Duke upped the ante to 100. Though, he had to be more attentive at spotting, not meaning spotting how Dominic's shirt stretched from out of his lycra pants. Though, hairy bellybutton-stripe sure led to something he was sure, `ample.'

"Your turn," Dominic says, after his first set.

Taking a seat, Duke looks up and makes it known, "that first set really added some definition!"

It's not the first time Dominic has shown some instant results only 1 set of any given weight-bearing exercise. Though, he was sure Duke meant his crotch and not arms, "you're very observant," he pulls out his shorts at the front and allows them to spring back in place, "just a little adjustment!"

When the gym was this crowded, Duke would do the same. It was a little obvious, by making some adjustments, hands down the pants could make a spectacle out of oneself.

Though, in their own little quadrant, it didn't hurt to voice opinion, "after our circuit, I might need more of an adjustment than that!"

"Mm-mm," Dominic smiles, "yummy!"

Strangely, there must've been some listening in, one of the young dudes Duke tried picking up earlier, happening to pass by, "you dudes should really get a room?"

Both their jaws dropped open in surprise, their eyes following the young dude's ass as he fades from view.

"We should go teach that youngster a lesson."

"Yeah," Dominic agrees, "just like show'n'tell in kindeegarden!"

"Sitting up," Duke says, "yeah, bet he would be the life of the party."

He figured Dominic wouldn't get the connection, but Duke is shocked out of his gourd, when Dom says, "truck'r treat, smell my feet, give me somethin' good to eat!"

Lying down, Duke stares up at the underside of his workmate's chin, "you know about that, do you?"

"I figured you wouldn't recognize me without the mask!"

A quick standup, Duke exclaims, "you little faker!"

Gritting teeth, while smiling, Dominic says, "yeah, except with a salt and pepper chest, I can't pass for being a pup!"

"Nothing wrong with a little seasoning. Tell me something?"

"Sure," Dominic turns to relaxing, both hands gripping the bar.

"One of them pup's tails...does it stay put...or, do you have a hard time keeping it to stay... 'plugged' into your ass?"

Knowing all about the topic, having participated in an event or two, including a campground affair with bears', cubs', `otters' and others, Dominic says, "got a tight fit, if that's where you're going with this?"

Seeing they were on the same wavelength, Duke says all cutesy-like, "well, it's not all skinny-like-a-pup's-tail!"

Sitting back down, Duke had a need to slip his fingers under the brim of his gym-britches.

Just in time, the same young dude walks through, chugging a water bottle, "really, dude?"

The corridor through this almost boxed in area of the gym left only a small entrance and exit to pass through. Dominic has enough moxie to block the other end, leaning like a trick' against a side of the square archway, "hm, there's like, dude,' two other ways to get to the smoothie bar. I wonder why you chose this path?"

"You're crazy in the head. Why would I wanna catch a glimpse of 2 old men working out? Huh?"

Looking back and forth to Duke and Dominic, he probably was checking out more the hardware, instead of looking for reaction.

Not the only one with moxie, Duke stands, steps over the pressing bench, "you're turn."

"My turn? For what?"

"Y'know," Duke plays it cool, "I happen to be part owner of this gym. I have it in my rights to kick you out for that damn sassy attitude you're hitting us with," he stands right in front of the basketball player', "y'know, dude'?"

"Oh," he calms his words, "you own the place, do you?"

One of the dirty words of the 21st century surfaces, Dom saying, "it falls along the lines of `sexual harassment'?"

"No way. I didn't even touch any of ya's," the frat dude holds up both hands, signifying `his' hands and they haven't been anywhere they shouldn't be.

Part-owner, more importantly he's got the frat's attention, and before Dom steals it away, Duke says, "yeah and wouldn't it be a pity if your buddies wondered why you got kicked out?"

Dominic was enjoying the show, but when the lad stood there, he reinforces, "yeah, you can't go around slandering people just because of their age... `get a room,' really? You acted so calmly, um," he helps Duke gang up on the frat, "what's your name?"

He knew he hadn't given it, but now that he's gotten himself into this predicament, "Todd Chen, sir."

With suddenness, it seemed the frat boy had lost his moxie all in one breath.

Rather than anymore hassling, Duke chooses the friendly approach, "so, Todd, why don't you take a seat, so we can see if the gym has had a positive effect on you?"

Truly, Todd had thought he was getting his keister kicked out. He felt he `owed' the owner by sitting his glutes down, "greatly. I can assure you."

To prove it, before setting himself down, Todd lifts his tee, revealing a sculpted stomach and ab wall.

Dominic wanted to see more, but of the chiseled abs, "looks like he's got the old men beat!"

Duke wasn't about to prove anything, keeping his shirt intact, falling over the waist. He didn't allow the tee to fall too low, or else guys wouldn't be able to `check him out'!

Tapping the bench padding, "sit."

Facing the bench, Todd did a turn around, sitting down.

Dominic was sure he was humoring the lad, "better change it back to the 10-pound plates, Duke."

Looking up, Todd says, "nah. I've got this."

"Looks like you've got some competition, Dom!"

A good sign, Dominic was wondering when that was going to happen. Usually a guy warms up to him, dropping the formal, which shows that maybe they show an interest. Didn't hurt, that he happened to be right there on the rowing machine when Duke entered. Pays to follow people around!

Then, like the `old men' were about to begin their workout with the young dude, a wrench is thrown into their plans!

"Hey, how do I look?"

Standing there is Tony, all decked out in his new, complimentary gym outfit, with the exception of the offered gym pants lining!

"Not bad for free, eh?"

"Free?" Todd questions. "Like, how did you ace that?"

"Yeah," Dom agrees, "how'd you get all that free?"

Duke began to act nervous. Like caught in a fib, which it really was, he had hoped his spur of the moment idea would be kept secret. Certainly, if the gym gave away $500 worth of gear to everyone, there wouldn't be a gym!

"Comes with the membership," Tony puts the `Elvis-bag' off to the side, "including this. Nice, eh?"

"I didn't get any free stuff when I joined," Todd says.

Agreeing, Dom looks more to the owner than Tony, "me neither!"

Unintentionally Tony bails Duke out, "oh, I think it's a new thing."

"Oh," says Todd, with disappointment in his voice.

Likewise, Dom laments, "oh. My luck, probably started the promo the day after I joined!"

"Same here," Todd seemed to be warming up to the old dude's way of thinking.

Feeling like a sap, Duke says, "well, I suppose, being the owner..."

"I thought you were part-owner," Tony says.

"I am."

Finally, after studying Tony's frame from top to bottom, Todd breaks silence, "I thought you said you were the owner?"

"What is this...pick on Duke-day?"

Standing next to Duke, at the head of the barbell rack, Dom swats him in the fanny, "how'd you guess?!"

He laughs!

Not which the smack hurt, Duke wondered what that was about, knowing Dom for all of a half hour, he was getting `cute' on him?

Dom's inaudible answer to what Duke was thinking, was a shrug of the shoulders.

Meanwhile, while the older men were tried to figure that one out, Tony stood over the barbell bench.

"Hi. I'm Anthony Milano. Friends call me Tony."

Obviously, Tony older than him, Todd calls it as he sees it, sitting there at bellybutton height, looks up, "cool. I'm Todd Chen. Nice to meet you Tony."

Reaching up for Tony's hand, Tony realizes something, touching the leathery glove, "hey, I've been slighted!"

"What am I in trouble for now?" Duke asks.

Tony complains, "I didn't get a pair of lifting gloves!"

"Oh geez, Tony," Duke replies, "if you're gonna cry about it, go back and tell Dave to give you a pair!"

Standing, with Tony, Todd says, "do you think he might have a pair for me? Like, I've been using these since high school and they're kinda worn."

Even though Tony and Todd looked to be about 10 years difference in age, surely they were younger than himself and `the old man', "another crybaby! Go. Tell Dave I said it was alright."

After they leave, Dom says, "suppose he tells Dave you said it was okay to give him the whole shop?"

"I think Dave would know better."

Walking around the bench to sit himself down, Duke then says, "maybe I should check up on that."

However, Dom thinks he's been put off long enough. Putting a hand on Duke's shoulder, prohibiting him from standing, makes his ass plop right down, "oh know you don't. You're not going anywhere!"

Sitting there, having been forced to stay, even though he would have chosen it of his own free will, Duke says, "fine. Where were we?"

"You were about to lift 600 pounds?"


Jumping up, Duke's leg twist around at the hip, the bench making his feet stay put. He heard the laughs first, "I think I've had enough of the barbell for one day."

Though, apparently he hadn't had enough of Dom!


Right in front of the Elvis Shop, Tony held the door for Todd, but he stopped in his tracks.

"The gloves are going to be free, right?"

"That's what Duke says."

Nodding towards the dude at the counter, "he's not going to give me a hard time, is he?"

Looking at Dave, half of him, behind the counter, Tony stands confident, "nah."

"What if he does?"

Smiling, Tony knows what he would like to do, "just get in there. I know Dave."

He knows Dave, fellow employee, but not like he knows Dave, `the stud.'

With reluctance, Todd walks in, the door closing behind him. It felt kind of cool, because he took his time walking in, which means Tony stood there right behind. The cool feeling was one of compression, back to chest.

Announcing them, Tony yells, "Hey Dave, you forgot my lifting gloves and because you did, you owe me 2 pair. One for me and one for my buddy!"

Todd smiled, thinking he had just met Tony and already they were buddies?

"Did I? Um, who's your buddy?"

More warm was the hand Tony put over Todd's shoulder.

"This is Todd. Duke says you owe me and to give Todd a free pair too."

He was holding back and for whatever reason, unable to remain composed, Dave steps out from behind the counter, "well, aren't you adorable, Todd," he steals the 19-year old out from under Tony's wing, "of course I can help you with that."

`Geez', Tony was thinking, he hoped Todd was gay, because if he isn't, Dave is assuming an awful lot here!

Slowly, Tony figured Dave kind of had the idea he were, so maybe this `gaydar' thing was for real and Dave was a very gifted guy.

"This is a great fit," Todd tried looking for the price.

"Great," Dave replies, "then leave them on."

"They do look good on you Todd," Tony smiles.

"Thanks, Tony."

However, like Dave could be turned on or turned off at a fashion show, he says, "honey, what the hell are you wearing?"

"Who, me?"

Another smile, at how Todd was honestly gullible, Tony says, "he's not looking at me!"

He had already walked over to the Nouguet rack, which was off limits to most, being the price, if any one who couldn't afford those racks, would go through the roof, learning what the gear retailed at, "Tony, bring Todd over here."

Tony slips Todd the line he got directly from Dave, "don't be embarrassed when he calls your clothes `rags'."

Trusting Dave, Todd would, on Tony's say so, but trusting Tony's word, it was something he felt comfortable with. Not only being Tony's buddy, he was the first person, other than his mom, he felt warmth generated from, "I won't."

For the first time in his life, a troubled one at that, Todd dare imitate, placing a hand up, over Tony's shoulder. For a change he was going to be himself and not some smart-alecky kid, hurling around some catchy phrases he's heard others say. Todd would be the first to admit, trying to act tough, paved the way to being tough. With certainty, he felt an afterthought of guilt, by the way he spoke to Duke and his friend, which he didn't catch the name. And now, here was Tony, a cool guy, showing he liked him, regardless of what he did or didn't know about him. Though, he wasn't sure about Dave. He's never truly known a guy who walked around with limp wrists and called him `honey'!

Taking Todd by the shoulders, Dave says, "now you come right over here, honey and we'll see what we can do about these rags clinging to your bod."

Todd glances to Tony and smiles.

Tony gestures, `what'd I say?'

It wasn't a shock to Tony, Dave peeling Todd's shirt off right there in the shop, but what did surprise, "oh my god, Todd!"

"What?" Todd questions.

Dave was right on it, the carved 6, maybe 8-pack of Todd's abs, "honey," he tosses the shirt, dunking it in the trashcan, "why you wear something so baggy to cover up all this beauty?"

Okay,' Todd had an instant thought, maybe misjudging the limp wrists,' "I dunno."

Tony says, "Dave knows his stuff."

Yet, Tony, having the same, a glorified sixpack, even though a little tough to make out the dividing lines through all that fur, knows what it takes to achieve the chiseled condition.

Indeed Dave did know, "you shave?"

Todd wondered where that came from, "uh, yeah, but," he slips, "but not as much as Tony, I get a little hair on my chest...basically around my nipples and a trail...down there."

During his own clothes fitting, Tony picked up on the fact, "Dave, he likes his men hairy. Doesn't matter how much."

"It's a sin," Dave busts on Todd.

It makes Tony bust out a toothy grin.

Whereas Todd stood there, like he had done something wrong in shaving his treasure trail, chest, around the nips and dead-center, he found humor in Tony standing there, cheering him up, like it didn't matter.

When Dave leaves for a moment to run in the back and check on a size, the two fall into conversation.

"I thought muscle guys are supposed to flaunt what they've got?"

Tony thought it the perfect moment to lift his shirt, "I dunno, but I like it the way God made me!"

Anyone else, who hadn't treated Todd like a buddy, he would have felt reluctance, to move forward and touch, "wow, this is beautiful Tony!"

Then, after a few seconds of touching Tony's furry abs, Todd withdraws, like he's touched a hot iron, "sorry about that."

"About what?" Tony lifts his entire shirt, over the top of his head, parking it behind his neck.

"They taught us in school, like it's not right to touch a person. Sexual harassment, you know?" Todd reminds.

"I'd say, if a guy lifts his shirt, rather than cementing it down, it's more of an invitation. In case you don't get my meaning, I'm inviting you to touch?"

"On my," Dave says, coming back with armloads of gym fashions, "aren't you two getting along fine?"

Tony pulls his shirt back overhead and planes it down, with an `ahem!'

"Don't stop what you're doing on my account," Dave sets the gear down, walks to the door and locks it!

"Um," Tony says, "it wasn't going that way, Dave."

Todd asks, "is the store closed?"

Dave reckons, "I close it for personal shopping."

Tony is ready to offer opinion, of himself a half hour ago, `oh, that's what that was!'

Sooner than later, Dave has Todd in his fruit-of-the-loom's and measuring his inseam.

Before, Tony had an idea that it unnecessary, but it felt kind of erotic having the tops of Dave's hand graze his balls.

At Dave's request, Todd is asked to drop his boxers.

"Right here? In the store?"

"You're standing behind the rack. No one's going to see you, honey."

`Honey,' Todd thought on it again. Every time Dave referred to him as such, he wishes it were Tony calling him that. Though, with Dave, he was very cute too. And, the fem qualities, he was getting used to it.

They thought the six, or eight-pack abs were stunning, but what lay underneath the baggy boxers...

"Oh my, baby, I don't think I'm going to have a jockstrap to fit that monster!"

While Dave described it, Tony was thinking it. Suddenly his lips went dry, gazing upon what hung down over those humongous ballsacs, "I'll say."

Tony suddenly felt a loss for words, caught saying something he thought. Thoughts are private feelings, not meant to pass through the recipients ears, "I mean..."

The way Todd perceived it, since they were buddies, Tony could say what he wanted, but had Todd's mind reeling off on a tangent, "maybe Tony should help try fit me into one?"

On the tip of his finger, Dave put Tony on the spot, a jockstrap dangling from it, "there you go, Tony!"

Stealing it out of Dave's hand, Tony passes it to Todd, "here you go."

What happened to us being `buddies?' Todd seemed drained.

Not which he's ever worn one, a guy didn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure where the legs go and what should be stuffed into the banana-like bag in between, "thanks."

Though, Todd's cock sensed how sensual it could be, having either one of them fit him to it. Instead of smart, he play stoopid, trying to untangle it, which made it more so tangled!

Tony was too shy to make the move, but Dave wasn't, swiping it away, "here, allow me, before you destroy the thing!"

Watching, Tony had wished he didn't go naked under his gym shorts. Good thing they were the kind of pants that had pockets. Even though, it's not with faulty maneuvering, a hand on the hardened artery, trying to keep it contained, when `touch' itself plays a part in causing it to grow?!

Leave it to Dave, "really, Tony? Am I that hot?"

But, an hour or so ago, Dave had had his turn at turning Tony on. At least that's how he perceived it, in light of having a third guy amongst them.

Tony knew he was flushed, probably his face beet-red, offering a quieted, "sorry. I couldn't help it."

At this point, he pulls his hand out of his pocket. Stoking the fire within, when he lets go of 7c and for the fact he wasn't wearing anything underneath, his gun projected like a bullet, causing instant pressure on the lycra fabric.

Though, in Dave's estimation, an expert on judging `sizes', the statistics were...

Todd probably had a bigger, longer shaft

Tony's shaft was shorter, but fatter

Balls? Todd bigger than Tony

Compared to himself, if there were a contest, he would would come in the lower third. On all accounts, Dave had smaller cock, smaller balls and thick...forget that!

However, if at all Dave was trying to score, it wasn't in his cards. Finding out earlier, Tony, was more interested in setting up some kind of relationship, at the ripe old age of 28.

Tony, he was ever conscious of more than sex, which is why he always popped `the question', which could take on many forms, depending on whom he was about to interrogate.

He was about to inquire, about Todd's interest in `opera', which most of the time, with young dudes, the answer centered around the rainbow of rock.

Like they were on some mental trip, Todd comes out with, "you look like..." a young, up-and-coming opera star.

He never gets to opinion, with fists banging on the door, 4 dudes yelling, "let us in! Let us in!"

Now, this presented a predicament for, not Dave, fully clothed, nor Tony, with shirt parked behind his neck, but poor Todd, waiting to be clothed, except the jock strap, loosely fit around his loins.

Granted, they were protected from view by two racks, but once someone gained access to the shop, it could be revealed they were up to no good!

Quicker a thinker than Todd, Tony bends over and grabs a pair of gym shorts, tossing it to Todd's chest, "quick! Get dressed!"

For himself, Tony readjusts the merchandise!

For a split second, Todd thought about his briefs lying on the floor, but felt his barrel already snuggly, "uh...right!"

In the following seconds, after pulling on shorts, Tony covers up his fur, Todd his smooth front.

Dave knew the trouble he was going to get in, not for locking the door, but finding 2 clients outside the fitting room. Still, it didn't bother him if anyone did, it being his last day on the job.

"What's all the fuss, Duke?"

Two of the four Dave recognized. After the trickle down of authority, in reality, Duke was his boss. Oh yes, then there was Bill Preston, whom Dave didn't really get a long with. No matter, now that he was leaving this mundane job to get on with his own business.

Knowing some things about Bill, Dave knew the answer to a trivial question on his mind and meaning to discredit, "did you happen to find a replacement for me, Bill?"

On the inside, Bill was fuming over Dave's attempt to embarrass him in front of the others. He knew, from other employees, this was Dave's `style.' Especially since Bill knew, between himself and the shop keeper, there was no love lost, "matter of fact, I do!"

"Oh really? Who?"

Even though he didn't fill Dave's shoes, Bill wouldn't admit it.

"I'm pulling Sam from the smoothie bar."

"Oh? And who's taking his place?"

This is where Bill got even, "I don't have to tell you `all' my business!"

He then walks past Dave, to where Duke has congregated with the others.

Dave had gotten his stuff together earlier. All he needed to do is pick up a backpack and he was out of there. He didn't even say goodbye.

A few minutes ago, Bill had been walking the gym, which was an unsaid factor in his contract. Manager of the gym as a whole, his responsibilities entailed the workout areas, including rooms where Zumba, CrossFit, Spinning and Step class were held, the locker rooms, public and employee facilities, sauna and hot tub area, swimming pool and the newly added barbershop. In addition to those responsibilities, to keep the place running, he oversaw the hiring (or firing) of employees.

Fortunately for Bill, other than Dave, he had a hand in hiring everyone else. Good for him and the gym, he had top people working for Elvis, which meant he had to spend less time following up on details. This was especially good for the gym, because Bill would often forget stuff!

Still, when hired, first thing Duke found out, was how Bill looked under the suit he wore at the interview. Duke kind of made it up' as he went along, telling Bill not only did clerical and leadership matter, but how to work out'.

Certainly, Duke found out what a powerhouse Bill was, built like a Mack truck. He even counted the bars of Bill's abs, giant ripples of muscle. Questioning about fat, Bill reported probably around 2%!

Though, after hiring Bill, Duke did find out his imperfection, a little forgetfulness. Must be from all those steroids, though Duke was only guessing, due to all those ripped veins, he had to be on the `shots'. To remedy this, Duke hired Bill an assistant, Simon, and that seemed to work out well. Even better, Simon Tidwell had a degree in sports and nutrition and works part time as a nutritionist on staff. He's also a personal trainer, working with individual clients.

By the time Bill reached the inner circle, they had already grown acquainted. It's only five minutes ago he met Ruggierio Belgiorno. He faked knowing him, saying he thought he heard about the famous opera singer. Truthfully, Bill didn't follow opera. More a Luke Bryan fan!

Though, standing there, Bill soon became opera-educated. Tony and Todd seemed to be experts on the subject. It just amazed Bill, at making the acquaintance of the famous opera star.

"There's so many operas I wish I had seen you in," Todd was so elated, he forgot he hadn't slipped his tee shirt on, but only one arm.

Ruggierio didn't mind!

Tony kind of liked the idea Ruggierio was entertained by Todd's questions, so he could check out the opera hunk.

From the muscle shirt he wore, sweaty at that, Tony right away noticed he must' have a hairy chest, at least. Like himself, hair mattered.'

He may have assumed things, but Tony caught the reference, finding out Ruggierio had sung at a Gay Pride event in NYC this past summer. Sure, he could have still been straight, other than he was getting pretty chummy with Todd!

They didn't just happen to wind up at the Elvis Shop.

Back in the gym, it was Dominic who had a second take of the guy at the pull up station. When passing by, accidentally-on-purpose, he made mention of it not really that bright in the gym.

As with Tony, Dominic was turned on by all that sweaty chest hair poking from the top of the tank, out the sides and when Ruggierio lifted his arms up, to hang, it just made his mouth water!

Sure of himself, Dom did ask if indeed he was `Ruggierio Belgiorno'. Having been there, done that, Dominic was fooled once, not twice!

Duke didn't want to `hurt his feelings', saying "of course I've heard of you."

Kind, Dom didn't press the issue, having a feeling Duke didn't know the difference between opera, or an orchestra!

Once Duke had offered a local actor free gear, complimentary, in hopes word would get around. Before it did, the actor was off to L.A., with his gear! From then on, Duke was careful on whom he reaped the complimentary gym wear.

Sure of Ruggierio Belgiorno being who he is, that's how they wound up at the Elvis Shop.

Country fan Bill came along for `the ride', never having known a celebrity!

"Really?" they hear Todd say. "You can get me and Tony tickets?"

Adamantly, again left out, Duke says, "what about me?"

Bill is frank, "forget it Duke. They would have to stop the show from your snoring!"

"Hm," Duke jokes, "I see you don't like your job very much, eh Bill?"

In the middle of the thing, they are interrupted, the smoothie bar lad entering the shop, "you wanted to see me, Bill?"

Bill, he didn't know whether this was a demotion or promotion, but taking Sam Silverstein under his wing, "how would you like to take on the Elvis Shop?"

Smart, Sam replies, "am I going to have a choice?"

"Not really," Bill smiles.

"I suppose it will get me out from the protein counter. With the volume we do, I kind of get stuck back there a lot."

"I knew you would be agreeable."

"Do I get a commission?"

"Uh," Bill was stuck on that one.

He calls Duke over and rather than have it come from him, "Sam wants to know if he's making a commission?"

"For selling smoothies?"

Duke felt lost, Bill enlightening him, "Sam is Dave's replacement, if that's agreeable to you?"

"Sure, if Sam thinks he can handle it?"

Sam, well he's heard what happens in the Elvis Shop, whenever Dave has locked the door. In addition to sales, "oh, I'm certain I can handle the job, Duke. Um, about the sales commission?"

A gift, call it, Duke had it, to twist a story around so much, that some details, like commission, would be overlooked. Though he had to admit, Sam wasn't losing sight of what was important to him!

"We'll negotiate later."

Sam conveyed his thoughts on it being a plus, relative to his studies at Short Hills University, majoring in Fiber, Textile and Weaving.

His story, growing up in Hasting-on-Hudson, New York, he could have very well remained at home in the $2-million dollar home, with a panoramic view of the Hudson River, but because of difficulties getting along with his parents, complicated, it was his choice to move to Ohio. Besides, he liked the curriculum at S.H. University. His university studies were being paid by his father, but for anything else, Sam was on his own. He figured it a plot, for his parents to get him to come home, but instead Sam struck out on his own. Take it, paying for his studies did not include the dorm fee, so Sam needed to find a place to crash on his own, and cheap. At first, his car did the trick, showering and shaving when he got to work.

He put up with that arrangement for awhile, until a nice gay couple who frequent the gym, offered up an extra bedroom. Short Hills, Ohio, being an affluent town, Sam has it as nice as living in H-o-H, paying a small stipend every month. Though, the rent is significantly reduced, Jon, Michael and their friends big contributors to the `tip cup' at the smoothie bar he works!

So, when Bill mentioned the transfer to the Elvis Shop, it clicked, more of an advantage for Sam, getting to know the industry through threads, not smoothies. Though, those big tips from his rental benefactors and those others whom `made' up the difference in his rent, Sam wondered how that would pan out.

"So, what's all the hoopla?" Sam asks.

`Hoopla?' Bill thought on it, not having heard that in years. Which, in turn made Sam out, to be even cuter!

"Naturally," Duke twirls Ruggierio around, like he's a ballerina, not an opera star, presenting him to the 21-year old, "and this is Sam Silverstein, one of our most trusty employees here. Sam, the illustrious Ruggierio Belgiorno. I'm sure you've heard of him?"

Duke's nodding head was cue enough for Sam to have recognized...

He knew the drill. When Duke pay more attention to him, than anyone else, he knew it was because `money talked!' Whether sports, art, music, politician, professor, executive, if it weren't a subject he was familiar with...he better get familiar!

At the gym, with any employee, not liking a guy was no excuse for not being a top-notch, cordial worker. Former employees, which number in the few, were sacked for having high opinions of themselves, over gym patrons.

The way Sam looked at it, with some, he'd get along with. Others, they were too damn fine not to!

"Good to meet you, Mr. Belgiorno," Sam reaches out and shakes.

Depending on the person, Ruggierio would greet either a flimsy handshake, or a fine young man like Sam, would not pass up the chance to take the lad by the shoulders, sweetly kiss on the cheeks, like they do in the `old' country ways!

Made Sam smile, that scruffy Italian beard rubbing up against each cheek. And, when his Mr. Belgiorno leaned in for a kiss, it was like their crotches were `kissing' as well, "oh my, aren't you the affectionate one!"

"Really?" Ruggierio says, after backing away. "Then you will join me sometime for dinner?"

Even though the opera star was dynamite, Sam wasn't about rushing into sudden love affairs, which usually led to broken hearts, "how about we start with a latte?"

For real, Tony and Bill stood there, feeling a little animosity towards Sam, just because he was well-off, good looking, good looking and...very, very good looking!

"Before you go making any plans," Duke's the one to break it up, "I'm sure Mr. Belgiorno would like to see the rest of the gym?"

Tony felt a little hurt, Duke passing the opera star off to Bill, but things don't happen without a reason...and, he was waiting for that reason to surface.

Never fails, Bill picking up on a call, "excuse me one second, Ruggierio."

Tony forgot why he was at the gym this morning. At Duke's beck and call, he remembers being there to have some papers signed by his employer, maybe try out some of the equipment, and then it was back to the trucking company office. Being the boss' secretary did have it's perks!

Taking Duke to the side, Bill says, "we got a problem."

"Um, right now your problem, is making sure our super-opera-star gets the tour of the know, keep him happy? Could you imagine, the whole Opry coming to work out here?"

It mused Bill, being a country fan, but then, peering over to the door, Bill sees he's been replaced, Sam, drifting back over, joined by Tony and Todd.

Even though Duke doesn't like to be told what to do in his own gym, he lets this one slide, Ruggierio calling over, "that's okay. I have these two to show me around."

There, to both of Ruggierio's sides stood Sam and Todd!

A wannabe-included, Tony says, "I give a good tour too, y'know?"

It was a dilemma for Duke, Bill informing him this minute that Eric', the spinning studio instructor had just quit, with the class filtering into the cycling room. Now, if Duke was counting on his fingers right, taking Sam away from the Elvis Shop' and Todd from the smoothie bar... "geesh! Things are falling apart faster then I can figure out how to put them back together!"

Bill would always have a joke for times like these, "they call it the Humpty-Dumpty syndrome, I think!"

"Really, Bill?"

However, Bill wasn't `human resources' for just the title and the salary, "I'll handle it."

And that he did, apologizing profusely to Ruggierio for having to take away the lads on his arms, but smartly supplying him with...'lucky Liam,' the maintenance man, whom had been waltzing outside in the hall with his dust mop!

When Bill had an idea, Duke knew he could count on him. Walking right over to the door, he sent both Sam and Todd off to the smoothie bar, as the new shake-maker and his tutor.

Pulling Liam inside, by the sleeve, Bill instantly transforms the 20-year old janitor, "do me a favor, Liam and show Mr. Belgiorno around?"

`Well, if it came to that,' Duke wondered why it wasn't him, but then there was Dom standing there next to him... it all seemed so complicated, so he allowed Bill to un-complicate things.

After `dismissing' Liam and the opera star through the front door, Bill turns to Tony.

"Let me guess. You want me to watch the `Elvis Shop,' no problem. I got it!"

Taking Tony by the arm, it was like Bill was ready to court him, "not exactly. I read in your file that you're used to doing back-to-back triathlons..."

Dom, to Duke, says, "oh man, bet he's got a chiseled bod to match!"

Duke ignored Dom for the most part. He's seen Tony in the buff, yeah he's hot, but where Bill was going with all this.

"Uh, yeah. I remember putting that in my job application," Tony reveals.

"Great. You're our new spinning instructor!"

"But...I'm not dressed for," he mildly protests.

"So?" Bill acts like he doesn't want to hear it, "grab some gear and get on it!"

Everything happens so fast, sometimes a person doesn't have time to think!

Like he had a choice, Bill ducts out, leaving Tony standing there in the shop with Duke and Dom, "is he for real?"

Patting Tony on the shoulder, Duke says, "much as I've enjoyed you as my secretary..."

"I haven't been your secretary for even an hour!"

"You want the job or not?"

Truthfully, Tony had hoped he could work his way into a gym job, if it wasn't climbing the ladder up to the executive treehouse, "I'll take it."

"Great," Duke pushes Tony out the door of the shop, "I'm sure you know what you're doing."

Apparently Duke hadn't a clue, Tony turning right back around, walking back into the Elvis Shop, "I can't spin in this!"

This was costing Duke a lot, two lads heading off to the smoothie bar, which had him watching the store and now, the loss of his secretary...

However, things were not totally bleak, having to stand there and watch Tony, strip out of his tee and gym shorts and after pulling a cycling outfit off the rack...

"Mm-mm, that's a fine cycling machine!"

Duke had to agree with Dom, seeing Tony for the second time, stripped down to his hairy birthday suit...

Walking past the two, Tony hurls, "by the way, I'm not paying for this!"

Not arguing the point, Duke didn't mind giving away the lycra, packed in the front by Tony's 7c, trying to bust out of the cozy crotch and when fully engulfed in the spongy fabric, perky pecs blocking the front of the jersey...

"You look good, Tony," Dom says, "like a real instructor!"

Knowing his class was waiting, Tony tears out of there, "I certainly hope I can fool the rest!"

At the door he puts the brakes on, Tony walking over to a wall of sneakers and cycling shoes. After studying the sides of the boxes, he pulls one out and then continues on his way, saying, "thanks for the shoes, boss!"

Turning to Dom, Duke says, "at $110 a pair, he's taking an awful lot for granted!"

Placing a hand on Duke's shoulder, Dom says, "I think you need some calming down. I know I do, after seeing how well that cycling outfit fits Tony!"

Duke could not deny, Tony shoveling his balls in-between the leggings, stuffing them into the lycra pocket; the vibes were incredible!"


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`TRUCk'r TReaT' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

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